Grand Duchess Anastasia - Tumblr Posts
My high school musical theatre program is doing Anastasia this year, and we’ve known since March. Since then I’ve been fascinated with the story, and probably like everyone else, I really do wonder what Russia would be like if they were never murdered. I even wonder what would have happened if only Anastasia did really escape and live. I have so many what if questions about this story. I know the Romanovs were horrible leaders but it’s still a sad story to think of.

Anastasia (1997) - dir. Don Bluth, Gary Goldman

Grand Duchesses Anastasia and Maria, 1904
“It [whooping cough] speedily spread to the nurseries and to the four children. The Russian nurse and I contracted it. I had told the children that they were to be most careful not to cough on anyone, or that person might take the disease from them, and they were very obedient.
One day the little Grand Duchess Anastasie was sitting on my lap, coughing and choking away, when the Grand Duchess Marie came up to her and putting her face close up to her said, ‘Baby, darling, cough on me.’ Greatly amazed, I asked her what she meant, and the dear child said, ‘I am so sorry to see my dear little sister so ill, and I thought if I could take it from her she would be better.’ Was it not touching?”
- Margaretta Eagar

“Rank meant little to the girls. They worked alongside their maids in making their own beds and straightening their rooms. Often, they visited the maids in their quarters and played with their children. When they gave instructions, it was never as a command. Instead, the Grand Duchesses said, ‘If it isn’t too difficult for you, my mother asks you to come.’ Within the household, they were addressed simple Russian fashion, using their names and patronyms: Olga Nicolaiavna, Tatiana Nicolaievna. When they were addressed in public by their full ceremonial titles, the girls were embarrassed. Once at a meeting of a committee of which Tatiana was honorary president, Baroness Buxhoeven began by saying, ‘May it please Your Imperial Highness…’ Tatiana stared in astonishment and, when the Baroness sat down, kicked her violently under the table. ‘Are you crazy to speak to me like that?’ she whispered.”
Nicholas and Alexandra by Robert K Massie