Bill Cipher Fanart - Tumblr Posts

they're besties

it's #them

i can't stop drawing them
my take on the "if you were a monster" trend
🔊🔊sound on
dont look in his eye, it looks back

my take on the "if you were a monster" trend
🔊🔊sound on
he gave you a rare gift ford

Bill cipher inktober#02
drawing I made of bill mixed colored pencil and crayon :P
Bill cipher doodles bc he's my favorite lil freak

I love him sm lol
These were all with my non-dominant hand (minus the one where they're reading together)
My human Bill design!!
He's so fun to draw

(Last two are with my non-dominant hand)
Disclaimer that this is FOR FUN AND IT'S MY PERSONAL DESIGN because apparently it's illegal to draw Bill any other way but Alex's "canon" design.
Cringe is dead, I made a self-insert to ship with Bill
My one irl on here, uhhh, don't look

That's all. I might make more of this idk, it's fun
These two make me ill.
I don't know what the context here is but it's something

Close-ups under cut

I made art for an AU my brother and I made (which is an offshoot of another AU my brother made.
Basically Bill dies a bit earlier (Stanford kills him in the Nightmare dimension sometime while he's stuck in the portal) and so while he's in Theraprism he still makes his Book and it ends up in Gravity Falls. And Mabel stumbles upon it! He communicates with her through the book and they become friends. And Dipper too. He's a little wary of Bill at first though.
This is not Mabill btw. Wanna clarify that

More under cut
Bill lets them in on what Stan is doing with the portal (he doesnt tell them why he's rebuilding the portal though) and he gets her to mess with it and basically change the coordinates to Theraprism.
AND THEN it works and he comes through!!

They do get Ford back actually. I can't remember how haha. I think Bill did it (somehow??) He wanted to gloat about how he won or something. But his powers are limited (because of dying) so he actually didn't win lol
Basically he can still do all sorts of stuff, but he can't do anything too big and he can't make anything permanent.
BUT ANYWAY Ford cautions Mabel because yeah that's friccin Bill Cipher.

And then she gets all saddy bc omg Bill's a Manipulator and a Liar and he WAS USING HER?? but. Bill has emotions and he did get attached to her (as well he did Ford BUT THATS NOT IMPORTANT)

That's all the art I made for the au
But yeah. Bc his powers are limited and bc Mabel and Dipper are attached to him, Ford can't really do anything. And Bill hangs around as a fun weird third uncle.
Probably the rest of the story would be Bill trying to find a way to get his powers fully restored but he gains ✨️feelings✨️ along the way. And he and Ford would superrrrr slowlllyyy make up. And then he truly does become a fun weird third uncle.
Also the Axolotl probably comes because Bill friccin escaped Theraprism but he ends up leaving Bill there because he can see Bill has changed!
He's very sad when Mabel and Dipper leave. But he's got Ford and Stan!
Anyway yeah I might make more of this idk. Don't tell me this is unrealistic, let me be delusional.
I like putting people in fun outfits, it's one of my favorite pastimes.

I liek him C:
Bill as a baby
What a little angel

Head canon: Kinito is the Great Axolotl from Gravity Falls, just trying to look closer to Bill, and Bill can't do anything bout it. I have no evidence to back me up or any reason why, I just think it would be funny.