Foot Worship - Tumblr Posts

When you ask your workout buddy "What's up?" And he shows you a new routine

Your Dad waiting on his foot rub. Looks pissed, better hurry
#7 — Dalton
Dalton’s Dirty Gym Socks & Feet (Part 6/8)
#9 — Dante
Dante Worshipped (Part 7 of 9)
#4 —Kenny
Kenny is Dev’s Foot Master
#4 - Kenny
Cole Money & Kenny Kick Back To Get Foot Worshipped (Part 7)
Napping KC’s Feet Worshipped
Sorry about the long break everyone - but I’m back now and I’m starting the top 5 MFF model countdown :) Kicking off the top 5 is Sergey!!
I’ve decided to put Sergey in the top 5 because of his huge size 13 feet and his manly good looks. His feet are long and slim, with high arches and a nice oily tinge to the ball and heel of his foot. The arrangement of his toes are fantastic too. The command that he demands in all his scenes is incredible and he truly deserves his place in the top 5 MFF models.
#9 — Dante
Dante’s Footstool (Part 4 of 6)
your ex had invited you over for a party. it had been a while since you’d seen each other; you’d dumped him and had a string of fights about him wanting to get back together. You were ready to move on; even though you did miss some parts like the sex and subbing for him, he was pretty unhelpful, messy, and didn’t pay too much attention to you unless he’d wanted sex. It was hot, but you wanted more of a connection with someone more supportive. You put up with it for a long time, never actually thinking you’d leave him, till one day you just lost it and exploded on him. And life had been so much better since without him dragging you down all the time. You felt free, finally. And you were in a much better, happier relationship now. Regardless, you didn’t hate him, were trying to get back on good terms and appreciated the gesture, even though part of you felt like you should just stay home.
The party was winding down and only a few of your mutual friends were still there. Everyone was on the couch watching tv, pretty beat after a night of drinking and smoking. You noticed your ex staring at you for a while, but didn’t return his gaze. You didn’t want it to get weird. Suddenly, he kicked off his boat shoes and stretched his leg out on the couch towards you, placing his big, meaty foot only a few inches away from you. That got your attention. Sweat broke out over your forehead. That’s what he used to do to signal he was ready for his feet to be worshipped, usually after a run or a workout or a night drinking. You loved when he stretched his manly, sweaty foot out for you to suck on, while he told you how lucky you were to be licking the glistening musk off his toes. You never could resist. But there were people here! What was he thinking?!
You looked at him finally, and saw the same burning fire in his eyes he used to look at you with when he’d dominate you. Your eyes fixed on his and he grinned smugly, knowing what he was doing to you. Knowing the gesture looked totally ordinary and harmless to everyone else in the room as it sent you into a fevered rush, fighting for control.
You looked away, but your eyes just landed on his beefy, thick calves, swelling with muscle. You remembered how the thick hair felt as you’d run your hands through it. You looked straight, trying to ignore what was happening to you. You saw him wiggle his toes invitingly out of the corner of your eye, and strained to look away. But eventually the smell hit your nose. The smell was always what got you. That’s how the tradition of stretching his leg out started. Even on nights when you hadn’t been in the mood, once you got a few whiffs of the musky, manly stench his feet let off, you’d be on all fours, naked, begging to inhale and lick them.
It started to seep into your nose and you felt that familiar, old fog coming over you. “No” part of you thought, but your body was on autopilot now, seeking out things it knew would make it overflow with pleasure. The smell filled your mind deeper and deeper, and you knew you were hungry for it. Turning back into his sub. After finally breaking up with him and holding out so long, he’d gotten you again. You’d had a chance to get away, but now he was making you his again. Being friendly had all been part of his plan. He had wanted this all along.
What was worse was that deep, deep down inside you, part of you had wanted this all along too.
He wiggled his feet again and your neck snapped over to look at his beautiful, meaty toes, glistening with a sheen of sweat where the light hit them. So delicious. So suckable. You needed them in your mouth. You looked at him again. “Miss me?” he mouthed, giving his foot another little shake.
You reflexively flew over to him, the words “yes Daddy” flying off your lips, disregarding everyone else in the room as you sniffed and kissed his big feet. Uncomfortable, everyone quickly left.
“You're gonna be my wife now. I’m not letting you get away this time. You’re gonna serve me for the rest of your life. Now lick, boy.”
“Yes, Daddy. I missed you so much, Daddy,” you said between licks, your body screaming with pleasure as it re-experienced the sweet, salty taste of his sweaty feet for the first time in a while. They were still warm from being in his shoes- just how you liked them. Nice and hot and smelly.
“There’s my boy,” he said, voice ringing with power. It washed over you in waves, activating old instincts deep inside you, guiding your tongue over his body just like the old days. His strong hand brushed your hair, sending relaxation and warm tingling through you. “Can you believe you ever wanted to leave me?”
“I’m sorry Daddy; I was being dumb and selfish. All I really want is to serve you.”
“That’s right boy,” he said, hoisting you up onto him. His strong hands moved over your body, claiming it, sending ripples of pleasure though you. “You said you didn’t want to put up with my shit anymore if I remember, right? But you do, don’t you?” His hand pinched your nipples, making you moan in pleasure as you tried to respond. “You want to put up with all my shit, forever if it means you get to lick these sweaty feet, right?”
“Yes Daddy,” you moaned out, collapsing into him, pulling him close, hungry for his familiar warmth. He held you close, your body melting into his strong grip letting his hands explore as they wanted. He whispered softly in your ear as he held you, reminding you to think about how right it felt to re-submit to him and how he needed his little sub back. “I missed you too girl,” he said, his big, manly hands moving to your ass, caressing it. You shuddered at the warmth flowing into you from him as the caress turned into a tighter grip. “I’ve had to do all my laundry, cook all my dinners. All the things I loved about you.” You slowly lost yourself in his words, in his touch, surrendering into the warmth that emitted from him and that he created in you.
“Don’t worry sir, I’m here to take care of all of that for you now,” you said, “I’m here to serve you, just like I should as your good boy. I love you. I love worshipping you. Serving you pleases me,” you said, completely broken. Any resistance you had was gone. You were his again.
He could tell. “Take your cock out boy. I want to show you something.”
You obeyed, your beta body immediately complying to orders from an alpha. He pulled his thick, strong hammer cock out too.
“Feel mine”, he said.
You did, relishing in the familiar feeling. It felt so different than yours, bigger and stronger.
“You feel that difference boy? That’s the difference between a man and boy cock. That's why you serve me. Because your body recognizes a superior and knows its role is to obey. Knows who owns it. Right?”
“RIght, sir.”
“Compared to this,” he said, his big hand closing around your small cock, His grip was so strong, not just physically but mentally. LIke he’d gripped your mind, your will, instead of just your cock. You felt yourself submitting further, becoming totally open to him. He could do whatever he wanted to you now. You were helpless, but you loved it. Loved feeling him taking control of you; loved feeling all the thoughts empty from your head, ready to be filled with new orders. Daddy’s orders.
"This is a boy cock. Cuz that’s all you’ll ever be. Even if you dumped me, you’d just find another guy to make you serve him. Because that’s all you really want. Right boy?”
“Yes Daddy.”
“Right. So you’re not going to try to get away again, right?”
“No Daddy. I just want to stay here with you now.”
“That’s right boy,” he said, giving your cock a firm tug, “Daddy owns you and this forever now. Tomorrow morning I’ll break you again, and we’ll send your new boyfriend a video of you begging and pleading to suck on my feet to let him know you guys are over, ok?”
“Ok,” you said pleasantly. You didn’t know who he was talking about, anyway.
“Now give me your hand.”
“My hand?”
“Daddy needs to put your ring on.”
“Ring?” you asked.
“Yes, ring. Didn’t you know what this party was for boy? We’re engaged now. Soon you’ll be my happy little wife for the rest of your life.”

I’ m sure he would like a tongue massage on his beautiful feet …
“Damn, that’s good boy,” your master said, chomping down the food you’d dutifully made him while he was at the gym, building up a shimmering sweat, “You’re getting good at these meal preps.”
“Thank you, sir,” you said, bowing, “Helping you get nice and big and strong by keeping you fed is my job, sir.”
“That’s right boy,” he said, rice spilling out of his mouth sloppily as he answered in between scoopfuls of food, “Now, my feet need a rubbing and a cleaning. They’re tired. Go enjoy your meal while I enjoy mine.”
He had been your trainer at first when you’d signed up at the gym for the first time, but it didn’t take long for his masculine aura to overpower you and turn you into a little begging bitch. You’d always considered yourself pretty masc, but he knew as soon as he saw you he knew what type of faggot you were and exactly what buttons to push. Your urge to serve his monster feet slowly won you over. Before you knew it, you were in an apron in his kitchen naked, happily cooking up his chicken and rice while he drank beer on the couch in exchange for your training. No matter how clean you got them, they were always dirty the next day, always coated with a sheen of salty sweat for you to lap up. Once you were done, you got to press your face into his huge, sweaty feet, licking your way up his massive muscular calves as his musky foot scent filled your brain, just in time for him to crush your head between his huge thighs while you sniffed and licked his balls like the good pup he’d made you into while he watched sports. Afterwards he’d pull you onto his pillow pecs and let you lick the sweat out of his pits while pinning you with his huge biceps.
At night you had a few sleeping places depending on his mood; stuck under his feet at the end of the bed like a good pup, or tucked under his pit, breathing in his gym pit odor or sweaty feet all night long, letting his alpha odor reprogram you, driving your obedience deeper. He’d kept you like this the first few nights when you still remembered your life before him. But after a few nights of that you were totally rewired and your only thoughts were of your new, happier life as his wife. Things were just so much easier when you let a real man take charge and make all your decisions for you. Every now and then he let you sleep with your face pressed against his meaty balls, letting you greedily soak in the pocket of warmth emanating from them and his huge beefy cock while you nuzzled against his thick bushy pubes. Every morning you woke him up worshipping whichever spot you awoke in.
Working out was so rewarding.

Oh damn
You knew it wasn't right to do this, but you couldn't stop yourself, or your new husband, who was on his knees at the foot of the bed next to you.
Your friend had brought her new boyfriend to your wedding, and you and your soon-to-be husband were pretty sure he was closeted as soon as you met him. You joked and jabbed at him a few times about it, watching him flush. But still, you couldn't help but notice how his broad suit jacket stretched against his big broad back or his dress pants wrapped around his thick thighs. Most of all, you kept starting at his long dress shoes, imagining his sweaty feet trapped in there. But you controlled yourself and kept it to yourself. Until your man brought up the same thing after you were all back at the hotel room getting ready for bed. You had to get up early for your dream honeymoon you were both dying to go on. You were just about to stop talking about it when there was a knock at the door. You answered together.
He was standing there in his suit, pants unzipped, huge cock hanging between his legs. His alpha presence instantly both broke of you. You both stood silent, minds instantly wiped blank of anything except drinking in the sight in your drunken stupor. After a moment he stepped into the room, zipping it up. He sat down on the large armchair in the room, dress shoes crossed on the table on top of your suit leaving a large footprint. You didn't notice.
"So you boys think I'm closeted?" he said quietly, "But that's not going to stop you from competing to lick up my sweat, right boys?"
"No sir," you and your husband said in unison. But you barely heard each other. You were both just focused on him now.
"So who wants my balls and who wants my feet? Actually, one of take the left half of me, one of you take the right. But first, put these on," he said, hurling two thongs at you. You boy complied, stripping and putting on the panties.
You fell to your knees, crawling towards him, each untying his shoes with your mouths before pulling them off, letting the hot musk from inside his shoes wash over you. He watched your cocks get rock solid in your new underwear, smiling smugly as you both turned to his feet, inhaling and chasing more of the scent you'd both become instantly addicted to from his shoes. His black socks were drenched from being trapped in his shoe all night and you both started sucking on the fabric, lapping up his sweat till their was nothing left and you pulled the socks off with your teeth. The smell intensified as his tan feet were unveiled, so pretty, so beautiful, so suckable. You both gyrated on the ground, eyes closed as you sucked and smelled his sweaty feet, moaning intermittently.
He watched, pleased as you forgot about each other to focus solely on worshipping him. Two new boys for his collection. He could tell you were onto him at the party, but he could also tell he could easily dominate you both. He watched you both squirming, desperate for him, and then tilted his head back enjoying the pleasure.
After a while he kicked you both off his feet and stood, gesturing towards his suit.
"It's a bit hot in here. Why don't you boys get me out of this suit into a bathrobe?" he said.
You complied, one of you going for his pants, the other for his suitjacket. It slid off with ease revealing his broad back bulging from his dress shirt. Your hands grazed over his thick back, rubbing the muscles, massaging him before you unbuttoned the buttons slowly, revealing a dark valley of chest hair that it took all your strength not to plunge your face into. His beefy, fuzzy stomach appeared next from under his shirt. You pulled it off completely, and he locked your head into his hairy, stinking pit. You drank up the scent and sweat greedily.
At the same time the other one was unbuckling his pants, pulling them down to reveal tan treetrunk legs and huge thighs, all covered in dark hair. Hot musk emanated off his underwear now free from the suit they'd been in all day, drawing your face in closer. He locked you in with his thighs when you were close enough.
He looked down at you both locked in his grip, lost in silent ecstacy while you drank in his musk, laughing at how easy it had been to turn you into his personal servants. Then he let go, reminding you about the bathrobe which you quickly draped over him. He walked to and then sat down on your bed, spreading himself out.
"Good boys, good boys. Now, you, pour me that last glass of your wine. And you, looks like you have a cigar over there. Looks expensive. I'll be smoking that now. Bring it over here, dog."
You both followed your commands, pouring him a drink and lighting the cigar in his mouth, serving your new master. He sat back, a King in this room with his two slaves devoted solely to his pleasure licking his balls and sucking his thick, big cock, each sucking on his nipples, sniffing his ripe pits and telling him all the ways they planned to please him from now on.
When he finally blew his load all over himself, you both crawled up and down him, licking it up out of his thick chest hair hungrily.
"Tell you what boys," he said as you cleaned him up and both nestled under his hairy pits on either side of him, "You're going to cancel your flights. I've got a new honeymoon planned for you. You'll spend the week here, with me, sucking my cock and drinking up my cum and submitting to my alpha presence, worshipping me however I want or you can imagine. Sound good?"
"Yes, sir," you both replied.

"Hold on guys, my bitch just got here. I'll be back in 10 after I give her a couple things to do," he said, logging out of the match. They thought he meant his girlfriend, but he meant you, his roommate.
It had all started when you made the stupid decision to tell him to clean up after himself, after weeks of cleaning up after his dishes, finding his laundry all over, and him leaving condoms in the bathroom trash. That was the day your life changed. He'd laughed at you, saying he was a man, this was his house and he'd do whatever he wanted. That pissed you off. You'd stepped up to him asking what that was supposed to mean, tossing some of his dirty laundry in his face. You were a man too, you yelled, and you weren't going to spend the rest of your life cleaning up after him.
Well boy, did he prove you wrong.
He'd grabbed a pair of underwear you'd thrown at him and put it over your head, holding it tightly. You struggled, but he was bigger than you, and the next thing you knew you were in a chokehold, his thick bicep holding the elastic around your neck. You gasped for air, but every gasp pulled the scent of his dirty underwear, of his ballsweat and dried cum into your lungs. You wanted to stop, but you needed air-he'd let go just long enough for you to get a whiff of his musk before tightening back up, forcing you to hold it in your lungs. Your eyes rolled back and you fell to the ground, but through it all, you noticed your cock was... hard. Really hard. He noticed too, laughing dumbly. He'd held it there until his scent was fully a part of you, making you his total slave. Making you beg to clean up after him.
Your relationship got a lot better after that. Instead of dreading him being home, you waited eagerly, making sure dinner was ready for him in the meantime. You loved doing his laundry now too, following him around and picking up his sweaty gym clothes. You'd give each a long inhale, taking in the scent of his ballsweat or dried cum or, if you were lucky, both, before washing and folding them for him. You'd usually keep one or two for yourself, laying it on your face as you fell asleep, letting his scent soak into you all night. It was just household things at first, but one night while you were feeding him while he gamed with his friends, you found yourself staring at his foot. Not just at how big his size 13s were... but how thick and meaty they were, too. How perfectly rounded his toes were. You stared and stared until you found yourself crawling over to it, pressing your face into it, sniffing it and nuzzling against it and flicking your tongue out over it.
He looked down at you grinning as you worshipped it. He'd known you'd submit more and more as time went on, but hadn't expected it to happen so quickly. His cock got hard watching you turn from who you'd been into his little slut, his little house servant. He knew he had total control over you now. It was a great feeling being an alpha, knowing he could break another man so easily, overpower them and turn them into his desperate bitchboy. That's exactly what you were as you licked and kissed all over his huge feet. It tasted salty from his sweat, different from his underwear though but just as addictive- but it wasn't really that that kept you going. It was the simple fact that he was a man and you were his bitch. Your purpose was to obey and serve, now. That was what brought you pleasure. He'd sat back and let you worship thwm for hours till you both fell asleep with his feet still pressed against your face.
It became a regular part of your routine after that. He'd come in and start eating the dinner you'd prepared and you'd slide yourself under the table, taking his shoes off and worshipping his sweaty, hot feet after a long day while he ate. Then you'd bring him a fresh outfit and change him out of his sweaty gym clothes, sniffing each deeply. It was all you looked forward to now.
On nights when he was home before you, you'd usually get home and find him like this- gaming with his friends. You'd just take cues from him- if he gripped his junk, that was a sign he wanted a blowjob. If he lifted his foot, you slid under it, licking and sucking away while he gamed. If he paused, like he did now, that meant he had some chores for you. He stared down at you and lifted his foot. You smiled, sliding yourself under it, beginning your worship.
"So bitchboy," he said as you crawled to hit floor, kissing the top of his foot and nuzzling your face against it, feeling the little gold hairs all over it. "I have some interviews this week, so I need my dress clothes ironed. You don't mind taking care of that for me, do you?
"Of course not, King," you said in between kisses while your free hand rubbed and massaged his muscular, hairy legs.
"Love when you call me that, bitch," he said, rubbing his foot against you a little harder.
"Just acknowledging who's in charge, sir. Acknowledging your position over mine," you said, taking his beefy big toe into your mouth and sucking on it. They always tasted best when you first started- you savored the taste, running your tongue over it slowly with your eyes closed.
"Thats right, bitch. Next you're gonna go clean my piss off the toilet seat, haha. I was too hungover to turn the lights on this morning and kinda missed.
"Yes, King," you said, licking his foot top to bottom.
"Damn fag. I forget how pathetic you are sometimes. Doesn't that bother you? Remember when it used to piss you off, haha, pun intended."
"No, sir. I want to clean up after you forever. Alphas don't have to worry about that stuff. That's what I'm here for."
"Thats right bitch," he said, lifting his foot and rubbing it against your face, hard. You rubbed back just as hard, gasping for air when he pulled away. It felt amazing. You loved his feet. Loved being under them. Something about them just brought out something feral in you. "Go get me a beer, bitch."
You did as he said, getting him one of the cold 6 packs you'd had ready for him, cracking one open and handing it to him. He chugged it in one gulp. You handed him the next. He sipped this one more slowly, sitting back, relaxed, legs spread wide. His head tilted down. You knew your cue- you crawled between his legs. rubbing your face into his shorts. They smelled amazing- his sweaty dick and balls had soaked them through. You felt his thick, meaty cock gertting harder and harder as he sipped his beer with one hand and pressed your face into it with the other until its hard outline was clearly visible. You pulled his pants down, smiling at his huge cock as it popped out of his underwear, kissing up and down his shaft and rubbing against his pubes. His big thighs closed on you, trapping you against his dick. He laughed dumbly as you barely noticed. You were too preoccpied with that dick, so big, so powerful, so hypnotizing.
He crushed up the next beer can and opened his third. His strong hand gripped your hair, pulling you up. You mouth opened reflexively as he lowered your head onto his cock, sliding you all the way down it. You gagged ad choked but that didn't matter. What mattered was serving him. What mattered was taking as much of his cock into you as you could. He lowered your head up and down it slowly. You looked up at him and he was staring down at you superiorly. He was so beautiful. He took another long sip of his beer, but never took his eyes off you as you licked his cock up and down. He crushed the can up and started his fourth. This was how you always did things. You'd stop when he finished his six pack.
On the fifth beer, he lowered you onto his balls. You slurped on them slowly, encouraged by his moans. He went back to playing his game while he enjoyed the fifth beer and you sucked away on his nuts, muting his mic whenever he needed to let out a long moan. You were getting a little fevered now, hot from the heat pulsing off his massive thighs and big bull balls. You had no idea how much time passed- you were lost in him, in his hot musk.
Some time after you heard him crushing up the six can, his hand gripped the back of your head again and forced it back down on his cock. You heard him crush the can and toss it in the corner with the other five, then forced your head back down on his cock as he muted he mic and shuddered, letting out a long "aaaaaahhhhhhhh". His dick and balls bulged and his hot cum started pumping down your throat. He forced you all the way down his cock, but the wasn't necesarry- you were greedily sucking out every drop of it, desperate for more. His cu made you kind of crazy, made you thirst for it over and over again, sinking you deeper with every load you swallowed.
After about a minute when you were nice and full of all the seed he'd pumped into you, he pulled you off and let your head go. It fell to the floor but you barely noticed. Your were dazed, eyes unfocused and hazy. He teased your lips with his big toe and your mouth opened automatically, taking it in and sucking on it again.
"Damn, man. Don't you love being roommates?" he said with a laugh.

Care for a bowl? #celebritymalefeet #alphafeet #daddyfeet #silverfox #daddyworship #footworship
Such intimate foot adoration ❤️👣
He said to me before we started filming, “Oh good, those ‘foot doms’ you have on your channel haven’t been good enough. I can do it better”
And with that, here you go ;)
Love a discerning look from an alpha daddy as he sees you surrender to his powerful feet. He knows his place and you know yours...

Hookup Tonight
Gay Simulator
Think you can resist giving into these soles and their power? You can’t. You crave to be under them, caressing them, rubbing them, having them all over your face and finally your aching, hard cock when you have earnt it. Get under their spell.