Geneuary2024 - Tumblr Posts

Geneuary Day 5 Mermaid / Magical
This is Gene as a mermaid on a parade float a la Harold during Bog to Beach.
Digital fan art of Gene from Bob’s Burgers wearing a mermaid costume. He is laying on his stomach on a platform with one hand under his chin as he smiles and winks. The platform is blue and decorated with depictions of ocean life. Behind him a very large half a clam shell, fake seaweed, and some blue / green tinsel.
/end ID]

Geneuary prompt Mermaid / Magical
People I can not tell you how happy I am with how this one turned out >w<
I'll be honest... I forget today was prompt day XD I didn't find out until I saw @golden--doodler post (beutiful drawing by the way)
And talking about golden doodler thanks her for this one cause I was actually not gonna post anything for mermaid XD for real I decided to let 2 prompt out for different reasons and this was one of them.
I didn't know what I wanted to draw on this one, magical was too general for my brain and mermaid was the one that caught my attention the most. But didn't know what I wanted to do with it.
But then golden made me think in the Little Mermaid, and Gene and Rudy been Little Mermaid fans, and they bonding over the Little Mermaid, and this practically drew by itself... and I had to add a jelous Louise, cause I have to.
Gene is always stealing his mans, first Bob and now Rudy XD (Spaghetti Western and Meatballs reference) (of of my fav episodes)
So yeah.
Did I color it this way cause I had short time? Actually no, which made me very proud.
I really envisioned like this, since I made that Jimmy Jr x Zeke piece (you youngsters say Jimmy Jr/Zeke) I wanted to do something similar... if you dont know about what drawing am I talking about thats alright is a little old 😅
But yeah, really like this one, could be my actual fav, if I do say so myself (see I do one nice thing and it goes straight to my head 🙄)
Oh and the text is in spanish cause this is from my childhood memories and as a child if I heard the smallest word in english I would burst into tears... I was englishfobic as a child. The irony.

magical -> magical girl -> girls being girls
im really stretching these prompts lol

Yes, I'm posting this art again, because I couldn't help myself and just had to record myself doing the final part of Part of Your World (aka the best part). It's not my best work, but I had so much fun doing it!!
I know I already said this, but ahhhhhhh, thank you all so much for making Geneuary so incredible so far!! I truly have no words to describe my happiness. The participation has been amazing!! I am so in awe right now of everyone in this fandom and their talent.
Shoutout to @dianadeadwing and @ratguy-nico for making my favorite Geneuary art so far (@ratguy-nico's art yesterday was too cute, omg), and @br1ghtestlight for making my favorite fic so far!! It was so cute❣️(Psssst, the two of us are collaborating on a lil' something for the Robot/Jingle prompt, so look out for that 👀)
Yesterday's prompt might have been my favorite so far, because of my gigantic love of mermaids. Yes, I had an actual mermaid phase when I was younger, and it was a huge one. I would actually take baths just so I could pretend to be a mermaid. It got to the point where my parents got me a doll that could go underwater and you could put either a bathing suit or a mermaid tail on her. It was so magical to my lil' child bambino brain 🥰
But I really just wanted to emphasize how impressed I am about the participation Geneuary has had. The journey to get here was difficult, especially with it being my first time running any sort of BB event, and Tumblr being an ass. But we got there!! And it's been so wonderful!! There have been so many people I didn't expect to participate who have, and it's just warmed my heart so very much <3
The next day is Sunday (Fashion/Secret!!) and I can't wait to see everyone's creativity come out again.

Geneuary 2024: Jan. 21 Fashion/Secret
Art by @drawthething | Commission info here! Be sure to check commission status in her bio!
An impossible game of spot the difference between Gene and Dolly Parton
Geneuary Day Six: Fashion/Secret

Omg, it’s another Geneuary day, yay!! How did we get to Day Six already?? I suppose time flies.
I knew I just had to draw little bambino Gene at least once, and decided this prompt was the perfect time to do it. I like to think that secretly one day, Tina helped Gene put on a mini fashion show and model some of her old outfits (the outfits she used to wear that don’t fit her anymore). Of course, Gene was having the time of his life. Definitely one of his favorite memories of his big sis 😌
[ID]: Digital fanart of Gene from Bob’s Burgers. He is younger here, perhaps toddler age, with bigger eyes, and a wide smile on his face. His bangs are quite long, and his hair is quite swoopy and wavy. It’s fairly messy, seemingly because they’ve been cut at home. A couple of pink bows are also residing in his hair. He is wearing a pink, frilly dress with a few purple hearts on it, and it even has a clasp along the chest. The most prevalent frills are along the sleeves. He is striking a pose with one hand rested on his hip in a fist, and the other thrust proudly in the air.

Geneuary Day 6 - Fashion / Secret
This was my favorite sketch when I was planning things out for Geneuary because I love this outfit. I'd like to get back to it and fix the background eventually once my work's peak season is over.
Digital fan art of Gene from Bob's Burgers wearing his outfit from "What About Blob?", a purple floral swim suit cover up and a sunhat. He is standing on the beach with rocks, cent blocks, and a staircase behind him.
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Geneuary prompt Fashion/Secret
So...yeah... flat colors, no render, a mask of color and about the secret:

Geneuary Day 6: Fashion/Secret
I'm posting this three second animation a third time because I just couldn't help myself. I'm still quite proud of it. I'm of the firm believer that this cut line in Father of the Bob deserved to stay. It's just too good. It makes me laugh every time.
How does this relate to the prompt?? Well, Big Bob sneaking Gene some Tylenol can be thought of as a "Secret". I'm really stretching this because I wanted to post this again, ahahaha.
Tagging @br1ghtestlight because I remember he mentioned liking this cut line too. And I just think she would enjoy seeing this.
Geneuary Day Six: Fashion/Secret
Today, I suddenly thought of this exchange from SpongeBob which is so Gene-coded, it's making me insane:
Mr. Krabs: You know that makes you look like a girl, right?
SpongeBob: Am I a pretty girl? ☺️

Bad news: I got the flu
Good news: nothing else to do except draw in bed
I feel like shit but finally have a designated timeslot to catch up with Geneuary!
Here are both the prompts for Jan 18th: Mermaid & Magical!!! The magical one is inspired by @raverhm 's girls being girls being girls being girls piece! Gene is absolutely a magical girl!!!!!
All will be coloured after I catch up with the sketches to optimise the remaining paper space!
Currently watching the thanksgiving episode where Gene is stranded in the bathroom bc he's sick, and it is SO relatable rn I'm so nauseous and woozy 😭😭 save me from bacteria

gene doesnt wanna participate in fronds music video :(
ive genuinely never seen this episode i just liked how he looked here.
Geneuary Day Seven: Feast/Empathy

🎶 Taco Tuesday is a day at school 🌮
A day that always makes me drool 🤤
But when only one taco was left 😔
I said, “Rudy, friend, you take the rest ☺️” 🎶
This was one of my favorites to do, and one of the first pieces I had a fully formed idea for. This moment from Nice-Capades was just so cute, and I think it perfectly fit the prompt for today. Gene and Rudy are definitely my favorite brothers. They just have such a brotherly dynamic.
[ID]: Digital fanart of Gene and Rudy from Bob’s Burgers. Gene is looking at Rudy with a sincere expression and holding a tray with one hand and offering Rudy a taco with the other, his head facing Rudy and his body facing the other way. Rudy has a surprised expression on his face and has an exclamation point next to his head. His hand is resting on his hip. The two of them are wearing casual clothing (Gene with his usual yellow shirt and dark pants, and Rudy with a purple shirt and red pants, which match his red hair). They are standing in front of a cafeteria background.

Geneuary Day 7 Feast / Empathy
„Dad, do you need a hug?“ ~
You cannot convince me that Gene wasn’t hugging his parents all the time as a child. He would have been the most sensitive little five year old. And it heals something in Bob a little more each day.
Digital fanart of a younger Gene and Bob from Bob’s Burgers hugging in the restaurant. Gene has his eyes closed and is smiling sweetly with his arms wrapped around his Dad’s neck. Bob is facing away from view and holds his son close with one hand on his shoulder and the other on his back.
/end ID]

Geneuary prompt Feast/Empathy
Yeah I admit it is not finished T^T is just a scketch TAT
But if you could just...ignore that fact.
This drawing is completely taken out from the episode "Diarrhea of a Poopy Kid"
If being honest I dont really like 3 story episodes, i dont hate them... and now that i think about it some of my fav Genie parts are from 3 story episodes...🤔uh.
Well even if I dont really like the episode per se (i like it is very fun) The end, madre mía, the final segment.
Bob realizing Gene have food poisoning and tried to talk about it without directly adressing the fact of Gene eating the rotten food. Giving her the chance to say in her own words what happened.
Gene feeling so embarrassed of the fact that he basically ate garbage.
Gene is such a confident boy and see him feel so ashamed and self conscious for things he do is so freaking heart breaking and rare and I just love it so much.
And I love that this is a Gene and Bob moment. I truly live for them bonding as father and son, their relationship is so precious to me, it make my whole heart trumble
I take this drawing as a background exercise for me, so I will definitely will be finishing this one when I get the time😅
Hope you like even if is no finished.
Oh and as a funny fact I was between drawing this or a "Ready Player Gene" drawing. Cause yeah another awesome Father and Son episode. Bob is such a great dad T^T
Ended choosing this one cause it fit both prompts Feast and Empathy. End of funny fact.
and cause posting a simple scketch is not enough for me. Here my fav moment from the episode "Diarrhea of a Poopy Kid" S11.E7
(sorry for the bad quality my video editing program died)

gene and courtney show !! !
empathy? does this count? i genuinely dont know lol
i sketched this while making banana bread heheheshh
Geneuary Day Eight: Crush/Birthday

I was very excited for this prompt, because I thought it would be quite fun. And ironically (I swear, this wasn’t on purpose) this prompt is happening exactly a month before my actual birthday!! So, happy early birthday to me, I guess?? God, I can’t believe I’m going to be twenty. That’s crazy.
Anyway, this mini comic is going to need a bit of explaining to fully make sense. In the first panel, what I was trying to represent is the fact that on his own birthday, Gene doesn’t really go all out, surprisingly. He’s fine with a lowkey celebration with just his family, just like Bob. Maybe a cat-shaped pancake for breakfast to make it special. But that’s all he really needs/wants for his own birthday.
However, on my OC, Alexis’, birthday, he’s the complete opposite. He goes all out. And I mean all out. He enjoys doing things like surprising Alexis in the shower in the morning (something he also does to Bob canonically, except with Bob it’s just in the bathroom, dnsnjsjsjssnj) which is seen in the panel on the bottom left (don’t worry, he still averted his eyes out of privacy). He also likes throwing confetti and setting up a huge banner for Alexis along with a huge cake. I like to think Bob helped make it. Bob’s no baker, but he really tried, and can actually make desserts pretty decently if he has enough time to practice.
The entire premise for this mini comic was also based heavily on this Thomas Sanders short, which is one of my favorites, it’s just too funny and accurate:
[ID]: Digital fanart of Gene from Bob’s Burgers wearing a simple jacket-like sweater as an outfit and an OC, who has dark, fluffy hair, and bangs that swoop to the left. In the first panel, which is the biggest one on the top, Gene is standing alone with a content smile on his face. His arms are resting at his sides, and a cat-shaped pancake on a plate is residing next to him. In the panel on the bottom left, Gene is surprising the OC, Alexis, in the shower. Alexis is showering himself up with their hands, and water droplets can be seen pouring down in front of Gene. In the panel on the bottom middle, Gene’s eyes are closed, and he has a huge smile on his face. His left arm his raised, and he is holding what appears to be confetti as more confetti rain down on him and Alexis. Alexis is now fully clothed in a simple jacket and has a small smile on their face. In the last panel on the bottom right, Gene’s left arm is still up, holding confetti, and he and Alexis and are now standing in front of a huge banner that says “Happy Birthday”. A huge cake is also behind them, with a few candles that are alight with fire, ready to be blown out. Gene still has a super happy, excited smile on his face, and Alexis’ smile has grown wider as well.

Geneuary Day 8 Crush / Birthday
I had to do it. Some Genecadero based off my headcanon that Peter Pescadero has a huge crush on Gene that he’s completely oblivious to.
Digital fan art of Gene and Peter Pescadero from Bob's Burgers standing back to back. They are both smiling and looking very slightly towards each other. Gene has a hand held up to the side of his face with his fingers splayed out. The background is a lightly textured pink with several darker pink hearts near the boy's heads.
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