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8 months ago

Allison Hargreeves - a vent

So this is just a vent

I was re-watching the Umbrella Academy season 3 and oh my dear god

I just saw the seventh episode and I want Allison to just drop dead and never come back up

and I get all those people saying they liked her in previous seasons, I get it guys I do. I did not. always knew there was something going on something was wrong she would snap. her allgood kind to everyone didn't seem right (I mean maybe you can call it trauma that I don't believe it when someone is nice but come on when a family is that fucked up just- okay) and she got 'everything' in her life that Viktor supposedly stole from her was not hers to begin with. She manipulated things to be her way. Not to mention she raped not one but two men - Patrick and Luther(currently ignoring the FACT that Luther is her brother but okay)

and her blaming Viktor for everything I just...

small detail Mrs. Chestnut you rumored him(then her) in forgetting he even had powers and to do that you were taken to the exact room he was locked in and you didn't tell anyone anything. Fine, you're daddy's little princess and didn't tell Viktor about rumouring him but after Reginald was dead? After everything started going to shit it didn't hit you like "Whoa hold on a minute our sister(brother) also has powers maybe that would help" no? If you had just use basic common sense on MULTIPLE occasions instead of manipulating your way out of them maybe just MAYBE you wouldn't have 'lost' everything

I really suggest going to read - on Reddit cause this just sums everything up. I wasn't on reddit until recently and god yes- i have found other people who realise exactly how Allison's character is since the beginning

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