Please Hear Me Out - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago




I'm happy that Sun and Moon can finally celebrate Halloween :] Maybe Sun can take Dazzle trick-or-treating. The same goes for Solar and Jack :] 💗

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1 year ago

Dros' story

Hey guppies, I have got a new Fish food to feed you! And please if you have any comment, questions, or requests I am happy to answer!

Anyway enjoy my first chapter of my new story, and please help me come up with a name for it.

Hey, my names Dros and I know I am a robot and have an incredibly good-looking face, Not. It's a long and painful story that did not make me a hero or a villain, so I basically spit in that common and overused tropes face. Right now I am practicing with my band, Us drum players don't get enough love. As luck would have it, we have a show tomorrow, and we keep getting more and more people to play too, I guess in Gotham the word goes around fast. I am happy, of course, but I have to hide myself. Let's get real, we all hide our true face anyway, so what difference does it make? And thank the killable God that am an atheist and that they think my face is just some cool mask I made myself. Anyway, back to the jam session that I am killing it in right now. And now the songs over, great. “Looks like it's late”, the basic metal lead guitar and singer said…. Just kidding, his name is Fluffy,” let's pack it up for today.” And so, like the nice person I am, I helped clean up and packed my shit up. I said my goodbyes to my guys, girls, and nonbinary sibling in arms. I walked with them to the door, but since I live where we practice, so I don't go any farther.  The studio is owned by me. I am one of the last radio hosts in Gotham, but since it pays like ass, I hack and do IT on the side. The studio has two floors, downstairs is where the magic happens, and upstairs is where the studio room and radio equipment are. Neon lights are in every room and light everything in my domain but the bathroom, I don't use the bathroom, so what's the point? It's hard wood downstairs and carpet upstairs to lessen noise from footsteps while on air. I live in Gotham, so you bet your pale flat ass I got cameras in every corner of this place.

The last person leaves and I sigh in relief. I got to go shopping because I need a new charger and cat food for the strays outside. I get my bag and grabbed cheese and cringe skate board and ride my way to my fav convince store. The air is warm from the energy from the building and the sky is black, but the city lights keep everything alive. As I am getting closer, I see something move in the alleyway next to me. And like the white hoodie wearing robot I am, I go to check it out. Is that the red helmet fucker? He just parked his motorcycle and immediately started to climb that building to my left, without looking over to see my dumbass. The big shit didn't see me. That fucker broke my old stake board that was fresh as fuck. The red helmet fucker threw it at some purse snatcher instead of getting off his lazy as and catching him. My poor baby was broke in two! Suddenly a light bulb showed itself on my screen. You know what, I think I have some spray paint in my bag. Am going to tag his shit. I take my spray can out and began to work my magic. When am done, I put a clear coat on that shit and a finish coat. Good luck fucker, that shit is staying on. Well now that's done, I feel better. My child has been revenged. I then got on my cringe stake board and dipped. I made my way to Miss Jar’s store and walked in.” Dros, you better wipe your damn feet.” Miss Jar yelled from behind the counter.” Hello to you, too.” I said back.” have you been eating?” Miss Jar asked me.” yes, and thank you for caring.” I answered. “ Well someone has to, lord knows you don't.” she quipped back. “ I just need two things then am gone, and look the doors on my way out. I saw one of those mask wearing heroes on my way here.” I knew where everything was, so this would be quick. Furthermore, I got my shit and left after saying goodbye to my wannabe grand mama.  On my way home, I noticed the red helmet guy's bike was gone. I went inside and called it a night. 

  Then I woke up the next morning and bid my morning routine.” Man, I want coffee.” and because I am a slut for the shit, that's exactly I did. I got my shit to together and went to the closest and best coffee shop in town, Merry Ants. As I rode into the shop, I noticed the sad look on Marry’s face. “ Hey, what's wrong?” I asked the young woman. “ Dros! It's nice to see you. I am sorry but, … today is the last day that we are in business. That means this is the last time you can get coffee here,” Ant said with a sad smile on her face.” what? That's so sad! I love you guys!” I complained, displaying and frowny face on my screen. “ Well, here is your usual. Enjoy”, she told me. I grab my coffee and left. Just as I turned the corner, THE FUCKING BATMAN shoves me and spills my coffee all over my white hoodie. I have a show in a couple of hours. That was Ant’s coffee too :( .

It's okay, I will just get another one. I walked back to Merry Ant’s. “ Hey, marry? Am back! Some asshole spilled my coffee all over me.” I said, walking in to get another coffee. “ Am sorry there is no more coffee, after that superhero crashed into my store. I gave you the last thing we had.” she said.” What! That's why you have to close?” I asked. “ Yea, I don't have the money for new supplies or to fix the damage, and since I still owed payments on the building so the people I bought it off of want all the money owed up front…. Am sorry, am rambling.” she looked like she was about to cry. Oh no, I get stressed out when people cry. What the hell do I do? Am too anti-social for this! “It's okay, am a friend and that's what friends are for.” I said trying to pass this charisma skill check. “ Your hoodie! I can fix it for your show!” she stated wide-eyed. “ You really don't have too but please?” I asked, “It's easy, but it's a family secret I got from my mom!” she said to me. I pulled my hoodie off and gave it to her. She took it to the back and when she came back my hoodie was whiter than ever! “ Thank you so much and you're the best!” I said as I pulled on my hoodie and walked out the door. I made my way to miss jar’s store to get “breakfast” or at least that's what I tell her, but I really just want to talk. She is like a grandmother to me. She makes me behave. “ Good morning” I yelled at her.” I may be old, but I can still hear just fine, did you hear about Ants? Let me tell you! Someone's got to show those superheros and villains that us common folk will make them pay for the destruction and lives they ruin.” Miss Jar yells at me, but I don't take it to heart, she is old and going deaf.

But maybe she is right. Maybe it’s time for someone to make a none violent move movement to help the world.

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6 months ago
There's Lack Of Steven Art Recently... I Must Fix That
There's Lack Of Steven Art Recently... I Must Fix That
There's Lack Of Steven Art Recently... I Must Fix That
There's Lack Of Steven Art Recently... I Must Fix That
There's Lack Of Steven Art Recently... I Must Fix That

There's lack of Steven art recently... I must fix that💥

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5 months ago

I love all the world building DC does with their major cities, but I would like one request (with two parts)

Can we please get bodega cats??? PLEASE

Specifically in fawcett and gotham, I think they would have SOOOO many bodega cats. Imagine a scene where it’s redhood and batgirl going to grab a quick snack and they go to the local corner store just to see a tiny cat sleeping on a crate of pop PLEASSEEEE DC

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9 months ago

Hello , fellow Ace Attorney fans !!! I'm sure you're all very devastated about Sebastian's— or should I say Eustace's ?— canon name !! I know I was really upset too , BUT ! ! !

I came up with something that won't erase the canon name but won't erase the FAN name too !


Sebastian Eustace Debeste‐Winner .

You're wondering one of two things ; A– Woah ! or B– That's stupid . But no matter what , I want you all to listen to my reasons behind it ! I'm sure you'll like it . . . maybe . All I can say is that Sebastian is someone that I relate to VERY , VERY highly , so I'd love it if you could listen .

Sebastian = His first name , given to him by his mother . Blaise didn't want this to be his name , but it was the first and last time the mother chose for herself . In the end , she won him over ... just barely .

Eustace = His middle name . The name that Blaise wanted to use . And since he was denied it , he settled for Eustace becoming the middle name . . .

Debeste‐Winner = A combination of the mother's and father's last names . Debeste being from Blaise , and Winner being from his mother . Blaise originally just referred to Sebastian as Debeste and gaslit him into doing the same , but after case 5 , he started calling himself Debeste‐Winner .

I hope this can become a name that MIGHT be used , even by just one more person . Feel free to critique me !

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8 months ago

i dont even have something to say today so

tumblr. hear me out on harvey from stardew valley

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8 months ago

Bruh I had my dietitian appointment that I’ve been waiting 6 months for just to get told to go back to the gp bc it’s “not a food issue”


Literally everything I eat makes me feel sick / throw up and or other really fun bodily functions that I don’t want to even think about

I had to fill out so many forms of invasive and incredibly personal information about my body and the reactions it had, for this lady to NOT EVEN LOOK AT THEM

She saw I filled out the food diary (everything I ate made me sick / ill / uncomfortable) but told me that I will still getting the nutrients I need despite it making me so sick so I should continue doing that

The only reason that food log was filled out our properly was because I was told to, otherwise it wouldn’t be

She said that because I have nice skin (I have hEDS my skin will always look a certain way because of this condition) and the fact that I’m not malnourished (and am not underweight) that there’s nothing wrong with me

So great. I’m back to the start, triggered (she told me my weight even after I asked her not to) and told me she sees sicker people then me and therefore it’s not a food issue and I’m fine.

So yay. I’m completely fucked.

If anyone has any advice or suggestions I would love to hear them because I’m desperate at this point.

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8 months ago

Ngl just putting this online makes me feel like shit but I need the help:

Any donations help me so much it’s actually ridiculous, I also draw digital art and have commissions open in my DMs!

Again this suck ass that I have to turn to strangers for help but here I am because I’m desperate :)

[share around my page and gofundme if you want reposts are appreciated]

Donate to Help me get a new wheelchair!, organized by Disabled Artist
Hi there! I am a disabled university student in the UK! I have a rare connective tissue… Disabled Artist needs your support for Help me get

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7 months ago

Okay so for context I was told I don’t have pots right

But I’m hooked up to a heart rate monitor and my sitting bpm is around 75 (sometimes it dips to 44 but that’s a separate issue)

When I stand up it gradually goes up to sit in the 120-30 bpm but if I don’t stand up carefully it can go to 160 bpm

I don’t know what to do about this because either I’m in a cold sweat bc my heart rate is 45 or I’m shaking bc it’s 160

At this point I’m a little scared (I thought I was dying for a hot minute when my bpm stayed at 140-60 for a whole hour (I watched the entire x men movie in this time)

Any advice would be appreciated

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