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Ever After High Pokemon Teams - Hunter Huntsman
Part 4 is here!! Time for the huntsman who could never harm a fly -
Hunter Huntsman

Growing up, Hunter’s father really wanted him to follow in his footsteps and become a Pokemon Trainer like he did. However, Hunter’s heart lay on a different path: Pokemon Breeding! Hunter is a natural caretaker and dotes on injured and Baby Pokemon.
Trainer Class: Pokemon Breeder
Hunter's team is mainly comprised of Pokemon he has either taken in after finding them hurt or Pokemon he raised from Eggs.
Cheeky the Greedent

Super Fang
Bullet Seed
Cheeky was Hunter’s first Pokemon, found in the woods and injured. Hunter secretly took him home and nursed him back to health. He tried to release him back into the wild, but he just kept coming back over and over again until Hunter finally agreed to catch him. Cheeky often caused trouble for Hunter due to his habit of hoarding berries. However, after Hunter became a Breeder and started raising Baby Pokemon, Cheeky quickly became a fun-big brother like figure to the Baby Pokemon. He would often sneak them their favorite berries after dinner time and would play with them after dark - much to Hunter’s frustration.
Cheeky is, obviously, in reference to Pesky, Hunter’s pet squirrel. Skwovet and Greedent were the obvious choice to represent Pesky. I also think Greedent’s berry filled tail would be very helpful when feeding Pokemon.
Indy the Indeedee

Draining Kiss
Indy was the second Pokemon Hunter caught. He met her when he was sneaking out of his house to release Pokemon that were caught in his father’s traps. Indy helped him and even helped him get Cheeky under control. Hunter caught her after a quick battle. Indy greatly helps Hunter with watching any Pokemon he is looking after, both Baby and adult Pokemon. Indy has a very calming aura about her and has quelled many arguments. Indy is also close with another Indeedee who's trainer is also fond of Hunter…
When I read that Female Indeedee are great babysitters, I knew this had to be on Hunter’s team as he would be taking care of a lot of Baby Pokemon. I also chose this Pokemon to parallel Ashlynn's Indeedee, Gladiolus, as well as helping the two forge a connection.
Grampy the Drampa

Hyper Voice
Dragon Pulse
Hunter met Grampy when he was trying to find his younger sister Fern who had wandered into the forest. Grampy found Fern first and took care of her until Hunter found her. Grampy ended up liking Hunter and he would come around Hunter’s house just to help out with Fern and Baby Pokemon and Hunter ended up catching Grampy because he was around so much anyway! During his journey, Grampy would help by watching over young Baby Pokemon and Eggs. He is a gentle, old soul who loves making youngsters laugh.
Drampa is a perfect Pokemon for Hunter! Dragon types are typically tough, strong Pokemon that are feared by all. And while Drampa is certainly a strong Pokemon, it is also known for its caring nature and love of small children. This description reminded so much of Hunter and I knew Drampa had to be on Hunter’s team!
Marley the Magmar

Lava Plume
Scorching Sands
Scary Face
Fire Spin
Marley is the first Pokemon Hunter hatched from an Egg. Right from the beginning, Marley was attached to Hunter’s leg and followed him around like he was his parent! Marley has a love for both small Pokemon and battling and is always ready to protect his weaker buddies. He alway helps with Egg hatching as his Flame Body ability is perfect for helping Eggs hatch! He also helps introduce Baby Pokemon to berries by warming them up to make them softer and easier to eat.
I knew I wanted Hunter to have a Pokemon that had an ability to help hatch Eggs (so Flame Body, Magma Armor or Steam Engine). After looking through the options, I decided that Magmar fit Hunter’s team the best. Not only did Magmar have the Flame Body ability, but it also evolved from Magby, a Baby Pokemon, which felt very on brand of a Breeder. I also chose not to have Magmar evolve, because while Hunter would train his pokemon, he does not battle for profession or sport, so he would not be hard pressed to evolve any of his Pokemon - especially if there was a risk he would not get it back, like in a trade.
Ripley the Lucario

Aura Sphere
Flash Cannon
Dragon Pulse
Shadow Ball
Ripley was an active Pokemon, even when he was newly hatched! He looks up to Hunter and wants to make him proud. Thanks to how close he is to Hunter, he evolved into a Lucario rather quickly and he often used his new Aura Abilities to read how a Pokemon is thinking or when an Egg might hatch. He is the strongest battler out of Hunter’s team.
Riolu is one of the most popular Baby Pokemon and it and Lucario would for sure be Pokemon that Hunter would want on his team. Not only is this line really good in battle, but I also think that it would fit Hunter so well to have a Pokemon that evolves via friendship.
Woody the Sudowoodo

Rock Slide
Low Kick
Fire Punch
Like Marley and Ripley, Woody was hatched by Hunter from an Egg. Woody looked up to Ripley as a strong battler and would always train with him. As a Bonsly, Woody was shy and scared who knew how to use his tears to get Hunter’s attention. After evolving, Woody developed a love of pranking and making other Pokemon laugh.
Like the prior two, Bonsly is a Baby Pokemon. I chose the Bonsly line from Hunter’s final member because it often pretends to be a tree to deceive others and Hunter used to have to pretend to be okay with his destiny, plus I thought the fact that he looks like a tree to be a great bit of irony.
And there is Hunter's team! I hope you liked it! Next team will be out soon! I am planning on releasing another soon, so feel free to comment any suggestions!

south park and pokemon version i drew! these were their first pokemon starters at this region before they evolved.

Juliana and the pokemon that got her into Shiny Hunting.