God Of War X Reader - Tumblr Posts
When I Lost You pt. 1
Sindri X Fem! Reader
What if SIndri actually had a wife and child? A wife that Sindri had believed to be dead for years because of Odin. Then Asriel, their child, starts having visions of his mother, but he’s unsure on how to approach his father about it.
The Night He Lost You
The fireplace warmed the small log house. The log house that was home to no other then you, Sindri and your newborn son, Asreil. It had taken a lot to convince Sindri to have a child and when he had finally said yes needless to say you were shocked. Oh and the look on Faye’s face when you told her you were going to have a baby. Faye was your older sister, she was the only reason you were ever able to meet Sindri.
“How’s he doing?” Sindri sat down next to you. You sat in front of the firepalce desperate to keep warm. You looked down at Asreil with a soft smile. Asriel was asleep in your arms.
“He’s fast asleep,” you hummed, as you sightly leaned into Sindri. Sindri wrapped an arm around your shoulders pulling you close. He played with your hair slightly combing his fingers through your hair.
Everything was calm, tranquil, peaceful... until...
A chill ran down your spine.
“Take Asreil,” You said as you handed over Asriel.
“What’s wrong? What’s going on?” Sindri asked. You stood up slowly.
“The protection stave,” you said.
“The protection stave?” Sindri pressed as he also stood up.
“It’s broken,” you said.
“B-Broken!” Sindri stuttered.
“WAH!” Asreil started crying.
“No, no, no shhhh, Papa’s sorry for yelling,” Sindri cooed rocking Asreil in his arms.
Asreil started crying even louder.
You grabbed your sword and headed to the front door.
“Hunny wait,” Sindri said. You looked back at him.
“It’s going to be okay,” you said.
That was Baldur’s voice, and he said guests? Who else could be here with him? He couldn’t have brought Odin could he?
Knowing this would not end well you turned back to Sindri and Asriel. You came down to his height. (Since you were at least a foot taller)
“Run,” you said. Sindri’s eyes widened in fear as he shook his head no.
“No... no, I’m not leaving you,” he said.
“Please... it is the only way... for you, for our son to live. If Baldur is here there will be no mercy,” you said. You gently held his face.
“I don’t want to leave you, I love you,” Sindri whispered.
“You got ten seconds to open this door!” Baldur and yelled.
“Sindri please,” you begged. Your eyes pleaded with your husband to run.
“TEN!” Baldur started counting.
The weight of the situation now started to fall on Sindri. He looked down at Asriel and back at you.
Your heart sank knowing you would have to leave your family behind.
“I love you,” you kissed his forehead.
You stood up and turned back to the door.
Holding back tears, Sindri disappeared with his son and ran.
You let out an annoyed sigh you walked to the door. You slammed it open. Immediately you were punched square in the chest by Baldur. Your back slammed against your dinning table. You let out a ragged breath, using the table to keep yourself up.
“So you finally open up, so good to see you again Y/n,” Odin stepped into your home.
“What the fuck do you want?” you asked.
“I have a proposal,” Odin snickered.
“No,” you shot it down immediately.
“You won’t even hear me out?” Odin asked innocently.
“Whatever you have to offer I don’t want it,” you said.
“Alright, I guess were done here,” Odin sighed.
“I guess we are,” you agreed.
“Keep it clean,” Odin leaned close to Baldur. Baldur smirked while cracking his knuckles then his neck.
Asriel jumped awake. He’d been having the same dream the last week. A beautiful women chained up with a needle like plant in the back of her neck.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
“Asriel? Breakfast is ready!” His father, Sindri, called.
“I’ll be down in a minute,” Asriel groaned as he rolled over in bed. Asriel yawned as he sat up. Questions filled Asriel’s head.
Who is this women?
Why does he keep having dreams of her?
Why was she chained up?
Asriel let out a heavy sigh as he pulled his bedroom door open and headed downstairs.
“Well good mornin’ sunshine!” Uncle Brok chuckled as Asriel sat down at the table.
“Mmm,” Asriel hummed still tired.
“Are you alright? You still look very tired,” Freya commented. All eyes were on Asriel now.
Asriel debated on whether or not he should talk about the women he had been seeing in his dream. He decided against it and breakfast resumed as usual.
Asriel couldn’t help but just sit there and poke at his food.
“Asriel, are you alright?” His father now asked.
“Yeah, I’m... I’m fine... I just need some fresh air,” Asriel sighed as he stood up,” if you need me I’ll be outside.”
The young teen pushed open the large door into the courtyard. He approached the center of it and just sat down. He drew circles, with his finger, on the wooden boards.
Asriel jumped and looked over to see his cousin, Atreus.
“Mind if I join ya?” Atreus asked.
“Yeah, uh, sure, take a seat,” Asriel said as he went back to drawing circles on the ground. There was a silence between the two.
“Your dad’s really worried about you,” Atreus finally spoke. Asriel glanced back up at Atreus.
“I know, it’s just… I don’t know… I don’t want him thinking I’m crazy,” Asriel sighed.
“Why would he think that?” Atreus questioned.
“I keep having this dream…,” Asriel admitted.
“About?” Atreus pressed.
“You can’t tell my dad okay?” Asriel didn’t want his dad more worried about him.
“I won’t,” Atreus agreed now growing even more concerned.
“It’s about this women… she’s chained up and has a needle like plant in the back of her neck,” Asriel admitted.
“Huh? And you don’t know who she is?” Atreus asked.
“Not a clue,” Asriel sighed.
“Could it be your mom?” Atreus offered an answer. Asriel froze not sure what to say…
He never did have a chance to meet her, but then again his dad never liked talking about her either. His dad would always say it was in the past, and leave it at that.
“I don’t think so,” Asriel now replied.
“Maybe you could ask your dad,” Atreus suggested.
“No…no I can’t, he… he doesn’t like talking about what happened,” Asriel said.
“But what if it is her? What if you could get her back?” Atreus threw the questions at his cousin, whom started to become more overwhelmed. Asriel stood up, Atreus quickly stood up as well.
“Yeah and what do you suggest I say? Hey dad I keep seeing this weird women in my dreams! Maybe it could be mom? I know you don’t like talking about her!” Asriel snapped, bitterness on each of his words. Atreus had a look of guilt and Asriel quickly realized what he had done.
“I’m-,” Atreus started.
“No, I should be apologizing to you, that was out of line and uncalled for,” Asriel apologized. “I think I just need to think on it. Thanks for listening to me Atreus.”
“Yeah, it’s what I’m here for,” Atreus beamed. The two headed back.
“Asriel!” Sindri called to his soon. Sindri stepped away from the quencher and greeted the two boys.
“Hey dad, don’t worry about me, I’m alright,” Asriel said.
“I just wanted to say, if you ever need to talk, I’m here for you,” Sindri said.
“I know dad,” Ariel smiled.
“Okay,” Sindri smiled back. Despite his smile Sindri’s anxiety was not put to ease.
Was his son okay?
What was bugging him?
Is it because he’s a bad father?
“The boy ‘ill come to ya when he’s ready,” Brok cut Sindri out of his thoughts.
“Brok… did… did I mess up somewhere…?” Sindri asked.
“I- er- I can’t tell you that,” Brok stuttered now starting to feel uneasy. Brok was a brute, never that good with emotions. Sindri sighed, as he headed back to the quench picking back up where he left off. The thought of his son in distress still plagued his mind.
It wasn’t until lunch time Sindri had seen Asriel again. Kratos, Mimir and Atreus were just getting back from one of there adventures. Asriel pulled himself down the stairs, he had just woken up from a nap, bad idea. He still saw the women but only this time he heard her screams of agony and pain.
“Dad,” Asriel’s voice cracked, he stood at the bottom of the stairs.
“Yes? What is it? Is everything okay?” Sindri rushed over to his son.
“Can I talk to you in my room? Please?” Asriel asked.
“Of course, let’s go,” Sindri agreed. The two headed back up to Asriel’s room. Sindri had to stop himself from commenting on how messy it was. He knew now was not the time.
“I know it’s messy,” Asriel said, he knew that his father wanted to comment on it.
“That’s…,” Sindri shuddered,” that’s not what matters right now, what’s going on?”
“I think you should sit down for this,” Asriel said as he pat the spot next to him on the bed.
“I think I’ll be alright,” Sindri replied. Asriel took a deep breath.
“I’ve been having these dreams of… a women… and… and I don’t know who… who she is… but if… if it’s mom… then she needs our help…,” Asriel said. Asriel was right, Sindri should have sat down. A pit in Sindri’s stomach grew. He suddenly felt sick.
What was he supposed to say? Feel? If his wife was alive this whole time would she be mad that he never tried to save her? That he assumed her dead after that night?
“No… no… your mom… she’s…,” Sindri couldn’t even say it. Instead he just left the room. He didn’t know where his feet were taking him. Memories of that awful night filling his head
“Dad! Wait!” Asriel quickly followed after his father. Sindri didn’t listen, he just kept walking until he was out the door.
“Woah hey! What’s going on?” Atreus got up.
“I told him about the women and I don’t know, started freaking out? Panicking?” Asriel started panicking a little himself.
“Okay, okay, calm down, breathe,” Atreus said.
“Women? Who are you talking about?” Freya now questioned, alarmed by the situation.
“I... I don’t know who she is... and when I mentioned it may be my mom... that happened...,” Asriel explained.
“What does the women in your dream she look like?” Kratos now asked.
“Uh, long (h/c) hair, (S/c) skin, I can never really get any specific details,” Asriel explained.
“It’s her,” Kratos said, he seemed confident in his answer,” I met your mother only a few times, but that seems to match her... from what I remember.”
“It sounds like her,” Brok confirmed,” and I think I may know where your father ran off to.”
“You do?” Asriel asked.
“Yeah, come with me kid, we’ll find him,” Brok said,” and gear up, we’re headed to Midgard.”
When I Lost You pt 2
Sindri X Fem! Reader
What if SIndri actually had a wife and child? A wife that Sindri had believed to be dead for years because of Odin. Then Asriel, their child, starts having visions of his mother, but he’s unsure on how to approach his father about it.
Sindri sat in the middle of what remained of his old home. The cold of Midgard felt like nothing compared to the stabbing feeling in his chest. His gloves were even off. He played with the two wedding bands that he wore, one his the other hers. He had crafted both of them just before the wedding. One of the few fond memories he had left.
How long had it been since he was here?
It’s had to be at least ten years. With Asriel now fifteen.
Sindri jumped slightly but didn’t turn towards his son.
“You shouldn’t be here,” Sindri said, he wasn’t angry, just pained.
“Uncle Brok said you were going to be here,” Asriel said as he sat down next to his dad. Sindri didn’t say anything and just continued to play with the rings. “What happened? What is this place?”
Sindri knew that this conversation was long overdue. He would have to tell Asriel what happened that night.
“This was…. This was our… home,” Sindri started,” your mother and I… we-we lived here… this… this is where you were supposed to grow up… but… but then the protection stave broke…B-Baldur… Odin… they…”
“I understand,” Asriel set his hand on his father’s shaking one. Sindri looked at Asriel for the first time in this whole interaction.
“If she’s… if she’s still alive she’s… she’s going to hate me… for not coming to her sooner…,” Sindri whispered.
“I don’t think that’s true,” Asriel said, he squeezed his dad’s hand. “We’re going to figure this out… together.”
Sindri used his free hand to wipe away his tears.
“Yes, together,” Sindri agreed. Asriel stood up pulling his dad with him.
The two headed back to the portal door. Brock had waited patiently for the two.
“Get it out of yer system?” Brok asked.
“Yeah, let’s get this all figured out,” Sindri nodded as they headed back home.
Back home the others had been waiting in anticipation.
“Is everything alright?” Freya asked as soon as she saw Asriel, Sindri and Brok.
“Yeah, we’re okay,” Asriel said as he sat down at the table. Sindri and Brok followed his lead.
“So Asriel now that things have calmed down the women that you believe is your mother, do you know where she is?” Freya asked. “Maybe it isn’t too late.”
“No, all I really know is that there’s a needle like plant stabbing the back of her neck,” Asriel said. Freya’s eyes widened, she quickly stood up and walked to her little study area. She grabbed a book flipping through its pages
“Is this what you’re seeing?” Freya offered the book to Asriel. Asriel examined the plant. With a grim expression Asriel gave a soft nod.
“It is,” he said.
“Then this is not good, these plants are only native to Muspelhiem,” Freya said as she closed the book.
“Wh-what are they exactly?” Sindri now asked.
“Nightmare thistle. When stung by it, as the name implies, invokes nightmares, but continuously being stung… that… that would cause an unimaginable Hell,” Freya explained.
“Oh god... my dearest Y/n,” Sindri muttered to himself.
“I think I know where she is,” Mimir now said. Kratos grabbed Mimir so that now everyone could see him.
“You do?!” Asriel and Sindri asked in unison.
“Aye,” Mimir nodded,” Odin has only ever kept one other prisoner there.”
“Then it’s decided, Freya and I will go investigate,” Kratos said.
“Please before you go, I would like to update your things,” Sindri said.
“Hm,” Kratos grunted in agreement.
You watched again as both Sindri and Asriel were killed in front of you. You were helpless. No way to move, no way to stop it.
Your vision faded away as the scene ‘reset’.
“Please... please... stop...,” you cried.
“You did this to them, you killed them Y/n. Tell me was it worth it?” Odin asked.
“No... no... no...,” you shook your head.
“All you had to do was give me what I wanted,” Odin said. He looked at Baldur once more and nodded. Once again you watched as Baldur killed Sindri and Asriel in front of you.
“Ahhhh!” you screamed.
This time the scene didn’t ‘reset’. Instead you heard the quite hushing of a women.
“Shhh, its okay. Your safe now,” she whispered. Your vision focused back in. You were met with a pair of brown eyes. They were soft and caring.
There was a sharp pain in the back of your neck.
“Wh-where...? Who...? My... Sin... As...,” you tried saying but your voice still very weak.
“I can carry her,” A deep male voiced offered. You head snapped up only to see Kratos.
“Kra-,” you mumbled.
“Shh, shh, don’t speak, there will be plenty of time for that later,” the woman now said.
Where was Faye?
Why wasn’t she here?
Why was this woman here instead?
Knowing you wouldn’t get answers now you let Kratos pick you up.
“Let’s get back quickly,” the woman said.
“Hm,” Kratos grunted in agreement.
Through most of the walk you were phasing in and out of consciousness. That was until you were in front of a giant tree that looked like it was a home as well.
“Kratos... I think I’m... good t-to walk on my own,” you spoke softly. Kratos let out a grunt as he gently set you down. He made sure you were steady before letting you go.
“How do you feel?” the woman asked as the three of you approached the set of double doors.
“Everything feels... weird... I...who are you...? Where is... my sister?” you asked.
“My name is Freya,” the woman responded.
“Freya...? Like... the goddess?” you questioned.
“Yes, but I am not here to cause any harm...,” Frey said. You nodded, feeling what she said was true.
“And Faye... Faye passed away a few years ago,” Kratos said. Your heart shattered... how much have you missed?
“Was it... Odin...? I swear to the gods...,” you said.
“It was not, it was all natural causes,” Kratos said.
“I see...,” you mumbled.
“We should head inside, I’m sure the others are quite anxious to see you,” Freya said. You nodded softly. Kratos pushed open the doors open
Your bare feet were cold against the smooth tile floor.
“So did ya- Well I’ll be damned.”
You looked over to see Brok, he had a look of astonishment and relief in his eyes.
“Tell me, did you find her?”
You knew that voice. You pushed your way through Freya and Kratos. Sindri stood there in front. Your legs grew weak as you fell to your knees.
Sindri stepped towards you in shock.
“Is it really you?” he whispered cupping your face in his hands. Tears fell from both of your eyes. You took in a deep breath and set your hands on top of his.
“Yes,” you croaked. Sindri wrapped his arms around your neck, he pulled you close holding you tightly. You held him just as tightly.
“I never thought this day would happen,” Sindri cried. “I thought you were dead. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
“Shh, shh, it’s alright, you didn’t know,” you whispered. You pulled away and looked Sindri in the eyes. Sindri sniffled and set your forehead on his. He rubbed circles on your cheek.
Your heart dropped as you pulled away from Sindri...
“Asriel?” you whispered. Asriel nodded as he stepped towards his mother.
“You recognize me?” Asriel asked. You couldn’t help but let out a chuckle.
“Of course I do,” you said as you out stretched your arms to him. Asriel choked up a sob and ran into your arms. “You’ve gotten so big. Tell me how old are you now?”
“Fifteen,” Asriel said.
Fifteen years? You’ve been gone fifteen year?
You sniffled as you pulled away. You held Asriel’s face taking in every detail you saw. He had Sindri’s eyes no doubt, but then again his eyes were the same colors as yours.
“My beautiful baby boy,” you whispered, “I am so sorry, I promise I am not going anywhere this time.”
“It’s not your fault mom. Dad told me... You did it to protect us,” Asriel said. You shook your head yes, holding back a sob. You looked back over at Sindri.
“You did a good job,” you said.
“I tried,” Sindir sniffled as he hugged both of you tightly. He was happy to have his wife back.
“Come, I’m sure you have much to tell me,” you said as you pulled away from the two. You stood up slowly.
“Sorry to interrupt but take this Y/n, it’ll help with the after affects of the nightmare thistle,” Freya offered you a cup with a dark blue liquid.
“Thank you Freya,” you hummed as you took the cup from her.
“Uh, hi, I’m Atreus.”
You looked over to see a boy the same age as Asriel.
“Atreus, hello, I haven’t seen you since you were a baby,” you smiled. Asriel gently grabbed your hand and brought you over to the table were Atreus was.
“Huh? You mean-?” Atreus started.
“Yes, your mother was so excited for me to meet you, of course at the time I was still pregnant with Asriel,” you said as you and Asriel sat down. Asriel held your hand tightly, you knew he wasn’t letting go any time soon.
You talked for hours with Asriel, Astreus, Sindri and sometimes the others would join in.
Asriel had started leaning against you. You could tell he was starting to get tired.
“Come on, lets get you to bed,” you hummed.
“But... I wanna keep talking...,” Asriel mummbled.
“We will have plenty of time to talk after you rest,” you said.
“Can you... tuck me.. in?” Asriel asked.
“Of course,” you hummed.
Asriel brought you to his room.
“I see you don’t take after your father’s cleanliness,” you laughed softly.
“Yeah... I don’t let him in here,” Asriel chuckled. Asriel pulled the covers back as he almost instantly flopped into bed. You smiled softly as you pulled the blanket over him.
“Sleep well my baby boy,” you whispered and planted a gentle kiss on his forehead. “I love you.”
“I love you too mom,” Asriel hummed. You smiled as you stepped out of his room. You headed back downstairs. Sindri was the only one left. He was sitting at the table.
“Are you okay my dear?” you asked as you sat down next to him. He looked at you with tears in his eyes.
“I’m... just so happy you’re okay,” he whispered,” that you’re here. that you’re alive. And... I’m so... so sorry... I didn’t... we didn’t. I’m sorry we couldn’t get to you sooner.”
“Do not apologize, I didn’t even know where I was,” you said as you gently grabbed his hands. “It’s going to be okay, we’re going to be okay.”
“I know,” Sindri hummed,” I’m tired, are you tired?”
“Very, lets get to bed, and tomorrow we can have a fresh start,” you said.
“Yes, a fresh start,” Sindri agreed.
I have completely forgotten something
I never did introduce myself
So HELLO! I'm AnimeKid, you can call me Kiddo(or not). Anyway, I have been on Tumblr for a while now, reading a lot of fanfictions, and thought well... I wanted to make my own. But I was kind of shy. Till a few days ago.
SO Now let me go down a few ground rules before I write anything else
Age in bio: This account will be 18 or up content so please MINORS DNI
Ask any questions: It could be about anime in general or something else. I'm open to request
What kind of fanfiction writing can I do? ( headcanons, SFW, and NSFW{depends on the mood I'm feeling or what the followers are in the mood for}, Character x female reader, male? ( not really sure, One-shot? definitely, and AU.
What Kind of writing will I be working on?
Attack on titian
Toyko Revengers
Black Butler
Black Clover
One Piece
Bastard!: Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy( Yes, I'm going to do it and no one can stop me!!)
Others(cause, when searched them up there was little to none at all, or I just wanna add my ideas)
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 1 and 2
Tekken (shortly or even right now)(and who else is going to do it?)
Asura's Wrath( reincarnated to the modern world: Mafia)
God of War
Ninja Gaiden
MK(Mortal Kombat)
Also, I love fan arts! OCs included and I hope we can all be friends

My First Masterlist
freedom. | surviving fimbulwinter [I]
![Freedom. | Surviving Fimbulwinter [I]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/c3f186a8c32d1c8f571df1d900d40fa5/395db7a806e50f9f-32/s500x750/143c778794ede80ac233717fb63b1c8d74cc735f.jpg)
[main page] | [t.o.c] | [spellbook] | [ << | >> ]
young adult!atreus x reader
-> synopsis: The only times you had ever experienced adventure was through your books. It was hard to live an exciting life while trapped in Alfheim.
You know you're meant for something greater than wasting away underground.
[loosely based on the events of Gow: Ragnarok]
-> chapter warnings: all chapters may contain spoilers, violence, sparring, cursing
You sat on the couch, pouting and pressing a chunk of ice against the side of your thigh. One of the dwarves— Sindri, you learned— paced back and forth in front of you.
"You better hope that doesn't get infected! None of us have any knowledge of healing, though we could make you a prosthetic should your leg rot off—" Sindri rambled.
"Ew, can we not?" You cringed at the thought, "It's already bad enough I literally got stabbed, I don't want to imagine any worse right now."
"Well, you shouldn't be sneakin' up on people!" The blue dwarf— Brok— huffed from his workbench.
"I said I was sorry! I forgot I was invisible."
"A likely excuse."
You threw a glare towards Brok, who definitely was choosing to clean off his knife in front of you on purpose. Sindri, on the other hand, had chosen to make his way back to the large cauldron beside the fireplace. He grabbed the ladle and stirred before stoking the fire.
"In any case, Kratos and Atreus should be back soon. They went out to collect supplies before they leave tomorrow, so once they're back we can all have a nice talk."
"Yeah, about how the Hel you appeared out of nowhere, and how you think it's acceptable to scare the Tatzelwurms out of us."
A few hours had passed, and you were still icing your leg. You'd just started a new book, Rare Fighting Spells, when the front door seemed to throw itself open. You jumped, watching as an incredibly muscular man walk through the door. Behind him was a boy, possibly close to your age. This must be the two Sindri was talking about.
They both eyed you, taking their things to Brok to mess with.
Sindri clapped his hands together, "Wonderful, everyone's here! It's time for dinner!"
To say dinner was awkward would be the understatement of the year.
You all ate silently— everyone sneaking glances at you while you tried to think of how to introduce yourself. Eventually, you coughed and sat up straight, putting down your spoon. Everyone else followed.
"I suppose I need to speak."
Brok huffed out a “You think?”, earning a side-eye and a kick under the table.
"My name is Y/N, and I just escaped from Alfheim. I don't know how I successfully got here, but Brok and Sindri found me. And then stabbed me—"
"You scared me!"
"—I did. But thank you guys for saving me." You tried to smile at them, but it was more of a grimace. "Any questions?"
"Lass, why were you in Alfheim in the first place? Don't you know there's a war going on?" The decapitated head asked with an accent way stronger than what you were expecting.
"I- uh, lived there?" You felt weird talking to it, "My father is a Dark Elf. My mother is mortal, but she died when I was born. Before the war, my father hid me underground, away from the other Elves. They hated me because I didn't look like them. Eventually, when the Elves began using the Light of Alfheim and all of the Dark Elves went underground, I was trapped even further and locked in my room.” You sighed, folding your hands on the table and gathering the courage to continue.
“Today, I decided I wanted to get out, so I learned a spell to make myself invisible and escaped. The Mystic Gateway was broken, and I tried for a while to fix it, but it wasn't working. That's when it started to fix itself, and Brok and Sindri opened it up from the other side. I snuck inside, and went to talk to them, but I forgot I was invisible, and— yeah. You get the rest."
The head hummed. You were sure if he could nod, he would. "I see. I'd heard a rumor once from Alfheim about a mixed breed, but you know those Elves. Squashed the rumor quick. They don't like anyone getting involved in their business. I suppose the rumors are true, then.”
You agreed, taking a sip of water from your cup. "I'm sorry to intrude, I just saw an escape and went for it."
"What's your plan now?" Sindri asked.
"I wanted to explore the realms, but I guess with the Gateways being broken I'll have to wait. Maybe I'll find a way to Midgard and build a life there—"
"You could come with us!"
The boy who offered, Atreus, slumped down for a moment, only to perk back up quickly. "Father, c'mon. Y/N wants to see the world, we could use another helping hand, why not?"
"We do not need another helping hand." His father seemed to mock, "We are fine the way we are. How do you know she could even help?"
"I could spar with her? And you watch?" Atreus offered, looking at you for approval. You, on the other hand, were just confused.
People just fought for fun? You were always told it was solely for your survival. That's why your father never trained you as much as you asked. If you were to spar against this boy, you'd for sure lose. You secretly hoped his father would say no, but he huffed and stood from the table.
"Meet me outside."
You watched him leave the house with wide eyes, and once the door closed you turned back to Atreus. "Dude, what? Why would you do that?"
"Uh, because it would be cool if you came with us?" He quirked an eyebrow, seeing nothing wrong.
"I haven't fought in Hel knows how long. I'm going to embarrass myself—"
"Kratos doesn't expect perfection." Sindri tried to reassure you, "But if you show promise and try your hardest, I bet he'll be a lot more lenient than you think. Especially if Atreus is nagging him."
"I don't nag him!" Atreus argued, standing from the table. You followed.
"What do you call it? Wearing him down?" Brok cackled as Atreus led you outside where Kratos was waiting.
"Ready, go!"
Atreus ran at you first, swinging at you with the wooden part of his bow. You stepped back a few times before rolling to his side and landing your foot into his ribs. He stumbled and coughed for a second, but recovered quickly as he notched an arrow.
In return, you grabbed your spear that all Dark Elves use for combat and aimed it towards him. As Atreus shot his arrow, you retaliated by shooting a small energy beam out of the spear, burning his arrow in its path.
You hadn't used the spear in ages— since your father quit teaching you— so you felt a bit rusty. Nevertheless, you couldn't let that trip you up.
You didn't want to hurt him, so you charged at Atreus with the non-sharp side of the spear. Atreus used his bow to block, and you were left pushing against the wood in a battle of strength.
Atreus was stronger, eventually shoving against you and forcing you back. He notched three arrows at once, unleashing them as you sidestepped two of them. The third grazed your bicep, but you couldn't even feel it with the adrenaline in your veins.
Being part Dark Elf gave you a lot of agility, and even without wings it felt like you were flying at times. You hated to admit that you were enjoying fighting— it gave you a feeling of freedom you'd never had before.
You jumped back, away from your opponent, and cast your spear out in front of you. Red spots began to appear on the ground around Atreus, and one by one they began to detonate. Bright light surrounded the outside, blinding those who looked too hard. While Atreus was weak, you took the advantage.
Quickly, you charged again, sticking your spear between the wood and string of Atreus's bow and throwing them both to the side. Atreus barely recovered enough to block your fist, his forearm pushing it down before trying to retaliate with a hit of his own.
He landed the hit on your jaw, but you couldn't flinch. Not in the middle of a fight. You jumped back again, waiting for him to charge. He did, and you were able to initiate your plan.
You swept your leg out, taking his own out from under him. Atreus gasped and fell forward, knocking you down in the process. You yelped, the weight of the boy on your stab wound becoming incredibly painful.
"Alright, truce! Ouch—" You rubbed your leg as Atreus got up, holding his hand out for you. You took it and he helped you stand.
"Y/N," Atreus began, "That was so cool! Your powers are just like a Dark Elf's, you even have the spear—"
"Enough." Kratos silenced him, walking up to you and sizing you up. He towered over you and quite frankly, it was very intimidating. You were already shorter than Atreus, you didn't need to feel any smaller.
Kratos stayed quiet for a while, seemingly weighing his options and looking back and forth between you and his son. "We leave tomorrow morning. Decide whether you are coming or not."
You and Atreus watched as he disappeared back into the house, before looking back at each other.
"Did you hear that? You can come!" Atreus grinned at you, "We'll have to pack you some supplies, and get a bed for you here— there aren't any extra rooms, but my bed is small so we could put another one in my room! That is— if you're okay with that, of course. Nords, this is great."
You couldn't help but smile at Atreus's enthusiasm. It had been a very long time since you'd been around someone so positive— since you and Fritjof were young.
The thought of Fritjof make your heart feel heavy, but you brushed it off and paid attention to Atreus. Because of him, you'd finally get to experience the Nine Realms. "I can't wait.”
By the time you and Atreus made it back inside, the dinner table was already cleaned and Sindri was walking by with a blanket in his arms.
"Ah, there you are." He approached you and held out the blanket for you to take. "We made you a bed, but you don't have your own room. Not yet anyways, but if you wanted one I'm sure we could do it. Anyways, you'll be staying with Atreus, and we'll pack you a bag for tomorrow with all your stuff and more. If there's anything else you need, give us a call."
You were stunned. Never before had some random strangers shown you so much kindness. It was enough to make your eyes water a bit. "Sindri, thank you." You held the blanket to your chest. "Honestly. That all means a lot. I should be alright, thanks to you all."
Sindri's eyes softened at you, "Of course."
You turned to Atreus, following his lead as he heads to his room. It's small, but enough to fit two one-person beds on opposite sides of the walls.
You sat on one of the beds, slightly bouncing on it to test its comfort. Acceptable.
Atreus, taking the other bed, set his weapon down beside it before laying down and staring up at the ceiling. It was quiet for a moment, and you began taking your shoes off to lay in the bed.
"Was it hard?"
You paused. "Was what hard?"
"Leaving." Atreus turned to his side, facing you. "Leaving your father and everything you'd ever known."
"Well, all I'd ever known was the same four walls of my room." You laughed dryly. "I left my father and one friend, but my father didn't seem to care for me too much and my friend had just betrayed me when I left."
"They did?" Atreus propped his head up, more interested in the conversation.
"Uh, yeah." You shrugged, getting under your own blankets and facing him. "Didn't approve of me wanting to leave. They all thought me hiding away was for my own good, but I'd been trapped there for 19 years. My entire life. I couldn't stay forever."
"19 years." Atreus mumbled, then said louder, "I'm older than you."
You couldn't help the grin that came across your face, and you rolled your eyes. "What, by like a month?"
"Nope," He popped the 'p', "I'm 20. Though father sometimes thinks I'm still 12."
"Dads, huh?" You joked, "I think they just want to protect us from how harsh the world is. No matter how much we disagree."
"You have no idea." Atreus agreed, "I love him, I just wish he'd let me do more. At least now I don't have to hide too much from him, since I convinced him to let us search for Tyr tomorrow."
"Tyr?" Your eyebrows furrowed, "Tyr's dead. I read about his entire story not too long ago.”
"I don't think so! I saw it in a prophecy— Tyr is leading an army against the Aesir during Ragnarok. Since Fimbulwinter is happening, that means Ragnarok will soon. There's no way he's dead if he's leading an army in the future." Atreus explained, "That's why we're going to find him. We're heading to a city in Svartalfheim tomorrow to talk to someone Brok and Sindri recommended. They said he might know where Tyr is."
You shook your head. "Wow. That is... a lot." You yawned, trying to hide it. You were still interested in the conversation, but today's events were wore you down.
"Isn't it? I'm excited." Atreus yawned as well, "The only way it'll come quicker is if we're asleep when time passes. Let's go to bed."
"Yeah. Goodnight, Atreus."
"Goodnight, Y/N-" Atreus began, but you were already knocked out. He smiled slightly to himself, secretly glad to finally have a companion his age join the group. All of the adult nonsense got tiring.
Taking one last glance as you slept, Atreus turned around in his own bed and fell asleep.
[ >> ]
The first time

After a bad day, you come home unresponsive and tired. And Thor could tell this was unlike you. He tired his usual ways to cheer you up but nothing worked. So he decided to do something you both hadn't done before with each other.
The first time you and Thor do it together, he has to prepare you greatly. Ease you into it. He is half giant for a reason. And many forget he's a fertility god. You can put your trust in him. He'll know exactly what to do to make you feel good. The half giant just wants to please the person he loves the most. Seeking their love and approval back. He was desperate to please you. To make you happy. Because when you were happy and pleased he knew he did well. He knew he wasn't the monster everyone said he is nor the monster he thought he was.
Especially when you looked up at him with our devotion and adoration. He felt warm inside when you gave him such gaze. Especially when he took you like the God he was. And it certainly wouldn't be the last time...that night
I wish there was color here but I suck at color I really do:/. I wish I knew how to shade and color already so I could provide the best spicy thor art. But oh well.
Also this might be a mouthful for thor. I feel like he would have said it differently at least but I'm still trying to capture his essence lol