Saitama Opm - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Let's take a crack at it!

1. Edelgard von Hresvelg (Fire Emblem Three Houses)

2. Korra (The Legend of Korra)

3. Lillie (Pokemon)

4. Luxanna Crownguard (League of Legends)

5. Marinette Dupain Cheng (Miraculous Ladybug)

6. Aporou (Re: Monster)

7. Saitama (One Punch Man)

8. Orphea (Heroes of the Storm)

9. Jester (Critical Role)

10. Jaina Proudmoore (World of Warcraft)

Tagging @beefish123 @poikooze @zennore @lackadaisycats @anubis-005 and anyone else who might be interested in this. Have fun!

sdkjfn thanks to both @luv-ya-hun and @i-need-more-sleepzzz for the tag!! (and anyone else if i missed it!)

rules: list your ten favourite characters from ten different fandoms!  

1. Elmer (Newsies)

2. Sylvia (Finding Neverland)

3. Nina (Six of Crows

4. Saracen Rue (Skulduggery Pleasant)

5. Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)

6. Meg (Phantom of the Opera)

7. Sergio (Spies are Forever)

8. Lex (Black Friday)

9. Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)

10. David (Fire Star)

Tagging: @cutesiewoojin @gendistic42 @haggstromi @newsies-hit-da-streets @thequeen-ofnewyork @just-call-me-nemesis and anyone else who wants to!! :3

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4 years ago

I just realized that Saitama is still in his twenties so he'd probably get IDed every now and again.

And his ID would still be a picture of him with hair. (For a while at least.)

And.... so many cashiers or bartenders probably said shit like, "Someone got a haircut!"

Anyways, my point is: Saitama probably hates having to buy alcohol. (And he's also had his baldness rubbed in his face so much I can't blame him for being sensitive.)

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4 years ago

Genos is nineteen.

The legal drinking age in Japan is twenty.

Dr. Kuseno wants Genos to live a normal life.

Conclusion? Once Genos hits twenty, Kuseno probably goads him into celebrating (and gives him an update so he can "enjoy the full experience," thank you Kuseno). Of course Saitama would get dragged in.

And everyone believes Genos's ID because Genos! is! famous! They could just GOOGLE his birthday, they won't spoil his night! But then they see Saitama's ID.....

"Oh, c'mon! I'm older than him!"

"It's not that you don't look old, sir-"


"-it's that your ID looks fake. I can't sell you this product, I'm sorry for the inconvenience,"

Anyways, Saitama makes Genos buy any alcohol they need after that, because he finally doesn't have to deal with people at the check out.

(For a short period after this there are rumors that Genos is an alcoholic because Saitama takes Full Advantage of the situation, but he also has a way higher alcohol tolerance now.)

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4 years ago

I had a dream.

I Had A Dream.
I Had A Dream.
I Had A Dream.

But Sensei... you didn't want me like that. You didn't care for the weak little boy with nothing to offer.

Just thought that Genos probably dreams about being 'human', and he probably wonders about what his life would be like if he still was... Would Saitama still let him be his disciple? Or would he find Genos even more annoying?

Some dreams are nightmares in disguise :(

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5 years ago
Hero For Fun, Saitama!
Hero For Fun, Saitama!

Hero for fun, Saitama!

If someone is wondering why his shirt is so tight is because I'm not so good in male anatomy, Muscular male anatomy to be precise and wanted to exercise

(The sketches are to fill those empty spaces)

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9 months ago

Feeling in a good mood, so BOOM! SELF INSERT TIME BABEYYYYYY

(I'm still getting used to a set art style, don't judge me too harshly lmao.)


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