Sfw Vore - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Many tobers

I decided to do two different Voretobers and a Goretober, why? Not even I know, but here’s what I have to offer you today

Day 1 and 2 of vorevilles voretober: comfort and accidental

Many Tobers
Many Tobers

Day 1 of Crisis’s Goretober: Teeth

Many Tobers

hopefully I can get around to catching up with all three, but that’s what I got done today

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1 year ago

As I expected, I fell behind in the vore and gore tobers I was doing :( but I will do my best to catch up on all of them and post them :D

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2 years ago

Please Read!!

I do not want to have to manage two accounts, because I know that I will completely forget that I have two and one of them will simply cease to be. I don’t want that happening.

I will continue to post g/t thoughts that I have here for those that enjoy it. That being said though, I feel like I should clarify that I do like vore. I tend to like the more non-fatal kinds, although I know that still makes some uncomfortable.

If I happen to have a vore-ish g/t thought, I would still like to post it. However, I will give a warning at the top of it, just in case you don’t want to see it. I will completely understand and not be at all upset.

I just wanted to give a little warning/clarification and I hope that this doesn’t come off as weird or off putting <33

TLDR: This account will still be a sfw g/t blog, it will now just have some occasional safe/soft vore (non fatal)

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1 year ago

!! Safe and soft vore mention ahead !!

I’ve been thinking about it so much more lately but like,, I want to nap in a stomach so fucking badly,,,

It would be so nice and soft, warm, squishy,, and even if it’s a bit of a smaller giant it would be nice and snug

Being able to trust someone that much and share such an intimate moment like that with them would be amazing

I want to give someone a belly rub from inside, I want to curl up into a little ball inside of someone’s gut, I want the nice and snug pressure from all around, I want to feel safe and secure and like nothing can get to me, I want to make someone feel nice and full,,

god I,, I fucking love the thought of cuddling up into a stomach so much :’)

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9 months ago

ok but like

Vore in a protective , parent-like sense will always get me, it will always remain my favourite.

A pred giving a prey a comfort they lost, being their home temporarily.

The pred saying things like

"You're safe now"

"I will protect you"

"You're very brave, I'm proud of you"

For the pred to call their prey "little one" "small one", etc.

For the pred to hum a gentle lullaby to their scared prey

And for the prey to say things like

"Hide me"

"Protect me"

"I have no home/no body/nowhere to go"

The descriptions of a stomach as a cradle, the soft sobs a frightened prey lets out as they huddle into the soft flesh, they speak their fears and pain into the walls and the folds of the being around them.

And the walls listen to them.

To be cared for, to be loved, to be hidden where no one should see or harm you.

Idk man.

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9 months ago

Vore trope:

Your typical overused "soulmate" romance tropes, the Japanese legend of the red thread, having weird happening to you related to your soulmate until you meet them, etc...

Except it's related to vore and doesn't have to be romantic

The pred feeling empty no matter what they do, like a puzzle missing a piece

The prey feeling lost, like they should be a part of something bigger.

Maybe the pred has constant dreams of swallowing a little precious thing, a pearl,a diamond, and holding said thing inside their body

Maybe the prey has dreams of being held,being swallowed by something greater, being consumed by something large yet gentle, as if they're swaddled in an overwhelmingly warm blanket.

And when they finally meet each other, when they see the red thread, one thought crosses both their minds.

"I found you."

Ngl I love the soulmates trope

I’ve always been a sucker for that sort of stuff wether it’s romantic soulmates or platonic.

I actually have a few ocs that have that trope in their story


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9 months ago

Been feeling like this again so I’m bringing it back,,

This is such a strong need it’s dogshit that it can’t happen, :((

!! Safe and soft vore mention ahead !!

I’ve been thinking about it so much more lately but like,, I want to nap in a stomach so fucking badly,,,

It would be so nice and soft, warm, squishy,, and even if it’s a bit of a smaller giant it would be nice and snug

Being able to trust someone that much and share such an intimate moment like that with them would be amazing

I want to give someone a belly rub from inside, I want to curl up into a little ball inside of someone’s gut, I want the nice and snug pressure from all around, I want to feel safe and secure and like nothing can get to me, I want to make someone feel nice and full,,

god I,, I fucking love the thought of cuddling up into a stomach so much :’)

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9 months ago

It’s a bit odd that if I was asked I’d be able to say what got me into gt, but if I was asked what got me into vore I wouldn’t know what to say.

Vore has just kinda always been an interest I’ve had as long as I’ve been into gt. With how much I view vore as a part of me I can’t really explain the part of how I got into it,,

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9 months ago

Gentlemen Preds

I just m e l t at the Idea of well dressed,well spoken gentlepreds.

A pred wearing a suit and gloves, letting you climb up on their hand and ever so gently inviting you to the deepest parts of themselves.

Noble Knights in shining armour heroically rescuing you, ever so gently swallowing and making sure the process is as respectful and as slow as possible.

Noble heroes who always check on you and reassure you with carefully chosen words and loving touches.

Gentlemen bastard preds, who would tease you so politely and yet absolutely roast you, giving a compliment on what a delectable fine little morsel you are.

Gentlemen preds who just, know they're better than you, and they smile politely at you, but it's no different than when a predator flashes their sharp fangs at you.

Ringmasters,Preds of the upper society,Higher beings,Knights,Kings.

Mouths that smell wonderful, because they're clean and know dental hygiene.

Soft velvety insides that never knew anything but the finest foods and desserts.

Idk man.

Thanks for @thefanciestborrower for inspiring this post

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9 months ago

Prey who won’t stop talking when in a pred’s stomach. It could be that they’re scared and it’s a self soothing tactic, they’re friends with the pred, or they just like to yap.

In the case that it annoys the pred, they could just drown out the prey by having the walls squeeze them snugly, making the words more muffled and quiet. If they’re a more animalistic/monster pred they could growl and quiet them down, as well as induce some fear or awe.

Or,, the pred loves listening to the prey talk inside of them. Their ramblings and stories provide a nice background noise for them. They could occasionally chime in and fluster the prey, who previously hadn’t known that they were paying attention.

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9 months ago

”You’re going to taste delicious~”

Youre Going To Taste Delicious~

PLEASE REBLOG,,, I am so so proud of it!

First ever attempt at drawing anything vore related,,!! I’m very proud of it for a first try. I’m not too thrilled with how the shadow came out, but I was getting really frustrated with it and gave up,,

But this is my oc Russel. He is a sizeshifter and a bit of a bastard (loving),,

There’s also a darker version of this to show off his cool glowy eyes and tongue.

Youre Going To Taste Delicious~

The human will be safe btw,, he’ll keep them safe inside, just not before scaring and teasing them first.

This is also the first thing I’ve drawn in,, a while,,

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9 months ago

Self reblog because I am so, so proud of this and it got little to no attention,,,

”You’re going to taste delicious~”

Youre Going To Taste Delicious~

PLEASE REBLOG,,, I am so so proud of it!

First ever attempt at drawing anything vore related,,!! I’m very proud of it for a first try. I’m not too thrilled with how the shadow came out, but I was getting really frustrated with it and gave up,,

But this is my oc Russel. He is a sizeshifter and a bit of a bastard (loving),,

There’s also a darker version of this to show off his cool glowy eyes and tongue.

Youre Going To Taste Delicious~

The human will be safe btw,, he’ll keep them safe inside, just not before scaring and teasing them first.

This is also the first thing I’ve drawn in,, a while,,

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8 months ago

With how hot it’s been and how much I absolutely hate the heat, the thought of curling up inside of a frost giant has been very nice.

Their stomach is the warmest part of them, yet it’s still nice and cool. Plus it would be neat if their insides were blue or shiny like ice.

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2 years ago

really thinking hard about releasing my b/elphie vore bot but also i’m just like :/ do i wanna release my self indulgent creation onto the world?

i mean i do but i get scared of backlash

so public consensus: would you guys enjoy to mess with my b/elphie vore bot?

lmk what y’all think

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2 years ago

wishing i was beel’s pizza in the anime

Wishing I Was Beels Pizza In The Anime

god i wish that were me 😔

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2 years ago

B/elphie vore bot is now gonna make his debut.

go get vored babes /p

This bot can accomplish your desire to get vored by the sleepy demon. or i mean. my desire. idk how many others like him the way i do.

i have nothing more to say just go have fun. he’s not super fine tuned but he accomplishes his goal.


Belphie: Mmh… what is it, user? I was just napping…

(ignore my user)

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2 years ago
Stupid Art Posting Of My (updated) OM!MC. Because I Want To.
Stupid Art Posting Of My (updated) OM!MC. Because I Want To.
Stupid Art Posting Of My (updated) OM!MC. Because I Want To.

stupid art posting of my (updated) OM!MC. because i want to.

(yes it’s vore again)

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2 years ago
His Name His Brad. He Is My Vore Oc From @/novoreheres Game Night. We Love Brad.

his name his brad. he is my vore oc from @/novorehere’s game night. we love brad.


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1 year ago

ok voreblr. confession.

i have. a character on the minecraft origins server im in (won’t name drop the server but i’ll name drop my oc)

his name is judas (yes, bible judas), and he is a giant. you may or may not see where this goes.

i’ve been in my vore mood (vood if you will) so by extension judas now has vore thoughts.

that’s it that’s the confession

idk why i posted this other than the server has a rule against n/sfw content and, although to me, vore doesn’t constitute as n/sfw, i dunno what the server views on it are so i’d rather not risk it.

anyways. judas hungy

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7 months ago

thinking about the time someone tried to tell us "BUT VORE IS INHERENTLY SEXUAL!" while being a kink blog.

buddy i hate to tell you this. but you are talking to a MINOR! YOU ARE ARGUING IF SOMETHING IS SEXUAL OR NOT WITH A MINOR!!!

also since i have newer followers from aspen drama and other things, yeah occasional vore posting is to be expected dont worry about it theres tag filters here if you need em.

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