Frens - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

“I’m out of my head, of my heart and my mind Cause you can run but you can’t hide I’m gonna make you mine” (The Wolf, SIAMÉS)

–Click for better quality because Tumblr ruined it–

(Without green lighting under the cut bc I couldn’t decide which I liked better)

Keep reading

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2 years ago

Everyone's true names reveal! Pleeeease :3

Everyone's True Names Reveal! Pleeeease :3
Everyone's True Names Reveal! Pleeeease :3
Everyone's True Names Reveal! Pleeeease :3

Die: Déchets Boudreax

Crowbar: Reeno Ayan

Diamonds Droog: Daisuke Druzhinin

Spades Slick: Sabatier Souffrance

Pickle Inspector: Padamijit Idell

Problem Sleuth: Shamus Ploense

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2 years ago



Is Exiles live in Midnight City?

Is Exiles Live In Midnight City?
Is Exiles Live In Midnight City?
Is Exiles Live In Midnight City?
Is Exiles Live In Midnight City?
Is Exiles Live In Midnight City?

SS: They ain't got no place gettin' mixed up with shadow magic, time shenanigans and..

SS: Whatever the hell it is we're currently mixed up in.

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2 years ago

Whoah DD with strings... epic

SS: Gods Know About What. Left To Do It As Soon As We Got Our Hands Full With These Stupid Laptops And
SS: Gods Know About What. Left To Do It As Soon As We Got Our Hands Full With These Stupid Laptops And
SS: Gods Know About What. Left To Do It As Soon As We Got Our Hands Full With These Stupid Laptops And
SS: Gods Know About What. Left To Do It As Soon As We Got Our Hands Full With These Stupid Laptops And

SS: Gods know about what. Left to do it as soon as we got our hands full with these stupid laptops and questions-

SS: (And whatever the hell Sleuth's been mutterin' about...)

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2 years ago
I Love Guardians Of Ga'hoole, VERY Love Hagsfiends, And I Love Humanizations, So...
I Love Guardians Of Ga'hoole, VERY Love Hagsfiends, And I Love Humanizations, So...
I Love Guardians Of Ga'hoole, VERY Love Hagsfiends, And I Love Humanizations, So...

I love guardians of ga'hoole, VERY love hagsfiends, and I love humanizations, so...


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2 years ago

HumanAU-comics-songfic based on the Legends of Hoole arc

By First Aid Kit - Wolf

✨Part 1

It was difficult to cram almost all the main characters into the text, but I managed💪

and I still love humanizations, yesss

(just in case, I signed everyone in tags)

HumanAU-comics-songfic Based On The Legends Of Hoole Arc
HumanAU-comics-songfic Based On The Legends Of Hoole Arc
HumanAU-comics-songfic Based On The Legends Of Hoole Arc
HumanAU-comics-songfic Based On The Legends Of Hoole Arc
HumanAU-comics-songfic Based On The Legends Of Hoole Arc
HumanAU-comics-songfic Based On The Legends Of Hoole Arc
HumanAU-comics-songfic Based On The Legends Of Hoole Arc

HumanAU-comics-songfic Based On The Legends Of Hoole Arc

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2 years ago

What are some of your favorite felt head canons if you don't mind, and is your intermission discord server still active?

Oh yeah psh the server is defo active. We talk there every day and we had a group vc like just yesterday! Feel free to join! Even if you’re going to lurk we got good fanarts being made like every other day!

NOW TO THE INFODUMPING! Sry not sry you asked for this I’m just gunna go full ham. (I also dunno how to hide things behind a paragraph break so am very very sorry)

OK SO! I’ve got so many! Top fav is my ones for Crowbar of course. I love making his juju a sentient being and having it effect him negatively by applying sensitivity for timeline shenanigans on him. This also means Crowbar is weak against temporal movement like teleportation. He’s fine for the most part if the Doc teleports him with green sun magic but if Droog does it, it gets him sick and dizzy for a bit.

Oh! Also that Crowbar has lots of hobbies, but every single one is a benefit to his Felts. He’s incapable of doing activities selfishly and has a hard time detaching himself from his work. Expressing himself creatively? Sure! How about he gets into woodworking and architecture so he can repair walls, doors, and clocks whenever they break around the manor. Taking time off to zone out and relax? No problem! He unironically loves doing paperwork because the exactness of the wording comfort him and he can keep business flowing. (He secretly collects the small manuals that comes with most products because finding grammar mistakes in the terms and conditions amuses him.) He even has a mild special interest in car detailing and cleaning so that the getaway cars for everyone are in top condition, and so that the manor is clean and free of evidence.

Oh and that reminds me that I love to hc that the manor (I make it sentient) looooves Crowbar the most out of any member since he’s the only one that takes care of it. The manor’s architecture shifts constantly to confuse intruders and such, but for Crowbar it shifts to get him to wanted destinations faster. If Crowbar wants to get to the west wing from the east wing, only Itchy has a chance to close the distance faster than him. Ah! It’s so funny! I’m smiling about it now! Aaaa I love them!

And! And and I love to hc Crowbar being super dense in matters of love. In the server (there is rp and I am the dedicated Crowbar rper) I make sure to have him make the perfectly wrong assumption any time someone falls for him bc Cro mentally cannot comprehend someone being attracted to him- OH THAT REMINDS ME OF ANOTHER ONE! I hc that to us irl humans Crowbar is the most normal and even the sexiest felt, but in leprechaun standards Crowbar is like, the ugliest leprechaun ever. Leprechaun standards value weird shapes, weird chaotic habits, and the scrungle vibe, and Crowbar is intimately aware he doesn’t embody any of it, so it’s just like. “Um. I know damn well I don’t make an effort to strive towards beauty standards, so,,, why are you falling for me again? Surely this is a joke? This, isn’t what people are supposed to do.”

On that note though, I think Crowbar has a hard time with charms as a system. He’s effected by it and feels it occasionally, but he does much better with quadrants and carapacians in general. He doesn’t like talking about it with his men because he’s scared they are going to make fun of him for it, but they probably already know what with his little Snowman crush.

Hot take I could do with or do without Snowbar. It really depends on who I’m roleplaying with. For the most part I love it because it emphasizes the fact that Crowbar is just really fucking weird compared to other leprechauns. He’s orderly, he’s bi, he likes things to be a certain consistent way, and there’s nothing be can do about it. It just makes me feel warm inside. If my rp partner doesn’t like the ship though I loooooove to make Snowman and Cro like, slumber party pals. They engage in the tea and girl talk! Wlw and mlm! Snowy is the man’s rock and sense of reason in a sea of idiots.

Though hm, now for other Felt. I do like the idea that Itchy actually has garbage reaction time and is in a state of single focused mania a lot. My mans has trouble sleeping and knowing his environment and it can take a toll on his mind, but when he does sleep his metabolism is too fast for such a long sleep and he has to go into a hibernation state! Like a hummingbird! (That’s @naturallydark ‘shc for the Itchy they rp in the server) aaaa good stuff. Oh and I love to think Itchy is chronically bored and has big issues with being under-stimulated, which is why he is friends with most of the felt and will bother them. The company makes him happy! And when he’s not being a lil fuck, he does know how to cheer the majority of the Felt up when they are down.

On the flip side I love imagining that Doze actually has insane reaction time, his world just slows when he’s stressed, which doesn’t happen as often as folks might think. I imagine Doze’s biggest fear is getting irreversibly maimed so his powers activate during physical combat, but other than that he’s a pretty normal dude. Probably the type to catch a bunch of dishes and have everything land on the tray again cartoon style. Definitely thinks he’s the coolest guy in the room (civilized edition)

Fin is just cute. Man just, swims in the dumbest places. You can never predict when he will be in a body of water. Kinda hates when anyone dumps dead bodies in the canal and will drag them out of the water to toss to the lusi (lusus’s?) wandering the desert when he can.

Clover and Snowman get along really well. Like, Snowman thinks Clover is strangely charismatic, but this is almost purely because the universe loves Clover.

Anything @ontdah does with his Die makes me happy. Just. Anything. Love that angsty man.

Snowman can absolutely take damage without it effecting the rest of the universe. (I despise the fact that the prominent badass female character can’t roughhouse) like, she is a universe avatar. She can just choose to be an avatar of some useless far off planet, she just likes the power trip with being able to stop any fight she’s in by just standing there. Only the Felt know this but they keep it a safely guarded secret and they still respect the rules of it. After all she likes having star freckles when she embodies everything so she actually is in that vulnerable state most of the time. It’s like, her shitty personal version of a Russian roulette, but with the lives of every single person alive. She’s a massive troll. In the most dignified way possible. Stitch thinks she’s crazy, Crowbar finds her fascinating in her selfishness.

Stitch is one of the rarer less chaotic leprechauns, and he gets along pretty well with Crowbar. For the most part he’s the dad figure of the felt despite not being the oldest, and will let any of them silently hang out with him if the fucked up ness of their life becomes too much. The official sawbones, and less official therapist of the lads. Makes sure they have everything they need to handle any mental stuff they struggle with. He helps Itchy with his adhd, works with Matchsticks (more often) and Cro (less often) on their ptsd, helps lots of them with anxiety, rationalizes through Clover’s survivors guilt, and even has chats with Snowy when she’s feeling existential. He is incredibly emotionally intelligent and likes to use that ability for good, however gruff it comes across.

Sawbuck is the nice fuck boi of the Felt and you cannot convince me otherwise. Clover may be the most charismatic over all, but Sawbuck definitely has the most game. The guy is a dream boat, an absolute hunk. Sawbuck is the sexiest man alive and everyone in the felt (no matter how reluctantly) agrees with it.

Matchsticks is a pyromaniac and is constantly curbing his own urges to just burn everything to the ground, timeline included. He’s a REALLY nice guy, but the urges get to him sometimes. (Hc from @ontdah )He has troubles staying present at times and keeps multiple fires burning around the manor for convenience and for reminiscing. Crowbar has to tell Matchsticks when meetings will be hours or even days in advance or else he might not be able to include him. The guy just, travels a lot and is hard to find. His jokes cheer everyone up, but it’s clear he’s not always happy. Stitch and Matchsticks spend the most time with each other. Stitch has personally guided Matchsticks into being more present, but it’s a constant process.

Eggs is fantastic at retelling heists in engaging ways. If anyone wants a retelling of events, they tend to go to Eggs, even if Crowbar has the better memory. It’s more entertaining that way.

Biscuits makes food for the Felt. Without him they would all immediately starve. Some felt know how to cook, but only Biscuits knows how to portion meals to feed all of them correctly. He’s also their silent nutritionist and will give you a look of disappointment if you ever come into the manor with, ugh, FROG FORBID Store. Bought. Sweets. He has standards. Most of his free time is spent in the kitchen and he is the only Felt besides Crowbar who is allowed an allowance for groceries.

Quarters is a gun freak and gives all of them names and backstories like iron dolls. If you handle a gun incorrectly in front of him he’s going to very passive aggressively judge you until you piss him off enough to drag you back into gun training. He taught most every member how to use firearms (except for Stitch, Matchsticks, and Clover) but he has made every single one of them take a firearms course, hosted by himself of course. Snowman and Quarters have long bouts of dark humor involving weapons sometimes too. They started being friends after he taught her how to use a sniper rifle.

Cans is Crowbar’s bean bag and they are bros. They cuddle lots and talk about stuff. I imagine Cans has almost an enthusiastic butler sort of relationship with Crowbar and Crowbar can do nothing to refute this. After many, many, months and years of Cans comforting Crowbar and being there for him and helping him out of risky situations, Crowbar has succumbed to trusting the man fully. Whenever Crowbar is having troubles sleeping he will simply drag himself over to Cans’s room and nap with him. They are cute.

AH! oK DONE! I have more Cro hcs of course but this has taken me ages to type and! I! Need! To go to work soon!

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2 years ago

HumanAU-comics-songfic based on the Legends of Hoole arc

Part 2✨

HumanAU-comics-songfic Based On The Legends Of Hoole Arc
HumanAU-comics-songfic Based On The Legends Of Hoole Arc
HumanAU-comics-songfic Based On The Legends Of Hoole Arc
HumanAU-comics-songfic Based On The Legends Of Hoole Arc
HumanAU-comics-songfic Based On The Legends Of Hoole Arc
HumanAU-comics-songfic Based On The Legends Of Hoole Arc
HumanAU-comics-songfic Based On The Legends Of Hoole Arc
HumanAU-comics-songfic Based On The Legends Of Hoole Arc

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1 year ago




The Mutinous Cabal, a rogue group of vigilantes who are the sworn watchdogs for Marvel Capital

Their "Leader", Debonair Despot

Their true Leader, Scrutinous Scourge

The intel guy, Cogent Dealer

And the muscular medic, Harmonious Bastion


Team Dick Ace, a ragtag gang of ex-coppers trying to redeem themselves by cleaning up crime in the city- who may or may not be part of the crime themselves..

Their brains, Polemic Imagineer

Their brawn, Ace Dictum

And their beauty, Prosaic Steward


And the Flux (only a few pictured here), the mighty top-dog crime syndicate that rules over Marvel City with an iron grip

No one seems to know the names of any of their members, knowing them only by number.

Except of course, the fearsome Deor (6)

and his loyal little dog, Yusha (7)


Hohoho!! I have made an AU! GANGSHUFFLE!!

There is MUCH for me to blurb about them later but.. for now.. heres some of the main boys.. Hehe

Look out for more info on the AU later ;P

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1 year ago

[Was It Worth It?]

Gangshuffle AU Comic

(tw: blood, censored depiction of body part loss)

[Was It Worth It?]

Why don't we start we start from the beginning?

DD: I suppose there's no other way to start.

[Was It Worth It?]

DD: I used to be a soldier during the war. I was entirely dedicated to Derse, I followed all my orders- but I ended up exiled regardless of my loyalty. DD: I was an empty husk for months. No purpose, no hope, no goal. DD: I was simply waiting to die.

I'm sorry to hear that. That must've been awful.

DD: I wouldn't wish that despair on anyone. DD: Though, it did lead me to meeting someone.


[Was It Worth It?]

DD: He made me feel alive again.

[Was It Worth It?]

DD: Here was this man- a Prospitian who was young, and bright-eyed, and full of potential- exiled off to the same island as war criminals, and dissenters, and all manner of depressing lot. DD: His previously hopeful future had been thrown away, and he'd lost seemingly everything, and yet...


DD: He was still hopeful. DD: He still had dreams. DD: He had so much determination in him, he was even willing to drag a stranger along to help achieve his goals. You.

DD: Indeed. He saved me from my despair. DD: He became my hopes and my dreams, and my goal. From the moment he pulled me onto the shores of the new island, I swore I'd follow him anywhere. DD: And so I did.

[Was It Worth It?]

DD: Even when I shouldn't have.

[Was It Worth It?]

DD: I tore myself apart for this man. DD: I did everything I could to serve him and his goals no matter how much it hurt.

Do you regret it?

DD: ... Some days.

Was it worth it?

[Was It Worth It?]

DD: For him? DD: He was worth every last nerve ending.

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1 year ago


PI: Im afraid I just dont understand why Ace would be mad at me.

PI: I dont know what I did wrong.

PS: you put mustard gas in a mustard bottle and sold it to some poor sucker

PI: To be fair the poor sucker in question had Flux relations.

PS: what the fuck maggie he was just their mailman

PI: Suspicious mailman.


PROSAIC STEWARD: A former superstar in the police force turned pathetic mess of a... Vigilante..? Watchdog..? Whatever Team Ace is trying to be. He's got a pretty face and a good heart, but he's a jaded, tired soul. His life's been full of mistakes, but he still hopes one day the world'll be better place- he just doubts he'll be able to help make it happen. Last time he tried help... Well, he tries not to think about it too much.

POLEMIC IMAGINEER: An ex-forensics officer kicked off the force for his effective but... Unethical methods. He's constantly stuck in a walking daydream- the world seemingly flows with his imagination. It makes him dettached to certain concepts, like people. Or logic. Or consequences. He doesn't care about means as long at it makes the ends happen. After all, Team Ace needs someone with the spine to eradicate all the crime in Marvel Capital.

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1 year ago


06: Things are unacceptable as they currently are.

06: Foolish men with the hubris of self-proclaimed godhood take as they please, like gluttonous pigs.

06: They raze the land like a great plague that brings upon decay.

07: Bad things are happening, sir?

06: Terrible things, mon petit chien.

06: People are taking things away from us.

07: Ohh- and we don't like that.

06: No.

06: We don't.


( 6 ) DEOR: A quiet, discreet man with origins shrouded in darkness. He's managed to snatch up Marvel Capital in an impressive amount of time with his band of misfits. Whispers on the street say its because of his alleged powerful magical abilities- allowing no one to come close enough to touch him. Or maybe the reason lies in all the men he affectionately calls his loyal dog. Something about him makes them so willing to die for him...

( 7 ) C̶R̴̨̜̫͎̲̮͝͝͝ͅǪ̷̻̀͒͂́̓̑̀̒̽́̋̋̈́̾̓̚ w̷̡̡̧̡̨̢̛̛̰̺̦̝͉̞͎̱̼̭̻̪̥̙̳̩͖̘̼̠͇̘͎̞͎̟̯͎͔͕̬̻͎͔͈̰̥̮̖̭͙̻̘͓͑̑̑̆̇̎̊͒̔̽͒͂̏̌̓̓̌́̐̆̓̈́̓͆͗́̍͗̓̌̽͐̈̈͆͆̑̎̾̄̔̈͗́̇̒̈́̇̂͋͋̈́̾̾̄̓͂͘͘͘̚̕̚̕̚̕̕͜͝͠͠͠͝͝ ̴̨̡̢̢̢̧̢̡̢̨̧̨̛̛̞̲̗͈͔̜̥̱̱͉̱̩͇͖̰̩͚̩͉̥̹̳̫̝̩̬͉̤̭̻̮͔̭̜̩̩͕͔̲̥̖͔͍͚̞̖͓͖͓̲͕̜̰̳̤̦̭͕̩̫̙͎̤̭̪̠͓̣̯̜̫̟͉̤͈̠̬͕̙̟̫͕̮̙͖̘̦̺͎͈̣͈̖̘͇̳̅̌́̂̀͋̇̂͂̎̾͆̊̈͌̄̒̇̓̈́͊̔̏̒̇̒̆͐́͆̿͒̓̚͜͜͜ͅͅͅͅb̶̧̛̼͍͔̼̣̩̬̣̻͎̮̾̏͗̿͛̍̈́̓͋͑̉̈́͆̒̔́̌͆́̆̓͂̊́͌̓͑̽̀̒̇̒͋̈́͑́̏̓̅͑͂̿̃̅̿̓̅͗̿̋͋͂́͑̆͗̒̔̎̂̎͋̀̿̂̐̉͆͐̾̅̌͗̈́͘̚̕̕͘͘̕̕͘̚͝͝͝͝ ̵̨̧̡̢̡̨̢̢̢̡̛̛͔͓̻̙̘̙̮̻͈͉̳̖̹̬̮̞̥̝̤̪̝̘̹̙̱̪̪̞͕͖͍̥͓̝̦̱̝̙͈̙̻̗̣̠͖̮͉̰̬̝̙̰̻̱̥̱̦̟̱̃̇̌̓̓̀̉́̀͌͐̒̎̒̉̈́͐̄̔̐̊̒͌̀̕̕̚̕͘͘͜͠ͅa̵̢̛͈̻̮̠̫͎͐̃̾̉͆̽̓͛̀͊̊͐̐̈́̐͒̀̇́̍̎͒̋͌͗͗͗̈̉̍́͆̒͐̒̆̔̕͝͝͠ YUSHA: Deor's most dedicated dog. He fo oleadsw f follows Deor's every command with eagerness- wishing to do everything he can to serve his boss and the F̵͇̙̻̄̓́̅͘ȅ̵̖̘̺͆͌̚͠l̶̗̂̃̌͑͐͝͝t̸̙̺̻̜͚͌̊̈́̆͋͌͝ Flux. He has trou t rt̸͎̯̗̼̘̠̖̆r̶̺̺̻̙̘͇̿͛͛̅̓̄͜͠ỏ̷̗͛̇̆u̶̠̼̇̊̊͝ḃ̸̝̫̜̭̼͉̞̀̽̈́̑͗Ḻ̵̫̤̜̠̟̱͑͜e̷̳̩͍̼͕̽̎́̓̓̈́̌̇Ṱ̷̤͔̾͊̅R̶̬͔̤͍̲̰̜͍͗̊Ö̵̱̻́Ǘ̶̧̧̖͕͖̞̥̋͂̈́̓̽̈́B̴̛͙̹̬͈̪̍̆̏́Ḽ̴̰̤̺̞̻̮̓͊̀̕͘E̸̻̝͉͕̓̒ remembering things sometimes, but that doesn't stop him from working hard with a smile. Though, that isn't to say that he's. free of problems. The crowbar his boss gave him sometimes makes him feel w̶e̵i̷r̴d̷-

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1 year ago

Wandering in an ash storm

Wandering In An Ash Storm

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1 year ago
"Graffiti Scratched On A Desk In Chamberlain Junior High School:

"Graffiti scratched on a desk in Chamberlain Junior High School:

Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, but Carrie White eats skit."

"...even the time Chris Hargensen called up after school from the Kelly Fruit Company downtown and asked her if she knew that pig poop was spelled C-A-R-R-I-E."

"...the bank of fluorescents embedded in the ceiling was not particularly kind to her pale complexion. But he saw for the first time (because it was the first time he had really looked) that she was far from repulsive. Her face was round rather than oval, and the eyes were so dark that they seemed to cast shadows beneath them, like bruises. Her hair was darkish blonde, slightly wiry <...>. The lips were full, almost lush."

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1 year ago

Fun Fact:

A standard swimming pool in the good ol' US of A can hold about 13,500 gallons of water. An average human adult contains ~1.5 gallons of blood. With a bit of simple division you will find that it would take the blood of ~9,000 grown adults to fill a swimming pool. And before anybody asks, yes I did make two separate google searches to make this post.

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1 year ago

thats cool and all, but we need to know how much urine the average adult pisses so we can fill a full 13,500 gallon swimming pool with piss.

Fun Fact:

A standard swimming pool in the good ol' US of A can hold about 13,500 gallons of water. An average human adult contains ~1.5 gallons of blood. With a bit of simple division you will find that it would take the blood of ~9,000 grown adults to fill a swimming pool. And before anybody asks, yes I did make two separate google searches to make this post.

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10 months ago

Me and my friend,Compa,made Adam and Lute Fters in TSW. We vibed,vibed hard and we're doing it again tomorrow for the extermination of the server. (I'm Lute,they're Adam) I love my friends:)

Me And My Friend,Compa,made Adam And Lute Fters In TSW. We Vibed,vibed Hard And We're Doing It Again

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The internet could change next week, and not in a good way

You may have heard about the efforts in Europe to reform copyright law. The debate has been ongoing in the European Parliament for months. If approved next week, these new regulations would require us to automatically filter and block content that you upload without meaningful consideration of your right to free expression. 

We respect the copyrights and trademarks of others, and we take all reports seriously to ensure that your creative expression is protected. We make this clear in our Community Guidelines. There’s already a legal framework that works and is fair: Today we take down posts and media that contain allegedly infringing content when we receive a valid DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) takedown request. We also provide clear-cut ways for people to fight back if they believe their removed content was not a true violation. These instances are monitored and reported and live in our biannual transparency report. 

The suggestion to use automated filters for issues of copyright is short-sighted at best and harmful at worst. Automated filters are unable to determine whether a use should be considered “fair use” under the law and are unable to determine whether a use is authorized by a license agreement. They are unable to distinguish legitimate parody, satire, or even your own personal pictures that could be matched with similar photographs that have been protected by someone else. We don’t believe that technology should replace human judgment. Tumblr is and always has been a place for creative expression, and these new regulations would only make it harder for you to express yourself with the freedom and clarity you do so now. 

If you access Tumblr from Europe and want to act, you can find more information on 

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9 months ago

Good boy goin' for a walk with his little kitty fren


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