Investigation - Tumblr Posts

Who? Whatever! - Episode 6 - Library Duty Part 1 - The library has new hires, but what's the story behind those bananas anyways?

Breakfast over Murder on Flickr.
The main character looks over her case file during breakfast.
My MYP Project: The Gabby Petito Case
Alright, this is a bit of a different post compared to normal. I mentioned this project in two other post, My OW/OW2 Update + News post and my New Years post. Like the title suggests, I will be talking about my MYP project. Doing the project is required at my school and it is a project we do through our English class. We pick a topic and create a product for it. Part of the project was to share it with others, so I decided to share it here. Here's the link!
The original topic of my project was going to be COVID-19 misinformation, but I ended up not doing that since I was tired of hearing about COVID-19. Although, I am going to be writing my US Government research paper on misinformation in the media.
The topic I ended up choosing was the Gabby Petito case. If you haven't heard of the Gabby Petito case here is the gist of it: Gabby Petito and her fiancé, Brian Laundrie, were on a trip through the US. They were visiting National and State parks. They traveled together for about two months. Eventually, Petito's family couldn't get in contact with her and Laundrie showed up at his family's house in Florida without Petito. Petito's parents filed her as a missing person, Laundrie became a person of interest, and then Laundrie disappeared. The remains of both Petito and Laundrie were eventually found.
I want to issues a trigger warning here and now. Trigger Warning: Domestic Violence and Death(human remains/murder/suicide). On the timeline page, I talk about domestic violence based on multiple sources including a police report on Aug. 12th and Aug 27th. I end up talking about death(mention of human remains, homicide, and suicide) on Sept. 19th, Sept. 21st, Oct. 12th, Oct. 20th, Oct. 21st, and Nov. 23rd. Nothing is awfully explicit, but if you are not in the right state of mind to read about those subjects, put your mental health first and don't read it!
Due to the project being very research heavy, I chose to make a google site as my product and that's what I'm going to be sharing with you all! Again, you should be able to access it with this link. If you do look at the site, please let me know that you are able to see it. There is also a page about charities I wanted to promote, so if you would want to donate anything, that will be there.
So... yeah. I don't have anything else to really say, please check out the site if you have time! I will be putting out either a few short posts or one long one about Overwatch stuff soon, but I need to figure out some stuff first! Anyways, I hope you all have a good day and a great week! ~ Nova.

sylveon art ❤️🧃
TUMBLR INVESTIGATORS: I need your help!!! Waverly Hills sanatorium, a nurse name mary ruth lee. I want to see records of her working there and death records,etc. I have looked at the patients list and I can't find the staff list. Also I can't find any info about her even though we know she worked there and "supposedly killed herself". As a woman myself I always believed there was more to the story. I need help.

In honor of Pedro’s newest (and perhaps greatest) role as Tim Rockford from the Merge Mansion mobile game. What a time to be alive.
I sometimes get caught up in the trap of researching too much and thinking too much about some details. For example: In a contemporary story I'm writing person A studies a program at uni that isn't available at this uni in real life. Do you think stuff like that matters at all? Maybe that's a dumb question but this kinda stuff is seriously bothering me :/ Thank you so much for your help!
Fixated on Small Research Details
When it comes to something like this, the question you have to ask yourself is this: does it really matter?
How do you know if it matters? Ask yourself the following questions:
1) Is this a trivial detail that most people won’t notice or care about? (Very few people would know that program isn’t available at that university.)
2) Would the misuse of this detail have the potential to cause harm, either to a group or the reputation of a business or place? (Attributing a class to a university that they don’t really offer is unlikely to be harmful in any way.)
3) Is there any obvious reason why this detail doesn’t make sense? (For example, in the U.S. most universities don’t offer a marine biology program unless they are states with coastal access to marine habitat. There are a few exceptions, but that kind of detail is worth paying attention to.
If the misuse of this detail isn’t something a lot of people would notice; isn’t harmful to a group, place, or business; and otherwise makes sense, there’s probably no reason you can’t do it and no need to fixate on it.
Have a question? My inbox is always open, but make sure to check my FAQ and post master lists first to see if I’ve already answered a similar question. :)

Strapped down, blindfolded, held in diapers: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center..Finally, #CNN SPEAKS (May, 2024)
Sde Teiman: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center | CNN
| تحقيق لسي إن إن: - انتهاكات وتعذيب لمعتقلين فلسطينيين على يد جنود إسرائيليين في مركز اعتقال سري بالنقب. - شهادات مخبرين إسرائيليين كشفت أن المعتقلين الفلسطينيين يعيشون ظروفا قاسية للغاية.

Update from #Khan Yunis (May, 2024) :

Palestinian citizens, who have been kidnapped by Israel's military from Khan Yunis | (Jan., 2024)

Palestinian men detained by Israeli forces since the start of the war in Gaza have told Middle East Eye how they were physically tortured with dogs and electricity, subjected to mock executions, and held in humiliating and degrading conditions. (March, 2024)
long live the resistance : This is what Farouq looks like after severe... ( Dec, 2023
Naegi: Okay. The victim was stabb-
Kirigiri: Got it, know the killer. See you later.
Naegi: Wh-What? You just saw the crime scene for 4 1/2 seconds!
Kirigiri: Naegi, stop complaining. Now when the class trial rolls around I will know everything but I'll pass it onto you whilst you're still in the dark about this.
Naegi: Dammit...
Kirigiri: No pressure!
Kirigiri: Also if you mess up I'll vote for you even though I know the real blackened.
I cannot tell you how much this scene SENT ME!! I had to pause the episode to compose myself. 😭🤣🤣

when your boyfriend and your boyfriend’s ex wife’s husband are both chaotic insane but your two solid braincells aren’t enough to resist joining in on their stupid #prayfordavid
I’m Gonna Try To Solve The Phantom Ruby(Sonic Forces) But Will My Efforts Be Appreciated? Probably Not. The Thing Is So Ducking Confusing, The Thing That Sonic Forces Is Based Around! I Think The People Who’ve Played The Game Deserve Some Clarity At Least. Chapter’s Of The Analysis Are Below The GIF.

On a Moonless Night
[English first, poi in italiano]
A nice and tight game, perfect for no-prep one-shots. The players take the role of early 20th Century detectives armed with the light of reason, who, brought together by an event in their lives, happen upon a mystery that reeks of the supernatural, and stake their reputation on getting to the bottom of it, and reveal it for what it really is: a completely mundane situation, camouflaged by the trappings of myth and superstition. The Terror they're about to witness, though, might not agree with them. The game runs on a well defined structure, that guides the Investigators and their Host through a nerve-wracking delve into the Lair, determined to get to the bottom of it at any cost. The dice pool system is as simple as it is evocative, and the game's phases are neatly defined to highlight the moment. I was afraid the Climax phase would be difficult to run, but it flowed smoothly and dynamically, the only change I felt the need to make, though, was giving the Investigators a Clue when they let the Terror consume them on a failed Reaction.
Un gioco ben congegnato e perfetto per singole sessioni senza prep. I giocatori assumono il ruolo di investigatori di inizio ventesimo secolo armati con la luce della razionalità i quali, riuniti da un evento passato, incappano in un mistero che puzza di sovrannaturale e scommettono la loro reputazione sullo svelare cosa sia in realtà: una situazione assolutamente normale oscurata dai veli della superstizione e dei miti. Il Terrore che stanno per affrontare, tuttavia, potrebbe aver qualcosa da ridire al riguardo. Il gioco gode di una struttura ben definita, che guida gli Investigatori, determinati ad arrivare in fondo ad ogni costo, e il loro Ospite nella inquietante esplorazione della Tana. Il sistema basato su una scorta di dadi è tanto semplice quanto evocativo e le varie fasi della sessione sono ben definite per portare in primo piano la narrativa del momento. Temevo inizialmente che la fase del Climax sarebbe stata complessa da gestire, ma è sempre scorsa fluidamente e dinamicamente. L'unica variazione che mi sento di consigliare, tuttavia, è di consegnare un Indizio agli Investigatori che si lasciano consumare dal Terrore a seguito di una Reazione fallita.
On a Moonless Night.

Investigation (2013)
~ Recent Commission ~
Red Ink and Pen on Paper,
525mm x 644mm