Genos Opm - Tumblr Posts
Garou and Genos both love Megamind.
Hands down.
And Garou actually feels some kind of sympathy for metroman. But he wouldnt admit it though. But doesn't like titan at all.
Genos though, wants to know if he too can become like titan in strength and starts talking to saitama about it. And saitama is like "Listen... I don't know, but Im jealous."
"I was joking."

| Characters: Genos x GN Reader
| Anime: One Punch Man
| Warnings: Mild cursing, implying murder /death, destroying.
| Summary: Genos doesn't understand sarcasm sometimes, and for the most part. It's funny, though theyre times he takes it a little TOO seriously. Here are three times, he thought you were serious.
"I wish, with all my might, this homework would... Disappear." You groaned, waving your hands over the books and papers, fingers dancing and jumping at your words. The light breeze swept in, tossing your papers lighting around the room. A bang of hope and panic over took your body, "I can help you with that if you want Y/N." A slight deep monotone voice spoke behind you, jumping at the sound.
A small smile gracing your face, as your boyfriend stood in your door way. His features, (if possible) softened as he looked at you. "Master Saitama, had asked me when was the last time I saw you. I couldn't recall, so I am paying a visit." He spoke, his eyebrows raising at you, your figure walking towards him.
"Thank you, but I'm joking, I don't need my papers too disappear. But I'm happy you're here though." Wrapping your arms around his waist, the coolness from him soothing your mind.
"Alright, just let me know if you want the homework gone. I'll end it's entire existence."
"I know you would, but I'm joking sweet."
"Genos, why is there a hole in my wall?"
"You said you wanted this wall gone, since you kept stubbing your toe on it." He said, deadpan, as he spoke with a matter fact tone. The floor covered in bits of white paint, and debris from the smashed wall, "Babe, I was joking. It was sarcasm, but I appreciate you doing that for me."
"Oh, you're welcome, Id do anything to keep your toes safe." He turned around, grabbing a broom and dust pan to sweep up the mess.
The blue apron with red and white kittens making you giggle, "At least I own this place, that being the downside.. I OWN this place," You whispered to yourself, your body jerking when you saw Saitama sitting casually on the couch.
"Oh hey, what are you doing here? Want some chips?"
"Saitama, when.. Its MY house. And yes, I want some chips." You spoke, walking over to him, his face showing shock at remembering, that you do indeed own this house. Grabbing a handful of chips from the bag, "Why didnt you stop him?"
"I actually walked in right when he had his blasters aimed at the wall, asked him what he was doing, said he was and I quote "Going to make this wall pay for harming my love." Told him, why doesn't he just kick the wall out."
"You couldn't have told him, NOT to do that though?"
"Eh, I don't think the wall should be there, needs more open space," Saitama spoke with a dead tone, looking back to the TV, a neutral expression on his face.
"He called me, my love?"
A small frown graced your features, small wrinkles forming in your forehead. Genos stood in front of you, his hands clasped together in front of his body.
"Can you explain this?"
"It's gone, you wanted it gone."
"Genos, baby. I was joking, sure I wanted my boss gone because he IS a dick, but.. where is he?"
"I have a feeling that you will become angry," Genos said, if it wasn't for the fact he was half robot, he would sweating profusely.
A sigh leaving your mouth, you had a feeling he may have killed him. But you didn't want to believe it, or accept it. Your boss of 3 years had been a dick, yes. A misogynistic? Absolutely. Rude? Yes. Had he been accused (and it being confirmed) of sexual misconduct? ABSOLUTELY.
And that was the final straw for you, Genos had known about your boss. And maybe, you had let it slip that you wished, "He would just disappear."
And here you both were, your boss hadnt shower up for work for now, a week. Now, you were suspicious.
"I was going to kill him, but Master Saitama told me to just scare him till he shits his pants. So I did, and then he left, I'm not sure where he is now."
You stood there, your shoulders slumping. Turning around and leaving the room, "You're mad."
"Kind of, but hopefully the next boss isn't a sleazeball."
- ------------
AN: I got bored and wrote this instead. Let me know what you think.
Genos is nineteen.
The legal drinking age in Japan is twenty.
Dr. Kuseno wants Genos to live a normal life.
Conclusion? Once Genos hits twenty, Kuseno probably goads him into celebrating (and gives him an update so he can "enjoy the full experience," thank you Kuseno). Of course Saitama would get dragged in.
And everyone believes Genos's ID because Genos! is! famous! They could just GOOGLE his birthday, they won't spoil his night! But then they see Saitama's ID.....
"Oh, c'mon! I'm older than him!"
"It's not that you don't look old, sir-"
"-it's that your ID looks fake. I can't sell you this product, I'm sorry for the inconvenience,"
Anyways, Saitama makes Genos buy any alcohol they need after that, because he finally doesn't have to deal with people at the check out.
(For a short period after this there are rumors that Genos is an alcoholic because Saitama takes Full Advantage of the situation, but he also has a way higher alcohol tolerance now.)
Guess which song from my Saigenos playlist I drew (and will post after work) >:)
Right answer gets a treat 💛
Also, here's a fem!Saigenos wip that I don't think I'll finish,,, so I might as well add it here?

(Gimmie a minute to reblog this with the rest of the pictures)


(Gimmie a minute to reblog this with the rest of the pictures)

I just love pens and also happen to love these two

I am SLIGHTLY obsessed with Saitama.
I had a dream.

But Sensei... you didn't want me like that. You didn't care for the weak little boy with nothing to offer.
Just thought that Genos probably dreams about being 'human', and he probably wonders about what his life would be like if he still was... Would Saitama still let him be his disciple? Or would he find Genos even more annoying?
Some dreams are nightmares in disguise :(

So this is my Opm time, I guess...
I really like these two characters, I already know which one I like more, one of my friend likes the other one
So, who do you think of this two is better??
Still Instagram