Genshin Impact Wriothesley - Tumblr Posts

✩﹕To the Stars Shining in the Depths.

Quick drawing

Do I have a new obsession? Possibly...

Wriothesley | Overture Teaser: The Final Feast
Listen, Joe Zieja (his eng va) said he is a charming man and I am running with that 💀. Idk if you watch spy x family but Sigewinne is basically the Anya to his Loid 🥺
Someone said he is husky coded and honstly I see it
Some Wriothesley headcanons
~ contents: pre-fontaine wriothesley headcanons, fluff, a tiny bit suggestive
~ a/n: ever since this man was shown in the trailer, i am falling hard for him and there isn't that much written about him so I decided to make some myself even though there is not much information about him. plus this is my first time writing headcanons so i'm new to this so hopefully this isn't too rough :)
i think his animal theme is suppose to be a wolf so I see him as being the big, bad, scary wolf but really he's just a big teddy bear
a true gentleman
i can see him preferring physical affection, more than verbal affection
loves giving forehead kisses and hugs, especially hugs from behind
enjoys snuggling, especially when tired (which is often due to his work)
prefers being big spoon
tea dates
likes to tease
has fangs
likes playful biting/nipping especially on the neck
would be a caring, protective boyfriend
would ask you about your day, listen to you vent, or help you with any other troubles you may have
Sigwinne is literally his child. he spoils her, would do anything for her
probably practices boxing in his free time

He's not even out yet and I'm obsessing over little crumb I get of him.
Tea date so true
Tea Time with Wriothesley
~ contents: pre-fontaine wriothesley, fluff, a bit suggestive
~ a/n: i'm not that much of a tea person except for sweet iced teas, but i'd wanna have tea time with wriothesley🥺 this sorta made me blush and smile while writing this, but i hope this isn't cringe lol. I hope you guys enjoy it also :)
In the room, the ticking of a clock and papers shuffling can be heard. Wriothesley puts the papers down to close his eyes and rubs the bridge of his nose. He glances at the clock and sees he's been working overtime for about an hour and a half. He looks at the stack of papers on his desk and sighs. It's gonna be a while more until he finishes with today's paper work. He grabs the papers he put down to continue reading. Suddenly, there's a knock at his door. He tenses and sighs, thinking it's a coworker bringing more work to him. He tells the person to come in. The door opens and he visibly relaxes when he sees it's you.
"It's over your work hours and you haven't come home yet. I figured you got caught up with work again."
He chuckles as he puts down the papers. "Yeah, it's been a very chaotic day today."
You walk towards his desk and as you got closer, you noticed the faint bags under his eyes. You then begin to comb your fingers through his hair, causing him to close his eyes. He has a faint smile on his face.
"When was the last time you took a break?"
He tenses a bit. With his eyes still closed, he signs and says "Not since noon, but that was only for 5 minutes until I had to go out to capture a group of criminals we've been hunting for a while in the main part of the city." You figured he wouldn't be able to leave work anytime soon so you began to think of something you could do to help your boyfriend get through his work. You stop combing his hair and pull your hand away. He opens his eyes and you could see in his eyes, his was wondering why you stopped. You giggle.
"How about I make you some tea? I know that will help you hold you over until you're done with your paperwork." His face softens as a small smile forms.
"As long as you don't try to switch out my drink with one of Sigewinne's drinks again."
You gasp. "That was one time. I was only trying to help her mess with you."
He silently smirks at you.
You roll your eyes and smile. "I promise I won't switch out your tea with one of her drinks." He chuckles.
You walk over to the little drink center in his office where his usually makes his tea. You decide on some green tea to help keep Wriothesley awake while you make yourself some hibiscus tea.
Once the green tea was done heating up, you remember your boyfriend prefers the bitter taste of tea, wanting no sugar, milk, or cream added. While you prefer sweet things, adding about four spoonful of sugar to overpower the bitter taste of the tea.
While making the tea, you didn't notice the eyes watching you the whole time instead of focusing on the paperwork in his hands. Wriothesley put the papers down, quietly got up from his chair, and walked over to you where your back was turned and you were too focused on getting the tea right.
Suddenly, you feel strong arms wrap around your waist, startling you and causing you to squeak. You feel the breath from your boyfriend on your neck as he chuckles.
"You're cute when you squeak like a little mouse."
You blush. "Don't tease me or I'll add sugar to your tea."
He laughs and buries his face in your neck. " But you promised you wouldn't do anything to my tea."
"Yeah, well if you pick on me, I'll mess with your tea."
He laughs some more and apologizes.
You smile and relax in his arms. "The tea is almost ready."
"It smells good. I'm starting to feel relaxed already." His arms tighten a bit more around you. He leaves a light kiss on your neck. He enjoys little moments like this with you. "But that could also be because I have you here in my arms."
You blush. "You're teasing me again."
"Maybe. But it is true. You help me get through the rough moments of work". You smile. He always knew how to make your heart race. You move your hand up to his hair to comb through it again.
After a few minutes of staying in that position, "The tea is ready" you said.
He hums. "Let's just stay like this for a while longer." You wanted to say how the tea would get cold but you would be lying if you said you didn't want to stay like this a while longer also. You snuggled further into him to silently tell him okay.
You can always heat up the tea and have it later.
Oh definitely, he is a gentleman. Sigewinnie is his adorable pastel daughter and he is her hot dad.
Some Wriothesley headcanons
~ contents: pre-fontaine wriothesley headcanons, fluff, a tiny bit suggestive
~ a/n: ever since this man was shown in the trailer, i am falling hard for him and there isn't that much written about him so I decided to make some myself even though there is not much information about him. plus this is my first time writing headcanons so i'm new to this so hopefully this isn't too rough :)
i think his animal theme is suppose to be a wolf so I see him as being the big, bad, scary wolf but really he's just a big teddy bear
a true gentleman
i can see him preferring physical affection, more than verbal affection
loves giving forehead kisses and hugs, especially hugs from behind
enjoys snuggling, especially when tired (which is often due to his work)
prefers being big spoon
tea dates
likes to tease
has fangs
likes playful biting/nipping especially on the neck
would be a caring, protective boyfriend
would ask you about your day, listen to you vent, or help you with any other troubles you may have
Sigwinne is literally his child. he spoils her, would do anything for her
probably practices boxing in his free time

⛓️ Wriothesley x Reader ⛓️ Eye of the Beholder
In Fontaine’s rugged, unforgiving depths, there is no beauty to be seen by the sane traveler, unless one finds themselves with a curious fascination for filth. The ambience was dark and dreary, with only the most rusted of browns and aged of grays visible to the naked eye. Disgusting, it was, compared to the well-developed aquatic and surface regions of Fontaine and even the rest of Teyvat.
As a warden of Fontaine’s unforgiving dungeons, Wriothesley had no reason to see any sort of beauty in his surroundings. It mattered not if the convict was dressed in the finest reds or the most lowly of rags; if he caught them acting out of line or they somehow managed to slip under the noses of the wardens, he would not hesitate to hunt down the prisoners and bare his fangs. Little bark, all bite, he was known for.
On the rare chances that he did have an opportunity to rise to the surface, his poor eyesight did become somewhat of a hinderance. Under the cover of darkness, everything was in at least twenty different shades of gray. The real world as he knew it was merely blue, golden, and gray.
Through his eyes, the world was merely comprised of shades of those three colors. The rainbow of corals filling the sea and the colorful fish swimming alongside aquatic travelers were sights that Wriothesley was cursed to never behold himself. He had grown used to it, walking along the dungeons and all, but a deep part of him yearned to see the world in its full vibrance.
As you looked down from the water’s edge and found yourself engrossed in the diversity of Fontaine’s nature, Wriothesley would not share that same enthusiasm as you did. Perhaps it was due to his lack of occupancies outside of wrangling prisoners that he found no value in frivolous nature watching. You had faith, however, that if he could actually see what you were experiencing for himself, then he too, would be engrossed by the beauty of Fontaine’s upper-class regions.
He stood by a post out of habit, scanning the area around him while trying to keep his focus on your whereabouts. It was a warden’s habit to remain wary, as it was something that cannot be helped. He wasn’t too eager to hit every sightseeing location in the vicinity, but the fresh air at the very least would do his health some good. Wriothesley rarely had a chance for personal recreation, but when given the chance, he did not hesitate to accompany you on the surface for the time that he was allotted.
Raising an eyebrow, Wriothesley asked you, “What could you possibly find so intriguing about Fontaine’s waters?”
“You just need to take a moment to have a close look for yourself. From floor to surface, its bursting with colorful life,” you said.
Wriothesley shook his head, disinterested in your frivolous observations. The world above Fontaine’s dungeons was just as dull and colorless as the one below him, and so he showed minimal interest in observing the varieties of gold and gray, something he was far too used to seeing in the underground. Silently, he rejected your invitation to observe the waters, and continued resting his body by the post where his gaze remained sharp.
How do you get someone who cannot see the full rainbow to experience life’s vividness through your eyes? Red was but a concept to him, as he was even blind to the intimidating aura of his maroon clothing. Luscious flora was not an attention grabber, with nature’s blessing of the color green being nothing more than a shade of gold to Wriothesley’s wolf-like eyes. The violet corals accenting the forests of pink and orange…to him, they all felt merely the same.
If the physical appearance of color mattered not, then you would have to resort to other methods of conveying the beauty of the world that you saw. You grabbed his arm and tugged him away from the post, dragging him to overlook the waters below. A tall, dancing bush of seagrass waved happily in the gentle current, which you had pointed out to Wriothesley.
“Look at that. What color do you see that as, exactly?”
“…Golden, diluted by a crisp ocean blue. Why do you ask?”
You shook your head, though you knew that he was answering with complete honesty and precisely what he saw from his view.
“Feels like it blends in with the rest of the world, if I’m not mistaken?” you asked.
Wriothesley nodded his head.
“Now…define it not as the golden brown you perceive it as, but more of like…as if the seagrass was brimming with the energy of mother nature herself. It radiates serenity…tranquility…an ornament to emphasize the liveliness that is Fontaine’s ecosystem. This seagrass is but a small example of what the force of life in Teyvat’s has to offer…what we are blessed to call ‘being alive.’ Serenity…peace…the sea itself, all hidden beneath the human nature of envy and illness that is part of this inevitable cycle.
He tilted his head curiously.
“Through my eyes, I simply see it as the color green. To you, however, it exists not as a sight to behold, but as a concept with meaning that the average eye could simply not do justice with sight alone.
You pointed to a batch of branching corals not too far from the seagrass that you had observed.
“These corals,” you said. “how do they appear to you?”
“Darker than the seagrass, though still a shade golden yellow,” he stated.
“Hmmm…these corals are, in fact, quite energetic compared to their seagrass companions. They are bursting with vibrance, capturing your attention and filling you with joy as you gaze upon their tree-like structure. It’s a sense of happiness that cannot be put into words, yet it brightens you day like a warm sun during early autumn…”
Wriothesley focused on these corals as you explained how they felt, though he could feel his attention drifting from the meaning of the words to the mere sound of your voice.
“That is what I call orange. To you, it is the idea of happiness, bustling with joy and energy. Take pride in being able to embrace its luxury, for we do not appreciate its brightness until it has departed our lives.
Wriothesley seemed more attentive than before, as perhaps you had opened his eyes to the feeling of color, rather than thinking of it as something to merely see. He was scanning the water itself, both surface and floor, attempting to visualize the shades of gold that he sees as the feelings that you had described. After a few moments of observation, he pointed to a rounded coral, distinct from the branches you have described prior.
“Those?” you asked.
He nodded gently. “The rounded, lighter blue ones amongst the branched varieties…”
“The rounded corals serve as a metaphor for our imaginations. Their curious existence invokes a sense of mystery and discovery in the ones who have the honor of spotting these rarities. Nobles of both past and present would adorn themselves with these gems, limited only by their imagination; something that the lower class may not have the honor of witnessing in their lifetime. The diamonds in the rough you see here, are what I know as the color purple.”
Wriothesley had become so invested in your beautiful words, that he had lost his concentration on the truly vibrant world that his eyes were blind to. He looked down at himself, perhaps out of shame for his self-perceived dullness, then gazed out at the sea full of energetic corals and peaceful seagrass that stretched as far as the waters would allow. Nothing more than shades of gray and burnt yellow, he was doomed to see himself as.
But Wriothesley was far from what he viewed himself as. His own unique vibrance told a story in itself. It told how he had experienced years of bloodshed from such a rough occupation, how he showed passion to what was important to him, and how he had the strength to carry on despite the injuries that threatened to take his life on numerous occasions.
The dark red suit told a story in its own. Wriothesley was a tough man, but he was also full of care and compassion. By showing no mercy to those who broke the nation’s laws, he assured that the citizens of Fontaine could roam the streets freely and safely.
Wriothesley’s suit was the color of the feelings that you two had for each other.
Not to mention, the color of his face when you explained the meaning behind the red he was adorned with.

I am once again coming back to say that I am not immune to sexy dark haired wolf man. Now that I know he's basically a boxer, I don't want him, I NEED HIM CARNALLY.
Wriothesley being rough with his s/o (thank you for your masterpieces miss yoru😋😘)
cw. rough n needy, fem! reader
a/n. wrio is cumming and so am i

you could feel how wriothesley was affirmatively humming and pondering against your warm skin, an aimless, tinkering tune playing over your neck and collarbones as rapid tremors travelled down your entire back, taking your breath away, goosebumps emerging on your frame right after.
effortlessly, he keeps your hips down with his bare hands, pinning you to the bed while rushing himself into your cunt, no hesitation, not doing it soft nor sluggish, for some specific reason it almost gave the impression away as if wriothesley was somewhat selfish and indulgent with your body tonight, taking you so fucking well that your shaking legs were about to turn numb and harvest a deep rooted burn of fatigue, yet he was the one splitting them apart, because— he required enough space in order to fit in between you.
you take him deeper and moan into his mouth when he bites your lip, gracefully milking his throbbing cock, your eyes glossed over with boundless crystalline pebbles as you scratch a long, deep line on wrio's defined back, your nails sauntering up and down his flexed muscles while he's pistoling his cock into you— not hard enough to break his skin but edging pretty fucking close to it.
the blistering, fiery heat of his body against your own figure was way more than enough to make any little complaint die inside of you— it's easier to see that wriothesley underestimates his own strength at times but you do not push him away and welcome it, sighing into his messy kisses, noticing his grunting— his sounds edged within sharp, low rumbles that rattle into your flesh.
it's intimate and adds greatly to the stimulation on your cunt. wrio breaks the kiss, and you thirst the look on his handsome face, the husky exhales whenever you ran your fingers over the frazzled, large muscles on his back;
"you're making me lose my mind."
he grins without shame, covering his face in your neck, the thought of having the oh so distinguished lord of meropide blatantly admit this to you, no, simplified— filthily moan it into your ear without any shame while he hides the pink, pretty blush on his face was intoxicating, your hips jerking forward at the obscene sounds, twisting your insides around his girth as you feel hot and sticky all around him, liquids dripping down your thighs, drying up, making a mess, and most importantly, fueling the arising lust in the air.

©2023 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify
I dunno if you do prompt requests but I’d like to request this one with our boi wrio ^^
“It’s s-so big! Uh, I don’t think it’ll fit.”
“Hmm… will you let me be the judge of that, baby?”
(consent is hot as hell 😩😩, it’s a whole “shall i? or maybe i won’t? it’s your call, baby?” kind of thing. people take notes ehe /hj)
I do! I will warn you that I have never done it before so it might not be great but i'll try my best for you anon🥺❤️
~ warnings: smut, possibly ooc wriothesley
You're sitting on his lap, an arm around your waist while his other hand is busy holding the papers he's reading. You're busy reading a book as his mind wanders, distracted by how nice your ass feels on his lap. An idea pops up in his head.
The arm that's wrapped around your shoulder loosens and moves so his hand is resting on your thigh. He slowly rubs it up and down your thigh. He notices that it doesn't gain your attention. You continue to be too engrossed in your book, not giving him the attention he wants.
He takes it one step further, sliding his hand up the inside of your thighs, getting close to your panties. It grabs your attention away from your book. You subtly glance back at him, he pretends to read his paper, satisfied in his mind that he's finally gotten your attention.
But you see right through his tricks. You know he's not really reading his paper and he's teasing you on purpose. You try to beat him as his own game. You shift in his lap, pretending that you're just getting more comfortable. As you shift, you make sure to rub a bit against his cock. You feel him tense a bit, smiling to yourself.
He catches on. He moves his hand to rub you through your panties. You bite your lip to hold in your moan. You continue to try and read your book, acting like he's not affecting you.
But he can see right through you. Through the wetness in your panties where he's rubbing you. He presses his fingers a bit more firmly against you, but you hold back your reactions, which he isn't satisfied with. He wants to hear your moans. He wants to hear you beg for more, to give him all your attention instead of the book.
He slips his fingers under your panties, making direct contact, adding more pleasure to your sweet spot. Your legs twitch, closing around his hand. A small smile graces his features.
Soon, he inserts one finger into you, the sudden intrusion making you gasp. He feels your tightness around his finger. He goes slow at first, then quickens his pace once he knows you can take it. He then adds another finger, continuing at a fast pace, helping to prepare you for his thick cock.
You moan, getting close to your first orgasm, until suddenly, he stops and removes his fingers. You whine, disappointed.
He kisses the crown of your head. "Don't worry. I'll make sure you cum on my cock multiple times."
You blush. He motions for you to get up so he can take off your panties and release his hard cock from its confines. You sit back on his lap as he holds your hips.
"Ready for my cock?" You nervously gulp, intimidated by the size of his beautiful, veiny cock.
"It's s-so big! Uh, I don't think it'll fit."
"Hmm... will you let me be the judge of that, baby?"
You nod your head. He slowly inserts his cock head into you. A tight squeeze causing him to hold his breath. You slowly lower yourself on his cock, trying not to tense up too much. He notices and stops. He leans close to your ear and wraps his arms around your waist.
"It's okay. Let's go slowly. Relax. Don't push yourself." He whispers as he places sweet kisses behind your ear, on your ear, and on your neck. You begin to relax and give him the go ahead by continuing to lower yourself on his cock.
He finally fully sheaths himself inside of you, you both slightly moan from the euphoria feeling. The warmth from your walls hugging his cock making it hard to hold back, but he does for your sake. He doesn't want to scare you or make you uncomfortable. After a few moments, you begin to move, surprising him for a sec by your forwardness.
He regains his composure and grabs your hips, helping to guide you up and down his cock. The slaps from your thighs hitting his fill the room. You moan as you bounce on his cock, his cock hitting all your sweet spots. His cock veins rubbing against your walls, adding to the pleasure.
"Fuck. You feel so good. You make me want to lose control and pound into you until you scream from the pleasure." He groans in your neck.
"D-don't hold back Wrio. I wa-want it. Fuck me please." You'll soon regret those words.
He growls as he wraps his arms around your waist, making both of you stand as he begins to pound into you. Your moans become louder. You unconsciously look for something to hold onto, accidentally clawing his arms with your nails. He gasps from the slight pain, only turning him on more.
You feel the familiar warmth in your belly. Begs leave your mouth, telling him to not stop, encouraging him to continue as you get closer. He indulges you in your wishes, quickening his pace to give you a mind-breaking orgasm.
When you finally orgasm, it crashes into you like a wave. Your head falls back as you scream from the overwhelming pleasure. You have no time to recover from your orgasm as he continues his unrelenting pace.
He pants against your ear like a dog in heat. "Gonna come again, yeah? Fuck, I'm close too. Let's come together." He shifts your position, bending you over his desk. He holds your hips, watching your ass jiggle as his pelvis slaps against it. The slaps being slightly painful but pleasurable. You tighten around him causing more curses to leave his mouth.
He repeatedly tells you to cum as you're both finally sent over the edge, cumming together. You feel his warm cum fill you up as you shake and twitch from another mind-breaking orgasm. He gives a few more thrusts to ensure his cum gets deep into you until he stills his movements completely.
You both pant heavily, trying to calm down from your passionate session. He finally comes to his senses, leaning over you to pepper kisses on your neck and cheek. After he finally sees that you've relaxed, he picks you up and takes you to the couch in his office. He lays down with you on top of him. You listen to his heartbeat as he rubs your back and holds you tightly to him. He kisses your head aa you fall asleep.
~ a/n: I hope you enjoy anon~ c:
Service Top truther anon here, i have more thoughts to share ahhh!
I can see wrio being very much into quiet comfort when he's with a partner. like he doesn't have to talk much if the silence is spent together- imagine him reading his newspaper, your fingers combing through his hair absent-mindedly, him leaning into the touch ever so slightly while you read a book or sketch on a note pad. When you stop he'll turn his head to look at you until you continue, eyelids getting heavier until he fully drifts off.
when you're in bed together he likes to circle his thumb over your hip while he has his chest to your back and his face in the crook of your neck. just enjoying the shared warmth and contact.
ugh and if things get more spicy it's never in a hurry. he'll test the waters by trailing touches over your thighs and chest, and when you give him the sign to continue it's going to be slow and deep unless you want it otherwise. He'll nip at your neck and shoulders, never biting to hurt but to feel you in any way he can, while keeping his palm flat against your lower stomach where he's moving inside you, eventually trailing further down to cirlce your clit in the same unhurried way. When you buck into his hand and back onto his cock, he won't break pace. He loves when you openly chase your pleasure. Whine for him to give you more and he'll lie you on your front while he grinds into you from behind, controlled drags of his hips that send you over the moon.
"Touch yourself for me, will you?" He'll encourage you.
It's your release that makes him follow suit, the tightening of you around him so good he can't help but press deeper and give you every drop of himself he can offer. He'll move the both of you to lie on your sides in the comedown, never pulling out to keep his cum inside you for as long as possible. His hand wanders back to your lower stomach, the softness under his palm such a pleasing contrast to his calloused fingers. While he slowly falls asleep he wishes he could have you like this at any moment.
omgggg anon🥹🥰🤭 yeah i dont think he's really one for words so he shows his affection through actions the most. for example, acts of service such as getting you your favorite snacks, noticing when youre upset and letting you vent, buying you something he knows you would like, etc. or through physical touch such as holding your hand, kissing your knuckles, putting his arm around you, nuzzling and hugging you.
i literally just wanna lay his head on my lap and comb my fingers through his fluffy hair until he falls asleep. most of the time when he's with you, he spends it nuzzling his face into your neck and just inhaling your lovely scent and sometimes leaving light kisses, usually tickling you and making you giggle which makes him happy and smile in your neck. only you are able to help him relax and show his soft side like this.
omg yes ! COCKWARMING. wrio lovesss cockwarming. You do it often after making love (due to his breeding kink), while he's at his desk doing paperwork (it helps him get through the endless papers), and while you sleep because he wants to be close to you and enjoy your warmth. it doesnt even have to be in a sexual way in order to get release, he enjoys the intimacy.
wrio + slow, gentle sex ahhh ! it makes you wanna cry sometimes due to how soft and gentle he is to you during your sessions. You might've done it a few times before which makes him worried because he thinks he hurt you. but once you tell him the reason why you're crying happy tears, he relaxes and kisses your tears away as he continues his slow pace, grinding against you while you hold each other close (this makes me wanna cry🥹). but omg the feeling of his rough, calloused hand rubbing your clit feels so much better than your own hand so you usually prefer that and beg ask him to do it. just his hands touching you any place feels amazing. gentle, soft touches from such rough hands mhm🤤
this really cheered me up anon because i've had a stressful week so thank you for sharing more. i hope you have a wonderful weekend🥰❤️
Manifsting Wriothesley with an absolutely huge, chokeable cock
I'm pretty sure everyone is doing that rn.
Pairing: Wriothesley x Fem!Reader
Tags: nsfw, smut, blowjob, office sex, handcuffs, cum swallowing, size kink, hand kink, size difference, choking, power play
A/N: The moment I saw him I went feral. He has such big dick energy.

Big dick!Wriothesley never brags about his size, he let's you find out about for yourself how huge his cock is. You suspected as much, that he's be proportional in all places but what surprised you was the thickness of it more then anything else. At least three of your fingers. Maybe more once it's fully erect. Good thing you've practiced a lot at home.
Big dick!Wriothesley wants you to use both hands to jerk him off and not stop until they're both covered with sticky, white cum. You can be like his little milking machine, ready to go whenever his cock needs it. Talk about a promotion to a job many want but few have ever gotten. You're one lucky girl, this means he trusts you a lot, that he wants you close to him, the closest.
Big dick!Wriothesley watches as you open your mouth as wide as it goes in order to be able to take him. Maybe doing it like this will b hard for you give his length too. Lay on your back on the couch, let your head dangle off the armrest so he can thrust into the far back of your throat. If you could talk right now he would let you tell him how many times you've thought about this, choking on his big dick, tears spilling down your face, fingers playing with your pussy, knowing he's watching, observing how you seem to prefer it.
Big dick!Wriothesley orders you to sit on his lap with his cock between your thighs while he works. You can use your hand on the tip, you can grind against it but don't you dare put it in. Feeling his hands on your tits from behind makes the whole thing ever harder, you want him to move too, to use those fingers not just to pinch and roll your nipples but to do the same to your clit which has so far only rolled across his dick. And there's a lot of to roll against.
Big dick!Wriothesley takes pictures of himself when he's fresh out of a bath, the towel with a big tent and telling you how he was just jerking off while thinking about you. He didn't finish because he's waiting for you to come over and take care of this big problem for him. He's waiting for you on the couch, cock in hand, ready for you to take a seat on it and not get off until he pushes you off.
Big dick!Wriothesley watches as your pussy gets stretched out by his girth, your bod seemingly perfectly made for him. He knew the moment he saw you that you were a good match. You're not to small for him, not at all, so please don't worry about that. He's gonna make sure you know how much he loves every single inch of your body. Pretty soon he won't be able to get enough if it, you'll replace all his toys. Because you are perfect for him, absolutely perfect.
Big dick!Wriothesley noticed how you look at his arms and hands when he rolls his sleeves, how you carefully trace the veins on his hands just like you do on his cock. He will hold your face while he makes room for him self between your legs and then as soon as he's inside you one of his hands will move to your hip, the other to your neck, pushing enough to keep you still and if you struggle he will make you choke on air, or on his fingers if he feels like fingerfucking your mouth too.
Big dick!Wriothesley will call you into his office, telling you it's really urgent, that he has a big problem he needs taking care of but that's code for him wanting to fuck you. Yes it's a misuse of his power here but if you enjoy this game that you're playing then there's no harm. Besides you're the one who started it, always looking at him like he was to be climbed and ridden. Now you're the one who gets bent over the desk and fucked from behind, the one who gets handcuffed to him so he can pull you against him and not let you escape.
Big dick!Wriothesley always makes you clean up the mess you made on him. You see his big, warm smile every time you look up from his cock and know that he's proud of you for doing good work him. His gentle smile wouldn't make you think he's capable of being rough, you'd think he's a gentle giant and for the most part he can be, but there's a switch that makes him rough, and that switch is you gagging on his cock as you struggle to swallow the last remaining drops of his cum.
Big dick!Wriothesley who is a bit too big to be cockwarmed for long but you're okay with him staying inside you for a bit after you're done having sex. If he stayed too long the constant stretch would get painful and he doesn't want that, that's a pussy he fucks every day, he needs it to be okay, but most of all he needs you to be okay, because you're his precious girlfriend.
—THE COLOR OF YOU [ wriothesley x reader ]
![THE COLOR OF YOU [ Wriothesley X Reader ]](
“your cheeks are pretty when they're blue.”
wriothesley x gn!reader | wc: 953
contents: just a cute little wriothesley drabble 😽, established relationship, completely based on the idea that wriothesley is colorblind and can’t tell the difference between red and blue, not proofread at all i’m not entirely sure what possessed me to write about him but it was deep and carnal
![THE COLOR OF YOU [ Wriothesley X Reader ]](
You think that there’s nothing more hilarious than Wriothesley trying to figure out colors.
“(Y/n),” his frustration comes out restrained, a ghost of pout playing on his lips, “It’s not funny.”
You hug your pillow, a mischievous grin playing on your face as he stares a the two ties that lie on his bed. His pout grows deeper, his nose twitching as his eyes peruse the individual fabrics, tapping his foot impatiently.
See, a long time ago, Wriothesley decided to spice up his attire for his new job; he wanted to match his Cryo Vision so he picked out beautiful black clothes with stunning blue highlights to make his Vision pop. It turns out that his Vision did pop, but for the completely wrong reasons— and all it took was a guard saying “I love the red!” for him to realize that he had been horribly, horribly wrong. He bought an actual blue tie in a panic before he realized that he didn’t have enough money for a whole new color scheme, and he gave up on that idea. He kept the tie for safekeeping, but he never expected you to use it against him, lying it next to the red one he normally wears on a peaceful morning that he feels like he shouldn’t have been punished for. He knows that one shade is darker than the other, he just can't remember which one.
“I have to go to work soon!” He looks at you with pleading eyes, “Babe, please.”
“You don’t have to go to work,” you pat the side of the bed next to you, a simple smile on your face, “You could just skip.”
Here, Wriothesley is faced with a terrible, terrible choice. On one hand, his gorgeous partner is lying ever so beautifully on his bed wearing his shirt— what little motivation he had to go to work when he woke up in your arms is dashed. On the other, he really should go to work today, it really shouldn't be this easy for his resolve to break when his passion for his work easily trumps almost anything else.
“Five minutes.” He compromises, “Five minutes and you tell me which tie is which.”
“Awful offer, try 15 minutes and we'll see what I say.”
15 minutes would make him far too late.
“Is it this one?” He grabs one, holding it up to your face. Your smile doesn't change, and he picks up the other one, pointing to it with a raised eyebrow and a worried expression.
“You're an awful negotiator, Wrio.” You tease, and he sighs, letting them both drop.
“No minutes and I'll take you out for dinner tonight.” He bargains— you think it’s positively adorable that he thinks he’ll get to go with just dinner.
“Dinner and we get to dance with Icewind Suite at the Court.”
“Dinner and Lyney’s magic show in three days.”
You grin triumphantly.
“Deal.” You bound out of the bed, happily taking your place next to him, grabbing one of the ties before hanging the other one up.
He can't even be mad at you when you coil the tie over his neck, flipping one end over the other and looping it through, tightening it ever so slightly. The sunlight peeks through your red curtains, and his eyes shift outside as a reminder to start the new day. He has a job to do, after all, an important one, one that he can't skip despite how much he might want to.
You take this as an opportunity to kiss him, ambushing his lips with yours as he lets out a muffled squeak in surprise. Your tongue brushes against his and he tilts his head, tangling your hair into his fingers as he cradles your jaw.
You really love kissing Wriothesley like this, you love how it always sends shivers down your spine seeing the man who’s normally so stoic be caught off-guard, and you love the feeling of him melting into your lips.
“Looks like I got you to stay the extra five minutes after all.” You smile cheekily between soft pecks, leading him against the wall of your bedroom, he stumbles, his hand catching his body on the windowsill.
“I really should go.” He murmurs, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips again. You pepper his face with kisses and despite his gentle protests, he doesn’t move—he kisses you like guarding the prison isn’t his job, being devoted to you is— like he would love nothing more than to capture your lips with his forever.
You love watching him lose his damn mind over you.
“Okay— okay— enough, you devil,” he hisses, his eyes glazed and warm skin, he places kisses on your feverish skin, “Your cheeks are pretty when they’re blue.”
You look like you match his Cryo Vision, and he thinks that he’d like to wear you to work someday. He likes the contradiction in the way you look, you bear the color that's known for its icy and unforgiving cold, yet you're warm to the touch, your soft breaths echoing on his wrists, the tension making it far too hard for him to breathe.
“They match my lips?” You step away, adjusting his tie. You wonder what he’d look like if you had his vision, and when you replace his red blush with blue, you can say with absolute certainty that he’d look more gorgeous than you could bear.
“They do.” He confirms your notions with one last kiss on top of your head.
He takes one last look in the mirror, fixing his tousled hair with a huff before his hand reaches towards the doorknob that leads to your living room.
“Oh, and Wrio!” You call out his name innocently, and he turns around, “Both of the ties were red, I hid the blue one under the bed. Sorry about that.”
![THE COLOR OF YOU [ Wriothesley X Reader ]](
a/n: first time out of the alhaitham tag mom pick me up i'm scared
im actually devastated i have to skip him and neuvillette for navia. the things i do for the people i love :(
![THE COLOR OF YOU [ Wriothesley X Reader ]](
We were all so wrong 💀💀💀💀
Wriothesley's name is pronounced as RY-ZLEE.
I kinda like it actually? It might take some getting used to bc I used to pronounce his name as its spelling.