George Weasley X You - Tumblr Posts
George Weasley x reader with prompt 76 from the 100 prompts list with George saying it to the reader right before the battle of Hogwarts and they get separated during the battle but find each other when it’s over and PLEASE DON’T MAKE FRED DIE. Thx!
I Thought I’d Lost You

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You were sat with Luna when Neville came through the portrait announcing he had a surprise, you turned to Luna raising an eyebrow in question before looking back to see Harry Potter stood before you all. Immediately everyone was on their feet, welcoming him back before he told you all he was looking for something, the only problem; he didn’t know what he was looking for or where it was. Luna mentioned the lost diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw but that wasn’t possible, the thing had been lost for centuries, nobody who was alive today had seen it. That thought lasted half a second until you realised that nothing is impossible, Fred and George taught you that much. When Ginny ran in announcing Snape’s discovery you all turned to Harry before he told you his plan.
You stood in your houses line as Snape spoke, slow and calculated, trying your hardest not to fidget as you waited for Harry. Hopefully Remus and the Order would be here soon, tensions were rising and it was only a matter of time before Voldemort struck.
“I invite them to step forward…now.” Snape finished, the hall stayed quiet for a few moments before Harry stepped out of line and began to confront Snape. Gasps and murmurs could be heard from around the room as he began talking.
“It seems that despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you still have a bit of a security problem, headmaster.” With that the halls to the Grand Hall opened and in walked the Order of the Phoenix. Your eyes immediately settled on George who was scanning the room before he found you, ‘you okay?’ He mouthed and you nodded back slightly, not taking your eyes off him.
“How dare you stand where he stood?” You heard Harry begin, students had moved to accommodate the Order’s entrance and you took this as your chance to edge closer to George. “Tell then how it happened that night. Tell them how you looked him in the eyes, a man who trusted you, and killed him!” Your head shot around, finally looking away from George as you looked between Snape and Harry. You and many of the students gasped when Snape pulled his wand on Harry, even louder gasps could be heard when Professor McGonagall pushed Harry aside, her own wand trained on Snape as everyone stepped back, giving her room. You watched as Snape faltered before edging further back, a few rows from George. His eyes flickered from you to Snape, his own wand raised. You watched in amazement as McGonagall fired spell after spell at Snape until he retreated. Once he was gone, and McGonagall lit the castle up, you ran to George who wrapped his arms tightly around you. He started mumbling calming words into your hair, rubbing your back as you relaxed into him.
The celebration was cut short as you heard girls begin to scream before you heard Voldemort himself. You gripped onto George as Voldemort tried to convince you all to give him Harry in favour of not being killed and not having your home be destroyed. You glared at Pansy as she tried to get someone to grab him as you joined the circle that had formed around Harry, George’s arms still wrapped around you.
The hallways were filled with people running around, you could understand the panic but right now it wasn’t helping. You heard Professor McGonagall securing the castle when George grabbed your hand, pulling you along with him. Looking out the window as he pulled you, you saw the protection spells settling over Hogwarts and watched the spells Voldemort sent to destroy it. You breathing began to stutter slightly but your outer appearance remained calm.
“Stay with me, ok?” George said as he pulled you along to follow Kingsley, Remus and Fred. You brushed past Remus and Kingsley as George led you further into the castle. Once you three had got to the part of the castle you were to secure George let go off you, leaning against the wall with Fred.
“You okay, Freddie?” He asked, no trace of his usual humour when talking to his twin.
“Yeah.” Fred told him, not sounding very convincing but you couldn’t blame him. You felt terrified and stayed with you back pressed to the wall, a few steps behind the twins.
“Me too.” George told him, a smile on his face, drawing one from Fred. Always trying to stay strong for the other. They were good at that, putting up a strong front.
“Y/N?” George asked, turning to look at you.
“I’m good.” You told them, same amount of conviction in your voice as Fred causing George to smile at you. You tried your best to return it but struggled. He saw your eyes were wet, you were doing your best to contain your emotions but once he pulled you into his arms, a few tears slid down your face. “Don’t worry,” he whispered, “it’s going to be over soon.” You pulled out of the hug, seeing his eyes were glazed over, and pulled him into a breathtakingly, hard kiss. It was messy but you just needed to do it in case, in case- you couldn’t even finish the thought. Tears were freely rolling down your face as you pulled back, lips red and swollen as you whispered against them, “I love you George.” He didn’t tell you off for making it sound like goodbye, instead he pulled you in for a softer kiss before pulling back completely, “I love you too. Y/N.”
You heard someone shouting for help, no one else seemed to be around, preferring the bit of safety inside the castle provided them. You looked at George, a demand on his lips for you to stay but before he could say anything you were running towards the screaming, wand out and ready. “Y/N!” You heard him shout but knew you had to do something to help.
You helped the first year, getting her to a group of older students before you found yourself on the balcony of one of the floors, looking out at the quidditch pitch that was being engulfed by fire. You took a deep, not very calming, breath before you prepared yourself for what was to come.
Watching with wide, watery eyes as Voldemort’s army tore into the protections around Hogwarts, you prayed that George was going to be ok. You prayed that it’d be quick. From your position you could see Remus and hoped he’d be OK, you knew he had just had a kid. Merlin, how was any of this happening?
You watched in horror as Voldemort’s army stormed into Hogwarts, a large part of you wanted to hide away. Wanted to find George and hide under a blanket with him like you did whenever either of you were scared or had a nightmare. This was the biggest nightmare you were experiencing and yet you knew you wouldn’t be waking up. You knew you had to fight though it wasn’t your war, wasn’t even your battle, but you knew you had to fight. His army made the protections around Hogwarts seem like nothing as they easily tore through, you heard McGonagall shouting from someone below your position for everyone to get back inside and let out a deep breath. Merlin, you wished you’d stayed with Fred and George.
You let out a gasp as a death eater appeared beside you and ducked out of the way of one of his spells, quickly you shot back your own, thankful for the extra Defence lessons. By the time you’d dealt with the death eater, two more had appeared next to you, one shot a spell that sent a huge cut across your leg whilst you quickly disarmed and petrified the other. You duelled with the second death eater, trying to ignore the sting in your leg when she fell to the floor, your looked up and saw Mr Weasley. You gave him a quick smile. He turned back and ran towards Kingsley as you fired off a ‘stupefy’ towards an unsuspecting death eater. You quickly dodged out of the way of falling brick, backing into a death eater, you let out a groan as you began duelling. You looked at the wall next to the death eater and raised a brow, the school was falling apart anyway, might as well get to blow something up.
“Bombarda Maxima!” You shout and watch the wall crush the death eater. “Ow.” You murmured as you were thrown back, landing on your cut leg. Your hand shot to your head, ignoring the trace of blood as you listen to Voldemort call back his army, “I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat.” You heard his threats as you shakily stood and made your way back to the main quarter of the castle, leaning heavily on the wall as you did.
Your eyes widen as you look around at the destruction that had been caused, you took in the countless dead bodies and injured students and teachers before your eyes settled on one family in particular. “No.” You murmured, your legs refusing to work as you saw Fred laying, unmoving, on the floor. You watched George move out of Mr Weasley’s hold to throw his arms around Ron.
“Ge-George.” You managed to choke out. He turned to you, tears running down his face and let out a breath as he ran towards you, wrapping you tightly in his arms. “I-is he, George, is he-” You couldn’t even bare to say the words. “He needs a healer. He’s alive, but he’s-” here George paused to let out a sob, “Y/N, I don’t know if he’s gonna make it.” Over his shoulder you saw a nurse you didn’t recognise settle down next to Fred and pulled her wand out getting to work. “He’s gonna be ok, Georgie, he’s gonna be fine.” You whispered into his neck, hands running through his hair. “I’m so frightened. I’m so bloody scared.” He whispered to you and you just held him tighter because there were no words in the entire English language that you could say to make anything better.
The pair of you moved to sit next to the family, Ron having excused himself but you knew he played an important role in this too, knew information Harry had entrusted him with. You sat holding George’s hand, his grip on you bruising but you didn’t mind. Tears ran down your face as you stared at Fred, George’s head resting on yours as you watched the healer move her wand rapidly. No words were exchanged between the Weasley clan as they all looked on.
When you see everyone leaving the hall you stood, George following too even though it was clear all he wanted to do was stay and look over his brother. You gasp and cling to George as you see Voldemort’s army walk into the courtyard, or what was left of it.
“Who is that Hagrid’s carrying?” You heard Ginny ask, your eyes darting over to Hagrid large frame before you let out a choked gasp, eyes widening when you realise just who it is.
“Harry Potter…is dead.” Your heart aches at the words, tears appearing in your eyes. Ginny dove forward, Mr Weasley grabbing her before Voldemort got to her. “Harry Potter is dead.” Voldemort confirmed. You looked around at the sea of faces all with disbelief written on them. “Harry Potter is dead!” Voldemort yells again, gaining a laugh from his followers, several sobs could be heard from around you. George nudged you as Neville stepped forward, your eyes squinting as he stopped before Voldemort.
“We lost Harry tonight. But he’s still with us, in here. All of them are. They didn’t die in vain. But you will because you’re wrong.” After his speech he pulled the sword of Gryffindor out of the hat, causing a few people to let out a gasp. You let out a cheer when you saw Harry push his way out of Hagrid’s arms. Laughed at Voldermort’s fear. George tugged you into the castle and wrapped you in his arms, you looked and saw Fred was missing, turning to look at George he whispered that Fred had been taken to Saint Mungos. You watched wide-eyed as Mrs Weasley killed Bellatrix, George kissing your head.
Not long after it was announced that Harry had, finally, killed Voldemort, you and the Weasley Clan, plus Harry and Hermione, sat in the waiting room of Saint Mungo’s waiting for any news about Fred. Up until now you’d ignored the pain in your leg, your pain didn’t seem much considering you were sat waiting to see if your best friend was going to live or die, but as you pulled your pants leg up George gasped at you, attracting the attention of his family.
“Y/N, why didn’t you mention anything?” The cut of your leg was deep, really deep. When a nurse was called over she was shocked you hadn’t passed out from blood loss yet, guess adrenaline really did help when you were in pain. As the nurse healed it you leaned your head on George’s shoulder and shut your eyes. The next time you opened them was when George shook you awake, your leg healed, and a wide grin on his face.
“Fred’s alive! C’mon, c’mon, let’s go!” He pulled you up and into Fred’s room, where a pale Fred sat upright drinking potions a tired looking nurse gave him. When he saw you two in the room he grinned and started asking you both hundreds of questions which you answered, the humour that had been drained from them now back in full swing, even if Fred was weak and going to be stuck on bed rest for a few weeks.
“Now that Fred’s home and feeling better,” Mrs Weasley began, “let’s make the most of the holidays before we begin working on Hogwarts so that you can go back and have one normal year.” Everyone around the table grinned and clinked their glasses together before digging in.
It had taken a few weeks but Fred was back home. Things were finally looking up for everybody, you and George had been going to Hogwarts, along with most other members of the family, to see where you could help. A proper team was being put together so it was organised and rebuilt faster and more efficiently. You had all attended funerals and spent many days not moving from the house, trying to come to terms with everything. There were bad days but after everything that was witnessed, who was surprised.
After you had eaten everyone moved to the garden. The entire Weasley family was here, even Charlie who was so cool and would talk about dragons with you all day. Staring at the setting sun you looked over at George and pressed a kiss to his lips, he smiled and deepened the kiss before pulling away. You looked at his face and saw he was deep in thought before he jumped up shouting a “be right back” over his shoulder before running upstairs. You looked towards Fred with a questioning look, but he just grinned at you before you shrugged to yourself and joining back in with the group.
Five minuets or so later, George came back down the stairs looking nervous and red. You raised a brow at him wondering just what he was planning, he grinned at you before coming over and standing in front of you.
“Hey,” He laughed nervously, “so, Merlin this is awkward. I love you so much and after everything that’s happened recently its really put things into prospective for me and I want you in my life, always. I can’t picture a life without you in it,” at this point everyone’s attention was on the two of you, “I guess what I’m trying to say is, I love you Y/N Y/L/N so would you do be the honour of marrying me?” Your eyes filled with tears, honestly all you had done since the beginning of the battle is cry, at least this time it was happy tears. Your lack of response caused George’s grin to falter but you were quickly standing up and throwing your arms around him, leaning upwards to kiss him. He immediately responded back just as eagerly until you were pulled apart by Fred clearing his throat. “You know if you marry him, I’m a package deal?” He asked causing you to laugh and place a kiss on his cheek.
“Is that a yes?” George asked, a ring held between his fingers. “Merlin’s beard! Of course it’s a yes, you idiot!” You laughed before pulling him into another kiss as everyone around you cheered.
Dating George Gideon Weasley

Ghost | G.W.
George Weasley x Ravenclaw female reader
Warning:references to death
Summary:George protects himself from the rain under the roof of the Wooden Bridge,where he meets a girl. What he doesn’t know is that the pretty lady hides a secret.
(Gif not mine-credits to the maker)

At Hogwarts February is the rainiest month of the year,you might be walking around and suddenly feel raindrops falling on your face,wetting your cheeks and your hair.
Some finds poetry in the rain,others just melancholy,but what matters is that you can’t control it. When it rains,it rains and all you can do is find a warm place where hide and wait the sunlight:that’s what George was doing under the Wooden Bridge during the grey Friday evening he met the girl he fell in love with.
He ran down from the clock tower,sneezing as soon as the sole of his boots touched the wooden floor of the bridge,his face hidden between his hands. <<Bless you>> a voice said,making George lift his head <<Thanks-the angles of his lips curved in a little smile-you are?>> he asked <<Y/n>> you smiled,closing your books <<Sorry,I didn’t mean to bother you I was just looking for a place where to protect myself from the rain>> he explained <<No one never bothers me,especially if he’s a Weasley>>.
The boy laughed and sat next to you <<I didn’t know my family had fans>> <<Not really a fan. I saw what you did to Umbridge>> you said <<The little prank uh? Well something Fred and I are proud of. You liked that didn’t you?>> he asked,his elbow hitting your forearm <<I did. It was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen>> <<I don’t remember you were there>> the boy suddenly said,you shrugged your shoulders <<I’m a quiet person,I easily go unnoticed>> you replied <<So sad,pretty girls don’t deserve such a treatment>> <<Pretty girls? Are you always so flirty?>> <<Sometimes>> he joked.
<<What are you reading?>> George asked,grabbing your book <<A collection of John Keats’ poems>> you replied while the boy’s hands accidentally touched yours <<You’re so cold,Y/n. You’ll get a fever>> he said,immediately leaving the book on your knees to hold your hands. You rejected him,moving your hands away <<Don’t worry George,my hands are always cold>> <<That’s not good>> he looked at you,his eyebrows lifted up in a so called dad stare,you laughed <<Oh shut up>> you replied.
Suddenly the rain stopped <<The sun’s about to comeback>> you said,standing up and looking at the sky,George did the same <<It is. Well I’d better go back to the Gryffindor common room,Fred is surely waiting for me. We’ll see each other again,won’t we...pretty girl?>> he smirked,you tilted your head a little bit <<If you want to>> <<I do>> George immediately said <<Great. See you tomorrow,right here. Same time>> <<Fine. Have a good day,Y/n>> <<You too>> Goeorge smiled at you and then left.
A few weeks later in the Great Hall
<<So someone’s here’s in love!>> Ron taunted George <<Shut up!>> he replied <<What’s the name of the girl again?>> Hermione asked <<It’s Y/n>> <<Y/n...-the witch looked confused-and you said that she’s a Ravenclaw,right?>> George nodded <<Why do you look so perplexed?>> he asked <<Because I’ve never heard of her>> the witch replied <<The school’s big Hermione. I don’t see the problem>> Harry said <<I know’s strange>> <<Let’s ask to Luna then,she’s coming>> the boy called the blonde girl,who sat in front of him <<What’s up guys? Is it about Nargles?>> she asked,George shaked his head <<Do you know Y/n?>> he demanded <<Y/n...Y/n...I might,her name reminds me of someone. Who is she?>> <<She’s one of your housemates>> <<I don’t think so>> Luna replied <<What? Listen I’ve been meeting her everyday recently and she always wears a Ravenclaw scarf>> George persisted.Suddenly a light shined in Luna’s eyes <<Wait,are you talking about Y/n Y/l/n?>> <<Yes. Seen it! Y/n’s just a shy girl>> he said <<You mean she’s dead>>.
George froze on the place at the girl’s words <<It’s impossible,I’ve met her yesterday and I assure you she’s the healthiest person I’ve ever seen>> <<I think you’ve been meeting her ghost,George. She died years ago>> Luna kept talking;Hermione suddenly butted in the conversation <<For the beard of Merlin,she’s right! I’ve read about her death in a old copy of The Daily Prophet,I had found it in the library! That’s why everything seemed strange to me>>. George stood up,he had never looked so exasperated before <<It’s clear you’re both wrong>> he said walking away to reach you on the Wooden Bridge.
Once he had arrived no one was there. He looked around,already sad at the thought you wouldn’t come that day,but suddenly some lips as cold as ice left a kiss on his cheek,sending shivers all along his back. George turned,seeing you standing in front of him <<Hi>> you greeted him with a smile <<Hello Y/n. How are you?>> he asked <<I’m fine,but you look worried. Is everything okay?>> you demanded. The Weasley sighed,leaning his arms on the wood of the bridge and then he talked,staring at the beautiful scenario in front of him.
<<Luna and Hermione told me you’re a ghost-a little laugh escaped his mouth-it’s funny,don’t you think? I could expect Luna saying something like that but Hermione...maybe she isn’t that brilliant>>. You sighed,your chin was now resting on George’s shoulder <<You found it out>> you whispered.
George got petrified <<Excuse me? Are you joking?>> she asked,you shaked your head and looked down at the clean and deep water of the Black Lake <<I’m not,George,I wish I was...but I’m not lying. I died a long ago>> <<You died here,right?>> he demanded,his eyes were now full of an uncommon sadness for him;you nodded <<It was a rainy day. I was reading when I saw a bird. He was flying all around the bridge,up and down. Its plumage was the prettiest I’ve ever seen but while trying to see him well I’ve stretched my body too much on the edge and...and I’ve fallen the water,drowning. No one has ever found my body. I’m a part of the lake now>> you explained,staring to un undefined point down from the bridge.
George gulped,trying not to cry <<When did it happen?>> <<1980. 4th of February 1980>> you answered,seeing George tearing up <<Don’t cry>> your hand caressed his cheek <<That’s unfair>> he mumbled <<Life is unfair. But everyone has its own faith,I’ve accepted it years ago and now I’m fine>> you wiped his tears away <<Can I still love you?>> those words flew out from George’s mout like graceful butterflies.
The sudden question left you speechless. << love me?>> you asked,not believing in his words <<I do. I wanted to confess you my feelings but it seems you preceded me with something bigger>>;you looked down <<You can’t love me,George. I’m a ghost>> you whispered <<So? Where’s the problem? You’re different from the other ghosts:you’re not air you’’re more like a person...I...I can touch you>> he said,his hands were now on your cheeks <<It’s a spell,George. That’s it. I’ll become air as soon as you leave>> you confessed <<So what? You can use the spell everytime you hang out with me>> <<I can’t leave this bridge. I haven’t been asking you to meet me here just because it’s romantic...I’ve been doing it because my body is linked to this place>>.
The boy’s face got pale <<Fine,I’ll come here everyday,just as we’ve been doing until now>> you shaked your head <<I made a mistake,George,I should’ve not tried to become friend with you. It was so stupid>> you told him,breaking his heart <<It’s not. I’m happy I’ve met you>> <<No you aren’t! Not anymore,at least. Merlin,I didn’t think you would fall in love with me...I should have stopped seeing you after our first meeting. I’m...I’m sorry George>> you wanted to cry but you couldn’t:ghosts don’t have tears to cry when they’re sad. <<What do you mean? What’s the point of this conversation,Y/n?>> the Gryffindor asked <<We can’t see each other anymore>> you said. <<But- >> you cut the boy’s sentence out <<No buts,George,I love you too. I love you with my whole heart and that’s the problem. Things can’t work out,we need to stop>>.
George stayed silent,his eyes stucked in yours and his breath warming the skin of your face;you were about to talk when his lips touched yours. You both shared a gentle,icy kiss wet by the tears of two hearts who needed to love each other but who couldn’t. <<Be happy George,from now on I’ll be watching on you,and one day when I’ll find a way out from this cage and you will have lived a happy,long life we’ll meet again>> you said,a smile was born between your tears <<Promise me>> George whispered <<I do promise you>> you replied,disappearing.
From that day every week on the deck appeared a bouquet of white roses. No student knew who was going to leave them here, but on the notelet they always read verses from John Keats’ poems.
Hiraeth | G.W.
George Weasley x Reader
Warning:references to death and war,blood
Hiraeth:a home sickness for a home to which you can not return,a home which maybe never was;the nostalgia,the yearning,the grief for the lost places of your past
Summary:Fred was your home but after his death you fell in hiraeth,discovering that George will be your new home.

The clock ticked in the empty room of the Hogwarts dungeon as you were lost in your thoughts.
Everything seemed to be back at normal:students filled the corridors with noises and runs,the desks were covered in pens and sheets again and there wasn’t a single crap in the Hogwarts walls,even the Wooden Bridge had been completely rebuilt.
New professors walked along the courtyard,greeting their students:the old ones smiled seeming they had forgotten everything,the newest probably didn’t even fully understand what had happened a few months before on that ground,they couldn’t imagine they were walking on a rebuilt graveyard...but you could,and that thought didn’t help repeating the year you had missed.
Sometimes you could still see the bodies of your friends laying in the great hall,all stained in mud and drowned in blood,you could still feel the smell of death and the loud noises coming from the giants destroying the school...sometimes you could still even hear Bellatrix’s screams and evil laughters while she was busy throwing forbidden curses here and there.
You felt shives going along your spine as you shaked your head,trying to return to the reality to look again into the Mirror of erised in front of you.
You touched the cold glass with the palm of your hand,tearing up at the boy you could see in the reflection. <<Hi Fred>> you whispered curving your lips in a weack smile.
Fred was standing there in front of you,leaning a shoulder against what it seemed to be the wall of one of the Hogwarts corridors,he was playing with a little firework which flew from one of his fingers to another,then up in the air,followed by the boy’s eyes which later moved,looking at you for a few seconds until the little light was back on Fred’s fingers.
You knew it wasn’t really him,what you were seeing was just the reflection of a short moment repeating himself. The mirror was showing you your biggest desire:see Fred back at the simple things he used to do in his everyday life and one of them was,obviously,playing with the Weasley products.
It had been months since you lost him,but,for you,those months didn’t really passed. Your mind was still stuck there,was stuck at Fred’s body laying on the floor surrounded by his family crying their souls out,you were stuck at Hermione’s hug you felt when your knees became too weak to let you stand properly,you were stuck at your bruises burning as tears were wetting your were stuck at the moment you found out that people can’t always recover from the pain life throws in their lives.
The following days you stayed at the Burrow with the Weasleys,eating in silence as Fred wasn’t there to joke with George nor to lift your humour up. You spent days closed in his room,looking at his books,rolling yourself up in his blankets which were still smelling of his scent and wearing his sweaters to replace the feeling of his arms wrapped in a hug around your body. You even ended up arguing with Percy as he didn’t want to see you stealing what was from Fred’s,but you never stealed hadn’t the courage to do it,Molly had to give you Fred’s latest Christmas sweater saying that you had too keep it as he loved to see you walk around the Burrow wearing it. And you thanked her in tears,receiving an hug that almost felt as warm as Fred’s one.
<<I’d need one of your jokes right now>> you muttered,looking in the boy’s eyes which were again chained to yours.
<<Why did the gym close down?-a sudden voice said-it just didn’t work out!>> you immediatly turned,seeing a boy standing in the twilight. For a second your heart stopped,mistaking him for Fred but your brain immediately snapped,calling your feelings dumbasses as it couldn’t be. It was George.
<<Wanna attend school again?>> you joked,the ginger boy rolled his eyes <<Just checking how things are going here at Hogwarts. The new potion teacher seems to be a cool person. I wish he taught me instead of Snape>> George said bitterly,you knew he reached a point where he was even missing that man <<Just the children we were years ago thought that. After all he was a great professor>> you replied,seeing George nodding and walking towards you,sitting on the ground.
<<Do you see the same as me,don’t you?>> you immediately asked as the boy looked in the Mirror of erised <<This bastard should had been destroyed years ago by Dumbledore-he mumbled-but I do. I do see him,Y/n. He’s right there,sitting on the desk in the office of our jokes shop. He hated chairs,and he hated sitting like a normal person>> George smile and his eyes shined <<You see him at the joke shop with you? I see him here at Hogwarts. He’s playing with s little flying firework>> you replied,wrapping your arms around George’s forearm and resting your cheek on his shoulder.
You closed your eyes,smelling the same scent of Fred’s. George caressed your leg and even his hand seemed to be his brother’s,you sighed and then smiled as soon as a sense of familiarity caught you,making your heart feel a little lighter. But that feeling didn’t last for long as you immediately returned to reality and felt guilty:George wasn’t Fred,Fred wasn’t George and for as much as they were identical they had different identities and you didn’t want to mix them up,George didn’t deserve such a treatment.
<<I’m sorry>> you said,looking down <<Don’t be. I look in the mirror and all I see it’s him>> the boy whispered <<But you’re not,George. He was a part of you in the same way you were a part of him...but you had always been two different people>>. George smiled and looked at you,feeling his heart melt at those words <<It’s hard for both of us,but I really do appreciate the way you’re splitting us apart. Thank you,it really helps>> he soft spoken and,without even realising it,his face was now a few inches away from yours.
Your noses were almost touching while the pupils of your eyes were chained together. In that moment,under the faint light of the dungeon,you realised that there couldn’t be another Fred but,surely,in your heart there could be a place for another man as special as that moment you realised that,after all,something special had begun to grow between you and George. You realised that from the dry soil of pain could still blossom a flower,a beautiful daisy you wanted to grow with George.
Butterflies begun to fly in your stomach while you slowly set to zero the space between your lips. George leaned in,kissing you gently and warmly,making you feel alive again and gifting you with a light you thought the battle of Hogwarts turned off forever.
<<Thank you for loving George and not Fred’s shadow>> the ginger boy whispered <<There’s so much to love in George>> you replied,smiling.
George stood up,cleaning his trousers from the dust of the ground and grabbed the sheet which was supposed to cover the mirror <<We need to leave it here,forever. It won’t bring our Fred back and I’m sure that he would love to kick both of us right now>> the ginger boy said <<Why do you think that?>> you asked. George looked at you <<Because we’re wasting time. The same time Fred didn’t get. He fought for us to be here today and now,wherever he is,I’m sure he want us to fully live our life. We owe him>> he replied <<You’re right>> you said,helping George covering the object.
<<The past is in the past,Y/n. No more pain,no more violence just love for the life we had the luck to live>> George said firmly looking in your eyes. You hold his hand and nodded <<Fine. Let’s leave and restart everything,together>> you smiled <<Together>> George repeated.
Years later
<<I am excited. So freaking excited!>> a little boy with ginger hair was screaming,running from a corner to another of King’s Cross. <<George he’s going to hit someone and get hurt!>> you yelled at your husband who was running towards the kid <<I’m trying Y/n!>> he yelled back,finally lifting up from the ground the boy and carrying him on his shoulder <<But I was having fun!>> he mumbled <<Sweetie you’re not at home,you can’t have fun however you want>> you looked at him <<Dad is mommy right? You know that I love you dad>> <<Fred I’m not going to defend you,mommy’s right>> George replied,putting the kid who was already huffing down as you reached platform 9¾.
<<Ready Fred?>> George asked smiling at his son <<Ready dad!>> Fred replied <<Write often to us,okay? And don’t put yourself in troubles>> you said <<I’m not mom>> he exclaimed,leaving a kiss on your cheek and then leaving a kiss on George’s too. <<Do you have everything,right? Books,howl,wand...>> George cut your sentence off <<Love he has everything,we both checked. Let him go,he wants to start his first year of school. Don’t you Freddie?>> George smiled and the kid immediately nodded <<Then go. You’re free>> you joked,seeing the boy run on the train and wish you a goodbye from the window.
<<I hope everything’s going to be alright>> you muttered in concern,reasting your chin on George’s shoulder <<He’s going to be a great wizard,Y/n. I’m sure,don’t worry>> he reassured you <<Oh I’m not worried about that,George,he surely will be an amazing wizard...I’m worried about the amount of letters of complaint we’re going to receive from the school>> you sighed,and George laughed <<We’ll deal with it just like Fred’s grandmother did>> your husband replied,laughing as he kissed your cheek.
Waaaaah, I love them both the same, you can't just make me choose!
I concider myself a huflepuff, but every test says I'm a ravenclaw, so do what you will with that.
okay i’d like to see something so help me out here
dear fellow weasley twins lovers/self shippers reblog this post (or reply but i’d prefer it if you reblog so more can see this) and answer these two questions: which twin do you prefer and what is your hogwarts house?
i’ll start: george and hufflepuff
known for being well-spoken but struggles a little when he’s talking with you at first
lacks of words here and there
which is so sweet really
and not like George at all it would seem
but he just really want to impress you
so badly ! ! !
it’s making him quite miserable
so for now he's master of stealing glances
and even greater master of quick look-aways (!)
his heart beating fast when you two make eye contact
he never felt like this before and is confused
his friends are teasing him a lot because of this
and it only worsen when you two start talking more (“look, it’s your GirlFriEndD!”)
because it turn out that actually you have a lot in common
and George is great convrsatiojnalist and observer
with a heart of gold
you two banter all the time (and you love it)
he’s looking for you in the crowd during Gryffindor quidditch matches
when he spots you his eyes soften a little
he waves at you, cooky smile glued to his face
making you feel hot on the cheeks
goes extra mile to show off during the game when he know you’re watching
he lives for your constant attention basically
he loves to see you laugh too
and he loves to help you whenever he can
specially when a touch is included
his hands are big and warm
surprisingly delicate
when they brush non-existing puff off your cheek
sometimes he can be sarcastic or a little mean but it doesn’t come from a bad place if you know what I mean
has this soft smile created just for you
smile with hint of something more…
he’s crushing so hard
daydreaming a lot because of you
come alive only when your name is mentioned
but scared his confession would ruin what you had
Fred is starting to feel really sorry for his brother eventually and force George to tell you how he really feels
so he finally does
shy yet bold as he tells you his genuine feelings with all details like how he can’t stop thinking about you, and that he loves spending time with you and that he thinks you’re really lovely and he can't sleep at night and stuff like that while blushing furiously the entire time
you can find more of my works about george ♡here♡
he has his eyes on you only
he’s like really, really (!) into you
and it shows
he loves to complement you whenever he can
when no one’s watching…
but also in front of the whole castle basically
and he’s so loud while doing it believe me
making sure everyone knows how he feels about you
blows you a cheeky kiss every time before his quidditch match
+ 10 points when he’s flexing his muscles while at it
also winks here and there
and this sly smile of his !
other than that he puts his arm around your shoulders often
gives the best long hugs
sweet guy
teacher says you have good influence on him and stuff like that
but let that not fool you!
sometimes, while going somewhere he appears out of the thin air to kiss you hard in some old cupboard
his body pressing hard on yours
breathing loudly and quickly
biting your lower lip
his eyes deep yet playful
he’s really passionate y’know?
one touch from you, or one not-so-innocent thought about you can make him hard
definitely an ass man
loves to explore your body with his big hands
ass especially :)
okay… other than that you share a lot of inside jokes
he’s your partner in crime
and will always cover up for you if needed
you feel good about yourself when you are with him
because he would never doubt you
or stop supporting you
or he would never be perplexed when you are tired, messy and hadn’t wash your hair for 3 days straight
he’s not like that if you know what I mean
he makes your days better
and can brighter your mood like nobody else
likes to take you on broom rides
or long walks
he finds joy in the simplest of task as long as you two are together
you even lured him to the library for a couple of occasions
he introduce you to all his new Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes inventions
and you are impressed because he's really passionate about this
but he never let you test his inventions first
naturally, speaking of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes…
you spend a lot of time with Fred too
and he's great
and likes to embarrass his brother a little when you are around
but it's all good fun
quickly you are becoming part of the Weasley family
you feel welcomed and cherished
Molly is especially crazy about you I can tell
“We heard a lot about you, dear”
yep, George can not stop talking about you like ever
and it's so ah.. so George !!!
best boy <3333
you can find more of my works about george ♡here♡
electric guitar w fred weasley
𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙘 𝙥𝙪𝙡𝙡
fandom- Harry Potter
pairing(s)- fred weasley
a/n: my favourite redhead, and i love the idea of this and tysm for requesting, p.s requests are open love, tiya :)
requested- yes
warnings- none i think-

you're on the bed in the Gryffindor boy's dormitory with fred. you're legs were sagged over fred's shoulders as you admired his pretty hands tuning his guitar. your pretty wannabe punk boy.
you wish he'd tune you like that. his soft hands fiddled with the strings running them up and down. you sat their flustered, how can someone manage to look so good?
he was making you feel electric godamnit.
shirtless with his overgrown hair put back with a hairband you found and his veins clearly shown was the view you had. abs flexing as they roamed the red electric guitar.
you feel a jolt as he pulls you down by your thigh falling not-so-angelically on to his lap as his guitar was now placed to his side.
fuck he looked prettier above me
dating george weasley
fandom- Harry Potter
pairing(s)- george weasley
a/n-requests are open luvs :)
requested- yes
warnings- wave crashin sense of lonliness?-

okay i have quite a bit to say abt dating him
he is really into quiditch and is very skilled too so naturally you're gonna have to get into it
he is a god on the pitch lady
wearing his jersey or jacket to his games or to anywhere really. he adores it
you'll always be cheering for him in the stands and later having words with anyone who'd tried to foul him.
he's mad into dueling and he's damn good. it comes in handy when you get yourself in sticky situations kid
i think it comes from hexing for all his pranks
he's also great at doing transfiguration which lets be honest is a very complicated field and she'd deffo help u out
again gained the skill to sneak stuff up
he is amazing and a master in charms
so lets say you have trouble with it or if you're a year younger he'd help you out
but tbh he is a very kind and gentle human. he would not hurt a fly ser but he'd have no problem if its some kid who deserves a good prank
ik he seems like a jokster which he is
deffo funny but he knows when smthn is srs w u
he has a great sense of fairness and would stand his ground on what's right
BUT he is a clutz. like big time, he gets hit by buldgers and brooms and all of that so you always have to make sure he's steady but u know u love it
i think he has a sweet, friendly loud font so there would be too much pda. you'll have the tight hugs, hand holding, kisses in the cheeks.
he prefers to keep all the juice for when you're alone if you are a shy person
oh but the looks you give eachother in classes, halways and the great hall, god damn
calling her georgiee when you feel giddy or estatic
oh my god but when you guys are alone? it gets touchy if you know what i mean sir ;)
you'll be getting to spend alot of time with angela, alicia, weasleys, lee jordan and oliver too
overall perfect boylfriend material :)
Having a nightmare and George comforting you
i n v i s i b l e p r o m i s e s
fandom- Harry Potter
pairing(s)- george weasley
a/n: im so sorry it took so long, istg there are over 200 requests and im really trying my best to be able to write all of these to a decent standard and im very new to all of this so it takes a while but regardless my requests are open luvs :)
requested- yes
warnings- nightmares, close intamacy, physical touch?

tall, black-cloaked figures with rotten, skeletal hands; they have the ability to suck a person's soul out through their mouths draining all happiness and joy.
you woke up sweaty and panting on george weasley's bed trying not to stir him up. there was something about them that frigtened you, but you didnt know what. prehabs how they look with those ragged clothes or that they could take everything that had ever made you smile go away in a kiss? you had too much to loose when you had so very little and that is terifying
you failed to let georgie remain asleep. he wasnt new to the episode of nightmares and knew better than to verbally comfort you.
he rested his back on the bed and inched you closer. it was such a gentle thing that would make your heart swell
he pampered you with the softest kisses as if one could hurt you and carassed your hair as if he's never seen such prettier strands
his comfort was being there. georgie knew best what to say and when to not and that was the reason that he was so dear after such disturbances to your sleep. just holding you was enough because everything else was aldready said
i love you
i will always love you
im gonna keep loving you
and george fucking weasley will never let that smile leave your face
so, i was listening to lover by taylor swift and that made me create a fictional scenario in my head (again) well the part where taylor says "And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me" reminds me of george weasley 😭 😭😭 (I'm still in love with him 🤧)
I would be very excited if you wrote a one shot where the reader is a friend of hermaione and they spend all their time together with harry and ron. At one point fred notices this and befriends the reader (let's assume george was not there when fred approached the reader)
In short, the reader is someone quite funny and has a really charming laugh. At a time before one of snape's classes begins. Harry Ron and Mione next to the reader burst out laughing and as almost everyone was silent some turned to the group responsible for such a "rumble" the twins looked attentive and one of them (cofcofgeorgecofcof) was perplexed to see someone as cute and adorable as the reader will laugh like this, ""the most beautiful laugh you've ever heard""
As the days go by, George gets Fred to include him in a conversation with the reader to get to know each other more.
George and the reader become good friends and whenever George has the chance to be around the reader he doesn't miss it.
The reader is the type of person who also listens to everything the other says (and since the reader had a secret crush on georgie he was comfortable hearing him tell any bad joke or funny anecdote.)
Once in the great hall at howarts george and the reader were talking animatedly. Fred noticed how the reader smiled more and more every time George spoke to him and he also saw how her brother looked at her as if she were seeing the most beautiful thing in the world.
Anyway, at the Christmas ball, George stumbles over her words when he wants to invite the reader, which she ends up accepting.
They dance together, have fun and have their romantic moment when at that moment Fred enters throwing hints at her brother and her friend to confess her feelings.
When the party ends. On the way to the rooms. The reader and geoge end up confessing in a somewhat embarrassing way stumbling over their own words as well. (I love these cheesy 😭💗💗)
And the reader steals a kiss on the lips from George before going to sleep. Leaving georgie with a face the color of a tomato.
I would like the reader to be female if it is not so much to ask hehe.
I'm sorry if he is too dense to read, I hope you can understand what I wrote, my native language is not English and I'm literally translating this, I'm so sorry 😭😭
At first I was embarrassed to request this because of how corny it is but OH GOD HOW I LOVE THE FRIENDS TO LOVERS TROPE 😭😭😭😭😭😭
P.S. I love how you write, it's very beautiful 💓
s m i l e s
fandom- Harry Potter
pairing(s)- george weasley
a/n: tysm for requesting this with so much detail, im gonna attempt it to do it justice and thank you for taking the trouble to write this all out for me
p.s i love you and this literally has me giggling and smiling
requested- yes
warnings- none i hope
Fred Weasley was a trouble maker. He was a see it and do it kind of learner. His sense of eyesight has never failed him and it never will. So what he saw infront of his eyes must be true, dear Georgie was falling in love.
You were maybe two years younger than the Weasley twins when Fred came running behind you to return your quill you forgot in the great hall. This caused a freindship to blossom and set the path of when the both of you would be in laws.
Hermione Granger had spent all day teasing about the wrong twin who's going to fall head over heels for you.
the five times Fred Weasley took notice of Georgie falling in love:
(1) shared portion class-
There were many things you couldnt do that would get you in trouble in potions with snape. But the one that lost you 10 points from your house was your laugh.
Last period on a hot friday evening was potions, but not just any class but the infamous joined classes with your senior year used to finish shared portions much quicker and that was the time where snape was most insuferable.
Sitting next to the trio was trouble in all kind of ways. When you couldnt contain a smile and laughed at everything indiscriminatley. Ron had retorted to one of snape's remarks had you giggling.
And that was when a certain weasley came into view or you to his. Georgie's head turned to the adorable laugh that filled his ears to face the most adorable girl he'd ever seen. Her nose was scrunched and shoulders lightly shaking and the prettiest smile stretching her lips.
And for once in his life he was speachless at the prettiest thing he's seen for all he could think was how he'd get drunk on that laugh everyday if he could have poured it all into a bottle and kept for himself.
As slick as georgie tried to be, fred noticed hid brother asking around for you, creating very difficult methods to get your attention and making the dumbest possible excuses to talk to you. That was the day freddie decides to play match maker.
(2) corny jokes-
"What did the fish say when he swam into the wall?" asked georgie looking very proud of himself. Fred did not know if it was because he managed to convince harry to let him beside her or of his new horrible joke he thought of all night.
"What?" you replied, looking as curious to hear. You took your concentration off your notes and paid attention.
"Dam, get it?"
You had tour head tilted back laughing that same damn way you did the first time and holy god.
(3) the look-
It was a saturday evening and almost no one was in the great hall. most on their way back from hogsmedge while a few stayed back. George and you had found your place is the corner of the grand table with the most exiting extanges. Freddie was maybe a few feet far, they 2 could never stay apart too long was having a great laugh with his batchmates. Turning around to share the joke with George he noticed the two extanging smiles and laughs and the twinkle they had in their eyes.
her smile could'nt get any bigger
and he couldnt look at anything with so much love
(4) dates-
You were a woman of many admirers, so why were you turning everyone down? Fred was hurting his head wondering if this would increase Georgie's confidence or inflate it.
To speak for you, you had made up your mind. if it wasnt Georgie then why bother?As much as you tried not to lead yourself on like this, how could you imagine anyone but him beside you. he'd be the only one you'd want to talk to when you're sad, the first to tell when you were happy over something, the someone who'd you'd hug and dance and twirl with. how could any other man compare when he was infront of you.
But when it comes to him it leaves you to be the confident one while he's a stumbling mess
"so i know..ball-"
"you asking me to the ball weasley?"
"uhr, not like that-"
"then like what love?"
"i mean like as- just us-"
"yes darlin"
(5) dancing
Swaying and stepping on eachother's feet kept both of you to keep bursting up with fits of laughter, but the star of the night? Fred.
He was always looming around dropping his comments to both of you playing the double agent.
"she looks so pretty in that dress, makes u wanna oohlala"
"georgie's eyes are so gliterry, you could get lost in them"
"her lips are pretty nice eh, you keep wandering around there"
"georgie is more than a nice arse, he could be your nice arse"
His words of aproval kept looming over eachother's conciousness. was it time, would i regret it? one thing leading to another, both of you found yourselves at the end of the night and the both of you were ready to take a leap of faith in the all might merlin who watches over you
"so-uh you know that you were- i mean are-"
"before you say anything, i uh-"
"m trying really hard here woman, you're- I like-"
"me- you like me georgie"
and with that he was utterly confused. how did she know? who told her? and then hit his realization. you liked him back too.
"you like me back"
"no shit sherlock"
you were trying very hard to keep your cool but georgie looked so kissable didnt he? and why not take a chance, might as well
you pressed him to a wall with your palm flattened next to him, caging him even if he was towering over you. with the other, you pulled his tie, pulling him in to a kiss to last a few mere seconds and walked away, leaving georgie looking as similar to a tomato
holy shit she kissed me
she kissed me
i have just been kissed-
A enemies to Friends to lovers with george weasley 😭💖?
s a f e a r m s
fandom- Harry Potter
pairing(s)- george weasley
a/n: tysmm for requesting agaainn, im sorry this took some time, i wasnt sure how to lead with this but i hope you're happy with how this turned out :)
p.s i love you and this literally has me giggling and smiling
requested- yes
warnings- none i hope

george weasley, the king with all his pride which no one could strip from him, all the cockiness no one could touch, the one so high from all, that no one would play against his will.
then why oh why was everything he had built for himself, his charm, his walls, his cool, all fumbling and crumbling beneath him when you arrived?
why did his heart flutter? or why did heat rise to his cheeks and why did he feel so weak to a pretty smile? you had every power over him and he despised you for it. he despised himself on how easily you could walk all over him and he'd say thank you. he could'nt fathom why he was so desperate for your attention even if it was for a mere second.
walking around the hallways in all his glory he'd immediatley caught you making her way. it was peak rush hour, everyone was squirming their way from one class to another and his girl had seemed to lost her footing
George sweeped in catching her from having a meet with the floor. her arms were hugging him. georgie took a second for him to teach himslef how to breathe again.
"the words are you're welcome" supplied george when your mouth lied open. george weasley had his arms swung around your waist having you pressed to his chest.
georgie didnt want to let go. he wanted to keep you pressed to him, his hands were everyone could see. he wanted to hold on forever and not let go.
"are you planning on letting go georgie?"
fuck. george was officially pudding after he heard georgie roll out of your mouth, he was fullfilled.
"so you can go and fall all over again? let them finish scavengering the halls or you'll become squash." how he managed to sound so confident and steady he didnt know?
maybe it had something to do with rodger holmes on the other side of the corridor, his face filled with jealousy. it gave georgie a kick. the girl he's been pinning for in georgie's arms, pressed against him whispering into eachother's ears. Holmes did not need to know what as long as he could see she was in her weasley's arms. it helped him establish his dominance. you were to be his even if you didnt know it yet, even if you'd thought him to be the cold hearted prankster, and rodger better sit the hell down.
when he writes your name in his notebook with theodore nott
fandom- Harry Potter
pairing(s)- theodore nott
a/n: thank youu for requesting, ik this has been lying there forever and i am so sorry for not doing it sooner. I've been quite busy and lost my will to write for a while but i'm back and i love youu. I'll probably start writting these from the back and it'll take some time cause there are over seventy but not to fret, please continue requesting, i'll answer as soon as i'm able
requested- yes
warnings- hopeless romantic is all i have to say

Theodore nott was one to always jolt it down. it didnt matter if was a number, a lyric in the back of his head, people's conversations or random ingridients, he'd just write it down till all its memory was shifted to the ink of his quill.
but no matter how many times dear theo has scribbled your name down, he could'nt have peace from your thoughts for more than 27.43 minutes (which pansy volunatrily counted)
his notebook had your name scribbled everywhere, in different fonts, different colours of ink, in hearts, in his study notes, it was everywhere.
No matter how hard he tried, your name was the smallest echo in his head that never failed to catch his ears
"whatcha writtin down?" you'd ask every once in a while when you see him write down something relegiously. You did'nt want to know but it brought such joy watching the ever so mighty nott stumble and stutter making up an excuse for himself.
"none of your fuckin buisness"
strict parents with bill weasley
u n e x p r e s s e d
fandom- Harry Potter
pairing(s)- billy weasley
a/n: I've never done him before, so im happy that i'm expanding the characters i write for, hope you're happy with how this turned out :)
requested- yes
warnings- none i hope

Billy Weasley was the original, the one with all the cards up his sleeve and plenty of quick retorts and answers. He'd manage to climb your window and perch himself upon its sill, his favourite spot to make a quick escape from your parents.
what you wouldn't give to see Molly have a look at her son now, her sweet, obidient and charming son sneaking around and climbing fences to spends a few minutes to see a girl he's in love with.
it was past twelve, and your parents had found themselves in some meeting, a perfect oppertunity for a certain red head to keep you company.
Just the sight of you would have been enough, even just letters, but billy has always been marked as an overachiever. So why would he not take a few risks to see a sight as pretty as you? I mean he'd just do about anything to make that eye contact that would stop his heart just to get beating again when she turns around blushing.
that's all the Weasley needed, that and maybe a kiss to keep him warm on the way back?
It was'nt a secret that you adored the boy and appreciated the ends he would go for you but his presence in your bedroom was very much a secret.
it was annoying really, he could only stay for maybe a few minutes at most and has to rush before your parents take a whiff of any funny buisness, but i supposed you could say it worked.
he passed you a box of candies he's got from god know's where and leans in and goes for a peck, then quickly jumps off and leaves.
your knees buckled.
holy god he just kissed you
for the first time-
weasley just stole your kiss
and brought chocolates
oh my fuckin god
𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙄 𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙨𝙩
pairing(s)- george weasley
a/n: Its been a while hoes :) , so im happy that i'm expanding the characters i write for, hope you're happy with how this turned out :) with so much love, teddy
requested- yes
warnings- none i hope

Georgie Weasley was the one with all the cards up his sleeve and plenty of quick retorts and answers. And today he managed to climb up her window and perch himself upon its sill, his favourite spot in the entire world. okay, maybe after being in your arms.
What she wouldn't have given to see Molly have a look at her son now, her son who promised his dear mother that he was going to retire a bit early since how absolutley exhausting his day was.But then again, this was the most George Weasley coded thing to do.
Wouldn't you look at him now? sneaking around and climbing fences to spends a few hours to see his girl.
It was past twelve, a perfect hour for a certain redhead to keep good company.
Just the sight of her would have been enough for Georgie dearest, even just letters, but georgie has always been marked as an overachiever. So why would he not take a few risks to see a sight as pretty as them? maybe stick around a little bit, I mean he'd just do about anything for a hug that would stop his heart.
That's all the Weasley needed, that and maybe a kiss to keep him warm on the way back?
"Hello gorgeous"
"Hi handsome" she retorted now standing pressed up against the door.
as one hand snaked up her waist and the other arm leaned his weight on the door as he leaned in ever so carefully for a kiss. she melted. absolutley melted into him, entranced by the 'i miss you' s and 'i adore you' s between each one.
her palms squished his face as his knee made its retirement between her thighs.
"you missed me?" she cheekily whispered playfully.
another kiss landed on her forehead
"mhm so much" he whispered resting his forehead on hers, tucking strands of loose hair behind her ears, with his thumb caressing their cheek
f o r b i d e n l o v e - p r o m p t l i s t

these are prompt lists which im so excited to do and share in the future and i hope my list only grows, this is a few things that has happened to me so no one is coming for me saying this is unrealistic alr, also spoiler alert, its all angst really :)

-ˏˋ. dialogue ˊˎ-
"before i fall asleep, i always think about fall asleep with you."
"don't give up on us"
"don't leave me"
"everytime i want to talk to you, you're not there. and that leaves me lonely"
"how am i supposed to forget you if you won't even leave my head"
"how long shall i wait?"
"i have so much love for you in my heart that it doesn't fit."
"i need you to calm down and tell me okay? I'm here."
"i wish i could come and give you a hug."
"i'm going to fucking marry you and i'll protect you from all the pain"
"we're going to run away"
"you're all i'll ever need"
"its always us, us forever okay?"
"i wish you weren't so perfect, things could have been easier for us"
"you know I love you, right?"
"You can't love me"
"you're perfect, you're all i want."
"you make me feel seen"
"we shouldn't be doing this"
"i want you to kiss me"
"walk away from this, walk away from us"
"you're fun to kiss"
"where were you when i needed you?"
i just need a hug and it sucks that you can't give me one"
"i'll protect you"
"i can't fix you, that's on you"
"why do i always have hope for us"
"I know I can't have you."
"shhhh it's me."

Hii hope you are having a nice nice day! I saw this post of yours and fell soo in love can you possibly please try something similar for exs to lovers? Thank you!
second chance trope - promptlist

I'm so sorry it took this long but here you are, these are prompt lists which im so excited to do and share in the future and i hope my list only grows :)

-ˏˋ. dialogue ˊˎ-
"After all this time, i still love you."
"And if my wishes came true, it would've been you."
"Don't give me a reason to leave."
"History repeats itself only because we didn't listen the first time."
"If I could have anyone in the world, it would still be you."
"I just wanna be yours"
"I like you now, just the way you are."
"I Love You, and it's because I love you, that I can't help but be a little bit selfish."
"I missed you. i really miss you and i need you back to me, back with me."
"I will never willingly leave you."
"I will save you." "You let me drown last time"
“I wanna make you mine so bad.” “then do it..”
"Love me. chose me. for once in your damned life, fight for me!"
"Loving you is ruining my life."
"Love is a choice. All i want is you to make the right one."
"Tulips, they're still your favourite right?"
“What the hell are you doing.”
"You are my mistake to make."
"You knew that i didn't have a choice."
“You've fallen in love with me once, you can again. Please."

request information

navigation . rules . character list . prompt list .
⋆。˚events - 1k cafe event . birthday celebration

➤ i won't be able to write every single ask immediately. i just wanna say, i am extremely grateful to all my followers and their asks, but honestly i'm a very demotivated person. it takes me time and motivation to do the best i can with your requests, but i will never ignore it. if i don't feel comfortable or i am unable to write a certain ask I will definitely make a post and keep it up till whoever send me the ask replies to it through an ask or a dm.
➤ do not pressure me into writing something. i know y'all would never push me into something but i just want to make it clear that i don't write full blown out smut and i don't want to write about anything non-consensual or anything explicit about children or actors/celebrities.
➤ my requests are always open. there is no circumstance that my requests should be closed but the thing is a lot of it are piled up and it takes time to answer.
➤ emoji annons are welcome. you don't want to reveal your username for any reason? i gotchu. feel free to use any emoji you'd like and request.
➤comments under my posts. i absolutley love comments. i know it takes a bit of time but istg it makes my day if you leave something under there which is supportive or nice. i really do appreciate it. even if your thoughts are through an ask i will love to listen to them. i always encourage commenting not only on mine but on other writer's posts too!
➤characters I write for are,
〉harry potter.percy jackson.marvel. outerbanks.stranger things.〈

Unspoken Connection- George Weasley

Description: After leaving Hogwarts, (Y/N) and George Weasley develop a unique and deep friendship that soon turns into something more. One night, their feelings for each other push the boundaries of their relationship. Will they embrace the new dimension of their bond, or risk losing what they have?
Warning: Slow burn, friends-to-lovers, after war fic, grief, mentions of death, smut implied, major fluff.
Word count: 2588
The power of appearance demanded immense willpower and concentration. It was a skill (Y/N) thought she would have mastered by now, after years of practice. Yet, standing in the middle of the desolate Diagon Alley, she realized there was still much work to be done when it came to controlling her thoughts.
Carrying her heels in hand, the young woman sighed with annoyance as she walked towards her shop. If she wasn’t able to get home due to distractions, she might as well spend the night where she worked daily, brooding and selling potions to all sorts of consumers. Softly glowing chandeliers illuminated the street where she dragged her feet, feeling the tiredness spreading throughout her body. Her vigilant eyes scanned every corner, ensuring her solitude and safety. She almost managed to ignore the big, flashy Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes stall just a few shops away from her own. However, a second glance shattered her attempt when she noticed the lingering light within the joke shop.
In any other moment, she would have continued walking and minding her business, just as she had planned. However, contrary to her intentions, (Y/N) found herself halting in her tracks and veering toward the entrance of the building. She attributed this deviation to perhaps the two or three drinks she had that night or an unexpected surge of curiosity. Nonetheless, she saw nothing wrong with ensuring everything was alright. It took merely a fleeting moment before she decided to continue on her way. But before she could take a step, she glimpsed a tall redhead navigating the aisles with a few items in hand. Her heart skipped a beat, an unwarranted nervousness suddenly washing over her.
She certainly didn’t want to appear nosy, though truthfully, she was. Hastily, she turned and began walking toward her intended destination once more. However, the same man spotted her through the window, detecting her presence immediately. George set down his things on the shelf and hurried to the door.
“(Y/N)?” Her feet froze, and she muttered under her breath as she turned toward him.
“Hi…” He regarded her with a puzzled expression, noticing her attire and the shoes she carried in her hand. “Is everything okay? What are you doing out here so late?”
“Mhm…” (Y/N) smiled casually, sweeping a few strands of hair from her face with her free hand. “I’m headed to the shop. Just wanted to catch up on some work. You?”
“Stocking up the inventory.” His gaze lingered on her for a few more moments, now at ease knowing she was fine. “Special occasion today?”
“Yeah. Draco’s wedding.”
“That’s nice. You must have been the reason for some distraction.” George offered a cheeky smile, eliciting a similar response from her. “You look radiant today.”
“Thank you.”
“Let me walk you to the shop then. It’s not safe for you to be walking alone at this time of night.” He barely got the chance to take more than two steps before she interrupted him.
“Oh no, don’t worry. I’m okay. In fact, do you want an extra pair of hands? I can help if you want.” He raised an eyebrow, a puzzled but mocking look on his face.
“Didn’t you just say you were going to get on track with some work?” The girl’s eyes widened, almost feeling faint from self-shame.
“Right, yeah. I totally forgot about that. I should get going then.” George chuckled, rolling his eyes as he watched her turn away.
“Hey, I never said no! Come in. I wouldn’t mind having your company.” (Y/N) attempted to maintain her composure, ignoring him in an attempt to salvage whatever dignity she still had. Her resistance only prompted George to follow her, taking her hand and coaxing her into the shop. Before she could protest, he placed a couple of items in her hands, instructing her where to put them.
Despite having felt exhausted mere minutes ago, the girl began bustling around the shop, climbing and descending stairs, shifting boxes, and rearranging shelves, with George ensuring her dress didn’t catch on any edges. Since his brother’s passing, he preferred to spend his time alone. He found solace in working in silence, functioning better when he had no distractions. However, with (Y/N), it was different. He enjoyed, could almost say loved, having her around during everyday moments. They seemed to effortlessly understand each other’s needs and worked together seamlessly. Some might call it a natural fit, and to an extent, it was, but it was also the result of the considerable time they’d spent together, getting to know each other over the past few years.
After a while, (Y/N) settled on the first step of the stairs, sighing as the ache in her feet became increasingly noticeable. George glanced at her, abandoning his task to approach her.
“I think we’ve done enough for today.” He observed how her hands attempted to alleviate the discomfort. “Why don’t you come upstairs? I can grab some ice packs for that. I might have some medicinal balm too.”
“Don’t worry. It’ll fade soon. Besides, I should be leaving. You must be tired too.”
“Nonsense.” George extended his hand, which she accepted not long after, prompting her up. He led the way to the fourth floor, where the Weasley Twins had settled since opening their shop. Upon opening the door, he gestured for (Y/N) to take a seat while he retrieved the items he had offered. Once he returned, she thanked him and immediately used them for relief.
“Would you like something to drink? I can also rustle up some snacks. There must be something edible in that fridge.” Without awaiting her response, he headed to the kitchen, eliciting laughter from (Y/N) as she watched him from the sofa.
“Why are you even thinking about food? It’s like 2 in the morning.”
“What do you mean? This is the perfect time for a snack!” He peeked out of the fridge. “How about fried eggs and toast?”
“Sure.” (Y/N) shrugged. “Whatever you want.”
George took out the necessary ingredients, adding seasonings and miscellaneous items he found while cooking the eggs. After a few minutes, she decided to help, ensuring he didn’t burn the toast while he was engrossed in the other half of the meal. As everything neared completion, she grabbed the first two plates she found, while George rummaged through his cabinets for a bottle of wine.
“I’ll be back in a second.” (Y/N) nodded, engrossed in making the meal more presentable and finding two glasses for the wine. George took longer than expected, but when he returned, both burst into laughter as she noticed he was wearing a suit that seemed about four sizes too small for him.
“I figured since you look so elegant today, I had to play the part too. How do I look?” He did a careful turn, trying not to tear his pants or sleeves. “I wore this for the Formal Dance at Hogwarts. I think I still rock it.”
“You do.” She beamed, getting up and approaching him after fetching her wand. “It just needs some small adjustments.” With a flick of her wand, George’s suit transformed before their eyes, fitting him comfortably and perfectly. “That will do.” He smiled, glancing down at her. “You look very handsome. Good thing I don’t have to share this sight with anybody else.” His face reddened upon hearing that, laughing shyly as he offered his arm for her to take, leading the way to the kitchen where he offered her a glass of wine.
“What are we toasting to?” She inquired, mirroring his gesture.
“Whatever comes to mind. Doesn’t have to be anything big.” (Y/N) chuckled and clinked her glass with his as they began their meal, engaging in a conversation that constantly shifted from one topic to another.
“So, how was Malfoy’s wedding? Did you have fun?”
“I did. It’s actually the first time I’ve been to one.”
“Really?” He glanced at her, surprised, while (Y/N) took a sip of her wine.
“Yeah… You know, I’ve always heard about the beauty of being a part of something like that. But I never truly understood until now. It almost makes you want to experience it too.” He smiled lightly.
“Do you see yourself marrying someday?”
“I don’t know… Honestly, I’ve never envisioned it. But that could be a result of being raised to be comfortable in solitude. It’s not that I lacked love or anything. But, you know, we’ve talked about this before. I suppose that could change if it feels right with the right person at the right time. What about you?” George paused, contemplating his response, uncertain of the best way to answer.
“At some point, I did consider it. I’ve witnessed that type of compromise in my family my whole life. But I guess circumstances have changed. I’m just not sure if that will be part of my plans in the future.”
“Why not?” (Y/N) queried, curious about his perspective.
“Ever since Fred passed away, it doesn’t feel right. I don’t see the joy in experiencing things that my brother will never have the opportunity to experience too.”
“I never really got the chance to know Fred personally… But I feel that, above all else, he would have wanted you to find happiness in every aspect of your life. He’ll always be part of your life just by you existing and loving him as much as you do.” George glanced at her, a pause hanging in the air, before clearing the table.
" Ever since Fred passed away, it just doesn’t feel right. I don’t see the joy in experiencing things that my brother will never have the chance to experience."
" I never really got the chance to know Fred personally... But I feel that, above all else, he would have wanted you to find happiness in every aspect of your life. He’ll always be part of your life through you existing and loving him as much as you do." George glanced at her, a pause hanging in the air, before clearing the table.
" Maybe you’re right, but we’ll never know that now." (Y/N) chose to stay silent, understanding it was time to shift away from the topic. Instead, she got up to help clear the mess from cooking, despite his protests.
" You should stay here tonight." George’s statement confused (Y/N), prompting him to elaborate.
" You haven’t slept at all, we’ve had a couple of drinks, and I don’t think you’ll be able to get home safely."
" I’ll be fine. It’s one thing to visit for a while; it’s another to intrude on your personal space."
" It’s not intruding if I’m the one asking you to stay," he asserted firmly. " It’s settled. I’ll take the sofa tonight. I imagine you’ll want to change clothes. Let me find a towel and some clothes for you."
" George, wa—" Her words trailed off as he vanished and reappeared with the items.
" Here. The pants might be a bit big, but they should do the job."
" Thank you." (Y/N) accepted everything gratefully. " But you really don’t have to sleep on the sofa. I’ll be fine wherever."
" You can’t expect me to do otherwise, (Y/N). Go on, don’t worry." He nudged her playfully toward the bathroom, prompting her to follow his suggestion.
Once alone in the small space, she removed her accessories and let her hair down, reaching for her dress brooch to slide it down. However, during the process, the zipper got stuck, and despite several attempts to fix it, she made little progress. Frustrated, she tried lifting the dress up to remove it from the top, but that didn't work either. Growing more exasperated, she paused for a moment before doing something out of character.
“Hey, George,” her voice was raised slightly to get his attention. “Can you come here for a second?”
It didn’t take long for him to appear, knocking on the door with a look of confusion. When (Y/N) opened the door, he turned his eyes to the side to respect her privacy.
“Everything okay?”
“No, not really. My dress is stuck. Could you help me, please?”
“Uh, sure.” After fully opening the door, he took in the sight of her messy hair and the look of frustration on her face, as she held the dress in front of her. “Turn around.”
The girl did as told, sensing his hand brushing her hair away. George's large hands worked with the zipper for a moment before managing to fix it and unzip the rest of the dress, leaving her back completely naked. He deep swallowed, making an effort to focus and maintain some distance between them. George wasn’t sure whether it was the wine’s influence or just utter desire in his body, but he allowed himself to trail her back with his index finger, going from the hollow of her lowest part to her shoulders and finishing on her neck, (Y/N)'s skin crawling in an instant.
-There you go…-
His voice came out as a low murmur, a product of their proximity and the charged atmosphere. (Y/N) turned around, murmuring a soft thank you. George nodded, his gaze lingering on the familiar features of her face. She noticed his scrutiny and, moving a little closer, found herself drawn to his lips. Her feet rose, giving George the sign to lower himself to level her height, sneaking his arm behind her back and lifting her easily, removing any effort from her part. With her hands still holding her dress, (Y/N) took the lead, brushing her lips against his in a gentle touch. She lingered for a moment before pressing her lips to his again, this kiss lasting just a few seconds. As if it wasn’t enough for either of them, George dared to kiss her with more intensity, bringing one of his hands to her neck and slowly tangling his fingers on her messy hair. Their lips intertwined with an ease as a result of the memory of kisses they had exchanged before. She felt as if she could melt in his arms, and he seemed more than capable of doing anything to keep her close.
The moment continued to intensify, both feeling the heat and desire when their hands started to wander more, and the kiss got messier. Even when they didn’t want to stop, (Y/N) felt George taking a step back, his lips swollen and his breathing fast.
They stayed silent for a moment, recognizing what they had done, yet there was no trace of regret between them.
“It’s best if I give you some space… I’ll see you outside,” he said. The girl nodded, still at a loss for words after their intimate moment. He offered her a final smile before stepping out of the bathroom, heading to the kitchen for a glass of water to steady himself.
With a heavy heart, (Y/N) stepped into the shower, letting the water wash over her as she replayed the moments of intimacy in her mind. After finishing, she went to George's bedroom, lying down and noting his scent lingering on the pillow. Meanwhile, George was in the shower, struggling to clear his mind and not let thoughts of her overwhelm him.
How could you not want more than that? The desire for a deeper connection lingered, unspoken but palpable, as they both lacked courage to express it.