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Whatever you do don't imagine the Hargreeves siblings after Five disappeared.
Don't imagine Ben sleeping in Five's bed for weeks after he left because it still smells like him
Don't imagine Vanya playing his favourite songs night after night because he'd always come into her room when she did
Don't imagine Klaus hoping he doesn't randomly appear in front of him and that's when the drugs started so that even if he does appear Klaus won't have to see him
Don't imagine Diego researching everything about time travel and pestering Pogo to find any way to get him to go behind Five
Don't imagine Luther sneaking into Reginald's office and trying to find proof that this was all his doing and that Five will return
Don't imagine all the others dragging Allison in front of Five's picture while they cry and she softly whispers
"I heard a rumour that you came back"
What if Peter's Family was Alive? (Part 2)
"You were what!?" exclaimed Tony. "Mary Fitzpatrick," replied Natasha sounding calm.
"You are Spiderman's mother?" questioned Steve. "Apparently" "Why didn't you tell us?" asked Clint. "Because I didn't know that myself." "How does one NOT remember giving BIRTH!?" screeched Tony. He was very upset by the fact apparent fact that Natasha could be Peter's mother. "The Red Room must have forced her to forget. Given her something that made her," replied Wanda. A silence settled in the room.
Natasha had always wanted kids of her own. When she had visited Clint's family, met Cooper and Lila, her longing had increased. But now that she found out that she had a kid of her own, she didn't know what to feel. Was she happy? Was she shocked? Was she...scared?
What if he doesn't like me? What if he hates me for leaving him? For forgetting about him? Why do I not remember him? Or...Richard for the fact? What had happened? How do I tell him? How will he react? Doesn't he live with his Aunt? Doesn't that make her my sister-in-law? I have a....family? All these were running inside her head.
"We will have to tell them about this Tony," said Sam and Tony slumped in his chair nodding. "Should I give them a call?" asked Wanda, looking hesitantly at Natasha. "No! Not...today. I-I need some time," answered Natasha.
"Are you alright?" asked Wanda walking up to her. "What do you think? I just found out that I have a son," said Natasha ruefully. She turned to Tony, "Tell me about him?"
"Hah! There is a lot to that kid. What'd you wanna know?" "Just the basics." "Well, he's spiderman. And he is 16. He has two friends, Ned and MJ, and lives with his Aunt May. He goes to Midtown School of Science of Technology. His birthdate's August 10th. What more?"
"Tasha..." Clint said coming over and hugging her. Natasha let out a huge sigh. She knew if they waited longer that would be unfair, to Peter. They had to tell him the truth. She had to. "What about tomorrow? Call Spider...Peter. Call Peter tomorrow. Peter and May." she said, looking at Tony. He nodded in reply. A silence settles in the room, which was disrupted when...
"TONY!" yelled Happy, rushing in the room. "Oh-! What!?" exclaimed Tony. "It's the Spiderkid." "What about him? You dropped him didn't you?" "I was waiting for him, he never came." "What do you mean?" asked Natasha. "He used the suit. He went back on his own." "What's the big deal? He has done that before, what's the matter now?" said Tony. "The matter is that he was attacked or something. I was tracking his suit and now I can't see where he is." Happy said, showing the screen to Tony and Natasha.
(PS - I haven't written beyond this so now it's up to your imagination)
ohkay so
yesterday i came out as bisexual for the first time to anyone i know personally and it was my closest friend. he is like a brother to me and i decided to tell him. i was very scared and had no idea how he would react but i still went with it.
his reaction was the most wholesome one. he is usually a very goofy person so unusual for him he just calmly asked "i don't know much about all of this but bisexual means you like both men and women right?" and i said yes and he just said "yeah I'm cool with it"
and then still a little apprehensive i said "ah you're being sweet" and he said (a person who can joke about anything from the heavens to hell) "i wouldn't joke about this it's important for you"
i am so very lucky to have gotten such a response and i don't really have many people to share this with so i decided to share this here..
Reunion of Albion
[This is just a short headcanon that I had about BBC Merlin. Hope it helps you somewhat forget the pain of the finale. :)]
Nearly 1500 years after the death of the Once and Future King of Camelot. There is a shift in the air. The birds of Camelot seem more cheerful than ever. Everything seems as if shifting. The sun is brighter than before and the Queen stands in her room looking out in wonder.
"Merlin! What is happening?" she called out. "I have no idea Gwen, but whatever it is I feel strangely happy." "You were looking for a counter spell, did you find it? It has been the same of years now." "No Gwen. Even the Great Dragon has no answers." said Merlin.
Neither of them had aged a day. For 1500 years they were the same as they had been on the day when.... Some strange curse had befallen Camelot. The Queen, Sire Leon, Sir Percival, Merlin and Gaius had not aged a day. Nor had a lot many people. The world around them had reached many heights but how much ever Merlin tried he could never bring that change to Camelot. How much ever he tried he couldn't reverse the curse. It was as if Camelot was stuck at one place in the loop of time. Each year Merlin would try to do something to reverse it but nothing has worked.
"Your Majesty! There is something happening at the Lake of Avalon." said Leon bursting inti the room. It wasn't far away so all of them set out immediately.
"Merlin, Gaius do you know something of this?" asked Percival. "No. This is not something I know of." replied Gaius. The Lake was shining with a bright light. The trees were swaying to an unheard tune. There was some sort of movement in the middle of the Lake.
Merlin stepped closer. In his heart, he knew what was happening. He had known a day would come when they would be reunited. A day when they all will return. All of them stared open mouthed. A bright light blinded them all. When they opened their eyes, it was a sight to behold.
Middle of the Lake their stood Arthur in all his might with the Excalibur glinting in his hand. Beside him stood Gwaine, strong and smiling his own sword in his hand. Elyan stood beside him, grinning from ear to ear and Lancelot, stood there smiling at his long lost friends.
The Once and Future King has returned and with him have returned the Knights of Camelot. They were welcomed with open arms and flowing tears. There was a banquet and a feast. There was laughter and love. Camelot had returned to its full glory. But Merlin had not shed a single tear all day. It didn't seem real to him. To him, it seemed another of his many dreams. To him, it would all end. He had seen this before it ended with Gaius waking him up but as he decided that his going to sleep would end this, Gwaine came up behind him and said, "Merlin! There you are at last! I have been looking all over the place for you. I am a bit rusty, point me to the Tavern?" "Sir Gwaine has forgotten where the tavern is !? I must be dreaming!" said Percival. Leon entered behind him laughing followed by Elyan and Lancelot. Then came Gwen and then Gaius. Last of all came Arthur. They all laughed, and Merlin stared at them, tears finally prickling his eyes.
"Merlin, you idiot! What are you staring at?!" said Arthur smiling.
He had them all back. He had them back and now he realized what had happened to Camelot. Albion was no other than Camelot. He was Albion and because he was awaiting the arrival of The Once and Future King with his Knights, Albion waited as well. And now the wait was over for Albion had finally been reunited.
[It's not enough to remove the pain, but I hope it's enough to give you hope that all was well after all. Hope you liked it!!]
What if Peter's family was alive?
"Well, today we have a guest. Spiderboy is coming over to officially be introduced as an Avenger," said Tony striding into the room. Tony and Steve had settled their differences after the Civil War. Even though they weren't friends again, they were back together at the Avengers compound. "You mean Spiderman? The one who fought along your side? He seemed very strong back then." said, Wanda remembering how he was able to hold his own against her and the others.
They all kept quiet for a while remembering their encounter with Spiderman.
"He is here," announced Pepper, coming in. Behind her, entered a 16-year-old boy in a NASA t-shirt, a jacket and a backpack. "Who's he?" asked Clint, confused as to why was there a boy at the Avengers compound.
"Peter Parker; commonly known as Spiderman. I just said, he is coming over. Where's your head Legolas?" said Tony. "HE is Spiderman!? A 16-year-old!?" Steve called out and Tony shrugged.
"So, you are telling me, that a boy, a 16-year-old boy was in a war between the Strongest protectors of the earth! He was walking on walls, dodging Wanda's powers, stopping Bucky's metal arm and Steve's shield during the time he should have been at Math class!?" exclaimed Sam.
"You see, Mr Falcon, I was bitten by a spider when I was younger, that gave me many of their abilities like superhuman strength and agility. That is why I was able to stop Mr Barnes' and Mr Captain Rogers' shield. And I also have the spider ability to walk on walls." answered Peter, smiling from ear to ear. He had met the Avengers before but they were fighting back then. This time he was meeting them officially. He was an Avenger!
Natasha walked up to him and put out his hand. "Natasha Romanoff a.k.a Black Widow," she said. "Nice to meet you Ms Widow!" replied Peter, excitedly. One by one all the avengers introduced themselves. However, Peter had to leave after a while. "Mr Stark...I have mathlete practice. So...I have to leave." "Sure. I'll ask Happy to take you home," replied Tony.
"No, that's okay Mr Stark I'll go on my own," said Peter walking out of the room. He entered back in wearing his Spiderman suit. "Yeah, no. You are not going to school in that. Come on, change back in. Happy is downstairs he will take you." said Tony decidedly. "But Mr Stark-" started Peter but Tony shook his head and turned away. Peter changed back to his previous outfit. He waved at all the Avengers. "See you, Mr Stark!" "See ya, kid."
"His parents know he's Spiderman?" questioned Clint. "Long dead, Barton. Richard and Mary Parker. Stays with his Aunt. " replied Stark. Natasha stopped in her tracks.
"What did you say his mother's name was?" she asked. "Mary...Parker. Why do you ask?" Steve replied instead of Tony. 'Mary Fitzpatrick..."
"That's her maiden name. How did you know that Romanoff?" asked Tony, visibly surprised. "Nat, did you know her?" asked Clint. "In the Red Room, while on missions my name was Mary Fitzpatrick. I was Mary Parker..." she replied
I also did it thrice like @rodent--quinn-queen--posts and i got in public poison and coffee and cafe so that's just a plotline at this point-
First thing you see after you zoom in is how you die

How you dying 👀
What if Peter's family was alive?
We know Peter's family is no more. His mother and father are not with him neither is his uncle. He lives with his Aunt May. But what if... After the Civil War, Peter Parker meets the Avengers for the first time. He also meets his mother but he doesn't know that yet...
PS - I had this written down ages ago, and because it seemed a cool idea I decided to post it. Because I haven't seen the Black Widow, I don't know how things worked in the Red Room so I may or may not have changed some facts. But I hope you like the idea!
Chapter 7 (part 2)
"Merlin you old fool!" Arthur said as Percival laid him down in one of the houses. "What is my life compared to all of yours?" he said. Merlin knew he was gonna die. He was a powerful sorcerer, but the bolt was also forged of magic. It could easily kill him, but he had a few thing to say. Merlin used all the magic he had to keep awake. Gwaine and Arthur sat on either side of his bed while Gaius sat near the end of the bed.
"Gaius...when I'm gone...." "You are going nowhere!" Said Gaius even though he knew it wasn't possible. "Tell them....about Emrys. And all he has done."
"Merlin, please. Merlin you are not dying. You can't die! You have to stay with me, with us! Please, Merlin..." said Gwaine. No one had imagined the day Gwaine would but here he was, silently crying beside his dying friend.
"Why Sir Gwaine? Isn't George enough?" asked Merlin, a small smile forming at his lips. "He isn't our friend, you are." said Elyan. 'Oh yes? Is that the reason you all behaved so harshly? Is that the reason you all were treating him so rudely?" questioned Gaius. "It was supposed to make him mad just for a few days. Until today.." started Percival. "It's his birthday tomorrow. We just wanted to surprise him." said Leon.
Merlin let out a small laugh. He, himself had forgotten his birthday.
"Be the best knight in Camelot for me, Gwaine." he said and Gwaine nodded in response. "I will take care of Hunith, rest assured." said Gaius.
"I'll make sure these idiots don't get themselves killed." said Elyan tear streaming down his face as he smiled.
"Percival...take care of Gaius for me." said Merlin, trying not to wince. Percival clapped a hand on Merlin's shoulder and smiled at him.
Arthur wanted to say a lot and he would have if he was not crying so much. Merlin was his first friend. The only person who had never seen him as 'Prince Arthur' but as just 'Arthur Pendragon'. He wanted to tell Merlin that he was his most trusted and loyal friend but...he couldn't. He just couldn't. But Arthur just sat there watching his one true friend taking ragged breaths that would soon lead to his last. But when he turned to look at him, Merlin smiled. It seemed as if he knew. "Arthur....Guinevere" said Merlin and Arthur understood.
Merlin took one last look at all of them and smiled again. His magic was slipping and he breathed his last words... "When the hour of the greatest need is upon, Walk along the Lake of Avalon Call out for me and I shall be To try and be that friend indeed."
And as he did the room was filled with tiny balls of lights. Merlin's hand fell limp from Gwaine's. "Merlin? Merlin!?" exclaimed Gwaine, breaking down beside him. The clang of Elyan and Arthur's sword said it all. Gaius collapsed to the ground and Leon silently mourned.
"Happy Birthday..." whispered Percival. Even though Merlin wouldn't hear it now. He would never make a joke or give comical remarks. He would never come bustling in the room with that bright smile. He would never see the banquet they had prepared. He would never see the celebrations and the feast they had prepared.
He would never see them and they wouldn't see Merlin again...
Chapter 7 (part 1)
It was the day of the challenge. It was to be held at the edge of the village which looked out to a valley. As soon as the day dawned the challenge began. Elijah had chosen giants of men from his army. Elijah’s men may be strong but the knights were agile and quick. After some time Percival was wounded, and Gaius went up to Merlin.
“What did you do? The swords were poisoned, Percival should have dropped dead by now." said Gaius. "Last night I had gone to their camp to change the swords. I removed the poison but they are forged of magic." replied Merlin. "Forged of magic?" questioned Gaius, dread settling in. "Weapons capable of killing the most powerful of sorcerers." answered Merlin.
The battle continued till eve but none had fallen. Injured but not dead. Darkness started creeping around the village but they continued the battle. In the clang of the swords something clicked and Merlin's head snapped up. He sensed something and put his entire focus on it. Another click. A bolt being fitting in a crossbow. There was only one death today that would matter the most. Merlin knew what he had to do. He had known this is what they would try to do. He knew, so he ran.
The bolt was fired for one person, Arthur. Everyone heard the swoosh of the arrow but it never hit Arthur. Merlin wanted to call out to Arthur or Gaius but when he opened his mouth, "Gw...Gwaine!" He called out to his friend.
To hell with his injuries, Gwaine ran with the speed of wind and was immediately by his side. "Merlin...keep your eyes open. Merlin! EYES OPEN!!" he said. Percival reached and gently lifted him. "Merlin!" he heard Arthur.
"The challenge shall continue tomorrow." said Elijah starting to go away. "no!" said Merlin. "Eh...boy? Why not?" sneered Elijah. "Be...because if not dead one...man is dying." replied Merlin. The smile vanished from Elijah's face and Gaius stepped in. "You said it yourself, "One man from all". And he...he is..."
Gwaine's anger took the best of him. He took out his sword, turned and plunged his sword in his opponent. "Well, if you wanted someone who was in the challenge, there you go."
Elijah started to raise his hand to signal attack when he heard Merlin in his head. "Elijah...don't do this. You just killed one of your own kind, how many more must die?" Elijah lowered his hand immediately. "My apologies, Your Majesty." he said and retreated with his troops apologizing to Merlin through their connection.
Chapter 6
"You want us to stop attacking your villages? And that we go away? You mean us no harm? Hah! You expect me to believe you? You, who killed so many of my brothers! You expect me to believe you!! Never!" barked Elijah.
Arthur looked down, clearly ashamed of what he had done. And the fact that his people had to suffer because of him. "I'll do whatever it takes. Whatever you say, just leave them be." pleaded Arthur.
"Whatever I say, eh? You will do just as I say? What about your Knights? Will they?" sneered Elijah. Percival and Gwaine's hands tightened on their swords. Whatever Elijah was going to suggest wasn't going to be a pleasant walk in the garden.
"Alright then! Five of my men will fight against you all. All at once but one for one. And the fight will go on until one falls. Not in each pair...oh no! I am not that cruel. Hah! No, no no. One man from all. That's it. That's all I ask." he said.
"How are we to be sure you won't use magic?" questioned Leon. "Not all of my men are sorcerers. See these ten here? They are the sorcerers and they won't be fighting. And if we did use a spell won't you be able to see?" he said and rode away with his men.
"Gaius! All those swords, the ones Elijah's men had. All of them were forged in dragon's breath. It also seemed that they were coated with something." whispered Merlin. "Most probably poison. Of course they aren't going to use magic, their weapons are prepared in such a way that none of them would even survive a gash." said Gaius back in reply.
"I have to do something!" said Merlin.
"You only have until tonight, Merlin. Think of something fast." said Gaius and went off. '
Merlin thought for a minute and then he had his answer. It was the only way and if not...he didn't care. He felt it to be best for all...
Chapter 5
All through their two day journey Merlin and George decided to share all their work. George was more than pleased to be working directly for the King, Merlin was dreading every moment he would have to spend near Arthur.
"Merlin!" Gwaine called out. Merlin's head snapped up. It had been weeks since Gwaine had called to him. A bubble of hope formed in Merlin, and he quickly rushed towards him.
"Yes G...Sire? Yes sire?" he said, catching himself mid way. Gwaine looked up and looked as if he realized he was doing something illegal. He shook his head and just threw his boots towards Merlin. Merlin's face fell, and he left taking the boots with him. Merlin had realized that no matter how much he works, no matter whatever he does they are not going to be his friend. "A lowly servant" is what he had called himself, he had hoped that if they were his friends they would contradicted. No one. No one had said anything. Well no one except Gaius, who had given him a whole speech on how he is a powerful sorcerer and how he is like he is a son to him.
Now he had given up. He had accepted that he was a just a servant. A lowly servant.
They reached the village and Merlin and Gaius immediately set out help the injured.
"What is this?" said Merlin while examining the wound on a man's shoulder. "Poison. From what I see, all of their swords are coated with poison." replied Gaius. "Merlin, get my bag. I think I have left it where we first stopped."
Merlin obediently left. He reached there and inside the Knights and Arthur were talking...
"This was not supposed to happen! Have you seen him?" said Elyan. " I have. He is not his usual self." replied Gwaine.
"Arthur, we need to to stop. You saw what happened that day..." started Percival when he spotted Merlin near the door.
"I am sorry Sires. I was just here to get Gaius's bag. So sorry Sires." Merlin bowed and left. He rushed back to Gaius. He had a lot of questions. Who is not like himself? What is it that Arthur is doing? Could it be that....that they were talking about him?
He shook his head. Whatever they were talking about is not of his concern.
Chapter 4
Arthur entered the throne room with Merlin trailing behind him. He asked the woman, who had come to state her problems.
"You Majesty. there have been attacks on my village. They ask not just for grains but for people as well. Anyone who dares stand up to them they just......kill him. Killed him..." She stifled her sobs and continued.
"They have magic, Sire. They have used it in front of us. Please help us sire. They have threatened to kill every single one of us. They come each week and take grains and people alike. Please Sire! You have to help us!” she pleaded.
Arthur got down from his throne and approached the woman.
“You and your village have nothing to fear. Me and my knights will ride at dawn tomorrow. Gwaine, Elyan, Percival and Leon be ready!” said Arthur and the knights nodded.
“Thank you! Thank you so much, my lord!” said the woman. “Are there any injured in your village, Cara?” asked Gaius while taking her away and she nodded. Gaius turned to Merlin and he understood.
“Sire, may Gaius accompany you? There are injured in the village. They will need help.” asked Merlin.
“Of course. He must. Oh, and Merlin. Tell George to be ready at dawn too.” replied Arthur. “George!?” exclaimed Merlin, All the knights turned to him.
“Yeah?” said Gwaine. “But am I not accompanying you? Why would you need George?” asked Merlin, already panicking. The attackers have magic. They will definitely try to kill Arthur. He has to be there. He has to! “No, you are not. You will be there with Gaius tending to the harmed. For our services we will be taking George.” replied Leon. “I can do both. I-” started Merlin. “Will not go against the King’s orders!” said Percival.
There it was again. The snapping. He was just asking a question, not defying any laws! Why the sudden change? They had been friendly since morning and now?
Foolish! I have been so foolish. They were not being ‘friendly’ they were being ‘polite’. You are not their friend. Arthur is the King of Camelot and these are the Knights. I am just a servant, thought Merlin.
“Sorry Sires. I will inform George at once. And I apologize. I shouldn’t have exclaimed like that. I have no right to object to wyour orders.” said Merlin. And then he softly added, “I am but a lowly servant.”
He started for the door and passed Arthur on the way. For a moment it seemed to him that Arthur’s face fell. 'It can’t be. You are just a servant. Not his friend that he’ll be sad because you are,' thought Merlin and left.
Chapter 3
"What you are thinking is not correct Merlin. Why would you think they hate you?" asked Gaius over dinner.
"What else can be the reason, Gaius? They don't behave like that with other servants. It's just me. I must have done something to make them behave like this. I must have imagined Arthur's politeness as his friendship. I am his manservant. They are the Knights. If not, his equal they are his friends. I should understand that. They are not my equals and thus cannot be my friends."
Gaius sighed. There is no use telling Merlin anything once he has decided otherwise. He just hoped that Merlin will be proved wrong.
Chapter 2
Arthur was sitting alone by the window. As soon as he entered Merlin knew he was sad.
"So, how has your day been?" He asked trying to make him talk. He was sure Arthur heard him. He wasn't too far away and neither was his voice low but Arthur didn't respond. Merlin went about his daily routines. Arthur hadn't moved an inch in the past hour and Merlin was worried.
"What's troubling you? You can tell me. You know that." "Why would you think that? How can you even understand my problems? I am a King, Merlin! The answer to my problems will not be with my servant. Now get out and make yourself useful! Tell the knights to come to the council room. If you'd be able to, that is!" he snapped. Merlin would never get used to Arthur snapping at him. Neither the knights. Something had changed and Merlin couldn't figure out what exactly. Arthur had been angry with him in the past but not like this. Never like this. But Gwaine? Elyan? They were his friends, and it was not as if he had done something extreme. He was being snapped at by all of them. Even the usually calm and composed Sir Leon. He felt as he didn't belong here anymore.
Chapter 1
Chapter 1: The Lunch
Merlin walked in to the King's chambers with his lunch, but when he reached, he found all the knights gathered around. They were eating, laughing and having fun.
He stopped one of the maids going out, "Sarah? Did Your Majesty arrange this or was it some sort of surprise by the knights?" "Your Majesty did, Merlin. Even I was surprised for it's you who serves him. Annoying him now, are you?" she giggled and left. "Merlin! I won't be needing you to bring me lunch from now on. I'll have with the knights." said Arthur spotting him in the doorway.
"This is far more fit for a King than the food you bring. You may leave," added Agravaine. "Yes Sire," Merlin said. Disheartened as he was, he didn't show it.
A Lowly Servant
Summary -
Merlin feels he is not a friend of Arthur or the Knights. He is just a servant. Just a lowly servant. Why would they even be his friends? He is just Arthur's manservant. Nothing else.
The moon is my only friend
For he stays long after the very end
I talk to him for days
And he nods with understanding okays
The moon is my only lover for my night sky he covers
In all my dark times he shall shine
and even when no one else he'll always be mine
The moon is my only hater
for now he only says later
Why does he get all the stars
while I only the scars?
For a minute, it seemed like you could look right at me
For a minute, it seemed like your eyes understood mine
And then you looked away, not wanting to know
You turned your head in the direction of simpler things
My eyes speak my truth They speak a language only those willing understand
You were so close, the shine in yours
Matched mine so well it seemed like it was meant to be
Alas mine weren’t the eyes you were trying to read
You only ever looked for hers
Your smile belongs to her and so does your gaze
Your eyes might shine every time they look into mine
But they lighten up when you look for her
You think no one notices but
Every now and then
Your eyes wander towards her
How do I even know any of this you might think
Because I only ever look at you
For a minute, our eyes dance in an unspoken conversation
For a minute, it seemed you were looking right at me
The next I understood you never do

Cant help but think that bbc merlin writers had so many opportunities to write any magic reveal they want, but the one they went for starts with the most agonising line ever, of arthur saying in desperation that no, merlin, you are not the evil that haunts my life, you're all what's good in my life, you wouldn't betray me, you wouldn't choose this, you're not like them, “I would know”
This only makes a little sense but what if
Klaus Hargreeves has the ability to talk to the dead right?? So what if he is dead?
Died like ages ago i know i know he can't but what if
And because his powers were talking to the dead but because now he himself is dead his powers like reversed and now despite being dead he can talk to the living
That would explain suddenly being able to channel other spirits through him you know-
I've always pretended to be happy to not worry others
My facade is so strong i sometimes fool myself into believing that I'm happy
But in the dead of the night
Alone in my room it hits me like a train
I'm not
I'm not happy
I'm not okay
I'm not