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had a good meal today 🌮🌮🌮
felt a lil bloated after so here's some pics
a short clip of the bloat from a couple days ago

wild to think that back in february I was kinda toned, now my belly has started to jiggle with every step I take

This diet and workout plan you recommended seems to be working, I think I can feel my abs again!
Huh? Sure I've sprinkled some cheat days here and there , but its not that big of a deal. Speaking of which, I'm STARVING, lets bake some pizzas, I promise to leave you a slice or two this time.

been feeling soft and bouncy lately

yesterday a friend I hadn't seen since march told me I was looking wider than usual, before playfully patting my waist.
good to know all those cookies and jars of peanut butter are going somewhere ;P

The other day some jock on grindr told me i should be ashamed of having "twink" on my description with how flabby i am. idk what he means, my SKINNY jeans still fit me so clearly im still skinny, right?

This is what awaits all the cocky twinks out there. Wether you're the responsible type, watching your calorie intake and religiously going to the gym, or you just got lucky with your metabolism and can let loose on the culinary world without worry, it won't matter. Sooner or later you'll have a cheat day turn into a cheat week and into a cheat month, the metabolism you've relied on your whole life will start to slow down, your appetite catching up to you.
Somehow you'll ignore how your underwear is running out of space, your shirts hugging your body tighter, how the snacks in your pantry seem to disappear faster. No, you won't wake up to your gluttony until one morning you realize this is the 10th day in a row you've had a plateful of fries for breakfast, and there's nothing left of your former twink body to salvage under the pudge. So enjoy that jiggle, cause it's not going anywhere.