Genshin X Female Reader - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

⋆。°✩ . SUMMARY —

“how much did you drink?” he stood still, soaking in your presence. finally. his breath hitched in his throat at some point, the pattering rain behind him as a soft ambiance. how many years had it been again? no, no, it couldn’t have been too long… or has it? do you still remember all those days? the days you spent doing nothing together? do wrinkles still crack around your eyes when you smile? did you move on? he couldn’t help the dazed smile spreading across his lips, “a… a few sips.” the next thing he remembered was an uncomfortable reunion with your apartment floor.

or, in which: you and kaeya reunite under tense circumstances during your high school reunion. why? maybe because somebody had left you for good the night you both had gotten accepted into the same university, leaving you with your unreciprocated feelings. or so you had thought. nothing personal though, right?

⋆。°✩ . MASTER LIST —

ch. 00 / / homesick   ch. 01 / / pink horizon ch. 02 / / sunburn  ch. 03 / / seasons ch. 04 / / summer flows   ch. 05 / / calla ch. 06 / / dried flower   ch. 07 / / sunny days ch. 08 / / novelle vague   ch. 09 / / so real ch. 010 / / peach eyes   ch. 011 / / love. ch. 012 / / evening glow  ch. 013 / / redamancy      ch. 014 / / ocean floor

⋆。°✩ . AUTHOR'S NOTE —

this is my first fledged out fic, featuring none other than the loml kaeya alberich <3 idk why i decided i wanted to be ambitious, considering the amount of drafts in my docs rn, but i'm treating this as my journey. some characters may seem ooc since it's been so long since i've played genshin. yes, the chapter names are just w2e songs, i was lazy </3 this fic is inspired by welcome to samdal-ri, 20th century girl, our beloved summer, and business proposal !!

if you don't want to read it on tumblr, you can also read it at ao3 here


Tags :
1 year ago
PROLOGUE / / Homesick
PROLOGUE / / Homesick
PROLOGUE / / Homesick

PROLOGUE / / homesick

⋆。°✩ . SUMMARY — you debate with mona on whether or not to go to your high school reunion, meet with two old friends and a cute kid at the supermarket, meet with old friends yet again, and encounter an all-too-familiar face. ⋆。°✩ . WARNINGS — second person , awkward dialogue , high school , alchohol/drinks , mentions of overworking , f!reader , everyone including reader is 23-27 . ⋆。°✩ . WORD COUNT — 2998 words (its too long for a prologue i got carried awayyyyy) .

prev / / ao3 / / next

“So, are you still gonna go?”


“You see all of your best friends together again after six years and you wanna back out now?” 

“You know why I’m still-”

“Yeah, yeah.” The voice on the other end of the phone sighed, “...Just letting you know, Collei’s coming too. Amber’s super excited - don’t you wanna see them all again?”

You sighed, debating whether or not to attend your high school reunion. Right? It felt like a simple yes or no question. Wrong. Yes, you were eager to see your friends again. Yes, you want to see if they were still how you remembered them. But, you weren't sure if you wanted to reunite with... certain faces. You flattened the invitation letter with another heavy sigh, reading it for the nth time.

MONDSTADT CENTRAL HIGH REUNION “We cordially invite you to our long-awaited reunion, hosted by our former student council members Jean Gunnhildr, Lisa Minci, Eula Lawrence, Diluc Ragnvindr, and Albedo Kreideprinz. Join us for drinks, music, and food! Events featured: TCG tournaments, karaoke, time capsule re-opening, photoshoots, (free) food, (not free) drinks, and more! On Saturday, September 22nd, 5 p.m. Located at Dawn Winery. ”

You weren’t too far from the old manor, it was only about a 25-minute drive from where you now lived. You had missed the atmosphere there back when you were still in high school. After school hang outs with all your friends, laughing and talking without a care in the world. But that was precisely what you were afraid of. Could you all still laugh and talk the same way you did before? How much did they change, or did they change at all?

With your thumb lightly tapping against the paper, you set it down and picked up your phone again.

“Mona, of course, I’m excited to see everybody again. Hell, if anything, I’m the one who’s most eager to see them all. But you’ve gotta understand,” you continued, “I have literally not talked to any of them for half a decade.”

Silence was met on the other end of the call before laughter burst in your eardrums, small snorts and giggles ringing in your ears. “Really now (y/n)? I had no idea.” She stopped laughing, letting out another exasperated sigh, “Why do you think I called you then? This is a perfect opportunity to talk to everyone again, and if you haven’t noticed, you can’t always talk to me about whatever it is you want to rant about that day.”

Mona was right, you had gotten too used to using her as your personal therapist. She’s been there for you ever since you could remember, well, technically ever since your freshman year of high school. You groaned, embarrassment flooding your senses. It was true, you’ve barely had any contact with your high school friends after getting accepted into college., and ever since that had happened. You winced internally, suddenly feeling a wave of pity for your poor friend. It wasn’t entirely your fault you were so caught up with college, you had to figure out your future right? 

It’s not exactly an excuse for as to cutting almost everybody off though… a little voice whispered in your head, you’ve figured it was your guilty conscious, judging you for absolutely every little thing you’ve done and have been doing thus far.

To put it simply - it was driving you nuts.

“Okay Mona, you have a point. But, that doesn’t mean it’s decided i’m going to go.” You heard a huff, “Hey, don’t get mad at me now. I just… need time to think it over.”

“Alright, alright.”

“Thank you, for being so ever understanding.” You could’ve sworn you heard a ‘whatever’, but shrugged it off. “Anyways, I’ve gotta go to the store to restock my fridge, after somebody ransacked for all it was worth.”

“It was one time! Wouldn’t you be so kind as to help a poor astrologer, not to mention best friend, with trifling matters such as a bit of nourishment?”

“Save your excuses, Megistus. Talk to you later, okay?” The mentioned bid farewell and ended the call. Now, was the matter of going out. You had been living alone comfortably for the past year, with the occasional water leaks here and there. Your place wasn’t too shabby, it was close to your ideal living quarters. Ever since college and living with a roommate for four years, keeping up with your kitchen stock has been somewhat of a challenge. It wasn’t like you were broke, you had a financially stable career and lifestyle, you just… happened to get carried away after a while.

Getting up and changing into somewhat acceptable attire to go to the nearest grocery market, you took your keys and left your apartment. Upon exiting, a breeze of autumn air flooded your senses, the sky above painted with a fresh blue. Glancing to your left, you see a stack of very large boxes outside of your neighbor’s door. I’m guessing they’re redecorating? You thought, pushing past the stack. 

Your neighbors had moved in about 6 months ago, a pair of twins and their younger sister. You’d talked to the older sister before, even inviting her into your apartment. She was nice, you two have shared similar experiences throughout college. Although the brother was more reserved, occasionally gave you a good morning here and there. As for their younger sister, she was a ball of energy.

Strangely enough, however, was the fact that you would barely see them. The sister had stated that they “have an affinity for traveling” or something along those lines. They were incredibly busy, meeting new people here and there. Something I should pick up, you dully noted.

Getting into your car, you made your way to the nearest grocery store. Okay, so we need eggs, milk, yogurt, fruits, ramen, and whatever else catches my attention. You listed in your mind, although you knew you would forget half of what was on that list. It was a good thing, to get back to getting your life back together. God knows what you went through in college. You inhaled sharply at the flashback, wanting to forget everything that happened throughout high school and college. Shaking off the memories, you had finally reached the market.

You looked up at the sign saying “Mondstadt General Goods”, noting your one objective. Get in, get the groceries, and get out. Shouldn’t be too hard, right?


“Come on Klee, Alice trusted me to keep you in line this weekend, Sevens I have so much to prepare for.” An exasperated voice half-heartedly shouts, pushing a shopping cart.

“Coming Miss Jean!” another bubbly and child-like voice exclaims back, running towards the voice. 

Jean has had a demanding week. Being the head of the leading police department in Mondstadt and dealing with a much too energetic child all weekend can lead you to exhaustion, apparently. And preparing for a high school reunion in a week can only add to that list.

“Jean, relax a little. We’re on an errand, not one of your military camp training sessions.” Remarked a brunette woman, walking alongside Jean. This was Lisa, Jean’s best friend as one would say. She was almost the complete opposite of Jean, leisurely going on about life. She worked at the library next to Jean's department, occasionally bringing coffee in between her shifts. 

“For the last time Lisa, it’s not the military. There’s a clear distinction between-”

“Yes ma’am, so I’ve heard,” teased Lisa, picking up a few items for their cart before squeezing her shoulders. “All I’m saying is to loosen up a little. You’re not Chief Gunnhildr right now, you’re just Jean. And don’t worry, everyone’s contributing to the reunion, you’re not alone.”

Jean smiled weakly at Lisa, before pushing through the aisles again. She tended to get caught up in work, she knew that much. She was embarrassed to say she needed Lisa to keep her grounded. However, that was one of the things she loved about her friend of many years - the way she knew exactly what she needed at any given point in time.

“Hey, about the reunion, did you send out the invitation letters?”

“Of course I did, who do you take me for? I still think text messages or emails would’ve probably been received much better though.”

“Of course you do. Any updates from Diluc or Albedo?”

“Diluc said the manor was free for the weekend, even said we could stay the night there. Albedo checked on the time capsules, said they were still there. And, don’t worry, I doubt he would open any of them.” Recounted Lisa, pulling random items from the snack section.

“Wouldn’t doubt him for the world. Klee, what do you want? You can have any snack as a treat.” Called Jean, craning her neck to look for the short child. “Where’d she go?” 

Stepping out of the aisle, Jean’s eyes darted around everywhere. Where did the kid go? She wouldn’t hear the end of this from Alice if she found out her kid escaped her usually watchful gaze. Sevens, she didn’t even want to imagine how many times it would be brought up in one of their coffee sessions.

“Jean, I’m pretty sure we have everything we need. All we need to do is find- oh wait. There she is.” Said Lisa from behind Jean, pointing in front of them.

There she is, thought Jean as she made her way to Klee, already imagining the ear-full she was gonna give the blonde girl. She was running up and down the aisles, before pausing, as if something had caught her attention. “Klee- what did I tell you about going on alone without us? You could get seriously hurt-”

The little girl paid no mind to Jean, giggling and running to her next target. Letting out yet another exasperated sigh, Jean followed. “Young lady, I’m not finished talking to you, stop-” Jean paused, looking at the person who had caught Klee’s attention. (H/l) (H/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and (s/c) skin- wait, was that..?

“Miss (y/n)!”


“Miss (y/n)!”

You turned around, only to be pounced on by something- or rather, someone.


A short girl with blonde hair remained wrapped around your torso, squeezing you with all her might. “Miss (y/n)! Klee hasn’t seen you in soooo long! You missed so many of my adventures!”

You couldn’t help but stare at the small girl in front of you, your hands awkwardly placed in the air. “Uh- yeah, sorry about that Klee. I’ve been super busy, I’m so sorry for missing so many of our play dates, I missed you.”

It was true, you missed the much-too-energetic girl. You would always have small little playdates and adventures back when you were in high school. Although you were a bit too exhausted to run around some days, you would indulge in her antics more than half the time.

“It’s okay, (y/n)! Klee forgives you! You have to promise to play with Klee next time, okay?” 

“Of course Klee. Who’s with you right now? Albedo? Alice?” You had to make a quick getaway, you don’t know if you could afford to embarrass yourself in front of any of them after no contact efforts in 4 years.

“No. Only miss Jean and miss Lisa.”

And as if right on time, the two mentioned women appeared behind Klee, surprise adorning both their faces. The two hadn’t changed much after high school, although the bags around Jean’s eyes seemed to have gotten worse. And Lisa was still Lisa after all, the same wistful smile still on her face. 

“(Y/n)!” Lisa approached you, putting a hand on your shoulder. “My, my, it’s been so long. How’ve you been? We’ve barely heard from you since graduation you know.”

“Oh, wow, uhm, yeah. I guess it has been a while-”

“Too long in fact, what happened? Are you still with-”

“That's enough Lisa, give her some time to breathe.” Then came your savior, Jean, to your rescue. You watched as Jean chastised Lisa for her straightforward behavior, awkwardly standing there with a child wrapped around you.

“But Lisa has a point, (y/n). It’s been so long, how have you been holding up?” Questioned Jean, both their gazes on you now.

“I’ve been doing well, just you know, keeping busy with life.” 

You nearly face-palmed yourself after that excuse of a lie.

“Oh yeah, that reminds me, have you gotten the invitation letter to the reunion? It’s next Saturday. We’re hoping that most if not everybody shows up.” Jean had a glint in her eyes when talking about the reunion. You guessed she’d been eager for it as well.

“Yeah. I was talking to Mona about it over the phone.” You mentioned matter-of-factly. “But… I’m not sure if I’ll be uh… free… that day.” You knew very well that you would most likely be at home, doing nothing and watching TV. Maybe you’d make an effort to deep clean your apartment if it was a good day. Maybe.

Lisa frowned as her grip on you softened, “Surely you can’t be that busy? I’ve missed seeing your face around, darling.” She sighs and lets go of your shoulder with a pat. “I understand though. Let us know if you change your mind though, okay? Maybe we can meet up on a day when we’re all free.”

Jean nodded, sympathy in her eyes. “Agreed. Call us if you ever need any help as well, (y/n).”

You cursed yourself as you saw the two women shrink slightly in disappointment. You couldn’t afford to let them down. Not when you’ve just met again after so many years. As your stomach twisted and turned with uncertainty, you gave them a not-so-final answer.

“I’ll… I’ll see if I can clear my schedule. You guys were right, it has been a while.” You gave them a half smile, Klee looking back and forth between you and the two other women with an elated grin.

Lisa waves you goodbye, “Hope to see you there then, cutie.” Jean pulled Klee away from you with an embarrassed smile and wave. 

You supposed it was official then. You were going to the dreaded reunion you hoped to avoid.


Standing outside the familiar manor, you dusted off your clothes in an attempt to look presentable. Saturday had come fast and without warning, your heart becoming heavy with every reminder. You weren’t sure why you were this nervous. The last time you had gone out to a gathering or party like this was back in college, and even then you felt somewhat at ease. Maybe it was because of how many old faces would be present. Maybe it was because you would be reminded of everything that happened while you were in high school.

Shaking your head, you knocked on the door. The air was chilly with the aroma of freshly cooked food making its way to your nostrils. You heard overlapping voices, laughs, music, and finally, some footsteps headed in your direction from behind the door. You took in a sharp breath and fixed your posture as the door swung open to a friendly face.


Standing before you was a brunette girl in her 20s, cheery personality and all. Amber. You had missed her. 

“Well don’t just stand there, come in!” She took you by your hand and led you into the manor. The moment you stepped into the manor, you were reminded of just how rich the late Ragvindr was. The floors, walls, and stairs were all embellished with dark mahogany wood, a regal chandelier hung over the ceiling. Mostly everything was candlelit, providing a warm atmosphere. Nothing has changed at all.

Then registered in your mind everyone inside the room. Many people ended up coming, including all the old student council members (obviously), Collei, Mona, Venti, Sucrose, and Rosaria. Venti was currently seated at a table with a very irked Diluc and amused Rosaria. Mona and Albedo were in a conversation with each other (with Mona looking all too pleased with herself) while Lisa and Jean were laughing with Eula. Sucrose and Collei were engaged in a hush conversation before Collei spotted Amber. “Amber, (y/n), over here!”

Upon hearing your name, Mona also came over. “So, you did end up coming,” nudged Mona with an all-knowing smirk. You had no reply but a light-hearted glare.

Collei perked up, “Wow (y/n), we haven’t seen each other in years! What are you up to these days?” 

“Yeah… just been busy I guess. And you? Still working hard to become a wildlife biologist, was it?” Collei was one of your oldest friends, although a few years your junior, she was in her second year of college. 

“Yep! Amber, Sucrose, and Tighnari have been helping me lots! Although Tighnari’s more busy with dealing with his research in Sumeru, I think he mentioned something about having to deal with Cyno’s jokes nonstop…”

You ended up talking for the next hour with everybody. You found out that Sucrose and Albedo both entered the forensics field, Venti pursued his musical career, and Amber worked with Jean in the Favonius Police Department. When you asked what Rosaria did, she had no reply but a sly smile and passed you a drink. It seemed like everyone had moved on with their life respectively. You couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. 

Through the haze of the night, you slowly felt more at ease and outspoken. Maybe it was the drinks, or the nostalgia running its course through you, but it felt good. Up until you looked up and saw a familiar shade of blue hair. 

“Kaeya! We were wondering when you would show up, it’s been more than 2 hours since we started.” Chastised Amber, a disappointed Jean, and Diluc shaking their heads behind her.

You can’t seem to forgive and forget after all.

Tags :
1 year ago

⋆。°✩ . SUMMARY —

“how much did you drink?” he stood still, soaking in your presence. finally. his breath hitched in his throat at some point, the pattering rain behind him as a soft ambiance. how many years had it been again? no, no, it couldn’t have been too long… or has it? do you still remember all those days? the days you spent doing nothing together? do wrinkles still crack around your eyes when you smile? did you move on? he couldn’t help the dazed smile spreading across his lips, “a… a few sips.” the next thing he remembered was an uncomfortable reunion with your apartment floor.

or, in which: you and kaeya reunite under tense circumstances during your high school reunion. why? maybe because somebody had left you for good the night you both had gotten accepted into the same university, leaving you with your unreciprocated feelings. or so you had thought. nothing personal though, right?

⋆。°✩ . MASTER LIST —

ch. 00 / / homesick   ch. 01 / / pink horizon ch. 02 / / sunburn  ch. 03 / / seasons ch. 04 / / summer flows   ch. 05 / / calla ch. 06 / / dried flower   ch. 07 / / sunny days ch. 08 / / novelle vague   ch. 09 / / so real ch. 010 / / peach eyes   ch. 011 / / love. ch. 012 / / evening glow  ch. 013 / / redamancy      ch. 014 / / ocean floor

⋆。°✩ . AUTHOR'S NOTE —

this is my first fledged out fic, featuring none other than the loml kaeya alberich <3 idk why i decided i wanted to be ambitious, considering the amount of drafts in my docs rn, but i'm treating this as my journey. some characters may seem ooc since it's been so long since i've played genshin. yes, the chapter names are just w2e songs, i was lazy </3 this fic is inspired by welcome to samdal-ri, 20th century girl, our beloved summer, and business proposal !!

if you don't want to read it on tumblr, you can also read it at ao3 here


Tags :
1 year ago

⋆。°✩ . SUMMARY —

“how much did you drink?” he stood still, soaking in your presence. finally. his breath hitched in his throat at some point, the pattering rain behind him as a soft ambiance. how many years had it been again? no, no, it couldn’t have been too long… or has it? do you still remember all those days? the days you spent doing nothing together? do wrinkles still crack around your eyes when you smile? did you move on? he couldn’t help the dazed smile spreading across his lips, “a… a few sips.” the next thing he remembered was an uncomfortable reunion with your apartment floor.

or, in which: you and kaeya reunite under tense circumstances during your high school reunion. why? maybe because somebody had left you for good the night you both had gotten accepted into the same university, leaving you with your unreciprocated feelings. or so you had thought. nothing personal though, right?

⋆。°✩ . MASTER LIST —

ch. 00 / / homesick   ch. 01 / / pink horizon ch. 02 / / sunburn  ch. 03 / / seasons ch. 04 / / summer flows   ch. 05 / / calla ch. 06 / / dried flower   ch. 07 / / sunny days ch. 08 / / novelle vague   ch. 09 / / so real ch. 010 / / peach eyes   ch. 011 / / love. ch. 012 / / evening glow  ch. 013 / / redamancy      ch. 014 / / ocean floor

⋆。°✩ . AUTHOR'S NOTE —

this is my first fledged out fic, featuring none other than the loml kaeya alberich <3 idk why i decided i wanted to be ambitious, considering the amount of drafts in my docs rn, but i'm treating this as my journey. some characters may seem ooc since it's been so long since i've played genshin. yes, the chapter names are just w2e songs, i was lazy </3 this fic is inspired by welcome to samdal-ri, 20th century girl, our beloved summer, and business proposal !!

if you don't want to read it on tumblr, you can also read it at ao3 here


Tags :
1 year ago
PROLOGUE / / Homesick
PROLOGUE / / Homesick
PROLOGUE / / Homesick

PROLOGUE / / homesick

⋆。°✩ . SUMMARY — you debate with mona on whether or not to go to your high school reunion, meet with two old friends and a cute kid at the supermarket, meet with old friends yet again, and encounter an all-too-familiar face. ⋆。°✩ . WARNINGS — second person , awkward dialogue , high school , alchohol/drinks , mentions of overworking , f!reader , everyone including reader is 23-27 . ⋆。°✩ . WORD COUNT — 2998 words (its too long for a prologue i got carried awayyyyy) .

prev / / ao3 / / next

“So, are you still gonna go?”


“You see all of your best friends together again after six years and you wanna back out now?” 

“You know why I’m still-”

“Yeah, yeah.” The voice on the other end of the phone sighed, “...Just letting you know, Collei’s coming too. Amber’s super excited - don’t you wanna see them all again?”

You sighed, debating whether or not to attend your high school reunion. Right? It felt like a simple yes or no question. Wrong. Yes, you were eager to see your friends again. Yes, you want to see if they were still how you remembered them. But, you weren't sure if you wanted to reunite with... certain faces. You flattened the invitation letter with another heavy sigh, reading it for the nth time.

MONDSTADT CENTRAL HIGH REUNION “We cordially invite you to our long-awaited reunion, hosted by our former student council members Jean Gunnhildr, Lisa Minci, Eula Lawrence, Diluc Ragnvindr, and Albedo Kreideprinz. Join us for drinks, music, and food! Events featured: TCG tournaments, karaoke, time capsule re-opening, photoshoots, (free) food, (not free) drinks, and more! On Saturday, September 22nd, 5 p.m. Located at Dawn Winery. ”

You weren’t too far from the old manor, it was only about a 25-minute drive from where you now lived. You had missed the atmosphere there back when you were still in high school. After school hang outs with all your friends, laughing and talking without a care in the world. But that was precisely what you were afraid of. Could you all still laugh and talk the same way you did before? How much did they change, or did they change at all?

With your thumb lightly tapping against the paper, you set it down and picked up your phone again.

“Mona, of course, I’m excited to see everybody again. Hell, if anything, I’m the one who’s most eager to see them all. But you’ve gotta understand,” you continued, “I have literally not talked to any of them for half a decade.”

Silence was met on the other end of the call before laughter burst in your eardrums, small snorts and giggles ringing in your ears. “Really now (y/n)? I had no idea.” She stopped laughing, letting out another exasperated sigh, “Why do you think I called you then? This is a perfect opportunity to talk to everyone again, and if you haven’t noticed, you can’t always talk to me about whatever it is you want to rant about that day.”

Mona was right, you had gotten too used to using her as your personal therapist. She’s been there for you ever since you could remember, well, technically ever since your freshman year of high school. You groaned, embarrassment flooding your senses. It was true, you’ve barely had any contact with your high school friends after getting accepted into college., and ever since that had happened. You winced internally, suddenly feeling a wave of pity for your poor friend. It wasn’t entirely your fault you were so caught up with college, you had to figure out your future right? 

It’s not exactly an excuse for as to cutting almost everybody off though… a little voice whispered in your head, you’ve figured it was your guilty conscious, judging you for absolutely every little thing you’ve done and have been doing thus far.

To put it simply - it was driving you nuts.

“Okay Mona, you have a point. But, that doesn’t mean it’s decided i’m going to go.” You heard a huff, “Hey, don’t get mad at me now. I just… need time to think it over.”

“Alright, alright.”

“Thank you, for being so ever understanding.” You could’ve sworn you heard a ‘whatever’, but shrugged it off. “Anyways, I’ve gotta go to the store to restock my fridge, after somebody ransacked for all it was worth.”

“It was one time! Wouldn’t you be so kind as to help a poor astrologer, not to mention best friend, with trifling matters such as a bit of nourishment?”

“Save your excuses, Megistus. Talk to you later, okay?” The mentioned bid farewell and ended the call. Now, was the matter of going out. You had been living alone comfortably for the past year, with the occasional water leaks here and there. Your place wasn’t too shabby, it was close to your ideal living quarters. Ever since college and living with a roommate for four years, keeping up with your kitchen stock has been somewhat of a challenge. It wasn’t like you were broke, you had a financially stable career and lifestyle, you just… happened to get carried away after a while.

Getting up and changing into somewhat acceptable attire to go to the nearest grocery market, you took your keys and left your apartment. Upon exiting, a breeze of autumn air flooded your senses, the sky above painted with a fresh blue. Glancing to your left, you see a stack of very large boxes outside of your neighbor’s door. I’m guessing they’re redecorating? You thought, pushing past the stack. 

Your neighbors had moved in about 6 months ago, a pair of twins and their younger sister. You’d talked to the older sister before, even inviting her into your apartment. She was nice, you two have shared similar experiences throughout college. Although the brother was more reserved, occasionally gave you a good morning here and there. As for their younger sister, she was a ball of energy.

Strangely enough, however, was the fact that you would barely see them. The sister had stated that they “have an affinity for traveling” or something along those lines. They were incredibly busy, meeting new people here and there. Something I should pick up, you dully noted.

Getting into your car, you made your way to the nearest grocery store. Okay, so we need eggs, milk, yogurt, fruits, ramen, and whatever else catches my attention. You listed in your mind, although you knew you would forget half of what was on that list. It was a good thing, to get back to getting your life back together. God knows what you went through in college. You inhaled sharply at the flashback, wanting to forget everything that happened throughout high school and college. Shaking off the memories, you had finally reached the market.

You looked up at the sign saying “Mondstadt General Goods”, noting your one objective. Get in, get the groceries, and get out. Shouldn’t be too hard, right?


“Come on Klee, Alice trusted me to keep you in line this weekend, Sevens I have so much to prepare for.” An exasperated voice half-heartedly shouts, pushing a shopping cart.

“Coming Miss Jean!” another bubbly and child-like voice exclaims back, running towards the voice. 

Jean has had a demanding week. Being the head of the leading police department in Mondstadt and dealing with a much too energetic child all weekend can lead you to exhaustion, apparently. And preparing for a high school reunion in a week can only add to that list.

“Jean, relax a little. We’re on an errand, not one of your military camp training sessions.” Remarked a brunette woman, walking alongside Jean. This was Lisa, Jean’s best friend as one would say. She was almost the complete opposite of Jean, leisurely going on about life. She worked at the library next to Jean's department, occasionally bringing coffee in between her shifts. 

“For the last time Lisa, it’s not the military. There’s a clear distinction between-”

“Yes ma’am, so I’ve heard,” teased Lisa, picking up a few items for their cart before squeezing her shoulders. “All I’m saying is to loosen up a little. You’re not Chief Gunnhildr right now, you’re just Jean. And don’t worry, everyone’s contributing to the reunion, you’re not alone.”

Jean smiled weakly at Lisa, before pushing through the aisles again. She tended to get caught up in work, she knew that much. She was embarrassed to say she needed Lisa to keep her grounded. However, that was one of the things she loved about her friend of many years - the way she knew exactly what she needed at any given point in time.

“Hey, about the reunion, did you send out the invitation letters?”

“Of course I did, who do you take me for? I still think text messages or emails would’ve probably been received much better though.”

“Of course you do. Any updates from Diluc or Albedo?”

“Diluc said the manor was free for the weekend, even said we could stay the night there. Albedo checked on the time capsules, said they were still there. And, don’t worry, I doubt he would open any of them.” Recounted Lisa, pulling random items from the snack section.

“Wouldn’t doubt him for the world. Klee, what do you want? You can have any snack as a treat.” Called Jean, craning her neck to look for the short child. “Where’d she go?” 

Stepping out of the aisle, Jean’s eyes darted around everywhere. Where did the kid go? She wouldn’t hear the end of this from Alice if she found out her kid escaped her usually watchful gaze. Sevens, she didn’t even want to imagine how many times it would be brought up in one of their coffee sessions.

“Jean, I’m pretty sure we have everything we need. All we need to do is find- oh wait. There she is.” Said Lisa from behind Jean, pointing in front of them.

There she is, thought Jean as she made her way to Klee, already imagining the ear-full she was gonna give the blonde girl. She was running up and down the aisles, before pausing, as if something had caught her attention. “Klee- what did I tell you about going on alone without us? You could get seriously hurt-”

The little girl paid no mind to Jean, giggling and running to her next target. Letting out yet another exasperated sigh, Jean followed. “Young lady, I’m not finished talking to you, stop-” Jean paused, looking at the person who had caught Klee’s attention. (H/l) (H/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and (s/c) skin- wait, was that..?

“Miss (y/n)!”


“Miss (y/n)!”

You turned around, only to be pounced on by something- or rather, someone.


A short girl with blonde hair remained wrapped around your torso, squeezing you with all her might. “Miss (y/n)! Klee hasn’t seen you in soooo long! You missed so many of my adventures!”

You couldn’t help but stare at the small girl in front of you, your hands awkwardly placed in the air. “Uh- yeah, sorry about that Klee. I’ve been super busy, I’m so sorry for missing so many of our play dates, I missed you.”

It was true, you missed the much-too-energetic girl. You would always have small little playdates and adventures back when you were in high school. Although you were a bit too exhausted to run around some days, you would indulge in her antics more than half the time.

“It’s okay, (y/n)! Klee forgives you! You have to promise to play with Klee next time, okay?” 

“Of course Klee. Who’s with you right now? Albedo? Alice?” You had to make a quick getaway, you don’t know if you could afford to embarrass yourself in front of any of them after no contact efforts in 4 years.

“No. Only miss Jean and miss Lisa.”

And as if right on time, the two mentioned women appeared behind Klee, surprise adorning both their faces. The two hadn’t changed much after high school, although the bags around Jean’s eyes seemed to have gotten worse. And Lisa was still Lisa after all, the same wistful smile still on her face. 

“(Y/n)!” Lisa approached you, putting a hand on your shoulder. “My, my, it’s been so long. How’ve you been? We’ve barely heard from you since graduation you know.”

“Oh, wow, uhm, yeah. I guess it has been a while-”

“Too long in fact, what happened? Are you still with-”

“That's enough Lisa, give her some time to breathe.” Then came your savior, Jean, to your rescue. You watched as Jean chastised Lisa for her straightforward behavior, awkwardly standing there with a child wrapped around you.

“But Lisa has a point, (y/n). It’s been so long, how have you been holding up?” Questioned Jean, both their gazes on you now.

“I’ve been doing well, just you know, keeping busy with life.” 

You nearly face-palmed yourself after that excuse of a lie.

“Oh yeah, that reminds me, have you gotten the invitation letter to the reunion? It’s next Saturday. We’re hoping that most if not everybody shows up.” Jean had a glint in her eyes when talking about the reunion. You guessed she’d been eager for it as well.

“Yeah. I was talking to Mona about it over the phone.” You mentioned matter-of-factly. “But… I’m not sure if I’ll be uh… free… that day.” You knew very well that you would most likely be at home, doing nothing and watching TV. Maybe you’d make an effort to deep clean your apartment if it was a good day. Maybe.

Lisa frowned as her grip on you softened, “Surely you can’t be that busy? I’ve missed seeing your face around, darling.” She sighs and lets go of your shoulder with a pat. “I understand though. Let us know if you change your mind though, okay? Maybe we can meet up on a day when we’re all free.”

Jean nodded, sympathy in her eyes. “Agreed. Call us if you ever need any help as well, (y/n).”

You cursed yourself as you saw the two women shrink slightly in disappointment. You couldn’t afford to let them down. Not when you’ve just met again after so many years. As your stomach twisted and turned with uncertainty, you gave them a not-so-final answer.

“I’ll… I’ll see if I can clear my schedule. You guys were right, it has been a while.” You gave them a half smile, Klee looking back and forth between you and the two other women with an elated grin.

Lisa waves you goodbye, “Hope to see you there then, cutie.” Jean pulled Klee away from you with an embarrassed smile and wave. 

You supposed it was official then. You were going to the dreaded reunion you hoped to avoid.


Standing outside the familiar manor, you dusted off your clothes in an attempt to look presentable. Saturday had come fast and without warning, your heart becoming heavy with every reminder. You weren’t sure why you were this nervous. The last time you had gone out to a gathering or party like this was back in college, and even then you felt somewhat at ease. Maybe it was because of how many old faces would be present. Maybe it was because you would be reminded of everything that happened while you were in high school.

Shaking your head, you knocked on the door. The air was chilly with the aroma of freshly cooked food making its way to your nostrils. You heard overlapping voices, laughs, music, and finally, some footsteps headed in your direction from behind the door. You took in a sharp breath and fixed your posture as the door swung open to a friendly face.


Standing before you was a brunette girl in her 20s, cheery personality and all. Amber. You had missed her. 

“Well don’t just stand there, come in!” She took you by your hand and led you into the manor. The moment you stepped into the manor, you were reminded of just how rich the late Ragvindr was. The floors, walls, and stairs were all embellished with dark mahogany wood, a regal chandelier hung over the ceiling. Mostly everything was candlelit, providing a warm atmosphere. Nothing has changed at all.

Then registered in your mind everyone inside the room. Many people ended up coming, including all the old student council members (obviously), Collei, Mona, Venti, Sucrose, and Rosaria. Venti was currently seated at a table with a very irked Diluc and amused Rosaria. Mona and Albedo were in a conversation with each other (with Mona looking all too pleased with herself) while Lisa and Jean were laughing with Eula. Sucrose and Collei were engaged in a hush conversation before Collei spotted Amber. “Amber, (y/n), over here!”

Upon hearing your name, Mona also came over. “So, you did end up coming,” nudged Mona with an all-knowing smirk. You had no reply but a light-hearted glare.

Collei perked up, “Wow (y/n), we haven’t seen each other in years! What are you up to these days?” 

“Yeah… just been busy I guess. And you? Still working hard to become a wildlife biologist, was it?” Collei was one of your oldest friends, although a few years your junior, she was in her second year of college. 

“Yep! Amber, Sucrose, and Tighnari have been helping me lots! Although Tighnari’s more busy with dealing with his research in Sumeru, I think he mentioned something about having to deal with Cyno’s jokes nonstop…”

You ended up talking for the next hour with everybody. You found out that Sucrose and Albedo both entered the forensics field, Venti pursued his musical career, and Amber worked with Jean in the Favonius Police Department. When you asked what Rosaria did, she had no reply but a sly smile and passed you a drink. It seemed like everyone had moved on with their life respectively. You couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. 

Through the haze of the night, you slowly felt more at ease and outspoken. Maybe it was the drinks, or the nostalgia running its course through you, but it felt good. Up until you looked up and saw a familiar shade of blue hair. 

“Kaeya! We were wondering when you would show up, it’s been more than 2 hours since we started.” Chastised Amber, a disappointed Jean, and Diluc shaking their heads behind her.

You can’t seem to forgive and forget after all.

Tags :
1 year ago
PROLOGUE / / Homesick
PROLOGUE / / Homesick
PROLOGUE / / Homesick

PROLOGUE / / homesick

⋆。°✩ . SUMMARY — you debate with mona on whether or not to go to your high school reunion, meet with two old friends and a cute kid at the supermarket, meet with old friends yet again, and encounter an all-too-familiar face. ⋆。°✩ . WARNINGS — second person , awkward dialogue , high school , alchohol/drinks , mentions of overworking , f!reader , everyone including reader is 23-27 . ⋆。°✩ . WORD COUNT — 2998 words (its too long for a prologue i got carried awayyyyy) .

prev / / ao3 / / next

“So, are you still gonna go?”


“You see all of your best friends together again after six years and you wanna back out now?” 

“You know why I’m still-”

“Yeah, yeah.” The voice on the other end of the phone sighed, “...Just letting you know, Collei’s coming too. Amber’s super excited - don’t you wanna see them all again?”

You sighed, debating whether or not to attend your high school reunion. Right? It felt like a simple yes or no question. Wrong. Yes, you were eager to see your friends again. Yes, you want to see if they were still how you remembered them. But, you weren't sure if you wanted to reunite with... certain faces. You flattened the invitation letter with another heavy sigh, reading it for the nth time.

MONDSTADT CENTRAL HIGH REUNION “We cordially invite you to our long-awaited reunion, hosted by our former student council members Jean Gunnhildr, Lisa Minci, Eula Lawrence, Diluc Ragnvindr, and Albedo Kreideprinz. Join us for drinks, music, and food! Events featured: TCG tournaments, karaoke, time capsule re-opening, photoshoots, (free) food, (not free) drinks, and more! On Saturday, September 22nd, 5 p.m. Located at Dawn Winery. ”

You weren’t too far from the old manor, it was only about a 25-minute drive from where you now lived. You had missed the atmosphere there back when you were still in high school. After school hang outs with all your friends, laughing and talking without a care in the world. But that was precisely what you were afraid of. Could you all still laugh and talk the same way you did before? How much did they change, or did they change at all?

With your thumb lightly tapping against the paper, you set it down and picked up your phone again.

“Mona, of course, I’m excited to see everybody again. Hell, if anything, I’m the one who’s most eager to see them all. But you’ve gotta understand,” you continued, “I have literally not talked to any of them for half a decade.”

Silence was met on the other end of the call before laughter burst in your eardrums, small snorts and giggles ringing in your ears. “Really now (y/n)? I had no idea.” She stopped laughing, letting out another exasperated sigh, “Why do you think I called you then? This is a perfect opportunity to talk to everyone again, and if you haven’t noticed, you can’t always talk to me about whatever it is you want to rant about that day.”

Mona was right, you had gotten too used to using her as your personal therapist. She’s been there for you ever since you could remember, well, technically ever since your freshman year of high school. You groaned, embarrassment flooding your senses. It was true, you’ve barely had any contact with your high school friends after getting accepted into college., and ever since that had happened. You winced internally, suddenly feeling a wave of pity for your poor friend. It wasn’t entirely your fault you were so caught up with college, you had to figure out your future right? 

It’s not exactly an excuse for as to cutting almost everybody off though… a little voice whispered in your head, you’ve figured it was your guilty conscious, judging you for absolutely every little thing you’ve done and have been doing thus far.

To put it simply - it was driving you nuts.

“Okay Mona, you have a point. But, that doesn’t mean it’s decided i’m going to go.” You heard a huff, “Hey, don’t get mad at me now. I just… need time to think it over.”

“Alright, alright.”

“Thank you, for being so ever understanding.” You could’ve sworn you heard a ‘whatever’, but shrugged it off. “Anyways, I’ve gotta go to the store to restock my fridge, after somebody ransacked for all it was worth.”

“It was one time! Wouldn’t you be so kind as to help a poor astrologer, not to mention best friend, with trifling matters such as a bit of nourishment?”

“Save your excuses, Megistus. Talk to you later, okay?” The mentioned bid farewell and ended the call. Now, was the matter of going out. You had been living alone comfortably for the past year, with the occasional water leaks here and there. Your place wasn’t too shabby, it was close to your ideal living quarters. Ever since college and living with a roommate for four years, keeping up with your kitchen stock has been somewhat of a challenge. It wasn’t like you were broke, you had a financially stable career and lifestyle, you just… happened to get carried away after a while.

Getting up and changing into somewhat acceptable attire to go to the nearest grocery market, you took your keys and left your apartment. Upon exiting, a breeze of autumn air flooded your senses, the sky above painted with a fresh blue. Glancing to your left, you see a stack of very large boxes outside of your neighbor’s door. I’m guessing they’re redecorating? You thought, pushing past the stack. 

Your neighbors had moved in about 6 months ago, a pair of twins and their younger sister. You’d talked to the older sister before, even inviting her into your apartment. She was nice, you two have shared similar experiences throughout college. Although the brother was more reserved, occasionally gave you a good morning here and there. As for their younger sister, she was a ball of energy.

Strangely enough, however, was the fact that you would barely see them. The sister had stated that they “have an affinity for traveling” or something along those lines. They were incredibly busy, meeting new people here and there. Something I should pick up, you dully noted.

Getting into your car, you made your way to the nearest grocery store. Okay, so we need eggs, milk, yogurt, fruits, ramen, and whatever else catches my attention. You listed in your mind, although you knew you would forget half of what was on that list. It was a good thing, to get back to getting your life back together. God knows what you went through in college. You inhaled sharply at the flashback, wanting to forget everything that happened throughout high school and college. Shaking off the memories, you had finally reached the market.

You looked up at the sign saying “Mondstadt General Goods”, noting your one objective. Get in, get the groceries, and get out. Shouldn’t be too hard, right?


“Come on Klee, Alice trusted me to keep you in line this weekend, Sevens I have so much to prepare for.” An exasperated voice half-heartedly shouts, pushing a shopping cart.

“Coming Miss Jean!” another bubbly and child-like voice exclaims back, running towards the voice. 

Jean has had a demanding week. Being the head of the leading police department in Mondstadt and dealing with a much too energetic child all weekend can lead you to exhaustion, apparently. And preparing for a high school reunion in a week can only add to that list.

“Jean, relax a little. We’re on an errand, not one of your military camp training sessions.” Remarked a brunette woman, walking alongside Jean. This was Lisa, Jean’s best friend as one would say. She was almost the complete opposite of Jean, leisurely going on about life. She worked at the library next to Jean's department, occasionally bringing coffee in between her shifts. 

“For the last time Lisa, it’s not the military. There’s a clear distinction between-”

“Yes ma’am, so I’ve heard,” teased Lisa, picking up a few items for their cart before squeezing her shoulders. “All I’m saying is to loosen up a little. You’re not Chief Gunnhildr right now, you’re just Jean. And don’t worry, everyone’s contributing to the reunion, you’re not alone.”

Jean smiled weakly at Lisa, before pushing through the aisles again. She tended to get caught up in work, she knew that much. She was embarrassed to say she needed Lisa to keep her grounded. However, that was one of the things she loved about her friend of many years - the way she knew exactly what she needed at any given point in time.

“Hey, about the reunion, did you send out the invitation letters?”

“Of course I did, who do you take me for? I still think text messages or emails would’ve probably been received much better though.”

“Of course you do. Any updates from Diluc or Albedo?”

“Diluc said the manor was free for the weekend, even said we could stay the night there. Albedo checked on the time capsules, said they were still there. And, don’t worry, I doubt he would open any of them.” Recounted Lisa, pulling random items from the snack section.

“Wouldn’t doubt him for the world. Klee, what do you want? You can have any snack as a treat.” Called Jean, craning her neck to look for the short child. “Where’d she go?” 

Stepping out of the aisle, Jean’s eyes darted around everywhere. Where did the kid go? She wouldn’t hear the end of this from Alice if she found out her kid escaped her usually watchful gaze. Sevens, she didn’t even want to imagine how many times it would be brought up in one of their coffee sessions.

“Jean, I’m pretty sure we have everything we need. All we need to do is find- oh wait. There she is.” Said Lisa from behind Jean, pointing in front of them.

There she is, thought Jean as she made her way to Klee, already imagining the ear-full she was gonna give the blonde girl. She was running up and down the aisles, before pausing, as if something had caught her attention. “Klee- what did I tell you about going on alone without us? You could get seriously hurt-”

The little girl paid no mind to Jean, giggling and running to her next target. Letting out yet another exasperated sigh, Jean followed. “Young lady, I’m not finished talking to you, stop-” Jean paused, looking at the person who had caught Klee’s attention. (H/l) (H/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and (s/c) skin- wait, was that..?

“Miss (y/n)!”


“Miss (y/n)!”

You turned around, only to be pounced on by something- or rather, someone.


A short girl with blonde hair remained wrapped around your torso, squeezing you with all her might. “Miss (y/n)! Klee hasn’t seen you in soooo long! You missed so many of my adventures!”

You couldn’t help but stare at the small girl in front of you, your hands awkwardly placed in the air. “Uh- yeah, sorry about that Klee. I’ve been super busy, I’m so sorry for missing so many of our play dates, I missed you.”

It was true, you missed the much-too-energetic girl. You would always have small little playdates and adventures back when you were in high school. Although you were a bit too exhausted to run around some days, you would indulge in her antics more than half the time.

“It’s okay, (y/n)! Klee forgives you! You have to promise to play with Klee next time, okay?” 

“Of course Klee. Who’s with you right now? Albedo? Alice?” You had to make a quick getaway, you don’t know if you could afford to embarrass yourself in front of any of them after no contact efforts in 4 years.

“No. Only miss Jean and miss Lisa.”

And as if right on time, the two mentioned women appeared behind Klee, surprise adorning both their faces. The two hadn’t changed much after high school, although the bags around Jean’s eyes seemed to have gotten worse. And Lisa was still Lisa after all, the same wistful smile still on her face. 

“(Y/n)!” Lisa approached you, putting a hand on your shoulder. “My, my, it’s been so long. How’ve you been? We’ve barely heard from you since graduation you know.”

“Oh, wow, uhm, yeah. I guess it has been a while-”

“Too long in fact, what happened? Are you still with-”

“That's enough Lisa, give her some time to breathe.” Then came your savior, Jean, to your rescue. You watched as Jean chastised Lisa for her straightforward behavior, awkwardly standing there with a child wrapped around you.

“But Lisa has a point, (y/n). It’s been so long, how have you been holding up?” Questioned Jean, both their gazes on you now.

“I’ve been doing well, just you know, keeping busy with life.” 

You nearly face-palmed yourself after that excuse of a lie.

“Oh yeah, that reminds me, have you gotten the invitation letter to the reunion? It’s next Saturday. We’re hoping that most if not everybody shows up.” Jean had a glint in her eyes when talking about the reunion. You guessed she’d been eager for it as well.

“Yeah. I was talking to Mona about it over the phone.” You mentioned matter-of-factly. “But… I’m not sure if I’ll be uh… free… that day.” You knew very well that you would most likely be at home, doing nothing and watching TV. Maybe you’d make an effort to deep clean your apartment if it was a good day. Maybe.

Lisa frowned as her grip on you softened, “Surely you can’t be that busy? I’ve missed seeing your face around, darling.” She sighs and lets go of your shoulder with a pat. “I understand though. Let us know if you change your mind though, okay? Maybe we can meet up on a day when we’re all free.”

Jean nodded, sympathy in her eyes. “Agreed. Call us if you ever need any help as well, (y/n).”

You cursed yourself as you saw the two women shrink slightly in disappointment. You couldn’t afford to let them down. Not when you’ve just met again after so many years. As your stomach twisted and turned with uncertainty, you gave them a not-so-final answer.

“I’ll… I’ll see if I can clear my schedule. You guys were right, it has been a while.” You gave them a half smile, Klee looking back and forth between you and the two other women with an elated grin.

Lisa waves you goodbye, “Hope to see you there then, cutie.” Jean pulled Klee away from you with an embarrassed smile and wave. 

You supposed it was official then. You were going to the dreaded reunion you hoped to avoid.


Standing outside the familiar manor, you dusted off your clothes in an attempt to look presentable. Saturday had come fast and without warning, your heart becoming heavy with every reminder. You weren’t sure why you were this nervous. The last time you had gone out to a gathering or party like this was back in college, and even then you felt somewhat at ease. Maybe it was because of how many old faces would be present. Maybe it was because you would be reminded of everything that happened while you were in high school.

Shaking your head, you knocked on the door. The air was chilly with the aroma of freshly cooked food making its way to your nostrils. You heard overlapping voices, laughs, music, and finally, some footsteps headed in your direction from behind the door. You took in a sharp breath and fixed your posture as the door swung open to a friendly face.


Standing before you was a brunette girl in her 20s, cheery personality and all. Amber. You had missed her. 

“Well don’t just stand there, come in!” She took you by your hand and led you into the manor. The moment you stepped into the manor, you were reminded of just how rich the late Ragvindr was. The floors, walls, and stairs were all embellished with dark mahogany wood, a regal chandelier hung over the ceiling. Mostly everything was candlelit, providing a warm atmosphere. Nothing has changed at all.

Then registered in your mind everyone inside the room. Many people ended up coming, including all the old student council members (obviously), Collei, Mona, Venti, Sucrose, and Rosaria. Venti was currently seated at a table with a very irked Diluc and amused Rosaria. Mona and Albedo were in a conversation with each other (with Mona looking all too pleased with herself) while Lisa and Jean were laughing with Eula. Sucrose and Collei were engaged in a hush conversation before Collei spotted Amber. “Amber, (y/n), over here!”

Upon hearing your name, Mona also came over. “So, you did end up coming,” nudged Mona with an all-knowing smirk. You had no reply but a light-hearted glare.

Collei perked up, “Wow (y/n), we haven’t seen each other in years! What are you up to these days?” 

“Yeah… just been busy I guess. And you? Still working hard to become a wildlife biologist, was it?” Collei was one of your oldest friends, although a few years your junior, she was in her second year of college. 

“Yep! Amber, Sucrose, and Tighnari have been helping me lots! Although Tighnari’s more busy with dealing with his research in Sumeru, I think he mentioned something about having to deal with Cyno’s jokes nonstop…”

You ended up talking for the next hour with everybody. You found out that Sucrose and Albedo both entered the forensics field, Venti pursued his musical career, and Amber worked with Jean in the Favonius Police Department. When you asked what Rosaria did, she had no reply but a sly smile and passed you a drink. It seemed like everyone had moved on with their life respectively. You couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. 

Through the haze of the night, you slowly felt more at ease and outspoken. Maybe it was the drinks, or the nostalgia running its course through you, but it felt good. Up until you looked up and saw a familiar shade of blue hair. 

“Kaeya! We were wondering when you would show up, it’s been more than 2 hours since we started.” Chastised Amber, a disappointed Jean, and Diluc shaking their heads behind her.

You can’t seem to forgive and forget after all.

Tags :
7 months ago

l'avoir elle, c'est avoir les étoiles / / wriothesley . . .

wriothesley considered himself a pretty selfless man, until it came to you. wouldn’t you indulge him in his selfish desires for a moment of your time?

warnings: inspired by veil (manga), blind!reader, f!reader, ooc wriothesley?, wriothesley’s pov, mentions of smoking, mentions of neuvilette and sigewinne, fluff, domesticity

w/c: 1.25k

authors note:  i reread veil and i need an aleksander to call my own hmu if ur a russian police officer w red hair Plz. art cred: ルル on twt

L'avoir Elle, C'est Avoir Les Toiles / / Wriothesley . . .
L'avoir Elle, C'est Avoir Les Toiles / / Wriothesley . . .
L'avoir Elle, C'est Avoir Les Toiles / / Wriothesley . . .
L'avoir Elle, C'est Avoir Les Toiles / / Wriothesley . . .
L'avoir Elle, C'est Avoir Les Toiles / / Wriothesley . . .
L'avoir Elle, C'est Avoir Les Toiles / / Wriothesley . . .
L'avoir Elle, C'est Avoir Les Toiles / / Wriothesley . . .

“wrio? what’s wrong?”

wriothesley fully opens his half lidded eyes, noting your appearance as you lay on the table before him, not wanting to disturb his contemplation.

the only sound at this time of the night being your voices, the distant echoes of droplets from the pipes in the wall, and the soft jazz playing from his gramophone. you slowly get up and approach him, light steps clicking against the stone floor.

your hands find their way to his face, a light stubble itching against your fingers. he sighs, leaning against you. “...nothin’ to worry your pretty little head about.”

you hum, obviously not believing his lie. you drag your fingers to the back of his head, lightly scratching his scalp. you lean in towards him, the couch dipping ever so slightly. “mhm. is it the fortress again? ‘nother fight?” 

he chuckles, leaning his head back. the one thing he loved about you was your attentiveness. you’d read him like a book, or rather,  feel.

you tilted your head in confusion, your pretty and ever-so-long lashes fluttering while closed against your skin. “what?”

“nothin’ angel. just admiring you.”

“y’know, if you wanted to distract me it’s not working. the way to my heart isn’t just built on flattery. and anyone could see through those big sighs of yours.” and you go again, flashing that cheeky smile as you always did, the same as when you two were younger.

he laughs lightly, “of course 'ts not. i know you better than that.”

“and i know you better than that,” your hands stop, and you look at him with the most serious face you could muster, “tell me.”

he sighs and shakes his head, “it’s a lot more complicated than that sweetheart, don’t wanna bore you to death.”

and with that you relent with your own deep sigh, leaning back into the couch and off of him. he misses your warmth.

“don’t be like that (y/n).” he looks at you through the sides of his eyes, then gently reaches for your hand, caressing it with his thumb. “you got so much to worry ‘bout already, with how many are coming in all roughed up.”

“yes…” you mumble, “but, it’s just us now.”

he can’t see your eyes, as they’re closed, but he was sure they’d be glossy now—he wishes you’d open them once more. wriothesley leans in and plants a small kiss against your forehead, then leans his own against it.

he knows your weakness for touch, for physical contact. 

the way your delicate hands would softly caress every nook and cranny of a trinket he’d get you. the way you’d feel for a lamp when you thought things were too dim for your liking. the way you’d toy with the jewelry hanging on your neck, ears and wrists. it seemed like you couldn’t get enough.

he also knows about your compassion for him. always keeping tabs throughout the day, sending little sweets and snacks for him. you’d handle patients with sigewinne with gentleness, even when they were somewhat undeserving of it. and when you’d have work above ground, you make sure to send letters to sigewinne, keeping up with her updates about him. 

wriothesley knows you miss living up in the city. he knows you long for the soft tunes that would be performed in the dim-lit streets at night, tossing a few mora into their hats lying on the sidewalk. he knows you miss keeping up with the latest fashion trends and splurging your money on tens of dresses. he knows you miss your old life with him.

and so in spite of this, you still stood by him. ever so selfless and caring.

but he couldn’t help himself out of his own selfishness.

wriothesley pulls you into his lap, his rough hands pushing back the few loose strands of hair in front of your face behind your ears. to everyone he’d be known as the fearless duke of meropide, to you, he’d just be plain old wriothesley. your loving, plain, old wriothesley.

you’re reluctant at first, a pout standing firm on your face. your delicate features almost give you away as he slowly snakes his arms around you. he pulls you closer by your waist and you give in just like putty in his palms. 

your eyes are still comfortably closed, hands making their way lazily to his shoulders. you sniff the air around you two, scrunching your nose. “you’ve been smoking, my lord?”


“you’ve got all these rules around the fortress about extending prison time if anybody ever so as brings in a lighter, and yet you’re here, in your office, all cooped up and–”

you squeal as he puts his lips to yours to shut you up. you taste like crepes and jam, courtesy of neuvillette. the soft velvet feel of your lipstick smears against him, some even getting on his teeth. sigewinne was in his office just a day ago asking about what shade of red or pink would suit you. it appears she chose well. he smiles into the kiss, hands digging their way into your hair. he makes a note to thank both for the gifts.

you pull away with a slight gasp before resuming like the sly fox you were. you were always able to catch on quickly, as you’d learn a few things from him yourself. 

you nibble on his lip. he lightly bites yours’ back.

you stifle your giggles at first, but then you laugh, and suddenly, your complexion was glowing — and he swore he’d seen an angel. 

wriothesley looks up at you with a fondness in his eyes, hands now at your waist. he was sure he looked silly, with the reddish pink all over his lips, but he knew you wouldn’t care. really.

“shutting me up with a kiss… how original of you.”

“but you liked it, no?” that earns him a flick against his forehead, ouch.

you sit up straight, wiping the edges of your lips, “if you’ll excuse me, sir, i promised sigewinne i’d help her in stocking the medical cabinet. we’ve just received our shipment of gauze from fontaine.”

he knew you wouldn’t notice it, but he couldn’t help but look at you with longing in his eyes, wanting to shield you away and coop you inside his office, inside his arms.

but he lets you go with a sigh on his lips and a gentle kiss of his thumb on the apple of your cheek. “yes, ma’am,” he pauses before he adds on. “you want me to walk you there?”

you stand up and he gets up synonymously with you, tugging and fixing your clothes without a word. “it’s fine, i can get around the place myself, i’m not a damsel in need of help all the time.”

you turn on your tippy toes and press a chaste kiss to the side of his mouth before quickly grabbing your coat and leaving. “i’ll see you again soon, okay?”

he smiles after you, watching as you leave with your shoes clicking against the stone of the floor. he looks back at his desk with grimace, the piles of paperwork enough to sour his mood.

he grabs a cigarette and reaches for his pockets, trying to find the cool metal of his lighter. instead, it appears, he was met with something else.


he realizes now that you truly were too sly for your own good, as he was met with the very same lipstick gifted to you.


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7 months ago

l'avoir elle, c'est avoir les étoiles / / wriothesley . . .

wriothesley considered himself a pretty selfless man, until it came to you. wouldn’t you indulge him in his selfish desires for a moment of your time?

warnings: inspired by veil (manga), blind!reader, f!reader, ooc wriothesley?, wriothesley’s pov, mentions of smoking, mentions of neuvilette and sigewinne, fluff, domesticity

w/c: 1.25k

authors note:  i reread veil and i need an aleksander to call my own hmu if ur a russian police officer w red hair Plz. art cred: ルル on twt

L'avoir Elle, C'est Avoir Les Toiles / / Wriothesley . . .
L'avoir Elle, C'est Avoir Les Toiles / / Wriothesley . . .
L'avoir Elle, C'est Avoir Les Toiles / / Wriothesley . . .
L'avoir Elle, C'est Avoir Les Toiles / / Wriothesley . . .
L'avoir Elle, C'est Avoir Les Toiles / / Wriothesley . . .
L'avoir Elle, C'est Avoir Les Toiles / / Wriothesley . . .
L'avoir Elle, C'est Avoir Les Toiles / / Wriothesley . . .

“wrio? what’s wrong?”

wriothesley fully opens his half lidded eyes, noting your appearance as you lay on the table before him, not wanting to disturb his contemplation.

the only sound at this time of the night being your voices, the distant echoes of droplets from the pipes in the wall, and the soft jazz playing from his gramophone. you slowly get up and approach him, light steps clicking against the stone floor.

your hands find their way to his face, a light stubble itching against your fingers. he sighs, leaning against you. “...nothin’ to worry your pretty little head about.”

you hum, obviously not believing his lie. you drag your fingers to the back of his head, lightly scratching his scalp. you lean in towards him, the couch dipping ever so slightly. “mhm. is it the fortress again? ‘nother fight?” 

he chuckles, leaning his head back. the one thing he loved about you was your attentiveness. you’d read him like a book, or rather,  feel.

you tilted your head in confusion, your pretty and ever-so-long lashes fluttering while closed against your skin. “what?”

“nothin’ angel. just admiring you.”

“y’know, if you wanted to distract me it’s not working. the way to my heart isn’t just built on flattery. and anyone could see through those big sighs of yours.” and you go again, flashing that cheeky smile as you always did, the same as when you two were younger.

he laughs lightly, “of course 'ts not. i know you better than that.”

“and i know you better than that,” your hands stop, and you look at him with the most serious face you could muster, “tell me.”

he sighs and shakes his head, “it’s a lot more complicated than that sweetheart, don’t wanna bore you to death.”

and with that you relent with your own deep sigh, leaning back into the couch and off of him. he misses your warmth.

“don’t be like that (y/n).” he looks at you through the sides of his eyes, then gently reaches for your hand, caressing it with his thumb. “you got so much to worry ‘bout already, with how many are coming in all roughed up.”

“yes…” you mumble, “but, it’s just us now.”

he can’t see your eyes, as they’re closed, but he was sure they’d be glossy now—he wishes you’d open them once more. wriothesley leans in and plants a small kiss against your forehead, then leans his own against it.

he knows your weakness for touch, for physical contact. 

the way your delicate hands would softly caress every nook and cranny of a trinket he’d get you. the way you’d feel for a lamp when you thought things were too dim for your liking. the way you’d toy with the jewelry hanging on your neck, ears and wrists. it seemed like you couldn’t get enough.

he also knows about your compassion for him. always keeping tabs throughout the day, sending little sweets and snacks for him. you’d handle patients with sigewinne with gentleness, even when they were somewhat undeserving of it. and when you’d have work above ground, you make sure to send letters to sigewinne, keeping up with her updates about him. 

wriothesley knows you miss living up in the city. he knows you long for the soft tunes that would be performed in the dim-lit streets at night, tossing a few mora into their hats lying on the sidewalk. he knows you miss keeping up with the latest fashion trends and splurging your money on tens of dresses. he knows you miss your old life with him.

and so in spite of this, you still stood by him. ever so selfless and caring.

but he couldn’t help himself out of his own selfishness.

wriothesley pulls you into his lap, his rough hands pushing back the few loose strands of hair in front of your face behind your ears. to everyone he’d be known as the fearless duke of meropide, to you, he’d just be plain old wriothesley. your loving, plain, old wriothesley.

you’re reluctant at first, a pout standing firm on your face. your delicate features almost give you away as he slowly snakes his arms around you. he pulls you closer by your waist and you give in just like putty in his palms. 

your eyes are still comfortably closed, hands making their way lazily to his shoulders. you sniff the air around you two, scrunching your nose. “you’ve been smoking, my lord?”


“you’ve got all these rules around the fortress about extending prison time if anybody ever so as brings in a lighter, and yet you’re here, in your office, all cooped up and–”

you squeal as he puts his lips to yours to shut you up. you taste like crepes and jam, courtesy of neuvillette. the soft velvet feel of your lipstick smears against him, some even getting on his teeth. sigewinne was in his office just a day ago asking about what shade of red or pink would suit you. it appears she chose well. he smiles into the kiss, hands digging their way into your hair. he makes a note to thank both for the gifts.

you pull away with a slight gasp before resuming like the sly fox you were. you were always able to catch on quickly, as you’d learn a few things from him yourself. 

you nibble on his lip. he lightly bites yours’ back.

you stifle your giggles at first, but then you laugh, and suddenly, your complexion was glowing — and he swore he’d seen an angel. 

wriothesley looks up at you with a fondness in his eyes, hands now at your waist. he was sure he looked silly, with the reddish pink all over his lips, but he knew you wouldn’t care. really.

“shutting me up with a kiss… how original of you.”

“but you liked it, no?” that earns him a flick against his forehead, ouch.

you sit up straight, wiping the edges of your lips, “if you’ll excuse me, sir, i promised sigewinne i’d help her in stocking the medical cabinet. we’ve just received our shipment of gauze from fontaine.”

he knew you wouldn’t notice it, but he couldn’t help but look at you with longing in his eyes, wanting to shield you away and coop you inside his office, inside his arms.

but he lets you go with a sigh on his lips and a gentle kiss of his thumb on the apple of your cheek. “yes, ma’am,” he pauses before he adds on. “you want me to walk you there?”

you stand up and he gets up synonymously with you, tugging and fixing your clothes without a word. “it’s fine, i can get around the place myself, i’m not a damsel in need of help all the time.”

you turn on your tippy toes and press a chaste kiss to the side of his mouth before quickly grabbing your coat and leaving. “i’ll see you again soon, okay?”

he smiles after you, watching as you leave with your shoes clicking against the stone of the floor. he looks back at his desk with grimace, the piles of paperwork enough to sour his mood.

he grabs a cigarette and reaches for his pockets, trying to find the cool metal of his lighter. instead, it appears, he was met with something else.


he realizes now that you truly were too sly for your own good, as he was met with the very same lipstick gifted to you.


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6 months ago

Forced / Arranged Marriage Trope 

Diluc, Ayato, Pierro, Zhongli x Reader

A/N: this took me ages to write (cough cough ayato) and even longer to edit but i dont care i love this trope… i hope you like it too </3 i love mean m3n! the whole ‘oh i dont think he loves me but he actually does’ is so fun…. so fun

fem!reader bc I like the use of ‘wife’

WC - 3.3k


Diluc R. 

“Where is my wife?” 

Keep reading

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6 months ago

Forced / Arranged Marriage Trope 

Diluc, Ayato, Pierro, Zhongli x Reader

A/N: this took me ages to write (cough cough ayato) and even longer to edit but i dont care i love this trope… i hope you like it too </3 i love mean m3n! the whole ‘oh i dont think he loves me but he actually does’ is so fun…. so fun

fem!reader bc I like the use of ‘wife’

WC - 3.3k


Diluc R. 

“Where is my wife?” 

Keep reading

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2 years ago


୨୧—koi's notes thank you all for 300 followers! so please enjoy this milestone event, and thank you all again for reading and enjoying my works!

edit: omg at this point im just gonna have to make another milestone special we are at 600 guys oml

୨୧— how this works

so I will write for 1 character with a kink + a fic/drabble, then a fluff fic shortly after, if any of you want a specific character feel free to request for a specific one! All works will end up on this page so you wont have to go searching too much to find it.

Thank you all so much again and enjoy!

 ! (closed)

1st ingredient— R. SUNA + COCKWARMING

while gaming away on his pc, suna has you sat on his lap, cock burried inside your cunt. Commanding you to not move at all, while teasing you with occasional thrust.

extract — sleepy skincare

spending the night at suna's house was once a normal thing to do on weekends, until one night when your finishing your skincare suna finds one of your sheet masks..

 ! (closed)


kiri lets you dom for the first time, allowing you to do whatever you wish to him. Not knowing once you hear his sweet moans your not stopping..

extract — dying love

you were spending some time with eji, when the sweet red head had asked you to help re-dye his roots. And who are you to say no?

 ! (closed)

3rd ingredient — M. FUSHIGURO + EDGING

you had been teasing megumi all day, so when you both get home he pulls you immediately into the bedroom and makes you sit on his face. Only to end up in tears when the sorcerer prevents you from releasing..

extract — worry

you had been out on mission for a while, and trying to get sleep was way harder than megumi originally had thought..

 ! (closed)

4th ingredient — ALBEDO + PRAISE

after seeing bedo getting stressed and frustrated with is expirements you offer to calm him down after a long pent up day.

extract — living art

one day albedo had woken, up to see the sunlight hitting your figure so beautifully so much so it seemed ethereal. So he quickly grabbed his sketch book and sketched the sight before him..

 ! (closed)

5th ingredient — K. TSUKISHIMA + BONDAGE

it was you and kei's anniversary and you had promised him that he could do anything to you that night, so you were curious to see what he had planned only to see a box of ropes..

extract — sweater weather

you were sick from the seasons changing so kei went out to get some medicine to come back and seen you had changed into his sweatshirt..

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2 years ago


୨୧— feat. albedo x fem!reader

୨୧— genre: fluff

↳ summary: as much as albedo loves admiring you, this morning he decides he wants to draw you


you slept soundly under the silk sheets of albedo’s bed, your face comfortably smushed into a pillow. Not feeling the gaze of the alchemist eyes staring loving at your face. His fluffy hair once in a ponytail now down and slightly ruffled, his cerulean pupils tracing your figure as he heard soft breaths leave your lips.

Smiling softly his hand gently tucked strands of hair behind your ear before taking his sketch pad and pencil, and making a realistic sketch of your beauty. Bedo made sure to take his time with each stroke, attempting to capture how breathtaking you looked in real life onto his paper. Eventually you did wake up to the sound of a pencil being used, fluttering your eyes open slightly to see albedo. His eyes heavily focused on his paper, seeing his usually gloved pretty hands go to work on the paper.

Your eyes quickly fluttered shut as you tried to hide your blush-“I know your awake dear, but its fine im finished.” He states, putting down his pad to see you with a sleepy expression on your face. “You really drew me bedo?” He nodded with a small smile, “It’d be near criminal of me to ignore such beauty sleeping in my bed, even more so to not try and capture the moment.” He states, putting his pencil away.

“Can i see?” Catching a glimpse of blush he, handed the pad to you. Sitting up slightly you took the pad to see a beautiful picture of you cuddled up in his sheets, your messy bed hair and a faded smile on your lips. The shading of the picture making it seemed a bright light covered your figure, angel like. Even you thought you looked good, “Aw bedo this looks so pretty, have you drew me before?” His blush returned as you handed the pad back to him, “Perhaps, if im being completely honest its hard to not want to capture moments of you all the time. If I didn’t have any restraint the rest of these pages would be full of you.”

Placing the book on his nightstand he found you smiling at him softly, “What is it love?” Your heart warmed at the nickname, “You say its hard to resist the urge of drawing me all the time?” He hums in response as he lays down next to you, his arm snaking around your figure. “Well its quite hard to not want to draw you right now baby.”

“W-what are you trying to convey?”

“Your living art bedo. I’m surprised you don’t see that yourself.”

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11 months ago

﹒⪩🕹️⪨﹐I WANNA RIDE﹐♡


╰┈➤ summary; how they react when you ride them

╰┈➤ includes; gn! afab reader, switch! reader, switch! characters, reverse cowgirl, cowgirl, spanking, choking, hair pulling, p in v — jjk (gojo satoru, geto suguru, kento nanami, choso kamo, sukuna ryomen, toji fushiguro), aot — (eren jeager, armin arlert, jean krischtien, connie springer, reiner braun, porco galliard, levi ackerman, erwin smith), genshin impact — (kaeya alberich, diluc ragnivnder, zhongli, xiao, thoma, cyno, tighnari)

╰┈➤ a/n; minors dni! this is 18+ content



when you ride him, 9/10 you have to take charge despite him starting off as the dom, as he just becomes too pussy drunk to really think of anything other than your pussy squeezing his cock. you have to shut him up a lot too, as he’s too damn loud, you usually do this via making out with him, your hands against his shoulders to help move yourself up and down.

(jjk) — gojo satoru, CHOSO KAMO (aot) — armin arlert, REINER BRAUN (genshin) — XIAO, THOMA


when you ride him, he’ll let you think you’re in charge for the first few minutes, but as soon as he wants to go harder and faster, this man will grab your hips and just pound into you from behind, watching as your ass jiggles against his thighs.

this man will be groaning through the entire thing too, right into your ear to be an ass about it, as he knows that just gets you even more riled up than before, he will spank your ass in this position too, so once you’re finished you won’t be able to sit for a good week or two

(jjk) — KENTO NANAMI, sukuna ryomen, TOJI FUSHIGURO (aot) — jean krischtien, connie springer, ERWIN SMITH (genshin) — ZHONGLI


this man fucking moans, low key moans more than you do in this position. wanna be a menace and make him moan more? pull his hair, pull his fucking hair, he can take it like the slut he is

if you spit in his mouth, that just gets him even more riled up, yes this motherfucker is kinky as shit. likes the feeling of your chest pressed against his, also enjoys the intimacy of seeing your facial expressions whilst you use him like a dildo

and that’s why you love him so much <3

(jjk) — geto suguru (aot) — EREN JEAGER, levi ackerman (genshin) — KAEYA ALBERICH, diluc ragnivnder, cyno, TIGHNARI


© content belongs to @huboi on tumblr, DO NOT REPOST ON ANY SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS WHATSOEVER


Tags :
10 months ago



★ : summary! — guys that blush like crazy when you give them the smallest amounts of affection

★ : contents! — pure heart melting fluff, hand holding, lip kisses, cheek kisses, forehead pecks, hugging, blushing stuttering guys, gn! reader

★ : characters! — (attack on titan) eren jeager, armin artert, jean kristien, bertholdt hoover, reiner braun, levi ackerman, porco galliard (jujutsu kaisen) gojo satoru, geto suguru, choso kamo (genshin impact) diluc ragnivnder, xiao, zhongli, thoma, wanderer, lyney, wriotheslay, nuevillette

WHEN YOU HOLD HIS HAND, his palms get all clammy and he looks everywhere but you, praying to himself that you don’t notice the sweat that covers his hand; spoiler alert, you do! you just choose not to say anything as he’s flustered enough as it is and if you teased him any further he’d probably have a heart attack

WHEN YOU COVER HIS FACE WITH KISSES, his cheeks uncontrollably heat up, a pink hue dusting his cheeks whilst he adorably pouts. you notice his habit of avoiding eye contact when flustered, which you find adorable. no, he doesn’t know you know

WHEN YOU SUDDENLY EMBRACE HIM INTO A WARM, PASSIONATE HUG, he becomes a stuttering mess, asking why you’re doing it, what’s the special occasion etc. what he doesn’t realise is 9/10, there is no reason, you just want to show him how much you love him

WHEN YOU GENTLY PECK HIS FOREHEAD WHILST SNUGGLING ON THE COUCH, he can’t help the blush that spreads like wild fire over his face, he just can’t handle how much you love him, he can’t handle it sometimes as he never knew how someone could love him so much, you’re too precious for him <3


© content belongs to @huboi on tumblr, DO NOT REPOST MY WORK ON ANY SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS


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Boxer Al-Haitham Shows Off in the Ring

Pairing: Boxer!Al-Haitham x Fem!Reader

Tags: fluff, boxing, injury, showing off, blowing kisses, flirting, locker room kissing

A/N: Boxers are just universally hot. They just are, its how it works.

Boxer Al-Haitham Shows Off In The Ring

Boxer!Al-Haitham who looks for you in the crowd and does a little pose for you before entering the ring. He's only started doing this recently after you started dating but and it is a little embarrassing for him but he knows you like it, and it sends the crowd wild which is good for his future deals.

Boxer!Al-Haitham who chills his hands with ice even when he's at home because his fists keep aching. Because of this he's a little bit hesitant to take your hand, afraid of it being too cold and uncomfortable for you to hold. The ice isn't the only thing that melts when you not only take his hand but also proceed to kiss his bruises one by one.

Boxer!Al-Haitham who trains almost day and night, barely having a break because he knows that there are many who can physically overwhelm him. But he can be faster, he can be more agile, he can see through their guard better, that's the key to his victories in the end, his speed and mind.

Boxer!Al-Haitham who gets up after being knocked down only when he zeroes in on your voice and your face in the crowd cheering him on. He might be bloody and bruised but he promised you a date after this and god damn it he won't take you to dinner after losing such an important mach. This round will be his.

Boxer!Al-Haitham who blows kisses into the crowd after his victory and through his slightly dizzy vision manages to locate you and send you a few extra kisses. It's almost funny to see him barely standing tall and still being so stubborn about it. It would be funny if you weren't worried about him collapsing at any moment now. And... there he goes, right after that little wink.

Boxer!Al-Haitham who replays the footage from every one of his matches to he can improve next time. He has pages and pages of notes written about the various forms, combinations, guards and stances he can take or could have taken. Sometimes it feels like he's back at collage studding for a test and not a pro boxer champion.

Boxer!Al-Haitham who loves the massages you give him when he gets to sleep in. There are professionals who do this too but he only wants your hands on him. Plus he can flirt and tease you, be it verbally or when he flexes his muscles under your fingers when you pass over them.

Boxer!Al-Haitham gives you the keys to the locker room so you can wait for him in there and not have to push through all the people storming him along with him after a mach. It's tiering for him too but at least he gets to come back into your arms in private. And maybe hear you scold him about a bruise or two but it's nothing some medicine and kisses wouldn't fix.

Boxer!Al-Haitham who cringes when you buy so much of his merch, the shirts, the boxer gloves, oh god the fucking pillows and boxer shorts. Why did he even agree to those? Well at least you good wearing them, and the fact that his name is on them... he has to admit it does something to him.

Boxer!Al-Haitham who shows off his strength by lifting you up against the lockers and kissing you. Don't hold it against him please, he needs a little good luck kiss if he's gonna do well in the next match. Just don't grind against him, he doesn't have time for a cold shower..

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Manifsting Wriothesley with an absolutely huge, chokeable cock

I'm pretty sure everyone is doing that rn.

Pairing: Wriothesley x Fem!Reader

Tags: nsfw, smut, blowjob, office sex, handcuffs, cum swallowing, size kink, hand kink, size difference, choking, power play

A/N: The moment I saw him I went feral. He has such big dick energy.

Manifsting Wriothesley With An Absolutely Huge, Chokeable Cock

Big dick!Wriothesley never brags about his size, he let's you find out about for yourself how huge his cock is. You suspected as much, that he's be proportional in all places but what surprised you was the thickness of it more then anything else. At least three of your fingers. Maybe more once it's fully erect. Good thing you've practiced a lot at home.

Big dick!Wriothesley wants you to use both hands to jerk him off and not stop until they're both covered with sticky, white cum. You can be like his little milking machine, ready to go whenever his cock needs it. Talk about a promotion to a job many want but few have ever gotten. You're one lucky girl, this means he trusts you a lot, that he wants you close to him, the closest.

Big dick!Wriothesley watches as you open your mouth as wide as it goes in order to be able to take him. Maybe doing it like this will b hard for you give his length too. Lay on your back on the couch, let your head dangle off the armrest so he can thrust into the far back of your throat. If you could talk right now he would let you tell him how many times you've thought about this, choking on his big dick, tears spilling down your face, fingers playing with your pussy, knowing he's watching, observing how you seem to prefer it.

Big dick!Wriothesley orders you to sit on his lap with his cock between your thighs while he works. You can use your hand on the tip, you can grind against it but don't you dare put it in. Feeling his hands on your tits from behind makes the whole thing ever harder, you want him to move too, to use those fingers not just to pinch and roll your nipples but to do the same to your clit which has so far only rolled across his dick. And there's a lot of to roll against.

Big dick!Wriothesley takes pictures of himself when he's fresh out of a bath, the towel with a big tent and telling you how he was just jerking off while thinking about you. He didn't finish because he's waiting for you to come over and take care of this big problem for him. He's waiting for you on the couch, cock in hand, ready for you to take a seat on it and not get off until he pushes you off.

Big dick!Wriothesley watches as your pussy gets stretched out by his girth, your bod seemingly perfectly made for him. He knew the moment he saw you that you were a good match. You're not to small for him, not at all, so please don't worry about that. He's gonna make sure you know how much he loves every single inch of your body. Pretty soon he won't be able to get enough if it, you'll replace all his toys. Because you are perfect for him, absolutely perfect.

Big dick!Wriothesley noticed how you look at his arms and hands when he rolls his sleeves, how you carefully trace the veins on his hands just like you do on his cock. He will hold your face while he makes room for him self between your legs and then as soon as he's inside you one of his hands will move to your hip, the other to your neck, pushing enough to keep you still and if you struggle he will make you choke on air, or on his fingers if he feels like fingerfucking your mouth too.

Big dick!Wriothesley will call you into his office, telling you it's really urgent, that he has a big problem he needs taking care of but that's code for him wanting to fuck you. Yes it's a misuse of his power here but if you enjoy this game that you're playing then there's no harm. Besides you're the one who started it, always looking at him like he was to be climbed and ridden. Now you're the one who gets bent over the desk and fucked from behind, the one who gets handcuffed to him so he can pull you against him and not let you escape.

Big dick!Wriothesley always makes you clean up the mess you made on him. You see his big, warm smile every time you look up from his cock and know that he's proud of you for doing good work him. His gentle smile wouldn't make you think he's capable of being rough, you'd think he's a gentle giant and for the most part he can be, but there's a switch that makes him rough, and that switch is you gagging on his cock as you struggle to swallow the last remaining drops of his cum.

Big dick!Wriothesley who is a bit too big to be cockwarmed for long but you're okay with him staying inside you for a bit after you're done having sex. If he stayed too long the constant stretch would get painful and he doesn't want that, that's a pussy he fucks every day, he needs it to be okay, but most of all he needs you to be okay, because you're his precious girlfriend.

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