Genshin Raiden Shogun - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago
[wip] Trying To Draw More Genshin

[wip] trying to draw more genshin <3 so im starting with the best girl <333

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Oh hey, lookie it's what I have so far for my pre-canon Liyue and Inazuma plot points for my ATWIAWL AU!


Before the Cataclysm, Morax and Barbatos were very close (despite the former’s denial of the fact), so when Barbatos went against the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles, it felt like a betrayal. After the Anemo Archon was “killed”, anything that reminded Morax of them filled him with irrational fury, making him wonder what could possess Barbatos to throw everything away for a single baby.

When a wind wisp first approached Morax, his first reaction was to yell at them and demand them to go away, and although the wisp relented and gave him space, Morax could always tell that the wisp was still around from all the little gifts that he would find.

After a century or so, however, the empty feeling in Morax’s chest had worn him down to the point that he could not deny the fact that he craved a reminder of Barbatos.

He decides to invite the wisp to a meal where the two would talk. Eventually, as the two shared more meals together, Morax opened up to the sprite the same way he had to Barbatos, eventually naming the sprite Zhen (sometimes affectionately nicknamed Xiao Zhen)

While in their human identities, the two often spent time learning about the people of Liyue together. Zhen was the one to suggest to Zhongli that instead of faking his death out of nowhere, he should first slowly distance himself from his godly duties, slowly increasing the time between one descent from the next to see how the people of Liyue respond to their growing independence. He also advises Morax to open a savings account to ensure that he will not be broke when he surrenders his gnosis.

In the eyes of the people of Liyue, Zhen is a wisp who grew emotionally attached to Zhongli and decided to live amongst humans to be with him. Wind Wisps are not as revered in Liyue as they are in Mondstadt, but it is still considered to be a blessing when one decides it wants to live amongst humans with a chosen mortal. Though many of their acquaintances often joke about how Zhen is like Zhongli’s more financially responsible little brother or son.

(I'm not super familiar with Zhongli lore, so I would love some help on how to make his lore in this AU better)


After losing Barbatos on top of her sister and friends, Ei falls into a more severe depression. Just like Morax, Ei’s reaction to a wind wisp approaching her was bad, probably even worse since in her grief, she had come to assume that the wisp was the ghost of Barbatos coming to haunt her.

Despite the wisp’s efforts to be a stable support for her, their relationship remained strained, eventually reaching a boiling point when Ei decided to discard her prototype puppet and confessed to her plans of making an emotionless doll to rule while she meditated in her Plane of Euthymia.

The two had a furious argument about the decision, Ei claiming that it was for the best she set him free and that Inazuma would be fine while the wisp argued that such a decision was not only irresponsible and disaster-bound, but cruel as well. The argument eventually reached the point where Ei told the wisp that if they were so against the idea of the puppet being alone, that maybe they should just go with him. Angrily, the wisp agrees, telling her that unless she cleans up her act, this will be the last time they see each other.

The puppet and wisp remain in Shakkei Pavillion until they are found by Katsuragi and taken in by the people of Tatarasuna who name the puppet Kabukimono and the wisp Kaze no Seirei. The two live a fairly happy life there until one of Dottore’s segments disguised as Escher comes to Tatarasuna to cause trouble. 

The thing about the wind, however, is that no information whispered in the wind is safe from their ears. Paired up with Nagamasa and Niwa’s suspicion of him and Kabukimono’s general uneasiness around him (Why does it feel like Escher is always staring at him and standing a little too close?) Dottore’s charade is uncovered fairly quickly.

Kaze no Seirei and (maybe) Niwa confront Dottore, first trying a peaceful approach, but when it’s clear that Dottore will not leave before completing his goal, a fight between Kaze and Dottore breaks out, draining Kaze of most of his energy and injuring Niwa, in a moment of intense emotions, Kabukimono is able to unseal a portion of his powers and defeat the segment.

Before killing the segment, however, Kabukimono orders Dottore to never mess with Tatarasuna or Inazuma again, lest Kaze inform the Tsaritsa’s wisp to spill his actions against Kaze, which would in turn, get Dottore Prime in a lot of trouble since the Tsaritsa likes the wisps.

Dottore, deciding it was not worth the trouble of losing his funding and connections agrees to the terms before the segment is incinerated in a bolt of lightning.

Centuries pass and Tatarasuna remains prosperous with the Kabukimono and Kaze no Seirei as the de facto leaders of Tatarasuna, and when the Vision Hunt Decree happens, Tatarasuna comes to be considered as a neutral faction that is neither on the side of the Shogun or the Resistance.

During the decree, Tatarasuna would house many vision users and runaways who wanted to escape the Shogun’s rule, but despite the Shogunate Army’s best efforts, they couldn’t seize Tatarasuna with Kabukimono and Kaze leading the charge.

I imagined that Kabukimono still gets an anemo vision (technically making him a dual electro-anemo user because of his birth powers that were slowly unsealed more and more throughout the years) that was given to him when he decided that no matter what happens, he refuses to surrender Tatarasuna and its people to the Raiden Shogun.

Because Dottore was no longer messing around in Inazuma, I imagine that the Raiden Gokaden is still around and so is Kazuha’s family, but Kazuha at this time still does not have a vision, that is until Tomo goes to Tenshukaku to challenge the Shogun.

Before he leaves to chase after Tomo, Kabukimono gives him a seal that repels Electro just in case.

I haven’t decided if Tomo gets to live or not, but either way, when Kazuha gets there, he either manages to save Tomo, or just Tomo’s vision thanks to the seal given to him by Kabukimono.

Unable to flee back to Tatarasuna due to the distance between Tenshukaku and his hometown, Kazuha (and maybe Tomo if he is still alive) flees to Ritou and stowaways on Beidou’s ship. I imagine Kazuha probably gets his vision sometime after that.

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