Habits To Cultivate - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Beautiful list of little habits to cultivate.

Things to do in pursuit of happiness

• Wake up for Tahajjud prayers at least once a week. • Fast on Mondays and Thursdays. And the white days every month. • Spread salaam to those whom you know and those who you don’t know. The full salaam. • Send peace and blessings upon the prophet Muhammad, everyday. Salla Allaahu ‘alayhi wassalam. • Read the morning and evening and sleep adhkaar every day without fail. • Read at least one page of the Qur-aan with the translation a day. Gradually increase. • Dedicate at least 20 minutes a day to read from tafseer Ibn Kathir. Take notes. • Aim to memorise the Qur-aan. Make the intention and set realistic goals. • Have the Qur-aan or a beneficial tape playing anytime you can. When you’re getting ready in the morning… Brushing your teeth, washing your face, eating your breakfast, driving, cooking… Etc. • At least 15 mins a day to listen and FOCUS on an Islamic reminder/audio. Or read out of an Islamic book. Take notes. • Lower your gaze. • Don’t talk to opposite gender without reason. • Try to pray as soon as the time has been called. • Pray the sunnah prayers. • Do the adkhaar after each prayer. Astaghfirullaah. Alhamdulillaah. SubhaanAllaah. Allaahu akbar. Ayaatul kursi. Du'aa. • Kiss your parents. Hug your parents. Smile at your parents. Serve your parents. Be kind, be kind, be kind. • Give small gifts. • Smile to people and say hello. • Tell people you love them. • Keep in regular touch with your relatives, even if its through a text. • Give bottles of water to strangers on a hot day. • Give glasses of water to those close to you on a hot day. And a normal day. • Hold the door open for people. • Offer the seat you have to someone. • Make genuine du'aa for those you think of, those who ask you to, and those who you you say you will to. • Think of your brothers and sisters around the world, the situations they’re in and pray for them. • Attend the masjid regularly for prayer and talks. Think of the angels surrounding you and supplicating for you. • Treat people according to your manners and values, not theirs. • Eat your greens. Exercise. Brush your teeth. Brush your hair. Shower. Exfoliate. Moisturise your skin. Wear clean clothes. • Know you can’t please everyone. And forgive the mean ones. • Do it all for His sake. • Beg for jannatul firdous. Beg for jannatul firdous. Beg for jannatul firdous.

You will fall again and again. It’s in your nature. Just don’t stop getting up. Keep struggling and striving till you get there. Because eventually, by His will, you will.

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