Gastrointestinal - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

Bruh I had my dietitian appointment that I’ve been waiting 6 months for just to get told to go back to the gp bc it’s “not a food issue”


Literally everything I eat makes me feel sick / throw up and or other really fun bodily functions that I don’t want to even think about

I had to fill out so many forms of invasive and incredibly personal information about my body and the reactions it had, for this lady to NOT EVEN LOOK AT THEM

She saw I filled out the food diary (everything I ate made me sick / ill / uncomfortable) but told me that I will still getting the nutrients I need despite it making me so sick so I should continue doing that

The only reason that food log was filled out our properly was because I was told to, otherwise it wouldn’t be

She said that because I have nice skin (I have hEDS my skin will always look a certain way because of this condition) and the fact that I’m not malnourished (and am not underweight) that there’s nothing wrong with me

So great. I’m back to the start, triggered (she told me my weight even after I asked her not to) and told me she sees sicker people then me and therefore it’s not a food issue and I’m fine.

So yay. I’m completely fucked.

If anyone has any advice or suggestions I would love to hear them because I’m desperate at this point.

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