Galahad - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago


Total time: 9 hours (4 hours lining and sketching, 5 hours coloring and rendering)

Please feel free to zoom in and spot all of the tiny details. There are some easter eggs pertaining to the positioning of Merlahad & Percilot.

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8 months ago

This is such a pretty pretty piece of art

And it's Leyendecker referenced too 😭

Kingsman Goatedd
Kingsman Goatedd

kingsman goatedd

[scrapped composition of the 2nd drawing and my yapping under the cut]

Kingsman Goatedd

i saw the most wonderful pair of butterfly socks on insta and thought it would fit Harry!

also is it rlly a post from me without referencing J.C Leyendecker some way? this time it's taken from Arrow Collars advertisements

Harry had reminded me of the Arrow Collar Man anyways, he has that poise and elegance to him

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7 years ago

This is so god damn accurate it hurts. I need to show this to my sister.

Kingsman: the Golden Circle - a gif summary











Agent Whiskey




Ginger Ale


Agent Tequila




bonus: Elton John


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3 years ago
"I Think It Sounds Like A Bright Idea..."
"I Think It Sounds Like A Bright Idea..."
"I Think It Sounds Like A Bright Idea..."
"I Think It Sounds Like A Bright Idea..."

"I think it sounds like a bright idea..."

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3 years ago
So I Want To Make A Roleplay Server An Idea I Have For An Arthurian Legends Group Rp.

So I want to make a Roleplay server an idea I have for an Arthurian Legends group rp.

So the story is that the citizens of Camelot were all reincarnated and, due to the Lady of the Lake finding them, all 'woke up'. Now with competing memories of themselves in the mediaeval and modern era, they work together to find a balance between the memories and hopefully thrive together in peace.



- This will take place on Discord

- These are characters with a certain personality, appearance, etc. So please respect the original

- Make sure you chose a character you can actually play

- Please use 3rd person/ narrator perspective and paragraph formatting when roleplaying

- Comment with who you want to play so I can send you the discord link

Here is the list of characters:

Characters - Arthurian Legends
Google Docs
Sheet1 CHARACTERS,STATUS King Arthur,OPEN Guinevere,OPEN Lancelot,CLOSED Galahad,OPEN Gwain,OPEN Morgana,OPEN Dinadan,OPEN Galehaut,OPEN Mo

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1 year ago

the lady of the lake: autism be damned my boy can joust

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1 year ago

This is how I imagine the grail knights talking

Call her a flashbang the way I um. She. Um. Sorry guys it’s a bit embarrassing

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1 year ago

it's always so fascinating and heartbreaking when a character in a story is simultaneously idolized and abused. a chosen prophet destined for martyrdom. a child prodigy forced to grow up too fast. a powerful warrior raised as nothing but a weapon. there's just something so uniquely messed up about singing someone's praises whilst destroying them.

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1 year ago

His true power is audacity

galahad seeing a object that will bring grievous harm on anyone that trys to acheive it and isnt the best knight (ex, the siege perilous, his sword from the floating rock, his shield from the abbey, the grail, i mean geez galahad i know its your destiny but-):

Galahad Seeing A Object That Will Bring Grievous Harm On Anyone That Trys To Acheive It And Isnt The

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1 year ago
Galahad On The Quest

galahad on the quest

details under cut

Galahad On The Quest
Galahad On The Quest
Galahad On The Quest

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8 months ago

Everyone is talking about Gawain serenading Mordred (or them having a duet)... But what if a very shy and reserved yet musically talented Mordred gathered his courage and went on to serenade Galahad?

Galahad would be completely caught off guard... And flustered. Really impressed too.

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6 months ago

yiss hello I have a question! How would the ROs in BOC react to an MC who reads out loud to them? I was selectively mute as a kid, so I used to read out loud to help me get used to speaking, (I never shut up now so it worked lol) anyways ty, I'm truly in love with your work! :')

Thank you!

Gawain - if it's a story, he asks to do voices together and have fun

Elaine- enjoys listening to Mordred read to them, probably just stares at them lovingly as they do, play with Mordred's hair

Galahad - enjoys it, makes him smile softly at Mordred, hold their hand

Nimue - has a very soothing voice so she likes to return the favor, taking turns reading

Isac- holds Mordred in their lap as they read, probably distracts them by getting handsy

Sophie - stays in Mordred's lap, listens to them read

Agravain- cuddles with Mordred and if Mordred plays with their hair they're even happier

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6 months ago

I ABSOLUTELY suck at cooking no matter how hard I try! I dunno why. would the ROs react to a sweet Mordred you cooked smth for them. The food looks pretty good but the taste?? God will yeet you out of your mortal coil. ^^;

Gawain - tries his best to eat it, makes a show of saying how much he likes it. He can't hurt Mordred's feelings! And they made it with love, so that's what matters.

Elaine - tries her best. She really does. But the moment she bites into it, it shows on her face how awful it tastes. She insists otherwise, but she's not very convincing.

Galahad - stoic face, the only thing that may betray him are his watering eyes. Tries to say something good about it when Mordred asks how it is.

Sophie - tries it and immediately chokes on it. She'll be honest - it's not the best, but she absolutely appreciates it. Maybe just let it to the cooks? Or perhaps she can hire a chef to teach Mordred how to cook.

Nimue - tries her best to keep a calm face, and manages, quickly hiding any grimace with a smile. She suggests they cook together next time. So she can give Mordred some pointers and find out how they managed to cook this.

Isac - takes a bite then tries to distract Mordred with flirting so they forget about the food

Agravain - attempts to compliment them even as it's clear they don't like it, then finally admit it and say they really appreciate it despite the taste

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5 months ago

Galahad is gonna get befriended so hard. watch your back knight boy mordred's going to approach you with friendship bracelets in approximately 5 seconds


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4 months ago

Will Galahad apologize or express obvious remorse for his previous treatment of a good Mordred? If so, how would he react if Mordred told him not to worry about it because they were used to being treated that way?

He would apologize, and that would hurt him, realizing what Mordred is going through.

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8 months ago
King Arthur (2004) 20th Anniversary Celebration 1-7 July 2024 - Prompts!

King Arthur (2004) 20th anniversary celebration 1-7 July 2024 - prompts!

Here are the prompts for the 20th anniversary celebration event! Each day has a theme and some suggested sub-themes - feel free to interpret them however you like!

Day 1 - Monday 1 July: beginnings

first meetings, leaving Sarmatia, arriving in Britain, settling in at the Wall

Day 2 - Tuesday 2 July - love

platonic, romantic, OTPs, OT3s

Day 3 - Wednesday 3 July - loyalty

to Arthur, to Rome, to each other, loyalty tested, proven, broken

Day 4 - Thursday 4 July - home

where is home? Rome, Sarmatia, Britain, each other?

Day 5 - Friday 5 July - sacrifice

what do you lay down your life for? is it worth it?

Day 6 - Saturday 6 July - loss

what does it mean to be the one left behind? how do you carry on afterwards?

Day 7 - Sunday 7 July - endings

happy or otherwise, after the battle, everybody lives, a brave new world

All fanworks are welcome - just remember to tag us @ka20th and #ka20th so we can see and reblog your contributions. And have fun!

faq and rules

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