Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker - Tumblr Posts
Love and Duty | General Hux x reader
fandom : star wars
pairing : General Hux x reader
warning : TROS spoilers, description of death, little of angst
taggs : littlemomointheworld
note : first imagine with hux! hope you’ll enjoy :)

Things had been tense lately, with the fall of the Supreme Leader Snoke, his apprentice Kylo Ren had taken his master’s place on the throne. It wasn’t the only change that had been made, your father, the General Pryde, took a place around the counsel’s table. As a result, he saw this opportunity as a chance for you to grow up as a First Order supporter.
But something had happened. The first day of your new life aboard the ship had not been ideal, even horrible. Your life here was a mess, and your father did not saw that, too occupied by his own affairs. And then came Armitage Hux in all his glory, in his black uniform, red hair and beautiful smile. You knew that love stories between high ranked officers were prohibited, but on the moment you didn’t care.
The first talk was formal and then it became more intimate, the two of you confiding secrets to each other, feelings even. After the ascension of Kylo Ren, Hux became more than a friend, he became everything you had ever wanted since the first time you met him, a lover. But you had to keep it secret, or your father would have took measures. It was what scared you the most, your father. But even with your discretion, some lieutenants and other high ranking officers began to spread rumors around the ship, your relationship with the red headed General was becoming dangerous.
On one hand, you didn’t care, as did Hux. But one day, you knew that his ambitions would make one of you implode, “Are you out of your damn mind! Do you know what they will do if they learn what you did?!”
“I want to see him fall, the First Order is only garbage now, because of him”, Armitage was standing on the opposite of the room. You saw that something was wrong in his eyes during the reunion and you thought right this time.
You couldn’t contain your anger, the risks he was taking just to get his revenge was unbearable. He tried to reach for you, it only made you angrier. Your hands remained against the wall, “Don’t”
Inside of him, Hux knew that what he had done was crazy but he was very confident about it. Kylo Ren had to pay for what he had done. He killed the only worthy Supreme Leader of their time and then killed him to rule on his own throne. The fact that he also took pleasure in humiliating him in front of his troops, of the General Pryde, of the high ranking officers, and in front of you, really pissed him off. Kylo Ren sensed something and Hux knew what it was. And the way he mocked him about this, was unbearable, “He knows about us, the only way to make him shut up is to bury him inside of a hole!”
“I want to see him dead too, but you can’t do it this way, you’ll get yourself killed”, you talked back to him. Your throat was hurting, you surely had screamed a little too loud. Tears were escaping his eyes, as do you, “Can’t you see that I am preoccupied about your well being ? Or are you too pride of yourself to admit your mistakes ?
“I can’t stop now”, you stared at him as he turned his head to look at his holopad. There’s nothing to do now, it was too late, he couldn’t be saved. You couldn’t do anything to save him either, this time, he truly was lost.
You turned back and escaped the room silently, even with all this, you loved him
It was only two days after your altercation that your father convocated you in the control room with Hux. You stood there, in the middle, waiting for your sentence. By your side, Hux stood, as straight as you. It was noticeable that something was wrong with him because of your shaking.
“I am aware of your affair”, your father began without even looking at you. After all those years, his rudeness had accented and your love for him had declined even more, and you knew that it was the same for your father, “I have always known. Well, from the moment you refused to be betrohed to Ren”
Hux began to shake and to turn his head in the direction of the troopers in his back, they were circling the two of you.
The only thing that I am ashamed of is that you fell in love with a traitor, (Y/N)”
No, it couldn’t be
“There has to be a mist-”, you tried to save Hux, but your forces began to leave your body.
“And his conspiration won’t be unpunished. The Supreme requested your union one time again”, Hux still stood but this time you could hear the cries leaving his throat, “My own flesh and blood, falling in love of a rat while she could have been the Impress of an Order equal to the Empire”
Hux began to fall a little as you tried to reach for him before looking in front of you. Your father have never been a killer but in one way, he was as horrible as Kylo Ren himself.
“The First Order will never win the war, it’s reign of horror and tyranny stops now”; Slowly, you saw him reaching for the trooper’s blaster on his left and aiming at Hux, the man you could give your life for.
It passed like a light, the silence still present in the control room. Your father lowered his weapon, glassy eyed. You felt Hux embrace, taking you in his arms as you began to fall too.
You didn’t knew why life had to be so complicated all the time. While you were with Hux, everything seemed so beautiful, even with the war raging out there.
“No! What did you do, Why!”, you heard your father yelling before running toward you
And then you felt it, the blaster shot, in you chest.
“I chose love before duty, and if I could I would do it all again”
A famour smell of burning flesh came to your nose before you completely lose consciousness. The General looked the unconscious body of the girl he ever loved in his arms, she had took a shot for him. On the opposite Pryde at some stormtroopers to call the MedBay, there was still a chance for her to be saved.
I would always make this choice, to save who I love

So I saw TRoS in theaters. I wasn't...mad. That Hux.....yeah. I'm mad at how it happened....they did my boy dirty.
Can u link to that post where your screencapping the stuff about jj i want 2 read it 👀

i’m not really happy with it– but ros!poe is finished. the trilogy triptych is complete!! ✨

Dark Rey art card, illustrated exclusively for Empire by @RoryKurtz on Twitter
😭😭😭 Reylo forever. Side note: Adam Driver is a phenomenal actor, that is all!

"After watching Moon Knight and seeing Oscar Isaac, I want to watch Star Wars now." I say to no one, trying to convince myself that I truly want to watch Star Wars. When in reality... I want to see FinnPoe...

I am writing this review assuming that anyone reading it will already know a little about the Star Wars universe. This latest movie The Rise of Skywalker is the final instalment of the nine movie strong (not including spin-offs) saga.
In this, Episode IX, the Resistance are, once again, up against the First Order. Rey, meanwhile has some serious soul searching to do and some pretty important decisions to make.
A bit more of a romp than the preceding two instalments, co-writer/director J.J. Abrams has fashioned a rollercoaster adventure that barely stops for breath. Its more poignant and emotional moments, of which there are many, are offset by the humour that was sadly missing in the prequels and by a general good natured atmosphere.
Special effects are, as you would expect, spectacular. There are enough twists and turns in the plot to keep you on the edge of your seat, while longtime fans will appreciate the nods to previous movies including some welcome cameos of characters past.
Key to the movies enjoyment is the game playing of its likeable cast, most notably Oscar Isaacs’ Poe Dameron; his cheeky-chappie-Han-Solo-ish persona comes to the fore more here than in previous movies and for me, Isaacs is the real standout of the newer gang members. Perhaps as a consequence, Finn seems a little underwritten. While John Boyega has impressed in previous entries, here, through no fault of his own, is left with seemingly little to do. As Rey, Daisy Ridley spends much of the movie in a sort of heroic turmoil, but this she does excellently! While, over the course of three movies Adam Driver has pretty much perfected his mean and moody bit as bad’un Kylo Ren.
So we conclude the Star Wars nineology (or whatever) with a movie which, while perhaps not among the best of the series is still a mostly satisfying end to the franchise. Those fans who come to Star Wars first and foremost to be entertained should not be disappointed.
Visit my blog JINGLE BONES MOVIE TIME for a longer, more in-depth review of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker! Link below.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) dir. J.J. Abrams

STAR CROSSED Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) and Rey battle it out with lightsabers in a stormy confrontation. Their Force-connection—what Driver calls their “maybe-bond”—will turn out to run even deeper than previously revealed.

Kylo and Rey fighting in The Rise Of Skywalker teaser trailer.
For some reason im totally chill with Rey Palpatine. It makes absolutely zero sense yet i love that Rey, with her stabby lightsaber method, banshee screaming during fights, attack-first way (unjedi-like really), is def that bastard's grandkid.
Its kinda like the Leia "governer Tarkin, i thought i smelled your foul stench when i was brought onboard" to Anakin's "general Grievous, you're shorter than i expected." Dumbasses that dont know when to shut up, love them.
Basically the Palpatine legacy is being a screaming edgy thot and the Skywalker legacy is being a sassy dumbass bastard.
Just thinking about how Maul’s last words before he died were “He will avenge us.”

On his deathbed, Maul finally gives up on trying to defeat Obiwan long enough to realize how similar they are and how wronged they were.
Now, whether the Chosen One is Luke or Anakin is debatable because of the context, but either way, they did both avenge Maul and Obiwan.
Luke was able to convince his father to help save him from Palpatine’s force lightning, throw Palpatine to what should have been his death, and damage his breathing system which is probably what caused his death.
If Palpatine had truly died, the prophecy would have been fulfilled. Maul, Obiwan, and countless others would have been avenged.
Palpatine was responsible for forcing Maul to be his apprentice, training him ruthlessly, sending him to the fight where he was cut in half, letting him rot in insanity, killing his brother and apprentice, literal torture, and probably more terrible things I don’t even know about.
Palpatine was responsible for sending Maul to kill Qui-gon (and Maul’s incessant obsession with hurting Obiwan afterwards including Satine’s death and all the Jedi he killed to get Obiwan’s attention), creating and playing both sides of the Clone War (resulting in the deaths of countless clones created only for this purpose and innocent civilians), grooming Anakin to be the next Sith Lord after Dooku and seducing him to the dark side, ordering Order 66 which almost killed Obiwan (and Maul), and forcing Obiwan to live in hiding under the cruelty of the Empire.
Palpatine used both of them and put them against one another. He was the one that ruined both of their lives, directly or otherwise.
When Anakin threw him down the reactor shaft in ROTJ, that should have been it. After Anakin died, there would be no Sith Lords left and the Sith Rule of Two would be forever ended, restoring peace to the galaxy.
This is one of the reasons why I dislike the sequel trilogy in general (for storyline purposes). By bringing Palpatine back in TROS, they broke the canon Sith Rule of Two, invalidated Dave Filoni’s meaningful end to the Obiwan vs Maul rivalry, disrespected George Lucas’ vision of his franchise, implied that Rey could not have been a powerful Jedi without being related to a strong force user, and made the story even more confusing and pitiful.
And J.J. Abrams had the nerve to admit there was no plan for the trilogy, like, yeah, it was obvious😐

6/12/2024 | #Bible - Verse of the Day | Matthew 5:6-12
Just Rewatched The Rise of Skywalker🧡💫 for the 6th time and when Rey is confronting Palpatine it reminded us of Matthew 5:
You have no idea how badly i wanted finn & poe to kiss at the end of The Rise of Skywalker.

if anyone tells me i'm not "experienced" or "professional" enough of a writer imma show them this and scream
[Image Description: Google News tab that shows a headline by Ars Technica that says, "JJ Abrams: Lack of plan in Star Wars' latest trilogy was a 'critical' flaw" next to a photo of JJ Abrams, who is wearing glasses and smiling]
I’m sitting in my room right now still freaking out about that Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker trailer!!!!

I just got one thing to say today................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ FUCK ALL OF YOU RISE OF SKYWALKER NAYSAYERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The movie was awesome and the perfect ending to the Skywalker saga!!!!!!!!!!