Understandable - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

might fuck around and let nature reclaim me

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5 years ago

[5:44] you stare at the floor in embarrassment as your teacher shouts at you, for ‘cheating’ which you didn’t.

anger fuelled inside of you, so you snapped and glared at the person in front of you.

“i did not cheat! stop accusing of me of something i didn’t do! it was him not me him!” your chest rose and fell.

the teacher made you go outside which you started crying the second you reached outside, a hand was placed on your shoulder.

“it’s going to be okay, breath.”

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1 year ago

I have a very serious curse where if I don’t meow back to my cat I’ll get pierces by a thousand swords of hatred

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1 year ago

what im most excited about in the new pack

What Im Most Excited About In The New Pack

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1 year ago

my friend took in a stray and she’s the cutest kitty ever but he named her oil so whenever he sends a picture of her me and my other friends look like we’re roleplaying as the US military

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9 months ago

Understandable😊👍 you probable have amount of asks and other things to do and draw, your au is the best one ever!

Hi guys! Just making a quick post to say I’ll be temporarily disabling my ask box

I love and appreciate all the asks I’ve been getting recently, and Its so cool to see how many people like my au! But right now I have a-lot to get through and wanna take some time to draw my own stuff for a while :>

Hope y’all understand! <3

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10 months ago

Zac Oyama is the funniest person on this show because the ABSOLUTE lack of hesitantion to move to the dm seat and not only enable but fully spur on Ally's development of K2's character- and he's so into it too like he recaps everything dramatically.

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6 months ago



I have started to find Esteban Ocon attractive omg... someone please help

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1 year ago

okay but like. can we talk about how the marquis didn't recognize his brother bc Strong Powerful Mind Control but snaps out of it the moment he sees someone wearing his coat

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3 years ago

Your sixth most recent emoji is how your guardian angel feels about you

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1 year ago

I let my pussy make my decisions, call that clitical thinking

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2 years ago

"Ah basically what vulpo and shifter do" Vanny spoke as she wasn't surprise by this by now, she however is more surprise at the fact that the dragon manage to get to her manor first before even going to gruncho. It not often people arrive at her manor, well people who aren't royalty from each different area that is.

"You're lucky I was the first to find you here, my maids and butler don't usually take well on trespasser" vanny began to have flashback of most of her workers chasing after one trespasser, then again that guy was a thief before they scared him to the point he quit being a thief.

Tulip is here to borrow (Steal) a blankie and she cannot be sopped! Well, she probably can, but don't tell her that. My Magic 8 Ball says she's 'Borrowing" From Vanessa this day.

Vanny blink when she glance at tulip attempting to steal a blanket-I mean borrowing said blanket. "Oh greeting there tulip! Funny to see you here." Vanny respond as she glance at tulip, bowing at the child and giving a smile at her after she stood back up.

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1 year ago

So, off-topic question: What's Ragatha's thoughts on centipedes?

(A harsh hiss is heard. She clearly... isn't a fan)

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2 years ago
My Baby

my baby

my love

my everything


he’s my favorite squirrel addict whom i headcannon to have an obsession with loom bands because they’re colorful

hope you enjoy the edit💕

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2 years ago

reblog and put in the tags what comes up when you type "i want"

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2 years ago

kit connor about to became the favorite white boy for at while

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4 years ago

On another note, looks like [c]Hbomb is done with (mostly) everyone’s shit and has decided to not get involved. Which is 100% understandable givin’ what he said

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