Fruit Bat - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
People Loved This Fruit Bat On Insta

People loved this fruit bat on insta

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1 year ago
A Fruit Bat Sharing His Lunch With A Butterfly.

A fruit bat sharing his lunch with a butterfly.

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7 years ago
A Great Big Something I Worked On For Drawing Class. Totally Wrecked My Shoulders Laying Down And Blending

A great big something I worked on for drawing class. Totally wrecked my shoulders laying down and blending charcoal :/ the sacrifices I make for art...

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4 years ago
A Tribute To Avicii | Early 2019 | SPEEDPAINT

A Tribute to Avicii | early 2019 | SPEEDPAINT

Reposting some of my favorite paintings from the past year or so. This piece is rather personal to me, all info below the cut from the original description! 

Rest in peace, Tim. </3

“[April 20th, 2018], Tim Bergling, better known under his stage name, Avicii, passed away. I wrote about my feelings regarding this in detail last year, so I won't ramble on for too long, but after creating this, I feel liberated, I think this is what I needed to make to move on. This is one of my favorite pieces, deeply personal to me, and I hope the passion that went into it is visible. Here's to the man, I know he was perpetually and horribly stressed in life, so I hope he's finally at peace. Thought the Bismarck flying fox fit due to the angular white markings on its face, it's truly a beautiful animal. The background is inspired by his songs "The Days," "The Nights," and "Sunset Jesus." The composition of the piece is a reference to his logo: ◢ ◤”

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8 years ago

Tenkai OC: ???

Tenkai OC: ???

I brought forth an OC for Tenkai Knights finally! I haven’t decided a name for him yet, but i’ll up date. For now call him: Bernardo. ps. his looks is subject to change. Age: 14 (but looks fifteen) height: tall likes: fruits, honey, sweets, pranks (ones that don’t hurt anyone) being a bit flamboyant, dancing and being a bit of a romantic. and being around his girls -yes he has a harem of Girls but none of it is romantic, more like he is just happier being around Girls more then guys. dislikes: fighting (but will, if have to.) his clothes dirty and/or torn, ANYONE who messes with his girls... and just being a jerk overall. personality: he loves to be flirty and having fun, and the occasional pranks -if they are harmless, if not then he’ll just part take in it. He also loves to be in the spot light but he would never steal it from anyone of course. He loves all things bright and colorful and happy! But never ask him to put up a fight, it’s just not in his nature. plus he nows that he can kick your butt anyways. His most important trait though is his love for his friends (especially his Girls)! And DO NOT EVER ATTACK HIS ANY OF THEM! he will kill you by that point. where he lives: Benham city. animal that his Tenkai represents: is the fruit Bat. (i’ll expain later) i’ll add more later, but bye!

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5 months ago

Fruit bat noises, apparently. If you care

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6 months ago

Fruit vampire Kakyoin!

For a friend in another magma sesh

Fruit Vampire Kakyoin!

He looks so silly, I didn’t know what I was doing with his outfit and it’s almost like he’s wearing a onesie or PJs

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3 years ago
Egyptian Fruit Bat (Rousettus Aegyptiacus), Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium, 2020, Jey Schroeder

Egyptian Fruit Bat (Rousettus aegyptiacus), Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium, 2020, Jey Schroeder

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