Roleplay Server - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Space Riders RP server is officially Public!

Hey ho, hello smiling critters community! i know you guys like your Smiling Critters, your roleplays, AND sharing ocs, as well as liking my AU, space riders

For the longest time i had many ask me to open up the server, so after much decision, i've decided on creating a RP server solely focusing on Smiling Critter's Space Riders AU!

Check out the Space Riders RP server community on Discord - hang out with 15 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.

Come along and travel the stars with us!

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1 year ago

Please join my Twilight Roleplay server😭 We have simple and easy to follow rules and we are fruity🌈

We allow the ages of 12-17

Be mindful that the owner is a minor

Completely sfw, meaning sexual content is NOT allowed

We accept anyone from any fandom[Except Alfred's Playhouse]

We do not accept or support glorifying/glamifying mental condition, SA, SH, etc[If we see you doing that it's an instant ban]

Please don't start or bring any drama into the server

Just be kind and respectful of each other please!

Come and project onto your favorite Twilight characters today!! :D


Check out the πŸ–€πŸ₯€β™‘Twilightβ™‘πŸ–€πŸ¦‹ community on Discord - hang out with 10 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.
Please Join My Twilight Roleplay Server We Have Simple And Easy To Follow Rules And We Are Fruity
Please Join My Twilight Roleplay Server We Have Simple And Easy To Follow Rules And We Are Fruity
Please Join My Twilight Roleplay Server We Have Simple And Easy To Follow Rules And We Are Fruity
Please Join My Twilight Roleplay Server We Have Simple And Easy To Follow Rules And We Are Fruity
Please Join My Twilight Roleplay Server We Have Simple And Easy To Follow Rules And We Are Fruity
Please Join My Twilight Roleplay Server We Have Simple And Easy To Follow Rules And We Are Fruity
Please Join My Twilight Roleplay Server We Have Simple And Easy To Follow Rules And We Are Fruity
Please Join My Twilight Roleplay Server We Have Simple And Easy To Follow Rules And We Are Fruity

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10 months ago

Who would be interested in joining a dsaf/fnaf discord server...?

It would include Fnaf, Dsaf, the Fnaf Movie, the Rebornica AU, etc!!

You'd be able to roleplay and use tuppers, chat and draw amazing art:3

You can get roles of the character you roleplay too:3

And if you wanna just chat instead of role-playing that's fine too!!

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10 months ago
Check out the π™΅πš’πšŸπšŽ π™½πš’πšπš‘πšπšœ π™°πš π™Όπš›. π™΅πš’πšŸπšŽ π™±πšŽπšŠπš›πšœ community on Discord - hang out with 14 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.

Join my small Fnaf Server:3

We have

Tupperbox & Pluralkit to Roleplay!!

Interesting character roles from different Fnaf Fandoms like the Fnaf Movie, Rebornica AU, DSAF, Security Breach, and more!

We are a lgbtqia+, system & agere safe server!!

We are chaotic and mostly chill:3...And a little cursed(Π€Ο‰Π€)

Join My Small Fnaf Server:3
Join My Small Fnaf Server:3
Join My Small Fnaf Server:3
Join My Small Fnaf Server:3
Join My Small Fnaf Server:3
Join My Small Fnaf Server:3

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10 months ago

Fnaf: The Musical!MatPat

[Based on my Fnaf Roleplay Discord Server)

Fnaf: The Musical!MatPat

How I headcanon what happened during the fire in the musical:3

I also headcanon that Ness from the Fnaf Movie is Mat's identical twin brother:3

Fnaf: The Musical!MatPat
Check out the π™΅πš’πšŸπšŽ π™½πš’πšπš‘πšπšœ π™°πš π™Όπš›. π™΅πš’πšŸπšŽ π™±πšŽπšŠπš›πšœ community on Discord - hang out with 22 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.

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1 year ago

Total Drama Revival

Are you a fan of total drama island? Do you like to rp? Do you like to rp especially when it come to challenges! Romance! Drama! Action! And so much more!

Best part is that they're friendly in non human just as long they're acceptable to the server.

They're open and willing to accept another person in the new season submission.

Wanna know the rp link to the discord? Here it is!

Check out the Total Drama Revival community on Discord - hang out with 34 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.

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1 year ago

Total Drama Revival

Are you a fan of total drama island? Do you like to rp? Do you like to rp especially when it come to challenges! Romance! Drama! Action! And so much more!

Best part is that they're friendly in non human just as long they're acceptable to the server.

They're open and willing to accept another person in the new season submission.

Wanna know the rp link to the discord? Here it is!

Check out the Total Drama Revival community on Discord - hang out with 34 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.

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1 year ago

Total Drama Revival

Are you a fan of total drama island? Do you like to rp? Do you like to rp especially when it come to challenges! Romance! Drama! Action! And so much more!

Best part is that they're friendly in non human just as long they're acceptable to the server.

They're open and willing to accept another person in the new season submission.

Wanna know the rp link to the discord? Here it is!

Check out the Total Drama Revival community on Discord - hang out with 34 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.

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1 year ago

Total Drama Revival

Are you a fan of total drama island? Do you like to rp? Do you like to rp especially when it come to challenges! Romance! Drama! Action! And so much more!

Best part is that they're friendly in non human just as long they're acceptable to the server.

They're open and willing to accept another person in the new season submission.

Wanna know the rp link to the discord? Here it is!

Check out the Total Drama Revival community on Discord - hang out with 34 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.

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1 year ago

Total Drama Revival

Are you a fan of total drama island? Do you like to rp? Do you like to rp especially when it come to challenges! Romance! Drama! Action! And so much more!

Best part is that they're friendly in non human just as long they're acceptable to the server.

They're open and willing to accept another person in the new season submission.

Wanna know the rp link to the discord? Here it is!

Check out the Total Drama Revival community on Discord - hang out with 34 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.

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1 year ago

Total Drama Revival

Are you a fan of total drama island? Do you like to rp? Do you like to rp especially when it come to challenges! Romance! Drama! Action! And so much more!

Best part is that they're friendly in non human just as long they're acceptable to the server.

They're open and willing to accept another person in the new season submission.

Wanna know the rp link to the discord? Here it is!

Check out the Total Drama Revival community on Discord - hang out with 34 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.

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4 years ago

In Beach City, the Crystal Gems were minding their own business when an SOS caused a wailing stone to activate. Once they were able to actually get the message, they learned horrible news.

Pink Diamond, once Rose Quartz, had been captured and fell for one of the humans at her Zoo. She then gave up her form to be ST-3, or the new Pink Diamond.

The child was raised to k ow exactly how Homeworld worked but like Pink before, was thrown into solitary. Still shaky on human needs, and the fact Pink was now a human, they left him in there with no food, water, or a bed.

A Pearl he had seen got him a communication device, one so primitive it wouldn’t be missed. He knew there were gems on Earth, and that was the only thing his mind could come up with, so he contacted them, hoping they could come rescue him.

As the Crystal Gems landed quietly, they quickly found the solitary confinement room where Pink was held, Pearl easily breaking in.



- This will take place on Discord

- This is NOT OC friendly

- Please use 3rd person/ narrator perspective and paragraph formatting

Characters in All:

- Steven (CLOSED)

- Pearl (CLOSED)


- Amethyst (CLOSED)

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4 years ago

I need a main character and a lot more characters for this Roleplay discord group I am creating! There are a ton of roles needing to be filled, so yeah. I have a link to the list below. Here is the basic plot of the story:

In the realms of history, there have been many magical items. Some of these have been used for evil, some good, some not used at all.

One of these is a book that has been passed down from generation to generation but no one quite knows how it words, so it’s just a book to most.

...that is til it’s passed down to our main character of this story.

Once they get it, they accidentally release a single character from the book, one of the most well known villains and pirates ever, Captain James Hook.

After this, they began trying to help him come to terms with the world around them and his new situation.

After this, they began releasing more storybook characters, one after another.



- please only apply for a character you can actually play

- While these are characters with a certain personality, appearance, etc. you can make them your own as long as you respect the original

- Please use 3rd person/ narrator perspective and paragraph formatting when roleplaying

- If you are applying for the main character, please know you have to be on a good bit of time in the roleplays and I will need to know that you won’t do something stupid like β€˜and then everyone died. The end.’

Here is the list of characters:

Google Docs
Sheet1 NAMES,STATUS Main Character,Open Captain Hook,Closed Peter Pan,Open Tinker bell,Open Snow White,Open Cinderella,Open Prince Charming

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4 years ago

A different universe from our own, the Guardians of Childhood are slightly off from the joyous versions we know.

Acting as ours, they have slight variations. If a Guardian finds a child who is hurt and lonely, or out all alone, or even has horrible guardians, they shed their friendly and kind appearance and kill whoever harmed the child before taking the child or even children away.

The Guardians give powers and gifts to the children they save and some become their helpers. Tooth’s fairies were once humans, as were North’s elves. Sandy and Aster don’t have as many as they and keep them in their own homes, Sandy just making sure they are well rested while Aster lets his paint.

Jack, however, only has one. His first believer Jamie Bennett. Bunny got Sophie, but soon it was seen that each of the children who helped them defeat Pitch were all in the same situation.

The Guardians took it upon themselves to rid the world of their parents, each taking a few of the children with them with North getting the twins, Tooth getting Pippa, Sandy getting Cupcake, Jack getting Jamie, and Aster getting Monty and Sophie.

Now, 50 years later, they are all still children but their appearances have changed, matching their Guardian counterparts in some ways.



- This will take place on Discord

- These are characters with a certain personality, appearance, etc. So please respect the original

- Make sure you chose a character you can play

- Please use 3rd person/ narrator perspective and paragraph formatting when roleplaying

- PM me with who you want to play so I can send you the discord link

Here is the list of characters:

Characters - ROTG
Google Docs
Sheet1 NAMES,STATUS Nicholas North,OPEN E. Aster Bunny,OPEN Toothania,OPEN Sanderson ,OPEN Jackson Frost,CLOSED Jamie Bennett,OPEN Sophie B

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4 years ago

In the modern era, many children are born. Of this many, three souls are brought back. The souls of King Arthur, his wife, and a good few knights and others are revived at the same time, destined to meet and hopefully change their fates. As they grow older, the all start to form the same roles as they had long ago. Arthur was the leader of the gang and always loved helping others, Guinevere was always singing and picking flowers while remaining calm and peaceful, Lancelot was always seen as the lower person to the two and was always willing to defend Guinevere, etc. Once they got older, Lance and Arthur confesses their feelings to Guinevere. She felt scared and trapped as she loved them both, memories of the past flooding them all. Knowing what happened the last time he fell for Guinevere, Lancelot offered to leave the two alone as he didn’t want to hurt his friends nor did he want to be hurt when everyone shunned him like before. Arthur, now sad of what he did in the past, decided to take it upon himself to find a way to make everyone happy. There, on the Internet, he found something called polyamory and it was as if a giant weight lifted off his shoulders. He told the two about it and explained, the three deciding to get into a relationship together and spent an entire day at Arthur’s discussing about limits, rules, and everything else. They made up for their past mistakes and now that everyone in the new circle has gotten their memories and time to be calm with themselves again, they all start to move past the things they have done to each other. They soon buy a good amount of land and build themselves a new Camelot, which is a small village where they all live.



- This will take place on Discord

- These are characters with a certain personality, appearance, etc. So please respect the original

- Make sure you chose a character you can play

- Please use 3rd person/ narrator perspective and paragraph formatting when roleplaying

- Comment with who you want to play so I can send you the discord link

Here is the list of characters:

Characters - Arthurian Legends
Google Docs
Sheet1 CHARACTERS,STATUS King Arthur,OPEN Guinevere,OPEN Lancelot,CLOSED Galahad,OPEN Gwain,OPEN Morgana,OPEN Dinadan,OPEN Galehaut,OPEN Mo

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4 years ago

So as someone who loves this idea as many do, I wanted to play it out with a few peeps. Whether it’s revealed to be headcanon or actual canon, it’s still a fun idea.

Basic plot:

Just another peaceful day in the Xavier Institute with the X-Men. No people trying to murder them, no mansion blowing up, just calm as everyone was sitting in the living room relaxing. That is, predictably, til a portal out of no where appears right under everyone’s favourite speedster.

A sound of surprise and a curse were all that was heard before he vanished through the floor, his goggles being the only trace he had been there at all...

As Peter wakes up in a well maintained lawn, he was utterly shocked at where he had ended up. It was...a suburban neighbourhood. Not the worst place to get kidnapped, but not the best. He doesn’t have much time to think about it before a woman with black hair makes herself known and everything goes black...



- Please only apply for a character you can actually play

- This will take place on Discord

- While these are characters with a certain personality, appearance, etc. you can make them your own as long as you respect the original

- Please use 3rd person/ narrator perspective and paragraph formatting when roleplaying


Characters - WV/X-M
Google Docs
Sheet1 CHARACTERS,STATUS Peter Maximoff,TAKEN Wanda Maximoff,Open Vision,Open Agatha,Open Monica,Open Nightcrawler,Open Prof. X,Open Erik M

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3 years ago

So as someone who loves this idea as many do, I wanted to play it out with a few peeps. Whether it’s revealed to be headcanon or actual canon, it’s still a fun idea.

Basic plot:

Just another peaceful day in the Xavier Institute with the X-Men. No people trying to murder them, no mansion blowing up, just calm as everyone was sitting in the living room relaxing. That is, predictably, til a portal out of no where appears right under everyone’s favourite speedster.

A sound of surprise and a curse were all that was heard before he vanished through the floor, his goggles being the only trace he had been there at all...

As Peter wakes up in a well maintained lawn, he was utterly shocked at where he had ended up. It was...a suburban neighbourhood. Not the worst place to get kidnapped, but not the best. He doesn’t have much time to think about it before a woman with black hair makes herself known and everything goes black...



- Please only apply for a character you can actually play

- This will take place on Discord

- While these are characters with a certain personality, appearance, etc. you can make them your own as long as you respect the original

- Please use 3rd person/ narrator perspective and paragraph formatting when roleplaying


Characters - WV/X-M
Google Docs
Sheet1 CHARACTERS,STATUS Peter Maximoff,TAKEN Wanda Maximoff,Open Vision,Open Agatha,Open Monica,Open Nightcrawler,Open Prof. X,Open Erik M

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3 years ago

So me and a few friends have a Seven Deadly Sins Roleplay server and we only have 3/7 filled and we are looking for more peeps to join.

Please note this is NOT the anime nor the characters in FMA. You create your own character, draw them, give them a backstory, etc.

Each sin is given these things:

- A hellhound as a bodyguard. As in a dog.

- Multiple powers! One that works on people, one on random things, and one that only their demonic side can use

- A room that is customised to them and them alone

Now there are a few things to note! We are all over the age of 18, plus there are 18+ themes, so we are expecting our fellow rpers to be 18+ as well. I mean, we have a personified being of Lust, so what do you expect? So yeah, expect blood, gore, and sexual themes.

Also we only do paragraph style and 3rd person type of Roleplay. No script, no first person. If you don’t know what these terms mean, I’m sorry.

These are the list of sins:

Seven Deadly Sins
Google Docs
Sheet1 Sins,STATUS Lust,CLOSED Greed,CLOSED Pride,CLOSED Sloth,Open Envy,Open Gluttony,Open Wrath,Open

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3 years ago

So I really wanted to make this for a long time, so I hope peeps like it! So this is the basic idea:

As Pro-Heroes and Heroes in Training alike corner who they assume to be the traitor, Izuku Midoriya, a twist is revealed. All of Class 1-A were villains in disguise, working together to take down all of Heroes at once with Midoriya, Bakugou, and Todoroki at the helm, they announce themselves to all the Pros as their own group of Villains. The League of Injustices.



- Please only apply for a character you can actually play

- This will take place on Discord

- PM me to inquire about getting a position

- Please use 3rd person/ narrator perspective and paragraph formatting when roleplaying


Characters -Villain MHA
Google Docs
Sheet1 CHARACTER,STATUS Yuuga Aoyama,Open Mina Ashido,Open Tsuyu Asui,Open Tenya lida,Open Kouji Kouda,Open Mashirao Ojiro,Open Denki Kamin

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3 years ago

So as someone who loves this idea as many do, I wanted to play it out with a few peeps. Whether it’s revealed to be headcanon or actual canon, it’s still a fun idea.

Basic plot:

Just another peaceful day in the Xavier Institute with the X-Men. No people trying to murder them, no mansion blowing up, just calm as everyone was sitting in the living room relaxing. That is, predictably, til a portal out of no where appears right under everyone’s favourite speedster.

A sound of surprise and a curse were all that was heard before he vanished through the floor, his goggles being the only trace he had been there at all...

As Peter wakes up in a well maintained lawn, he was utterly shocked at where he had ended up. It was...a suburban neighbourhood. Not the worst place to get kidnapped, but not the best. He doesn’t have much time to think about it before a woman with black hair makes herself known and everything goes black...



- Please only apply for a character you can actually play

- This will take place on Discord

- While these are characters with a certain personality, appearance, etc. you can make them your own as long as you respect the original

- Please use 3rd person/ narrator perspective and paragraph formatting when roleplaying


Characters - WV/X-M
Google Docs
Sheet1 CHARACTERS,STATUS Peter Maximoff,TAKEN Wanda Maximoff,Open Vision,Open Agatha,Open Monica,Open Nightcrawler,Open Prof. X,Open Erik M

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