Flower Aesthetics - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

С наступлением весны проснутся божьи коровки. With the onset of spring, ladybugs will wake up.

 . With The Onset Of Spring, Ladybugs Will Wake Up.
 . With The Onset Of Spring, Ladybugs Will Wake Up.
 . With The Onset Of Spring, Ladybugs Will Wake Up.
 . With The Onset Of Spring, Ladybugs Will Wake Up.
 . With The Onset Of Spring, Ladybugs Will Wake Up.
 . With The Onset Of Spring, Ladybugs Will Wake Up.
 . With The Onset Of Spring, Ladybugs Will Wake Up.
 . With The Onset Of Spring, Ladybugs Will Wake Up.
 . With The Onset Of Spring, Ladybugs Will Wake Up.
 . With The Onset Of Spring, Ladybugs Will Wake Up.
 . With The Onset Of Spring, Ladybugs Will Wake Up.
 . With The Onset Of Spring, Ladybugs Will Wake Up.
 . With The Onset Of Spring, Ladybugs Will Wake Up.
 . With The Onset Of Spring, Ladybugs Will Wake Up.
 . With The Onset Of Spring, Ladybugs Will Wake Up.

Источник: https://t.me/+fxNu20lM26MwYzhi, /wallpaperscraft.ru/tag/божья%20коровка/, /kartinki.pics/pics/30853-oboi-bozhja-korovka.html, ru.wallpaper.mob.org/gallery/tag=божья%20коровка/, /celes.club/52739-bozhja-korovka-oboi-na-telefon.html, /wallpapershq.ru/tags/5513_bozya-korovka/1080x1920.

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9 months ago

Яркие краски цветущей герани. Bright colors of blooming geraniums.

 . Bright Colors Of Blooming Geraniums.
 . Bright Colors Of Blooming Geraniums.
 . Bright Colors Of Blooming Geraniums.
 . Bright Colors Of Blooming Geraniums.
 . Bright Colors Of Blooming Geraniums.
 . Bright Colors Of Blooming Geraniums.
 . Bright Colors Of Blooming Geraniums.
 . Bright Colors Of Blooming Geraniums.
 . Bright Colors Of Blooming Geraniums.
 . Bright Colors Of Blooming Geraniums.
 . Bright Colors Of Blooming Geraniums.
 . Bright Colors Of Blooming Geraniums.
 . Bright Colors Of Blooming Geraniums.
 . Bright Colors Of Blooming Geraniums.
 . Bright Colors Of Blooming Geraniums.
 . Bright Colors Of Blooming Geraniums.
 . Bright Colors Of Blooming Geraniums.
 . Bright Colors Of Blooming Geraniums.

Источник:https://t.me/+fxNu20lM26MwYzhi, /kartinki.pics/pics/9759-cvetok-geran.html, //lafoy.ru/pelargoniya-geran-75-foto-61.

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9 months ago
: . Elephant Hawk-moth.
: . Elephant Hawk-moth.
: . Elephant Hawk-moth.
: . Elephant Hawk-moth.
: . Elephant Hawk-moth.
: . Elephant Hawk-moth.
: . Elephant Hawk-moth.
: . Elephant Hawk-moth.
: . Elephant Hawk-moth.
: . Elephant Hawk-moth.
: . Elephant Hawk-moth.
: . Elephant Hawk-moth.
: . Elephant Hawk-moth.
: . Elephant Hawk-moth.
: . Elephant Hawk-moth.
: . Elephant Hawk-moth.
: . Elephant Hawk-moth.
: . Elephant Hawk-moth.
: . Elephant Hawk-moth.

БРАЖНИКИ: ВИННЫЙ. Elephant Hawk-moth.

Бражник винный, или бражник средний винный (Deilephila elpenor) — бабочка из семейства бражников (Sphingidae). Латинское название Deilephila elpenor винный бражник получил в честь героя мифологии: Эльпенор — друг Одиссея, возвращавшийся с ним из Трои; погиб, упав с крыши дворца волшебницы Цирцеи. Винный бражник отлично летает, один из самых быстрых летунов не только среди бабочек, но и среди насекомых в целом. Может развивить скорость до 60 км/ч! А во время миграции способен преодолевать расстояние в несколько тысяч километров.

Винный бражник — одна из самых крупных бабочек в мире. Размах крыльев 50—70 мм. Передние крылья оливково-зелёные, с розовым полем у внешнего края и двумя розоватыми полосами, следующими от заднего края к вершине крыла. Задние крылья розовые, с чёрным основанием. Тело зеленоватое, с розовыми полосками. Эта необычайно интересная на вид бабочка обитает в Европе, включая юг Урала. Во время опасности бражники могут начать громко и отчаянно пищать для отпугивания потенциальной угрозы. Удивительное насекомое является очень редким и охраняется на законодательном уровне.

The Elephant Hawk-moth (Deilephila elpenor) is a butterfly from the hawk moth family (Sphingidae). The Latin name Deilephila elpenor was given to the Elephant Hawk-moth in honor of the hero of mythology: Elpenor is a friend of Odysseus, who returned with him from Troy; he died after falling from the roof of the palace of the sorceress Circe. The Elephant Hawk-moth moth flies perfectly, one of the fastest flyers not only among butterflies, but also among insects in general. It can reach speeds of up to 60 km/h! And during migration, it is able to cover a distance of several thousand kilometers.

The Elephant Hawk-moth is one of the largest butterflies in the world. The wingspan is 50-70 mm. The forewings are olive green, with a pink margin at the outer edge and two pinkish stripes following from the posterior edge to the apex of the wing. The hindwings are pink, with a black base. The body is greenish, with pink stripes. This extremely interesting-looking butterfly lives in Europe, including the south of the Urals. During a time of danger, hawk moths may begin to squeak loudly and desperately to scare off a potential threat. The amazing insect is very rare and is protected by law.

Источник:terrarium-online.com/arthropods/insects/deilephila-elpenor/,sergeyshu.livejournal.com/88937.html,zapovedtravel.ru/Fauna?id=0b43ab69-8626-4329-b6c3-f5b806573683&cardId=97fe88bf-fd60-44bd-900d-5bc34b80fbf1, /ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Бражник_винный, /insecta.pro/ru/taxonomy/2820,/www.urral.ru/vid/122.htm.

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9 months ago

Самые необычные и изысканные георгины. The most unusual and exquisite dahlias.

 . The Most Unusual And Exquisite Dahlias.
 . The Most Unusual And Exquisite Dahlias.
 . The Most Unusual And Exquisite Dahlias.
 . The Most Unusual And Exquisite Dahlias.
 . The Most Unusual And Exquisite Dahlias.
 . The Most Unusual And Exquisite Dahlias.
 . The Most Unusual And Exquisite Dahlias.
 . The Most Unusual And Exquisite Dahlias.
 . The Most Unusual And Exquisite Dahlias.
 . The Most Unusual And Exquisite Dahlias.
 . The Most Unusual And Exquisite Dahlias.
 . The Most Unusual And Exquisite Dahlias.
 . The Most Unusual And Exquisite Dahlias.
 . The Most Unusual And Exquisite Dahlias.
 . The Most Unusual And Exquisite Dahlias.
 . The Most Unusual And Exquisite Dahlias.
 . The Most Unusual And Exquisite Dahlias.
 . The Most Unusual And Exquisite Dahlias.
 . The Most Unusual And Exquisite Dahlias.
 . The Most Unusual And Exquisite Dahlias.
 . The Most Unusual And Exquisite Dahlias.
 . The Most Unusual And Exquisite Dahlias.
 . The Most Unusual And Exquisite Dahlias.
 . The Most Unusual And Exquisite Dahlias.

Источник:https://t.me/+fxNu20lM26MwYzhi,trizio.ru/georginy-80-foto-794,//minsk-amsterdam.com/dahlias/, /www.botanichka.ru/topic/interesnyie-i-neobyichnyie-sorta-georgin/, /www.newsvl.ru/photos/2022/09/18/212263/#gallery49.

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9 months ago
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.
 , . A Variety Of Flowering Muscari, Which Is Also Called Mouse Hyacinth Or Viper Onion.

Разнообразие цветущих Мускари, которые еще именуют мышиным гиацинтом либо гадючим луком. A variety of flowering Muscari, which is also called mouse hyacinth or viper onion.

Источник://www.novochag.ru/dacha-and-garden/gardening/luchshie-sorta-muskari-originalnye-stilnye-i-neprihotlivye/,//7dach.ru/Korifey/15-moih-samyh-lyubimyh-sortov-muskari-69026.html, ://colodu.club/38259-muskari-v-landshaftnom-dizajne.html, //wallbox.ru/tag/мускари,/kartin.papik.pro/cveti/3964-kartinki-cvety-muskariki-70-foto.html,/dzen.ru/a/ZEg0gcqvKFB887Dv

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8 months ago
 (). Bright And Charming Fritillaria.
 (). Bright And Charming Fritillaria.
 (). Bright And Charming Fritillaria.
 (). Bright And Charming Fritillaria.
 (). Bright And Charming Fritillaria.
 (). Bright And Charming Fritillaria.
 (). Bright And Charming Fritillaria.
 (). Bright And Charming Fritillaria.
 (). Bright And Charming Fritillaria.
 (). Bright And Charming Fritillaria.
 (). Bright And Charming Fritillaria.
 (). Bright And Charming Fritillaria.
 (). Bright And Charming Fritillaria.
 (). Bright And Charming Fritillaria.
 (). Bright And Charming Fritillaria.
 (). Bright And Charming Fritillaria.
 (). Bright And Charming Fritillaria.
 (). Bright And Charming Fritillaria.
 (). Bright And Charming Fritillaria.
 (). Bright And Charming Fritillaria.
 (). Bright And Charming Fritillaria.
 (). Bright And Charming Fritillaria.
 (). Bright And Charming Fritillaria.
 (). Bright And Charming Fritillaria.
 (). Bright And Charming Fritillaria.
 (). Bright And Charming Fritillaria.
 (). Bright And Charming Fritillaria.

Яркие и очаровательные фритиллярии (рябчики). Bright and charming fritillaria.

Источник://www.kp.ru/family/sad-i-ogorod/tsvetok-ryabchik/,//dzen.ru/a/ZDcNzHkosDEVf8YO,/kartin.papik.pro/cveti/5855-kartinki-rjabchiki-cvety-66-foto.html, /ru.pinterest.com/pin/111675265752675438/,/www.ogorod.ru/ru/outdoor/perennial/19679/Ne-tolko-ryzhie-i-pestrye-9-jarkih-i-ocharovatelnyh-rjabchikov.htm,dzen.ru/a/YFsW6Dcpezq9hNcO, /artmaki.su/cvety/neobychnye-cvety/neobychnye-ryabchiki.html.

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8 months ago
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Вот так цветёт дикая китайская слива - Мэйхуа. Мэйхуа - самый главный поэтический символ в Китае. Слива входит и в "4 благородных", и в "три друга зимы". Её цветение приходится на конец зимы-начало весны. В Китае слива мэйхуа была вестником весны, нередко её цветение совпадало с празднованием китайского Нового года — Праздника весны 春节 чунь-цзе, который отмечается в конце января-начале февраля по лунному календарю.

Родиной мэйхуа считается район реки Янцзы, откуда она широко распространилась по всей Восточной Азии, включая Японию, Корею, Тайвань, Вьетнам. Произрастает на каменистых склонах гор на высоте от 300 до 2500 метров над уровнем моря. Мэйхуа зацветает раньше других цветов и выдерживает морозы до -50°. Нежные цветы нередко покрывает снег, создавая удивительный контраст. Цветы сливы отличаются разнообразием: есть белые, розовые, красные.

В эпоху Тан (618-907) в китайской живописи появляется отдельное направление — живопись мэйхуа, которое окончательно оформилось в эпоху Сун (960-1279). 

This is how the wild Chinese plum, Meihua, blooms. Meihua is the most important poetic symbol in China. Plum is included in both the "4 noble ones" and the "three friends of winter". Its flowering occurs at the end of winter-the beginning of spring. In China, the Meihua plum was the herald of spring, often its flowering coincided with the celebration of the Chinese New Year — the Spring Festival 春节 Chun-tse, which is celebrated in late January-early February according to the lunar calendar.

The birthplace of Meihua is considered to be the Yangtze River region, from where it has spread widely throughout East Asia, including Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam. It grows on rocky mountain slopes at an altitude of 300 to 2500 meters above sea level. Meihua blooms earlier than other flowers and withstands frosts up to -50 °. Delicate flowers are often covered with snow, creating an amazing contrast. Plum flowers are diverse: there are white, pink, red.

In the Tang era (618-907), a separate direction appeared in Chinese painting — Meihua painting, which finally took shape in the Song era (960-1279).

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Источник://anashina.com/sliva-meihua/, //russian.news.cn/importnews/2019-02/01/c_137791307_10.htm, //russian.people.com.cn/n3/2017/0130/c31516-9172556-5.html, /chainka.com/blog/simvolika/255-tsvetushchaya-sliva-mejkhua, bogachkova1957.livejournal.com/86338.html, /koryo-saram.site/glavnyj-simvol-nachinayushhejsya-vesny-i-zhizni-czvety-slivy-매화/, /dveimperii.ru/articles/tsvetuschaya-dikaya-sliva.

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8 months ago
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Маргаритки очень красивые многолетники, в переводе с греческого их название означает «жемчужина». Маргаритка ценится многими народами как знак сердечности и верной любви, чистоты и доброты. Наибольшее распространение цветы получили в средние века – века рыцарей. В то время, если девушка давала рыцарю согласие на брак, то последний изображал на своем щите цветы Маргаритки. Этот же цветок зачастую изображался на кубках знатных вельмож.

На сегодняшний день садоводы насчитывают более 20 разновидностей маргариток, от самых простых форм – до пестрых, махровых и игольчатых.

Daisies are very beautiful perennials; their name means “pearl” in Greek. The daisy is valued by many peoples as a sign of cordiality and true love, purity and kindness. Flowers became most widespread in the Middle Ages - the Age of Knights. At that time, if a girl gave her consent to marriage to a knight, the latter would depict Daisy flowers on his shield. The same flower was often depicted on the cups of noble nobles.

Today, gardeners count more than 20 varieties of daisies, from the simplest forms to variegated, terry and needle-shaped.

Источник:://procweti.ru/margaritka,://lafoy.ru/margaritki-50-foto-2068,/kartin.papik.pro/cveti/7203-kartinki-cvety-margaritki-krasivye-70-foto.html, /tolstoymuseum.ru/news/2021/08/19/63606/#:~ :text=Ну%20а%20 само%20слово%20«маргаритка,с%20греческого %20означает%20«жемчужина», ://obradoval.ru/article/margaritka.

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7 months ago
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Необычный и изящный июньский цветок - Василистник. . По фото растения видно, что оно при цветении напоминает нежные, пушистые облака, парящие над садом. Но не только за декоративные качества полюбилось растение садоводам, а еще и за неприхотливость, простоту в посадке и уходе, морозостойкость.

Василистник (Thalictrum) — представитель многолетнего травянистого растения, относящееся к семьи лютиковых. Семейство насчитывает близко двух ста пятидесяти видов. Множество из них из региона со средним климатом, где чаще всего можно встретить в тенистом, влажном месте. С точки зрения ботаники, это малоизученное семейство.

Листва Василистника всех сортов очень декоративная – только ради нее в цветнике обычно находится место хотя бы для одного представителя. Она немного похожа на листву водосбора, часто голубоватая, у некоторых сортов весной окрашена в темный пурпур. Самая красивая листва у сорта Василистника Thalictrum ichangense, которая напоминает пеструю листву цикламена. У цветка Василистника множества сортов нет лепестков – то, что считается цветком, на самом деле является большим и красочным чашелистником. Особенность практически всех сортов этого растения является яркая, длинная тычинка, благодаря которой соцветие выглядит в особенности пушистым. Цветок может быть бледно-лиловый, белый, желтый, оранжевый, розовый, пурпурный,фиолетовый с разным оттенком. Цвет некоторых сортов Василистника особенно подчеркивает цветная, темно-фиолетовая цветоножка. Если не беспокоить его, то это растение может расти на одном месте в течение многих десятилетий, постепенно разрастаясь в небольшие островки.

An unusual and elegant June flower is a Thalictrum. According to the photo of the plant, it can be seen that when blooming, it resembles delicate, fluffy clouds hovering over the garden. But gardeners fell in love with the plant not only for its decorative qualities, but also for its unpretentiousness, ease of planting and care, and frost resistance.

Thalictrum is a representative of a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the buttercup family. The family has about two hundred and fifty species. Many of them are from a region with an average climate, where they can most often be found in a shady, humid place. From the point of view of botany, this is a little-studied family.

The foliage of Thalictrum of all varieties is very decorative – only for its sake there is usually a place in the flower garden for at least one representative. It looks a bit like the foliage of the catchment area, often bluish, in some varieties it is colored dark purple in spring. The most beautiful foliage of the Thalictrum variety is Thalictrum ichangense, which resembles the variegated foliage of cyclamen. The Thalictrum flower of many varieties has no petals – what is considered a flower is actually a large and colorful sepal. A feature of almost all varieties of this plant is a bright, long stamen, thanks to which the inflorescence looks especially fluffy. The flower can be pale purple, white, yellow, orange, pink, purple, purple with different shades. The color of some Thalictrum varieties is especially emphasized by the colored, dark purple pedicel. If not disturbed, this plant can grow in one place for many decades, gradually growing into small islands.

Источник://www.botanichka.ru/article/kak-vyrashhivat-vasilistnik-i-uhazhivat-za-nim/,ukrflowers.info/vasilistnik-uxod-foto-peresadka .html, /dzen.ru/a/XpK-aSxfGnv0dM8y,//klau.club/7665-vasilistnik-delaveja.html,//orhide.ru/Vasilistnik-vidy-i-sorta-razvedenie-v/, //www.botanichka.ru/article/kak-vyrashhivat-vasilistnik-i-uhazhivat-za-nim/, ://7dach.ru/Anastasia/vozdushnyy-vasilistnik-dobavte-legkuyu-dymku-v-cvetnik-247233.html,/sadovnikam.ru/429936a-vasilistnik-foto-vidyi-opisanie-razvedenie-i-osobennosti-uhoda, ://mycoweb.ru/GIF/catalog/plant_catalog.php?searchterms.

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