Gaon X Reader - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Gaon drabble would've been out early had I not switched pov midway through. I have to go back and edit every other word now from I to you

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6 months ago

What Exactly are we Studying?

What Exactly Are We Studying?
What Exactly Are We Studying?
What Exactly Are We Studying?
What Exactly Are We Studying?

nerd!jiseok x nerd!reader

w/c: 3300

Smut & Fluff

Liv's smut debut!

warnings: smut, mirror sex, fingering, unprotected sex, reader is afab

What Exactly Are We Studying?

You huffed at the paper sitting before your face. You and Jiseok both loved physics, that's why you majored in it. A lot of your time together was spent studying already, but finals week was a whole different monster. You both had three days to cram for the exams. Jiseok glanced over to you with a smirk. You accidently glared back at him.

“Having a tough time?” he asks you. You rest your head on your hand and look at him, sighing in defeat.

“Yeah actually, I just don't get how to derive Maxwell's stupid equations.” you were stronger in understanding the concepts, while Jiseok was better at solving the math. You were especially bad at rearranging equations. It made you two a power team.

“Lemme see.” He leans over your shoulder from his seat and examines your paper. He starts to explain it, and you look at him, but you don't hear a word he's saying. You didn't even notice what you were doing until he stopped and smiled.

“Did you hear a thing I just said?” He asked. You feel your body tense in shock after returning from a trance. Jiseok was undeniably handsome, and despite knowing each other for twelve years with no issue, you began to fall in love with him over this past semester. Instinctively, you look down at his lips and back to his eyes, causing him to blush.

He liked you back and found it increasingly hard to sit idly and do nothing. He always desired you, and for some reason today, you looked a lot hotter than usual, causing him to feel a bit restless. The way your hair flowed and your glasses complimented your face. He tried to ignore the feeling between his legs. Now would be the worst time for a boner.

“Sorry, I zoned out
” You apologize. He sits down his pen and leans back in his swivel chair, turning it to face you.

“It is kinda hard to concentrate,” He admits. You couldn't agree more with that.

“How about we take a break?” He suggests. You look up at him, already feeling a bit less tired from the idea. You get up and plop on the bed behind you. Jiseok lies beside you. There’s been a couple of times when you both slept here, tonight would probably be one of those nights as well. He made sure to pack a good amount of his stuff as you stay together a lot during finals week.

“Have you ever thought about moving in?” you ask out of the blue. Jiseok doesn’t seem too caught off guard when he replies.

“Thought about it. I wasn’t sure how you’d feel about it though.” he states. You're not sure if it is a good idea. Don’t get me wrong, you love Jiseok- and well, that's the problem. You love Jiseok. Your feelings for him would only grow stronger if you got to see him all the time.

“I dunno, I haven't taken the time to actually consider it.”

“Maybe we could think about it.” he suggests and then it really crosses your mind how much fun living with him would be.You look over at his resting figure and smile at him. He returns the smile and his cuteness sends your heart in overdrive.

“Let’s finish our homework.” You get up and sit back down at the desk. The equations suddenly come to you as if laying beside Jiseok let some of his math ability seep into you. You finish the paper in ten minutes. It’s already late, one in the morning specifically, so you agreed to get ready for bed.

You take your pajamas and head for the bathroom. You quickly change, do your skincare, brush your teeth and brush your hair. When you get back to your room, you spot Jiseok putting his suitcase up. When he stands up, you get a full-figure view of him. He stands shirtless in nothing but a pair of pajama pants. You stop in your tracks and can’t help but stare. You didn’t know he was so nicely toned under his silly t-shirts with math puns on them.

He looks over to you, meeting your gaze with a smile, “Like what you see?” he arrogantly flexes. You’d be lying if you said no.

“Oh yeah, so sexy.” you say with a sarcastic tone. Little does he know, you’re not lying. He has to be the hottest guy you’ve ever crossed paths with. He giggles at your response and climbs in the bed. Though you’ve slept together many times before, you’ve never actually slept together. You haven’t done anything past sleeping. You turn off the light and lay down beside Jiseok.

“Hey, I’m cold.” he whines.

“Do you want another blanket?” You whisper back to him.


“How am I supposed to help you then?”

“You could cuddle me.” You can't help but smile at his request. You're sure to fall even further in love with him, but how could you say no? You wrap your arms around him and pull him closer to you, letting his head rest on your chest. He wraps his arm around your waist and hugs you. It appears he falls asleep quickly, but for you, it’s gonna be a challenge. You try to repress the feeling of his hand that gradually lowers until he’s holding your leg by the thigh. His hot breath caresses your neck. He eventually pulls your leg overtop of him, but still doesn’t let go of your thigh. You get more aroused with every second, every breath he takes. You’re sure that if you were to feel between your legs, you’d be soaked to the core. When you try to slip out of his grasp, he whines. He’s too cute to turn down, so you just accept the suffering. you hold him in your arms and run your fingers through his hair. In response, he snuggles into the crook of your neck. Though you’re painfully horny, your exhaustion takes over and Jiseok’s body heat finally soothes you to sleep.

The morning is bright, even through your closed curtains. You look over your friend’s shoulder to look at the clock. It’s nine in the morning. You need to be in class in an hour. Jiseok looks up at you, finally awake. You run your hand down his bare back and he smiles.

“Morning,” he says. His sleepy voice was raspy, reminding you of your soaked core from last night. You jump up, running to the bathroom. You hurriedly clean yourself up before returning to your room.

“JISEOK!” You squeal when you walk in. He didn’t close the door to change. You were left dumbfounded and staring at his completely naked body. You’re gonna have to go back to the bathroom.

“Shit- sorry, I guess I got used to being here.” he says nonchalantly while still getting dressed. He seemed unphased by you standing there seeing him unclothed. After he puts his pants on, he grabs a shirt from his suitcase and puts it on. It’s another one of his math pun tees that you’ve grown familiar with.

Without saying anything you go in and get your clothes for today and head back to the bathroom. You’ll certainly need a shower now. After getting ready, you get in his car and he drives you both to the science building. He apologizes to you in a quiet and serious tone.

“I really forgot I wasn’t home. Your place is more home to me than mine. I really should’ve been more mindful. I’m sorry.” You want to tell him not to apologize for honestly blessing your eyes and feeding your dirty fantasies.

“Don’t be sorry, I was just a little shocked.” You sat in silence for a moment before getting the courage to add to what you were saying.

“Not to mention, you’re some real eye candy, Seok.” He blushes at your comment.

“You think?” He looks at you with a shy smile. You didn’t know it, but he’s deeply in love with you. He could stay forever in your embrace like last night, and he plans on it too. He just isn’t sure how to yet. He gets out of the car and comes over to the passenger side to let you out. He closes the door and leans against the car.

“I'll pick you up after class?” he asks. You nod, excited to see your best friend again after class. He had to meet with his friends, maybe they could give him advice on how to confess to you.


“y/n!” Jiseok yells from afar. He's waiting for you outside of his small, black car. You excitedly wave and he waves back at you. You speed up to a jog to get over to Jiseok a little faster and jump into his arms.

“So?” He asks. You already know he's wondering about the practice test you had today. The real exam isn't for another two days.

“I got a perfect score!” You happily shove the paper in his hands. He takes a look at it and smiles at you.

“Just as I expected!” He hands the paper back to you with a proud smile. He opens the car door and closes it when you sit down inside. He's always had great manners and took very good care of you. Your parents both wanted you to marry him, and while that wasn't on the table twelve years ago, you start to think of what a life married to Jiseok would be like.

The entire drive to your house is silent. Both of you are preoccupied by your own thoughts. Your mind wanders far into the possible future and Jiseok is thinking more short-term. His heart is racing beneath the calm look he wears.

Jiseok pulls into the driveway. He's never been this nervous. No amount of practice or foreknowledge could prepare him for this moment. Just in case you turn him down, he had already put his stuff in the trunk. But if you don't turn him down. . . who knows where this will go?

You get out of the car and Jiseok follows you to the front door. He stops you before you go in. His hand is nervously wrapped around your wrist, gripping it to possibly soothe him. He looks away from you, unable to make eye contact. Every possible scenario runs through his mind simultaneously. The mere anxiety causes tears to well up in his eyes.

“Seok?” You take the other hand he isn't holding and place it on his shoulder.

“I've got something I need to tell you.” His heart drops into his stomach.

“Cmon, let's go sit down so you can talk to me.” and here you two are, sitting on the couch. You sit facing him with one hand on his thigh.

“Y/n, I really like you, like romantically.” your face changes from one of sympathy to surprise. You're at loss for words.

“What's that look for?” He asks anxiously.

“I like you too, Jiseok!” You can see all of the tension immediately leave his body. He goes limp in the couch and breathes as if he's been holding it for two minutes. You lean toward him, taking I'm the new sight. Sure he's still Jiseok, but he's your boyfriend Jiseok.

“So that makes THE Kwak Jiseok MY boyfriend?” He blushes at your remark and laughs.

“Indeed it does,” He replies. You hover over him, the mutuality of your feelings allows you to stop holding back as much. And as if some magnetic force was pulling you two together, your lips crash into each other's. His lips are soft and delicate. He's gentle with you as he holds your face with his hand. Your eyes flutter open between kisses, catching glimpses of each other's pretty faces. You pull away to catch your breath.

By this point, you might as well have been straddling his lap. You get off of him and keep your distance. It's best if you spend this time preparing for your exam.

“I've gotta study.”

“But you already got a perfect score?”

“I'll be honest with you Seok, I guessed on two of the questions.”

“Well let me help you!” You invite him to join you and he follows you to your room. He sits comfortably in his chair, as he's more than familiar with your room.

“Ugh, I really don't wanna do this.” You say.

“Well how about instead of physics, we study anatomy?” You look over at him confusedly. You pick up on what he means when you see his mischievous grin. You'd thought of this moment for too long to turn him down.

“Sounds a little more interesting than kinematics,” you say nonchalantly. You two exchange consenting looks before he takes his opportunity. Before you know it, he's yanking you up out of your swivel chair and lays you on your bed. He prowls over you, glaring at your figure like it's his last meal. Despite the primal and animalistic needs of his, he takes his sweet time with you.

He starts off with gentle kisses beginning on the lips. He trails down to your jaw and eventually makes his way to your neck. Every time he moves from one place to the next, the previous spot feels a bit chilly as the air blows lightly on his trail of saliva. He finds a place in the crook of your neck to nibble at before he starts leaving love bites. Each one is slightly painful and leaves a red mark behind. He pulls back to see his work. The sight of you adorned in his markings is arousing for the both of you.

Jiseok smiles in adoration before reaching his hand out to you. He pulls you up and sits you in his lap. His hands travel to places they never have. Your thighs are like heaven to his senses, perfectly squishy in his grip. It takes all of his will power to not throw you into the bed and breed you, but he wants this to be special. He'll save the rough for another time.

His hands find their home on the waistband of your pants. His breath tickles your ear when he speaks.

“This alright baby?” You nod and he continues to remove your clothes. You take it upon yourself to turn around. You plan to strip Jiseok, but seeing you unclothed leaves him dumbfounded. You smirk at the tent that's poking through his pants and remove his shirt. The rest of his clothes follow.

He gets off of the bed and takes your hand, pulling you toward him. He guides you over to your full length mirror and stands you in front of him.

“Today we're gonna review body systems. You know most of them pretty well already, I just thought it'd be best to study the reproductive system a little deeper.” His breath tickles your neck as he whispers and you feel your heart rate skyrocket. His emphasis on the word deeper has your mind a couple steps ahead of where you were. You'd just begun and you already have to hold back from begging in tears for him to bury his cock in you.

Instead, you stand still and let him work. He gets a feel of your entire body, lastly trailing down your hips and between your legs. He runs his fingers through your folds once and brings them to his lips.

“You're soaked hun,” He says before sucking your arousal off of his fingers and pulling them out with a popping sound.

“And very delicious, just as I anticipated.” His voice sounds eloquent, like a man of great power who is about to enjoy fine dining. He feels on top of the world having your body all to himself. He'd take this over the world's finest caviar any day. His fingers find their way back to you, moving around slowly and intentionally as he explores your body. He's a scientist. His curiosity is deadly and his observant nature takes the stage now that he finally has his hands on you.

His every sense is overloaded and cloudy with lust. Your body was perfect in every sense, he could touch you for hours without getting bored. You start to get restless, writhing under his slow touches. You're growing eager and he starts to sense it from you.

Without much warning, he presses his middle finger just past your entrance. Your cunt is warm and wet around his finger. He starts moving slowly, noting your every reaction. When he presses a certain spot, your body tenses. He does it again, same reaction. You lean your head back into his shoulder and peer into his eyes. They're loving and intimate. He looks to the mirror, using his eyes to gesture for you to look too.

You take in the sight. Jiseok holding you up with one arm. His hand has a lethal grip on you. With his other arm, one finger is buried inside of you. He pulls out, to which you whine. However he replaces it with two fingers. His pace this time is a lot quicker and rougher. You depend on him to hold you up, the feeling of him thrusting his fingers into you is weakening. The view you have in your mirror is utterly vulgar. You'd never seen yourself so pathetic. He pulls out again, leaving you disappointed and needy for more. A string of arousal stretched between his fingertips and your entrance. He laps it up with his fingers and brings it to his mouth, savoring every bit of your taste.

He gently pushes down on your shoulders, helping ease you to the ground. You sit on your knees, facing the mirror. Jiseok lowers himself behind you and leans you forward on all fours. He positions himself to mount you before slowly sliding his hard cock deep inside of you. He caresses your back with his hand, letting you adjust to the new feeling. After he feels you start to grow restless, he starts moving slowly in and out of you. He holds your shoulders for stability as he finds a decent pace. You lower your arms to the ground, no longer able to hold yourself up. You've been on edge for twenty minutes now, Jiseok just isn't ready for you to cum yet.

He moves his hands from your shoulders to your waist, guiding your movement as he thrusts into you. The feeling of you wrapped so tightly around him has him on edge, ready to cum at any moment. He moves at a relentless pace. His own high starts building. He looks into the mirror, seeing your fucked out face hazes his mind. His breath gets ragged and your moans intertwine. He grows increasingly whiny as he gets closer to cumming.

He leans over you, bringing his fingers to your clit and rubbing furiously. You finally break, your entire body tenses under Jiseok. Your walls clench around him, bringing him to his orgasm as well. He tries to maintain the rhythm, but his body involuntarily jerks as he cums deep inside you. He wraps his arms around your waist, holding you close to him as you both finish. When the tension seeps away and you're left limp, he pulls out of you and picks you up.

Jiseok runs a warm bath for you and sets you inside. You take his hands and bring him in with you. He lays on top of you, nearly falling asleep. You run your fingers through his wet hair.

“We've gotta get cleaned up before we take a nap,” you say to your pouty boyfriend. You smile and push him into a sitting position. You stand up and get the shower running before you stand Jiseok up and wash him down. After you finish, he returns the favor. Once you're both clean, you get into some comfy clothes and head for your bed to take a nap.

“Is that my math shirt you're wearing?” He asks.

“Not anymore” you whisper, and he's more than ok with it. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his chest protectively for you both to sleep.

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5 months ago


Tags: This post also serves as an October only Tag list. If you want to be tagged for any works listed here, comment which ones you want and i'll tag the account you commented with unless otherwise stated.

I''ll have you tagged in this post as well just so i can keep track.

Click here for my regular taglist.

Warnings: Lots of darker, more absurd themes. Each post will have its own warnings. Blood and smut is very common, but not in every one.

Requests: all requests are still open! See my guidelines.



Xdinary Heroes Series

several different bloody scenarios

tags! @zynz0 @seungseung-minmin

avg wc: 2k

10/1: Gaon x vampire!reader

10/3: werewolf! x reader

10/5: nurse!Gunil x patient!reader

10/7: best friend!Jooyeon x reader

10/9: yandere!Junhan x yandere!reader

10/11: soulmate!Jungsu x reader



Xdinary Heroes Fanfic:

Using prisoners for medical experimentation was a common practice. However, it's not such a good idea to get ahead of yourself. Don't overestimate your measuring skills.

wc goal: 8k

10/13: Release



Enhypen Series: Riki


avg wc: 2300

10/11: Chapter 5

10/21: Finale



TXT Fanfic: Beomgyu

A Midsommar inspired piece

wc goal: 8k

10/21: Release


... More to come

Tags :
1 year ago
My Roman Empire Is Thinking About Making Out With Jiseok While Chase Atlantic Is Playing In The Back.
My Roman Empire Is Thinking About Making Out With Jiseok While Chase Atlantic Is Playing In The Back.

my roman empire is thinking about making out with jiseok while chase atlantic is playing in the back. so:

— to make out in bed after a long, tiring day — «right here».

— to make out in the pool at some random party — «swim».

— to make out in the car on your way to a rock concert — «slow down».

you’re welcome đŸ«¶đŸ˜

Tags :
7 months ago







ì—‘ìŠ€ë””ë„ˆëŠŹ ížˆì–ŽëĄœìŠˆâ”€â”€OT6. ( xdinary heroes )

🎾─────THE PRICE OF PLEASURE | 8.0K — ONE-SHOT | MDNI | GAON + JOOYEON | when jiseok and jooyeon break your strict rule, you push the boundaries of your control and desire, navigating a thrilling interplay of discipline and pleasure as you mold their eager submission to your will. (FEMALE READER) REQUESTED

⭐─────STEADY LOVE | 7.4K — HEADCANONS | a collection of heartfelt stories where love finds its strength in gentle understanding, as partners navigate the world together with unwavering support and care for each other's unique needs. (GENDER NEUTRAL READER) REQUESTED


ê”Źê±ŽìŒâ”€â”€GOO GUNIL. ( gunil )

🎾─────TONIGHT IS ABOUT YOU | 4.5K — ONE-SHOT | MDNI | amidst a night of rekindled romance and sensual pleasure, you and gunil embrace each other’s desires, finding solace and excitement in your intense and heartfelt reunion. (GENDER NEUTRAL READER) REQUESTED


êč€ì •ìˆ˜â”€â”€KIM JUNGSU. ( jungsu )

nothing yet, come back later!


êłœì§€ì„â”€â”€KWAK JISEOK. ( gaon )

⭐─────BEAUTIFUL MESS | 4.2K — ONE-SHOT | MDNI | after winning a bet against you, jiseok decides that he would be the dominant one for a change...though that doesn't last long. (FEMALE READER) REQUESTED

🎾─────DRESSED FOR LOVE | 1.9K — ONE-SHOT | as you step into a new, more masculine identity, your nerves are eased by the unwavering support of your friends and boyfriend. (TRANS BOY READER) REQUESTED


였ìŠčëŻŒâ”€â”€OH SEUNGMIN. ( )

🎾─────CURIOUS PLEASURES | 3.9K — ONE-SHOT | MDNI | seungmin, intrigued yet apprehensive, tentatively asks you to explore new sexual experiences together after hearing about his coworkers' preferences. (GENDER NEUTRAL READER) REQUESTED


한형쀀──HAN HYEONGJUN. ( junhan )

⭐─────PERFECTION | 1.3K — ONE-SHOT | MDNI | it's the first time you use the strap on him. (FEMALE READER) REQUESTED

🎾─────ARROGANT & GREEDY | 4.5K — ONE-SHOT | MDNI | while getting ready for a night out at the club with your friends, your boyfriend, hyeongjun decides to tease you. (FEMALE READER) REQUESTED


ìŽìŁŒì—°â”€â”€LEE JOOYEON. ( jooyeon )

nothing yet, come back later!




© MINHOSBITTERRIVER | do not plagiarize, repost or translate my works on this platform or any others.


Tags :
7 months ago

đŸ”ïž BEAUTIFUL MESS. ( xdinary heroes )

 BEAUTIFUL MESS. ( Xdinary Heroes )
 BEAUTIFUL MESS. ( Xdinary Heroes )
 BEAUTIFUL MESS. ( Xdinary Heroes )
 BEAUTIFUL MESS. ( Xdinary Heroes )

❛ After winning a bet against you, Jiseok decides that he would be the dominant one for a change...though that doesn't last long.

đ€đ°đšđ€ đŁđąđŹđžđšđ€ + female reader àłŻ ( 𝐹𝐧𝐞-𝐬𝐡𝐹𝐭 ) 4.2k

꒰ 💌 ꒱ ミ Another amazing request made by the wonderful 🍀 Anon! I hope you guys enjoy, reblogs and feedback are much appreciated! Requests are currently open! ── ( đ„đąđ›đ«đšđ«đČ )

𝐜𝐹𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 đ°đšđ«đ§đąđ§đ đŹ: MDNI, Gaon gets pegged, he's also a brat that crumbles quickly, smut, Reader uses strap, overstimulation as punishment, let me know if I missed anything!

( đ đźđąđđžđ„đąđ§đžđŹ ) ( đ­đšđ đ„đąđŹđ­ & 𝐚𝐧𝐹𝐧𝐬 ) ( đ«đžđȘ𝐼𝐞𝐬𝐭 đ„đąđŹđ­ )

꒰ đŸ«™ ꒱ ミ Tip Jar!

 BEAUTIFUL MESS. ( Xdinary Heroes )

Jiseok’s intoxicating moan permeated the room, a symphony of desire that hung in the air like a heavy, sweet perfume. His body moved with an almost languid grace as he settled fully onto your lap, the weight of him grounding you in the moment. His head tipped back, exposing the elegant curve of his throat, while his lips parted in a silent cry of pleasure, capturing the very essence of his rapture.

For a heartbeat, he remained perfectly still, his body tense as he adjusted to the sensation of your strap. The room seemed to pulse with the rhythm of his breath, each exhale a testament to the intensity of the moment. The heat between you was palpable, a magnetic force drawing you closer.

Your hand moved with purpose, fingers curling around his cheeks with a commanding yet tender touch. The pads of your fingers pressed gently but firmly into his skin, guiding his gaze to meet yours. His eyes, dark and glazed with lust, locked onto yours, creating an electric connection that sent shivers down your spine. The dominance in your grip was undeniable, but it was tempered with a deep, unspoken affection, a silent promise of pleasure and trust.

Although he turned his gaze towards you as you desired, the playful glint in his eyes was a tantalizing reminder of the agreement you'd struck earlier. That sparkle of mischief was undeniable, a testament to the unspoken game that had woven itself into your intimate encounter.

His hand, warm and firm, wrapped around your wrist, pulling your touch away from his face. The loss of contact was a sharp contrast to the previous closeness, creating a sense of longing that deepened the intensity of the moment. His other hand moved with a similar purpose, capturing the ones resting on his hips and effortlessly locking them by the sides of your head.

A mean smile curled on Jiseok's lips, a blend of dominance and playful cruelty that sent a thrill through your veins. The power dynamic shifted as he asserted control, leaving you helplessly bound beneath him. The heat of his skin and the strength of his grip were both captivating and consuming.

With a slow, deliberate motion, Jiseok began to lift himself off your lap. His body arched gracefully, and another intoxicating moan escaped his lips, a sound that reverberated through the room and settled deep within you. The deliberate pace of his movements was a torment, a slow burn of pleasure and anticipation that made every second feel like an eternity.

As he descended once more, the connection between you was electric, a fusion of bodies and desires that left you breathless. The sight of him above you, the feel of his hands pinning you down, and the sound of his moans created a sensory overload, a beautifully torturous experience that bound you together in a dance of passion and control.

Watching as he shamelessly used you for his own pleasure was a stark departure from your usual dynamic, a reversal that sent a thrill of unfamiliar excitement through you. Typically, you held the reins, but now, with Jiseok in control, you found yourself on the precipice of a new and tantalizing experience. There was a fleeting moment where you almost wished you’d won the bet, to reclaim that familiar dominance, but the allure of this role reversal was undeniable.

The way his own leaking length slapped against your stomach with each glide up and down your strap was a vivid, tantalizing sensation. Each movement sent ripples of heat coursing through you, a physical manifestation of his pleasure and a reminder of your current submission. His every action, every deliberate thrust, elicited filthy, unrestrained sounds from his lips. Those moans, raw and primal, traveled down to your very core, igniting a fire that burned with intensity.

Jiseok was utterly mesmerizing. His body, a study in fluid grace and raw desire, moved with a rhythm that was both hypnotic and intoxicating. The interplay of power and vulnerability in his eyes, the way they flickered between control and surrender, held you captive. His pleasure was palpable, a living thing that enveloped you both, drawing you deeper into the moment.

The intensity of the situation was heightened by the contrast to your usual roles. The sight of him lost in ecstasy, taking what he needed from you with such shameless abandon, was a heady mix of power and submission that blurred the lines of dominance and desire. Each glide, each slap, each moan was a symphony of sensations that wove together into an exquisite tapestry of pleasure and connection.

In this moment, Jiseok was not just using you; he was unveiling a new facet of your relationship, one that was as captivating as it was unexpected. The raw honesty of his desire, the unguarded vulnerability of his pleasure, created a space where you both could explore the depths of your connection in a way that was beautifully, intoxicatingly real.

Jiseok's pace quickened, driven by an increasing neediness that was palpable in every movement. His lewd moans and groans filled the air, a symphony of raw desire that echoed around the room, amplifying the intensity of the moment. The sound of his pleasure intertwined with the rhythmic slap of his body against yours, creating an intoxicating soundtrack to your shared passion.

As his need grew, Jiseok's hands released your wrists, leaving behind the ghost of his touch. His fingers, now free, moved with an eager purpose, reaching up to grasp your breasts. The sudden shift sent a shiver down your spine, your body responding to the unexpected contact. The weight and warmth of his hands on your skin, the way they molded to the curve of your breasts, was a heady sensation that added another layer to your shared ecstasy.

Your breasts bounced in time with the rhythm he set, each movement a visual testament to the intensity of your connection. His hands, once gentle, became more assertive, groping and squeezing with a fervent hunger. The pressure of his touch, the way his fingers moved against your flesh, was an exquisite blend of pleasure and pain.

An unexpected moan tore from your lips, raw and unfiltered. The sound seemed to ignite something within Jiseok, a spark that fanned the flames of his desire. His eyes, dark with lust, gleamed with satisfaction as he heard your response. His fingers found your nipples, pinching them with expert precision, sending jolts of pleasure through your body. Each pinch, each twist, was a calculated move designed to elicit the sounds he craved from you.

Jiseok's actions were a dance of dominance and desire, a carefully choreographed performance that left you breathless and yearning for more. His hands, his touch, the way he moved—everything was a testament to his understanding of your body and the pleasure it could bring. The room pulsed with the heat of your shared passion, a heady mix of power and vulnerability that left you both on the edge of ecstasy.

“Fuck,” Jiseok panted, his voice a hoarse whisper as his eyes remained glued to your breasts, bouncing rhythmically with his every movement. His gaze was fervent, filled with a raw, unrestrained hunger as he chased his own high. “You’re so gorgeous like this,” he breathed out, the words drenched in genuine admiration and lust.

The moment his declaration reached your ears, you felt one of his hands abandon its grip on your breast, the loss of contact momentarily jarring. His fingers trailed a burning path up your torso, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake, before wrapping firmly around your neck. The pressure was calculated, just enough to squeeze in a way that was both erotic and thrilling. The sensation sent a shiver down your spine, and another moan, raw and unbidden, escaped your lips.

The sound you made seemed to resonate deeply within Jiseok, fueling the fire of his desire. His eyes, dark with intensity, widened as he took in the sight of you beneath him, your reactions heightening his own arousal. The eroticism of the moment was almost too much for him to bear; his breaths came faster, each one a ragged gasp, and his moans grew louder, filling the room with a symphony of lust.

His pace quickened, the urgency of his movements mirroring the escalation of his need. Every thrust, every squeeze of his hand around your neck, was a testament to the powerful connection you shared. The way he moved, the way he sounded, it was all a beautiful, chaotic dance of desire and dominance.

Jiseok's body tensed as he drew closer to his peak, his sounds becoming a harmonious blend of desperation and ecstasy. The sight of you, the feel of you, the sounds you made—it was all an intoxicating mix that drove him to the brink. His grip tightened slightly, just enough to send another wave of pleasure through you, his eyes locked onto yours with a fierce intensity.

In that moment, the world outside ceased to exist. There was only Jiseok, his need, his desire, and the incredible, electrifying connection between you. The way he looked at you, the way he moved with you, it was all a testament to the depth of your shared passion, a beautifully detailed tableau of pleasure and intimacy.

“Yeah?” you grunted, your voice a mix of challenge and desire. Deciding to take control for a moment, you bucked your hips upwards, meeting his pace with a deliberate force that sent a shockwave of pleasure through both of you. The sudden movement elicited a sharp gasp from Jiseok, his eyes widening as he seemed to teeter right on the edge of his climax.

Your actions spurred him on, pushing him closer to that precipice of ecstasy. His breath came in short, ragged bursts, each exhale a testament to the overwhelming pleasure coursing through his body. The intensity of your connection was almost palpable, a physical force that bound you together in this intimate dance.

“You love it when you use me, huh?” you taunted, your voice dripping with a provocative mix of mockery and allure. The words seemed to resonate deeply with Jiseok, his expression shifting to one of pure, unrestrained need. The provocative edge in your voice only served to heighten his arousal, pushing him further towards the brink.

“Shameless boy,” you added, your tone a sultry whisper that sent shivers down his spine. The term of endearment, laced with playful reproach, hung in the air between you, adding another layer to the intricate tapestry of your shared pleasure. 

Jiseok's response was visceral, a guttural moan that tore from his throat as he bucked against you with renewed fervor. His eyes, dark with lust, locked onto yours, the connection between you deepening with every passing second. The way he moved, the way he responded to your taunts, was a testament to the powerful dynamic you both shared.

In this moment, the roles of dominance and submission blurred, creating a beautifully intricate dance of power and pleasure. The heat of your bodies, the intensity of your gazes, and the raw honesty of your words all combined to create a moment of unparalleled intimacy. Jiseok’s vulnerability and shameless need, matched by your confident control, wove together to form a scene of exquisite passion that neither of you would soon forget.

Taking advantage of Jiseok's dazed state, his focus solely on his own pleasure, you slid your hand between your bodies, fingers wrapping around his leaking, sensitive length. The heat and pulsing hardness of him filled your palm, and his immediate reaction was a sharp yelp at the unexpected contact. The sound was almost sweet in its vulnerability, a stark contrast to the mischief that had previously clouded his eyes.

In that instant, the playful defiance in his gaze was replaced by a silent, desperate pleading. His eyes, wide and dark with need, locked onto yours with an intensity that made you smirk. The power shift was palpable, his bravado crumbling as his desire took over. He was so, so close to finishing—that much was obvious from the way his length twitched and pulsed in your hand, his body betraying his imminent release.

Despite his earlier bratty behavior, you decided to grant him what he so clearly craved, though not without a touch of your own mischief. With a deliberate slowness, you began to stroke him, matching the rhythm he had set for himself. Your movements were precise, calculated, designed to drive him wild with need. The contrast of your cool control against his desperate urgency created a delicious tension that heightened the intensity of the moment.

Your fingers moved expertly, each stroke sending shivers down his spine, his hips bucking instinctively in response. The feeling of his hot, slick length in your hand, combined with the sight of his face contorted in pleasure, was intoxicating. Every gasp, every shudder, was a testament to the exquisite torture you were inflicting upon him.

As you continued, his breathing grew ragged, his body trembling with the effort to hold back. The silent begging in his eyes deepened, his lips parting in a wordless plea for release. Your smirk widened, savoring the power you held over him in that moment. The combination of his need and your control created a heady, electric atmosphere that thrummed with shared desire.

With each stroke, you brought him closer to the edge, his moans growing louder, more desperate. The friction, the pace, the sheer intimacy of your touch was pushing him to his limits. The sight of him, so undone and vulnerable, was a beautiful contrast to his earlier defiance. It was a dance of dominance and submission, a beautifully orchestrated performance that left you both breathless and yearning for more.

As he teetered on the brink, his eyes begged for mercy, for release. And in that moment, you knew you had him completely, utterly at your mercy. The power was intoxicating, the control exhilarating, and the pleasure, both his and yours, was a symphony of sensation that filled the room with a palpable, electrifying energy.

Jiseok's face nuzzled into your neck, his moans loud and unabashed as he sought the comfort of your closeness. The intensity of his orgasm wracked his body, sending shudders of pleasure through him as ropes of his release stained both his stomach and yours. The heat and wetness of it created an intimate connection, a tangible reminder of the pleasure you'd just shared.

As the last tremors of his climax coursed through him, you took advantage of his dazed state, swiftly shifting your bodies so you were on top of him. The transition was seamless, a fluid motion that left him momentarily disoriented. His eyes fluttered open, confusion and surprise mingling in their depths as he processed the change in position.

His bewilderment deepened when he realized you were still buried to the hilt inside of him. The sensation of fullness, combined with the unexpected shift in dominance, sent another wave of pleasure through his already sensitized body. You couldn't help but chuckle meanly, the sound a dark, tantalizing promise of what was to come.

With deliberate slowness, you began to withdraw, watching the emotions play across his face. The startled moan that tore from his lips was music to your ears, a symphony of need and surprise that only fueled your own desire. His eyes widened, a mixture of shock and anticipation as he felt you pull out almost completely.

Then, without warning, you snapped your hips back into him, the sudden, powerful thrust drawing another moan from deep within his chest. The sensation was overwhelming, the intensity of your movement sending sparks of pleasure shooting through both of you. Each snap of your hips was a calculated strike, designed to elicit the most exquisite responses from him.

Jiseok's body responded instinctively, his back arching, his fingers clutching at the sheets as he tried to ground himself against the onslaught of sensations. His moans grew louder, more desperate, filling the room with the raw, unfiltered sounds of his pleasure. The way he writhed beneath you, the way his body reacted to every thrust, was mesmerizing.

You reveled in the control, the power you held over him in that moment. Each movement, each sound, was a testament to the depth of your connection, a beautifully orchestrated dance of dominance and submission. The pleasure was all-encompassing, a heady mix of physical sensation and emotional intensity that left you both breathless.

“Wait, wait!” Jiseok panted, his eyes wide with a mix of desperation and lingering sensitivity. “I’m still so sensitive, please!” Despite his pleas, his nails dug deliciously into the skin of your hips, urging you to stay inside him each time you attempted to pull away. The contradiction between his words and actions was intoxicating, a testament to the depths of his desire.

“Aw, is my shameless boy still sensitive?” you cooed, your tone laced with feigned sympathy as you pouted. The mockery in your voice was deliberate, a playful taunt that only heightened the intensity of the moment. Without hesitation, you picked up your pace, your movements becoming more deliberate and powerful. Jiseok responded by burying his head deeper into the pillows beneath him, his body trembling with unrestrained pleasure.

The sight of his exposed neck, so vulnerable and inviting, was too tempting to resist. You leaned in, attaching your tongue and lips to his skin, leaving a messy trail of kisses and licks that he loved. The wet, heated contact sent shivers down his spine, adding another layer to the sensory overload he was experiencing. His moans grew louder, each sound a symphony of pleasure that resonated through the room.

As you continued to thrust into him, you reached down, grabbing ahold of one of his hands. Guiding it with a firm yet gentle touch, you directed it towards his own sensitive core. The look in your eyes was stern, a silent command that left no room for disobedience. “Touch yourself,” you ordered, your voice low and authoritative. “And don’t you dare stop until I’m done with you.”

The combination of your firm grip, the intensity of your gaze, and the raw power of your words sent a thrill through Jiseok. His eyes widened even further, a mix of surprise and arousal evident in their depths. Obediently, he wrapped his hand around his own length, his touch tentative at first, then growing more confident as he began to stroke himself in time with your thrusts.

The added stimulation pushed him closer to the edge, his moans becoming more desperate, more pleading. Every movement, every sound, was a testament to the exquisite torture you were inflicting upon him. His body was a canvas, and you were the artist, painting a masterpiece of pleasure and submission.

Your lips never left his neck, the wet, messy kisses a constant reminder of your presence and control. Each thrust, each command, each touch, was a deliberate act of dominance, designed to bring him to the brink and keep him there, teetering on the edge of ecstasy. The power you held over him was intoxicating, a heady mix of control and desire that left you both breathless.

As Jiseok’s strokes grew more frantic, his body trembling with the effort to maintain control, you could see the raw need in his eyes. The sight of him, so vulnerable and desperate, was a beautiful contrast to his usual bravado. It was a moment of pure, unfiltered connection, a dance of power and submission that left you both craving more.

Though Jiseok was rendered speechless, his response was visceral. He nodded vigorously, his movements driven by instinct rather than thought. His eyes fluttered shut, rolling back into his head as waves of pleasure overwhelmed him. His mouth, parted in a breathless gasp, emitted a continuous stream of erotic sounds—moans, whimpers, and gasps—that filled the air with a symphony of raw desire.

The pace you had set was relentless, each thrust precise and unyielding. The rhythm of your movements was a powerful force, pushing him closer to the edge with every stroke. His body responded instinctively, bouncing beneath you with each snap of your hips, the force of your actions leaving him helplessly at your mercy.

You could see the culmination of his orgasm approaching, a visible wave of pleasure that crested before he even had the chance to fully experience it. His entire body trembled with the intensity of his release, the tension and ecstasy etched across his features as his senses were inundated with the overwhelming pleasure you had orchestrated.

Despite the overwhelming sight of his climax, you did not relent. The snap of your hips continued with unyielding precision, maintaining the rhythm that kept him on the precipice of his ecstasy. The relentless force of your movements only added to the intensity, ensuring that he was swept up in the powerful, unending wave of sensation.

As Jiseok's body was rocked by the force of your thrusts, the combination of his vocal responses and the visual impact of his pleasure created a scene of exquisite, almost violent intimacy. Each thrust, each push, was a testament to the power you held, a beautifully detailed expression of control and desire that left you both breathless and craving more.

Jiseok’s whines began to rise in pitch, the sound a desperate plea for respite as you continued, relentless, after his second orgasm. His eyes brimmed with unshed tears, a telltale sign of the overstimulation that left him vulnerable and overwhelmed. Despite his evident distress, he didn’t dare disobey; his hands, trembling with the effort, shakily tried to keep pace with the rhythm you set. Each quiver of his fingers was a testament to his surrender, an acknowledgment of your absolute control.

You kept your gaze fixed on his face, savoring the exquisite display of his unraveling. His expression was a mix of helplessness and desperate need, a beautiful contrast to the confident persona he usually projected. The sight of him so utterly undone beneath you was intoxicating, his whimpers and pleas a perfect accompaniment to the raw pleasure you were inflicting.

It wasn’t long before a third orgasm tore through him with a surprising ferocity, more intense and aggressive than the first two. The force of it was almost overwhelming, a powerful wave that left him trembling and gasping. This time, you allowed yourself to slow your pace, guiding him through the tumultuous waves of his climax with a deliberate, measured rhythm. Each thrust was calculated, designed to prolong his pleasure and deepen the intensity of his release.

As his body continued to writhe beneath you, the rhythmic pulse of his orgasm gradually subsided. His movements became more frantic, a clear sign of his need for relief. You watched with a mix of satisfaction and possessive delight as he squirmed, finally wriggling under you in a final, desperate attempt to escape the overwhelming sensations. With one last, deliberate thrust, you brought the relentless rhythm to a halt, your body coming to rest against his.

The room was filled with the echoes of his pleasure, the air thick with the remnants of his intense release. You took a moment to bask in the aftermath, your control and dominance etched into every breath he took. The scene before you was a testament to the exquisite power of your connection, a beautifully detailed tableau of desire and submission that left both of you breathless and spent.

He lay before you, a beautiful mess of flushed skin and disheveled abandon. His cheeks and ears were painted a deep crimson, a vivid contrast to the pale expanse of his neck and shoulders. His pink lips were parted, still gasping for breath as he struggled to regain his composure. The sight of him, so utterly spent and vulnerable, was a portrait of exquisite pleasure and surrender.

Yet, it was the adoration in his eyes that captivated you the most. Despite the chaos of the moment, his gaze remained steady, a soft, glowing warmth radiating from his eyes as they followed your every move. It was a look of profound devotion, a silent testament to the connection you shared. The sight was both endearing and electrifying, a stark contrast to the wild, urgent sounds that had filled the air moments before.

"You’re so good to me," he murmured, his voice a tender whisper against the lingering echoes of his earlier cries. The contrast between his previous loud moans and the soft, heartfelt admission was striking, adding a layer of intimacy to the moment. His words were a balm to your own exhaustion, a reminder of the depth of the bond you both shared.

A chuckle, full of affection and warmth, escaped your lips as you absorbed the sweetness of his confession. With a gentle, almost reverent touch, you leaned down, your movements slow and deliberate. You pressed your lips against his forehead, a soft, lingering kiss that spoke of comfort and reassurance. Moving to his nose, you placed another kiss, this one lighter and more playful, before finally capturing his lips in a tender, lingering embrace.

The kiss was a silent promise, a wordless declaration of your feelings as you melted into the intimacy of the moment. The softness of his lips against yours, the warmth of his breath mingling with yours, created a cocoon of affection that wrapped around both of you. In that shared space, amidst the aftermath of passion and pleasure, you found a quiet, beautiful connection that transcended words and left you both basking in the gentle glow of your shared intimacy.

 BEAUTIFUL MESS. ( Xdinary Heroes )

꒰ đŸ·ïž ꒱ ミ My permanent taglist is open! (Click on the link to join! All you have to do is answer a few questions to help me stay organized!)

 BEAUTIFUL MESS. ( Xdinary Heroes )


 BEAUTIFUL MESS. ( Xdinary Heroes )

Tags :
7 months ago

okay, junhan is my ult bias so if you don’t mind i’ll be asking for some more about him

could you possibly write something about pegging him in one of his little skirts? he looks so good in them ahsnfjsjgslsjsfjdk bonus points if you could work in a bit of edging

also would not be opposed to a gaon pegging fic either as he is my bias wrecker

thank you!!!


I will never mind you asking more about Junhan! This one was especially fun to write because Junhan in a skirt is just so criminally delicious UGH đŸ˜©đŸ˜©

Okay, Junhan Is My Ult Bias So If You Dont Mind Ill Be Asking For Some More About Him


𝐡. 𝐡đČ𝐞𝐹𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐼𝐧 đŸȘ© 4.5k

Okay, Junhan Is My Ult Bias So If You Dont Mind Ill Be Asking For Some More About Him

Also, please get out of my head! Gaon shares the "bias" spot with Junhan, and is my bias this point honestly maybe I should just call myself an OT6 lmfao.

Okay, Junhan Is My Ult Bias So If You Dont Mind Ill Be Asking For Some More About Him

đŸ”ïž BEAUTIFUL MESS đŸ”ïž

đ€. đŁđąđŹđžđšđ€ đŸ”ïž 4.2k

Okay, Junhan Is My Ult Bias So If You Dont Mind Ill Be Asking For Some More About Him

( đ đźđąđđžđ„đąđ§đžđŹ ) ( đ­đšđ đ„đąđŹđ­ & 𝐚𝐧𝐹𝐧𝐬 ) ( đ«đžđȘ𝐼𝐞𝐬𝐭 đ„đąđŹđ­ ) ( đ„đąđ›đ«đšđ«đČ ) ( đ±đđąđ§đšđ«đČ đĄđžđ«đšđžđŹ )

Tags :
7 months ago

afjdkgnxhrgvxh i will never get over how good your writing is!!! and I definitely did not expect you to do both requests!!!

i also love all of the heroes, at this point i might as well ask for a fic for the rest of them
 it could even be an ot6 fic if you like (but only if you’re comfortable and have the physical and mental capacity to do that, if not no worries!!)

- 🍀

HI 🍀!! I'm so happy you enjoyed it!! Whenever I get more than one request in one message (or by the same person, for that matter), I always try to complete all of them if I can. I just don't like the feeling of doing things halfway. So, here you go!

Oh, I'd be so down to write for all of the members! For that, however, I might need a little more details on what you want for each of them. So if you can give me that, I'll be more than happy to get to work! (Just an FYI, if you request a threesome, I'd be down to write that as well if that's your cup of tea ── but I will only do it if it's just two members + reader; any more than that becomes overwhelming and difficult to write properly).

Also, a little tip! Since you're asking for OT6, I might take a little bit longer than I have so far. BUT! If you send me each member individually or send two or three per request, I might get around to writing them faster. It'll also help me with not posting six fics at the same time, or having them posted one per day since it can make my blog a little cluttered. If you can do any of these, I would really appreciate it!

Again, thank you so much for the support! Your requests genuinely make me so happy since they really allow me to indulge in writing pieces for our Heroes!!

Tags :
7 months ago

💐 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ( xdinary heroes )

 ( Xdinary Heroes )
 ( Xdinary Heroes )
 ( Xdinary Heroes )
 ( Xdinary Heroes )

❛ As you step into a new, more masculine identity, your nerves are eased by the unwavering support of your friends and boyfriend.

đ€đ°đšđ€ đŁđąđŹđžđšđ€ + trans boy reader àłŻ ( 𝐹𝐧𝐞-𝐬𝐡𝐹𝐭 )

đ°đšđ«đ 𝐜𝐹𝐼𝐧𝐭: 1.9k 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐱𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 đ«đžđšđđąđ§đ  𝐭𝐱𝐩𝐞: 7 mins

꒰ 💌 ꒱ ミ This is probably one of my favorite pieces I've written, it was so self-indulgent as a masc non-binary fan of XDH, so I absolutely adored this request (made by my wonderful đŸ©· Anon! I hope you guys enjoy, reblogs and feedback are much appreciated! Requests are currently open! ── ( đ„đąđ›đ«đšđ«đČ )

𝐜𝐹𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 đ°đšđ«đ§đąđ§đ đŹ: Established relationship, Y/N recently came out as a trans guy, mentions of wearing a binder for the first time, the rest of the members of Xdinary Heroes are dressed femininely to support you since it's the first time you go out in public dressed so masculine, mentions of anxiety, mentions of people staring.

( đ đźđąđđžđ„đąđ§đžđŹ ) ( đ­đšđ đ„đąđŹđ­ & 𝐚𝐧𝐹𝐧𝐬 ) ( đ«đžđȘ𝐼𝐞𝐬𝐭 đ„đąđŹđ­ )

꒰ đŸ«™ ꒱ ミ Tip Jar!

 ( Xdinary Heroes )

You anxiously pace around your apartment, your steps quick and uneven, a reflection of the turmoil inside you. The clock on the wall ticks loudly, each second echoing your mounting nerves. Every few moments, you dart back to the mirror, adjusting the binder Jiseok had surprised you with and smoothing out the more masculine clothing you’ve chosen for the first time. The reflection staring back at you is both unfamiliar and oddly liberating, but the anxiety still gnaws at you like a persistent shadow.

Jiseok, lounging on your couch, watches you with an expression that blends amusement and tenderness. His phone lies forgotten in his hand, abandoned in favor of observing your restless movements. His eyes, filled with warmth and affection, follow your every step, a silent but reassuring presence amidst your growing apprehension. Despite his frequent reassurances that you look undeniably handsome, the unease remains, a gnawing uncertainty that refuses to fade.

This moment is significant for you, a departure from the familiar into uncharted territory. The binder and the new style represent more than just a change in wardrobe; they symbolize a step toward embracing a more authentic version of yourself. Yet, even with Jiseok’s repeated affirmations, the anxiety of stepping into this new self is palpable, a heavy weight that clings to your chest.

You cast another glance at your reflection, searching for flaws, for something that might unravel the confidence you’re trying to muster. The mirror shows a version of yourself that feels both empowering and vulnerable, a delicate balance that is hard to navigate. Each adjustment of your clothing, each smoothing of your hair, is an attempt to find comfort in this new skin, but the anxiety persists, whispering doubts into the corners of your mind.

Jiseok’s eyes, however, remain fixed on you, his amusement softened by a deep, unwavering support. His presence is a quiet counterpoint to your inner turmoil, a constant reminder that you are not alone in this journey. Though the anxiety continues to gnaw at you, the steadfastness in Jiseok’s gaze and his gentle reassurances offer a flicker of hope and a promise of acceptance.

Suddenly, your lifelong best friend and boyfriend excuses himself into your bedroom. You barely have time to wonder why before a knock on your front door interrupts your pacing. Heart racing, you sprint to answer it, only to be rendered speechless by the sight before you. While you had expected to find your friends, you hadn’t anticipated their striking transformations.

Gunil stands confidently at the forefront, his cropped top revealing a sliver of toned midriff, and his eyes accentuated by grungy makeup that sharpens his features. His bold look radiates a daring defiance, setting the tone for the unexpected ensemble before you.

Jungsu catches your eye next, sporting a mid-thigh length plaid skirt that sways slightly with his movements. His shirt is neatly tucked in, giving him a polished yet rebellious air, and his hair is adorned with colorful clips that contrast playfully with his otherwise composed appearance. The sight of Jungsu, usually so serious, embracing this vivid and whimsical style stirs a mixture of surprise and admiration within you.

Seungmin’s outfit is equally captivating, his cropped top paired with a flowing black skirt that grazes just above his knees. The eyeliner framing his eyes adds a dramatic flair, highlighting his expressive gaze. The combination of soft and edgy elements in his look mirrors the complex layers of his personality, leaving you both intrigued and impressed.

Hyeongjun, in a long denim skirt you've seen him wear before, exudes a quiet confidence. His hair is styled into a half-up, half-down look, softening his features and adding a touch of elegance to his casual attire. The familiar yet refreshed appearance of Hyeongjun brings a comforting sense of continuity amidst the surprising changes.

Finally, Jooyeon stands out with his short plaid skirt paired with fishnets, his hair styled into playful space buns. The juxtaposition of the classic plaid and daring fishnets creates a bold statement, and the space buns add a whimsical charm to his look. Jooyeon's daring fashion choice radiates a fearless confidence that resonates with your own journey of self-expression.

As you take in the sight of your friends, each embracing their unique styles with unapologetic confidence, a wave of emotion washes over you. The anxiety that had gripped you moments ago begins to melt away, replaced by a profound sense of camaraderie and support. Their bold transformations echo your own struggle and triumph in embracing your true self, reminding you that you’re not alone in this journey.

Your heart swells with gratitude and admiration for your friends, who have shown up not just in presence, but in spirit, celebrating your courage with their own. The sight of them, so different yet so authentically themselves, fortifies your resolve and fills you with a renewed sense of confidence. With a deep breath, you step forward, ready to embrace the evening with the unwavering support of your lifelong friends by your side.

"You all look amazing," you manage to say, still trying to process the vibrant array of styles before you. As they step inside, your eyes remain wide in shock and admiration. Their response is immediate and heartwarming; they shower you with genuine compliments, each remark about how handsome you look in your new style making your cheeks flush a deep crimson. The sincerity in their voices and the pride in their eyes fills you with a warmth that eases your earlier anxiety.

Just as you begin to relax into the moment, you hear Jiseok clear his throat dramatically behind you. Turning around, you gasp at the sight that meets your eyes. Jiseok stands there, still wearing the striped sweater he had on before disappearing into the bathroom, but instead of jeans, he’s now donning one of your old, long black satin dresses underneath the sweater. The elegant fabric sways slightly as he moves, creating a surprising yet strangely harmonious blend of casual and formal.

The absurdity of his outfit doesn't stop there. Perched atop his head is a plastic tiara, catching the light and adding a whimsical touch to his ensemble. His lips shimmer with glittery lip gloss, completing the playful and unexpected transformation. The sight is both ridiculous and endearing, a perfect encapsulation of Jiseok's ability to make you smile even in the most unexpected ways.

A light chuckle escapes your lips as you take in the full extent of his getup. The laughter bubbles up, mingling with the lingering remnants of your earlier anxiety, and suddenly, the room feels lighter, filled with an unspoken understanding and acceptance. You step forward, closing the distance between you and Jiseok, and press your lips against his in a tender kiss. The glitter from his lip gloss transfers slightly, adding a touch of sparkle to the intimate moment.

As you pull back, your eyes meet Jiseok's, and the look you share speaks volumes. In this small, affectionate gesture, there is an acknowledgment of the journey you've both been on, the courage it took to embrace your true self, and the unyielding support you have from him. Surrounded by your friends, all uniquely expressing themselves in your honor, and with Jiseok by your side, you feel a profound sense of belonging and love that fortifies you for whatever comes next.

Once the flurry of compliments had settled, you all made your way out the door, heading to a nearby restaurant as planned. The group walks in unison, a vibrant parade of diverse styles and unapologetic self-expression. As you move through the streets, you notice the curious and occasionally puzzled glances from strangers. However, the once-daunting stares no longer feel as terrifying with your friends and boyfriend by your side, their bold attire a testament to their unwavering support.

Gunil’s grungy makeup and cropped top, Jungsu’s plaid skirt with colorful hair clips, Seungmin’s flowing skirt and eyeliner, Hyeongjun’s elegant denim skirt and styled hair, and Jooyeon’s plaid skirt with fishnets and space buns create a striking visual that draws attention. Despite the occasional odd look, there is an undeniable sense of solidarity that envelops you, making the world feel a little less intimidating.

The endearing sight of your friends and boyfriend dressed so uniquely to support you fills your heart with warmth. Every step you take is lighter, buoyed by the camaraderie and love that surrounds you. The anxiety that had once gripped you now feels distant, replaced by a profound sense of acceptance and belonging. 

As you approach the restaurant, the looks from passersby seem less significant, their judgmental gazes overshadowed by the strength and unity of your group. Your heart swells with gratitude, knowing that these extraordinary individuals have not only embraced their own authenticity but have also empowered you to embrace yours.

The evening air feels crisp and invigorating as you walk together, and with each passing moment, the bond between you and your friends deepens. Their willingness to step out of their comfort zones and dress in a way that challenges societal norms just to support you is a testament to their love and friendship. The thought fills you with an overwhelming sense of pride and joy.

Jiseok’s hand remains firmly intertwined with yours throughout the entire walk, his touch a comforting anchor amidst the sea of emotions swirling within you. Every so often, he leans in close, his breath warm against your ear, and whispers how ridiculously handsome you look, how he can’t get over the transformation. His words are like honey, sweet and soothing, each one sinking into your heart and settling there.

He tells you how obsessed he is with you, his voice filled with a sincerity that makes your heart flutter. Each declaration of his pride in you, his honor to be your boyfriend, sends a fresh wave of warmth coursing through your veins. The intensity of his feelings is palpable, wrapping around you like a protective cocoon, and you can't help but blush profusely at each affectionate confession.

With every step, Jiseok’s grip on your hand tightens ever so slightly, a silent reassurance of his unwavering support. His presence, his whispered affirmations, create a bubble of intimacy amidst the bustling streets and curious onlookers. It’s as if the world fades away, leaving just the two of you wrapped in a moment of pure connection and love.

His words are a balm to your anxiety, each one meticulously chipping away at the insecurities that have long haunted you. The way he looks at you, with eyes brimming with adoration and pride, makes you feel seen in the most profound way. It’s not just about the clothes or the outward changes; it’s about the courage to embrace your true self, and Jiseok's endless support amplifies that courage tenfold.

Every time he leans in to murmur his adoration, your cheeks heat up, a blush spreading across your face. The sincerity in his voice, the warmth in his eyes, makes each compliment feel like the first, filling you with a sense of joy and affirmation that you hadn’t realized you needed so desperately. 

As you walk together, hand in hand, Jiseok’s unwavering support and constant reassurances weave a tapestry of love and confidence around you. His pride in you is evident in every word, every touch, and every glance. With each affectionate whisper, the bond between you strengthens, reinforcing the belief that together, you can face anything the world throws your way.

By the time you reach your destination, the anxiety that had once threatened to overwhelm you has dissipated, replaced by a profound sense of love and belonging. Jiseok’s constant reminders of how handsome you are, how proud he is of you, and how honored he feels to be your boyfriend, have fortified your spirit. Blushing and beaming, you step into the restaurant with him by your side, ready to face whatever comes next, knowing that with Jiseok's love, you are unstoppable.

 ( Xdinary Heroes )

꒰ đŸ·ïž ꒱ ミ My permanent taglist is open! (Click on the link to join! All you have to do is answer a few questions to help me stay organized!)

 ( Xdinary Heroes )


 ( Xdinary Heroes )

Tags :
7 months ago

Hi Green!

This is đŸ©·, I know I already requested but I had another idea that I really wanted to share! If you don’t want to write it, that’s totally fine, just ignore this :)

It can be with either Gaon from Xdinary Heroes or Jongseob from P1Harmony — I couldn’t decide to save my life, I’m sorry! But anyway, here’s the idea:

He and the reader grew up together, and all their lives Reader was just a tomboy. However, a couple of weeks earlier, Reader came out as a trans guy and expressed wanting to do something with their looks to better fit their identity. So he does a bit of research and buys Reader his first binder/trans tape, and since they’re dating at this stage of their lives, he helps Reader put it on while rattling off the things he learned off the internet regarding how to use the binder/trans tape. It’s just overall a very endearing scene. They can maybe go out to dinner together and maybe the Reader is very anxious about being out with the binder/trans tape for the first time but he keeps reassuring them that they look very handsome.

I know I only request trans-related things but there’s just such a massive lack of such content and I really hope you’d consider writing them! Again, you don’t have to! Thank you in advance!

Beautiful, gorgeous, wonderful đŸ©·! This (and the first one you sent that I’m currently working on) are probably my favorite requests. I’m masc non-binary, which means I fall under the trans umbrella, so these were especially healing for me. So, so self indulgent. Your requests is and will always be welcomed, I seriously mean this. There really is a devastating lack of trans content in general, but especially within the KPOP fanfic community. These pieces might not do as well as other cisgender-based fics but they’ll always have a very special place in my heart. I love you so much, and I hope you’re doing well!

Hi Green!


đ€. 𝐣𝐹𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐞𝐹𝐛 đŸ« p1harmony đŸ« 1.6k

Hi Green!

UNDER THE SUNSET GLOW was written first purely because this guy gives me insane gender envy. I almost left it at that, but honestly I suddenly got inspired to also write DRESSED FOR LOVE at the last second so here you have both! Also, no, I didn't purposely set out to make the aesthetics match the trans flag, it just happened like that which means it was destiny.

Hi Green!


đ€. đŁđąđŹđžđšđ€ 💐 xdinary heroes 💐 1.9k

Hi Green!

( đ đźđąđđžđ„đąđ§đžđŹ ) ( đ­đšđ đ„đąđŹđ­ & 𝐚𝐧𝐹𝐧𝐬 ) ( đ«đžđȘ𝐼𝐞𝐬𝐭 đ„đąđŹđ­ ) ( đ„đąđ›đ«đšđ«đČ )

Tags :
6 months ago

❀ THE PRICE OF PLEASURE ( xdinary heroes )

 THE PRICE OF PLEASURE ( Xdinary Heroes )
 THE PRICE OF PLEASURE ( Xdinary Heroes )
 THE PRICE OF PLEASURE ( Xdinary Heroes )
 THE PRICE OF PLEASURE ( Xdinary Heroes )

❛ When Jiseok and Jooyeon break your strict rule, you push the boundaries of your control and desire, navigating a thrilling interplay of discipline and pleasure as you mold their eager submission to your will.

đ€đ°đšđ€ đŁđąđŹđžđšđ€ + female reader + đ„đžđž 𝐣𝐹𝐹đČ𝐞𝐹𝐧 àłŻ ( 𝐹𝐧𝐞-𝐬𝐡𝐹𝐭 )

đ°đšđ«đ 𝐜𝐹𝐼𝐧𝐭: 8.0k 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐱𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 đ«đžđšđđąđ§đ  𝐭𝐱𝐩𝐞: 32 mins

꒰ 💌 ꒱ ミ Yet another amazing request made by the wonderful 🍀 Anon! This is probably the filthiest, things I've ever written. But I also feel like it's my absolute favorite! I hope you guys enjoy, reblogs and feedback are much appreciated! Requests are currently open! ── ( đ„đąđ›đ«đšđ«đČ )

𝐜𝐹𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 đ°đšđ«đ§đąđ§đ đŹ: MDNI, oral (male and female receiving), brief m x m action, voyeurism, Jooyeon is a major brat, Jooyeon and Gaon are both submissive, Reader is a control-obsessed dom, she's also soft sometimes, Gaon gets pegged, handjob, begging, crying (not really, but kinda), lots and lots of teasing, let me know if I missed anything!

( đ đźđąđđžđ„đąđ§đžđŹ ) ( đ­đšđ đ„đąđŹđ­ & 𝐚𝐧𝐹𝐧𝐬 ) ( đ«đžđȘ𝐼𝐞𝐬𝐭 đ„đąđŹđ­ ) ( đ­đąđ© đŁđšđ« )

 THE PRICE OF PLEASURE ( Xdinary Heroes )

The familiar, rhythmic thud of your shoes hitting the floor echoed softly through the quiet apartment as you kicked them off, the sound oddly amplified in the stillness. A slight frown tugged at your lips, a whisper of confusion settling in as you took in the unexpected silence. Your home, usually alive with the vibrant energy of your boyfriends, was eerily calm, devoid of the usual symphony of laughter and banter that often greeted your return. It was odd, unsettling even, that this quiet was your welcome, especially since their shoes were already neatly lined by the door—a sign that they were home, yet nowhere to be seen.

With a gentle shrug, you slipped off your light jacket, the fabric brushing softly against your skin as you hung it on the coat rack. Your oversized work bag followed, its weight slipping from your shoulder with a familiar relief. As you stood there, the quiet pressing in around you, suspicion began to stir, a soft unease gnawing at the edges of your thoughts. Your gaze swept the room, searching for any sign of your lovers' presence, but the usual chaos they brought with them was conspicuously absent. The stillness felt like a lull before a storm, the kind of silence that Jiseok and Jooyeon could never maintain for long, especially when they were together, plotting their next mischievous escapade.

Faintly, like a whisper in the quiet, you caught the delicate sound of shuffling emanating from within your bedroom. The noise was subtle, almost hesitant, yet it pierced through the silence with a presence that demanded attention. Your eyes narrowed, suspicion flaring as you took in the unusual sight of your closed bedroom door—a rare occurrence in the sanctuary of your home. With a quiet resolve, you made your way toward the source of the sound, each step deliberate and silent as if the stillness of the apartment itself held its breath.

As you reached the door, your hand hesitated for the briefest moment before gently pushing it open. The scene that greeted you was one of raw, unapologetic intimacy, an almost obscene tableau that instantly commanded your full attention. There, perched at the edge of your shared bed, was Jooyeon, his slender frame glistening with a sheen of sweat. His head was thrown back in a wild surrender to pleasure, long strands of hair clinging to his damp, flushed skin, creating an image of untamed beauty. His face, scrunched up in ecstasy, betrayed the intense sensations coursing through him, every muscle in his body taut with the effort of holding on to the bliss that threatened to consume him.

Kneeling between Jooyeon’s trembling legs was Jiseok, his back turned to you, though the rhythmic bobbing of his head left no doubt about the intimate service he was providing. The sight of them together, lost in their own world of pleasure, was a potent mix of annoyance and arousal, each emotion vying for dominance within you. The lewd, wet sounds that filled the air only intensified the storm brewing inside, sending an intoxicating rush of heat through your veins. It was a moment suspended in time, one that held you captive, torn between the urge to interrupt and the desire to watch their passion unfold.

Deciding not to disturb their passionate moment, you chose instead to lean casually against the doorframe, arms crossed over your chest. There was a certain thrill in observing them unnoticed, your gaze sharp and unyielding as it fixed upon the scene unfolding before you. Curiosity sparked within, urging you to see just how long it would take for them to sense the weight of your stare, to feel the intensity of your presence as you watched, silent and unmoving.

Yet, as the seconds ticked by, that initial thrill began to sour, replaced by a simmering annoyance that crept into your chest. The longer you stood there, the more your irritation grew, gnawing at the edges of your patience. You had set rules for a reason—clear, firm boundaries that all of you had agreed upon, understanding the importance of maintaining balance within your dynamic. One of those rules was simple, yet essential: neither of them was allowed to indulge in pleasure without your explicit permission, particularly when you had made your desires known. You had been crystal clear, even taking the time to send a message in the group chat before leaving work, outlining exactly how you wanted them.

But as you stood there, a sudden realization struck you with infuriating clarity. Technically, they weren’t breaking any rules, and the thought sent a fresh wave of irritation coursing through you. You could vividly recall the exact phrasing you had used: "Neither of you can give yourselves pleasure without my explicit permission, especially if I tell you that I want you beforehand." The loophole they had exploited now seemed glaringly obvious, and a bitter scoff nearly escaped your lips. They weren't seeking pleasure from themselves but from each other—a clever, if maddening, twist on your words.

The knowledge that they had found a way around your rule, skirting the edges of defiance while technically staying within the bounds you had set, only fueled your growing annoyance. Yet, beneath that annoyance, there was a grudging admiration for their audacity, for the way they had turned your own rule against you. It was a delicate dance of power and submission, one that you were determined to reclaim control over, even as you continued to watch, the silence between you heavy with unspoken tension.

As if finally attuned to the simmering tension in the room, Jooyeon’s pleasure-clouded eyes fluttered open, locking onto your unyielding stare. For a brief moment, his gaze remained unfocused, lost in the haze of the moment, but then recognition dawned, widening his eyes in a sudden panic. In a frantic rush, he pushed Jiseok away, his movements clumsy with urgency. Jiseok, still caught in the throes of their intimacy, mumbled something unintelligible, his voice muffled by the lingering taste of Jooyeon's desire. It wasn’t until he followed Jooyeon’s gaze that the gravity of the situation fully hit him. His own eyes went wide, a deep flush of anxiety spreading across his face, the earlier confidence replaced by a palpable unease.

Despite the tumultuous swirl of emotions churning within you, you maintained a veneer of calm as you slowly pushed yourself off the doorframe. Your movements were deliberate, calculated, as you made your way to a plush chair nestled in the furthest corner of the room. The sharp edge in your voice betrayed the storm beneath your composed exterior as you spoke, “Don’t let me interrupt your fun,” you said, the words slicing through the thick silence like a blade. 

Settling into the chair with an elegance that belied the intensity of the moment, you crossed one leg over the other, the smooth motion a stark contrast to the charged atmosphere. Your fingers intertwined with a practiced grace, resting casually on your lap, though there was nothing casual about the undercurrent of displeasure in your tone. "Clearly, I’m not needed here," you continued, the bitterness in your words hanging in the air like a challenge, daring them to refute it. The room seemed to shrink under the weight of your presence, the earlier intimacy now overshadowed by the unspoken tension that filled the space between you.

While Jiseok, ever the more submissive of the two, began to pathetically crawl across the floor toward you, his movements were slow and deliberate, as if each inch he gained was a testament to his regret. When he finally reached you, he positioned himself on his knees, his arms wrapping around your legs in a desperate embrace. His head bowed low, resting against your lap, he mumbled a stream of breathless apologies, each word laced with a whine that betrayed his mounting anxiety. His voice was a soft, trembling plea for forgiveness, and though his presence was tangible, your gaze remained fixed elsewhere.

Your attention was locked on Jooyeon, whose unwavering stare met yours with a defiant glint. His eyes, dark and challenging, held none of the remorse that Jiseok so readily displayed. Instead, there was a boldness in his gaze, a spark of rebellion that was all too familiar. It wasn’t unexpected—Jooyeon had always possessed an uncanny ability to push your limits, a relentless determination to test your patience at every turn. The smirk tugging at the corner of his lips was a silent taunt, an invitation to the game he so loved to play. 

He knew you too well, knew precisely which buttons to press and when to press them. It was a dance you had performed countless times before, each step choreographed with an intimacy that came from understanding the deepest corners of each other's minds. Yet, despite knowing how the game would play out, despite the simmering frustration that he always managed to evoke within you, there was a part of you that couldn't help but admire his audacity. It was infuriating, maddening even, but there was also something intoxicating about the way he challenged you, the way he thrived on eliciting a reaction.

Jooyeon's defiance was a fire that refused to be extinguished, a flame that burned with a heat that could either consume or ignite something within you. And as you stared into his eyes, a silent battle waging between the two of you, the familiar thrill of the challenge began to stir within your chest, mingling with the annoyance that his stubbornness always managed to evoke. It was a complex dance of power and submission, one that neither of you were willing to lose.

“Please,” Jiseok’s voice quivered with desperation, his fingers curling around the hem of your shirt as if clinging to a lifeline. His plea was laced with a raw vulnerability, an attempt to capture your attention, to divert your gaze from the other boy who remained rooted in defiant stillness. For a long moment, you ignored him, your eyes fixed on Jooyeon, who hadn't moved an inch. But eventually, the pitiful weight of Jiseok’s words pulled you down to him, your gaze dropping to meet his flushed, guilt-ridden face. His cheeks were stained a deep crimson, the color of shame, and his eyes glistened with regret that bordered on desperation.

“I told Jooyeon it wasn’t a good idea, but he still made me do it,” Jiseok murmured, his voice wavering as he sought to absolve himself, to shift the blame onto the unyielding figure across the room. His words, however, were met with a sharp scoff from Jooyeon, who rolled his eyes with a mixture of disdain and amusement. The smirk that played on his lips was almost cruel in its satisfaction as he cut through Jiseok’s attempt at innocence with biting clarity.

“Don’t act all innocent, Ji. You weren’t too hard to convince,” Jooyeon’s voice dripped with mocking amusement, the casual dismissal of Jiseok’s plea only deepening the tension in the room. Your eyes narrowed, fixing on Jiseok, who recoiled slightly under your scrutinizing gaze. The groveling man at your feet cast a quick, venomous glare in Jooyeon’s direction before returning his pleading eyes to you, a silent appeal for mercy.

The sight of them, one defiant and the other groveling, was almost too much to bear. You could almost laugh at the absurdity of it all—the way Jiseok's desperate attempts to escape blame were so easily dismantled by Jooyeon’s unrelenting honesty. Yet, you held back, determined to maintain your composure. With a deliberate, gentle firmness, you pushed Jiseok away, his fingers slipping from your shirt as you created a space between your bodies. The movement was final, a quiet assertion of your control, a reminder that you would not be swayed by pitiful apologies or manipulative tactics.

“Did you not hear what I just said?” Your voice cut through the tension like a blade, sharp and unwavering. You raised an eyebrow, your gaze flickering between the two men, each of them a stark contrast to the other in their response. Jooyeon, ever the defiant one, met your challenge with a smirk that played at the corners of his lips. He shifted his weight, leaning back onto his elbows with a casual arrogance, his eyes drifting lazily toward Jiseok as if the entire situation were nothing more than an amusing game.

Jiseok, in stark contrast, remained at your feet, his frown deepening as he absorbed the weight of your words. The air between you all was thick with unspoken tension, the power dynamic shifting and settling as you held their gazes, one after the other. Jooyeon’s smirk widened, his expression one of almost mocking confidence as he finally broke the silence, his voice laced with a taunting edge.

You let the silence hang for a beat, your patience wearing thin. “Don’t let me interrupt your fun,” you added, the words laced with a subtle yet unmistakable edge. Your gaze remained steady, shifting between them, watching their reactions with a mixture of frustration and control. The defiance in Jooyeon’s posture only seemed to grow stronger under your scrutiny, while Jiseok’s frown deepened, his eyes flickering with unease. 

The atmosphere was thick with unspoken tension, each of you aware of the delicate balance of power at play. Your words, though calmly spoken, carried an undercurrent of authority that left no room for misinterpretation.

Jiseok resumed his position at your feet, his fingers trembling slightly as they fisted the hem of your shirt once more. His bottom lip jutted out in a desperate pout, the very picture of contrition. As you gazed down at him, his remorse was palpable, almost tangible in the way his eyes pleaded for forgiveness. The sight of him, so earnestly regretful, caused something within you to soften, a crack in the armor of your stern resolve.

Yet, you knew better than to let that moment of tenderness sway your judgment. Judging by the way Jooyeon had reacted to your earlier command to continue with his naughty activities, you understood that simply ordering them to proceed wouldn’t serve as the true punishment Jooyeon needed. He thrived on defiance, on pushing boundaries, and you were all too aware that he wouldn’t be so easily subdued. 

With a gentle sigh, you leaned back into your seat, allowing your expression to shift from stern to sympathetic as your focus returned to the older boy at your feet. The transformation was subtle yet deliberate, a calculated move meant to comfort Jiseok, whose guilt was as evident as the tears brimming in his eyes. Your index finger curled beneath his chin, tilting his face upward to meet your gaze. The touch was soft, almost tender, and your thumb traced the contour of his chin with a gentleness that belied the authority you wielded.

“Do you feel guilty, Ji?” you cooed, your voice a soothing balm against the tension that still lingered in the air. 

His response was immediate, his head nodding with such fervor that it almost seemed frantic. “So, so sorry!” he gasped, his voice a breathless plea, and you could see the sliver of hope flickering in his eyes at your sudden change in demeanor.

The shift in your tone and touch was deliberate, designed to draw him closer, to offer him a glimpse of redemption. The power dynamic was clear, but in this moment, it was laced with a tenderness that made Jiseok’s heart swell with a desperate need to earn back your favor. And as you looked into his eyes, you could see that your calculated change in approach had taken its desired effect, planting the seed of hope within him while still maintaining the control you so deftly wielded.

“Hmmm,” you murmur thoughtfully, your voice a soft, velvety purr as you release Jiseok’s face from your gentle hold. Your fingers linger for a moment, caressing his skin with a lingering warmth that belied the sternness in your gaze. “If you show me just how sorry you are—by pleasuring me properly, eating me with the devotion I deserve—I might just consider showing you a bit of mercy. Does that sound fair, baby?”

Jiseok’s eyes widened, a glimmer of eager anticipation flashing in their depths. His excitement is almost palpable as he nods vigorously, his expression one of hopeful desperation. Without hesitation, he begins his task, his hands trembling slightly as he grips the waistband of your pants and underwear. With your assistance, he pulls the fabric down to your ankles, his movements urgent and precise.

Once you’ve kicked off the restrictive garments, a sigh escapes your lips, a sound of both relief and satisfaction. You stretch out your legs, opening them with a deliberate and inviting ease, presenting yourself to your eager lover. The warm glow of the nightstand lamps casts a golden sheen over your exposed core, highlighting the glistening wetness that betrays your arousal. The soft light creates a shimmering effect, making your desire all the more visible and enticing.

You catch the subtle, involuntary swallow that ripples through Jooyeon’s throat as he watches the scene unfold, his gaze fixed intently on the sight before him. His reaction is immediate, a clear indication of the effect the display has on him. The moment Jiseok’s eyes fall upon your aroused core, he emits a low, reverent moan, the sound reverberating with a mixture of lust and devotion. The interplay of your body’s response and Jiseok’s eager obedience creates a charged atmosphere, one that only serves to heighten the tension and excitement in the room.

Jiseok didn’t hesitate for a moment, his lips moving with an urgent, fervent need as he traced a path of wet, eager kisses up your inner thighs. Each kiss was imbued with a desperate longing, a tactile promise of the pleasure that awaited. The sensation of his lips against your sensitive skin sent a thrilling jolt of anticipation straight into your abdomen, making your heartbeat quicken with fervor.

When his lips finally reached your aching core, he paused for a brief, tantalizing moment, inhaling the intoxicating, familiar scent of your arousal. The air seemed to crackle with charged energy as he savored the moment, his breath warm and teasing against your skin. Then, with a slow, deliberate motion, he pressed a soft, reverent kiss onto your sensitive folds. The simple, yet profound contact elicited a shuddered gasp from you, a sound that seemed to resonate deeply within him, filling him with a sense of satisfaction and boldness.

Spurred on by your reaction, Jiseok’s tongue emerged, expertly gliding between your folds with a practiced, skilled touch. The sensation was electric, a wave of intense pleasure that made your fingers instinctively curl into his hair, gripping him tightly. The pressure of your touch was a firm reminder of who held the reins, a detail that elicited a delicious, vibrating moan from Jiseok. The sound reverberated through your core, amplifying the pleasure and creating a symphony of sensations that left you craving more.

Having Jiseok in this submissive, eager state was pure bliss—his compliance and desperation to please made every moment feel like a heavenly indulgence. His willingness to cater to your desires, his every action steeped in devotion and need, transformed the experience into something both transcendent and intimately fulfilling.

After a few moments of surrendering to the intoxicating pleasure Jiseok’s exquisite mouth was bestowing upon you, you reluctantly shifted your gaze toward your other, more rebellious lover. The sight that met your eyes was both captivating and gratifying—Jooyeon, breathless and visibly disheveled, was gripping the bedsheets with such intensity that his knuckles had turned a stark, ghostly white. The raw desperation etched on his face sent a shiver of dark satisfaction coursing through your veins.

You allowed a smirk to curl at the corners of your lips, a reflection of the wicked pleasure you took in his discomfiture. The dark gleam in your eyes only seemed to heighten his arousal, and you could see the effect it had on him. The twitch of his length was unmistakable, a physical testament to the intense frustration and yearning that had been stoked by your presence and actions.

It dawned on you then that his own pleasure had been sharply interrupted by your control, leaving him in a state of aching need. The realization brought a dark, amused chuckle to your lips, a sound that was both cruel and deeply satisfying. The thought that his own arousal was teetering on the edge of painful necessity was a delicious detail you couldn’t help but relish. Each twitch and shudder of his body was a testament to your dominance, a reminder of just how effectively you could manipulate and captivate him.

A surprising jolt of pleasure suddenly pulls your focus away from Jooyeon, drawing your attention back to Jiseok. A moan escapes your lips, filled with both surprise and delight, as you become acutely aware of his expert touch. Jiseok’s fingertips, deft and determined, trace gentle circles over your sensitive nub, while his tongue thrusts rhythmically in and out of your sopping core. His eyes, locked onto your face, gleam with a quiet pride, a testament to his satisfaction in his performance.

Unable to contain your tender response, you smile gently at him, your expression softening with affection. You move the hand that had been resting in his hair to cup his cheek, your thumb caressing him with a tenderness that contrasts the intensity of the moment. At your touch, Jiseok leans into your hand, his body vibrating with a contented hum that resonates through your core. The sensation of his submission and his willingness to please you fills your heart with an overwhelming, indescribable affection.

Despite his habitual mischief, Jiseok was always remarkably attentive when it mattered most. The realization of his devotion intensifies with each stroke of his tongue against the sensitive spot within you, pushing you to a new peak of pleasure. The thought of his unwavering care, despite his playful nature, amplifies your desire. As his tongue finds that sweet, sensitive spot once more, another moan escapes you, and you tighten your grip on his hair, urging him deeper into your pleasure. The combination of his devoted touch and your commanding presence creates a profound sense of intimacy and connection, one that transcends the physical and speaks to the core of your bond.

Jooyeon’s voice abruptly sliced through the bubble of pleasure enveloping you, his tone cracking with a desperate need that belied his attempt at nonchalance. “I’m sorry,” he murmured, his eyes fixed on the arch of your back, each shudder of pleasure that coursed through you a vivid display of your intense enjoyment. He clutched the sheets beneath him with a fierce grip, as if they were a lifeline holding him in place. You couldn’t help but marvel at his endurance, the way he had resisted the urge to touch himself despite the tormenting frustration. It was a feat that both intrigued and impressed you, though you had no intention of voicing your admiration.

Your gaze flickered toward him, though the image before you was slightly blurred by the overwhelming bliss Jiseok was bestowing upon you. “I’m sorry,” Jooyeon repeated, his voice trembling with raw desperation. This time, the veneer of composure was gone, stripped away by the intensity of his need. As you rolled your hips against Jiseok’s face, using his hair to keep him securely in place, Jooyeon’s eyes grew darker, reflecting a potent mix of longing and frustration.

Jiseok, seemingly lost in the haze of his own desire, groaned deeply into your core, the sound vibrating through you and sending another wave of ecstatic pleasure that left you gasping for breath. His focus remained fixed on you, almost as if Jooyeon’s presence had faded into the background of his single-minded devotion.

When you remained silent in response to Jooyeon’s repeated apologies, he insisted with a fervent plea, “I won’t do it again, I promise.” The desperation in his voice was palpable, the feeling of exclusion starting to gnaw at him just as you had intended. The sight of him, so vulnerable and yearning, was a stark contrast to the pleasure Jiseok continued to deliver, adding another layer of intense satisfaction to the scene unfolding before you.

“No,” you pant, your breath coming in shallow, ragged bursts as you lick your lips, the taste of desire lingering on your tongue. Your senses are acutely tuned to the sensations enveloping you; you can feel the sweat that has formed a slick sheen over your body, glistening almost sensually under the soft, amber glow of the nightstand lamps. These lamps cast a warm, inviting light across the otherwise darkened expanse of your bedroom, creating an intimate cocoon that frames the scene with a seductive allure.

Your gaze remains fixed on Jooyeon’s eyes, now clouded with a mixture of longing and frustration. He pants softly, his breaths uneven as he watches the unfolding scene with an almost entranced expression. As you teeter on the precipice of climax, the tightening in your lower abdomen grows almost unbearable. “It’s too late to apologize now, Joo,” you manage to murmur through your heightened pleasure, your voice quivering with the effort to maintain control.

A sharp inhale escapes you as Jiseok’s fingers dig into your thighs, his nails pressing into your soft skin with a possessive grip meant to keep you firmly in place. Momentarily distracted by the intensity of his touch, you reach for his wrists with both hands, holding them with a firm grip as you cast him a warning glare. He should know better than to assume any form of control at this moment; not to mention, you rarely enjoyed the sensation of being confined.

Jiseok’s eyes flicker with a silent apology, a wordless acknowledgment of your unspoken command. Once you see the understanding in his gaze, you release his wrists, allowing your hands to return to his hair. With renewed focus, you guide him back to your core, trapping his head in a vice of pleasure. The intimate connection between you both is palpable, a dance of control and surrender that continues to heighten the ecstasy of the moment.

Your gaze shifted once more, catching Jooyeon leaning forward with renewed intensity, his posture straightening in a futile attempt to catch a better glimpse of your aching core as it lay exposed over Jiseok’s head. A sharp, almost cruel snort escaped you, the sound dripping with mockery. “You should have taken a page from your older brother’s book when you had the chance,” you taunted, your voice edged with a playful disdain as you observed Jooyeon’s sulking reaction to your words. “Now, you’ll have to wait until he’s finished eating his dinner before I deal with you.”

As another moan erupted from your lips—a primal, guttural sound that hung heavily in the air—you began to assert control over the rhythm, your thighs clenching around Jiseok’s head with a firm, possessive grip. Your hips moved with a desperate, relentless pace, rolling back and forth with an urgent, almost frenzied rhythm. The vibrations of Jiseok’s own moans and groans reverberated through you, amplifying the waves of pleasure crashing over you.

With a final, shuddering groan that punctuated your climax, you allowed the intense waves of euphoria to envelop you. Slowly, you adjusted the pace, easing into a more languid rhythm as you rode out the aftershocks of your orgasm. Eventually, you released Jiseok from your iron grip, his head slipping free from between your thighs.

He didn’t retreat immediately. Instead, he lingered, his lips pressing a firm yet tender kiss onto your highly sensitive core, which elicited a slight flinch from you. Despite the delicate sensation, you managed a tired smile in response, your breath coming in heavy, ragged bursts as you leaned back into your seat, savoring the residual echoes of your pleasure.

The sound of Jooyeon’s moans, mingled with the sight of his desperate gaze, registered in the periphery of your consciousness as you briefly closed your eyes. You took a moment to bask in the relief that Jiseok, ever the attentive lover, had provided to your once-aching arousal. The pleasure had been both intense and satisfying, a balm to the tension that had built up throughout your demanding day at work.

Yet, you didn’t let yourself linger in this moment of indulgence for too long. The awareness of what needed to be done next urged you to refocus. Once your breathing had steadied, your eyes fluttered open, and you straightened up, positioning yourself to face your lovers with renewed determination.

Jiseok remained on the floor before you, now seated with a look of serene satisfaction on his face. He was diligently engaged in cleaning your sticky arousal from his face, his tongue working with practiced precision. The sight of his dedication only heightened your sense of control and satisfaction.

Across the room, Jooyeon was a study in frustrated yearning. His thighs rubbed together in a subtle, almost desperate search for friction, his eyes fixed on you with a mixture of envy and longing. The expression on his face was almost palpable, an unspoken plea for attention. You couldn't help but let out a dark, amused laugh at the contrast between Jiseok’s contented diligence and Jooyeon’s evident jealousy. The dynamic between the two was both intoxicating and thrilling, adding another layer of complexity to the scene before you.

You steadied yourself, carefully concealing the tremor in your legs from the recent climax, unwilling to let even a hint of vulnerability disrupt the commanding presence you needed to maintain. The image you projected was crucial for the next phase of your plan, one that was designed to bring your bratty, rebellious lover, Jooyeon, to his knees in submission—just as you intended. While Jooyeon had mastered the art of pushing your buttons, you, too, had accumulated a repertoire of strategies throughout your time with both him and Jiseok.

A smirk curled at the corners of your lips as this thought crossed your mind, a glimmer of mischief dancing in your eyes. You moved with deliberate grace, passing by Jiseok, who continued his focused task with a look of serene satisfaction. Your path led directly to the nightstand on your side of the expansive bed, where a carefully curated collection of sensual toys awaited. The gleam of anticipation in your gaze reflected off the polished surface of the nightstand as you approached, each item meticulously arranged to cater to your desires.

The nightstand’s contents were a testament to your intricate understanding of pleasure and control, each piece chosen to further your goals of domination and indulgence. As you reached for the drawer, the soft click of its opening echoed through the room, adding a layer of expectation to the already charged atmosphere.

You could feel their gazes burning into your skin, each pair of eyes following your every movement with a palpable intensity. Yet, you remained unperturbed, your focus entirely on the task at hand. With deliberate precision, you retrieved the harnesses of your strap, your fingers moving with practiced ease. The ritual of preparation was almost meditative, each action underscoring your dominance and control.

Once the harness was secured in place, you methodically sifted through your collection before finding what you were looking for: Jiseok's favorite dildo. The bright blue silicone toy, vivid and unmistakable, emerged from the drawer. The sight of it elicited a giddy gasp from Jiseok, a sound that was quickly followed by Jooyeon’s mocking snort. The derisive noise only served to widen your smirk, a silent promise of what was to come. You knew Jooyeon’s bravado would soon crumble, but you kept this insight to yourself, letting the anticipation build.

With practiced movements, you secured the toy onto the strap, the click of the mechanism echoing softly in the room. You retrieved a half-empty bottle of lube and tossed it onto the bed with a casual flick of your wrist. Amidst the array of items, you unearthed two pairs of handcuffs from the very bottom of the drawer, a rarely used accessory that now seemed perfectly suited for your purpose. You held them up with a faint smirk, their cold metal glinting under the dim light.

A voice, dazed with anticipation, broke the charged silence. “Are you tying me up?” Jiseok’s voice was closer than before, and you turned to see him resting on the bed behind Jooyeon, his eyes alight with excitement. You chuckled softly at the eagerness evident in his expression, shaking your head as you retrieved a black blindfold from the drawer. The soft rustle of fabric was the only sound as you closed the drawer, tossing the handcuffs and blindfold onto the bed with casual grace.

“Our dear Joo hasn’t been behaving well, remember?” Your voice was a silk thread of menace woven with amusement. Jiseok’s eyes widened as the implications of your words sank in, his gaze shifting to meet Jooyeon’s. Despite the undercurrent of anxiety, there was an undeniable spark of thrill in Jooyeon’s eyes, a fleeting but telling sign of the complex mix of emotions stirring within him.

After taking a final inventory of the items you had meticulously prepared, you positioned yourself before Jooyeon. The room was thick with anticipation as you stood with an air of authority, your hands confidently resting on your hips. The strap, securely fastened and perfectly aligned, hovered enticingly at the level of Jooyeon’s mouth.

Jooyeon gazed up at you, a picture of almost vulnerable apprehension. His eyes, though defiant, betrayed a flicker of unease as they tracked the motion of your strap. Behind him, Jiseok’s head emerged, his eyes wide with a mixture of eagerness and longing, reflecting the soft glow of the room’s lighting.

When Jooyeon remained motionless and silent, you couldn’t suppress a playful smirk. You raised an eyebrow in mock surprise, the gesture both questioning and taunting. “Oh, Joo,” you chided with a tone dripping in feigned disapproval. You shook your head lightly, the movement deliberate and filled with a touch of disappointment. “Are you really going to make me do all the work? I thought you were sorry.”

Your words were laced with clear mockery, and the way Jooyeon’s eyes narrowed subtly in response confirmed that he had picked up on your teasing. The room's atmosphere was charged with the tension of your challenge, each breath and glance heightening the sense of anticipation and control.

Given Jooyeon’s persistent stubbornness, you let out a resigned sigh, signaling Jiseok to assist you in guiding Jooyeon deeper onto the expansive mattress. Jooyeon, showing no resistance to the shift, allowed himself to be maneuvered into position. You ensured he was properly angled against the cool metal bars of the headboard, which elicited a faint wince from him as the chill of the contact met his skin.

Ignoring the fleeting reaction, you proceeded with practiced precision. You handed Jiseok one of the handcuffs, the cold metal gleaming in the dim light, while you retained the other. With swift, deliberate movements, you secured Jooyeon’s wrist to the headboard, the clink of the cuffs breaking the room's heavy silence. As you completed the task, you deftly placed the blindfold over Jooyeon’s eyes, his vision swallowed by the soft, dark fabric. The blindfold, with its promise of obscurity, heightened the anticipation of the moment.

Jiseok, finding the scenario both entertaining and gratifying, let out a light-hearted giggle. His amusement was palpable, a sharp contrast to Jooyeon's subdued state. Following your subtle command, Jiseok positioned himself beneath Jooyeon's bent legs with eager compliance, a reflection of his own excitement.

Turning your gaze back to Jooyeon, you let your voice carry a blend of authority and curiosity. “Joo,” you began, your tone both commanding and contemplative. “You apologized to me earlier. What was it you were apologizing for, hmm?” The question hung in the air, a tantalizing blend of reprimand and intrigue, as you awaited his response.

At your question, Jooyeon huffed in exasperation, the sound betraying his simmering frustration. His arousal, already a deep, agonized red, leaked persistently, the tip glistening with the evidence of his prolonged neglect. It was clear how desperately he had been yearning for release, having restrained himself in hopes of finding favor with you through his own unique, if misguided, penitence.

A flicker of sympathy might have crossed your mind, recognizing the restraint he had exercised. It was evident how much self-discipline it had taken for him to refrain from touching himself, despite the visual and auditory cues of your pleasure. Yet, your resolve remained steadfast as you waited for his response, your demeanor unwavering and authoritative.

With a measured motion, you squeezed a generous amount of lube onto your hand, the slick, cool substance glistening under the soft illumination of the room. You stroked your silicone length with deliberate, smooth motions, the sensation sending a shiver of anticipation through you. The rhythmic motion of your hand was met with a shuddering breath from Jooyeon, his blindfolded eyes unable to witness the source of his torment.

"I'm sorry," he finally gasped, his voice breaking under the weight of his emotions. "I was sorry for breaking your rule. I—I was being a brat." His words were choked with a mixture of regret and desperation, the sound of his voice mingling with the slick sounds of your movements.

A satisfied hum escaped your lips, the sound a testament to his confession meeting your expectations. You applied another generous amount of lube, this time to your index and middle fingers, preparing them for what was to come. With a silent nod towards Jiseok, who eagerly complied, you watched as he spread his legs wide, presenting himself with an eager readiness that mirrored his excitement.

“Hmm,” you mused aloud, your fingers hovering tantalizingly close to Jiseok’s entrance. The anticipation in the room was palpable, a shimmering thread of tension binding everyone present. Jiseok quivered beneath you, his body trembling with eagerness, while Jooyeon, bound and blindfolded, writhed restlessly against the confines of his restraints.

Your fingers, poised with a deliberate slowness, lingered just at the edge of Jiseok’s entrance. The air was thick with expectancy, each breath drawn in sharp, shivering gasps. Jooyeon, his senses heightened by the blindfold, could only guess at what was to come. The sound of his shallow breathing and the restless shifting of his bound form spoke volumes of his eagerness.

“No,” Jooyeon’s voice was a desperate whisper, his head shaking in frantic agreement. “No, I won’t do it again.” His words came out in hurried breaths, a mixture of surrender and pleading lacing his tone. The intensity of his response was matched only by the fervent anticipation emanating from Jiseok, who continued to tremble beneath your careful touch.

Satisfied with Jooyeon's desperate response, you finally yielded to Jiseok’s eager pleas. Slowly, deliberately, you began to insert your index finger into Jiseok’s warm, inviting entrance. The sensation was exquisite, the tightness enveloping your finger as Jiseok emitted a guttural, primal moan that resonated with pure, unrestrained pleasure. You paused for a moment, allowing him to adjust to the intrusion, savoring the way his body tensed and then relaxed in response.

Your attention drifted to Jooyeon, who squirmed restlessly against the headboard, his hips lifting in a desperate, silent plea. The blindfold covering his eyes rendered him unaware of the intimate scene unfolding right before him, intensifying his frustration. A cruel, mocking smile curled on your lips as you watched his futile attempts to seek out the touch he craved so badly. His blindfolded eyes fluttered, and his body writhed in vain.

You began a slow, rhythmic motion, your finger moving in and out of Jiseok with deliberate care. Each thrust drew soft, breathy whimpers from Jiseok, turning him into a trembling mess of pleasure. Meanwhile, Jooyeon’s frustration grew palpable, his jealousy a stark contrast to the pleasure Jiseok was receiving. 

With a hint of mockery in your voice, you leaned closer to Jooyeon, who could only hear the sound of your voice and the relentless moans of Jiseok. “Aw, baby,” you cooed, dripping with sarcasm. “Did you really think I would give you what you wanted so easily after the stunt you pulled?” The tone of your voice was both taunting and authoritative, ensuring Jooyeon felt every ounce of the frustration you intended to impart.

Jooyeon finally broke the silence with a pitiful whine that seemed to escape from deep within him, the sound stretching and echoing through the room as if it had been held captive for an eternity. His hips shifted restlessly, seeking out your touch in vain, but he could only fumble in frustration, unable to find the relief he so desperately craved.

Meanwhile, you had slid your middle finger into Jiseok’s tight, welcoming entrance, the additional intrusion causing him to shudder in heightened ecstasy. His moans grew louder, more intense, each sound a testament to the pleasure you were bestowing upon him. The contrast between Jiseok’s blissful surrender and Jooyeon’s growing frustration was striking, almost painterly in its stark divergence. It was a tableau of sensory extremes that you found almost intoxicating—so vivid, so compelling that you wished you could etch it permanently behind your eyelids.

“That’s not fair!” Jooyeon’s voice pierced the air, slightly shriller than usual, laced with a mix of desperation and indignation. “I apologized! I apologized many times!” Even though the blindfold shielded his eyes, you could almost see the frustration etched into his features, the crinkle of his brows and the relentless squirming of his restrained body.

The room was filled with the slick, obscene sounds of your lubed fingers working within Jiseok, the rhythmic, wet noises a stark contrast to Jooyeon’s pained, futile attempts to find solace. Each sound seemed to amplify Jooyeon’s discomfort, his length twitching in response to the overwhelming mix of envy and unfulfilled desire. You could hardly contain a dark chuckle, your amusement palpable as you reveled in his distress, savoring the sight of his suffering as he continued to be left wanting.

Gradually, your gaze shifted towards Jiseok, who lay beneath you, flushed a deep, fervent crimson from the intensity of the minimal stimulation he had already received. His body was a canvas of shimmering sweat and eager anticipation. With a voice that was a gentle contrast to the sharpness you had shown Jooyeon, you asked, “Do you think you’re ready, baby? Can you take me now?”

Jiseok’s response was a frantic nod, his legs curling around your waist in a desperate attempt to draw you closer to where he craved you the most. His movements were filled with an urgency that matched his need. However, you pulled your fingers out of him with deliberate slowness, gently unlocking his legs from around you. His whimper of disappointment was almost a silent plea, a sound that tugged at the edges of your satisfaction.

You guided him onto his stomach with a soft, yet firm motion, his compliance immediate and obedient. As he settled beneath you, you draped yourself over his slick, heated body, savoring the intimate contact. To intensify Jooyeon’s torment, you carefully repositioned Jiseok’s hands so they gripped Jooyeon’s ankles, a gesture of silent command. The slight pressure you applied to his wrists was a clear, unspoken instruction to keep them firmly in place.

With a slow, deliberate motion, you finally pushed your strap into Jiseok’s yearning entrance. His moan, raw and unrestrained, was the loudest you had heard throughout the evening. The sound was a heady mix of pleasure and relief, and you had barely begun to move. The thought swelled your ego, a silent triumph that danced across your features as you watched Jooyeon’s escalating frustration.

Jooyeon thrashed against his restraints, his pleas and apologies, a chaotic blend of desperation. “It hurts,” he cried, his voice breaking with the weight of his need. “Please, it hurts so much. I’m sorry, please!” His incoherent babbling and fervent promises of never repeating his misstep only served to deepen your satisfaction, his desperation a stark contrast to the pleasure you were bestowing upon Jiseok.

After a lingering moment in which you savored the sight of Jooyeon collapsing under the weight of his own frustration, you decided to extend your reach. Your fingers, slick with remnants of dry lube, moved deliberately towards his aching, neglected length. The moment your hand made contact, Jooyeon released a relieved sob, his hips instinctively thrusting into your touch, desperate for the attention he had been deprived of for so long.

The sound of his reaction elicited a genuine chuckle from you, a soft contrast to the earlier cruelty that had colored your interactions. As you continued to stroke him, your touch infused with a tenderness that belied the harshness of the earlier moments, you felt a surge of genuine endearment towards him. You let the pace of your hips gradually quicken, each thrust causing Jiseok’s trembling form to jolt in sync, his moans and whimpers barely a murmur against the overwhelming symphony of pleasure filling the room.

The scene was intoxicating, a vivid tableau of sensual surrender and trust. Both of your lovers were lost in their own realms of ecstasy, unraveling completely at your touch. They lay exposed, their deepest vulnerabilities laid bare before you, their trust in you evident in their complete submission. It was an honor so profound that words would fail to capture its essence. Instead, you chose to express your appreciation through this intimate exchange, allowing them to reveal their rawest selves in the hope that you would tend to their needs with the care and devotion they craved.

Given the intensity of their prolonged arousal, it was no surprise when you felt Jooyeon’s length twitch uncontrollably, a testament to the desperate pleasure you were bestowing upon him. His whines and groans, long stifled, now spilled forth in a chorus of longing. Simultaneously, Jiseok’s moans grew more frequent and pitched, a high, trembling note of his own impending release. Both of them, on the precipice of their climax, were eagerly pushing their needy forms against you, their bodies seeking the final, elusive touch that would drive them to the edge.

The effort you were putting into their pleasure had begun to weigh on you, a dull ache settling into your muscles from the relentless movements. Yet, the sight and sounds of their need kept you going, your resolve unwavering as you continued to give them what they craved. The room was filled with the heady mix of their desperate cries and the rhythmic pace of your motions, a testament to the shared, mounting ecstasy.

It wasn’t long before their bodies surged against you in a final, coordinated dance towards release. Their moans crescendoed into prolonged, melodic expressions of pure bliss, a symphony of gratification that left both men trembling and breathless. As their climaxes unfolded, you gradually eased to a halt, your own breath coming in heavy, ragged gasps. You pulled away from them slowly, allowing them to experience the last shudders of their aftershocks. The intimate silence that followed was filled with the echoes of their satisfaction, a profound testament to the intensity of the shared experience.

As your breaths gradually steadied and your heart rate returned to a more manageable pace, you surrendered to the softness of the mattress beneath you with a sigh of both exhaustion and profound contentment. The cool sheets brushed against your skin as you nestled into the plush surface, feeling the weight of the evening’s intensity finally lifting.

Jiseok, ever attentive and affectionate, immediately drew close to you, his warmth a comforting presence as he settled beside you. His gentle movements were accompanied by the soft clinking of handcuffs being released—your attention briefly drawn to Jooyeon as you freed him from his restraints. The momentary distraction quickly dissolved as Jooyeon, now liberated, nestled against your other side, creating a cocoon of shared intimacy.

You found yourself enveloped in the tender embrace of both men, their bodies pressing close to yours, forming a trio of intertwined warmth and affection. No words were necessary in this tranquil afterglow; the steady rhythm of three heartbeats aligning in a harmonious cadence spoke volumes. It was a silent testament to the deep bond you all shared, despite their penchant for testing your limits. In that quiet, blissful silence, the love between you thrived—unspoken yet undeniably profound.

 THE PRICE OF PLEASURE ( Xdinary Heroes )

꒰ đŸ·ïž ꒱ ミ My permanent taglist is open! (Click on the link to join! All you have to do is answer a few questions to help me stay organized!)

 THE PRICE OF PLEASURE ( Xdinary Heroes )


 THE PRICE OF PLEASURE ( Xdinary Heroes )

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6 months ago

hi!!! ah okay, so i would definitely enjoy a threesome (as a poly bi it’s definitely my cup of tea) as long as the reader stays the dominant one. usually the female character becomes a switch or submissive when two men are involved and that’s not really my thing

as for details, ummm, maybe a nuggetz threesome? i’m okay with with some light bdsm, a bit of sensory play, pegging (obviously), but nothing too violent. i would also love to see gunil being taken care of in any way you’d like, since he looks after our heroes so well and he deserves some love too!!

i’ll have to think a bit more about what i’d like for jungsu and ode, but hopefully all of this is enough detail for now!!

thank you for being so great and for responding so quickly!!

- 🍀

Hello 🍀, my beloved! You know, when I saw that you're not only a soft-dom that loves pegging as much as I do, but that you're also a part of the queer community — I can't even begin to explain the excitement that rushed through me (I'm a non-binary pansexual who's currently a bit curious about the whole poly dynamics but haven't gotten the chance to experiment yet). I just love, love, love finding fellow queers within the K-Pop/K-Rock world. But anyway, I totally understand the frustration that comes with having most if not all female readers/characters suddenly become a switch or submissive when more than one man is involved during sex. I just think it's so much sexier whenever women remain the dominant one while her pathetic little men are absolute messes because of her.

That said, I really hope you enjoy the Nuggetz threesome! Like I told you before, it's the nastiest yet sexiest thing I've written to date and I'm honestly so proud of it.

Hi!!! Ah Okay, So I Would Definitely Enjoy A Threesome (as A Poly Bi Its Definitely My Cup Of Tea) As


đ€. đŁđąđŹđžđšđ€ ❀ 8.0k ❀ đ„. 𝐣𝐹𝐹đČ𝐞𝐹𝐧

Hi!!! Ah Okay, So I Would Definitely Enjoy A Threesome (as A Poly Bi Its Definitely My Cup Of Tea) As

As for Gunil's piece, this one is a lot softer. Writing the Nuggetz threesome definitely proved to be a lot harder than I initially anticipated (don't hesitate to request another threesome in the future though, I really enjoyed it!) so I was actually really glad to have Gunil's request be a little more simple since it was a good come-down from the threesome. I really, really liked it for the same reasons you mentioned — he takes care of our Heroes so well, so he definitely deserves to be taken care of in exchange :( Hope you enjoy it! ── ( đ±đđąđ§đšđ«đČ đĄđžđ«đšđžđŹ )

Hi!!! Ah Okay, So I Would Definitely Enjoy A Threesome (as A Poly Bi Its Definitely My Cup Of Tea) As


𝐠. đ đźđ§đąđ„ ❀ 4.5k

Hi!!! Ah Okay, So I Would Definitely Enjoy A Threesome (as A Poly Bi Its Definitely My Cup Of Tea) As

( đ đźđąđđžđ„đąđ§đžđŹ ) ( đ­đšđ đ„đąđŹđ­ & 𝐚𝐧𝐹𝐧𝐬 ) ( đ«đžđȘ𝐼𝐞𝐬𝐭 đ„đąđŹđ­ ) ( đ„đąđ›đ«đšđ«đČ )

Tags :
6 months ago

─── ⋆⋅☆ STEADY LOVE ( xdinary heroes )

 STEADY LOVE ( Xdinary Heroes )
 STEADY LOVE ( Xdinary Heroes )
 STEADY LOVE ( Xdinary Heroes )
 STEADY LOVE ( Xdinary Heroes )

❛ A collection of heartfelt stories where love finds its strength in gentle understanding, as partners navigate the world together with unwavering support and care for each other's unique needs.

đ±đđąđ§đšđ«đČ đĄđžđ«đšđžđŹ + gender neutral reader àłŻ ( 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐹𝐧𝐬 )

đ°đšđ«đ 𝐜𝐹𝐼𝐧𝐭: 7.4k 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐱𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 đ«đžđšđđąđ§đ  𝐭𝐱𝐩𝐞: 29 mins

꒰ 💌 ꒱ ミ This was so self-indulgent to write, so a very big thank you to my lovely 🍀 Anon for this request! Reblogs and feedbacks are always appreciated! Requests are currently open! ── ( đ„đąđ›đ«đšđ«đČ )

𝐜𝐹𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 đ°đšđ«đ§đąđ§đ đŹ: Y/N has AuDHD in each member's piece, mentions of bees as a special interest, descriptions of being burned out and struggling with change, some very slight ableism mentioned (not from any of the members), descriptions of overstimulation, mentions of stimming, terrible flirting, overall this is very much hurt + comfort, let me know if I missed anything!

( đ đźđąđđžđ„đąđ§đžđŹ ) ( đ­đšđ đ„đąđŹđ­ & 𝐚𝐧𝐹𝐧𝐬 ) ( đ«đžđȘ𝐼𝐞𝐬𝐭 đ„đąđŹđ­ ) ( đ­đąđ© đŁđšđ« )

 STEADY LOVE ( Xdinary Heroes )

ê”Źê±ŽìŒ ── GOO GUNIL.

The day felt like it had conspired against Gunil, stretching itself out into an agonizing eternity, as if determined to sap every last bit of energy from him. Each second dragged on, the clock's hands moving at a snail's pace, mirroring the heaviness in his limbs. Finally, after what seemed like an endless rehearsal, an exhausted sigh escaped his lips, the sound barely noticeable amidst the hum of tired voices from his bandmates. With a practiced, almost mechanical motion, Gunil returned his well-worn drumsticks to their designated holder, a small nook on the wall that had become as familiar to him as his own reflection. The drumsticks settled into place with a soft click, the only sound in the practice room that had served as their second home. 

As his bandmates began to shuffle out, their movements sluggish, weighed down by the day’s efforts, Gunil barely registered the chorus of goodbyes. Jungsu’s voice cut through the haze, a final “see you tomorrow” accompanied by a wave before disappearing into the hallway. Gunil mustered a lazy half-smile, lifting his hand in a farewell that felt more like a reflex than a conscious action. The room, once alive with the pulse of their music, now felt eerily quiet, the silence amplifying the fatigue settling deep into his bones. He reached for his backpack, its weight pulling down on his tired shoulders, just as the sharp ring of his phone shattered the stillness.

The sudden sound jolted him, but when he saw your name on the screen, a genuine smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, chasing away the exhaustion, even if just a little. “I’m done rehearsing, love, I’ll be—” Gunil’s greeting was cut short by the unmistakable sound of your excited squeal. He couldn’t help but chuckle, his heart swelling with affection at the image of you practically vibrating with energy on the other end of the line.

“Goo, you have to come home as soon as you can!” Your voice was bright, almost bursting with excitement, and Gunil could easily imagine you doing your little wiggles of joy, the ones that always made his heart melt. 

“Yes, baby,” he replied, his tone gentle, hiding the weariness in his bones so as not to dampen your spirits. “I’ll be home in no time. What’s got you so excited?” 

As he turned off the lights in the now-quiet practice room, the faint clicking of your keyboard reached his ears. He pictured you perched at your desk, your laptop open before you, eyes wide with curiosity. The image made him smile. 

“I found this new video, and Goo, it is so cool! It's a swarm of Japanese honeybees defending their nest by slapping ants with their wings, but this one is honestly so fascinating because apparently, this colony got infected by the Varroa Destructor Mite — but they were still so aggressive against the ants and they won! Isn't that so cool? Oh, Goo, please hurry, you have to watch it!” 

Your words tumbled out in a rush, barely pausing for breath, your excitement making the details spill over each other in a joyous cascade. Gunil found himself chuckling softly, warmth blooming in his chest as he listened to your passionate rambling. There was something so endearing about the way you got lost in your own world, especially when it came to bees. He could listen to you talk for hours, your voice animated and full of life, a stark contrast to the weariness that had settled over him.

He thought back to the early days of your relationship, when you had nervously explained your autism to him, worried that it might be too much, too different. But to Gunil, it was simply another beautiful facet of who you were, something that made him love you even more deeply. “That does sound very interesting, my love,” he said, trying to match your energy despite the exhaustion tugging at him. “I really can’t wait to watch it!”

The promise of coming home to you, to your bright, infectious enthusiasm, gave him the strength to push through the final stretch of his journey. “I’ll be home in about ten minutes, so hang tight,” he added, a smile in his voice as he ended the call. As he neared the apartment you shared, the sight of a family-owned flower shop caught his eye. 

Even through the fatigue, his gaze lingered on the blooms in the window, your favorite flowers standing out like a beacon. The thought of surprising you with them, especially when you were already so happy, sent a thrill through him. Without hesitation, he ducked into the shop, the sweet scent of fresh flowers wrapping around him like a comforting blanket. He selected a bouquet with care, imagining the way your eyes would light up when he walked through the door with them in hand.

The weight of the day began to lift as he paid for the flowers, the simple act of thinking about you bringing a renewed sense of energy. The thrill of coming home to you, your voice still echoing in his mind, made each step lighter. As he walked out of the shop, the bouquet cradled carefully in his arms, he felt the anticipation build, knowing that soon, he would be by your side, sharing in the simple, beautiful joy of being together.

 STEADY LOVE ( Xdinary Heroes )

êč€ì •ìˆ˜ ── KIM JUNGSU.

The corners of Jungsu’s lips tightened into a worried frown as he gently rapped on the door of your shared bedroom. Not waiting for an invitation, he nudged the door open just enough to peer inside. The sight that greeted him was one of persistent discomfort. There you were, lying on your side of the bed, your expression etched with visible distress. Your laptop, casting a soft glow in the dim room, played the familiar episodes of your favorite show—one you had practically memorized through countless viewings meant to soothe your troubled emotions.

Jungsu let out a soft sigh, his concern growing with each passing moment. He stepped into the room, the plush carpet muffling his footsteps as he moved towards your side of the bed. Perching himself on the edge, he settled into the space beside you, his presence both reassuring and tender. You kept your gaze fixed on the screen, as though it were the only refuge from the turmoil roiling within.

The silence stretched between you, thick with unspoken words and unshared burdens. After a few moments, you finally turned your head to meet his gaze, a weary sigh escaping your lips. Jungsu’s heart ached at the sight of your frustration and weariness. “I ordered takeout,” he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper as if afraid to shatter the fragile calm. “It’s your favorite.”

He noticed the fleeting flicker of interest in your eyes, a brief spark that was quickly extinguished as you turned back to the screen with a frown. “I don’t want to eat right now,” you murmured, your tone resolute and final, leaving no room for negotiation. The firmness of your refusal stung, and Jungsu could only nod in resignation. He sighed once more, his shoulders slumping slightly as he retreated from the room, leaving you to your solitude.

For nearly a week now, this had been your reality—an ongoing struggle that Jungsu could only partially grasp. Despite the year you had been together, he had never seen you like this before. He understood that adapting to sudden changes was particularly challenging for you, especially when they disrupted the routines that provided a semblance of stability. The day you had called him from work, sobbing uncontrollably while locked in the bathroom, was seared into his memory. You had told him about your old manager’s abrupt departure and the arrival of a new, unfamiliar face. The sudden shift was more than you could handle, especially when your new manager refused to accommodate the adjustments necessary to make your work environment bearable.

As the days went on, the pressure became insurmountable. Each day, you returned home to face the aftermath of panic attacks you had kept at bay and to collapse into bed, seeking solace in the comfort of a show that could no longer ease the heaviness you carried. The joy and relief it once brought you were now overshadowed by a pervasive numbness, a stark reminder of the emotional toll that had become all too familiar.

Jungsu’s heart ached with the weight of your struggle, and though he sympathized deeply with your plight, it did little to quell his worry. He remained steadfast in his resolve to support you through this storm, even as he grappled with the helplessness of seeing you so diminished. Each day, he hoped for a glimmer of recovery, a sign that the storm within you might begin to abate. But for now, he could only offer his silent presence and unwavering support, waiting for the day when you would once again find your way back to the light.

Jungsu was grappling with uncertainty about how to pull you from the depths of your distress, but a sudden spark of inspiration ignited within him as his gaze fell upon the television in the living room. Resolute to offer you a sliver of comfort, he began a frenzied quest to transform your shared space into a sanctuary of solace. For the next half hour, he darted around the apartment, arms laden with an assortment of blankets, comforters, and pillows—each one a small testament to his unwavering determination.

With every trip in and out of the bedroom, his expression was a mixture of earnest concentration and quiet determination. You watched with a blend of curiosity and amusement as he repeatedly entered the room, his movements a flurry of purposeful activity. At one point, he even attempted to gather your collection of stuffed animals, struggling under the weight of their collective softness as he staggered out, his focus unbroken by your gaze.

The sounds of his labor—the shuffling of furniture, the occasional grunt of exertion—filled the space, drawing your attention away from the show you had paused. You listened intently, your curiosity piqued by the rhythmic clamor of activity. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of bustling, Jungsu reappeared in the doorway of your bedroom, his face illuminated with a blend of triumph and excitement. A thin sheen of sweat glistened on his forehead, catching the soft light of the nightstand lamp as he panted, his chest rising and falling with each breath.

“Baby,” he called out, his voice breathless but laced with an infectious enthusiasm. His hands rested on his hips, a gesture of pride and anticipation. “Can you please come out? I made something for you, and I think you’re really going to like it!”

Despite the storm of emotions swirling within you, the sight of Jungsu’s eager, childlike gleam in his eyes tugged at your heartstrings. Intrigued and touched by his effort, you pushed yourself up from the bed, the pull of his unwavering support more compelling than the urge to remain cocooned in your sanctuary. He extended a hand towards you, which you accepted with a grateful smile, allowing him to guide you toward the living room.

The transformation that greeted your eyes as you entered the living room took your breath away. The coffee table, once a fixture in the center of the room, had been pushed to the far wall. In its place stood a grand fortress, a whimsical creation of mismatched blankets and comforters meticulously draped and layered into a cozy haven. Strings of Christmas lights peeked through the folds, their gentle glow casting a warm, ethereal light that danced across the room. The television, positioned just in front of the fortress’s entrance, was primed to play your favorite show, a comforting familiarity in its soft glow.

As you inhaled deeply, the fragrant aroma of your favorite meal wafted towards you, a final touch to the heartwarming scene. Overwhelmed by a wave of gratitude, tears threatened to spill as you turned to embrace Jungsu. Your arms wrapped around him tightly, your body shaking slightly with the emotion you struggled to contain.

Jungsu chuckled softly, his arms enveloping you in a hug that was both firm and reassuring—just the way you liked it. “Is this okay?” he asked gently, his voice barely above a whisper as you pulled back to look at him. The tears in your eyes glistened with a profound appreciation as you nodded vigorously, your voice wavering with emotion. “This is perfect, Jun,” you managed to say, your voice cracking slightly. “It looks exactly like how my grandmother used to do it when I was upset as a child.”

Jungsu’s smile widened, his satisfaction evident in the warmth that radiated from him. As you turned and practically bounded towards the fortress, a trail of contented giggles followed in your wake, each sound a balm to his worried heart. The sight of your joy, so vividly reflected in your laughter, made his heart flutter with a tender affection that seemed to encompass the entire room.

 STEADY LOVE ( Xdinary Heroes )

êłœì§€ì„ ── KWAK JISEOK.

The outdoor market was a vibrant tapestry of colors and sounds, alive with the energy of families and couples weaving through stalls brimming with fresh produce and handcrafted jewelry. The air was thick with the mingling scents of spices, flowers, and street food, a cacophony of sensory delights that usually set your heart racing with excitement. But today, the thrumming pulse of the market felt more like a storm brewing on the horizon. 

You had been standing in front of a stall, fingers lightly tracing the delicate patterns of handmade trinkets when a sudden influx of noisy tourists swarmed around you. The once-open space now felt suffocating as their loud voices clashed against one another, creating a wall of sound that made it impossible to think clearly. The proximity of strangers pressed too close, stealing the breath from your lungs and sending your heart into a frantic rhythm. You glanced around, searching desperately for Jiseok, who had been right beside you only moments ago, but the crowd swallowed him up, leaving you feeling isolated and vulnerable.

As your anxiety began to claw its way to the surface, your body responded in familiar, desperate ways. Your fingers found their way to your hair, twisting and pulling at the strands as if they might tether you to something solid. Your leg bounced uncontrollably, tapping out an erratic rhythm on the cobblestones beneath you. The sharp sting of your nails digging into your palms became the only thing anchoring you, yet it also edged you closer to a breaking point that felt terrifyingly near.

It felt like an eternity, but finally, Jiseok emerged from the crowd, his eyes immediately locking onto you with a mix of relief and concern. He didn’t need to ask what was wrong—he could see it in the way your body had tensed, in the rapid, shallow breaths you struggled to control. Without a word, he reached out, gently but firmly taking your hands in his, halting the destructive cycle of pulling at your hair and digging into your skin. He interlaced your fingers with his, grounding you with the warmth of his touch.

"Hey, let's get out of here for a bit," Jiseok's voice broke through the chaos, a soothing melody that cut through the overwhelming noise around you. He didn’t wait for a response; instead, he drew you close, wrapping his arms around you and pressing your head against his chest. The steady thump of his heartbeat against your ear was a familiar comfort, a lifeline in the middle of the storm.

Guiding you through the press of bodies, Jiseok kept you close, his arms a protective barrier against the world that had become too much to bear. His grip tightened slightly, applying the firm pressure that always seemed to calm your racing thoughts. "Look, we can go there for a little bit," he murmured, nodding towards a small park that sat like a hidden gem amidst the market’s frenzy. The greenery promised a respite, a quiet place to breathe again.

But it wasn’t the park that brought you solace—it was Jiseok himself. The vibration of his voice against your back as he spoke, the comforting rhythm of his heartbeat, and the warmth of his embrace all worked together to gently pull you out of the whirlpool of anxiety that threatened to drag you under. As he continued to speak, his words becoming a soft, mindless ramble meant only to distract, you could feel the storm inside you begin to subside. Your heartbeat, once wild and erratic, slowly began to sync with his, finding a steadier, calmer pace.

As Jiseok gently guided you through the bustling market, his hand remained a steady presence on your shoulder. Every so often, he would give a gentle squeeze, three soft pulses of reassurance—a silent code you both had established for moments like these, where words seemed to dissolve into the fog of your anxiety. It was his quiet way of asking, "Are you okay?" The simple gesture, familiar and comforting, anchored you amidst the swirling chaos. 

In response, you reached up to grasp his forearm, fingers curling around his warmth as you squeezed twice, signaling back, "I'm better." The exchange was small, but it spoke volumes—a tender conversation held in silence, where no words were necessary, just the understanding between two souls who had learned to navigate these storms together.

The noise of the market gradually faded into the background as Jiseok led you to the park. Here, the world softened, with the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze and the distant murmur of others who had also sought sanctuary from the market's overwhelming energy. The park felt like a refuge, a place where the intensity of the outside world couldn't quite reach you. Jiseok spotted a secluded bench beneath the shade of a large, ancient tree, its branches stretching out like a protective canopy. The dappled sunlight danced through the leaves, casting a soothing pattern on the ground, and the bench offered a quiet place to rest, away from prying eyes and the relentless pace of the market.

Once seated, Jiseok remained close, his presence a calming force beside you. Your breath, which had been shallow and quick, began to slow as you settled into the quiet of the park. Jiseok's fingers found their way to your hair, gently playing with the strands in a tender contrast to the earlier harsh tugging you had subjected them to. The soft rhythm of his touch was a balm, easing the lingering tension in your body. His other hand rested on your thigh, grounding you with its comforting weight.

He spoke in a low, soothing tone, his words a gentle caress to your frayed nerves. "We can leave whenever you're ready," he suggested, his gaze drifting out to the serene view of the park, "Maybe we can grab some food and cuddle at the dorm. I'm sure the members won’t mind. I’ll kick Seungmin out of our room if I have to; he’ll just have to suck it up."

As the tension within you began to melt away, you found yourself repeating the last few words of his sentence—a familiar and comforting habit, a happy stim that signaled your return to a place of calm. "...have to suck it up," you echoed, your voice lighter now, carrying the trace of a smile that tugged at the corners of your lips.

Jiseok chuckled softly, the sound rich and warm, wrapping around you like a blanket of comfort. He squeezed your hand gently, checking to ensure your nails were no longer digging into your palm. "That's my favorite sound," he teased, his eyes crinkling with amusement as he grinned at you, his love evident in the gentle curve of his smile.

This shared moment of lightness, of humor, further dispelled the remnants of your anxiety. In his presence, you were reminded that you didn’t have to face these moments alone—that even in your most vulnerable states, Jiseok was there, offering his unwavering support and love. The park, with its serene beauty and the quiet strength of your bond, became a haven where you could breathe again, surrounded by the safety of his embrace.

 STEADY LOVE ( Xdinary Heroes )


JYP Entertainment hosted an exclusive and lavish party at a luxury hotel, where the atmosphere blended the grandeur of celebration with the intimacy of a private gathering. Unlike the typical public events, this one was strictly by invitation, creating a sanctuary for idols to bring their partners, friends, and families without the constant pressure of cameras. The setting was resplendent, with elegant decor that reflected the significance of the occasion.

The entertainment options catered to a variety of tastes. In one corner, a live band played soft jazz, filling the room with soothing melodies. Nearby, a DJ spun upbeat tracks, enticing those who wanted to dance. For the more playful guests, a karaoke setup allowed for uninhibited fun, and a photobooth adorned with glittering lights stood ready to capture the night’s memories. A gourmet buffet stretched along one side of the room, offering an array of international cuisines, the rich aromas mingling with the laughter and chatter that filled the air.

Despite the festive atmosphere, the constant flashing of lights and the relentless pulse of the music began to overwhelm you. This was your first time attending an event of this magnitude, and though you had agreed to come because of the way Seungmin’s eyes sparkled with excitement at the thought of sharing this moment with you, the environment soon proved too much. Even as you admired him, his figure so striking in the finely tailored suit that accentuated his lean, muscular build, you couldn’t shake the feeling that the grand room was closing in on you. Your hands trembled despite your best efforts to maintain composure, and a cold sweat began to form along your hairline.

You stole a glance at Seungmin, who stood a short distance away, his face illuminated with genuine joy as he engaged in animated conversation with his bandmates and senior idols from the company. They were discussing the future direction of their music, reminiscing about their journey since debuting, and Seungmin’s laughter rang out, a clear sign that he was fully immersed in the moment. For a brief second, you hoped that his distraction would allow you to slip away unnoticed, just for a moment, to calm the rising tide of anxiety within you.

The party, though well-intentioned, was far beyond your comfort zone, and the sensory overload was beginning to take its toll. You needed to escape, to find a quiet space where you could breathe without the weight of the world pressing down on you. But as you discreetly made your way to the bathroom, seeking refuge from the overwhelming stimuli, Seungmin caught sight of your retreating figure. 

Unbeknownst to you, Seungmin had anticipated the possibility of you feeling overwhelmed in such a busy atmosphere. Understanding how easily you could be overstimulated, he had made sure to pack your well-loved noise-canceling headphones in the expensive messenger bag his stylist had provided. As soon as he saw you slipping away, his concern for you took precedence over the conversation, and he politely excused himself, following you to the bathroom.

Upon entering the lavish bathroom, Seungmin offered a polite bow and murmured apologies to the few occupants before your shallow breathing caught his attention. He quickly moved to stand outside the stall where you had taken refuge. 

"Love? It's me," he called softly, his voice gentle and soothing, careful not to startle you in your vulnerable state. Inside the stall, your hands clenched in a futile attempt to stop their violent trembling as you struggled to steady your breathing. 

Seungmin reached over the door, his hand holding the familiar headphones — a lifeline in the storm of your frenzied thoughts. "I thought you might need this," he murmured. 

You reached up and snatched the headphones, the urgency in your movements reflecting the desperation you felt. As you placed them over your ears, the chaotic world outside was mercifully muted. The overwhelming cacophony faded, replaced by the comforting silence you had so desperately needed. Finally, you could breathe again, the noise-canceling barrier providing a sanctuary where you could begin to reclaim your peace.

You were immensely grateful for Seungmin’s patience, relishing the brief respite as you took a few moments to catch your breath. The bustling noise of the party seemed to fade into the background, creating a cocoon of calm around you. Just as you began to steady yourself, your phone vibrated in your hand — a text from Seungmin, despite him standing right outside the bathroom stall. His name illuminated the screen, and a calming wave of relief washed over you, your erratic heartbeat finding a more measured rhythm.

Seungmin understood that in moments like these, communication through text would be the most comforting method. The message on your screen read, Feeling any better? 

Your fingers, still slightly trembling, moved to reply. A lot better, thanks to you. Everything just became a little too much for me. 

The reply came almost instantaneously, and you noticed how the tight, claustrophobic feeling had dissipated. I’m glad I thought of bringing the headphones. Why didn’t you tell me though? The words on the screen seemed to convey a trace of concern, as though you could almost see the frown forming on his lips as he awaited your response.

A pang of guilt pierced your heart. You knew Seungmin would have dropped everything to help you if only you had spoken up. But you didn’t want him to worry or to spoil such a significant night. I didn’t want to ruin such a big night. I thought I would be able to handle it...until I couldn’t anymore. You sent the message with a sigh, already anticipating the comforting words that would follow. 

Baby, these parties mean nothing compared to your well-being. You didn’t ruin anything, I promise. A warm smile tugged at your lips as you read his soothing words. 

Moments later, another text from him appeared. Do you want to stay here for a bit, or would you like me to take you somewhere quieter? 

Relief flooded over you as you replied, Can we stay here for now? I don’t want to go back out yet. 

Of course. Do you want to let me in? The offer was genuine and well-intentioned, but it made you feel uneasy. 

You texted back, No. I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can handle being touched or having anyone at close proximity right now...sorry. 

Hey, I get it. I’ll just stay here until you’re ready to come out.

Seungmin settled in by the door of your stall, his presence a reassuring anchor in your storm of anxiety. Leaning against the door, he continued to text you intermittently, checking in without overwhelming you. Despite the guilt that gnawed at you for keeping him away from the main event, you found solace in the sight of his polished shoes peeking out from beneath the stall door. His calm and patient demeanor provided a sense of security, a reminder that he was there for you while respecting your need for space.

To lift your spirits, Seungmin sent small jokes and snippets of gossip from the party, aiming to lighten the mood without pushing you too far. His thoughtful gestures made the wait more bearable. When you finally felt ready to emerge, you texted him, signaling that you were prepared to leave the bathroom. Seungmin maintained a respectful distance as he guided you out, his focus on ensuring your comfort. He stood by your side, a steady presence as you stood by the bathroom sinks, allowing you to regain your composure.

As you began to feel more at ease, your heart soared when Seungmin gently pulled you closer, swaying with you to the rhythm of a slow song that was apparently playing at the main party. The music and his embrace melded together in a soothing harmony, offering a sense of peace and connection that made the night’s earlier chaos feel like a distant memory.

 STEADY LOVE ( Xdinary Heroes )


You and Hyeongjun had been together long enough to know that your bond was more than just a fleeting connection—it was a deeply rooted love, a steadfast commitment that had withstood the test of time. The idea of moving in together had always felt like the natural progression of your relationship, a step that would solidify the foundation you had built together. The thought of creating a home, a sanctuary where your love could continue to blossom, was a dream you both held close to your hearts. 

After months of searching, of walking through countless doorways in hopes of finding the one that felt right, you finally discovered a small, charming apartment nestled in a quiet neighborhood. It was perfect in its simplicity, a place that felt like it could become your own little haven away from the world. The moment you stepped inside, hand in hand with Hyeongjun, you could almost see the future unfolding before your eyes—a future filled with love, laughter, and the simple joy of being together.

However, as thrilling as this new chapter was, the journey to get there was anything but easy. The excitement that buzzed in your chest was often tempered by the looming dread of packing up your lives and making the transition into this new space. Despite the weeks you had spent mentally preparing, gathering boxes, and organizing your belongings, the reality of the task ahead felt overwhelming once the packing began in earnest. The room that had once been your sanctuary, a place of comfort and familiarity, now looked as though it had been ravaged by a chaotic whirlwind. The bed, once a cozy nest of warmth, was buried beneath a patchwork of clothes—some folded neatly, others discarded haphazardly in the frenzy of sorting. Your once-tidy shelves had succumbed to disorder, with books that had been carefully arranged now lying in disarray, their pages splayed open as if they, too, were crying out for the order that had been lost.

Boxes were strewn across the floor, some half-packed, others overflowing with belongings that seemed to resist categorization. Trinkets and mementos from your relationship and childhood, tokens of memories that had shaped you, were scattered across every available surface. The room had become a chaotic testament to your inability to start a task and see it through to completion, the once-organized process now devolved into a mess that mirrored the storm of emotions brewing within you.

As you stood in the center of the chaos, trying to take it all in, the room seemed to close in on you. The sheer magnitude of the task at hand made your head spin, and the weight of the change—of leaving behind the familiar to step into the unknown—pressed down on you like a heavy blanket, smothering you with a growing sense of panic. Your breaths came in shallow gasps, your chest tightening as the reality of what lay ahead threatened to overwhelm you entirely. You felt frozen, trapped between the urge to curl up on the floor and the fear of succumbing to the full-blown panic attack that you could feel building inside you.

In that moment, the dream of a shared home, of a future filled with love and laughter, felt impossibly distant, overshadowed by the immediate reality of the overwhelming chaos that surrounded you.

Hyeongjun had been meticulously packing utensils in the kitchen, each clang and clatter a small, careful note in the symphony of your impending move. The rhythm was comforting in its predictability, a soundscape of progress amidst the chaos. But it was the sudden, uneven hitch in your breathing that cut through his focus like a knife. The familiar, faint tremor in your breath sent his instincts into overdrive. He abandoned the half-filled box without a second thought, his concern drawing him swiftly to the doorway where he paused, eyes immediately searching for you. The room’s disarray only served to heighten his worry, but it was the look on your face—pale, strained, eyes wide with the first signs of panic—that sent him rushing to your side.

His presence was immediate, solid, a tether in the storm of your thoughts. His hands hovered just above your trembling frame, a question in the tension of his fingers, as if even the act of touching needed your permission in this fragile moment. His voice, calm and steady despite the urgency he felt, broke the silence, "Touch or no touch?" It was the question he always asked, a gentle reminder that he was there, ready to offer exactly what you needed.

Your throat tightened, the pressure of unspoken fears constricting your ability to breathe freely. It took a moment, but you managed to force the words past the lump of anxiety, your voice barely above a whisper yet laced with raw desperation. "Touch, please. Hard." The plea was met with immediate action. Hyeongjun closed the distance between you in an instant, his arms wrapping around you with a firm, reassuring pressure that felt like a lifeline. He pulled you close, your face pressed into the warm, solid comfort of his chest, as if he could shield you from the overwhelming chaos that threatened to consume you.

His embrace was everything you needed—strong, grounding, enveloping you in a cocoon of safety. His hands moved over your back, each squeeze purposeful, designed to remind you that you weren’t alone in this moment. The weight of his arms anchored you, offering a physical connection that countered the spinning in your mind. As you struggled to sync your breathing with his, he guided you gently, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm, coaxing your frantic gasps to slow. The familiar scent of him—warm, comforting, like home—began to permeate your senses, grounding you further with each breath.

Hyeongjun understood you in a way no one else did. He knew how deeply change unsettled you, how even the most exciting transitions could unearth old anxieties that clung like shadows. This move, this beautiful step into a shared future, was something you had both yearned for, yet the enormity of it was daunting, and he recognized that. 

Still holding you close, he gently guided you to the edge of the bed, never loosening his protective grip. His voice, soft and steady, filled the space between your breaths. He began to speak, his words a soothing balm, painting a picture of the memories he hoped to create with you in your new home. 

He spoke softly of lazy Saturday mornings, where the two of you would linger in bed, wrapped in each other’s warmth as the world outside moved on without you. He painted a picture of sunlight streaming through the windows, casting golden hues across the room as the smell of fresh coffee filled the air, mingling with the comforting scent of your shared space. He imagined those moments when you would shuffle into the kitchen, still half-asleep, to find him waiting with a mug in hand and a soft smile on his lips. The day would stretch out before you, unhurried and serene, a canvas for whatever simple joys you decided to indulge in. 

He envisioned quiet evenings in the living room, where the two of you would sit side by side, your legs tangled together as you watched movies, your laughter or quiet conversations filling the room. Or perhaps, he mused, there would be nights where no words were needed—where you’d simply sway to the rhythm of music only the two of you could hear, dancing slowly in the dim light of your cozy space. Those were the moments he looked forward to, where nothing else mattered but the gentle pulse of your love, a steady, comforting presence that would fill the apartment with a sense of belonging.

He spoke of the laughter that would echo through the kitchen as you experimented with new recipes, each attempt a delightful adventure, whether it ended in culinary success or a flour-covered mess. The thought of you animatedly talking about bees, your special interest, brought a tender smile to his face. He was excited to hear you ramble on about your latest findings, to listen to your voice light up with passion as you shared the intricacies of something you loved so dearly. For him, the simple joy of coming home to you after a long day, of seeing your face light up when you saw him, was a treasure beyond words. It was in these everyday moments, he believed, that the true beauty of life together would unfold.

Each word he spoke was a delicate thread, weaving a tapestry of the life you would build together—a life rich in love, comfort, and endless moments of shared happiness. As he continued to paint this picture with his words, you felt the tightness in your chest begin to ease, the panic that had gripped you slowly loosening its hold. The overwhelming mess that surrounded you, while still daunting, no longer felt like an insurmountable mountain. 

When he offered to help you pack your bedroom, it wasn’t just the task at hand he was addressing—it was the unspoken promise that you wouldn’t have to face any of it alone. With Hyeongjun by your side, you knew that no matter how overwhelming the process might seem, you would get through it together. The future you were moving toward, though filled with uncertainties, was also brimming with the promise of love, and that was more than enough to keep you going.

 STEADY LOVE ( Xdinary Heroes )


Since childhood, Saturdays had been your sacred ritual, a cherished time when you sought refuge in the comforting embrace of your favorite internet cafe. Nestled on a tranquil street near your home, this digital sanctuary had become your second haven. The space was a dimly lit enclave, bathed in warm amber hues that softly illuminated rows of screens and keyboards. The gentle hum of cooling fans and the rhythmic clatter of keys created a soothing symphony of focused activity. The walls were adorned with neon posters of popular games and vibrant advertisements for energy drinks, their colors shimmering and pulsing with the memories of countless gaming sessions. Each desk bore the marks of countless hours spent in virtual worlds, with personal touches and signs of frequent use that told stories of dedicated gamers. The chairs, worn and comfortable, had molded to fit their occupants perfectly.

The employees, who had long grown accustomed to your weekly visits, had come to appreciate your presence. They reserved a specific PC for you, tucked away in a semi-secluded corner you had claimed as your own years ago. This desk, bathed in the soft, reassuring glow of your screen, was where you felt most at ease, completely immersed in the digital adventures you embarked upon. The ritual of arriving, settling in, and losing yourself in your chosen game was a comforting certainty, a bubble of predictability in a world that often felt overwhelming.

However, recently, this cherished routine had been disrupted by a new and vibrant presence. Jooyeon, as you would eventually learn, was the boy whose frequent visits began to unsettle the calm monotony of your Saturdays. His arrival was like a burst of vivid color and exuberant energy crashing into your serene haven. The air would come alive with his boisterous laughter and animated conversations with friends, his presence a dynamic contrast to the quiet you had grown accustomed to.

Despite this disruption, you found yourself surprisingly receptive to the change. Jooyeon, with his strikingly handsome features, was impossible to overlook. His mischievous grin, ever-present and wide, seemed to illuminate the room as if he were the very essence of playful charm. Dressed in soft, well-worn hoodies paired with relaxed jeans, and with his shoulder-length hair cascading like a dark, flowing waterfall, he exuded an effortlessly cool demeanor. His interactions with friends and his choice of games created a vivid contrast against the backdrop of your reserved routine, adding an unexpected layer of excitement to your once predictable Saturdays.

There were moments when, despite your best efforts to stay focused on your own game, you would catch fleeting glimpses of him from the corner of your eye. You tried to remain unobtrusive, but Jooyeon's unabashed enjoyment of the popular games he was engrossed in was impossible to ignore. The occasional flicker of movement or the burst of his distinctive laughter would effortlessly draw your gaze, breaking through the veil of your concentration.

On one particular Saturday, Jooyeon’s frustration had reached its zenith. After what felt like the hundredth defeat in his solo game, he dramatically slumped back in his chair, his hands clasped behind his head in a gesture of surrender. His eyes, alight with a mixture of defiance and amusement, wandered towards your screen, where you were deeply immersed in a particularly demanding quest. As you navigated through the game with meticulous keystrokes, Jooyeon’s gaze lingered on you, an unspoken challenge mingling with curiosity that sent a flutter through your heart.

Despite the distraction of his intense scrutiny, you managed to achieve a hard-fought victory, leveling up with a triumphant flourish on your screen. The soft hum of intrigue that escaped Jooyeon’s lips prompted you to finally look up, your heart racing as you became acutely aware of the flush warming your cheeks. Jooyeon’s grin remained undiminished, his eyes sparkling with an affectionate, teasing light. After a moment of shy silence, his laughter bubbled forth, a soft, infectious sound that seemed to fill the space between you. His amusement wrapped around you like a playful embrace, acknowledging the unspoken connection that had quietly woven itself into the fabric of your Saturday rituals.

When he finally spoke, his voice was a low murmur, meant only for you to hear. “I heard that game is pretty good. Do you mind if I join?” The simple invitation opened the door to a new, intimate connection. From that moment on, Saturdays transformed into a shared adventure, where you and Jooyeon would indulge in games together, swapping playful jabs and cracking jokes. The hours spent with him became the highlight of your week, and the growing affection you felt for him added a layer of significance to each interaction. You found yourself seeking ways to show him how much he meant to you.

Noticing his habit of picking at his skin whenever he was stressed or anxious, you returned the following week with a thoughtful gift: a textured, silicone stress ball from your own collection, designed to help him redirect his nervous energy without damaging his skin. On another occasion, as you patiently waited for him to clear a level in a game you were both playing, you couldn’t help but be charmed by the expression of concentration on his face. Without fully thinking through your words, you blurted out, “You have this cute habit of pouting when you’re really focused. It’s kind of distracting, but in a way that makes me want to keep watching.” The sudden boldness of your words left you both blushing, but Jooyeon’s shy attempt to hide his wide smile made the moment feel worth the slight embarrassment.

When Jooyeon revealed that he was an idol, the bassist for the rock band Xdinary Heroes, you found yourself spending the entire week immersed in his music and learning everything you could about him. By the time Saturday rolled around again, you were eager to confess your newfound knowledge. As he settled into his usual seat beside you, you said with a grin, “I was thinking about you so much that I ended up reading every article, watching every video, and listening to every song from your band. I have so many questions about you guys!” The sight of Jooyeon’s typically casual demeanor giving way to shyness, while his grin widened, was heartwarming. He eagerly entertained each of your questions, his enthusiasm is infectious as ever.

Finally, on one late evening, as the employees of the internet cafe gently nudged you both towards the exit, you lingered outside, a smile playing on your lips. Turning to Jooyeon, you said softly, “I really like spending time with you. You make my brain feel all fizzy, like I’ve had too much caffeine, but in a really good way.” 

To your surprise, he chuckled lightly and replied, “Okay, so, I don’t usually say stuff like this, but...whenever I’m with you, it’s like my brain gets all tangled up in butterflies and excitement. I really like spending time with you, too.”

 STEADY LOVE ( Xdinary Heroes )

꒰ đŸ·ïž ꒱ ミ My permanent taglist is open! @joosbasschick (Click on the link to join! All you have to do is answer a few questions to help me stay organized!)

 STEADY LOVE ( Xdinary Heroes )


 STEADY LOVE ( Xdinary Heroes )

Tags :
6 months ago

okay i promise this is the last one for know since i know your requests are piling up😭

it’s a bit of a change of pace from what i usually ask for, but would you be comfortable writing a small ot6 reaction of how the heroes would be with an autistic/adhd partner?

like how they’d react to their stims or going on and on about their special interests? maybe helping them when they experience sensory overload or burnout? how they react to that autistic rizz😎

i saw on your “about me” page that you also have audhd, so i know i can trust you with this topic. and as you know i’m moving back home from another country, and i really struggle with transitioning, so these new couple weeks are going to be so mentally and physically exhausting.

again, only if you’re comfortable writing it!! i know mental disabilities aren’t the easiest topics to talk about, let alone write about!!

okay i promise i’m done for now. sending lots of loveđŸ«¶đŸ«¶

- 🍀

This was genuinely such a pleasure to write đŸ„č I can't even explain how soft this made me as I was proofreading it, I love it so much 💕 I do have to preface the fact that the way I decided to portray AuDHD in these pieces is mostly similar to the way it presents in me, but of course, not everyone's AuDHD looks the same! Still, I tried to keep it as relatable as I could. I especially dedicated Junhan's part to you, so I hope it brings you some kind of comfort during these hard times đŸ„șđŸ«¶

I won't even lie, I don't think I've ever really written something like this before, so it was kind of a head-scratcher for me for a little bit while I tried to figure out how to approach it because like you said, it can be quite difficult to talk/write about disabilities in general (and we all know that ADHD and autism are just one big spectrum, so it makes it just a little more complicated). But I'm actually really happy with how it came out, and it ended up being so self-indulgent and fun, so thank you!

Can I ask by what date you're supposed to have already moved? You don't have to answer, of course, I'm just curious.

SIDE NOTE: I received your message this morning and again, please don't apologize! I seriously completely understand that life is hectic recently, so please — make sure to take deep breaths and rest when you need to, make sure to eat and hydrate yourself for extra strength! That said, thank you for answering my question! I haven't had the chance to really touch it yet, but I have a few ideas that I want to try and see if it fits the vibe I want to go for with the threesome đŸ€­ ── ( đ±đđąđ§đšđ«đČ đĄđžđ«đšđžđŹ )

Okay I Promise This Is The Last One For Know Since I Know Your Requests Are Piling Up


( đ đźđąđđžđ„đąđ§đžđŹ ) ( đ­đšđ đ„đąđŹđ­ & 𝐚𝐧𝐹𝐧𝐬 ) ( đ«đžđȘ𝐼𝐞𝐬𝐭 đ„đąđŹđ­ ) ( đ„đąđ›đ«đšđ«đČ ) 7.4k

Okay I Promise This Is The Last One For Know Since I Know Your Requests Are Piling Up

Tags :
10 months ago

Dinna, I'm here presenting to you preppy!jiseok, who's very cocky and has a corruption kinkđŸ€­ He absolutely loves it when you wear a short tennis skirt and a tight top, he looks at your ass when you walk by him after practice or something. You give him a look, and he knows what you want. All his friends want you, and they all want to take your virginity; they even made bets with each other. Jiseok took part in the bet too, but no one knew you were already dating him and you told him to take the bet so you both can rob his rich, posh friends from their moneyđŸ€­ I say you'll fuck at his family beach house or something like that😌

money on my mind

Dinna, I'm Here Presenting To You Preppy!jiseok, Who's Very Cocky And Has A Corruption Kink He Absolutely
Dinna, I'm Here Presenting To You Preppy!jiseok, Who's Very Cocky And Has A Corruption Kink He Absolutely
Dinna, I'm Here Presenting To You Preppy!jiseok, Who's Very Cocky And Has A Corruption Kink He Absolutely
Dinna, I'm Here Presenting To You Preppy!jiseok, Who's Very Cocky And Has A Corruption Kink He Absolutely

pairing: preppy!jiseok x preppy fem!reader

genre: smut wc: 3.3k

contains: established (secret) relationship, enemies to lovers trope, forbidden romance trope? (nothing serious), light corruption kink, mentions of virginity, semi? public sex, sub!reader, pet names, (+ slut used once), fingering, oral (m), multiple orgasms, creampie, squirting, filming, jungsu cameo

a/n: you didn’t ask for this many words ok i’m sorry >< but no matter what i tried it just kept getting longer, because your idea IS SO GOOD. there’s no way i could just answer it with three sentences
 no way. it’s jiseok, and the idea is genius. hope you enjoy it and sorry for the wait <3

Dinna, I'm Here Presenting To You Preppy!jiseok, Who's Very Cocky And Has A Corruption Kink He Absolutely

Jiseok was your secret for a while.

He didn’t care about you being the daughter of the people his parents are rivals with, but you were hesitant about showing up in public as his girlfriend until wanting to be with him everywhere, all the time, clinging onto his arm, was the only thing you could think about.

And you found the perfect way to make it official in front of your friend group. None of them would’ve ever thought they’ll see the two of you together as something more than the two brats who always make faces of disgust when they are forced to sit next to each other.

“You should participate in the bet.”


“The bet,” you repeat as your voice shakes. A moan slips from your tongue before you try continuing your thought with a distracted glance at Jiseok’s face. “Take it and win the money.”

He looks directly into your hazed eyes as his hips move against you slowly. The gentle gliding through your walls barely keep them open, and he sees the pretty fluttering of your curled lashes. Being in each other’s arms with bodies connected into one always makes the two of you look high; like you’re slowly losing grip on reality.

“Faster,” you plead in one quick breath before pressing your head back against the pillow.

“You’re cruel.” He grins before burying his mouth into your neck. “I like it
 so hot, baby.” His speech turns more tense as you pulse with stronger vibrations around him. He doesn’t speed up though; he enjoys having you melt down underneath him. “I’m so fuckin’ in love with you, you know that, right?”

Your right hand gets lost in his blond hair, looking to tug on his dark roots so you don’t completely lose control over yourself.

“Make it worth it.”

Jiseok peers at you with a mischievous smirk that makes it clear he’s already looking forward to seeing his friends’ expressions after he claims his reward.

“Let’s pick up the pace, pretty girl,” he says, grabbing your wrists and pinning them above your head.

“When did you get so big?” You lay eyes on the exposed bicep. “Are you working out, Jungsu?”You feel the firm muscles against your palm as you squeeze it gently.

His arms have earned a nice golden tan from the summer sun and the white fitted shirt looks really good on him; complimenting his broad figure even more.

“Yeah,” he smiles flustered so quickly that you almost missed the reaction. “I’ve been going to the gym more often these days.”

You notice the way his cheeks instantly earn a pinkish color from the unexpected attention, causing him to avoid your stare. He’s definitely going to bet double after this. That’s what you want after all, and you’re going to put in the work.

“I’ve been thinking of going too, but I can’t seem to motivate myself enough to do it.” You sigh with a fake pout, running your hand along his broad shoulders before positioning yourself in front of him with the goal to show off your legs. “Maybe we can go together? Some company will be nice, I don’t wanna be just by myself there.”

You can feel Jiseok lifting his gaze up from the ground. He’s behind you, sitting on the chair across from Jungsu with his tenis racket in hands, but the intensity of his stare is warm on your skin like the sun. His eyes skim your figure up and down, stopping right where your short pleated skirt ends as he concentrates on your conversation.

He’s determined to not miss a word.

“I’d like that.” Jungsu blinks up at you with a genuine curl of his lips and eyes partly closed from the bright sunlight.

“Cool.” You smile back, tilting your head in a flirtatious manner. “Gym buddies?”

“Gym buddies.” Jungsu gives you a high five, and you’re just about to add something when you hear the deep voice coming from behind your shoulder.

“I thought you shouldn’t put pressure on your ankle for at least a month or two more,” Jiseok calls out.

“Oh, it’s fine.” You lie nonchalantly after turning around. He fixates his gaze on your chest, dressed in a tight cropped top with no straps, and you know it’s because if he looks into your eyes the real emotions may slip out from his face. However, he seems just as tense while staring at your boobs. “The doctor said I can start working out again, I just need to be careful not to overdo it.”

Jiseok responds with a crooked smile watching you take a seat on the table. As you take out the novel you’re reading for your english class, Jungsu stands up, stretching his arms for the next round.

Jiseok grabs the tennis ball, and a sigh of relief calms his frustration, when he walks pass you and feels your fingers discreetly brushing his as he heads towards the tennis court of his parents house.

“Will this book ever get interesting?” Jiseok scoffs. “Jesus, I’m so bored

“Will you stop interrupting me only to complain?”

Not only are you doing him the favour of telling him all the important things he needs to know about the novel, and helping him out with the assignment, more than you should, but you also have to bare listening to him complain like he doesn’t have someone else doing his work for him.

“If you read to me naked, I will.”

You roll your eyes at the comment, but you don’t succeed at fighting back the urge to grin, as you bring back your attention on the open book in your hands. He’s blessed with the most enticing smile in the word, and it never fails to make your stomach swirl. It’s boyish, smug, but so attractive.

“If we weren’t dating
” Jiseok rests his head in his palm after turning on his side, “who else would have a real chance except me?”

“Jungsu is cute.” You reply calmly without looking away from the page.

“Cute?” Jiseok blinks confused. His face scrunches from your quick answer. “Since when do you like cute guys?”

“Why did you ask if you’re just gonna get jealous of my answer?”

“Is this why you’re gym buddies all of a sudden? Cause he’s cute?”

You close the book and put it aside with a deep sigh.

“It’s like you missed the whole point of this bet. I have to get their hopes up a little bit so they can bet more money, baby.”

“I know, I know
” Jiseok whines, turning on his back. His eyes gaze up at the tree which leaves move discreetly from the light breeze. “It’s just annoying having to listen to them talk about you
 they really think they have a chance.”

You move closer to him, putting a hand over his chest.

“This means we’re winning.”

Jiseok takes your wrist and guides your hand to his lips, pressing them against your knuckles. A moment later, you sit on his lap and his palms go underneath your skirt; it’s like an automatic reaction and it makes you chuckle.

“I can be cute too.” He says.

“I don’t want that.” You reply quietly before leaning down. The minty scent of the gum he had in his mouth earlier invades your senses as you stare at his plump lips. “You didn’t win me over with a cute attitude.”

You both smile at each other, because it’s true. He’s always been a gentleman, but he never tried to impress you with cute compliments, princess treatment or anything like that
 The way you challenged yourselves in class, the games of cat and mouse and the bickering in between pulled you closer till he couldn’t handle it anymore. After realising the hatred you feel towards each other, or more specifically the hatred you’re supposed to feel towards each other was actually lust, attraction, desperation to know each other in more ways than one, Jiseok came up to you and straight up told you he wants you. “Right here, right now,” he said. No pick up lines, nothing.

“But we hate each other,” you stated even though it didn’t sound believable, because it wasn’t true at all. You said it just because you couldn’t think of anything else that wouldn’t make you sound easy.

“I don’t believe it, do you?”

“I don’t think so.”

“I actually think you’re good for me, Y/N.”

He fingered you in the library that day. It felt so inappropriate, so
 filthy; but most importantly - exciting. Jiseok saw something shifting in you that day, and it made him realise that he was right about you. You had a secret filthy side that’s hiding behind that pure obedient smile of yours, and it was waiting for him to discover it; to make it his.

Two days later he fingered you in the restrooms, that’s when you returned the favour although he said you didn’t need to.

He ate you out in the dressing rooms before his basketball game, and days later he asked to sit next to you for your English lecture so he can sneak his hand under your skirt. He likes doing that to this day - sitting next to you when you’re out with friends and touching you under the table. He enjoys it, because nobody has to know you’re in a relationship especially your parents. Another thing he likes about this is how you let him do it despite this well known fact.

He took your virginity at his house when his parents were out of the country and you got the chance to wake up next to him for the first time.

“What do you want then?” Jiseok keeps shifting his gaze from your eyes to your lips. His hands, hidden from your skirt, are gripping your ass cheeks beneath it. “Tell me, doll.”

He presses his lips against yours into a soft kiss. Once, twice
 You remain silent while the contact from his mouth floods your body with adrenaline. The only sound around you is from the nature of the park where you found yourselves a nice secluded spot.

“Why are you suddenly shy, baby?” He smirks after you break the kiss. “I already know how filthy you can be for me.”

As he speaks Jiseok’s one hand moves your panties to the side while the other pushes a finger inside your welcoming arousal. You moan into his mouth as he glides it through your tight walls.

“It’s why you wear these little skirts and tops, right? You let me get what I want whenever I want to
” His finger speeds up, and you hide your face into the crook of his neck. “You don’t really care who sees. You never did.”

“I think it’s time to end the bet.” Jiseok tosses his phone on the table between you and glances in your direction. “It’s been over two weeks now.”

“Hmm..” You’re lounging on the sunbed enjoying the sight of the calm beach as the sun is almost about to set meanwhile Jiseok is sitting on his, hunched over with a certain tense expression.

“It’s perfect.” He exclaims. “Not too late, not too early either.”

“Wouldn’t it look like I’m easy?”

“No, baby.” He disagrees immediately as he walks up to you. “It would look like I’m just too damn good at flirting which I am.” He sits on the edge, stroking your bare leg up and down. “I’m too hard to resist.”

“You’re getting all cocky, Kwak Jiseok.” You tease him with your foot ghosting over his crotch. His hand catches your ankle gently. “Not cute.”

“What do you say?” His eyes fixate on your contemplative expression. What’s there to think about so much? As you stay silent, just maintaining the eye contact with him, Jiseok feels his heartbeat quickening.

“If you insist.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” He blurts right away.

You cannot help but laugh while pealing your back off the lounge.

“I’m just messing with you! God, your cheeks got all red.”

You cup his face, smiling at his cute frustrations, but he grips your wrists, speaking out in an even more serious voice.

“I’m putting an end to this, you hear me?”

You pull back to drag down the straps of your light summer dress which is enough of an answer to his words. Jiseok watches you with half parted lips, finally laying eyes on the new pair of Victoria’s Secret lingerie you got.

You’ve talked about this - that you’re going to film just a few minutes as a proof, - but you’ve never discussed how, when, where or which minutes exactly - the beginning, the middle or the end. You completely let Jiseok guide you, but he seems too excited right now. He moves quickly, and kisses you roughly as if he hasn’t done it in weeks. You try to catch up with his speed, but all you can do is gasp and moan at every next touch.

“You can’t stop me, doll.” His tone comes out more intense and raspy. “I’m done listening to them thirsting over your ass, goddamn it. It’s driving me crazy.”

His fingers are already pumping against your g-spot, spreading your wetness and causing even more.

 Jiseok, fuck—“

Your legs dangle in the air as his arm flexes, moving steadily in order to make you cum as soon as possible.

“Slow down,” you whisper in a rush, squeezing your eyes, but Jiseok is too immersed into the fact you’re becoming even tighter than a moment ago.

“C’mon, baby, when have you liked it slow?” He smirks and a second later he feels you clench intensely around his fingers. “Yeah, there you go.”

Your jaw drops in a silent scream as Jiseok thrusts few more times till your climax fades down. Your chest drops heavily as you pant from the overwhelming feeling, it came so quickly and suddenly.

You’ve never cummed so fast before.

Jiseok pulls out his fingers slowly, all coated with your essence and drags them up to your clit. It causes your flushed face to scrunch up again which makes your boyfriend smile. He gives you a light smack.

“You needed this, huh?”

“I did,” you say already feeling relaxed and slightly lightheaded. Jiseok sneaks his fingers through your lips, doubling the pressure in his shorts by making you clean them up with your tongue. “Don’t you need something too?” You ask when you’re done sucking his digits.

Jiseok stands up, getting rid of his clothes. His tanned fit figure positions itself in front of you after you get comfortable with knees planted on the lounge. He looks stunning in this setting with the beautiful sea behind him.

“You can film me.” You say before you lick the side of his cock.

“Not yet.”

That’s all he says, as he stays with eyes shut due to the pleasant rush that's spreading wildly in his veins from your lips wrapped around his tip. You twirl your tongue around his oozing shape, but a moment later Jiseok gets impatient and slides himself all the way in, holding your head steady.

“Fuck, baby
” He groans with his deep voice. He commands his hips to move back and forth a few times, pushing as further as possible into your throat before emptying your mouth. “Give me your wet pussy now.” His soaked cock smacks your cheek lightly as a sign to turn around.

You feel him entering with ease. The pleasure is familiar, but it never feels exactly the same as other times. Every time your bodies connect you get dizzy with even more intense delight; with even stronger lust that only grows your addiction to Jiseok.

His fingertips dig into your hips, threatening to leave marks as the pace of his thrusts increases. He found your sweet spot and he doesn’t plan on slowing down until the knot in your tummy snaps.

“Fuck, b-baby—“ you call out with your weak voice; it keeps shaking from the immense pleasure and Jiseok’s rough pounding. “
 gonna c-cum

Here at his parents' empty beach house, you can scream as loud as you want, so you don’t force yourself to be quiet nor discreet. You let out a deep wail of emotion that towards the end becomes just a shaky whimper as Jiseok fucks you through your second orgasm. He groans at the same time as you while doing his best to endure the pressure in his cock.

You collapse on your back, squeezing your trembling thighs together, but your boyfriend quickly separates them.

“I want to fuck you all night long,” he utters before his mouth sucks on your neck that’s sticky from sweat and the breeze around you. His body weight settles on top of your chest as his cock shoves into you again, making you whine beneath him. “You feel so fuckin’ good

The soothing sound of the waves clashing together blends with your moans as the rush starts doubling inside your core again. You feel how all the energy you had disappears from your body leaving only the overwhelming thrill from his cock turning you more and more sensitive.

“C’mon, pretty girl, give me more.” Jiseok grunts. “I know you can.”

“Jiseok—“ you begin to say something, but he rises up, placing his thumb on your clit.

“I’m not gonna film shit until you start squirting, baby.”

He reaches for his phone, but the device stays locked in his free hand as the other stimulates your bundle of nerves causing you to squirm with each rub.

“You can do this, doll, look how needy you are.” Jiseok’s voice sounds lower than before as your clenching grows stronger.

His hips are not moving at all. He’s standing steady on his knees, feeling his cock being gripped tightly by your warm walls. He’s trying so hard not to keep his focus on this, but it’s impossible. His fingers speed up on your clit, and he pants heavily while you on the other hand cry out desperately with your silhouette convulsing in front of him. However, Jiseok doesn’t see a flinch of yours, because he cums inside you, and his eyes close shut.

Your clenching during your climax was enough to get him off.

“Shit,” he sighs, meeting your hazy gaze. You look completely washed off, but you still manage to smile after feeling how he spilled all that he had.

Jiseok unlocks his phone and guides the camera at your cunt so he can film the way he pulls out of you. His white cum starts seeping out in a slow thick trail and he makes sure to catch that too.

He keeps the video going as he pushes two fingers inside your hole tempted to fuck his essence back into you. His cock is still too sensitive, and he wants to get one more orgasm out of you.

“One more, pretty doll,” he whispers while pumping his digits, “this pussy is doing so well for me, keep it up.”

The camera memorises all the lewd squelching you do; all the messy juices emerging out of you as Jiseok’s fingers furiously bump against your deepest spot. Each and every whimper that slips from your lips in addition to your boyfriend’s praises.

 can’t—“ you choke in the middle of your hitched breaths. “J-Jiseok, I can’t.. can’t

“Don’t say that, baby,” Jiseok fakes a disappointing look while keeping up the pace. “C’mon, you’ve been acting like a slut so many times for me, don’t get shy now. Show them what I thought you.”

You don’t realise when it happens; you feel too high to recognise anything else except your own crazy heartbeat and the burning in your core that makes you feel like you’re going to explode any second.

Jiseok’s phone gets sprayed when you succumb to the pressure and let go. You don’t even have the energy to let out a proper moan, you just gasp as the juices make Jiseok’s arm wet along with the lounge chair and the camera that catches everything.

Now, all that’s left to do is to send the video to the group chat, and get your money.

Dinna, I'm Here Presenting To You Preppy!jiseok, Who's Very Cocky And Has A Corruption Kink He Absolutely

! please do not repost, copy or translate my works

Tags :
1 year ago


Avisos: pegação, palavrĂ”es, sexo explĂ­cito, um pouco de drama. Sinopse: vocĂȘ achava que tinha Gaon nas mĂŁos, achava que quando o momento chegasse ele seria seu submisso e seguiria suas ordens, mas quando o momento chegou ele fez questĂŁo de fazer vocĂȘ se arrepender de todos os jogos mentais que fez com ele e de todas as risadas que deu achando divertido.




Aqui estĂĄ vocĂȘ, sentada no colo de Gaon, aproveitando os toques que ele dava em seu corpo e o beijo lento e cativante que vocĂȘs estavam dando, vocĂȘ sempre dava um gemido baixo quando ele apertava sua cintura devagar. VocĂȘ jurava que tinha ele nas mĂŁos, achava que quando esse momento chegasse vocĂȘ estaria no controle, mas agora percebeu que estava completamente enganada, ele tem um outro lado que vocĂȘ nĂŁo conhecia.

VocĂȘ gemeu novamente, apĂłs Gaon sugar seu lĂĄbio inferior, ele separou vocĂȘs te olhando nos olhos, com um sorrisinho vencedor, como se estivesse pronto para dar o golpe final.

"Ouvir seu gemido me deixou com o ego inflado, vocĂȘ achava mesmo que me teria nas mĂŁos, nĂŁo Ă©?" - Ele te perguntou acariciando sua cintura por dentro da blusa, vocĂȘ acenou em positivo, apoiando as mĂŁos em seus ombros.

"Era impossĂ­vel nĂŁo achar isso, vocĂȘ sempre ficou quieto quando eu brincava com vocĂȘ, fazia tudo oque eu mandava, mas ainda podemos fazer dessa forma hum" - VocĂȘ tentou beijĂĄ-lo, mas ele se esquivou, deixando um aperto forte em sua cintura.

Ele te olhou novamente e num ato rĂĄpido ele inverteu as posiçÔes, ele te deitou na cama e ficou por cima de vocĂȘ com um olhar sĂ©rio e ainda com aquele sorriso.

"NĂŁo, nĂłs nĂŁo vamos fazer do seu jeito... VocĂȘ ainda nĂŁo entendeu?" - Ele perguntou te deixando confusa. "Eu nĂŁo sou o seu submisso, nĂŁo mais, eu cansei de ser, sempre deixei vocĂȘ me controlar, jĂĄ chorei por sua causa por brincar com os meus sentimentos, me fazendo ciĂșmes... Eu esperei muito por esse momento, pra ficar sozinho com vocĂȘ, quando eu estiver dentro vai ser um caminho sem volta, vou transformar a sua mente em minha moradia".

VocĂȘ o olhou com atenção, sentiu a firmeza em sua entonação de voz, Gaon voltou a acariciar seu corpo, chegando em sua coxa direita, colocando-a em sua cintura e pressionando suas partes Ă­ntimas, vocĂȘ arfou baixou fazendo ele dar uma risadinha.

"O que foi? O gato comeu a sua lĂ­ngua?" - VocĂȘ abriu a boca para falar, mas nada saĂ­a. "VocĂȘ se divertiu tanto fazendo seus joguinhos, nĂ©? Riu tanto da minha cara... Mas, pra sua surpresa, o Ășltimo riso serĂĄ o meu, agora Ă© vocĂȘ quem vai sofrer com os jogos mentais, atĂ© perder o controle.

O moreno voltou a juntar seus lĂĄbios, ele apertava sua coxa com vontade, vocĂȘ prendeu a outra perna na cintura dele e estava levando os braços para o pescoço, mas rapidamente o garoto segurou seus braços os prendendo na cama.

"Gaon... Por favor, me deixe te tocar" - VocĂȘ proferiu, ansiosa demais para avançar as coisas, ele negou com a cabeça, pressionando mais suas intimidades.

"Nada disso, vocĂȘ nĂŁo vai me tocar, vocĂȘ vai sĂł sentir a tortura atĂ© nĂŁo aguentar mais e implorar pra mim te foder"

Ele se afastou um pouco de vocĂȘ, tirando a camisa e a calça, ele te olhou sĂ©rio.

"Tire a roupa toda, nĂŁo quero nada te cobrindo" - VocĂȘ atĂ© cogitou a ideia de fazer birra, mas estava precisando dele.

VocĂȘ tirou suas roupas, ficando totalmente nua para o garoto que sorriu, ele ficou por cima de vocĂȘ novamente, passando as mĂŁos pelo seu corpo todo, ele apertava cada pedacinho te fazendo gemer como uma cadela. Gaon nĂŁo hesitou, apesar de ter a proposta de te torturar, de tocar sua intimidade com o polegar, vocĂȘ prendeu a respiração.

"Jiseok, eu sei que vocĂȘ quer isso tanto quanto eu, enfia o dedo logo“ - Ele riu com o seu tom autoritĂĄrio, ao invĂ©s de enfiar o dedo ele apenas começou a estimular seu clitĂłris lentamente.

"NĂŁo adianta insistir, pare de tentar ser autoritĂĄria" - VocĂȘ iria contestar, mas os estĂ­mulos se tornaram mais presentes, o moreno pressionava seu clitĂłris com vontade e vocĂȘ sentia que gozaria sĂł com isso.

Ele te provocou, e como te provocou apenas pressionando e estimulando devagar, mas finalmente ele havia cedido, o dedo entrando e saindo de sua vagina com rapidez, alternando em um ritmo lento, vocĂȘ nĂŁo guardava os gemidos e sabia que ele estava lutando muito para nĂŁo te foder de uma vez.

"Is-so Gaon, continua assim... Estou quase lĂĄ" - E vocĂȘ nĂŁo mentiu, estava muito perto de gozar, Gaon percebeu isso e quando viu que vocĂȘ iria gozar ele parou de estimular te fazendo soltar um gemido de frustração.

"Tadinha, hoje nĂŁo gatinha, vocĂȘ sĂł vai gozar no meu pau"

Ele levou o dedo atĂ© a boca, chupando eles sentindo seu gosto, sua respiração estava rĂĄpida, vocĂȘ jĂĄ se sentia arrependida de ter feito tantos jogos mentais com ele. Gaon te beijou, nĂŁo foi um beijo tĂŁo prolongado, ele desceu para seus pescoço e seios tambĂ©m, logo ele se levantou e retirou sua cueca.

"Vamos, fique de quatro, agora" - VocĂȘ arrepiou e sentiu sua boceta contrair sĂł de ouvir isso, nĂŁo demorou em fazer oque ele ordenou.

Ele deu uma risadinha, vocĂȘ olhou para trĂĄs e viu ele te puxar pela cintura atĂ© a beirada da cama, ele segurou sua cintura e encostou o pau na sua entrada, roçando um no outro devagar, ameaçando entrar, ele se aproximou de seu ouvido.

"Bom, agora eu vou fazer oque falei antes, transformar a sua mente em minha moradia"

E foi isso que ele fez, enfiando o pau na sua boceta devagar, te provocando o tempo todo. Uma coisa vocĂȘ nĂŁo tinha como negar, no final de tudo, sairia completamente viciada nele.

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1 year ago

"Quero comer a sua pi**ca" - Kwak Jiseok

"Quero Comer A Sua Pi**ca" - Kwak Jiseok

GÊNERO: comĂ©dia, sugestivo, fluff.

SINOPSE: enquanto conversava com seu melhor amigo por mensagem de texto vocĂȘ comentou sobre estar com muita fome, mas o que vocĂȘ nĂŁo imaginava era que um erro ortogrĂĄfico iria mudar completamente a sua situação.

! Ainda nĂŁo revisado, perdoem qualquer erro <3

Por Deus, vocĂȘ nĂŁo sabia aonde enfiava a cabeça, leu e releu a mensagem que mandou para Jiseok, seu melhor amigo, vĂĄrias vezes e cada vez sentia mais vergonha.

VocĂȘs dois estavam conversando por mensagem, atĂ© que vocĂȘ foi comentar que estava com muita fome e o corretor fez a mensagem sair assim:

"Gaon, to com mĂł fome"

"Vem aqui em casa, quero comer a sua piroca"

Droga, vocĂȘ conhece o garoto bem o suficiente pra saber que ele vai te zoar atĂ© o ano que vem com isso, ele respondeu a sua mensagem com:


"Chego aĂ­ em 20 minutos"

A mensagem te fez revirar os olhos, vocĂȘs dois flertam de brincadeira em algumas ocasiĂ”es entĂŁo isso nĂŁo era surpresa pra vocĂȘ, mas vocĂȘ nĂŁo tinha certeza se a parte de ele realmente ir te ver era verdade, vocĂȘ apenas respondeu ele com:



"bicho chato"

Se passaram cerca de 15 minutos e nada do garoto te responder, isso sĂł fez vocĂȘ começar a acreditar que ele estava indo atĂ© a sua casa.

VocĂȘ resolveu deixar isso pra lĂĄ e foi fazer algo pra comer, depois de 20 minutos certinhos a campainha da sua casa tocou, vocĂȘ parou de mexer na panela e desligou o fogo, logo indo para a sala.

Ao abrir a porta vocĂȘ se deparou com ele, seu besta e incrivelmente gato melhor amigo, ele abriu um sorriso largo ao te ver e jĂĄ sendo de casa ele entrou sem esperar vocĂȘ o convidar. VocĂȘ piscou os olhos e fechou a porta, ao se olharem Gaon percebeu que vocĂȘ estava surpresa e soltou uma risadinha.

"O que foi? Achou que eu estava brincando sobre vir pra cĂĄ?" ele te perguntou com um sorriso sapeca nos lĂĄbios.

"Claro que sim seu doido! Do nada vocĂȘ manda aquilo, pensei que era impossĂ­vel alguĂ©m se arrumar tĂŁo rĂĄpido assim" vocĂȘ respondeu cruzando os braços.

"Eu sou um homem nĂŁo vaidoso mĂ­ amorĂ©, me arrumo rapidĂŁo e outra, vocĂȘ disse que estava com fome, eu preparei muito bem minha piroca pra vocĂȘ viu" vocĂȘ abriu a boca em choque e deu um tapa no braço dele, Gaon deu risada da sua reação e bagunçou seu cabelo com uma mĂŁo. "Brincadeira brincadeira, eu entendi que era pipoca ok, trouxe um pacote de milho pra gente fazer" ele disse mostrando a sacola que estava na outra mĂŁo.

Um sorriso se formou no seu rosto, Gaon sempre faz pipocas muito boas, vocĂȘ nunca consegue fazer como ele. "Bom, pelo menos veio fazer algo de Ăștil ao invĂ©s de ficar implicando com o meu erro ortogrĂĄfico" vocĂȘ disse pegando a sacola da mĂŁos dele e indo atĂ© a cozinha, o garoto veio bem atrĂĄs de vocĂȘ.

"Assim vocĂȘ me deixa triste viu" ele fingiu um choro fazendo vocĂȘ rir. "Mas vocĂȘ me conhece, sabe que eu ainda vou te zoar com isso" vocĂȘ revirou os olhos e tirou o saco de pipoca da sacola, praticamente jogando o pacote no garoto que te olhou indignado.

"Anda logo Gaon, comece a fazer a pipoca, eu vou terminar de fazer meu brigadeiro de panela" ele olhou a panela e começou a rir quando viu que o brigadeiro jå estava endurecido.

"S/N, meu amor, vocĂȘ nĂŁo sabe que se largar na panela ele endurece?" o seu olhar caiu sobre a panela e um biquinho se formou nos seus lĂĄbios.

"Vou dar um jeito de recuperar... Poxa eu estava com tanta vontade" Gaon riu enquanto pegava tudo o que precisava pra fazer a pipoca, ele te olhou e ao ver o seu biquinho uma vontade imensa de te beijar surgiu nele, mas ele se segurou e ignorou a vontade, afinal vocĂȘs sĂŁo melhores amigos, nĂŁo faria sentido ele te beijar, certo?

Ok, ele realmente gosta de vocĂȘ, sĂł que ele nĂŁo tem coragem de te dizer isso, ele tem muito medo de perder a amizade, perder vocĂȘ. E vocĂȘ, bom, tambĂ©m gosta dele, e da mesma forma que ele nĂŁo tem coragem de contar pelos mesmos motivos, entĂŁo ambos guardam esse segredo para si mesmos a anos.

"Ai ai viu, ficou ai pensando em comer minha piroca e esqueceu do brigadeiro nĂ©" Gaon disse colocando o milho de pipoca na panela e vocĂȘ lançou um olhar mortal na direção dele fazendo ele rir.

"Cala essa boca fedida e faz a pipoca Jiseok!" vocĂȘ disse empurrando o ombro dele de leve e ele assentiu ainda rindo.

VocĂȘs preparam a pipoca, o brigadeiro e um suco de uva pra acompanhar, Gaon continuava flertando com vocĂȘ e implicando pelo erro ortogrĂĄfico, mas vocĂȘ acabava rindo junto com ele. Ao sentarem no sofĂĄ decidiram assistir um filme, entĂŁo lĂĄ estavam vocĂȘs dois jogados no sofĂĄ assistindo um filme de comĂ©dia romĂąntica, o gĂȘnero nĂŁo era um dos mais favoritos de vocĂȘs, mas mesmo assim vocĂȘs decidiram inovar um pouco e dar uma chance. VocĂȘs jĂĄ tinham comido tudo e agora vocĂȘ estava entre as pernas do garoto, seu corpo deitado por cima do dele enquanto as mĂŁos dele faziam carinho nos seu cabelo e as vezes massagens nos seus ombros.

Esses momentos carinhosos entre vocĂȘs aconteciam frequentemente e obviamente vocĂȘs fingiam que nĂŁo tinha nenhum significado a mais. Teve um momento em que o casal do filme começaram uma sessĂŁo de pegação, vocĂȘ ficou meio desconfortĂĄvel com aquilo pelo motivo de estar deitada sobre o homem no qual vocĂȘ ama em segredo, vocĂȘ subiu um pouco seu corpo para se ajeitar melhor, porĂ©m vocĂȘ acabou sentindo... Vamos dizer Ă©... Acabou sentindo a piroca dele, literalmente. Gaon reagiu a isso com um gemido baixo, quase inaudĂ­vel, isso foi uma surpresa pra vocĂȘ que nĂŁo imaginava que ele reagiria assim. VocĂȘ se afastou um pouco do corpo dele e o olhou pronta para pedir desculpas.

"Opa, desculpa Jiseok... Foi sem querer" Gaon fez um movimento com as mĂŁos indicando que nĂŁo havia problema.

"Tudo bem, acontece... Desculpa pela minha reação" vocĂȘ falou pra ele que estava tudo bem e um silĂȘncio prevaleceu por alguns segundos, vocĂȘ decidiu ir ao banheiro pra lavar o rosto e superar o ocorrido, vocĂȘ avisou Gaon e foi para o banheiro.

Ao sair vocĂȘ se assustou com um impacto repentino, suas costas ficaram encostadas na parede e quando vocĂȘ olhou pra cima cruzou com os olhos de Jiseok, o olhar dele estava diferente, era um olhar sedutor, brilhante, como se ele queria fazer isso a muito tempo.

"Gaon... O que vocĂȘ estĂĄ fazendo?" vocĂȘ perguntou verdadeiramente confusa, ele suspirou e segurou sua cintura com mais firmeza.

"Eu tentei S/N, juro que eu tentei, mas eu nĂŁo aguento mais segurar isso, eu preciso de vocĂȘ, preciso mesmo" vocĂȘ piscou os olhos surpresa, ele estava se declarando!?

"Precisando de mim? Como assim?" Gaon revirou os olhos com a sua lerdeza e sem perder mais tempo juntou os lĂĄbios nos seus, vocĂȘ recuou um pouco de inĂ­cio, mas depois deixou se levar e retribuiu o beijo.

Foi um beijo consideravelmente demorado, as mĂŁos do garoto apertavam sua cintura devagar enquanto as suas mĂŁos se perdiam entre os fios de cabelo dele. Ao se separarem Gaon juntou a testa com a sua e sorriu, automaticamente vocĂȘ sorriu junto com ele.

"Desse jeito, eu te amo e nĂŁo como amigo, eu quero vocĂȘ todos os dias, quero te beijar todos os dias" ele disse te roubando um beijo rĂĄpido.

"Jiseok, eu tambĂ©m te amo, tambĂ©m te quero todos os dias, nossa eu tinha tanto medo de dizer isso pra vocĂȘ" vocĂȘ disse sincera, Gaon entendia o seu sentimento e do nada te pegou no colo fazendo suas pernas ficarem entrelaçadas na cintura dele, vocĂȘs foram atĂ© a sala e Gaon sentou no sofĂĄ deixando vocĂȘ no colo dele.

"Fico feliz em saber disso, eu tambĂ©m tinha medo, mantive isso em segredo a muito tempo, mas acho que o seu erro ortogrĂĄfico e o que aconteceu aquela hora me deu coragem de confessar meus sentimentos" um sorriso se formou nos seus lĂĄbios novamente, vocĂȘ beijou ele e Gaon retribuiu no mesmo momento.

VocĂȘs ficaram em uma sessĂŁo de pegação bem longa esquecendo totalmente do filme que ainda passava na televisĂŁo, vocĂȘ se sentia muito feliz e aliviada por finalmente poder demonstrar o que sente pra ele, Gaon estava do mesmo jeito. A sessĂŁo de pegação acabou ficando mais quente do que vocĂȘs planejavam, vocĂȘ separou o beijo para recuperar o fĂŽlego e sentia que se continuasse nisso iria ficar molhada logo logo.

"Jiseok... Se continuarmos nesse ritmo eu nĂŁo sei se vou conseguir me controlar" sua fala foi um gĂĄs para Jiseok que te deixou por baixo dele, ele ficou no meio de suas pernas e vocĂȘ sentiu ele pressionar levemente o quadril no seu.

"NĂŁo precisa se controlar, eu estou na mesma situação, se quiser e se estiver preparada pra isso nĂłs podemos ir longe" ele deixou beijos no seu pescoço e vocĂȘ mordeu os lĂĄbios, vocĂȘ pensou um pouco e percebeu que jĂĄ estava rendida.

"Eu quero ir longe, eu quero a sua piroca, e dessa vez nĂŁo Ă© erro ortogrĂĄfico" Jiseok riu com a sua fala e beijou seus lĂĄbios.

"Ótimo, vou ter o maior prazer de preparar e dar pra vocĂȘ".

Bom, a partir daĂ­ vocĂȘ teve as melhores horas da sua vida, finalmente sentindo Gaon enfiar a piroca dele fundo em vocĂȘ, sem erros ortogrĂĄficos, sĂł ouvindo ele gemer o seu nome baixinho no seu ouvido.

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1 year ago

Como seu xdh bf reagiria ĂĄ: vocĂȘ usando uma calcinha com abertura

Avisos: dirty talk, sexo explĂ­cito, dedilhado, xingamentos.

Um exemplo desse tipo de calcinha caso alguém não saiba como é.

â”€â”€â”€â”€â”€â”€â”€â”€â”€àł‹áƒŠ đŸŒș áƒŠàł‹â”€â”€â”€â”€â”€â”€

JUNHAN: vocĂȘs estavam evoluindo de uma seção de pegação para algo alĂ©m, junhan te ajudou a tirar os shorts e ao tocar sua intimidade entre beijos ele percebeu que havia algo de diferente, ele separou o beijo e olhou para baixo vendo que sua calcinha estava aberta embaixo, ele te olhou um pouco confuso dizendo "que coisa diferente s/n, nĂŁo sabia que existia isso, vocĂȘ colocou de propĂłsito nĂŁo foi?" vocĂȘ sentiu confiança na fala dele ao mesmo tempo em que as bochechas dele ficaram rosadas, vocĂȘ sorriu se esfregando nos dedos dele, "claro amor, coloquei especialmente pra vocĂȘ", junhan ficaria levemente envergonhado, mas deixaria isso de lado e voltaria a te beijar começando a dedilhar sua entrada.

GUNIL: vocĂȘs dois estavam se pegando como loucos no sofĂĄ da sala, gunil tocou vocĂȘ por dentro da calça e sentiu os dedos em contato com seu clitĂłris exposto, ele te olhou e sorriu malicioso "vocĂȘ realmente comprou essa calcinha entĂŁo, achei que estava sĂł brincando... Mas eu adorei, ter acesso livre mais rĂĄpido Ă© mil vezes melhor", ele introduziu dois dedos beijando o seu pescoço, vocĂȘ gemeu baixo e disse no ouvido dele "eu sabia que vocĂȘ iria gostar amor".

O.DE: seu namorado terminou de despir vocĂȘ, mas com excessĂŁo da calcinha, pois quando ele reparou na parte aberta o fetiche dele de te foder com a calcinha no corpo se mostrou "porra amor, vocĂȘ sabe exatamente como me agradar nĂŁo Ă©? TĂŁo gostosa" ele nĂŁo perdeu tempo e te penetrou de uma vez segurando suas pernas com firmeza, te fazendo gemer alto e completamente louca por ele.

JUNGSU: vocĂȘ e seu namorado estavam se beijando enquanto vocĂȘ estava sentada no balcĂŁo da cozinha e ele estava entre suas pernas, apertando suas coxas, sabendo que ele nĂŁo iria resistir vocĂȘ resolveu finalmente atacar "ei amor, me toca por dentro da saia, tenho uma surpresinha pra vocĂȘ", jungsu estranhou um pouco, mas ficou curioso entĂŁo fez oque vocĂȘ disse. Ao te tocar ele entendeu oque vocĂȘ tinha insinuado, ele sorriu pra vocĂȘ e te puxou para mais perto com a mĂŁo livre na sua cintura "vocĂȘ Ă© uma pervertida mesmo amor, mas eu amo isso em vocĂȘ, amei a surpresa" ele te beijou e começou a dedilhar vocĂȘ, te fazendo implorar por mais.

GAON: jiseok te puxou pro colo dele enquanto se beijavam intensamente, vocĂȘ pegou uma das mĂŁos dele e levou para debaixo da sua saia o fazendo tocar sua intimidade, ele sorriu ao notar a abertura na calcinha "sĂ©rio... VocĂȘ me deixa louco pra te foder", ele te tocaria com toques firmes, sabendo o jeito certo pra acertar todos os seus pontos mais sensĂ­veis.

JOOYEON: vocĂȘ chamou jooyeon que estava assistindo um anime na televisĂŁo do quarto, ele te olhou e prestou atenção na sua lingerie nova notando a abertura na parte debaixo da calcinha, ele sorriu e te chamou para mais perto, vocĂȘ se aproximou e ele segurou sua cintura "essa lingerie ficou perfeita em vocĂȘ amor, e essa abertura vai facilitar tanto pra mim" ele levou uma das mĂŁos atĂ© sua ĂĄrea Ă­ntima te tocando suavemente apenas pra te provocar.

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