1900s - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Joan of Arc by Allan Douglas Davidson

St Joan of Arc by Sir William Blake Richmond

Joan of Arc on Horseback by Unknown Artist

Joan of Arc by Wolfram Onslow Ford

Watchman, What of the Night? by George Frederic Watts

Joan of Arc during the siege of Orleans by Jules Eugène Lenepveu

Paintings Depicting Jeanne Darc In Armour Part 2.
Paintings Depicting Jeanne Darc In Armour Part 2.
Paintings Depicting Jeanne Darc In Armour Part 2.
Paintings Depicting Jeanne Darc In Armour Part 2.
Paintings Depicting Jeanne Darc In Armour Part 2.
Paintings Depicting Jeanne Darc In Armour Part 2.

Paintings depicting Jeanne d’arc in armour part 2.

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2 years ago

Orpheus Leading Eurydice from the Underworld by Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot (1861)

Orpheus und Eurydike by Anselm Feuerbach (1869)

Orpheus and Eurydice by Emil Neide (1873)

Orpheus in the Underworld by Pierre Amédée Marcel Béronneau (1897)

Orpheus by Hugues Jean François Paul Duqueylard (unknown)

Death of Orpheus by Émile Lévy (1866)

Thracian Girl Carrying the Head of Orpheus on his Lyre by Gustave Moreau (1865)

The Death of Orpheus by Henri-Léopold Lévy (1870)

Orpheus by John William Waterhouse (1900)

Orpheus And Eurydice
Orpheus And Eurydice
Orpheus And Eurydice
Orpheus And Eurydice
Orpheus And Eurydice
Orpheus And Eurydice
Orpheus And Eurydice
Orpheus And Eurydice
Orpheus And Eurydice

Orpheus and Eurydice

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2 years ago
The Dedication By Edmund Blair Leighton

The Dedication by Edmund Blair Leighton

The Dedication is an important rediscovery in Edmund Blair Leighton's oeuvre. Known only through a black and white photogravure published in 1908 it has not appeared on the open market for over seventy-five years. The picture is one of several painted in the 1900s in which a knight and his lady are seen in incidents illustrative of the code of chivalry. This series included The Accolade; and God Speed

Although not specifically Arthurian in subject matter, these pictures represent a late phase of the Victorian revival of interest in the national legend. Pictorially, they have many antecedents. Perhaps the most obvious are William Dyce's murals in the Queen's Robing Room in the House of Lords, in which the artist used incidents from the Arthurian stories to embody abstract concepts such as religion, chivalry, generosity and mercy, and the chivalric subjects that Rossetti and his followers were so fond of in the late 1850s.

In this painting by Leighton we see a knight and a noble lady in a Church kneeling before an alter as the knight pledges his sword in his holy cause and the noble lady offers up a prayer with her eyes closed and hands clasped; while in the background we see a soldier waiting outside, holding the knights horse.

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6 months ago
ldysmfrst - LadySamFrost

Wait, you were actually born in the 1900's? Thats so cool

i am going to eat my own entire skin

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5 years ago
Grand Duchesses Anastasia And Maria, 1904

Grand Duchesses Anastasia and Maria, 1904

“It [whooping cough] speedily spread to the nurseries and to the four children. The Russian nurse and I contracted it. I had told the children that they were to be most careful not to cough on anyone, or that person might take the disease from them, and they were very obedient.

One day the little Grand Duchess Anastasie was sitting on my lap, coughing and choking away, when the Grand Duchess Marie came up to her and putting her face close up to her said, ‘Baby, darling, cough on me.’ Greatly amazed, I asked her what she meant, and the dear child said, ‘I am so sorry to see my dear little sister so ill, and I thought if I could take it from her she would be better.’ Was it not touching?”

- Margaretta Eagar

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1 year ago

Eugene has my favorite style of painting, portraying in most cases, hardworking women living the best of their liveswith lovely smiling friends. His images always reminds me of my best friends and all the good times we had together and we still have.

Eugene De Blaas (Austrian, 1843-1932)

Eugene de Blaas (Austrian, 1843-1932)

Gathering Shells

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2 years ago
Love Letter From 1913 That Opens Up To Form An Art Gallery (x)

love letter from 1913 that opens up to form an art gallery (x)

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2 years ago
-Cecil Hepworth & Percy Stow 1903 Original 12 Minute Short Is The First Known Film Adaptation Of Lewis
-Cecil Hepworth & Percy Stow 1903 Original 12 Minute Short Is The First Known Film Adaptation Of Lewis
-Cecil Hepworth & Percy Stow 1903 Original 12 Minute Short Is The First Known Film Adaptation Of Lewis
-Cecil Hepworth & Percy Stow 1903 Original 12 Minute Short Is The First Known Film Adaptation Of Lewis
-Cecil Hepworth & Percy Stow 1903 Original 12 Minute Short Is The First Known Film Adaptation Of Lewis

- Cecil Hepworth & Percy Stow 1903 original 12 minute short is the first known film adaptation of Lewis Carroll’s 1865 “Alice in Wonderland”. The film was partilally restored with its original tinting in 2010. (x) Alice in Wonderland (1903) Directed By: Cecil Hepworth & Percy Stow

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2 years ago
Vera Rockline - Sleeping Nude

Vera Rockline  -  Sleeping Nude 

Russian, 1896-1934 

Oil on canvas

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1 year ago
Source : We Do; A Celebration Of Gay And Lesbian Marriage - Edited By Amy Rennert

Source : We Do; A Celebration Of Gay And Lesbian Marriage - Edited by Amy Rennert

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6 months ago
War Correspondent Winston Churchill Serving In South Africa. Bloemfontein, 1900.

War correspondent Winston Churchill serving in South Africa. Bloemfontein, 1900.

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6 months ago
Lightning, 1900s

Lightning, 1900s

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6 months ago
"A Voice From The Past". A Cartoon From The American Magazine "Puck", 1905.

"A Voice from the Past". A cartoon from the American magazine "Puck", 1905.

The shadow of Louis points to the image of the guillotine and says to Nicholas: "Be careful, Brother." In front of him is a crowd of people begging him to sign a petition, but the Tsar seems to ignore it. The cartoon refers to Bloody Sunday. Even then, it was obvious to many abroad that revolution was inevitable in Russia.

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6 months ago
Mexican President Porfirio Diaz Stands Next To An Aztec Solar Calendar, 1903.

Mexican President Porfirio Diaz stands next to an Aztec solar calendar, 1903.

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5 months ago
Japanese Nurse During The Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905.

Japanese nurse during the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905.

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