Followers - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

Day 25 - New Follower! So... Two things. One, I had nothing to ink today, two, I just found out I got a new follower yesterday! 8DD Hi wantering-dressed-in-red~! Checked out your blog. You got some pretty cool fashion stuff! If I was into that I'd totally follow you. :D I hope you stay and enjoy my drawings~ And if you're asking why I'm making this big a deal over followers, it's because I don't have any followers outside my circle of friends. >u>;; So if you like my stuff, please tell people about it! :D ...Y'know, I think it really says something about me that I'm asking a total stranger who might not even see this in their feed to advertise for me XD; Eesh, I need to network more u3u; Anyway though glad to have you on board. Hope you stay and enjoy the art! ...I already said that but I'll say it again! XD
Thank you everyone! I didn’t think that I would gain that many followers. You are all awesome!
Have a nice day (or whatever time it is in your timezone)! ^_^
In just a week, Bella has gotten 9 followers, and one of his posts broke 60 notes! Thank you to all of his followers, likers and rebloggers for thinking he's cute.

Alguém quer me seguir no Bluesky??
Anyone want to follow me on Bluesky??

I hit 60 followers! Oh my goodness! I have some of the best followers anyone could ever ask for! You're honestly all just so sweet, encouraging, smart, talented people! Whether you're a Furry, or an art nerd, or you think I'm cute, for some reason, or all of the above, thank you SO much for your support! Despite how insecure I was about my messy, flawed art style, you all have encouraged and complimented me, making me more confident, and making me a better artist! So, from me to you all, THANK YOU! I love you guys! And, I'm so excited to keep sharing my art with you all for many years and followers to follow!

“I can’t have followers not because they’re boring but because everytime one of them dies a little bit of me dies with them and I can’t emotionally deal with it.”
Image Credit: [x]
We have officially reached 50 followers! I am so grateful that a lot of you enjoy the content I post, and continue to stick with me. Since I am somewhat of a new blog i’m afraid I can’t offer much. However, in appreciation of all you wonderful flowers I am going to be giving out messaging! If any of you don’t have it just simply like this post or tell me non-anon. I know it’s not much, but it’s a start. I’m so proud of you guys!
So Happy!
Hello bloggers! I'm so happy at the moment after I lost all my followers and my post, but as I said I'm happy at the moment now that I starting slowly getting my followers back (maybe some new ones). So I just wanna say thank you to all of you for following me or refollowing, it means a lot to me! 😍❤️😊

this is for all 60 of my beautiful darlings.
Stay Strong lovlies <3
I think of my followers has supportive people since they support me and I’m small for now ;3