Gravity Falls Axolotl - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago
I Know Practically Nothing About The Axolotl, But Knowing That A Silly Looking Creature Runs(?) The Universe
I Know Practically Nothing About The Axolotl, But Knowing That A Silly Looking Creature Runs(?) The Universe

I know practically nothing about The Axolotl, but knowing that a silly looking creature runs(?) the universe is enough for me to love them

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5 months ago

I've never made an au before, actually I'm not entirely sure if this already exists, but lately this concept has not left my head. I tried looking to see if this idea has already been used, and I didn't see anything but I also wouldn't be surprised if I just didn't look hard enough ^^'

Anyways, the idea is that after Bill destroys his dimension, the Axolotl shows up. Maybe the death of a dimension isn't all too uncommon, but a dimension being destroyed by someone is what catches the Axolotls attention. They want to deal with this threat before it can do anymore damage to any other dimensions, or at least that was the thought until they find a scared Bill. The Axolotl adopts Bill, teaches him how to use his powers, and eventually thinks Bill has learned enough to finally give him his first big task, to watch over dimension 46'\. There's still things about it I'd have to figure out, but this is at least a start. c:

I've Never Made An Au Before, Actually I'm Not Entirely Sure If This Already Exists, But Lately This

I thought it'd be fun to try and include the Axolotl's influence on Bill in his design, and while I don't necessarily view Bill as being a god himself, I also wanted to make his design appear god-like from being raised by the Axolotl. Hence the floating hat, fancy bow, and ribbon/cape thing. For the colors I wanted more of a friendlier, cosy yellow instead of the bright, hazard yellow canon Bill is. Instead of black for the hat and bow I used a dark blue because it felt more space themed, and then I tried using the same light blue as the Axolotl to tie them together. Lastly, I added two little triangles floating around Bill that I imagine chipped off him from when he destroyed his dimension, not really too important to the design, I just thought it was fun ^^'

I think Bill would still be quite chaotic and has fun doing weird things, but he never does anything to intentionally cause harm. Sometimes he can get a bit carried away with his shenanigans though!

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5 months ago

A Meeting

A Meeting
A Meeting

Turns out, I'm not that great at writing ^^'

But I at least had fun with this, and I don't think it turned out too bad.

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5 months ago

New Home

New Home
New Home

I don't think the Axolotl would have an actual home that they stay in, more so they just travel around keeping an eye on things, but with their discovery of Bill they decided to make a home for him.

I just realized I used the wrong color for Bill's speech- Sorry if that causes any confusion.

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5 months ago
Finished These Two Drawing N I Think I Did Good !!! Hope Yall Like Them (eyes On Axolotl Werent Hand
Finished These Two Drawing N I Think I Did Good !!! Hope Yall Like Them (eyes On Axolotl Werent Hand

Finished these two drawing n I think I did good !!! Hope y’all like them 🗣️ (eyes on axolotl weren’t hand drawn ^_^)

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5 months ago
Thank You, The Book Of Bill, For Reviving The Gravity Falls Fandom

Thank you, The Book of Bill, for reviving the Gravity Falls fandom 🙏

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5 months ago
The Gravity Falls Propaganda Got To Me

The Gravity Falls propaganda got to me

The second I saw that one of the characters was an axolotl, I was doomed 😭

Enjoy this little meeting of gods!

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5 months ago
I Wonder How Therapy Is Treating Bill

I wonder how therapy is treating Bill

If the book of Bill's to be believed, not well!

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5 months ago
I Wonder How Therapy Is Treating Bill

I wonder how therapy is treating Bill

If the book of Bill's to be believed, not well!

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8 months ago

I continue to practice digital art.)

You know, I have a tradition of re-watching “Gravity Falls” every summer, which appeared back when the first season was just coming out.

But since I read Flat Dreams a few years ago and, one might say, EVERYTHING related to this amazing fanfic, the item “re-watch Gravity Falls” has also added the item “re-read Flat World, etc.”

I can’t find words to express my gratitude not only for the "best summer", but also for this masterpiece among fanfictions!!!

And every time, like the first time, my heart breaks into pieces at this moment... (/T~T)/

“Sleep,” he says. “I am here.”

I Continue To Practice Digital Art.)

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7 months ago

Despite the fact that it is only the beginning of august, I managed to catch a cold, but even this cannot stop me from getting my sweet pie!)

(I even cried when I unpacked him...)

Now he drinks and watches anime with me :)

Despite The Fact That It Is Only The Beginning Of August, I Managed To Catch A Cold, But Even This Cannot

But because I had to help my mom choose a new aquarium, I saw axolotls up close for the first time!

...I didn't expect them to be so small :3

Despite The Fact That It Is Only The Beginning Of August, I Managed To Catch A Cold, But Even This Cannot

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4 months ago

I made a Gravity Falls OC and/or AU

But since I am too busy deciphering Journal 3 on my own, I didn’t draw it. So, here’s a diagram.

I Made A Gravity Falls OC And/or AU

In this, Bill Cypher is nicknamed “Lord Providence” bc of the eye of Providence. The Axolotl is called Axo, and the pink Star candy right there is called Lady Konpeito, or by her name, Kishi Moon.

Edit: I drew something

I Made A Gravity Falls OC And/or AU

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