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George Weasley x reader with prompt 76 from the 100 prompts list with George saying it to the reader right before the battle of Hogwarts and they get separated during the battle but find each other when it’s over and PLEASE DON’T MAKE FRED DIE. Thx!

I Thought I’d Lost You

George Weasley X Reader With Prompt 76 From The 100 Prompts List With George Saying It To The Reader

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You were sat with Luna when Neville came through the portrait announcing he had a surprise, you turned to Luna raising an eyebrow in question before looking back to see Harry Potter stood before you all. Immediately everyone was on their feet, welcoming him back before he told you all he was looking for something, the only problem; he didn’t know what he was looking for or where it was. Luna mentioned the lost diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw but that wasn’t possible, the thing had been lost for centuries, nobody who was alive today had seen it. That thought lasted half a second until you realised that nothing is impossible, Fred and George taught you that much. When Ginny ran in announcing Snape’s discovery you all turned to Harry before he told you his plan.

You stood in your houses line as Snape spoke, slow and calculated, trying your hardest not to fidget as you waited for Harry. Hopefully Remus and the Order would be here soon, tensions were rising and it was only a matter of time before Voldemort struck.

“I invite them to step forward…now.” Snape finished, the hall stayed quiet for a few moments before Harry stepped out of line and began to confront Snape. Gasps and murmurs could be heard from around the room as he began talking.

“It seems that despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you still have a bit of a security problem, headmaster.” With that the halls to the Grand Hall opened and in walked the Order of the Phoenix. Your eyes immediately settled on George who was scanning the room before he found you, ‘you okay?’ He mouthed and you nodded back slightly, not taking your eyes off him.

“How dare you stand where he stood?” You heard Harry begin, students had moved to accommodate the Order’s entrance and you took this as your chance to edge closer to George. “Tell then how it happened that night. Tell them how you looked him in the eyes, a man who trusted you, and killed him!” Your head shot around, finally looking away from George as you looked between Snape and Harry. You and many of the students gasped when Snape pulled his wand on Harry, even louder gasps could be heard when Professor McGonagall pushed Harry aside, her own wand trained on Snape as everyone stepped back, giving her room. You watched as Snape faltered before edging further back, a few rows from George. His eyes flickered from you to Snape, his own wand raised. You watched in amazement as McGonagall fired spell after spell at Snape until he retreated. Once he was gone, and McGonagall lit the castle up, you ran to George who wrapped his arms tightly around you. He started mumbling calming words into your hair, rubbing your back as you relaxed into him.

The celebration was cut short as you heard girls begin to scream before you heard Voldemort himself. You gripped onto George as Voldemort tried to convince you all to give him Harry in favour of not being killed and not having your home be destroyed. You glared at Pansy as she tried to get someone to grab him as you joined the circle that had formed around Harry, George’s arms still wrapped around you.

The hallways were filled with people running around, you could understand the panic but right now it wasn’t helping. You heard Professor McGonagall securing the castle when George grabbed your hand, pulling you along with him. Looking out the window as he pulled you, you saw the protection spells settling over Hogwarts and watched the spells Voldemort sent to destroy it. You breathing began to stutter slightly but your outer appearance remained calm.

“Stay with me, ok?” George said as he pulled you along to follow Kingsley, Remus and Fred. You brushed past Remus and Kingsley as George led you further into the castle. Once you three had got to the part of the castle you were to secure George let go off you, leaning against the wall with Fred.

“You okay, Freddie?” He asked, no trace of his usual humour when talking to his twin.

“Yeah.” Fred told him, not sounding very convincing but you couldn’t blame him. You felt terrified and stayed with you back pressed to the wall, a few steps behind the twins.

“Me too.” George told him, a smile on his face, drawing one from Fred. Always trying to stay strong for the other. They were good at that, putting up a strong front.

“Y/N?” George asked, turning to look at you.

“I’m good.” You told them, same amount of conviction in your voice as Fred causing George to smile at you. You tried your best to return it but struggled. He saw your eyes were wet, you were doing your best to contain your emotions but once he pulled you into his arms, a few tears slid down your face. “Don’t worry,” he whispered, “it’s going to be over soon.” You pulled out of the hug, seeing his eyes were glazed over, and pulled him into a breathtakingly, hard kiss. It was messy but you just needed to do it in case, in case- you couldn’t even finish the thought. Tears were freely rolling down your face as you pulled back, lips red and swollen as you whispered against them, “I love you George.” He didn’t tell you off for making it sound like goodbye, instead he pulled you in for a softer kiss before pulling back completely, “I love you too. Y/N.”

You heard someone shouting for help, no one else seemed to be around, preferring the bit of safety inside the castle provided them. You looked at George, a demand on his lips for you to stay but before he could say anything you were running towards the screaming, wand out and ready. “Y/N!” You heard him shout but knew you had to do something to help.

You helped the first year, getting her to a group of older students before you found yourself on the balcony of one of the floors, looking out at the quidditch pitch that was being engulfed by fire. You took a deep, not very calming, breath before you prepared yourself for what was to come.




Watching with wide, watery eyes as Voldemort’s army tore into the protections around Hogwarts, you prayed that George was going to be ok. You prayed that it’d be quick. From your position you could see Remus and hoped he’d be OK, you knew he had just had a kid. Merlin, how was any of this happening?

You watched in horror as Voldemort’s army stormed into Hogwarts, a large part of you wanted to hide away. Wanted to find George and hide under a blanket with him like you did whenever either of you were scared or had a nightmare. This was the biggest nightmare you were experiencing and yet you knew you wouldn’t be waking up. You knew you had to fight though it wasn’t your war, wasn’t even your battle, but you knew you had to fight. His army made the protections around Hogwarts seem like nothing as they easily tore through, you heard McGonagall shouting from someone below your position for everyone to get back inside and let out a deep breath. Merlin, you wished you’d stayed with Fred and George.

You let out a gasp as a death eater appeared beside you and ducked out of the way of one of his spells, quickly you shot back your own, thankful for the extra Defence lessons. By the time you’d dealt with the death eater, two more had appeared next to you, one shot a spell that sent a huge cut across your leg whilst you quickly disarmed and petrified the other. You duelled with the second death eater, trying to ignore the sting in your leg when she fell to the floor, your looked up and saw Mr Weasley. You gave him a quick smile. He turned back and ran towards Kingsley as you fired off a ‘stupefy’ towards an unsuspecting death eater. You quickly dodged out of the way of falling brick, backing into a death eater, you let out a groan as you began duelling. You looked at the wall next to the death eater and raised a brow, the school was falling apart anyway, might as well get to blow something up.

“Bombarda Maxima!” You shout and watch the wall crush the death eater. “Ow.” You murmured as you were thrown back, landing on your cut leg. Your hand shot to your head, ignoring the trace of blood as you listen to Voldemort call back his army, “I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat.” You heard his threats as you shakily stood and made your way back to the main quarter of the castle, leaning heavily on the wall as you did.

Your eyes widen as you look around at the destruction that had been caused, you took in the countless dead bodies and injured students and teachers before your eyes settled on one family in particular. “No.” You murmured, your legs refusing to work as you saw Fred laying, unmoving, on the floor. You watched George move out of Mr Weasley’s hold to throw his arms around Ron.

“Ge-George.”  You managed to choke out. He turned to you, tears running down his face and let out a breath as he ran towards you, wrapping you tightly in his arms. “I-is he, George, is he-” You couldn’t even bare to say the words. “He needs a healer. He’s alive, but he’s-” here George paused to let out a sob, “Y/N, I don’t know if he’s gonna make it.” Over his shoulder you saw a nurse you didn’t recognise settle down next to Fred and pulled her wand out getting to work. “He’s gonna be ok, Georgie, he’s gonna be fine.” You whispered into his neck, hands running through his hair. “I’m so frightened. I’m so bloody scared.” He whispered to you and you just held him tighter because there were no words in the entire English language that you could say to make anything better.

The pair of you moved to sit next to the family, Ron having excused himself but you knew he played an important role in this too, knew information Harry had entrusted him with. You sat holding George’s hand, his grip on you bruising but you didn’t mind. Tears ran down your face as you stared at Fred, George’s head resting on yours as you watched the healer move her wand rapidly. No words were exchanged between the Weasley clan as they all looked on.




When you see everyone leaving the hall you stood, George following too even though it was clear all he wanted to do was stay and look over his brother. You gasp and cling to George as you see Voldemort’s army walk into the courtyard, or what was left of it.

“Who is that Hagrid’s carrying?” You heard Ginny ask, your eyes darting over to Hagrid large frame before you let out a choked gasp, eyes widening when you realise just who it is.

“Harry Potter…is dead.” Your heart aches at the words, tears appearing in your eyes. Ginny dove forward, Mr Weasley grabbing her before Voldemort got to her. “Harry Potter is dead.” Voldemort confirmed. You looked around at the sea of faces all with disbelief written on them. “Harry Potter is dead!” Voldemort yells again, gaining a laugh from his followers, several sobs could be heard from around you. George nudged you as Neville stepped forward, your eyes squinting as he stopped before Voldemort.

“We lost Harry tonight. But he’s still with us, in here. All of them are. They didn’t die in vain. But you will because you’re wrong.” After his speech he pulled the sword of Gryffindor out of the hat, causing a few people to let out a gasp. You let out a cheer when you saw Harry push his way out of Hagrid’s arms. Laughed at Voldermort’s fear. George tugged you into the castle and wrapped you in his arms, you looked and saw Fred was missing, turning to look at George he whispered that Fred had been taken to Saint Mungos. You watched wide-eyed as Mrs Weasley killed Bellatrix, George kissing your head.




Not long after it was announced that Harry had, finally, killed Voldemort, you and the Weasley Clan, plus Harry and Hermione, sat in the waiting room of Saint Mungo’s waiting for any news about Fred. Up until now you’d ignored the pain in your leg, your pain didn’t seem much considering you were sat waiting to see if your best friend was going to live or die, but as you pulled your pants leg up George gasped at you, attracting the attention of his family.

“Y/N, why didn’t you mention anything?” The cut of your leg was deep, really deep. When a nurse was called over she was shocked you hadn’t passed out from blood loss yet, guess adrenaline really did help when you were in pain. As the nurse healed it you leaned your head on George’s shoulder and shut your eyes. The next time you opened them was when George shook you awake, your leg healed, and a wide grin on his face.

“Fred’s alive! C’mon, c’mon, let’s go!” He pulled you up and into Fred’s room, where a pale Fred sat upright drinking potions a tired looking nurse gave him. When he saw you two in the room he grinned and started asking you both hundreds of questions which you answered, the humour that had been drained from them now back in full swing, even if Fred was weak and going to be stuck on bed rest for a few weeks.




“Now that Fred’s home and feeling better,” Mrs Weasley began, “let’s make the most of the holidays before we begin working on Hogwarts so that you can go back and have one normal year.” Everyone around the table grinned and clinked their glasses together before digging in.  

It had taken a few weeks but Fred was back home. Things were finally looking up for everybody, you and George had been going to Hogwarts, along with most other members of the family, to see where you could help. A proper team was being put together so it was organised and rebuilt faster and more efficiently. You had all attended funerals and spent many days not moving from the house, trying to come to terms with everything. There were bad days but after everything that was witnessed, who was surprised.

After you had eaten everyone moved to the garden. The entire Weasley family was here, even Charlie who was so cool and would talk about dragons with you all day. Staring at the setting sun you looked over at George and pressed a kiss to his lips, he smiled and deepened the kiss before pulling away. You looked at his face and saw he was deep in thought before he jumped up shouting a “be right back” over his shoulder before running upstairs. You looked towards Fred with a questioning look, but he just grinned at you before you shrugged to yourself and joining back in with the group.

Five minuets or so later, George came back down the stairs looking nervous and red. You raised a brow at him wondering just what he was planning, he grinned at you before coming over and standing in front of you.

“Hey,” He laughed nervously, “so, Merlin this is awkward. I love you so much and after everything that’s happened recently its really put things into prospective for me and I want you in my life, always. I can’t picture a life without you in it,” at this point everyone’s attention was on the two of you, “I guess what I’m trying to say is, I love you Y/N Y/L/N so would you do be the honour of marrying me?” Your eyes filled with tears, honestly all you had done since the beginning of the battle is cry, at least this time it was happy tears. Your lack of response caused George’s grin to falter but you were quickly standing up and throwing your arms around him, leaning upwards to kiss him. He immediately responded back just as eagerly until you were pulled apart by Fred clearing his throat. “You know if you marry him, I’m a package deal?” He asked causing you to laugh and place a kiss on his cheek.

“Is that a yes?” George asked, a ring held between his fingers. “Merlin’s beard! Of course it’s a yes, you idiot!” You laughed before pulling him into another kiss as everyone around you cheered.

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Making the Change From Friends to Lovers


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Requested - Yes - Anon - Hiiiii can I ask for #161 and #166 for Draco??? Thank you

In your defence you hadn’t meant to drink so much. It was only meant to be a few drinks in the common room to celebrate winning the quidditch match and somehow you had ended up on the field outside of Hogwarts staring up at the sky, watching the clouds pass. Admittedly, drinking so much wasn’t your best idea.

The shots also weren’t the best idea either.

You sat up quickly, too quickly, causing your head to spin. You just giggled as you rolled you head around, spotting a blonde headed figure not too far from you.

“Draco!” You yelled happily as you stood up, albeit clumsily. You watched as his head snapped in your direction and he made his way over to you.

You’d known Draco since first year but hadn’t gotten along too great then but in second year Professor Snape assigned him to help you in potions and from then on the pair of you got along famously.

That friendship also came with the added bonus of having a crush on the Malfoy heir. It was easy to deal with most of the time, even with Parkinson rubbing herself against Draco constantly. Still having a crush on the guy who only saw you as a best friend had its difficult moments.

“Y/N?” Draco questioned as he got closer to you, practically catching you as you hugged him, it was more of a fall really. “Are you...drunk?” He asked.

“Celebrations were happening, Draco, just cause you wanted to make potions or whatever with Snape doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t have fun.” You giggled against his chest.

“Yes, seems like you’ve had all the fun.” Draco drawled, moving so his arm was around your waist as he tried to lead you back to the castle.

“No!” You protested, moving out of his arms and plopping down onto the grass. “I want to stay here, look it’s so pretty.” The lake was glistening in the distance, the sky was blue with soft white clouds passing by and the grass was decorated with an array of coloured flowers.

Draco just laughed as he sat down next to you.

He liked you too, of course he did, how could he not? You were smart, beautiful, kind. The list really went on. He struggled with his crush on you, knowing his father would not approve of a relationship with a half blood and, sure, maybe once upon a time Draco would have never contemplated a relationship with anyone but a pureblood but he really liked you.

He’d spoken to his godfather about it many times, knowing the man was perhaps one of the few people who wouldn’t tell his father. Severus hardly offered advice, claiming he didn’t involve himself with school boy crushes, but he had told Draco to do what he wanted, not what his father expected. He told him he’d regret it if he didn’t at least take a chance. That conversation had been exactly what Draco had needed and he came up with a plan to ask you out. It wasn’t overly complicated, he was just going to invite you to go with him to the next Hogsmeade trip, have a meal, walk around a little and then at the end of it, if things went well, he was going to ask you to be his girlfriend.

It was a great plan. Too bad they never work out.

You rested your head on Draco’s shoulder, sitting so you were pressed against him. He looked down at you and smiled, he really wanted you to be his. Since fourth year he had known he’d liked you but at that age girls were still gross, it was only part way through fifth year were he realised he really wanted to be with you.

“What were you doing anyway?” You asked, closing your eyes as you rested against him.

“I was with Severus.” He said confirming your earlier statement quietly, not wanting to break the peaceful atmosphere. “He was going over the career guidance information.”

“You should do potions, maybe teach? I dunno, you’re good at teaching the younger kids.” You mumbled, giggling at the memories of Draco surrounded by a cluster of first and second year who were lost in potions.

“It’s something I could see myself doing, but father would expect me to work for the ministry.” He told you causing you to sit up and roll your eyes.

“Lucius is a dick.” You slurred causing Draco to roll his eyes fondly, the adoring smile never leaving, he’d heard this speech many times, all different topics coming to the same conclusion of ‘Lucius is a dick’. If it were anyone else tarnishing his father’s reputation, he would have argued but with you the things he could say was…

“God, I really want to kiss you.” Shocking himself as he did.

“Wait, insulting your dad was all it took? But I do that all the time.” You pouted causing Draco’s eyes to widen - did you like him too then?

He risked everything with you as he leaned forward but didn’t have to worry for too long as you leaned forward and met him halfway, pressing your lips together. It was so much more than both of you had imagined. Draco’s hand came up to cup your cheek as one of yours found its way into his hair.

“Well that wasn’t how I’d planned to confess, I’ll admit.” Draco laughed breathlessly as he rested his forehead on yours after the two of you had pulled away.

“You’d planned this?” You asked, soft smile on your face as you continued to play with his hair.

“I was going to take you to dinner in Hogsmeade then ask you to be my girlfriend.” His smile turned sheepish; his pale face coloured slightly.

“Well in that case, yes to the dinner and yes I’ll be your girlfriend.” You told him before pulling him into another kiss.

“You’re drunk, what are the chances of remembering this?” He asked, chasing your lips after he had.

“I think I sobered up pretty quick when the guy I liked admitted he liked me too.” You said causing both of you to laugh.

Dinner at Hogsmeade was a delightful affair, candles created a romantic atmosphere and the two of you discovered that the transition from friends to partners wasn’t actually all that strange and you got to skip the awkward first date phase.

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4 years ago

Hiraeth | G.W.

George Weasley x Reader

Warning:references to death and war,blood


Hiraeth:a home sickness for a home to which you can not return,a home which maybe never was;the nostalgia,the yearning,the grief for the lost places of your past

Summary:Fred was your home but after his death you fell in hiraeth,discovering that George will be your new home.

Hiraeth | G.W.

The clock ticked in the empty room of the Hogwarts dungeon as you were lost in your thoughts.

Everything seemed to be back at normal:students filled the corridors with noises and runs,the desks were covered in pens and sheets again and there wasn’t a single crap in the Hogwarts walls,even the Wooden Bridge had been completely rebuilt.

New professors walked along the courtyard,greeting their students:the old ones smiled seeming they had forgotten everything,the newest probably didn’t even fully understand what had happened a few months before on that ground,they couldn’t imagine they were walking on a rebuilt graveyard...but you could,and that thought didn’t help repeating the year you had missed.

Sometimes you could still see the bodies of your friends laying in the great hall,all stained in mud and drowned in blood,you could still feel the smell of death and the loud noises coming from the giants destroying the school...sometimes you could still even hear Bellatrix’s screams and evil laughters while she was busy throwing forbidden curses here and there.

You felt shives going along your spine as you shaked your head,trying to return to the reality to look again into the Mirror of erised in front of you.

You touched the cold glass with the palm of your hand,tearing up at the boy you could see in the reflection. <<Hi Fred>> you whispered curving your lips in a weack smile.

Fred was standing there in front of you,leaning a shoulder against what it seemed to be the wall of one of the Hogwarts corridors,he was playing with a little firework which flew from one of his fingers to another,then up in the air,followed by the boy’s eyes which later moved,looking at you for a few seconds until the little light was back on Fred’s fingers.

You knew it wasn’t really him,what you were seeing was just the reflection of a short moment repeating himself. The mirror was showing you your biggest desire:see Fred back at the simple things he used to do in his everyday life and one of them was,obviously,playing with the Weasley products.

It had been months since you lost him,but,for you,those months didn’t really passed. Your mind was still stuck there,was stuck at Fred’s body laying on the floor surrounded by his family crying their souls out,you were stuck at Hermione’s hug you felt when your knees became too weak to let you stand properly,you were stuck at your bruises burning as tears were wetting your were stuck at the moment you found out that people can’t always recover from the pain life throws in their lives.

The following days you stayed at the Burrow with the Weasleys,eating in silence as Fred wasn’t there to joke with George nor to lift your humour up. You spent days closed in his room,looking at his books,rolling yourself up in his blankets which were still smelling of his scent and wearing his sweaters to replace the feeling of his arms wrapped in a hug around your body. You even ended up arguing with Percy as he didn’t want to see you stealing what was from Fred’s,but you never stealed hadn’t the courage to do it,Molly had to give you Fred’s latest Christmas sweater saying that you had too keep it as he loved to see you walk around the Burrow wearing it. And you thanked her in tears,receiving an hug that almost felt as warm as Fred’s one.

<<I’d need one of your jokes right now>> you muttered,looking in the boy’s eyes which were again chained to yours.

<<Why did the gym close down?-a sudden voice said-it just didn’t work out!>> you immediatly turned,seeing a boy standing in the twilight. For a second your heart stopped,mistaking him for Fred but your brain immediately snapped,calling your feelings dumbasses as it couldn’t be. It was George.

<<Wanna attend school again?>> you joked,the ginger boy rolled his eyes <<Just checking how things are going here at Hogwarts. The new potion teacher seems to be a cool person. I wish he taught me instead of Snape>> George said bitterly,you knew he reached a point where he was even missing that man <<Just the children we were years ago thought that. After all he was a great professor>> you replied,seeing George nodding and walking towards you,sitting on the ground.

<<Do you see the same as me,don’t you?>> you immediately asked as the boy looked in the Mirror of erised <<This bastard should had been destroyed years ago by Dumbledore-he mumbled-but I do. I do see him,Y/n. He’s right there,sitting on the desk in the office of our jokes shop. He hated chairs,and he hated sitting like a normal person>> George smile and his eyes shined <<You see him at the joke shop with you? I see him here at Hogwarts. He’s playing with s little flying firework>> you replied,wrapping your arms around George’s forearm and resting your cheek on his shoulder.

You closed your eyes,smelling the same scent of Fred’s. George caressed your leg and even his hand seemed to be his brother’s,you sighed and then smiled as soon as a sense of familiarity caught you,making your heart feel a little lighter. But that feeling didn’t last for long as you immediately returned to reality and felt guilty:George wasn’t Fred,Fred wasn’t George and for as much as they were identical they had different identities and you didn’t want to mix them up,George didn’t deserve such a treatment.

<<I’m sorry>> you said,looking down <<Don’t be. I look in the mirror and all I see it’s him>> the boy whispered <<But you’re not,George. He was a part of you in the same way you were a part of him...but you had always been two different people>>. George smiled and looked at you,feeling his heart melt at those words <<It’s hard for both of us,but I really do appreciate the way you’re splitting us apart. Thank you,it really helps>> he soft spoken and,without even realising it,his face was now a few inches away from yours.

Your noses were almost touching while the pupils of your eyes were chained together. In that moment,under the faint light of the dungeon,you realised that there couldn’t be another Fred but,surely,in your heart there could be a place for another man as special as that moment you realised that,after all,something special had begun to grow between you and George. You realised that from the dry soil of pain could still blossom a flower,a beautiful daisy you wanted to grow with George.

Butterflies begun to fly in your stomach while you slowly set to zero the space between your lips. George leaned in,kissing you gently and warmly,making you feel alive again and gifting you with a light you thought the battle of Hogwarts turned off forever.

<<Thank you for loving George and not Fred’s shadow>> the ginger boy whispered <<There’s so much to love in George>> you replied,smiling.

George stood up,cleaning his trousers from the dust of the ground and grabbed the sheet which was supposed to cover the mirror <<We need to leave it here,forever. It won’t bring our Fred back and I’m sure that he would love to kick both of us right now>> the ginger boy said <<Why do you think that?>> you asked. George looked at you <<Because we’re wasting time. The same time Fred didn’t get. He fought for us to be here today and now,wherever he is,I’m sure he want us to fully live our life. We owe him>> he replied <<You’re right>> you said,helping George covering the object.

<<The past is in the past,Y/n. No more pain,no more violence just love for the life we had the luck to live>> George said firmly looking in your eyes. You hold his hand and nodded <<Fine. Let’s leave and restart everything,together>> you smiled <<Together>> George repeated.

Years later

<<I am excited. So freaking excited!>> a little boy with ginger hair was screaming,running from a corner to another of King’s Cross. <<George he’s going to hit someone and get hurt!>> you yelled at your husband who was running towards the kid <<I’m trying Y/n!>> he yelled back,finally lifting up from the ground the boy and carrying him on his shoulder <<But I was having fun!>> he mumbled <<Sweetie you’re not at home,you can’t have fun however you want>> you looked at him <<Dad is mommy right? You know that I love you dad>> <<Fred I’m not going to defend you,mommy’s right>> George replied,putting the kid who was already huffing down as you reached platform 9¾.

<<Ready Fred?>> George asked smiling at his son <<Ready dad!>> Fred replied <<Write often to us,okay? And don’t put yourself in troubles>> you said <<I’m not mom>> he exclaimed,leaving a kiss on your cheek and then leaving a kiss on George’s too. <<Do you have everything,right? Books,howl,wand...>> George cut your sentence off <<Love he has everything,we both checked. Let him go,he wants to start his first year of school. Don’t you Freddie?>> George smiled and the kid immediately nodded <<Then go. You’re free>> you joked,seeing the boy run on the train and wish you a goodbye from the window.

<<I hope everything’s going to be alright>> you muttered in concern,reasting your chin on George’s shoulder <<He’s going to be a great wizard,Y/n. I’m sure,don’t worry>> he reassured you <<Oh I’m not worried about that,George,he surely will be an amazing wizard...I’m worried about the amount of letters of complaint we’re going to receive from the school>> you sighed,and George laughed <<We’ll deal with it just like Fred’s grandmother did>> your husband replied,laughing as he kissed your cheek.

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