Geneuary2024 - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

Geneuary Prompt Crush / Birthday

Geneuary prompt Crush / Birthday

This as a matter of fact was the firts Geneuary piece I drew, why? Cause... it was the first prompt that come to mind. yeah Im not that deep. At least not at thinking.

Scene from the movie Sixteen Candles, why? cause for me this movie combine perfectly the Crush prompt with the b-day prompt.

-ejem ejem- Starring in this piece not only my Genie Wieny Beanie but also co-starring as the romantic interest -dum duru dum- ALEXIS!!! oc, child of the awesome @golden--doodler also known as the person to whom we owe Geneuary @goldendoodlerlockerlove -fuegos artificiales, epic solo de guitarra, explosiones piu-piu piu-

fvk forget to mention draw Alexis heavily inspired in @drawthething commision with golden were they drew Alexis so kudos to them too. (love your drawings)

(more about the drawing down here)

... Yeah...

The thing is! As I said before this is a scene from the movie Sixteen Candles starring Molly Ringwald most known for The Breakfast Club movie that actually have an episode of Bob's Burgers dedicated to it. do you see the connection?

So yeah, don't remember if is actually mentioned but I'm totally sure Gene is a big Molly Ringwald fan, is just his type of girl icon.

The movie in itself is a movie that carries a lot of good memories for me. My mom loves to show me movies from her childhood and teen years.

I remember watching this movie with my mom we both laughing of all the craziest shit that this movie had, commenting how different movies were back then and crushing over Molly Ringwald.

And then just a couple of days ago as a way to find the inspiration again I decided to watch it again with my lil sis who almost cry in the end scene (not the romantic one, the one with the girl and her dad)

And we catch sight of a lesbian! Hunting lesbians in older movies since 2024

The thing is even though I love this movie I have to say is from the 80's, wich mean hella racist toward asian people, very misogynist, and it have boobs (that is not a real problem but since people on twit is trying to banned sex I added it) so yeah, watch carefully. But totally recommended.

There's a scene I would also draw with Tina and Bob from this movie.

Second fun fact. Even though this was the first drawing I made I didn't made the romantic interest until this wednesday.

Originally I though Alex, but I wasn't 100% convinced cause at that point I was heart broken at the realization they were probably discarding his character (note: I don't know if they are discarding the character) (read as a Mort situation) So yeah.

Then I though DAH! Courtney, but I don't ship them as a couple so that didn't seem quite right.

Then talking with Golden I got really fond of their OC Alexis and though, why not? I believed in signs.

The universe talk and I have to listen. The fact that Golden decided to tell me about their character right when I was starting to draw this piece was all I needed to know.

Also I though of just letting that spot blank and maybe made a dynamic were people put whoever they wanted with Gene. Which for me could been hella funny. But I don't think anyone would actually want to do that so yeah.

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Geneuary Day Nine: Robot/Jingle

Digital fanart of Gene and Tina from Bob's Burgers. The two of them are standing in front of a background full of robots that almost look like construction workers, with puzzle pieces floating around them. They are wearing robot-like outfits, with Gene wearing a gray button-up along with yellow pants and a silver hat that makes him look like the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz. Tina is wearing a similar button-up shirt along with a blue skirt, and a similar silver hat which is falling off her head a bit. Both of their hands are hidden behind their backs. Gene has a huge smile on his face, whilst Tina has more of a subtle one. Text next to Gene shows he's saying, "Wow, T, no wonder you love puzzles so much. This is great. We should listen to Jingle in the Jungle while we work!"

This piece is sort of a collaboration with @br1ghtestlight, with the concept being Gene and Tina being absolute Autistic cuties and doing puzzles together!! ☺️

I kind of based this drawing off Tina's imagine spot in Gift Card or Buy Trying, where she imagined herself in the English Cottage puzzle. So I like to think that one day, Gene and Tina imagine themselves in some sort of robot puzzle. I realized way too late that the text is very hard to read. Gene is supposed to be saying, "Wow, T, no wonder you love puzzles so much. This is great. We should listen to Jingle in the Jungle while we work!"

Yes, I just had to sneak in Gene's love of Jingle in the Jungle from the episode Christmas in the Car. His love of that song just cracks me up every time. And it's an amazing song.

[ID]: Digital fanart of Gene and Tina from Bob's Burgers. The two of them are standing in front of a background full of robots that almost look like construction workers, with puzzle pieces floating around them. They are wearing robot-like outfits, with Gene wearing a gray button-up along with yellow pants and a silver hat that makes him look like the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz. Tina is wearing a similar button-up shirt along with a blue skirt, and a similar silver hat which is falling off her head a bit. Both of their hands are hidden behind their backs. Gene has a huge smile on his face, whilst Tina has more of a subtle one. Text next to Gene shows he's saying, "Wow, T, no wonder you love puzzles so much. This is great. We should listen to Jingle in the Jungle while we work!"

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Geneuary Day 9 Robot / Jingle

Geneuary Day 9 Robot / Jingle

I forgot he dressed up as a robot when he was a cheerleader.


Digital fan art of Gene from Bob's Burgers in his outfit from episode 4.20 "Gene it On". He wears his blue cheerleading uniform underneath a box with holes cut out for his arms and head. He has another box on his head with a square cut out for his face. All the boxes are messily painted grey to give the overall impression of a robot costume.

/end ID]

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Geneuary Prompt Robot/Jingle
Geneuary Prompt Robot/Jingle

Geneuary prompt Robot/Jingle

Ta dah! I wasn't sure if I could finish this one and it's pretty messy I think is the first time I draw such trembling lines 😅

Lit I made it in like 2 days, why? ... I was watching Hazbin Hotel and catching on with Helluva Boss, sorry, that one is on me 😔

But I kinda like it. I remember my teachers telling me lines don't need to be perfect. Though Im too nervous for that shit I see an imperfect line an I have a stroke. But you live you learn.

This is obviousley for my Genie but is also for my Alex Papassian.

This is totally taken from the episode "Seven-tween Again" the last episode in which Alex appears😭🤧 (he has cameos in latest episodes but this was his last voiced appearance) (I still have faith he would come back)

This is one of my favorite episodes and it's so funny to me because I think probably no one remembers this episode or cares that much about Alex missing in action T^T

But what can I say? Gene deserve to have his group of friends. Tina has her whole gang. Louise have Rudy, Millie, and the Pesto Twins (and Jessica in my delusional mind)

I love that the Belcher Family is so close, I personally have that kinda of relationship with my family, my sisters are my best friends.

But goddamit I want Gene to have at least two friends on his grade! (you can also count Peter Pescadero)

Finally I just want to say... And they were roommates😏😏

And of course I wanted to include the actual credit song.

by the way this is from the youtube channel Cloudy I really recommend you check the channel is full of Bob's Burgers content 👉😎👉

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Forget I wanted to include this in the Jingle section of Genuary Robot/Jingle

I really hope Gene becomes and amazing rock/pop star musucian but as a second best carrer path is definitely them becoming a Jingle writer for silly commercials

I know they would love it

And hey, they have the talent

By the way I'll never get over the "They make a cute couple" and Bob like "They are certainly standing next to each other" XD my man was brutal

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An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
Wrote A Short Fic Focused On Gene And Tina's Relationship (where They Work On A Puzzle) For @golden--doodler

wrote a short fic focused on gene and tina's relationship (where they work on a puzzle) for @golden--doodler @goldendoodlerlockerlove!! ^_^

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Geneuary Day Ten: School/Musical

Digital fanart of Gene from Bob’s Burgers. He is standing in front of the Wagstaff School building, which is a simple rectangular-shape, and is blocking most of the sign, so only “Wag School” can be seen. He is very large in the foreground, and only the top half of his body can be seen. He is wearing yellow overalls with a bright orange undershirt. He has a huge, excited smile on his face, and text next to him shows that he’s singing What Time is It? Summertime!!

You can’t tell me that Gene wouldn’t be the type to belt this after school lets out for the summer, pffffffft. That’s mostly what inspired this piece, along with a general summery vibe, despite it being January right now.

[ID]: Digital fanart of Gene from Bob’s Burgers. He is standing in front of the Wagstaff School building, which is a simple rectangular-shape, and is blocking most of the sign, so only “Wag School” can be seen. He is very large in the foreground, and only the top half of his body can be seen. He is wearing yellow overalls with a bright orange undershirt. He has a huge, excited smile on his face, and text next to him shows that he’s singing What Time is It? Summertime!!

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@babsvibes Commissioned Me For This Artwork For Geneuary! Here, We Have High-school Aged Gene.

@babsvibes commissioned me for this artwork for Geneuary! Here, we have high-school aged Gene.

Geneuary Prompt: School/Musical

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Geneuary Day 10 - School / Musical

Geneuary Day 10 - School / Musical

Gene canonically took ballet lessons and I need to know more about it! The way Linda talked about it it seemed like his experience was positive. I imagine he struggled with how structured ballet is but liked the dancing and music and performing.


Digital fan art of Gene from Bob’s Burgers wearing a tutu over his regular clothes. He’s smiling and in a pose vaguely reminiscent of ballet with one arm outstretched and the other curved over his head. He’s on his tiptoes with his knees slightly bent. Behind him is a light blue oval and pink musical notes.

/end ID]

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This Is Where I'm At With Geneuary, I Haven't Abandoned It!! As Tomorrow Is The Last Day, I Will Be Running
This Is Where I'm At With Geneuary, I Haven't Abandoned It!! As Tomorrow Is The Last Day, I Will Be Running

This is where I'm at with Geneuary, I haven't abandoned it!! As tomorrow is the last day, I will be running over into the start of the next month! I hope that is okay!! The page is nearly full now I'm kinda excited to see what it's gonna look like finished

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Nearly Finished With Geneuary! Only Five Prompts To Go And The Page Will Be Completely Full! Exciting

Nearly finished with Geneuary! Only five prompts to go and the page will be completely full! Exciting times

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Caught Up With All Of Geneuary! Will Colour Them Tomorrow As I Still Haven't Gotten Over This Dang FLU

Caught up with all of Geneuary! Will colour them tomorrow as I still haven't gotten over this dang FLU

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Geneuary Day Eleven: Keyboard/Candy

Geneuary Day Eleven: Keyboard/Candy

Linda: Ohh, Bobby, it's perfect!! Our Geney Zucchini's going to love these gifts for Christmas. You did so well. 🥰

Bob: Thanks, Lin. But, uhh, was it a good idea to give him both a noisy keyboard and a bunch of chocolate for Christmas?? I don't think we'll remember quiet for at least two weeks.

This is it. We made it guys. It's officially the last day of Geneuary!! This might be the most emotional I've been posting a piece of artwork. For this last piece, it *gasp* doesn't have Gene!! 😱 Crazy, I know. I decided to draw Bob and Linda along with Gene's signature keyboard and favorite candy, just to show how he got a love of Chunky Blast-Offs and his keyboard in the first place.

What a wild ride this month has been. Geneuary could not have been possible without the incredible support of everyone involved. I'd like to shoutout @drawthethingdoppelganger for making that beautiful, gorgeous graphic of all of the prompts for this month. And also for making that amazing Gene as Dolly Parton art.

I'd also like to shoutout @babsvibes, because her huge document on how to run a Ship Week was crucial in helping me run this month. I don't think I would've been able to do it without her document guiding me along (the only thing I wasn't able to do was have a separate blog, but we all know how that went ☠️). Babs was also technically the one who came up with the concept for Geneuary in the first place (both the name and having eleven prompts because of Gene being eleven).

I also must shoutout @unclefathersantateddy for being an absolute boss and making an extended Geneuary by making an entire page of Genes!! The final product is gorgeous, and I'm just in awe of their talent.

@br1ghtestlight was able to make two of the cutest fics for this month that everyone should go read!! One of them was a (sort of) collab with me.

@ratguy-nico reblogged almost all of my art with the sweetest comments, and his art for this month has been insane and beautiful. My favorite might still be the one with the Hot Dog family.

@dianadeadwing has also produced some of my favorite art this month. One of my favorites was the ballerina Gene she just posted yesterday. And of course, the one where Gene is hugging Bob 🥺❣️

I might've forgotten a person or two, but these are all of the main people I wanted to mention!! Thank you all!!

[ID]: Digital fanart of Bob and Linda from Bob's Burgers. Only their heads can be seen, and Bob looks more nervous, whilst Linda looks happier, with a huge grin on her face, and a heart next to her. A rather large keyboard is above them, along with a brown box with a spaceship on it. It reads: "Chunky Blast-Offs! Out of this World!"

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Commissioned By @babsvibes For Geneuary!! Prompt: Keyboard

commissioned by @babsvibes for geneuary!! prompt: keyboard

@goldendoodlerlockerlove @golden--doodler

originally was intended to be a drawing of gene w/ every single musical instrument he's ever owned during the series but as it turns out Im uhh bad at doing things <3 and my life got stressful so that never came to pass. im still very happy with the final art + here are some various progress pics

Commissioned By @babsvibes For Geneuary!! Prompt: Keyboard
Commissioned By @babsvibes For Geneuary!! Prompt: Keyboard
Commissioned By @babsvibes For Geneuary!! Prompt: Keyboard
Commissioned By @babsvibes For Geneuary!! Prompt: Keyboard

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Digital fan art of Gene from Bobs Burgers in his orange winter coat wearing a scarf that has a pattern on it looking like the keys of a piano. He is smiling and looking up in a circle filled with a blue, pink, and purple gradient that is meant to evoke the colors of the bisexual flag.

Day 11 of Geneuary Keyboard / Candy

It’s the last day of Geneuary! This piece is inspired by a girl I went to high school with who had a similar scarf. During lunch and free times she would lay it out on the table and practice playing on it. It just makes me think that’s something Gene might do.

I tried for bisexual lighting as well.


Digital fan art of Gene from Bobs Burgers in his orange winter coat wearing a scarf that has a pattern on it looking like the keys of a piano. He is smiling and looking up in a circle filled with a blue, pink, and purple gradient that is meant to evoke the colors of the bisexual flag.

/end ID]

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goldendoodlerlockerlove - Gene Belcher Connoisseur
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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Geneuary 2024!!!! 31 Days Of Geney Beanie The Beautiful Bouncing Baby Boy!!!!

Geneuary 2024!!!! 31 days of Geney Beanie the beautiful bouncing baby boy!!!!

So pleased I took part in this event! I had an incredible start to the year with this. Thank you to @goldendoodlerlockerlove // @golden--doodler for hosting it and making it so much fun!

Also want to thank @ratguy-nico for being so inspiring!! Their Geneuary pieces gave me so much joy! Also want to thank @mason24683, @babsvibes, and @sailoreuterpe for their ongoing support of my art. I appreciate every single like, reblog, hashtag etc (I read them all and screenshot them🤍). Finally want to thank @drawthething // @drawthethingdoppelganger, @egosarchive, and @br1ghtestlight for simply posting the content they do. Their posts wake my creative brain and get me stimulated enough to draw or think of drawing ideas and I'd be nothing without that!! You guys are the best! 🤍

Sorry that it took me so long to finish/post🤭

I hope you all like it! Reblogs greatly appreciated!

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Thank you so much @unclefathersantateddy for taking on and finishing the incredible project of drawing a Gene for each day of Geneuary!! Your dedication has not gone unnoticed by me, and will forever be appreciated. This project made me emotional because it made me realize how much of an impact Geneuary really made. It brought out amazing creativity I wasn't expecting, but nonetheless so happy about it!!

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