Sharpedo - Tumblr Posts
I had to draw this ncxndn 🌤️🦈 based on this
Sixth generation mermaids (plus the megas) are here! Like always the missing Poké-mermaids will be drawn by @kika-ila! ✨
First generation | Second generation | Third generation | Fourth generation | Fifth generation
Nowadays I barely can play any mainline Pokémon games besides the ones from Unova which means this one edit was heavily inspired after playing a rom-hack of Emerald
The only thing we can agree about OR/AS is about Archie and Maxie both redesigns being hella cool and also giving them more character
it's time for new pokemon fusions! :D let me know if you like them or just reblog! :) they're up for adoption too!
sharpedo x morgrem - 15$ 2. cursola x manaphy - 13$ 3. wingull x zamazenta - adopted! 4. tepig x blissey - 12$
Here It Goes Again: I drew most of this page the day after Deltarune Chapter 2 came out
Here It Goes Again: Peele got Popped, Hooray for Hookline
Here It Goes Again: Final Page before the E4
Here It Goes Again: Leg 1 Finale: Part 1
Here It Goes Again: Leg 1 Finale: Part 2
I had to draw this ncxndn 🌤️🦈 based on this
So why does Mega Sharpedo not have an "A" on it's head? Mega Camerupt has an "M" on it's forehead because of team Magma, but Sharpedo doesn't have an "A" in it's head nor the Team Aqua symbol, this is something that has puzzled me for quite a while now.
eVeRY aRTiST (WoW?! DiD i JuST CoNSiDeReD MYSeLF aS aN aRTiST?) GReaT aCHieVeMeNT (aPaRT FRoM MaKiNG a MaSTeRPieCe) iS To Be aBLe To WoRK iN CoLLaBoRaTioN WiTH aNoTHeR TaLeNTeD aRTiST 🤓(iN TeRMS oF aRT)
iN MY eXPeRieNCe… a GooD FeLLoW DeViaNTaRT HoBBYiST aND PaRT TiMe DiGiTaL aRTiST DeCiDeD To DiGiTiZe MY TRaDiTioNaL LiNe-aRTS! (oF HiS oRiGiNaL CHaRaCTeRS 😜)
THaNK You “Yows” FoR THiS MeMoRaBLe eXPeRieNCe. 😌 MaY You HaVe MoRe BLeSSiNGS To CoMe! 😄 (aND a PoSSiBLe CoLLaB aGaiN oN eiTHeR WiTH Me oR SoMe oTHeR aRTiST)
FoR THoSe WHoSe ReaDiNG/VieWiNG THiS PoST, You CaN CHeCK MR. Yows DeViaNTaRT PaGe DoWN THe SouRCe LiNK THaT i’LL Be PRoViDiNG. 😉 oR CHeCK HiS TuMBLR PaGe:
THaT’S aLL FoR NoW aND HaVe FuN aLWaYS!? 😜