Fop Wanda - Tumblr Posts

Cosmo and Wanda!

Cosmo And Wanda!

I would have colored it in but my I was too scared I'd mess it up ;-;

Im trying to figure out an art style (finally) so I'm hoping that more jagged shapes work better for me-

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5 months ago


the ANW team held their season 1 wrap party today!

The ANW Team Held Their Season 1 Wrap Party Today!

all the crew members are posting about it right now on their ig stories, and ashleigh's big speech near the end of the party ended with "here goes something!" and everyone was chanting "SEASON 2!!!" for a while

Christian Zayas, production coordinator and clean up artist, posted this on his account a while ago.

Remember to support the show on Netflix when it drops!!! According to Lindsay, it's what determines whether season 2 is greenlit or not!

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5 months ago

this is a great headcannon

Imagine if Dev was actually photosensitive and at risk of epileptic seizures? and for this reason he has to wear his sunglasses like always, and maybe his tablet has a special photosensitive screen made especially for photosentive people...?

Imagine If Dev Was Actually Photosensitive And At Risk Of Epileptic Seizures? And For This Reason He

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5 months ago
Is The Fairly Oddparents Fandom Dead? Maybe? Well Anyway Enjoy These Silly Tiny Doodles I Made Of Wanda
Is The Fairly Oddparents Fandom Dead? Maybe? Well Anyway Enjoy These Silly Tiny Doodles I Made Of Wanda

Is the Fairly Oddparents fandom dead? Maybe? Well anyway enjoy these silly tiny doodles I made of Wanda and Cosmo in celebration of starting TFOP for the first time! 🩷💚

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6 months ago

Please Please Please more girl dad dev headcanons 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Your wish is my command!!!

- Cosmo and Wanda visit in their human forms. They babysit occasionally.

- Delilah has a witchy phase.

- Once Hazel told Dakota to go over and call Dale a fatass. Dakota called him a motherfucker. This is based off of something I did as a toddler.

- Their cats are named Shovel, Trevor, and Sir Fluff Mitten Francis III

- Delilah definitely has Tumblr.

- Dev is so known for carrying Delilah around to meetings that his employees bring her snacks.

- His employees were delighted when they heard he was having a second kid.

- SOMEHOW Dale and Dakota get along. Dev is confused, hurt, and strangely delighted at this. Hazel begrudgingly allows it sine Dev still has the tiniest attachment.

- Hazel really wants another kid.

- Dev and Hazel go out for date nights at least twice a month.

- Dev freaks out when Delilah gets a boyfriend for the first time but it's mostly just worry that she's growing up too fast and won't ever talk to him again.

- Delilah makes her dad cry once when she says she hates him after she comes in from sneaking out.

- They make up after that and become almost as close as when she was little.

- Dakota and Dev go to a lot of rich functions together.

- Dakota tried to sneak a fourth cat in but was caught. The cat was returned to its owner.

- When Dakota is 14 and Delilah 17, Hazel gets pregnant by surprise. It's a boy! They name him Perry Anthony Dimmadome-Wells.

- Yes Cosmo and Wanda cry.

- No they technically don't remember Peri.

- Dev was a bit awkward with Perry but loves him all the same. It was just harder for him.

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5 months ago

What is Jordgen’s relationship like with Peri and Timmy? I see him as the gruff uncle who is soft with his nephews and shows up randomly to bring them presents.

What Is Jordgens Relationship Like With Peri And Timmy? I See Him As The Gruff Uncle Who Is Soft With
What Is Jordgens Relationship Like With Peri And Timmy? I See Him As The Gruff Uncle Who Is Soft With
What Is Jordgens Relationship Like With Peri And Timmy? I See Him As The Gruff Uncle Who Is Soft With

Jorgen used to be very very loud with his affection! But then Wanda had enough of him breaking down their door and shaking the whole house.

He views himself as Timmy's mentor, since he helped Timmy become a Fairy and graduate Pixies School. Timmy looks up to him! That's his very powerful uncle!!!

Meanwhile Jorgen is much more softer with Peri. That's his Itty Bitty Baby Nephew Peri Weri!!! Peri loves being spoiled by Jorgen.

Bitties Series: [Start] > [Previous] > [Next]

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7 months ago
Accidentally Fucked Vicky Over In This Au By Making Her More Neglectful And Dismissive Than Outright

Accidentally fucked Vicky over in this au by making her more neglectful and dismissive than outright cruel. If she was just the worst person in the world, Cosmo and Wanda wouldn’t consider retribution until they actually cared about Timmy. Unfortunately, Vickey’s disinterest towards something they find to be extremely entertaining is a pretty grave insult.

Also, just as a whole, I toned down Vickey.

She still sucks, mind you. She’s a huge dick. But it’s an unfortunate situation.

Vickey’s parents suck just as much as Timmy’s do. Problem is rather than being super understanding and sympathetic about they’re shared trauma, she just doesn’t register that that treatment is bad.

To her, Timmy is more than old enough to take care of himself. In her eyes, she’s just there to make sure he doesn’t get kidnapped or run away or something.

So, when he starts asking her to do any of those things she’s being paid to do, she gets snippy and pissed off about. Because, Timmy is obviously just doing it to be annoying. That voice in her head telling her she used to be just like him, is clearly calling her out for being whiny bitch child, not trying to get her to give this kid the support and attention she never got.

Then there’s clearly some horror movie shit going on in the Turner house. And it’s surrounding Timmy. And it fucking sucks for her specifically. Vickey hates that this is her problem, now. She can’t help but feel like his parents should be handling it. Trying to stop the fae from abducting your child feels like the bare minimum job of a parent.

This whole situation allows her some perspective on what child neglect looks like, at least.

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7 months ago
Haha hope he doesn't start using his fairies to lash out at those that hurt him instead of processing her anger in a healthy way. That'd be terrible~
He's just a silly little goober. Only a baby bit dangerous

I can make her worse :D

Timmy is unpredictable. Cosmo and Wanda can’t tell whether he’s going to have a I wish for a horse day, or a I wish I had the means to torture and torment someone that mildly offended me day. And the life lessons simply don’t stick. In short, she’s extremely entertaining and kind of perfect for them, so somewhere along the lines they realize they actually really want to invest the time and energy necessary to keep Timmy around.

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7 months ago
FOP:Wanda And Chocolate

FOP:Wanda and Chocolate

The Fairly OddParents © Butch Hartman and Nickelodeon

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