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8 months ago
Good Omens + Text Posts
Good Omens + Text Posts
Good Omens + Text Posts
Good Omens + Text Posts

Good Omens + text posts

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11 months ago

Here's a crossover nobody asked for, but has wormed its way into my head and won't leave: Good Omens × The Magnus Archives.

To clarify, not characters taken from one and put in the other's setting, both characters and settings put together in a weird soup.

I know the crossover doesn't make any sense, but the thought of the Them and the NotThem existing in the same universe greatly amuses me.

Further ramblings below the cut.

I've been debating between the Fears being an invention of Hell that has gone out of control and them being completely unrelated, outside beings with a power level closer to God, I feel like the first option diminishes their status a bit, but it is funnier. Maybe there could be a connection between them and the four riders of the apocalypse?

I want there to be a concrete divide between the divine/occult and eldritch, so that it's not just Hell's horror department and Angels and Demons are separate from monsters and avatars. But in universe not a lot of people know about the existence of either (aside from faith of course, which isn't the same as knowledge), so the ones that do encounter them have little to no basis for telling them apart. Also the Fears have a more active presence on Earth, so Angels and Demons often get mistaken for avatars by those in the know about the Fears.

The broad strokes of both narratives stay the same, so the GO apocalypse is prevented, but then TMA eyepocalypse happens and GO's characters are really salty about it. The eyepocalypse doesn't trigger a war between Heaven and Hell because of a legal loophole.

Tadfield is completely immune to the influence of all the fears because of Adam's powers, like Salesa's safehouse during the eyepocalypse or like how Aziraphale and Crowley hid Gabriel from Heaven and Hell with a miracle. Aziraphale's bookshop and the building with elevators to Heaven and Hell are the same in that aspect due to the concentration of divine/occult energy. This also applies during the eyepocalypse.

Aziraphale is Jurgen Leitner's biggest hater. He drunkenly made the Jurgen Leitner rant™ in universe while Crowley was cackling and wheezing on the floor. He's been "in correspondence" with Jonah Magnus 200 years ago and is the reason Jonah got obsessed with immortality in the first place. They first met each other at a discreet gentlemen's book club. Aziraphale deeply regrets ever talking to him. He had to fight off Mike Crew with a broom, when he was still looking for a Leitner to call his own. People in the know about the Fears, but not the existance of Angels and Demons assume Aziraphale to be an avatar of the Eye, possibly another Archivist.

Crowley's assumed to be an avatar too, but noone can agree what fear he serves. For a time Desolation was a popular theory, which he hated. Now they lean more toward the Web, the Stranger or the Spiral. He knew Maxwell Rayner back when he was Edmond Halley, because they were both in the astronomy circles at the time. A lot of the things he takes credit for on his reports to Hell are actually the doing of Fear avatars, it works out, because Hell refuses to acknowledge the Fears as a point of pride and noone bothers to check.

Gertrude thought about blowing up the bookshop, but Aziraphale convinced her otherwise. They had tea.

Jared Hopworth called Aziraphale a slur once and had to promptly change career paths.

Jon and Martin passed through Tadfield at some point during the eyepocalypse and met Adam. It was kind of awkward, but they got to pet Dog.

Agnes Nutter wasn't an avatar, she was just like that. Her prophecies mostly didn't concern the Fears, aside from telling one of her descendants not to go to the hundred and fifth house on a road atop a hill.

Anathema and Newt stay as far away from the Fears as possible, especially after Newt's encounter with Sergey Ushanka (Newt accidentally deleted him).

Everyone thinks Shadwell and Tracy are avatars, of the Hunt and the End respectively. They're not. They're just scammers. Tracy likes that it makes her seem more legitimate. Shadwell doesn't like the Fears, but he doesn't count them as witchcraft (except for the Flesh, because nipples, obviously), so he doesn't really care.

Nina and Maggie on the other hand are avatars. They're pretty good at hiding it though. Not sure which ones, probably the End and the Vast. Nina's ex is an avatar of Corruption.

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1 year ago
Inktober Day 10 - FortuneI Like To Think Aziraphale Goes To Visit Madame Tracy Every Once In A While
Inktober Day 10 - FortuneI Like To Think Aziraphale Goes To Visit Madame Tracy Every Once In A While
Inktober Day 10 - FortuneI Like To Think Aziraphale Goes To Visit Madame Tracy Every Once In A While

Inktober Day 10 - Fortune I like to think Aziraphale goes to visit Madame Tracy every once in a while for tea as a thank you for the lift during the apocalypse. Crowley begrudgingly tags along (because of course he does)

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1 year ago
Lasagna MuffinsIn Muffin Tins, Individual Portions Of Lasagna Can Be Prepared. For A Quick Dinner On

Lasagna Muffins In muffin tins, individual portions of lasagna can be prepared. For a quick dinner on the go, simply layer wonton wrappers, spaghetti sauce, and cheese!

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1 year ago
Bread - High-Fiber Maple Brekkie MuffinsWhole Wheat Flour, Cinnamon, Nonfat Milk, Maple Syrup, Brown

Bread - High-Fiber Maple Brekkie Muffins Whole wheat flour, cinnamon, nonfat milk, maple syrup, brown sugar, and apples are the main ingredients in these quick and simple, high-fiber breakfast muffins.

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5 years ago
Good Omens, Because I Have Watched This Show Too Many Times Already And I Still Love It.

Good Omens, because I have watched this show too many times already and I still love it.


Now that it's summer, it's time to post more often again

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5 years ago
I Painted Good Omens On My School Agenda!!
I Painted Good Omens On My School Agenda!!
I Painted Good Omens On My School Agenda!!

I painted Good Omens on my school agenda!! 

I've been wanting to post this for so long but my computer kept giving me an error message oof.

(yes @gothslutbaybee I am finally posting it)

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4 years ago

I am making stickers for a friend because her laptop has only two

I Am Making Stickers For A Friend Because Her Laptop Has Only Two

I am still trying to make my printer print it properly

Also hopefully ill make more?

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11 months ago
Goran Visnjic As Nicholae SchillerRed Widow - The Recorder (Part One Of This Gif Set)
Goran Visnjic As Nicholae SchillerRed Widow - The Recorder (Part One Of This Gif Set)
Goran Visnjic As Nicholae SchillerRed Widow - The Recorder (Part One Of This Gif Set)
Goran Visnjic As Nicholae SchillerRed Widow - The Recorder (Part One Of This Gif Set)
Goran Visnjic As Nicholae SchillerRed Widow - The Recorder (Part One Of This Gif Set)
Goran Visnjic As Nicholae SchillerRed Widow - The Recorder (Part One Of This Gif Set)

Goran Visnjic as Nicholae Schiller Red Widow - The Recorder (Part one of this Gif set)

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11 months ago

best brownies in the known universe (at least, according to my grandma)

some year and a half ago when i was getting ready to move out i combed through all the family recipes that lay lost to time and one of the ones that i found was my grandmas brownie recipe. idk where she got it from (nor can i ask cause she has dementia) and its a printed out email she sent to my mom in june 2000. but by george these the best brownies i have ever tasted. would she be pleased that i am sharing this recipe with my vast following? absolutely.


5 tablespoons butter (unsalted) 1 ounce unsweetened baking chocolate (or as much as your heart desires) 2/3 cup unsweetened good cocoa powder 1 cup sugar (white) (superfine preferred, normal works fine) 1 cup sifted white flour (can use gluten free) 1/2 teaspoon baking powder as much cinnamon as your heart desires (your heart needs to desire at least some cinnamon. its essential to the recipe) 3 egg whites 1 egg splash of vanilla extract (again, non negotiable step!)

preheat your oven to 325 degrees. grease a square baking pan (9x9 preferably).

in a small saucepan over medium heat melt the butter and baking chocolate. while that is melting, sift together the flour, baking powder and cinnamon into a small bowl. once the butter and chocolate is done melting add the cocoa powder and cook it together for 1 minute. add in the sugar and stir. it will get very thick. this is correct.

set that aside to cool. while thats cooling take a large bowl and put in your egg whites, egg and vanilla. beat it up with preferably a whisk but you can use a fork if youre fresh out of whisks. once the chocolate is cool enough to not scramble your eggs dump it in the eggs and mix it together. add the flour in gradually and keep mixing until its smooth and happy.

spread into your greased baking pan. put it in the oven for EXACLTLY 18 MINUTES. very crucial step. they will come out slightly under done. that is what we want. as they cool they will continue to cook in the pan. we dont want them to get hard and sad. they are not good when they are hard and sad. do not overbake them. you will be sad.

slice them up and as the official last step on the original recipe says: EAT ENJOY AND MAKE MORE! (theyre very good with mint chocolate chip ice cream)

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5 months ago

EEEEE favorite gomens character?

SHKRHEJK Crowley I literally am Crowley. But also Beelzebub is also a fav

fun fact theoretically five out of every twelve songs on my gomens playlist should be by Hozier

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7 months ago

help get a cute robot plush made!

Help Get A Cute Robot Plush Made!

artifisouls is a scifi webcomic about a robot who wakes up in an unknown place with no memories of who he is, only going by what he can make of the lettering on his arm, skittie. skittie tries to learn about what his past is while meeting a vast array of characters, including other robots and all sorts of beings! it's a beautifully drawn story filled with action and mystery that i can't recommend enough to robot fans!

Help Get A Cute Robot Plush Made!
Help Get A Cute Robot Plush Made!
Help Get A Cute Robot Plush Made!

you can read it here! it's currently ongoing, so there's more to come after you check it out!

On the vast planet Arata, a robot named Skittie wakes up in a strange place with no memory of his past. While uncovering his origin and purp

the creator, artifisoap, has the opportunity to launch a campaign on makeship to make a plushie of skittie, the main character of artifisouls! this is exciting, especially since artifisoap has described artifisouls as their biggest passion project in the past few years. i'm sure it would mean a lot if the plush campaign got fully funded!

plus, skittie is super cute. look at them.

Help Get A Cute Robot Plush Made!
Help Get A Cute Robot Plush Made!
Help Get A Cute Robot Plush Made!

i (mod nicole) and mod turing are huge fans of artifisouls, and we'd really like the skittie plush to succeed! please consider chipping in for the $2 preorder so we can see it come to life, and sharing so others can join in!

the ending date is august 18th, so get those pre-orders in!

Skittie Plushie
Introducing your favorite robot boi, Skittie! Give him hugs, take him on adventures or show him off to your friends! He'll appreciate the at

if you pledged and/or shared, thank you so much! even just reading means a lot. if i've gotten just one more person to read artifisouls, i'm happy. have a good day everyone!

Help Get A Cute Robot Plush Made!

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6 months ago

That specific shot of shadow gliding on the water does irreparable things to my brain chemistry, what if I said I was insane

That Specific Shot Of Shadow Gliding On The Water Does Irreparable Things To My Brain Chemistry, What

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1 year ago


I don't think I'll have enough time to do it but I'll try my best on my side ! Thanks a lot, Sendarya ! ♥ I hope the fandom will hear your invitation.

Every fan is invited to the First Annual Good Omens Got Talent!

All ages and skill levels welcome. From still art to short skits, from cosplay to knitting, if it's Good Omens themed art or talent, this is the place to show it off!

Spread the word. I'd love to get the entire GO's fan community involved. Check out the official site for rules, and the submissions form.


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1 year ago

Nice explanation ! I wanted to add something else to your thought. Another crime from the Metatron is to show Azi how much Crowley hates Heaven, and by metaphor again, showing how much he hates angels from there. But Azi is an angel, so he's maybe just hearing "I hate Heaven and angels ! I hate YOUR nature ! I hate EVERYTHING about YOU !", because Azi always refers himself as an angel through the whole series. If Crowley refuses to work with him, Aziraphale wouldn't have another answer about why Crowley do that : since Before the Beggining, they were working together several times without this to be a barricade between them. But now, Metatron give him the offer to become Supreme Archangel and a leader of the next biggest decisions. If Crowley doesn't like him because of being Supreme Archangel, it means he has never liked Aziraphale at all because he is an angel who obbeys Heaven, and by extension, he never really liked Aziraphale. The scene where he's saying "I think you don't understand what I'm offering you" sounds condescending, but maybe it means "If you liked what we did before by saving the world, why would you want to stop me when I will be able to change everything for good with you on my side ?" Crowley's answer is insulting and not complete at all. And then, the kiss. Aziraphale was already confused by Crowley's refusal, and the kiss added a lot of confusion. At first, Aziraphale is surprised, but the second he understand what's happening physically, we can see he's hesitating between pushing himself against Crowley or pushing Crowley away from him. As the battle inside his head ends, he makes up his mind : Crowley's trying to make him stay on Earth, to make him stay here at the lowest as possible by risking Aziraphale's safety, while he could fall just by wanting to stay with Crowley. Crowley seems selfish by doing that, while Aziraphale wanted to work to make things better. This is not the first time Crowley show selfishness. In the book, (SPOILER TIME !!!!!!) when Adam defeated the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Satan is coming. Instead of staying there, Crowley runs to a Jeep around there, with the aim of fleeing elsewhere before trouble comes. Aziraphale comes to him and explains that there is nowhere to go, nothing to lose by facing Satan, and Crowley finally agrees and stays. In the series, Crowley ask Aziraphale to leave Earth with him a lot of times before the Appocalypse, and then at the end of Season 2. There is one time Crowley tries to face his problems : this is when Hastur and Ligur comes to him to kill him, and then he succeeds to kill Ligur and to flee Hastur. He did that because Aziraphale gave him Holy Water. When Aziraphale is here, Crowley usually doesn't feel the need to go away. When Aziraphel is not with him or do not agree with him, Crowley alone is a coward or a runaway. And the only thing that could lead Aziraphale to abandon him to his doom was brought by Metatron. Aziraphale finally leaves Crowley on Earth, alone so not able to fight anything without his angel, and Aziraphale has the taste of bitterness because of Crowley's way to want him not go back to Heaven in a selfish way, wanting Aziraphale with himself only and not on the Up Side, where Aziraphale thinks he'll be capable of anything to make the Universe better.

Metatron is a masterpiece at manipulation, at understanding how people works, at knowing the weakness of each one. Metatron is the biggest ennemy since Season 1, and he succeeds at tearing appart the "us" Azi and Crowley had just for some years only. Being able to read the Book of Life (even without being able to interact with it) is a big help for Metatron to do that, as he seems to be the narrator when we can see all the flashbacks. And as always, I recall that those are only my thoughts about a story I love.

Aziraphale doesn't drink coffee

My friends, it feels obvious now, but I finally managed to put my fingers on what was bothering me about this specific exchange of lines:

Aziraphale Doesn't Drink Coffee

If you think about it, this exchange doesn't make sense. Aziraphale says:

"But I… I don't want to go back to Heaven. Where would I get my coffee?"

and the Metatron answers:

"You know, as Supreme Archangel, you would be able to decide who to work with."

What does being able to decide who to work with have anything to do with coffee?

At first, like many of us, I had interpreted the scene as Aziraphale using the coffee as a metaphor for expressing his love for Earth and earthly pleasures, and the Metatron slyly throwing the Crowley's restored angelic status card on the table to force him to change his mind, as if Crowley was the one important thing that could make Aziraphale forget all other things on Earth.

But here's the thing - and I don't know why I never noticed it before: as far as we know, Aziraphale doesn't drink coffee.

If I am not mistaken, there are only three explicit coffee references in the two seasons: the "six shots of espresso," the espresso cup that sits in front of Crowley on the table at the Ritz in s1ep1, and the two mugs in s1ep2 when Aziraphale and Crowley stops at a sort of dining place to discuss how to find the lost Antichrist. Now, unlike with the expresso cup at the Ritz, where we have an above shot that clearly shows traces of coffee, we don't see what's inside the two mugs here. But I don't think Aziraphale's one contains coffe: he's not even aware that caffeine is definitely does not "calm people down," it's very clearly not his thing.

Furthermore, we do know what his things are: little restaurants, sushi, classical music, old bookshops, tea, crepes, French wine… not coffee.

When the Metatron asks him to become Supreme Archangel, he could say "where would I get my sushi?" or "where would I get my books" or "where would I get my records" which is an actual line that he pronounced earlier while talking to Maggie.

Instead he says "coffee."

And then it struck me: Aziraphale is never associated with coffee. But Crowley is.

That's what he's saying, probably unconsciously: when he says "where would I get my coffee?" he's not expressing his love for Earth, he's expressing his love for Crowley.

He could even be doing this without realizing it, as a form of involuntary codification (codification like in Freud's or Matte Blanco's theories of unconscious mind: where something seated deep inside you hooks onto some minor detail outside and starts speaking through your words as if on its own accord). After all, this particular morning, after the emotional strain of the ball, the demonic attack during the night, and the unexpected revelation of Gabriel and Beelzebub relationship, seems to me like the sort of moment in which some amount of brain fog is to be expected, even for an angel.

But the Metatron sees straight through him, possibly even more clearly than he sees through himself, and gives an answer that ignores the superficial codification and address directly the deep meaning. He doesn't say: "as Supreme Archangel you would be able to pop down here whenever you want and have as much coffee as you like." He immediately sees that "where would I get my coffee?" means "how could I be together with Crowley?" and makes his dirty move of dangling the idea of restoring Crowley to his former angelic status in front of Aziraphale's face because he knows that this is the one and only point.

And now I really, really, really hope that in s3 we will see Supreme Archangel Aziraphale sending someone on Earth to get him some coffee - maybe a big cup with six shots of espresso in it and nothing else - and then grabbing the paper cup with a pain, strenght, and desperation that nobody else would understand.

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3 years ago

reblog and put in the tags songs where max volume just isn’t enough.

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7 years ago
I Wanted Draw Midoriya Going Super Sayian...

I wanted draw Midoriya going super sayian...

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