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Akatosh in 4K and Oblivion

Maaannn watching Ghidorah in all of his (their) glory made me realize that we really need to see Akatosh in HD/4K WE HAVE SEEN Daedric Princes in ESO even Dagon and Bal. I felt robbed that we have not yet seen Akatosh in HD/4K majestic glory.
Ghidorah is the closest thing that I can compare with the Dragon God of Time, I know there's Skyblivion project but its still not finished yet, hopefully we will be able to see Dagon vs Akatosh battle in the HD/4K resolution...

FUCCCCCCK Imagine if its THAT is what Dagon sees

Unos gays reaccionando a otros gays:

A little WIP inspired by Ghidorah (thanks to my brothers hyper fixation)
I tried to make him look sharp, but I think I did Kevin dirty 😭
A dragon inspired by Ghidorah (until I realized he doesn't have any arms)

Three headed dragon for the soul <3
Ichi: and this is our bedroom Cole: who sleeps on the top bunk? Ichi: they fight for it every night Ni: the fight can last anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour and the loser gets bottom bunk Cole: what.
Triangle: I trust Monkey
Ni: You think he knows what he’s doing?
Triangle: …I wouldn’t go that far
Triangle: everyone get up, I made breakfast
Monkey: It’s 5 AM???
Ni: yeah what the heck
Triangle: Rise with the sun or die by noon
Ichi: …that’s not how the saying goes, who told you that?
Monkey: He yelled “you can be charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon!”
Ichi: …and?
Monkey: He’d been stabbed in the chest with a sword!
Ichi: Doesn’t that technically count as attempted murder?
Monkey: That’s what I said!
Ichi: Do you actually trust Monkey?
Triangle: I trust him about as far as I can throw him.
(*does aerial attack*)
Ni: *squints* That’s pretty far.
Triangle: Exactly. Don’t tell him.
Triangle (*driving*): When this baby hits 88 miles per hour-
Ichi: Goji, we are in a BUS on the side of a CLIFF. If you try to go ninety you WILL KILL US ALL!
Monkey: *high pitched screaming*

Showcasing my Cinematic MonsterVerse drawing of Ghidorah I made back to celebrate the 4th anniversary of Godzilla 2: King of the Monsters, hope y'all like it.
King Ghidorah created and owned by: Toho Co., Ltd and Legendary