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5 months ago
Strapped Down, Blindfolded, Held In Diapers: Israeli Whistleblowers Detail Abuse Of Palestinians In Shadowy
Strapped Down, Blindfolded, Held In Diapers: Israeli Whistleblowers Detail Abuse Of Palestinians In Shadowy

Strapped down, blindfolded, held in diapers: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center..Finally, #CNN SPEAKS (May, 2024)

Sde Teiman: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center | CNN

| تحقيق لسي إن إن: - انتهاكات وتعذيب لمعتقلين فلسطينيين على يد جنود إسرائيليين في مركز اعتقال سري بالنقب. - شهادات مخبرين إسرائيليين كشفت أن المعتقلين الفلسطينيين يعيشون ظروفا قاسية للغاية.

Strapped Down, Blindfolded, Held In Diapers: Israeli Whistleblowers Detail Abuse Of Palestinians In Shadowy

Update from #Khan Yunis (May, 2024) :

Strapped Down, Blindfolded, Held In Diapers: Israeli Whistleblowers Detail Abuse Of Palestinians In Shadowy
Strapped Down, Blindfolded, Held In Diapers: Israeli Whistleblowers Detail Abuse Of Palestinians In Shadowy

Palestinian citizens, who have been kidnapped by Israel's military from Khan Yunis | (Jan., 2024)

Strapped Down, Blindfolded, Held In Diapers: Israeli Whistleblowers Detail Abuse Of Palestinians In Shadowy
Strapped Down, Blindfolded, Held In Diapers: Israeli Whistleblowers Detail Abuse Of Palestinians In Shadowy

Palestinian men detained by Israeli forces since the start of the war in Gaza have told Middle East Eye how they were physically tortured with dogs and electricity, subjected to mock executions, and held in humiliating and degrading conditions. (March, 2024)

long live the resistance : This is what Farouq looks like after severe... ( Dec, 2023

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