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The day to never be forgotten
so this is just a bit of something that im working on that i want to see if anyone at all would wanna read once i have it fully done. may have a few parts to it, not sure as of yet.
Summary: the story of how two Gryffindor's, Fred Weasley and Y/n Y/l came to be and the tragic end...or was it?
Part 2
A/N: please be kind this is my first time posting something here and I'm highly nervous cuz I know I'm not all that great at writing. Some of this follows the books and other parts are completely made up.
The battle of Hogwarts was a day that no one in the wizarding world would forget. Even though Harry Potter defeated the dark lord, many lives were lost that day. So many innocent souls were those among the lost, some bound to roam the halls of the now rebuilt school like the ghosts of many before them. I almost lost the love of my life. But this is the story of how our love came to be and how it almost ended.
I met the Weasley twins during our first year while on the train, to say they made quite an impression would be an understatement.
Boarding the train at kings Cross Station I was a nervous wreck. would I make friends? Would I be sorted in to Slytherin? These are amongst all the questions and worries running through my head. I manage to say goodbye to my parents and find an empty compartment towards the back. After diving into a book I had brought with me I'm pulled out of it by the sounds of laughter and running as the door to my compartment opens and closes rather quickly with two boys ducking down trying to stay as quiet as possible.
I'll admit it was an amusing sight to see, me not being able to contain my small laugh the two turn towards me and for the first time I get a good look at them, identical twin brothers,
“well look at this beauty here” one says causing me to blush
“She is quite beautiful aint she brother?” the other smirks
I clear my throat a little to gather my thoughts before trying to say anything at all
“As much as I love the compliments, I think it's only right that I get the names of you two since you two decided to interrupt my peace to hide from whatever mischief you two have caused”
“Did you hear that George? She thinks we’ve caused some mischief” he feigned offense
“She speaks as if she's known us our whole life Fred!” the other retorts
Now that made me laugh “well it was obvious by the hiding, but the laughing definitely gave way to a prank of some sort. Judging by the rage of the person running by it had to have been a good one at that, sad that I missed it”
They both look at me shocked, all I could do was giggle.
“The names Y/n Y/l” I say extending my hand.
“Fred and George Weasley” they say in unison
“I believe this will be the start to an amazing friendship, don’t you Freddie” he says looking at his twin
“Absolutely Georgie. Can't wait to see the pranks of the future.” Fred replies with a smirk on his face.
story by marstulips (poster by -voidlegends)

Yule Ball|| Harry Potter
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader // Harry Potter x Reader

Summary: It's been a year since you had a huge crush on Fred Weasley, but you never had the courage to confess it to the redhead. What will change when the Winter Ball takes place at Hogwarts?
Word Count: 3.2k

The fifth year of Hogwarts couldn't be more confusing and crazy, the students from Beauxbatons and the Durmstrang students had just settled in the Great Hall, when the principal made the announcement that it was going to be the joy / despair of all the girls. That's right, with no middle ground.
- Along with the Triwizard Tournament, the Yule Ball will also take place, just as it is in tradition - he said calmly as always, with a smile on his face.
Professor McGonagall explained the details but my mind was already far away, obviously my case is one of despair, not for lack of confidence but for opportunities. There was only one boy I would like to invite, but how would I do that if not more than one word we have already exchanged? I would not like to go with a stranger, a friend at the very least.
I was already 5 years old at Hogwarts, why haven't I done anything yet? This is easy, two very simple reasons. We are from different houses, as a Ravenclaw I don't have many Gryffindor friends, unfortunately. It is very comfortable to form a social circle restricted to the home itself and I was a shy child, can anyone judge me ??
I clearly remember the day I saw him the first time, it was the same day that I got my first Gryffindor friend.
I was hurrying up the stairs to the first floor, where the library is. It wouldn't be a surprise to anyone, but this time it was more urgent, it was two weeks before the 4th grade exam season and I didn't feel ready for the Arithmancy exam.
I had barely stepped into the hall when I heard two excited voices talking, I didn't have to look more than once to find out who they were. The Weasley twins had quickly formed their own fame at Hogwarts, the only ones who didn't like them were the targets of their pranks, I still haven't had that bad luck, and probably their Slytherin opponents.
It was the first time that I had a chance to see them without a circle of people around wanting to buy their limited products or their own friends around, and I didn't imagine what that little moment would do to me.
Although they were identical, one in particular had caught my attention. I didn't know what his name was and I didn't even have time to ask, as they walked to another corridor, opposite where I was.
It was his warm smile and bright eyes, that enchanted me at that moment and even though neither was for me, I couldn't forget it and I tried.
Later that day, I was trying to find a specific Arithmancy book when I noticed Angelina, a gryffindor and a year older than me. Difficult not to recognize since she is also popular, being on the Quidditch team but we never really spoke to each other, until that moment.
- Are you in 5th year ?? I never saw you in any of the classes - I remember her saying looking at my hand, in which I was carrying an advanced potions book.
- Oh no, I like to advance some subjects when I finish studying - I replied calmly with a small smile as I took my book, right next to her head.
- So are you good at potions? - she asked looking at me and I just nodded before she continued - and could you help me? It's a little difficult to pay attention to the class, when Fred and Jorge are there - she finished with a giggle, as if remembering something.
From then on, we met at the library when they had no training and during those two weeks we got close enough, but not to the point of mixing our social circles and going out together.
I turned to face Angelina, even though she was away she met my gaze and smiled, she knew I felt something for Fred Weasley but I never said how deep those feelings were or she would have managed to help me a long time ago.
I noticed that she made one of the signs that we invented to communicate when we were far from each other, that one meant that we were going to talk later in my dorm and I just nodded before I started eating. Too bad I didn't notice the attention of a certain redhead, because of my silent conversation with the girl.
In the months that followed, because Harry's name came out in the Goblet of Fire and the first task was around, the atmosphere became extremely tense within the school and the animosity with the ball cooled. People commented on all sorts of nonsense and I did what I could when something like that happened in my presence, because it bothered me a lot. The whole school was against Harry, basically and I had made it clear that it was ridiculous, even though I didn't know the boy well.
Because of that, I ended up getting away from some friends who disagreed with me and thought that Potter wanted to get attention again, but the good part is that I ended up spending a lot more time with Angelina in the Gryffindor Common Room, she always told me the password although the Fat Woman didn't like it that much.
Today is Saturday and one of those days, I left my dormitory early because I had nothing to study and walked unhurriedly through the almost empty corridors. It seems like a rule, teenagers don't leave bed before 9 am. I saw the girl alone in the middle of the Gryffindor table so I walked right over there, sitting next to her.
- Good morning Angie - I greeted with an excited smile while taking a look at the already full of food table
- You dreamed of the 10 N.O.M.S. today, didn’t you? - she smiled at me before completing - or was it with a certain someone?
I felt my face heat up as she laughed at me, the mornings when we are in a good mood usually start with these morning teasing and then we move on to the same topic…
- When are you going to invite Fred to the Ball? You know that when it comes to perceiving feelings, he is slow - she insisted just like every day that I should do something.
- He must have been invited already, It’s almost a month away- I gave her my most common answer, there are some days that I say I would invite him, but that never happened.
- He is still available but at some point he will be not! Do you really want to see him dancing with another girl? - She looked at me defiantly even knowing the answer.
- If I promise that this time I will ask him to come with me, will you let me eat in peace ?? - I asked, holding her gaze and received a satisfied smile in return.
Sometimes I didn't even understand the reason for all this nonsense, at times I just wanted to be able to confess my feelings and if I was rejected, I would just move on. But then I got close to him and couldn't, at least that way I had hope. The gryffindor in me will have the courage today, thanks to Angelina and my stupid promise.
Gradually the students arrived and among them were our friends. Alicia Spinnet, Dino Thomas, Olivio Wood and Lino Jordan. Soon the trio, Harry, Hermione and Ron came down and then Fred and Jorge with the usual good humor.
- Good morning girls - they both winked at us at the same time with a smile from someone who’s up to no good.
- Good morning - we answered together but with different reactions, Alícia simply ignored it, I controlled myself not to blush and Angelina just smiled more.
Fred sat two chairs to the left in front of me and Jorge beside him, there was no way I could talk to him during breakfast and I thanked him for it, but I regretted it soon after.
- And haven't you became a man yet to ask someone to the Ball, Ron ?? - I heard Fred's super discreet voice, interrupting my conversation with Lino.
Obviously everyone there turned to pay attention, the teasing between them was always fun, especially in the morning.
- You didn’t ask anyone too, where's YOUR courage Fred? What are you afraid of ?? - I never had seen Ronald Weasley with such a satisfied smile on his face or an expression so outraged on the elder.
- I'll show you the courage, look and learn Ronald - he had made a point of getting up and I held my breath when I saw him looking in my direction, it couldn't be ...
- Hey Johnson, do you want to go to the Yule Ball with me? - He asked without realizing my expectations and a piece of my heart breaking after that.
She replied an yes after looking at me quickly, I didn't mind her accepting it. They are friends and I already knew that she wanted to go with Jorge, the reason why she had not accepted any invitation until now. I had already thought about what it would be like if this situation happened, in my head it was much worse.
The next few days followed with little change about Fred, at all times if I could avoid him, I would. Not out of anger or anything, I wanted to take my focus off him. I had declined 2 invitations because I hadn't imagined myself with another guy, and that was going to end.
Alicia and I had just returned from London, we went to look at some new dress options, as many girls would go to the witch shops nearby. We barely stepped into the Great Hall when Hermione walked out furious and a little upset, she didn't even greet us as she always did.
- What did you do to make her so upset ?? - I asked facing Harry and then Ron, before sitting down next to Harry.
- I just said that she could come with one of us to the Ball - explained the redhead while devouring the food on his plate.
- Now? It’s a month away, I would have been angry too - they both looked at me without understanding and I had to take a deep breath - you don't understand anything about girls, do you?
- She felt like the last option, nobody would like to feel that way, obviously, you should have invited her long before - Ali replied without patience, while the realization seemed to hit their faces.
Ron seemed to reflect for 3 seconds before eating again as if nothing had happened, so there were only the three of us left to talk.
- And your partner Harry? Mcgonagall is going to freak out if you have to open the Ball alone - I commented while getting me some soup.
- I haven't found the right girl yet ... - he replied a little uncomfortable and looked to the side as if he had remembered something.
- Not wanting to intrude, but already intruding, you two could go together. Just as friends - she completed as soon as she saw the boy look at us petrified but relaxed shortly thereafter.
- No problem for me, I was thinking about not going, but at least it could be fun - I spoke with a small smile and he nodded.
For the rest of the month, I ended up getting closer to him and consequently to the most unbearable couple that ever existed. I love Hermione and Ron, but how can two people be so stubborn? I don't know, it's a mystery but at the same time, it was good entertainment and I managed to disconnect from my feelings for Fred.
It was getting close to the time to start the Ball and I had barely stopped to think that I would be forced to deal with Angelina and Fred dancing together, even though I had never been jealous of the two before, the scene didn't seem pleasant.
I took one last look in the mirror analysing my dress, a long red velvet dress with sleeves and a slit up to my thigh that defined my body in the right measure. I was feeling incredibly beautiful the way I was and nothing could ruin my good mood, not even my unrequited crush.
I agreed to meet my friends near the stairs and there they were, Hermione in a pink pretty dress talking to Vítor Krum further away, Ron was about to explode at any moment and Harry, as usual, seemed to be trying to find an excuse to get out of there and I preferred to help with that. .
- Hi boys - I said quietly standing on the first step of the stairs and as they had their backs to me, they jumped and I couldn't help laughing.
- You can't come like this and scare others, I almost had a fit… - the redhead put his hand on his heart dramatically, it seems that the hatred has vanished too.
- Everyone will go down the stairs, you should be gossiping in a more discreet place. It's about Hermione again, right? - I asked shamelessly without caring about the complaints about my comment.
- And why would I waste my time talking about a traitor? - his face went from white to red in a few seconds, it seems that the anger had returned.
- I only know one thing, we can't be late, right Harry ?? In fact, I need to talk to you quickly - I didn't even let him agree and I pulled his arm and walked to a spot nearby without anyone
- Did something happen? - he said while adjusting his glasses and I just denied it with a smile, making him even more confused.
- I just wanted to give you a break from Hurricane Ronald Weasley but if you want to go back there, I don't mind - I said looking behind his shoulder and there it was, a clear image of the redhead fighting with an innocent student.
- In fact, a few minutes without having to listen to his rudeness is great, not that he's a bad friend, but sometimes it's a little ... too much - he replied with a small smile of thanks.
We talked for a few more minutes before Mcgonagall officially announced the start of the party, where we would have to dance first. We had rehearsed a few times, so we weren't ashamed, although I wanted to laugh at the memories that came to mind and I could see the same in Harry's eyes.
After that moment, the other champions also danced with their partners and then the party really started. I preferred to avoid dancing more than necessary, because that would be shameful but it doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it.
I was sitting at a table with Harry and Ron because apparently his partner was not very happy, but I decided not to go into that. Until I see Angie approach and place her hand on my bare shoulder.
- Can we talk for a moment?? - She said and by her expression, it seemed to be important.
I nodded and as the two continued talking to each other, I preferred not to interrupt and just went with the older girl to a corner with fewer people.
- Did something happen? - I asked calmly and noticed that she looked towards the direction where Fred and Jorge were with another girl.
- Yes, I already knew it would be a complete mess, since you wanted to come with one person and I with another, but I think you can fix it in time - she said looking back at me.
- I don't know Angie, just with a Time-Turner and a little bit of luck, then I would be able to ask him to come with me.
- It was wrong but I just overheard him saying something to Jorge, he said he wanted to invite you. I was noticing for a while, I was pretty sure he liked you and I just had the proof - she said with a small smile and then immediately took my hand and continued - I don't want to see you two suffering.
I barely knew what to say so I preferred to demonstrate it in the best way I could, that is, with a hug even though it wasn't much of a hug most of the time.
- Thank you for telling me but I think I'll be forced to steal your date now - I replied with a small smile and stepped back from her.
- Someday I'll forgive you for that, but this conversation is for later - she winked at me and walked away to the other side of the party.
I took a deep breath and as soon as I looked back in the direction where the twins were talking, I realized that there was no one there anymore and I couldn't help being disappointed.
- Looking for me, love?? - a voice well known to me spoke at a minimum distance from my back and I immediately turned around.
- Actually, yes, but you came here, so it must be important - I replied with a smile without being affected by his proximity, since it was not uncommon for him to try to frustrate me with this type of provocation.
- Since when is something I have to say unimportant ?? - he spoke in an indignant voice but his smile denounced him - let's go for a walk, what do you think? It’s too full here - he said and then held my hand, how could I refuse such a request?
I just nodded and then we left the Hall, walked, still holding hands, to the garden. I am sure that did not fail to pass through the attentive eyes of my friends, but it was not the time to think about that.
- I know we've only really known each other this year - he started talking and then stopped walking - but I really started to like you a lot - his voice were softer and even a little uncertain.
- Of course, we all became fast friends - I replied with a satisfied smile, maybe it was mean but I was loving this moment and I didn't want it to end so quickly.
He looked away and took a deep breath before looking back into my eyes with a lighter expression.
- You're having fun, aren't you? It's pretty funny, isn't it? - He asked and I could see his eyes shine, the kind of glow that appears when he has just made a prank.
- Yes I am. How could I not be when I left Fred Flirt Weasley frustrated? - I replied holding the desire to laugh, for the situation and the new nickname I invented.
- I had a much more fun idea, love, you'll like it - he said confidently.
Before I could ask what it was, one of his hands found my face and the other on my waist, pulling me closer. A second later we were giving our first kiss, the first of many to come.

Harry Potter Masterlist
Helpless||Harry Potter
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader

Summary: You are one of the students of the Beauxbatons commission and like the others you are determined to win the Triwizard Tournament but instead of the Goblet of Fire, you ended this season at Hogwarts with something better .
Word Count: 2,0 k
N / A: This story is based on the Helpless of the musical Hamilton and if you want, I recommend listening to the song along with the lyrics.
Part II

Ooh, I do, I do, I do, I do (hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey)
Hey! Ooh, I do, I do, I do, I do (Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey)
I have come to be known for some characteristics over the years. For most of my colleagues, determination and patience, but for my family and especially my sister, I was always going to be a hopeless romantic.
But then we heard about the Tournament and I would have to concentrate fully if my name came out of the Goblet of Fire, so I decided to leave this side of me in France. But that change did not last more than a few hours.
Boy, you got me helpless
Look into your eyes, and the sky's the limit
We were all sitting at the Ravenclaw table while the director finished announcing the Triwizard Tournament formalities and I couldn't be paying any less attention. From the moment I entered that room, a pair of bright brown eyes caught my eye. I couldn't help noticing the incredible amount of redheads on one table, but only one of them left me with a different feeling that I didn't know until now.
Of course, I didn't spend much time looking. My goal here is very specific, I would not have time for distractions as my name could be called up tomorrow.
- Of course, to travel to a swamp on the other side of the world, you're going to have to give up putting your name in the cup, right? - my sister asked in an irritated tone of voice and I had no idea why or what she was saying.
- Oh sure, I think it's a great idea, sis - I replied with a smile as I looked back at the director, but he was no longer standing - has he finished? Has he talked about the Yule Ball too?? - I asked, looking back at the older one.
- Yes, why are you acting like this? Eat a little, I think the trip didn't do you much good - she replied with a worried tone, leaving the anger aside.
I agreed to a nod and concentrated on the French food that had been kindly prepared for our arrival, but my eyes kept looking back at the table where he was one last time.
I'm helpless
Down for the count, and I'm drownin 'in' on
The next day, during the morning there was a circle of students around the Goblet of Fire but as soon as we arrived, they made room and then each one of us put the paper with our name in there. I chose to be the last in line, because I was in no hurry and for a single reason. He was there again.
The same eyes, but now I could see more closely and without having to worry because it was not in my direction that they were. The boy was having a lively conversation with some other students and his own twin.
After my turn passed, I walked over to where a friend was standing because I also wanted to see the rest of the competition, that's not exactly what happened.
I admit it was a funny scene to see the two of them being thrown two meters out of that circle but at the same time, I was a little worried.
I have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight
We were at a revel with some rebels on a hot night
After a few months, we were finally at that ball that promised to be one of the best events of the year and perhaps the decade at Hogwarts. A lot of things changed in the meantime, the first was that I wouldn’t be the champion but I was vehemently rooting for Fleur, the second thing is that a minor had entered the competition and that turned this castle upside down and finally, I had managed to get close to that redhead. To be fair, me and Alexia. We both agreed that only an idiot would voluntarily sign up as a minor, this caught the attention of Harry Potter's friends and himself.
In fact I learned his name, it's George, it's easy to tell when I can see his face. From the back, I don't have much of a guarantee and it's hard to see them standing still somewhere, so it's even more difficult for me that way.
Laughin 'at my sister as she's dazzling the room
Then you walked in and my heart went, "Boom!"
I had been invited by some boys before accepting to come with a student from Durmstrang, I confess that I hoped to be invited by George but I preferred not to risk waiting.
I looked for my sister with my eyes and it was not difficult to find her, she was dancing with her own partner in the middle of the dance floor, impossible not to notice. They were even a beautiful couple, but I knew she was interested in someone else, I just didn't know who. Just as I hadn't told her about my feelings yet.
My attention changed completely when I saw the door to the Great Hall open and the unaccompanied Weasley twins came in. My heart stopped for a second and I could feel it beat faster, some questions crossed my mind. I hadn't seen them before, did they come alone? Hope had returned.
Tryin 'to catch your eye from the side of the ballroom
Everybody's dancin' and the band's top volume
The slow song was over but I only noticed it when I saw the girl in front of me and then I smiled, trying not to lose sight of George but didn't go like that, since I was on the other side of the dance floor.
- You were having fun out there, weren’t you?? - I asked with a smile, giving up looking over her shoulder, so I just focused on her face.
- Yes, and where is your partner? You should be having fun too - she replied leaning against the wall beside me.
- He said he was going to talk to his friends but so far he hasn't returned - I couldn't hide my indifference, because I never had to hide anything with her.
Grind to the rhythm as we wine and dine
Grab my sister and whisper: Yo, this one's mine
- I know he wasn't your first choice, so who is it? I’m willing to know - his gaze left me and scanned the party full of people, looking for who could be right for me.
- I wanted to make sure he was interested in me before I told you. It's George, from the first moment we arrived here for the first time - I didn't try to hide my smile or my passionate look when I finally found the redhead again.
My sister made her way across the room to you (ooh)
And I got nervous thinking
"What's she gonna do?" (Ooh)
In a moment, she was beside me with an expression I didn't recognize and a second later the brunette was walking towards the other side of the dancefloor.
- Alexia, what are you going to do… - I didn't even try to speak out loud, because the music was incredibly loud for anyone but me to hear.
To my horror, she walked towards the Weasleys and I
paralyzed. One of my sister's characteristics comes down to doing basically everything for me, I already knew that nothing bad could be in her intentions but that didn't relieve my nervousness.
She grabs you by the arm
I'm thinkin ', "I'm through" (ooh)
Then you look back at me
And suddenly I'm helpless
I couldn't look away even though I looked crazy to those outside, so the two stepped aside a few meters and I could hear my heartbeat increasing by the second.
Would I like to be able to hear them? Certainly, but before I could think better about it. He looked directly at me.
Oh, look at those eyes (look into your eyes)
And the sky's the limit
I'm helpless (I know)
Down for the count and I'm drownin '
Helpless (I am so into you)
Few things in life have left me so nervous as that moment when George Weasley was walking towards me, with that smile on his face, the kind of smile I hadn't seen yet but perfectly matched his features.
She accompanied him halfway and winked at me before returning to the dancefloor. I didn't know what to expect but I would thank her forever, if that was what my hopeless heart was telling me.
Look into your eyes (I am so into you)
And the sky's the limit
I'm helpless
I know I'm down for the count
And I'm drownin 'in' in
The night ended perfectly and I almost felt like it was fate, because his partner ended up dancing with my partner. So they didn't even care for a second about being "abandoned", not that I was going to let this opportunity just slip through my fingers.
He was cute and kind, we danced and talked a little bit alone before going back to our friends.
But this time it was different because we were never so close to each other, I couldn't help but notice his arm around my shoulder, making me stay even closer to him.
That was my signal, the signal that this night meant something more to him too.
One week later
I'm writin 'a letter nightly
Now my life gets better, every letter that you write me
A week later, I had come to Paris with Ale to spend the Christmas holiday with our parents, but it didn't mean that we would lose contact. At that point it was past midnight when I was replying the letter I just received.
The owl that brought it was barely able to flap its wings when it arrived here and as it was freezing outside, I left it in the cage with mine to rest. She drank some water and practically passed out, poor thing.
- As I was saying, he really cares about you. Who wouldn't want someone like that? - she said after reading the letter I received.
- You will find one of these soon, there is a whole group of boys waiting for the chance of their lives to show you that - I replied with a smile while thinking of the right words to answer, everything had to be extremely perfect.
Laughin 'at my sister 'cause she wants to form a harem
I'm just sayin ', if you really loved me, you would share him
- Yes, but still, it is not enough - she replied pouting but then smiled as if an idea had crossed her mind - we shared everything, why not that too? - She completed folding the letter and I just laughed.
- That's the only thing we can't share in this life and you're too jealous to share someone - I replied laughing even more at the expression she made.
- I'm going to sleep, just don't take too long to answer this letter, ok? Tomorrow we will all go out together, in case your little head has forgotten - she gave me one last hug before leaving, but I noticed that the light in her room was on for a while longer.
Many other things happened afterwards, but my hand is hurting and my ink is running out, so I'll leave the rest for later, ok? I promise don't keep you waiting to know what's happens next. See you tomorrow, dear diary.

Harry Potter Masterlist

One Shots
Tetrachromat (F)
Tetrachromat Tetrachromat II
In a world where you can see 100 million different shades of color, every day means a new discovery. But among so many, you find something completely different in someone.
Ron: Harry you're one in a million.
Hermione, from behind her book: That means that there's 67 of you in the UK.
Fred: Find yourself.
George: Start an Army.
Ron, nodding along: Overthrow the ministry.

Just finished this one movie with James Phelps, called "Patchwork" after I have been hearing a lot about it from my followers on Instagram. I have never felt more awkward while watching a movie, but at the same time I could't stop laughing 😂