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Ever After High
Okay, so I really hope EAH isn’t over with. I really liked it and I was super invested in it, way more than MonsterHigh at the time it was released (I haven’t seen much of the MH reboot yet though). In my opinion, EAH had better storyline. Just putting that out there.
Ssooo.... was not quite sure how to announce this.. buuutt -
I HAVE WRITTEN A WHOLE EVER AFTER HIGH AU FANFIC! This is one the first "book" in what I hope will be many! It is completed and I hope anyone who sees this will be interested in reading it!! This is the link for the AO3 page, but it is also on Wattpad under the same title and I have the same username on both sites. Feel free to check it out!
Oh My Fairy Godmother!! I would love to read a full fic of any other these!!!
Love the idea of the Charming siblings doing a Groundhog year and they either try to prevent and/or change things for the better and I love Darling just shamelessly flirting with Apple and sending Apple into a gay panic every five minutes!!! Also, if Dexter starts talking in Monster World slangs to Cupid I'm pretty sure she will just fall harder for him - which I honestly would too. Like no joke, Dexter was my Ever After High crush too I loved that dorky, friendly prince but still super rooted for him and Raven to finally get together!!!
ALSO no joke your Destiny Cycle AU reminded me of the EVER AFTER HIGH fic I am literally writing right now!!
The premise is a little different from what you wrote - the war happened with the kids' parents' generation and now the cast is living in a post-everyone-knows-the-Book-was-fake-and-we-can-chose-our-destinies-world, but of course, Apple still wants her pre-destined story!
Here is the link, feel free to read it and tell me what you think!
Oh my fairy godmother I am so happy you are post about Ever After High!!! Do you have any fanfic or au ideas involving them? Like, what if one character had another destiny or what if they were in the Star Wars universe?! It’s just interesting to think about!
Hey! Glad to see we share another fandom interest!
So, I have this barebones post for what I would have done as a crossover between g1 Monster High and Ever After High.
As for general fanfic ideas I have a few. I shall now list them in varying levels of detail:
1. A Very Charming Groundhog Day Year:
Basically, the Charming siblings time loop back from a bit after Dragon Games but before Epic Winter to the day before the school year started (the day of the Family Ball in the books). While it would be kinda angsty, the best time loop fics are usually crack fics, and this would be no exception (if I ever wrote any of these things).
So Daring, Dexter, and Darling are all initially in states of panic and anxiety. Daring, he was in the middle of a quarter-life crisis and now has to deal with everyone and their fairy godmother thinking he's Apple's Prince Charming.
"Daring Charming, more like Distressed Charming, am I right?"-- Dexter, who should get to exhibit asshole little brother energy more often, as a treat.
Speaking of Dexter, he's panicking cause of all the awful stuff that's going to happen during the school year and also because now he has to go through the nerve-racking ordeal of asking out the girl he likes all over again.
Darling's in hell because everyone and their fairy godmother expect her to be this perfect little damsel, again, which is just- ugh. There are days she wishes she could carry her sword around with her, and they're most days. Also, she never got to talk to Apple about their True Love's CPR, which is just tragic.
The loops go on for a while, some constants in them include: Darling freeing herself and helping little Good-Enough Charming get one of their grandfather's trophies for the scavenger hunt, Dexter and Darling teaming up to kill the changeling and free cousin Charity (sometimes Daring helps but he's content to let his siblings have fun for once), Darling accidentally on purpose flirting with Apple and Apple experiencing several degrees of gay panic, Dexter fumbling asking out Raven for the first time (he's really such a dork, just a funky dude), and the Charming Siblings teaming up to make Milton Grimm's life a living hell.
In one loop they secretly film him playing with his toy unicorns and his action figure of himself and they hijack Blondie's mirrorcast to play it to the entire school.
After several loops a Monster High crossover happens, and so in every loop after that the Charming sibs, who have grown incredibly gremlin-like after experiencing the insanity of the school several dozen times, make sure to drop monster slang when it's just them and Cupid. Like:
Darling: "Wow, Cupid, that top looks clawsome."
Daring: "Totally, it's freaky fierce."
Cupid: "What?!"
Darling: "That top looks nice on you. Anyway, we gotta run."
Dexter: "Yeah, see you later ghoulfriend!"
I have some other half-baked ideas for this one but it'd probably be it's own post.
2. Murdoch Mysteries-ish AU:
This one makes no sense if you've never watched the hit Canadian Detective Show, Murdoch Mysteries. Or maybe it makes some sense, idk. Instead of a modern AU, we have a 1895 detective AU. It's barely an idea, I have no idea if I'd even keep this in the fantasy setting of (an 1895) Ever After or not.
Dexter is the Detective William Murdoch of this AU, the man with no game and beautiful blue eyes who women keep inexplicably falling in love with. He's observant and a little strange but he's also a brilliant detective. One of the major differences though is Dexter is the disowned son of old money parents.
Raven's the Dr. Julia Ogden, the outspoken, independent, and compassionate coroner helping solve cases and being amazing. Her rich, controlling mother doesn't much approve of her life choices but old Mrs. Queen can suck it. Raven and Detective Charming have a clearly mutual attraction but they're both hesitant to act on it cause what's a romance without a good slow-burn.
Hopper's the Constable George Crabtree of this AU. Listen, the everyday George matches Hopper's human side, and writer George matches Hopper's frog side. I will not elaborate, because I really cannot. Just feel the vibes, cause the words aren't coming.
I'm not 100% sure who'd be the Inspector Brackenreid. Part of me kinda wants to make it Professor Badwolf, and then I could make Milton Grimm the asshole commissioner. Coach Gingerbreadman is the Inspector of Station 5, the rivals of Station 4.
Daring is heir to the Charming family fortune. Golden boy, everyone loves him, wants more than anything to be able to talk to his little brother in public, but their parents would disown him as well if he stepped out of line.
Apple is one of Raven's housemates at Sisters boarding house, run by Bella and Brutta Sister. She was once courted by Daring, it was at the point where people were expecting an engagement announcement any day. That's when they suddenly broke it off, with no explanation (the explanation is Daring's in love with another girl and Apple's in love with his sister). Snow White and her husband barely agreed to let her move into the boarding house, I honestly have no clue how Apple managed to pull that off but good for her.
Idk, Darling's a vigilante. She's got the same deductive genius as Dexter, she just doesn't have the same ability to join the police force. Inspector Badwolf is tired of his cops being outdone by the mysterious White Knight (yeah, yeah, I made Darling into Victorian-era Batman). Couldn't the White Knight patrol Station 5's territory? (The answer is no, because Darling really wants to catch a glimpse of her twin and also because Sisters Boarding house is in Station 4's territory and sometimes she likes to secretly crash with her girlfriend).
3. The Destiny Cycle AU (AKA: Ever After High but the Rebel Movement is an actual Rebellion AU):
What it says on the tin. Raven discovers the book is fake before Legacy Day. Her and Dexter, who in this AU is believed to be Ashlynn's future Prince Charming because someone made a good post about the potential dynamics that could cause and I love it, set out to uncover what other secrets those in charge are hiding.
Basically, in this AU Ever After is a dystopia where the Royal Families tied the survival of their dynasties' rule to their stories. Like, magically tied them. The Fates themselves have been bound by the magic of the Destiny Cycle. Ever After's Destiny-bound citizens are forced to repeat the same stories as their ancestors, all because Happily Ever After doesn't include a revolt or the institution of democracy. All stories are repeated as a precaution against anyone figuring out what the ancestors of the Royal Families did.
Taking some inspiration from the SDCC Raven Queen doll's letter from her mother, the Evil Queen discovered the truth about the Destiny Cycle, said "not my kid you bastards", and proceeded to try to break the Cycle's bonds. Her taking over other stories and cursing Wonderland was an attempt to stretch the probability bonds of the Destiny Cycle's magic to the breaking point.
Stuff's gonna go down and basically these kids know time is running out until there's a war, cause the only way to avoid being offered up as a lamb to the slaughter is to overthrow the whole system.
God, I really gotta make this into it's own post as well now. But here's a basic rundown of some stuff I'd include:
Dexter and Raven being young and in love and just all the secret romance feels
Snow White knows about the Destiny Cycle, but Apple absolutely does not know.
Apple being born blonde is a sign that the Evil Queen's schemes loosened the grip of the Destiny Cycle, at least for a moment.
Ashlynn, Hunter, Dexter, and Raven as secret rebel leaders.
The backgrounders will have actual roles dammit! (Looking at you Lawrence Bonecrusher III, aka Orc Boy).
An exploration of artificial Destiny Cycle "True Love" vs. real True Love, featuring Apple, Daring, and Darling.
C.A. Cupid, sent by her godly family to infiltrate Ever After and cure it of the Destiny Cycle, because it's interfering in the domains of the gods.
A unique Monster High crossover idea that I will elaborate on in another post.
These children absolutely end up having to kill someone and it scars them forever.
As for different destinies AUs or Star Wars AUs, I haven't really given them much thought.
I think, in a Star Wars setting (possibly Old Republic?), Raven would be a Jedi padawan descended from a long line of Sith. Instead of Mirror Prison, her mom is dead and her Force Ghost is bound to a giant, mirrorlike piece of kyber crystal. Uh, not 100% sure who her master would be.
Darling would also be a Jedi padawan, and Maid Marian would be her Master. Maid Marian gets into custody battles over this kid with this old Jedi Watchman known only as The White Knight. She'd still have her time-slowing hair flip, in this AU it's just a unique way of activating the Force Slow ability.
What makes this even more hilarious is that in the Shannon Hale book "The Unfairest of the All" we learn that part of the reason Badwolf and Red Riding Hood fell in love and got married is because they just kept making each other laugh - even when they were trying to do their story! Red even mentions that every time they went on a date, they had to go somewhere far away because they would laugh so loud with each other!
So, Mr. Badwolf is probably literally turning blue trying to surpress his laugh when her hears Cerise tell her classmates these things!
headcanon that when people ask Cerise abt where/who her dad is she gives completely outrageous and deadpan responses like “he fell of a cliff” “he got cursed by a witch now hes a frog” “he went up the beanstalk and never came back”
Ever After High Pokemon Teams - Apple White
This will be a series on my headcanons for what Ever After High characters would be like if they were in the Pokemon World. This will include what their trainer class is, why, their teams and their Pokemon's movesets, why and their motivations. Without further ado, lets get started!
Apple White

Daughter of the Ever After Region’s Champion, Snow White, Apple is determined to follow in her mother’s footsteps and become the Region’s next Champion.
Apple hoped that the daughter of her mother’s rival, Raven Queen, would become a Trainer too so they could compete with each other like their mother’s did. However, this did not come to pass as Raven chose to become a Coordinator instead.
Apple does not understand why Raven became a Coordinator, mostly because Raven never seems to catch “beautiful” Pokemon. She often tries to dissuade Raven from the Pokemon Contests because she doesn't think she has the right team for it and she does not want Raven to be hurt - but Raven never listens to her!
Trainer Class: Pokemon Trainer
Apple's team is made up of Pokemon that look good while also being well balanced and honor her story.
Candy the Hyrapple

Syrup Bomb
Fickle Beam
Earth Power
Apple's first Pokemon and main partner, Apple did so much research to figure out which of Candy's branch evolutions would be best for her and her team and by Grimm did she make it happen!
I was always gonna put an Applin and one of it's evolutions on Apple's team - it was so obvious - and I thought Hyrapple suited her and her team the best.
Crispin the Ninetales

Energy Ball
Apple's secondary main Pokemon, Apple caught Crispin as a Vulpix and Apple strategically planned when to evolve her!
Ninetales was also an easy Pokemon to place on Apple's team to represent Apple's pet Arctic Fox, Gala, from the books. I didn't give her an Alolan Ninetales because I felt like the OG Ninetales suited her better. Both in color scheme and for her team.
Pacific Rose the Milotic

Ice Beam
Dragon Pulse
Draining Kiss
Apple was never gonna pass on the opportunity to own a Milotic! On top of them being know as the most beautiful Pokemon, it is also a strong Pokemon with a great moveset!
Milotic was another obvious choice for Apple, with her being the future "Fairest of the All", it wasn't even a choice! Apple had to have a Milotic!
Jazz the Lopunny

High Jump Kick
Caught as a Buneary, Jazz evolved rather quickly due to Apple's ability to befriend almost anyone! Lopunny is quick on their feet and their moves and will almost always strike first!
Apple has been frequently shown to love bunnies, both in the show and the books, so Lopunny was another obvious choice.
Melrose the Clefable

Dew Life
Apple found Melrose as a shy and scared Clefairy that quickly bonded with the Pokemon who soon joined her team. She has often saved the team when using Metronome, which Apple is grateful for despite not liking the unpredictability of the move.
I really wanted Apple to have a Fairy Type Pokemon because I thought the Type would fit. I landed on Clefairy and Clefable because the have "fairy" and "fable" in the names.
Honeycrisp the Pawmot

Thunder Punch
Brick Break
Apple's final team member! A cute little mouse-like Pokemon like Pawmi was an easy sell for Apple! This was also a good Pokemon to help Apple round out her team!
I really thought that an Electric Type Pokemon for Apple's team and, after looking through the options, Pawmot fit Apple the best.
Aaannd that is Apple's Pokemon Team! Raven will be the next one! Hope you liked it!
Ever After High Pokemon Teams - Raven Queen
Part 2 of my headcanons on what Pokemon teams and Trainer Classes Ever After High characters would have if they lived in the Pokemon world! Let's get is started!
Raven Queen

Daughter of Eris Queen, a.k.a. The Evil Queen, Raven has had to fight against her mother’s legacy for her whole. From her mother who wanted her to accomplish the dream she never reached, to her peers to thought she would follow her mother’s footsteps a run Team Queen, everyone seemed to expect the worse of her.
Raven refused to give up and decided to follow her passion of performance and became a Pokemon Coordinator! This surprised everyone, especially Apple who always thought that Raven would be a trainer like her mother and that they would carry on their mothers’ rivalry.
But Raven has no interest in carrying on her mother’s legacy - she is more interested in creating her own! And that is just what she is gonna do with her Pokemon by her side.
Trainer Class: Pokemon Coordinator
Raven's team is made up of Pokemon that either are misjudged because of their appearance or reputation, or just plain look wicked cool. I would imagine that she would not care that much about having a balanced team since she is not competing in battles. Her performances are more focused on looking cool that "pretty".
Draco the Dragapult

Phantom Force
Dragon Rush
Dragon Darts
Raven's main partner Pokemon, Draco wows the crowd with his speed and majesty. Draco has been with Raven through thick and thin ever since Raven found him as a Dreepy wandering around her mother's dungeon. At first, Draco was very weak and scared, but with Raven's and the team's support, Draco has become a strong and speedy hitter and performer!
I always knew that I wanted Raven to have a Dragon Type Pokemon as a referance to her pet dragon Nevermore and I had initially had Hydreigon as her starter, but decided that the Dragapult line fitted Raven better due to the story of Dreepy starting out weak but getting stronger and eventually becoming a strong Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon.
Midnight the Umbreon

Dark Pulse
Confuse Ray
Raven's secondary Partner, Midnight loves to show off how brightly he shines and lights up the lives of those closest to him. Midnight was given to Raven as an Eevee from her father and in very loyal to Raven and is incredibly protective of his trainer - Apple never understands why Midnight is wary of her but somehow loves Dexter!
I definitely wanted to give Raven a Dark Type Pokemon. I settled on Umbreon because it looks a bit like a dog and I thought is was a cute reference to Raven's pet puppy Prince that her mother turned into a Bone Rat in the books. And also because Raven would definitely have a Pokemon that evolved via Friendship. So Umbreon was perfect!
Lita the Gothitelle

Shadow Ball
Raven met Lita as a Gothita and was immediately impressed by her sass and love of performing. Lita loves creating psychic shows for the audience that tends to instill both awe and fear everyone who sees them. Lita does not take any crap from anyone and has no patience for nonsense.
The Gothitelle line was an easy one for me to include for Raven's team. Not only because of the whole "goth" aspect, but also because Psychic Types would also fit Raven's vibe.
Nina the Nidoqueen

Poison Jab
Earth Power
A proud superpower who takes no shit, Nina - as she loves to be called on stage - Nina the Poison Queen, is a rough and tumble beast who loves to show off her strength. While initially a shy little Nidoran♀, Raven helped Nina conquer her stage fright and show off how cool and powerful she truly is!
I thought it would be cool for Raven to have a Pokemon that literally has "queen" in it's name and here she is! Plus, I feel like a Poison Type Pokemon really fits with Raven's aesthetic.
Jaws the Aerodactyl

Stone Edge
Iron Head
Despite Jaws's fierce appearance and scary name, he is really a sweetheart who is still adjusting to the new world he has found himself living in now. Jaws does not like scaring people and Pokemon because he finds that they will often run away from him. What he does like though, is showing off how high he can fly and how cool his moves and Mega Evolution are! He loves his trainer and his team who see him as the sweetheart he really is!
I felt like Raven needed a Flying Type, but I like to avoid repeating Types when I can, so this one was a bit tricky. But I eventually hit gold with Aerodactyl! Not only is it a strong and cool looking Pokemon that did not share a Type with any of Raven's other Pokemon, but it even looks a bit like a dragon!
Bella the Granbull

Play Rough
Fire Fang
Scary Face
Raven met Bella as a Snubbull and the two had an instant connection. Bella's fierce and intimidating face often had other Pokemon running away from and not wanting to play with her - just like Raven when she was young! Raven offered Bella a spot on her team and Bella leap right into Raven's arms, happy to have friends at last! While initially unsure about Contest, Bella quickly found her footing in performances and a gentle giant and loves showing that you can be kind and strong at the same time!
I thought it would make sense for Raven to have a Fairy Type to round out her team and the story of Snubbull and Granbull looking fierce and scary but really being timid and scared really reminded me of Raven's struggles, so I thought they fit.
And there it is! Another full team of Ever After Pokemon! Feel free to tell me waht you think and I'll post the next teams as soon as I can!
yes, absolutely
Eah fandom can we all just agree that we can ship whatever or not anything at all, and learn that it's okay for people to ship a certain ship, and still have a personal opinion regarding certain ships, or have different interpretations of them, and/or about EAH chacters, without harassing anyone for it. Please and thank you:D
Ever After High Pokemon Teams - Ashlynn Ella
Part 3 of my headcannons of "What if Ever After High characters had Pokemon Teams". Today we have...
Ashlynn Ella

Ever since she was little, Ashlynn Ella knew she wanted to be a Pokemon Ranger! She loves helping hurt Pokemon and making them feel better.
Not long after she started her journey, however, she ran into a very kind, handsome and helpful Pokemon Breeder who ended up falling in love with - much to the disagreement of her friends, who do not think that a Journey is a good time to start a relationship.
While Ashlynn does understand their points, she cannot help her heart. Plus, her Pokemon really seem to like him, so that is definitely something.
Trainer Class: Pokemon Ranger
Ashlynn's team mainly comprises of Pokemon that either can help heal other Pokemon or are Pokemon that have been hurt in the pass.
Tulip the Meganium

Sweet Scent
Giga Drain
Body Slam
Leech Seed
Tulip was Ashlynn’s first Pokemon and main partner. They will often spend their days walking through the forest together. Tulip will use her signature breath to help revive dead plants and sick Grass Type Pokemon and her Sweet Scent to help calm down arguments.
When I started planning out Ashlynn’s team, the Chikorita line was an instant perfect starter match. Not only does Meganium’s breath revive dead plants, Ashlynn seems like the type to pick the Grass Starter!
Daisy the Blissey

Heal Pulse
Chilling Water
Echoed Voice
Ashlynn found Daisy wandering tired and alone in the forest after starting her journey. The sweet and kind-hearted Pokemon was using Soft-Boiled to heal injured Pokemon in the forest, leaving her with barely any HP for herself! After helping her heal, Daisy decided she wanted to join Ashlynn on her journey. She has since evolved into Blissey and is a vital part of Ashlynn’s team.
Chansey and Blissey were also really easy choices for Ashlynn’s team. I knew Ashlynn would want to heal other Pokemon she encountered on her journey. As for why Blissey instead of Chansey - there is no way that those two would not have a tight friendship bond!
Zinnia the Flechinder

Flame Charge
Steel Wing
Ashlynn found Zinnia as a cute little Fletchling all hurt after being poisoned by a Beedrill and after a quick healing session and meal, Fletchling decided to join Ashlynn’s team! Zinnia would later evolve into a Fletchinder and her ability Flame Body has helped warm up freezing Pokemon and sooth sore muscles.
I wanted Ashlynn to have some kind of bird Pokemon because she is featured in her official artwork with a little bird on her finger, as well as the fact that in many versions of Cinderella, the princess is helped out by some kind of bird. I ended up settling on Fletchinder for her final team. I debated giving her a Talonflame, but I do not see Ashlynn being a huge battler.
Gladiolus the Indeedee

Healing Wish
Disarming Voice
Hyper Voice
Ashlynn encountered the Indeedee that would become known as Gladiolus when she was traveling through a dark and gloomy forest. Despite the scary atmosphere, Ashlynn’s emotions were positive and this ended up attracting Gladiolus to the Pokemon Ranger. He guided and protected the Pokemon Ranger as they navigated the dim forest and decided to continue traveling with Ashlynn. Gladiolus often helps his trainer with the day-to-day tasks of taking care of hurt Pokemon and everyday chores. However, Gladiolus has also shown interest in another Indeedee that happens to be the Pokemon of another trainer…
Like Blissey, Indeedee is another Pokemon typically used by the Nurse Joys and seemed like another obvious choice for Ashlynn’s team. Why I went with a male Indeedee rather than a female one? 2 reasons, 1) the Pokedex entries for Male Indeedee sound a lot like Cinderella and I thought that fit Ashlynn better and 2) I have Female Indeedee down for another specific trainer for later.
Calla Lily the Corsola

Ancient Power
Life Dew
Earth Power
Ashlynn caught Calla Lily when she was helping Water Pokemon out when cleaning up a polluted sea. Ashlynn ended up having to catch Calla Lily to effectively treat her and Calla Lily ended up wanting to stay with her after having fully recovered. She helps Ashlynn with Water travel and rescues.
When I was looking for a Water Type Pokemon for Ashlynn I remembered that Corsola was constantly having trouble with water pollution and being hunted by Marearnie and I figured Corsola was a perfect fit for Ashlynn’s team. Also, one of Ashlynn’s main colors is coral, so it felt right.
Honeysuckle the Minccino

Tail Slap
Bullet Seed
Triple Axel
Honeysuckle was found injured and alone and Ashlynn immediately took the little cutie into her care. Like most of her other Pokemon, Honeysuckle did not want to leave Ashlynn and joined her team. Honeysuckle will often help Ashlynn with Pokemon healing by cuddling and cleaning up.
The main reason I put Miniccino on the team was due to its connection to cleaning. But the other reason is how cute and helpful it is! That is also part of the reason I decided to not have Honeysuckle evolve, along with that being a decision that Ashlynn would leave to the Pokemon.
And there it is!! Ashlynn's Pokemon Team! I am planning on posting Hunter's team next, but feel free to comment and suggest other characters you would like to see!
Ever After High Pokemon Teams - Hunter Huntsman
Part 4 is here!! Time for the huntsman who could never harm a fly -
Hunter Huntsman

Growing up, Hunter’s father really wanted him to follow in his footsteps and become a Pokemon Trainer like he did. However, Hunter’s heart lay on a different path: Pokemon Breeding! Hunter is a natural caretaker and dotes on injured and Baby Pokemon.
Trainer Class: Pokemon Breeder
Hunter's team is mainly comprised of Pokemon he has either taken in after finding them hurt or Pokemon he raised from Eggs.
Cheeky the Greedent

Super Fang
Bullet Seed
Cheeky was Hunter’s first Pokemon, found in the woods and injured. Hunter secretly took him home and nursed him back to health. He tried to release him back into the wild, but he just kept coming back over and over again until Hunter finally agreed to catch him. Cheeky often caused trouble for Hunter due to his habit of hoarding berries. However, after Hunter became a Breeder and started raising Baby Pokemon, Cheeky quickly became a fun-big brother like figure to the Baby Pokemon. He would often sneak them their favorite berries after dinner time and would play with them after dark - much to Hunter’s frustration.
Cheeky is, obviously, in reference to Pesky, Hunter’s pet squirrel. Skwovet and Greedent were the obvious choice to represent Pesky. I also think Greedent’s berry filled tail would be very helpful when feeding Pokemon.
Indy the Indeedee

Draining Kiss
Indy was the second Pokemon Hunter caught. He met her when he was sneaking out of his house to release Pokemon that were caught in his father’s traps. Indy helped him and even helped him get Cheeky under control. Hunter caught her after a quick battle. Indy greatly helps Hunter with watching any Pokemon he is looking after, both Baby and adult Pokemon. Indy has a very calming aura about her and has quelled many arguments. Indy is also close with another Indeedee who's trainer is also fond of Hunter…
When I read that Female Indeedee are great babysitters, I knew this had to be on Hunter’s team as he would be taking care of a lot of Baby Pokemon. I also chose this Pokemon to parallel Ashlynn's Indeedee, Gladiolus, as well as helping the two forge a connection.
Grampy the Drampa

Hyper Voice
Dragon Pulse
Hunter met Grampy when he was trying to find his younger sister Fern who had wandered into the forest. Grampy found Fern first and took care of her until Hunter found her. Grampy ended up liking Hunter and he would come around Hunter’s house just to help out with Fern and Baby Pokemon and Hunter ended up catching Grampy because he was around so much anyway! During his journey, Grampy would help by watching over young Baby Pokemon and Eggs. He is a gentle, old soul who loves making youngsters laugh.
Drampa is a perfect Pokemon for Hunter! Dragon types are typically tough, strong Pokemon that are feared by all. And while Drampa is certainly a strong Pokemon, it is also known for its caring nature and love of small children. This description reminded so much of Hunter and I knew Drampa had to be on Hunter’s team!
Marley the Magmar

Lava Plume
Scorching Sands
Scary Face
Fire Spin
Marley is the first Pokemon Hunter hatched from an Egg. Right from the beginning, Marley was attached to Hunter’s leg and followed him around like he was his parent! Marley has a love for both small Pokemon and battling and is always ready to protect his weaker buddies. He alway helps with Egg hatching as his Flame Body ability is perfect for helping Eggs hatch! He also helps introduce Baby Pokemon to berries by warming them up to make them softer and easier to eat.
I knew I wanted Hunter to have a Pokemon that had an ability to help hatch Eggs (so Flame Body, Magma Armor or Steam Engine). After looking through the options, I decided that Magmar fit Hunter’s team the best. Not only did Magmar have the Flame Body ability, but it also evolved from Magby, a Baby Pokemon, which felt very on brand of a Breeder. I also chose not to have Magmar evolve, because while Hunter would train his pokemon, he does not battle for profession or sport, so he would not be hard pressed to evolve any of his Pokemon - especially if there was a risk he would not get it back, like in a trade.
Ripley the Lucario

Aura Sphere
Flash Cannon
Dragon Pulse
Shadow Ball
Ripley was an active Pokemon, even when he was newly hatched! He looks up to Hunter and wants to make him proud. Thanks to how close he is to Hunter, he evolved into a Lucario rather quickly and he often used his new Aura Abilities to read how a Pokemon is thinking or when an Egg might hatch. He is the strongest battler out of Hunter’s team.
Riolu is one of the most popular Baby Pokemon and it and Lucario would for sure be Pokemon that Hunter would want on his team. Not only is this line really good in battle, but I also think that it would fit Hunter so well to have a Pokemon that evolves via friendship.
Woody the Sudowoodo

Rock Slide
Low Kick
Fire Punch
Like Marley and Ripley, Woody was hatched by Hunter from an Egg. Woody looked up to Ripley as a strong battler and would always train with him. As a Bonsly, Woody was shy and scared who knew how to use his tears to get Hunter’s attention. After evolving, Woody developed a love of pranking and making other Pokemon laugh.
Like the prior two, Bonsly is a Baby Pokemon. I chose the Bonsly line from Hunter’s final member because it often pretends to be a tree to deceive others and Hunter used to have to pretend to be okay with his destiny, plus I thought the fact that he looks like a tree to be a great bit of irony.
And there is Hunter's team! I hope you liked it! Next team will be out soon! I am planning on releasing another soon, so feel free to comment any suggestions!
omg yes!!
i think another reason why i REALLY love the eah shannon hale books (aside from how generally amazing they are) is how shannon hale expands more on the royal and rebel problem.
like in the show, we don't really explore the sides of the royals and rebels beyond the usual stance of whether they go against following their stories and support raven, or whether they want to follow their stories and condemn raven for not signing and starting the entire rebel movement.
but in the books i love how shannon hale expands upon the sheer amount of utter classism present in the eah world, and especially present in this school; perfectly encapsulating how those in power are very, very concerned about keeping this brand of classism ongoing, about keeping that divide between the 'Royals' and the 'Commoners' apparent.
just the little details of the royals and the commoners having different seats in the auditorium, with the royals having comfortable padded seats as opposed to the commoners having more uncomfortable and hard chairs, how they both have different common rooms; just the little details in general which highlight how the entire concept of destinies and signing the book and legacies is a system that is established in order to keep this classism going.
the legacy system honestly just breeds more of this classism; it tells the royals they are above the commoners and it tells them about how they deserve the happy endings and the prince charmings and the glittering gold palaces, and it tells the commoners of their place beneath the royals and firmly shows them the differences between themselves and the royals and how the commoners should be happy and complacent with the endings that they get.
overall, it tells both of these groups to simply accept what is being presented to them; presents the narrative that change is unfamiliar and dangerous and bad, and as such, they should never question their system and should instead just be happy with what they get, because, surely, this system is fair, so it just ends up being what they deserve.
hell, even the fact that before raven basically formed the royal/rebel movement, people were simply separated on the basis of being royals and commoners; it could literally not be made more obvious.
anyways, i just love the way shannon hale's books expand on this and i love how you can very clearly see the ignorance present in the eah world and how everyone's worldview is turned on its head because of raven and her actions 10/10.
I started drawing the Ever After High girls in random historical fashion eras… why? I have no idea

Raven Queen in 1890s, Apple White in Italian Renaissance.

Briar Beauty in 1920s, Madeline Hatter in 1880s
No particularly reason for the eras, just the vibe I get from the characters and their designs!
There are other tales too! Also there's Giles and Milton in this world. So I like to think there's other fairytale author's descendants too. Like they could be storybook adapters to make stories go seamlessly but they pretty much don't get to do anything. Headcannon that the lesser known tales are very confusing to try and follow. Charlotte Perrault, Gabriel de Villeneuve, and Jean-Mario Leprince de Beaumont are cousins And second cousins of Andrea Lang and Monsieur d'Aulnoy. The key story their ancestors adapted was Beauty and the Beast. They like historians to help the tale be easy to follow and live. Lesser known tales are usually harder to live through because of how unadapted it is. Story simplifiers or adapters aka Storytellers They don't go to EAH and they a shunned secret cause Milton thinks they not needed anymore (Gatekeeping to the max)
but what exactly is a fairytale? does it HAVE to be Grimm? what about Anderson? Meeshell, Nina, and Crystal imply that Hans Christian Andersen is also allowed into the EAH canon, despite Milton and Giles. I am sick today and staying home from school so will attempt to categorize exactly what is in the EAH universe and how I can twist this to include whichever manner of beast I please (these posts will be tagged “#EAH spellbook” bc I couldn’t come up with anything better)
Arthurian Legend in EAH
It's wild to try and construct cause everyone is possibly related to everyone and not much be concrete.It depends from writer to writer.. Suppose that's kinda the fun of it.Ideas just buzzing around my head rn. Plus the names of the characters are pretty iconic so it's kinda interesting to research and make up similar names
Highly highly recommend Overly Sarcastic Productions for a pretty cohesive version of it (recommend OSP in general love em. They are the coolest)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_jgF-S746o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBpkqS68xlk
Exactly, It was heartbreaking. Like instead of a compelling character we got some super rushed stuff.I was hoping for another Villian and seeing how she was raised and stuff. Like make it make sense. Not the crystal we deserved. Like the og tale has lots of potiental and can be cool to draw from but nah. Also the show tying thing was pretty outta the left field
epic winter is so comical its like. what the fuck happened
The fact the ever after high YouTube channel still uploads is crazy
Like, they upload more constantly then most other channels of its nature, same with the monster high channel before gen 3

Some ever after high fanart, this is a screenshot from the episode we’re Cerise and her perants have picnic

POV: Cedar trying to find the true hearts day dance