Gay Burp - Tumblr Posts

So well… I’ve not been working out as much as i used to and have defo been drinking more than I should🍻
#beerbelly #beerbloat #gainer #gaining #grommr #fittofat

Just having a beer (or 10) with lunch 🍻
#grommr #beerbelly
Beer chug with a sorta face reveal 😱🫣😋… won’t be long until this shirt loses some buttons if I carry on..

Another day another beer chug 🍻 no better way to spend time off work. Beer, take aways and video games

Only one way to celebrate hitting 1,000 followers (A MASSIVE THANK YOU) is to have a big beer bloat right?? Cannot believe the overwhelming amount of support, lovely comments and engagement that I’ve seen since joining tumblr! Feels like a dream! Here’s to another 100 lbs!
I may or may not have got a little bit intoxicated last night… I guzzled 14 beers and burped the house down, oops?😏😳😱🍻😝
Excuse me🍻🐷😳🤤

Got treated to a meal for 2 last night and 12 beers… weighing in at 245 lbs at the moment! Being on so much more! URP
Damn the donations need to slow down… what are you doing to me?! Stuffed again and still have beers to chug! URPPP you’re all gonna get me so fat…🍻🐷😳
Are you not embarrassed about how fat you made yourself? 😋
Now why would I be embarrassed ? I got the body of a god👀🐷🤤

Another weekend of pure gluttony and I’m feeling as fat as ever… URP
Another Frat Boy Belching Showing Hairy Pits