Haikyu Kenma - Tumblr Posts
haikyuu is having a comeback guys and i need to express my extreme obsession with kenma so lipstick testing ok lets go
your phone rings with kenmas display name glowing on the screen, 'pudding head', it reads. after a few moments he wakes up, answering the phone in a groggy voice. "yn?" he voices out your name and audibly clears his throat. "hey you. come over, i need your help with something." you chirp and ruffle through a bag, lipsticks, lip stains, lip gloss, and even chapstick clanking loudly against each other, kenma hums in confusion when the sound escapes his phone speaker. "come over why? are you gonna do something evil..." he sighs. "just get over here!" before he gets to respond, you hang up and text him hurriedly. "i'll be waiting".
your phone dings, causing your shoulders to jump and you read the notification. "pudding head: knock knock". you spring out your chair and run to your front door, opening it to reveal kenma, in his usual red sweater and he itches his scalp nervously. "are you gonna tell me what happe-" you cut his sentence short by dragging him by the arm and shutting the door loudly, pushing him into your room. kenma has a tendency to observe your room every time hes in it, no matter if it hasn't changed whatsoever. his eyes pause at the absurd amount of lip products splayed on your desk. "uh..." he breaths out. he looks back at you with literal concern on his face and points at it in confusion. "why?" "we're going to do lipstick testing! sit down." he obediently sits down on your cushiony bed and stares at you with expecting eyes while you grab a hand full of lipsticks. "how are you gonna go about this? why do i need to be here...?" he mumbles as you grab makeup wipes, his eyes following your figure as you move around. "just wanna try some colors out on you." you tell him simply and smile at him, dropping lipstick containers into his lap. "on...me?" kenma glances down at the lipsticks and tilts his head to the side and points at himself. "yes, you." you say with a smile, pulling out a few hair clips, some in star shapes, some in hearts, some normal ones, and some sparkly ones. "which one should we use, hm?" you ask him, displaying one of each on your hands. "...why do i need to pick?" he looks up at you with big eyes, his golden eyes meeting with yours for a few seconds before looking down shyly. one thing about kenma is that he absolutely sucks at eye contact, especially during more intimate moments or when your close to his face. "because its going in your hair." he stares at the hair clips, seemingly deep in thought about which one to choose just for him to say a quick, "i don't know." you sigh and put all the clips down. "then i'll choose!" you take two baby blue star clips and lift his face up gently, clipping his silky long blonde out of his face. it truly is a mystery on how hes able to keep his hair so soft and silky even after bleaching it. you start applying a red lipstick on your lips and grab his squishy cheeks, pressing your lips against his soft, slightly chapped ones and he kisses back eagerly. his hands instinctively go to your waist, making an attempt to drag you closer to him but you pull away, he pouts. "why'd you-" "this is lipstick testing kenma, not a makeout session." you chuckle sweetly at his wide eyes and red blush, ruffling his long hair and reaching for your makeup wipes.
after awhile, kenmas soft, blushing face is covered in kiss marks, a variety of reds, pinks, and nudes contrasting with his pale face. "alright, all done!" you exclaim and admire your work with a proud smile, your palms still holding kenmas warm face. "you're done?" he asks, disappointed. "i still want more kisses."

Kozume Kenma, Nekoma Setter | No. 5 “He stole my heart and he doesn’t even know I exist.”