Non Fatal Vore - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

places to find safe vore content?

Currently I post everything right here, but if y’all would want separate blogs for fatal and non-fatal vore let me know. Please vote below

Should vore-mecca become two blogs?
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Vote Now! [No, I like everything in one place] [Yes, fatal and non-fatal vore should have separate blogs] [Other ideas — HMU]

In my head there’s two vore scenarios I usually work with.


After puberty (almost) every male can vore. Bellies will get smaller over time, but prey are stored compactly, rather than digested. Preds can release their prey at will and prey remain unharmed. That’s not to say that this is necessarily safe though, since preds can keep their prey inside indefinitely.


While most people cannot vore, a small percentage of men (1 in 1,600) are predators who need to eat other men to survive. Once inside they break down as normal food, with the Predator needing to eat again after. For example, if a predator burns 3,000cal/day, a typical 81,500cal man (145lbs/65kg) will tide him over for 27 days. Although predators are rare, their appetites make vore decently common, with 15% of guys getting digested between ages 15 and 35.

Both feature primarily oral vore with some anal vore sprinkled in

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2 years ago

When you were cornered in the locker room and swallowed against your will, you thought you were done for, straight on the one way trip to being digested, but against all odds you once again felt fresh air on your skin as you left his mouth. Freedom is intoxicating, but so is the prospect of being able to pop-in there temporarily. While you can’t say you’re eager to get back in him right away, he did treat you well enough to earn a loyal guest.

vore-mecca - Vore Mecca

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8 months ago

”You’re going to taste delicious~”

Youre Going To Taste Delicious~

PLEASE REBLOG,,, I am so so proud of it!

First ever attempt at drawing anything vore related,,!! I’m very proud of it for a first try. I’m not too thrilled with how the shadow came out, but I was getting really frustrated with it and gave up,,

But this is my oc Russel. He is a sizeshifter and a bit of a bastard (loving),,

There’s also a darker version of this to show off his cool glowy eyes and tongue.

Youre Going To Taste Delicious~

The human will be safe btw,, he’ll keep them safe inside, just not before scaring and teasing them first.

This is also the first thing I’ve drawn in,, a while,,

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8 months ago

Self reblog because I am so, so proud of this and it got little to no attention,,,

”You’re going to taste delicious~”

Youre Going To Taste Delicious~

PLEASE REBLOG,,, I am so so proud of it!

First ever attempt at drawing anything vore related,,!! I’m very proud of it for a first try. I’m not too thrilled with how the shadow came out, but I was getting really frustrated with it and gave up,,

But this is my oc Russel. He is a sizeshifter and a bit of a bastard (loving),,

There’s also a darker version of this to show off his cool glowy eyes and tongue.

Youre Going To Taste Delicious~

The human will be safe btw,, he’ll keep them safe inside, just not before scaring and teasing them first.

This is also the first thing I’ve drawn in,, a while,,

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8 months ago

With how hot it’s been and how much I absolutely hate the heat, the thought of curling up inside of a frost giant has been very nice.

Their stomach is the warmest part of them, yet it’s still nice and cool. Plus it would be neat if their insides were blue or shiny like ice.

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1 year ago

A short vore story request from my friend @voredraw with my OCs!

Sleeping Hunger

John laid in bed holding onto his boyfriend Izzy, his smaller frame cuddling up onto his pecs. John smiled, kissing the top of his forehead getting up. Izzy lazily groaning and being sound asleep. Liam went to the bathroom, patting his little pudge from last night. It was a delivery man, Izzy watched him eat the delivery man and stuff him with some pizza before they had sex.

``Heh, what I will do to go through that night again pounding you.`` John thought, leaving the bathroom. Walking downstairs into the kitchen, he opened the refrigerator and saw nothing he wanted, his stomach growling eagerly. He groaned walking up the stairs into the room. About to wake up Izzy, his stomach growled in a tone that sensed his new meal. He never thought of eating Izzy before and they never talked about it to each other. He got at the edge of the bed, slowly taking the blanket off of him. Licking his feet, causing Izzy to giggle.

``Babe, please leave me alone, I'm trying to sleep.`` Izzy said annoyingly asleep. John engulfed his feet, trying not to wake him up. Slowly taking each swallow, John got on the bed and crawled after every swallow. He made it up to Izzy's stomach, his most sensitive spot. He lazily used his tongue to swallow him while his tongue stays on one spot without making him ticklish. Izzy slightly moaned from the tongue, opening his eyes, he tried to roll over but couldn't. Feeling himself being tugged backwards he realized he was being swallowed.

``What the fuck?! Who are you?! Let go of me!`` Izzy screamed, trying to get free but was forcibly tugged back more. He couldn't tell it was John as he kept screaming.

``BABE HELP!`` He screamed on the top of his lungs until his view was the maw closing in on him before plunging into the dark stomach. John felt extremely bad as he screamed but he felt full and laid on the bed, talking to his boyfriend.

``Ok, maybe I should've gave you a sign that it was me. I got hungry and there was nothing in the fridge.`` John admitted, rubbing over his dome of a belly. Izzy squirmed violently causing John to hold back belches.

``Babe please listen! I promise I won't hurt you, I will let you out. I know how too, just give me a few minutes or so to not feel so hungry. Please?`` He pleaded, looking down at his stomach, which slowly came to a stop, Izzy rubbing on the insides of the stomach walls. John moaning and feeling aroused. He heard sounds from his stomach, John lifting his gut up to his ear.

``Can you repeat that?`` He asked, Izzy yelling from the stomach walls.

``You almost gave me a heart attack! What if it were a stranger and you weren't around?! I genuinely could have DIED right now!`` Izzy yelled, punching on the stomach walls, a punch imprint came above slightly on his bellybutton, John moaning.

``Babe, please stop fighting, I told you I'm going to get you out of there in a second, I can hold onto prey without digestion for 2 whole days. You aren't even going to stay for one so stop panicking. I love you way too much to lose you this way.`` John commented, hugging onto his gut as if he were to hug Izzy. Izzy felt his head and tried rubbing it through the stomach walls, John cooed at the feeling.

``Fine... just get me out in an hour, I wanted to go pick up some clothes later on, I'll try to take a nap.`` Izzy admitted, shuffling inside John's gut to get in a comfortable position. John smiled leaning back, putting a timer of an hour on his watch.

``I love you Izzy, sleep tight.`` John said, rubbing over his belly, waiting for the 'I love you too' to be said back. After a few long minutes Izzy yelled enough for him too hear.

``I love you too John, I hope this happens rarely, it's not too bad.`` He admitted, John smiled widely and closed his eyes till the alarm decides to ring.

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