Finn O'hara - Tumblr Posts
as a person who hates being called short but uses their height(or lack therof) to their advantage when it suits them, i fucking stan logan tremblay.

finally reading vaincre and im giggling
hello hello pandora
Resurrection - drabble

Rating: General audience. Someone singing in the shower. Hymns. French. Description: Logan Tremblay is not the only one who messes around with song lyrics. Set around the time of part xxi in Sweater Weather by @lumosinlove. Thanks to @lumosinlove, @hazelnoot-analyst, @noots-fic-fests, and @1-800-shedevil (line divider)

Finn O'Hara grabbed the body wash bottle, spun around on his heel, brought the container up to his mouth, and started belting, "Res-sur-rection TIME! Come on!" A deeper, false-baritone voice comes out of the guest bedroom, "It's a resurrection." "Yahoo!", yelled two voices in near perfect unison and harmony. In the kitchen, Leo looks over at Logan with a look of shock. "Alex est ici? Depuis quand?" Logan replies, "Hier soir. C'était presque minuit. Il n'a pas voulu resté à l'hôtel avec Haley et Ramsey."

Head canon that Finn randomly singing bits of church songs or playing with lyrics is so normal that Leo doesn't even bat an eye at that, he just thought he would have heard Alex come in. All of the O'Hara's are lovely, but none of them are what you could call quiet.
Y'see, Alex and Finn would get packed off to their church youth group as kids to expend any extra energy, and also sang in the choir until they left for college. Alex sang in the choir at university each year when the hockey season had ended. The youth group songs being catchy as heck, the greatest hits would inevitably get air time when Finn and Alex were together. Their rendition of Handel's Hallelujah Chorus would bring you to tears. On the other hand, OKN was a bad influence on Finn, and the first time he came home and sang Res-erection-time in the shower over Thanksgiving break, he had to clean up all of the coffee Haley spat out over the breakfast island. Logan helped.