Gwynriel - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

"Oh but Gwyn is just a side character-"


and dare I say she has more development than some who have been around for longer...

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10 months ago

I have this headcanon that Gwyn already had her first kiss.

Because let's think about it: She lived in Sangravah, a priestess temple. The priestesses who lived there participated in the Great Rite/Calanmai. So they had babies.

Unless the Great Rite has some weird kind of magic that only allows priestesses to conceive females, some of these babies were male. And I don't think they threw their male babies away a la Hera and Hephaestus, so they grew up in the temple by this logic.

Maybe they simply had to move out when they reached a certain age?

Anyways, for me, she was best friends with this quiet little boy. He liked her and was always giving her flowers. When they were, idk, 14 or 15, he had to leave the temple and gave her a goodbye kiss.

Years later she tells this story when hanging out with Nesta, Cass and Azriel. And a certain batboy gets illogically jealous.

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10 months ago

Azriel had his shadows since he was a little tiny boy, locked away in a small room with no windows, feeling unloved and uncared for.

The shadows were not a part of his trauma, they actually may have been one of the reasons he survived through his trauma.

They are his company, his little spies, a literal manifestation of his powers and honestly, very loveable little beings. The first thing that comes to mind when thinking of Azriel is that he is a Shadowsinger.


Let me tell you something: That's exactly why I don't ship e/riel. Because, if they were to truly be happy together, someone (or both) would have to give up in such essential parts of themselves that they wouldn't be the same person.

Elain would have to give up on traveling around the world and planting gardens everywhere. She would have to give up on glamorous parties because her partner is an introvert and terrifies everyone in Prithyan except his family and the people who want to fuck him (I'm looking at you Helion). She would not live somewhere sunny all the time and take walks in the nature.

Azriel? Apparently, he has to give up his shadows. He will have to hide the darkest parts of himself, not because Elain can't deal with it, but because he is clearly extra-self conscious and ashamed of those parts around her. He would forever feel afraid of "tainting" her or scaring her away, because he clearly doesn't consider her someone capable of dealing with darkness. He would have to give up on having a mate.


Spoiler ahead: these characters already exist.

I don't ship Gwynriel and Elucien because I'm anti-elain or some other bullshit. I ship it because I love these characters and I want to see them grow without needing to become something completely different from what they are.

I don't need gentleman, well dressed Azriel because LUCIEN IS THERE.

I don't need warrior, bloodthirsty Elain because GWYN IS THERE.

Honestly, it's so very simple it hurts.

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10 months ago

"Azriel's threw a party" is so real 😭😭😭

Little shadows were like "HEY WE FOUND OUR MATE 💃đŸ•ș💃đŸ•ș" "She's so beautiful, Imma dance" " She has some power but I can't figure it out what is it 🧐🧐🧐" "IDK look at her eyesđŸ„čđŸ„čđŸ„č"

”But Azriel’s powers reacted the same as Nesta’s in response to Gwyn.”

Me, throwing a dictionary at this line of thought because singing and dancing are not the same as grumbling, and antis clearly need all the help they can get:

But Azriels Powers Reacted The Same As Nestas In Response To Gwyn.

Nesta’s powers grumbled like a beast that was slightly disturbed by another powerful being.

Azriel’s threw a party.

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10 months ago

Soo... sorry for the wait (if anyone is waiting for it, though I doubt it). The jealous Az one shot accidentally became a two chapter story, so it took a little longer. It will probably come out by sunday.

(Also, if anyone has one character in particular as an interesting suitor to flirt with Gwyn and make Az go mad, please leave in the notes)

And, to the main point of this post, I'm thinking about writing something a little bit longer since I'm reconnecting with writing. Nothing elaborate, but I had two things on my mind:

a) An modern AU where Gwyn is a PhD student and a research assistant trying to release her first song and Azriel is a private investigator analysing a murder case that happened years ago, but had no solution. They meet at Cassian's gym.

b) A sort of collection of one-shots that are not really one-shots because they form a full story, but there's no real plot (I guess) about Gwyn's pregnancy and their babies. I understand this may be a little weird to some people, but it just lives rent free on my mind. They would be mated for a long, long time and completely ready for babies since I don't really like unplanned pregnancy stories.

Soo, I was thinking about starting to write again and since my current obsession is Gwynriel, I'll obviously write something about them.

I have too many ideas about this couple and can't decide between them, so

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10 months ago

I love love love Gwynriel with my whole soul.

but the parasites in me sometimes do see the potential flirting between Gwyn and Tarquin.

and I am aching to make Azriel mad about the said flirting (notice the word - flirting, brief attraction - not endgame, never endgame) in my one shot;

But it's scary bro.

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10 months ago

I do see the interactions between E/riel. Every Gwynriel / Elucien does.

I know they have the hots for each other. I know Azriel gave Elain Truth-Teller. I know he saved her when she was kidnapped.

I can recognize that and still say it doesn't bother me at all because, in every single one of these interactions, at least one of them was in love with someone else. Or for every single one of these interactions, there was opposite foreshadowing.

The fact that E/riels completely deny the existence of Elucien and Gwynriel foreshadowing and similarities or "suspicious" interactions tells me a lot.

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10 months ago

No but it's so funny when people get mad about anything related to a character if said character is in a ship they don't support.

I'm using Gwyn as an example because I see this happening a lot with her, but it happens to a quite awful lot of characters:

I understand not liking Gwynriel, or even simply not liking Gwyn's character. But it doesn't mean you need to invalidate and shame every theory and aspect about her, even when it has literally nothing to do with the ship.

Like why are some people mad she's a redhead/ pictured as a redhead? Or that we're curious about her ancestry/ lineage and powers? About theories saying she can play a bigger role in future books?

I'm sorry, but when a character is introduced in a series like ACOTAR and gets the attention and the development she got, people are going to speculate. Even more when said character has no apparent reason for being the highlight in a few scenes, but is nonetheless.

SJM is not dumb. No, she is not the best writer in the world, but she does think and plan a lot for her books, mainly with the foreshadowing. There's a reason Gwyn is the first reborn Valkyrie, even when Nesta is the MC. There's a reason for the sentences indicating "larger forces" noticed Gwyn when she was cutting the ribbon. There's a reason she talks about wanting to leave the library and that she's the one saying their stories are worth telling. There's a reason she became Carinthyan just when the Illyrian rebellion was about to start.

And finally, it's not shameful or "dumb" to theorize about a character possibly having larger roles in future books when the narrative itself suggests so.

If you're threatened or mad about it, the shame is on you.

and everyone knows the real reason some people think the Valkyries shouldn't have won the Blood Rite, and it has nothing to do with being "unrealistic".

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10 months ago

So, there's a lot of discussion right now about the color of Gwyn's hair (???) so I wanted to give my thoughts on it.

Oh, just wanted to add, she's so insignificant that even her hair's color is subject for discussion, you see...

Now, to the point:

Apparently, not even SJM actually knows what her hair color is, since it's described like this:

So, There's A Lot Of Discussion Right Now About The Color Of Gwyn's Hair (???) So I Wanted To Give My
So, There's A Lot Of Discussion Right Now About The Color Of Gwyn's Hair (???) So I Wanted To Give My
So, There's A Lot Of Discussion Right Now About The Color Of Gwyn's Hair (???) So I Wanted To Give My
So, There's A Lot Of Discussion Right Now About The Color Of Gwyn's Hair (???) So I Wanted To Give My

"Rich coppery chestnut", "Coppery brown", "Copper" and apparently it looks like "strands of gold" in sunlight.

Now, if you search on pinterest, these terms are used for basically the same color:

So, There's A Lot Of Discussion Right Now About The Color Of Gwyn's Hair (???) So I Wanted To Give My

It may be because I have the most brown hair to ever brown, but that looks a lot like red hair to me.

The thing is, why is it described as "strands of gold" in sunlight? Gold is the color used to describe Mor's hair, which is very very blonde. This perhaps indicates that lightning in the library is not the best and Gwyn's hair may be lighter than first described.

But then, why does anyone care??? She could be bald and would still be beautiful, funny, smart, brave and in possession of a ✹charming irreverence✹ that delights a certain Spymaster. Deal with it.

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9 months ago

*Few months after HOFAS*

Gwyn: *Bloodied and smiling wildly after winning another hardcore obstacle course* *Extends her hand for Azriel*

Azriel: *omg what do I do* *HELP*

Azriel: ...

Azriel: *Holds her hand*

Gwyn: ???

Gwyn: I want my prize,Shadowsinger.

Azriel: *Panicking*

Azriel: I'm your prize 😏😉

Shadows: *need a raise*

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9 months ago

"Gwyn is an evil lightsinger, she's luring Azriel away from Elain 😡😡😡"

Good. Someone has to do it.

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9 months ago

After 7 failed versions, 15 attempts to rewrite it, 2 existential crises, finding out I have a tendency to over explain everything in my story, a lot of useless research and one mildly good idea, I think I'll post a Jealous Azriel one-shot tomorrow.

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9 months ago

Do you think so? Part 1.

Pairing: Azriel x Gwyneth Berdara.

Word count: 1212 words.

Notes: Sooo... here is jealous Azriel and a one shot that accidentally became a two chapter story! I'm very nervous about posting this since it's the first story I write in years, but I'm also very excited. Constructive criticism is very welcomed! Don't know if I should post this in ao3, but I'll think about it. Also, Azriel is very, very bad at feelings in this first part.


"Is it normal for the sun to be so... bright?” Cassian complained for the fifth time in an hour. Azriel only stared at him. His shadows writhed in agitation too, but there was little he could do.

The Summer Court offered oceans of the purest water and clear, hot days. Oddly enough, the Shadowsinger sometimes appreciated this kind of weather, though Illyrian leathers were unbearable in the heat. He missed his leathers.

Despite the initially pleasant atmosphere, the air around them crackled with raw power and fear. War was imminent, and so was betrayal, hence the week-long Courts Meeting. The Spymaster just couldn’t understand why war meetings were disguised as luxurious balls and quick alliances as amicable friendships.

“Courtier's shit,” Rhys had answered with a scoff. They needed to keep the common people calm while orchestrating swift relocations to the south, far from the borders between Spring and the Human Lands. The urgency of such activities was probably the only reason Tarquin tolerated Cassian's presence.

Azriel had plenty of work to do as well, trying to keep his High Lord informed of every glance and conversation. He sighed. It would be easier if that devilish, mischievous little nymph wasn’t so damn... distracting. And offensively good at her job.

With the growing popularity of the Valkyries Division and her remarkable contribution against the Illyrian Revolution, Gwyn had become a respected and well-known name across Prythian. According to Amren, she was also quick-witted, well-versed in history and politics, and "strikingly beautiful". Before understanding her line of thought, Azriel had agreed and added how good of a spy the priestess was.

As a result, Gwyn had been assigned to secure Tarquin's alliance and friendship. Considering how closely they danced at the moment, Azriel thought he might have to remind her of the "friendship" part. Or perhaps punch Tarquin and get himself banned from Summer.

It would be worth it, though.

The dark-skinned High Lord held the Valkyrie against his chest, one hand around her slim waist as they spun. The silk of Gwyn's gown resembled a cobalt ocean, the halter neckline exposing the toned muscles of her freckled arms. If she were closer, he would see her huge, mesmerizing eyes lined with gold and her pink, plump lips. She looked like a siren from the tales Azriel’s mother used to tell him—a beauty like no other, ready to enchant unsuspecting sailors and drag them to the depths of the sea.

Tarquin looked quite happy in his "sailor" position. Azriel would be happy too. He couldn't tear his eyes away from her, couldn't ignore the pang in his chest. Gwyn had become too important to him in the last few years, their time together reserved not only for training and sparring, but for the deepest conversations he’d ever had, for silly jokes and friendly flirting.

Well, he had believed the flirting was not that friendly anymore, but as Nesta and Emerie giggled and whispered about the dancing couple, the Shadowsinger concluded he must have been wrong. As that terrible, awful dance ended and Gwyn separated from the High Lord with a courtesy, Azriel found himself relaxing, his shoulders dropping for a mere moment before he realized how many heads turned towards her.

“Twenty and seven, Singer.”


“Twenty and seven males turned their heads to look at Our Light, Singer. Would you be interested in knowing the number of females too?”

Azriel sighed. “No, thank you.”

“Twenty and three females turned their heads to look at Our Light, Singer.”

“Okay, no more counting.”

“This equals fifty heads turned. Dismissing, of course, the heads that didn’t need to be turned because they were already looking in Our Light’s direction, Singer. This includes your head, Singer.”

Azriel gritted his teeth. “Please go check on the Vanserras.”

“Of course, Singer.”

As his shadows went silent and the Spymaster sighed, Gwyn reached the group with a smile. The golden sunlight streaming through the tall, arched windows hit her eyes, making them seem like a gateway to the shallow seas of Adriata. Emerie and Nesta grabbed each of her arms and proceeded to gossip and giggle:

"Who could imagine Tarquin uses dancing as a form of foreplay?" Lady death grinned, mischievously.

Even the tips of Gwyn's ears went red, her eyes going wide "It- it was not! We just danced. Like... friends. Very good friends."

Emerie snickered wildly "I am your friend for longer and never received this type of treatment. You are hurting my feelings."

"Oh, shush. I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, but I know, Gwynnie. He looked at you the same way I do when you look too pretty."

Gwyn's mouth went slightly agape. "Wouldn't that make the look even more... friendly?"

Cassian, who had been observing the conversation, pointedly looked at his mate and nodded. "Wouldn't it, Nesta?"

Caught in the act, Nesta cleared her throat before uttering a simple, "No". Gwyn considered her friend for a moment before shaking her head.

Azriel expected her to say the relationship with Tarquin - and, well, Nesta - was nothing but friendly. That their were all going insane and seeing things that weren't there. He expected her to shrug it off. Instead, Gwyn's eyes glinted with interest.

"I'm not going to dive into your last comment, but... You think so? That he looks at me... like that?"

The two Valkyries looked at Gwyn like she had just convinced Helion to give them a pegasus. Azriel's shadows were whispering about murder and something else the Spymaster couldn't quite catch given the zooming in his ears. His fists and jaw were clenched so tightly he feared it may break. She... she truly liked Tarquin?


As if it was possible, Gwyn went even more red. "Perhaps, but-"

Azriel couldn't help himself from murmuring "That's not what you should be worried about."

Gwyn's eyes found his "Oh. I- Sorry?"

He shouldn't be saying this. It was only meant to hurt her like he was hurting. But, again, he simply couldn't help himself. "I said you shouldn't be worried about silly romantic... whatever. You have a job to do, and seducing Tarquin is not a part of it."

Their small group went deadly silent, Nesta shooting death glares at him. "I... I was not trying to... seduce him. I'm doing my job perfectly well."

Between the hurt he saw in her eyes before, there was anger emerging. One he matched quite well. "Well, then keep your- your heart and feelings out of it. And your body at least a few inches separated from his."

This time, her mouth was fully agape. Gwyn stuttered from a moment, trying to find an answer, when Tarquin suddenly surged behind her.

"Gwyn? Is this a good moment? There's something I want to show you."

She turned around to face the High Lord and, before Azriel could growl at him or stop her, one of his shadows - the only one that actually listened to the Shadowsinger sometimes - nervously darted across his face, whispering about something about Beron.

Azriel turned around, scanning the room in search of the Autumn High Lord, only to find him having a mildly heated conversation with Helion. But when he returned to excuse himself from the group, Gwyn and Tarquin were gone.

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9 months ago

Do you think so? Part 2.

Link to Ao3

So, here it is! It isn't exactly the first thing I envisioned, but I'm rather content with it. Hope you enjoy your reading!


Azriel found Gwyn and Tarquin strolling lazily around Adriata's castle, arms linked, heads inclined towards each other as they talked. His shadows refused to intrude on the conversation, much to his despair. Traitorous little things.

He could faintly hear Beron's furious screams in the distance, but he didn’t care. There were few things he cared about now, and the most important one stood a few feet away, her arm linked with another male’s.

Another fucking male.

Another handsome and respectful male. A High Lord who could give Gwyn everything she wanted and more. One for easy smiles and flirtatious jokes. A much younger male. A much better male—

Azriel gritted his teeth and made a sudden turn to avoid hitting a wall. The couple—Mother, how he hated that word—had just stopped to look at the sea. He could hear them murmuring, could see how Tarquin reached to brush a few strands of Gwyn's hair out of her face.

Finding a shadowed spot against the wall, the Shadowsinger hid. He observed as the High Lord inclined his head towards her, cupped her cheek, as he—

Gwyn stepped away slightly, smiling apologetically. Azriel, who had never been one for dramatic commemorations, almost fell to his knees and thanked the Mother. The two talked for a while longer before Tarquin strolled away. He didn’t seem mad or disappointed, just fine.

Not that Azriel cared much about Tarquin. He watched Gwyn wrap her arms around herself, still facing the ocean. He was about to leave when she turned, facing directly at him.

"Shouldn't you be working, Azriel?"

He sighed. Came out of the shadows. Considered running away.

"I hear quite a commotion. Is it the Autumn High Lord? He and Helion seemed angry before."

Azriel stood there, unsure. The few shadows that hadn’t reached for Gwyn seemed to attempt to hit him in the face. His favorite person sighed.

"What? Are you just going to stay quiet now? You seemed rather communicative before—"

"I'm sorry." He uttered. Gwyn scoffed, astonished.

"Oh, you're sorry? That's great. Thank you, this really solves everything." She turned away from him again. Azriel stepped closer.

"Gwyn, I am. I'm truly sorry. I just—You know what he wants."

She faced him with such anger he almost shivered. "And what does he want, Azriel? Please enlighten me."

"You know."

"No, I don't."

He stuttered for a moment, before whispering: "He wants to bed you."

In the time of a blink, Gwyn was face to face with him, a finger on his chest. "So? What if I want him to bed me? Is there something wrong with it?"

Azriel runned his hands through his hair. "No, that's not what I meant!"

She was fully hitting at him "Then what's the problem, you overgrown bat? I am a grown adult, Azriel, and just because you could never desire me, it doesn't mean someone else can't-"

"You thing I don't- that I can't desire you?" He held her fists "Gwyn, I was fucking jealous! You looked like the most unbelievable dream I could have, and yet, he held you on his arms!"

Gwyn stood, considering him, eyes wide. There was a slightly insane smile forming on her lips.

"You were... jealous?" He considered answering, but then, she looked a little maniac, so Azriel stayed quiet. "You were jealous. Over me."

The shadowsinger nodded once. Gwyn - who he feared had just gone insane and was ready to put him down on his ass - turned her head to the sky and laughed hard.

Azriel watched, bewildered, as Gwyn laughed, her head thrown back, her entire body shaking with mirth. He wasn't sure whether to be relieved or more concerned.

Finally, she managed to catch her breath, wiping tears from her eyes. "And how do you think I felt like? For years, while you messed around, when you told me about Mor and Elain and all your minor rendezvous? You are so damn blind, Shadowsinger." Then she sat on the floor and laughed again.

He wasn't sure what to do. Should he sit on the floor? Run? Call for help?

Finally, he decided "I'm sorry, Gwyn. You... you have feelings for me?"

Still laughing, she managed to utter something close to "Of course, your asshole."

Azriel felt himself relax, a smal smile surging on his lips. Just when he was about to answer her, to take her face on his hands and declare everything -

Damn Rhysand came out of nowhere.

"Azriel, I called you one hundr- What? Whats happening here?"

The Spymaster almost growned. Rhys eyes went from him to Gwyn, seated on the floor, laughing her ass off, and he lifted an eyebrow.

"Does someone care to explain?" Rhys asked. Azriel could just shake his head and shrug.

Gwyn suddenly raised from the floor, her laughs finally ceasing while she rearranged her dress. She scanned Rhysand before looking at Azriel when he reached for her.

"I don't want to talk about it now. Go do your damn job, shadowsinger." She sighed, walking towards the ballroom. "Oh, I need a drink."

Azriel and Rhysand stood for a moment. And then followed her inside, the sunset casting a golden glow on them.

It was going to be a long, long night.

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9 months ago

bro really said "I hate people and living beings and conversations but this one looks kinda cute, I like it. Lemme tease the hell out of her"

gwynniethenymph - Gwyn (and Valkyries) stan

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9 months ago

I gave up. I don't give a shit about what e/riels say.

One moment, Gwyn can't have any kind of sexual relationship or even READ about it because of her trauma. In the next she's THE main villain of the books who lied about her SA, all because she wants Azriel (a male she didn't even know existed??) for herself.

Sometimes, Lucien is the worst male and mate ever because he lives far away from his mate, not because he's clearly unwanted in the IC, but because he's obviously in love with Vassa. But then, other times, he's an arrogant ass forcing the bond upon Elain when he visits her.

The Shadows should vanish forever because they are not good for Azriel and are gone once he's truly happy and safe. But the shadows actually loooove Elain.

Elain does belong in the Night Court, and she'll be a spy and kill a lot of people. But she and Azriel will live in a flowy, sunsety garden and bake strawberry cake everyday, and he will retire from his position as Spymaster.

Honestly, f*ck all of this. I am very peaceful knowing that SJM is writing either Gwynriel banter + river shenanigans or Elucien angst+sex in a field of flowers by the sunset.

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9 months ago

That's the last post I make about any e/riel theory, because it pisses me off.

Gwyn is THE ONLY character who says, with all words, she searched for professional help with her trauma. She's so damn emotionally intelligent and we can see it everytime she goes through Nesta barriers and traumatic responses, understanding her with no words needed.

She showed so many sings of healing, going from being afraid of Cassian and Azriel to bickering Cassian with Nesta and Emerie, and having private lessons with Azriel.

Of course, the rite must have had a deep affect in her healing. But it does not mean she can't search for help. Yes, her trauma is the most terrible thing that can happen to a woman, but putting her in a position where she can't heal and overcome it, is terrible as well.

And I am not even starting to discuss what suggestions like "she can't be with Azriel because of her trauma" or "She'll never have sex" implie. It's just so degrading to say a SA victim can never heal and have normal relationships. It's almost like they want her to be in the position of a victim for the rest of her life.

And I'll tell you more: Elain never got professional help.

Azriel never got professional help.

When we ignore Azriel's fear of non-sexual intimacy/Elain's trauma from her previous relationship and say that Gwyn, a sexual assault victim, is the only one not ready to date, we reduce all the aspects surrounding a romantic relationship to sex.

Dating is not sex, y'all. Yes, sex is important and a great thing. But people involved in a relationship without trust, communication, love, and friendship, are called sex buddies, flings at most. Not mates, not lovers.

If you believe Gwyn can't have a relationship, fine. But then you have to assume neither Azriel, or Elain, or Lucien can have one too.

I see Elriels say that they can’t wait for Az and Elain’s sex scenes or Az is down bad for Elain’s đŸ±. Which okay, have we seen him lust for her? Yeah. But do they really think that sex is end all be all for a relationship? Cause sex isn’t the only thing that makes a healthy relationship, and at that, sex doesn’t even need to be there period for a relationship at all.

I guess it makes sense since they also say that Gwyn is ‘damaged goods’ for being SA’d and that she can’t possibly be with Az because of it. That she can’t possibly heal, when WE HAVE CANON TEXT of Azriel notice Gwyn’s improvement since that moment. Sorry but if that’s one of your arguments for furthering your ship, please do better đŸ€·đŸŒâ€â™€ïž

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7 months ago

My favorite thing about them is how Azriel is constantly like:

"My soul is broken and I cannot love. There's so much blood in my hands, I could never commit the sin of touching. I'm dark and mysterious and tragic, I live in the shadow-"

And Gwyn is like:

"So you are batman? Pretty shadows. Shut up and have a bracelet. Also, I hid Truth-Teller. And I can't sleep." *Kicks him in the forehead and runs*

Gwynriel’s today feels like a good day to think about the fact Gwyn saw firsthand what Azriel was capable of the moment she met him and she was never frightened of him or his shadows. She was curious about him and then it took her no time at all to start teasing him once they met again.

Gwyn sees Azriel. And has since day one.

I don’t know, sounds like endgame behavior to me. 

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7 months ago

girlie so pretty he forgot that he should be brooding

azriel is very self-conscious about his hands

with nesta:

Azriel Is Very Self-conscious About His Hands

with elain:

Azriel Is Very Self-conscious About His Hands
Azriel Is Very Self-conscious About His Hands

but not with gwyn:

Azriel Is Very Self-conscious About His Hands

he does not think about his insecurities when he’s with gwyn :’)

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