Kenma X You - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Heyyy idk if you’re doing match ups or not but if you are can I request a haikyuu one?

I’m 5ft 8, long brown hair, She/her and I’m a Taurus, ENFJ! I like baking and reading (it sounds quite boring Ik but bare with me) I’m the only one in my friend group who can order food so I come in with the big guns and order for everyone like the god I am😩 my mood changes like every two seconds I could be so dead and angry and then as soon as I do something I like I am far too hyper. My biggest ambition is to be a house wife to a very wealthy man 👰🏽‍♀️(I hate work) but yeah that’s it hahah thanks

this is gonna be really short because im not doing a match-up event so its just going to be the match and a few reasons why

i match you with kenma kozeme

In the time skip, he is rich, so you can be his housewife. along with the opposite of introvert and extrovert work well here, because i don't think kenma would be the best at ordering or talking to anyone at any business partys he has to go to so that the hardest job you'll have if you are his wife, you're his token extrovert

thank you I know its short but I might have another event soon where you can get and longer match up ( or something similar)

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1 year ago

Hey can you do some headcanons with timeskip kenma? where he gets a girlfriend? My request isn't really clear 😕 sorry for that!

Haikyuu!! ~Getting a girlfriend~

Manga/anime: Haikyuu!!

Warnings: slight spoiler of Kenma's future

(Y/N): your name

Kozume K.

Your first meeting took place in the video game store: you were his big fan, so you immediately recognized him when you were next to him, looking at the PlayStations ("Excuse me, are you Kodzuken?" "Yes." "I'm your big fan!"). He was really impressed with you, especially because, after introducing yourself, you only gave him congratulations and encouragements, and you didn't bother him again

You met the second time in an arcade a few days after the first meeting. You two played video games for a long time and he finally got up the courage to ask you to exchange phone numbers, so you two started hanging out together. The longer you were together, the more he appreciated you and unconsciously fell in love with you especially after you had made him a delicious apple pie. However, he couldn't understand his feelings, so he asked Kuroo what these meant, and he realized he was in love with you ("When I'm with (Y/N), I feel happy and I want to be forever with her. Why?" "You're in love, Kenma." "Oh.")

The day he confessed he loved you was probably one of the happiest days of his life: exactly a year had passed since your first meeting, and you two were at his house playing video games. You had beaten him although he had made you win on purpose to see your smile and you were cheering and jumping around the couch you were sitting on. He was thinking about how cute you were, and he couldn't stop himself from whispering: "I love you."

Instead, it was you who kissed him the first time: a girl was flirting with him and ignoring you, although you had already told her you were his girlfriend. For this reason, in a fit of jealousy caused by the view of the girl's attempt to hug and kiss Kenma, you grabbed him by his shirt's collar to pull him down to your height and pressed your lips to his

Currently, after about five years of dating, you two live together. He continues to be a YouTuber and a gamer, and you don't know he'll propose to you in a few days...

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8 months ago


Ti faccio la richiesta in italiano xké sono più comoda, ma tu fai pure il post in inglese

Puoi fare uno scenario con la reazione degli alzatori (Kageyama, Suga, Oikawa, Kenma e Akaashi) quando la loro ragazza indossa la sua maglia (quella della sua squadra)? Il motivo lo puoi scegliere tu


Haikyuu!! ~Is that my jersey?~

Manga/anime: Haikyuu!!

Warnings: spoilers from chapter 328 to chapter 337 in Akaashi's part and of Oikawa and Kenma's future

(Y/N): your name


Kageyama is coming back from training in pieces, dragging his feet as he walks, his eyes struggling to stay open and the shoulder on which he rests his bag getting heavier with each step, and still scolding Hinata in his mind for forcing him to toss for him until nine in the evening.

As soon as he enters his house, ready to receive a good scolding from his parents, the boy remembers a small detail: his girlfriend (Y/N). Due to the imminent arrival of exams, and since he isn't particularly good at studying, they had arranged to meet in his room to prepare together for them. It's a shame their meeting's time has already been exceeded a long time ago.

Ignoring his furious parents, Kageyama rushes into his room, and he would fall to the floor like his bag, which he dropped as soon as he entered the house, if he didn't hold on to the door frame, because what he sees almost causes him to collapse to the ground: his girlfriend is lying on his bed, hugging his pillow and wearing his team jersey, while dozing.

The boy's face becomes the equivalent of a tomato and his body begins to tremble slightly, while he can't stop looking at the number nine on the girl's chest, which rises and falls regularly.

Walking quickly, Kageyama approaches (Y/N), fearing she's an illusion and she might disappear; he then stops to take the pillow from her arms and replace it with himself, never taking his eyes off her. His mind is in total confusion and, if Hinata saw him in that state, he would probably make fun of him, because he's red, sweaty, shaking and agitated.

The final blow comes when the girl holds him close and rests her head on his chest, rubbing against it like a cat, and the boy almost forgets how to breathe, paralyzing himself like a wooden board. His mind is about to short circuit and only three concepts repeat in it: (Y/N), my jersey and pretty.

It goes without saying, but he won't sleep at all that night: all he'll have on his mind will be how extremely adorable (Y/N) looks in his jersey.


It isn't even eight in the morning and (Y/N)'s day is already horrible: not only she woke up late because her alarm didn't go off and missed the bus she always takes with her boyfriend Sugawara, but she also spilled her juice on her school uniform, which is now all sticky.

For these reasons, the girl is in the locker room of the volleyball team: her boyfriend, who had been waiting for her in front of the school and found her in that state, has proposed to lend her his team jersey while he goes to look for Kiyoko to ask her if she has an extra uniform, so that (Y/N) doesn't remain wet and sticky.

"(Y/N) -After about ten minutes, the boy comes back into the room holding a clean uniform- Shimizu didn't have a uniform, but Yachi did. I hope it fits yo-"

He can't even finish the sentence, and he freezes: I'm seeing an angel, he thinks. That angel is a very embarrassed (Y/N), who tries to pull down her boyfriend's jersey, which reaches just below her thighs, as much as possible.

Sugawara's face turns all red and his eyes can't leave her, while he swallows the saliva which has accumulated in his mouth.

"Are you okay, Koushi?" The girl's words seem to awaken the boy from the trance he was in, so much so he almost drops Yachi's clothes.

"Y-yeah… yeah… You're just… so pretty…" The more he talks, the softer his voice becomes, until it's just a whisper, and his blush pushes Sugawara to cover his face with his hand.

"Awwwww, thanks, Koushi!" (Y/N) runs to hug him, burying her face in his chest, while he does the same but in her neck, trying not to think anymore about his girlfriend's body dressed only in his jersey against his.


After a grueling afternoon of training with his team, Oikawa can finally go home to his girlfriend (Y/N).

"Tadaima (I'm home)!" He exclaims, entering the house, happy and ready for a cuddle session with his girlfriend.

"Okaeri (Welcome back)." The man hears her voice from the kitchen, and so he goes to her.

"Awwwww, did you miss me that much, cutie?" Oikawa coos at the beauty of (Y/N), whose back is turned while she's cooking, and who is wearing his old jersey of Aoba Johsai.

In fact, while sorting out their old things that day, the woman found her boyfriend's jersey neatly folded along with the other high school items, so she decided to wear it to surprise him, and then she went to cook.

"How am I?" (Y/N) does a pirouette, showing her face to Oikawa, who doesn't even answer: he only takes a photo of her.

"Tooru! Did you just take a picture of me?!"

"You're too cute like this. I'm sending it to Iwa-chan!"

"Noooo!" The woman tries to take the phone from the man, but she finds herself with her head against his chest and then picked up and thrown on their sofa hugging him.

"Tooru, let me go!" Oikawa refuses, holding (Y/N) tighter to him.

"No! I worked so hard today, and then I found you dressed like this, so I deserve my cuddles -His voice then becomes lower- and next time, if you don't want an even greater reaction, let me know you'll wear my jersey again." Indeed, the man didn't show it much, but he internally screamed as soon as he saw the woman dressed like that, and he really wanted to be welcomed by her like that every day of his life.

In fact, while holding his girlfriend, Oikawa thinks only about one thing: perhaps it's time to contact the jewelry; Oikawa (Y/N) doesn't sound that bad…



(Y/N) was alone in her and her boyfriend Kenma's bed. He was in his studio finishing a live, despite her numerous requests to sleep with her.

Time passes and passes, but the woman still can't fall asleep, both because she misses her boyfriend and because she sees too much light in the corridor due to his computer being turned on, so she decides to go to call him again.

"Kenma, can you come to bed with me? It's late and I can't sleep..."

"I'm almost done, I just have to get through a few levels and then defeat the final boss. You can come here near me, I'm not on video."

The woman approaches the man and sits next to him, resting her head on his shoulder and snuggling into his side, but without preventing him from being able to move.

After a few minutes, Kenma stops the game to look at her softly, but his gaze soon turns to total amazement: his eyes widen slightly, his body paralyzes for a few seconds and his heart seems to jump out of his chest because of how hard it's beating.

"Sorry guys, but it's time to end the live. I'll resume the game tomorrow."

(Y/N), who had been dozing off on his shoulder, immediately wakes up at those words, letting out a small scream when he picks her up like a bride and carries her to the bedroom.

Meanwhile, the man had only one image in his mind: his beautiful girlfriend dressed in his old team jersey, which is loose and allows him to see one of her shoulders, and cute socks with kittens, all sleepy while she pushes her face against the his chest.

"Kenma!" The woman exclaims, after Kenma drops her on their bed and then positions himself astride her, supporting himself on his arms to prevent all his weight from falling on her.

"You look cute… in my jersey…" He murmurs, looking away from her.


Fukurodani is losing the first set against Mujinazaka and Akaashi is on the bench, after losing his composure.

Meanwhile, his girlfriend was in the stands supporting him but, worried about him, she has headed to where he was. Quickly descending, she approaches him and finds him sitting with his head in his hands looking desperate.

"Keiji…" The boy looks up at his girlfriend, and he swears he almost faints: his girlfriend should be arrested for the crime of being too cute, since she's wearing his spare team jersey. The fabric runs down to her knees, covered by a black legging, and the number five is located just below her heart.

"W-what -Akaashi needs to take a few seconds to clear his throat- what are you wearing?"

"Your shirt… I put it on to support you… Bokuto-san said you would like it."

"Sorry… You came all this way, and we're losing because of me."

"Don't apologise. Keiji -(Y/N) murmurs, approaching him- I came because I wanted to give you all my support and I wore your jersey because, if someone had asked me who was my favorite player, I would have pointed to it and said you're my number one. So you don't need to worry, okay? Go and win!"

With that, the girl smiles sweetly, and a light dusting of red spreads across the boy's cheeks: she's too cute.

Screams mixed with happiness and disappointment spread throughout the gym, and Akaashi realizes what happened: Fukurodani lost the first set.

"Akaashi, do you feel up to it now?" The coach asks him, and he nods.

However, before taking the field, he mutters, without letting (Y/N) see his red face: "If we win, will you wear my jersey again?"


He'll definitely have to thank Bokuto after their victory.

💮 Rules 💮 Masterlist 💮

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7 months ago

Haikyuu!! ~Proposal and marriage~

Manga/anime: Haikyuu!!

Warnings: slight spoiler of Kenma's future

Requested by: @ritsuk0mwah (I saw her reblog)

Kozume K.

After five years of dating, he'll take all his courage and ask you to marry him (in reality, Kuroo will have threatened him he would take away all his video games if he wouldn't propose to you for about a year)

His proposal will be made in a very special way: he'll ask you to play Minecraft with him and, when you open the game, you'll find a text in water on land which reads: "Will you marry me?"

Your wedding will be celebrated in the Western style, without the typical Shinto wedding ceremony, and totally confidential (in fact, only your parents and closest relatives, his former team, Hinata and your closest friends will be invited); in addition, there will be a small party after the ceremony, but nothing too exaggerated

His followers won't know about your marriage, because he's always preferred to maintain a certain secrecy regarding his engagement with you: indeed, he'll never mention you in his live and wear your wedding ring on his finger, but he'll keep it as a pendant on a chain he'll keep hidden under his shirt (one day, during one of his live, a follower will notice something sparkling under his shirt and ask what it's; Kenma will be silent for a few seconds, and then reply it's probably the light from his computer reflecting on him in a strange way and his followers won't believe it)

Your married life won't be different from your dating life: for instance, he'll always have the same job, which will continue to take up a lot of his time, even if he'll keep doing everything he can to help you with the household chores; moreover, he'll never be too physically affectionate with you, but he'll show his love through gestures, for example by remembering your most important dates (anniversaries, birthdays...) or trying preparing dinner for you if you come home exhausted from work

💮 Rules 💮 Masterlist 💮

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9 months ago

haikyuu is having a comeback guys and i need to express my extreme obsession with kenma so lipstick testing ok lets go

your phone rings with kenmas display name glowing on the screen, 'pudding head', it reads. after a few moments he wakes up, answering the phone in a groggy voice. "yn?" he voices out your name and audibly clears his throat. "hey you. come over, i need your help with something." you chirp and ruffle through a bag, lipsticks, lip stains, lip gloss, and even chapstick clanking loudly against each other, kenma hums in confusion when the sound escapes his phone speaker. "come over why? are you gonna do something evil..." he sighs. "just get over here!" before he gets to respond, you hang up and text him hurriedly. "i'll be waiting".

your phone dings, causing your shoulders to jump and you read the notification. "pudding head: knock knock". you spring out your chair and run to your front door, opening it to reveal kenma, in his usual red sweater and he itches his scalp nervously. "are you gonna tell me what happe-" you cut his sentence short by dragging him by the arm and shutting the door loudly, pushing him into your room. kenma has a tendency to observe your room every time hes in it, no matter if it hasn't changed whatsoever. his eyes pause at the absurd amount of lip products splayed on your desk. "uh..." he breaths out. he looks back at you with literal concern on his face and points at it in confusion. "why?" "we're going to do lipstick testing! sit down." he obediently sits down on your cushiony bed and stares at you with expecting eyes while you grab a hand full of lipsticks. "how are you gonna go about this? why do i need to be here...?" he mumbles as you grab makeup wipes, his eyes following your figure as you move around. "just wanna try some colors out on you." you tell him simply and smile at him, dropping lipstick containers into his lap. "" kenma glances down at the lipsticks and tilts his head to the side and points at himself. "yes, you." you say with a smile, pulling out a few hair clips, some in star shapes, some in hearts, some normal ones, and some sparkly ones. "which one should we use, hm?" you ask him, displaying one of each on your hands. "...why do i need to pick?" he looks up at you with big eyes, his golden eyes meeting with yours for a few seconds before looking down shyly. one thing about kenma is that he absolutely sucks at eye contact, especially during more intimate moments or when your close to his face. "because its going in your hair." he stares at the hair clips, seemingly deep in thought about which one to choose just for him to say a quick, "i don't know." you sigh and put all the clips down. "then i'll choose!" you take two baby blue star clips and lift his face up gently, clipping his silky long blonde out of his face. it truly is a mystery on how hes able to keep his hair so soft and silky even after bleaching it. you start applying a red lipstick on your lips and grab his squishy cheeks, pressing your lips against his soft, slightly chapped ones and he kisses back eagerly. his hands instinctively go to your waist, making an attempt to drag you closer to him but you pull away, he pouts. "why'd you-" "this is lipstick testing kenma, not a makeout session." you chuckle sweetly at his wide eyes and red blush, ruffling his long hair and reaching for your makeup wipes.

after awhile, kenmas soft, blushing face is covered in kiss marks, a variety of reds, pinks, and nudes contrasting with his pale face. "alright, all done!" you exclaim and admire your work with a proud smile, your palms still holding kenmas warm face. "you're done?" he asks, disappointed. "i still want more kisses."

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8 months ago


bf kenma! who hates physical touch from everyone but you

bf kenma! who always preforms better when you're watching him in his matches

bf kenma! who doesn't like pda, but pinky holding is an exception

bf kenma! who prefers staying home and playing video games and eating junk food rather than taking you out

bf kenma! who lays his head on your lap and automatically falls asleep once you play with his hair

bf kenma! who teaches you how to play video games and plays minecraft with you

bf kenma! who will ignore you if he's jealous and waits for you to ask what's wrong, and quietly tell you what happened while avoiding eye contact

bf kenma! who gives you a small peck on the cheek as an apology if he does something you disapprove of

bf kenma! who copies off your paper work if he doesn't do it himself (90% of the time he doesn't)

bf kenma! who may have a blank expression, but his eyes are always full of adoration when he looks at you

bf kenma! who forgets to eat and gets embarrassed when you feed him yourself (after some nagging)

bf kenma! who likes putting his arm around your waist while holding his controller when you sit next to him while he's playing video games

bf kenma! who "accidentally" leaves his sweaters or tshirts at your house (he likes seeing you in his clothes) (he will never admit that to anyone)

bf kenma! who sucks with eye contact and gets pink in the face when you look at him for too long

bf kenma! who makes sure you're NEVER around kuroo because he's scared you'll end up liking him

bf kenma! who likes (needs) reassurance and compliments

bf kenma! who loves to fall asleep on your chest or thighs

bf kenma! who doesn't like spooning that much and just prefers to intertwine his legs with yours (unless he's feeling down, he does like to cuddle sometimes)

bf kenma! who shares earphones with you and will always listen to the music you like with no complaints

bf kenma! who rather listens to slow and quiet music or screamo music depending on his mood

bf kenma! who isn't much of a talker, prefers to listen to you yap about anything and everything, slipping in a "oh wow" "seriously??" "no way" or just repeating the last 5 words you said quietly

bf kenma! who loses so much hair in the summer as if he's shedding like a cat

bf kenma! who gets too shy to instigate a kiss, but that doesn't mean he won't kiss you back with as much passion as you give him

bf kenma! who doesn't really care what you do to him, do his makeup, draw on him, braid his hair, squish his cheeks, poke him, whatever lets him see that radiating smile of yours

bf kenma! who catches himself smiling when you do, or laughing quietly when you do, even if he has no idea what's going on

bf kenma! who loves you for who you are and is convinced you're his soulmate

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1 year ago

"Keeeeeenmaaaaaaa." You call your roommate out from the kitchen, hoping he hears you from his current stream.


"Ugh." You growl and make your way to his streaming room.

First, he texts you to warm up the leftovers from last night instead of talking to you like a normal human being. Then he doesn’t answer you, even if he texted to call for him to tell him it’s ready.

Hearing him talk through the closed door, you open it a bit after knocking three times.

"One sec, roomie called. You can come in." Kenma looks over his shoulder, when he spots you, he turns around to tell his fans he’ll be afk for five minutes.

Now fully turning to you in his overly expensive gaming chair, you have his full attention.

"You texted me 10 minutes ago that you wanted the pasta heated up remember?" You lean against the door frame while crossing one leg over the other.

"Oh yeah, sorry about that. I’ll go and get it." The dyed blonde gets up slowly from his chair, bending his back a little bit, until he hears it crack.

Sighing deeply, he sets his cat-ear headset down, walking past you, dragging his legs like a zombie.

You watch him walk down the hallway towards the kitchen, when he rounds the corner you see his chat still being active, thankfully his Webcam is currently off.

Soon enough, you hear his light foot steps again and this time he has a bowl in his hand and he’s eating while walking.

"Don’t choke." You tease.

"I won’t." He mumbles while eating the noodles.

"Sooo… what are you playing?" You walk in a little bit with him in his room, watching as he sits down again.

"Wocket Leeg." He replies with his mouth full.

"Sounds fun." You lean over his shoulder as you watch and read over the chat.

All of sudden, you see a few names popping up that are mentioning your name, freaking out with excitement that they are hearing a female voice of the roommate of THE Kodzuken.

"They want you to say 'hi'." Finishing up his food, he turns to you with a gleam in his eyes, putting the headset back on.

Squishing your face against his, so you can talk into the mic, you greet his fans which causes a blow up in the chat, people being super hyped to hear you for the first time.

"So uh... what should I say?" You ask Kenma in an intriguing voice, reading the comments as they almost explode at hearing a female's voice and such a beautiful one at that.

"Just say anything, they seem to love you already more than me." Kenma laughs softly.

You laugh along with him, when a comment catches your eye.

spaceExplorer234: yo who dis? that your girlfriend?

Your cheeks begin to heat up in embarrassment and since your cheek is still smushed against his, he can feel the warmth and it makes him blush too.

"No, I am not his girlfriend. Just his roommate, occasionally his chef and also his maid, when he leaves his dirty socks lying around." You laugh and Kenma groans in embarrassment.

The chat explodes yet again, this time with lots of laughing gifs and people sending clapping hands emoji, calling you 'queen' and 'gaming wifey' after you revealed that you play games as well, just not on stream like your roommate.

Kenma drinks his diet coke, when he reads the message after you.

"'Gaming wifey'? That's kinda cute. Am I your gaming wifey?" You grin easily at him and he chokes on his soda.

BigDaddyTacobell420: I ship it!!!!!!!

You and Kenma both read that comment and you look at each other briefly before looking away quickly, an intense blush spread across both of your faces.

Thank goodness the chat can’t see your faces, they’d have a blast.

Coughing a bit, you tell Kenma you need to get back to your studies and he mumbles out a quiet okay.

Leaving the room, the dyed-blonde looks at your retreating figure, getting back to his game and talks to his chat again.

SnackMaster1652: Kodzuken if you don’t ask her out I will

"Well good luck trying to reach her. She doesn’t have any social accounts. But I plan to ask her out, I just hope she’ll say yes…" Kenma says with a big sigh, still calming his heart down from the person that said that they ship the two of you together.

Nonetheless, somehow Kenma got a good feeling that his chances are high.

And how right the former Setter was….

Four months later, Kenma is playing CS:GO on his keyboard, but this time he has a player two joining him.

Said Player Two is sitting in his lap, controlling the keyboard while Kenma controls the mouse.

"Go around the corner, no no the other one."

"Be more specific!"

"Go B."


You press the character to walk forward with his gun, changing the weapon to a sniper rifle.

"Babe, you have to plant the bomb you know?"

"Don’t tell me what to do, I am trying to survive here."

"We will survive by planting the bomb and then shooting off the other team."

"I don’t like conflicts…" You mumble as you get more comfortable in your boyfriend’s lap.

"Baby, I don’t know if you noticed but this is a shooter game. The whole point of playing it, IS to create conflict. We need to kill the other members." Kenma laughs.

"Yeah yeah."

It’s quiet for a few seconds until you spot an enemy of the opposite team and you scream as he starts shooting at you.

"Walk over behind the wall! Press S! Quickly!" Kenma yells and you yell back at him.


The enemy spots you again and immediately fires at you and kills you.

"This is your fault." You mumble after the defeat.

"How is this my fault?! You’re controlling the movement, I am just shooting!" Kenma says in bewilderment.

The stream is having a blast, the banter and the bickering between the two of you always make the viewers laugh and comment at the behavior of you and Kenma like an old married couple.

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1 year ago

nah cause if they dont text me like this, I dont want them 😭❤️

boyfriend texts ˃ᴗ˂ kenma kozume

lmao i didnt feel like making a pt2 so i dumped them all in this post

(also in the 6th image it's supposed to say "i saw the way he was" mb)

Boyfriend Texts Kenma Kozume
Boyfriend Texts Kenma Kozume
Boyfriend Texts Kenma Kozume
Boyfriend Texts Kenma Kozume
Boyfriend Texts Kenma Kozume
Boyfriend Texts Kenma Kozume
Boyfriend Texts Kenma Kozume
Boyfriend Texts Kenma Kozume
Boyfriend Texts Kenma Kozume
Boyfriend Texts Kenma Kozume

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1 year ago

but this is how I talk with someone... GASP what if!!!- maybe I won't be alone forever 🥺 (nobody cares but wtv- UPDATE: EhEHRHGeGEh sO I WaS rIghT UMmMmmMm 😃)



genre: fluff and crack PFFTT

authors note: first post back from my hiatus :D you guys have no idea how excited i am to be writing again ! also 🤨🤨 this idea was a request and for some reason it literally just disappeared as soon as i made a draft for it so that was odd but we digress … hope you all enjoy 🫶


if you’re reading this far, please check out my new oikawa text post 😚 i would greatly appreciate it !!

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1 year ago

definitely gonna be waiting for the next updates 🤩🤩




Pairing: Streamer!Kenma Kozume x Kitten Rescuer! Reader

Summary: As a rainy night hits the streets of the New York, Kenma finds a group of newborn kittens with no mother in the middle of the street. After talking to some of his friends, they help him contact a kitten rescuer, who happens to have a boyfriend. Still, that doesn't stop him from falling for her.

Trope: Strangers to friends to lovers, SMAU only, influencer/celebrity AU!

Warnings: mentions of pet grief, toxic behavior in the gamer community as well as social media, manipulation, gaslighting, emotionally absent partner. Each warning will be tagged in post.

A/N: LOOK LOOK, this is something I've been wanting to post for a minute and I couldn't figure out the plot of American Cliché so, this is the result! You'll find all the posts about it under the tag of #sourkenmakozume! Send me an ask to join the taglist and pls if u don't wanna see that block the tag "#sourtaglist" !


status: ongoing taglist: CLOSED! updates: every week!

























© MATTSVN 2021. All rights reserved. Do not repost, modify or claim as yours

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10 months ago

episode one: out of touch

masterlist next!


Episode One: Out Of Touch
Episode One: Out Of Touch
Episode One: Out Of Touch
Episode One: Out Of Touch
Episode One: Out Of Touch
Episode One: Out Of Touch
Episode One: Out Of Touch

With a click of the power button, I slid my phone into my purse and pulled out the spare key Kenma had given me for his house, noting that the ramen probably had just arrived. Grabbing it, I made my way inside, checking the small clock on the wall by his door and seeing it had just hit 3:05 PM, knowing his stream had probably started already. As I slipped off my shoes, the soft patter of my feet against the hardwood echoed through his long hallways. Seriously, who needs such a big house when it's just one person living here?

I could hear soft chatter from where I was in his hallway, and it wouldn't have surprised me if he had his headphones on already. Quietly making my way to the door of his streaming room, I slid it open as quietly as I could, making eye contact with his stream. I realized he had recently changed his streaming room setup, his back facing me as I slid across the hardwood, setting the plastic bag down onto a nearby table. Putting a finger to my lips in an attempt to keep the chat quiet, I tapped his shoulders with both hands, watching him jump ever so slightly at the feeling.

"Holy shit," he mumbled after he took one side of his headphones off. "Did you grab the ramen?" he asked as I sat down in the chair he had pulled up beside him for me to use. I nodded. "I set it down by the table over there," I answered, pointing back at the table where I had put the bag. Speaking into the mic, I addressed the chat, "I'm torturing you guys with a mukbang today, then Luigi's Mansion," I told them, seeing comments flood in from new viewers and his following alike.

"Never mention that shirt I wore last time. Whoever just asked where it was, I had to burn it," I said sarcastically. "Besides, Yachi let me steal this from her closet, so it's automatically better, guys," I added as Kenma finally sat back down with me.

fun facts !

I originally was gonna have Mochi be a small dog but instead a cat no one really likes Mochi because she bites people she meets but Yachi,alisa, and y/n love her

akaashi,bo,kuroo and Kenma hate her bf with a burning passion just for the fact he's a fucking dick and had tried to get her to cut off all five of them with just a simple he didn't like them but

not actually a Terushima hater he has a bit of a redemption arc at some point if I feel like it guys

the first original idea for Kenma and y/n was a dynamic like Denki and Jirou but instead y/n as Denki and kenma as Jirou cus he's calmer lowk or mao mao and Jinshi from apothecary diaries

terushima and y/n have been basically done with each other for months but you'll kinda see that next few chapters

tags: @wyrcan @metta-crybaby @kettlepop

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4 years ago

“ NINTENDO MESSAGES ” | kozume kenma


SUMMARY → in which a cute boy starts taking the same train every morning as you, you can’t help but keep staring until he speaks up

PAIRING → kozume kenma x gn!reader

GENRE → romance, fluff, drabble,

WARNING → fluff but awkward social interactions, it’s not great but i think it’s cute

MASTERLIST → if you want to read other works of mine

AN → this is a re-published work from my old blog ( that is now dead ) , hope you still enjoy it! <3


FEELING A SET OF eyes on you, you glance up from your Nintendo. Connecting your eyes with cat like golden eyes, blinking at the sudden unexpected action. You just stare back, what feels like hours, but couldn’t have been more then a couple seconds, he glances away as soon as he realises you’re looking back at him.

Shifting his glaze back to his game council, a Nintendo just like the one in your hands. Taking one more glance, you turn back to your own game. Choosing Amy as your character for the new triathlon your setting up.

Taking the same seat the next day, you see the boy sitting across from you again, taking a moment to debate you sigh. Going to your messages, you open it up for connection, just waiting, and waiting, to see if he had the same idea.


Smiling at the messages, you glance up, having your eyes connect, you look down and twiddle your thumbs to think of a good reply. Finally ending with the most obvious reply;

[Y/U/N]: Hi.

[Y/U/N]: You go to Nekoma, right?

K3NMA: Yes.

K3NMA: You too right?

Nodding to your self, you don’t notice a set of eyes on you. It’s hard to think of anything to say that won’t sound stupid or boring.

[Y/U/N]: Did the uniform tip you off?

K3NMA: And that you always walk infront of me.

[Y/U/N]: Stalker.

K3NMA: Says you

Chuckling softly at his sudden witty reply, you see the notification of your game asking if you’re still playing.

[Y/U/N]: Want to play a game together?

Not waiting for his reply, you invite him to play a triathlon against you. Seeing that he accepted, a small smile tug up your lips. Ending the game, before you have to stand up.

Having the train stop infront of you just like every day before that, you step in. Almost instantly spotting the boy, taking a deep breath you take the next bold step. Taking a seat next to the boy, “Hi.” you say softly, zipping your bag open.

Having the boy look up, a surprised look on his face, “Hi.” he replies. Holding my Nintendo up, I send him a small smile turning to the game. Having him glance back at his game as well, not being able to hold the smile back.

Making the boy with the big black hair, look between the two in confusion, “Wait, what’s happening here?”


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4 years ago



SUMMARY → what they would plan for white day/ valentines

CHARACTERS → itadori yuji, kozume kenma, shirakumo oboro, sugawara kōshi, tanaka ryūnosuke x fem!reader

A/N → i know it’s not valentines anymore but I still wanted to write something so it is now white day... in the head canons it still says valentines <3 



→ he is the personification of chaotic good. in all honestly he hadn’t thought of anything to do for valentines day in particular. whenever he thought of a cute date he took you on it as fast as possible. live is short, he does not know how long he has and he definitely wasn’t going to waste what time he had with you.

→ so he went to the only guy he knew that could help him wheat out all the bad apples.

→ spitting out idea after idea as he went he waited for fushiguro reaction; “I like it, go with that one.” he hums.

nodding, itadori casually strikes that idea. leaving him with only one perfect date idea; “thanks, man.”

→ he brought you to his home town; now, it might have not sounded like the grand romantic acts you see in movies. but as a city girl you had never left the kanto prefecture more less gone to visit a random small town... if anything, you barely left tokyo ( if it was not for for a valid reason, sorcerer work, or to go to kyoto )

→ so, coming here made it special. walking around the town; he shows you all his favorite spots, his old school, the place where he fell as kid that left that scar on his elbow. it made a smile come up to your face, that never left.

at the end of the night, you ended up at a swing set. one eerily similar to the one where you had met ( not that not all swings were bascially the same thing... not at all ) “hi.” you whisper softly. making him smile at the cute gesture, “hi.”



→ valentines is a scam. a scam where he would never invest in… that was until the two of you got together and now here he is. trying to make a list of what could be your perfect day, all your likes and loves.

→ you always say you just like spending time with him and that’s all you need, but that seemed a little too easy and cheesy for his taste. he couldn’t just be with you and act like it wasn’t a holiday.

→ no, you needed to do something special. an activity you wanted to do and would make this day unforgettable for the both of you.

→ the two of you went to a cat cafe. you had been bugging him for weeks to go with you saying how cute he would look surrounded by small kittens.

→ also, that his eyes remind you of a cat and that’s why you like them even more then you did before. he said it made no sense as he was not covered with fur nor did he particularly think his eyes resembled one of a cat, but with that smile of yours he could never tell you differently.



→ this boy had it all planned out in his head, he would take you on a cloud date. get your favourite snacks and sushi that you enjoy while his cloud takes you over important milestones of your relationship ( the big moments mostly took place at school and your houses, but mr. loud cloud had some special places )

→ it would be perfect. well…. it would have been if it didn’t decide to start storming with no sign of stopping. all was lost, he had counted on the weather to be on his side!

→ taking the L he decides to move the date inside. telling you to meet him at his house as soon as you wake up. no changing, no formal wear, just your pyjamas. 

→ it’s a cloud ford!

→ smiling at the boy, you can’t help but feel a sense of euphoria go through you as you hold him close to you. enjoying your day in the clouds.



→ this boy knows everything there is to know about you. favourite food? check. colour, drink, place, series, film? who are you kidding, he knew it all. if there was every a quiz on you he would get a 101%

→ so why is he now blanking? nothing seemed good enough. he even asked daichi and he was just as clueless.

→ they had cancelled training for this particular day and he couldn’t think of anything… and then it hit him; cinnamon rolls. you loved that deliciously sweet dough more then anything else.

→ it took him days of practices but he finally was able to make the perfectly balanced bun. all so he could show you how to make your own. that way you never had the disappointment of going to the bakery and them being sold out.

→ and so he did; you had a lovely kitchen date with your cute boyfriend teaching you how to bake your favourite thing in the world.



→ with all the times he saw something that reminded him of you and bought it with no hesitation; all he had left to his name now was ten bucks. to be fair there was enough to do with that amount of money, but none of the things he had initially planned in his head. 

→ a trip to the tokyo tower? no. bunchy-jumping on a budget? no. the movies? no. also, since when did cinema get so pricey?

→ what he could do with the little money he had; was get you some snacks and bring you to the most important place of your relationship. 

→ which is no where at all. the plan went as followed; he would pretend he had no clue and surprise you at the end of the day with his reveal, but trying to keep up the entire day was so hard. he had to worship you and treat you as the goddess you are, but he got this.

→ waiting ‘till night, he made his way to just outside your window. letting the song, you guys song, blast loudly. looking out of your window you say your boyfriend dance that stupid dance the two of you would always dance; ‘because of you—’ the song continued on the background.

“what are you doing?”

“wishing my gorgeous girlfriend a happy valentines.”


MASTERLIST | KO-FI | TAGLIST → if you want to read more

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Their reaction when you wipe their kisses off

Their Reaction When You Wipe Their Kisses Off
Their Reaction When You Wipe Their Kisses Off

Fandom:Haikyuu Pairings:Kenma,Tsukishima,Suna X reader Genre:Humor,Fluff,SFW Format:Scenario Warnings:Some Cursing in Tsukishima's part Word Count:0.6K A/n:Saw this trend on tiktok and wanted to give it a try,and whos better than m'Haikyuu boys? :D

not proofread,and sorry if theres any mistakes

This Tiktok trend compilation on Youtube

Their Reaction When You Wipe Their Kisses Off

↬Kenma Kozume

you were sitting on his bed,waiting for him to get out of the shower,to record his reaction to what you were about to turned your head at him as you heard his steps comming closer to you,and greeted him with a gentle smile. "awww look at you baby! just come here and kiss me already!"

he slowly came toward you as he smiled back at you,and placed a delicate kiss on your cheek.

Kenma knew you were obsessed with him and his kisses,so he was very surprised when he saw you awkwardly turning around and wiping his kiss off,and you did noticed this.

he kissed you on your cheek again and when you kept wiping his kisses off,he saw a dim sign of laughter on you face.

you were doing it on purpose.

you were looking at your phone,trying to hide your smirk as you waited for him to try and kiss you again,

and that was when a big pillow landed on your face out of the blue.

"Ouch! Kenma?" you looked up at your boyfriend with your eyes widened and laughing as he walked out of the room,ignoring you,acting like a big petty kitty, "Ken Ken! Come back here!"

Nope!Hes not coming back!

well.not unless you shower him in kisses and cuddles as payback.

↬Kei Tsukishima

you were driving him to the gym and had your phone in front of you,ready to record.he was about to get off the car,but you stopped him by placing your hand on his shoulder.

"babe?can i get a kiss?" you gave him the puppy eyes and puckered your lips.he sighed,leaning toward you as he pressed his lips on yours,giving you a gentle broke the kiss apart,smiled at him,

and then you wiped your fucking lips.

"what the fuck?" you nearly jumped in your seat because of his loud tune,looking at him with shock as you tried to hold back your laugh.

"what?what happened?" "dont with me bitch! did you just wiped my kiss off?" the big pout on his face nearly made you burst out into laughter.

"what?no i didnt!what are you talking about?" "dont play dumb with me !what is wrong with you?" "i didnt babe youre imagining things! here give me another one and ill prove it to ya" "no! people dont wipe my kisses off"

he grabbed his bag and slammed the door behind him,walking away from you as he heard your laughter. "baby? im sorry! come back honey it was a prank!"

you put your your hand on your mouth and continue laughing at your boyfriend as you saw him giving you "the middle finger"

↬Rintarou Suna

you quickly adjusted your phone on the table when your boyfriend went to the was your date night and since you were hanging out at his house you decided to play a prank on him that you saw in Tiktok.

you smiled at him cheekily when he pulled you closer to himself gave you a passionate kiss on your lips the minute he walked back into the living was more believable this way that you didnt have to ask him for a kiss yourself.

when he let go of you,you winked at him and were about to reach your lips and wipe them,then you saw him wiping his own before you could even make a looked at him with a confused expression,

and that was when the camera on the couch-that didnt belong to you' catched your attention.

"Rin you little shi-"

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Calling Them By Their Name
Calling Them By Their Name
Calling Them By Their Name
Calling Them By Their Name
Calling Them By Their Name

Calling them by their name

Fandom: Haikyuu!!

Pairings: Suna, Oikawa, Bokuto, Atsumu, Osamu, Iwaizumi, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Kenma, Kuroo X Fem!Reader

Genre: Fluff, Humor

Format: Headcanons

Warnings: Some cussing done by me, Suggestive in Iwaizumi's part

Word Count: 1.2K

A/n: It's been a while since I last wrote for Haikyuu so-

This TikTok compilation on YouTube

Calling Them By Their Name


"Yamaguchi Tadashi!"

The man looks at you frightened, like he just saw a ghost or smthn lmao, making you Almost feel bad about this prank.

"What? What happened?" "Did you eat all the Ice cream I saved for myself?"

Lmao now he's scared af.

"I-I No I didn't! I put it in the freezer like you told me too!" "Then why isn't it there? You're telling me that the freezer ate it itself?" "IDK!" "Yamaguchi Tadashi!" "BABE STOP CALLING ME BY MY FULL NAME YOU'RE SCARING ME"

Runs to the store to buy you more Ice cream, little did he know you were the one who ate it, but you were too tired to go out so you used this method to make him go out and buy some instead lol


"Tsukishima Kei!"

You really think He's gonna fall for that? huh


He can clearly see how you're carefully watching him to see his reaction. He knows you're up to smthn immediately.

MF ignores you until you call him by his pet name😭

"Tsukishima Kei!" "..." "Tsukishima!" "..." "...Kei?" "..." "Kei Baby?" "What is it?"

"You're no fun" "And you're so dumb" "Hey!" "What? It rhymes! Who's not fun now?"

Just don't play pranks on this guy he will make you regret🤧


Much to your surprise, he has TikTok. Playing pranks on this guy is never successful cuz he's 10 steps ahead of you. Always.

Like when he finds you saying & doing smthn that sounds familiar to him he's like "Oh it's that prank I saw yesterday! She thinks she can fool me? That's cute. Let me mess with her a little bit"

"Suna Rintarou!" "F/n L/n!" "Suna Rintarou this is a serious matter!" "I'm listening F/n L/n!" "Suna why are you doing this?" "I don't know what you're talking about, L/n" "RIN-"

He will be the one who wins in the end. Always.

You sometimes find it tough to hold yourself back from punching him, but you're in love with his punky ass so you have to deal with it.


Cute whiney baby T^T

IDK why I find him so adorable lmao

You don't even have to call him by his full name to upset him. Saying his first name instead of pet names is enough to damage his heart lmao


The guy looks like he's been shot in the heart LMFAO

"Why are ya callin me Atsumu?🥺" "Um... I mean, that's your name, right?" "No! 'm not Atsumu! 'm baby! or Sweety! or Hubby! Who do ya think yer callin Atsumu?"

He won't talk to you unless you make it up to him by extra kisses & smooches cause I'm not kidding, THE GUY IS HURT.


Now he's a bit different from his twin. He will get irritated at first, but as the mf he is, he is gonna make you regret.


He literally stops whatever he's doing, raises his head to stare at you with a blank expression. Maybe you can sense a sharp dagger stabbing your heart lmao.

"Did ya just call me Miya?" "... I..."

Ngl he looks scary af. Though his expression is blank I AM TELLING YOU.

Goes back to his business with the blank expression meanwhile ignoring the fuck out of you for the whole night.

Will not back down unless you're on you're knees begging him to pay attention to you lol

"'Samu!" "What's that sound I'm hearing? Never mind" "SAMU PLEASE I'M REALLY SORRY-"


His reaction is the same as 'Tsumu's but a bit tenser lmao.


His head that was on your chest suddenly raises for you to meet his puppy eyes.

"Suger Cube? Why are you calling me by my name? Did I do something?🥺🥺🥺🥺"


He's innocence is enough for you to feel bad and suffocate him in your arms T^T

"No Mwah* Baby Mwah* I'm sorry it was Mwah mwah* just a prank!"

Just cuddle your baby owl a bit more he deserves it T^T


This mf deserves it.

Fuck him up.

Make him cry.

Choke him. Kill him. Slap him-

Ahem. Where were we?

So yeah basically he's a jerk and he deserves all the pranks in the world lmfao

"Oi Shittykawa! Didn't I tell you to clean your room? Why is it still a mess?"


"BABE WHY DO YOU HAVE TO CALL ME THAT- sighs* Even my own S/o bullies me, what a cruel world indeed"


"Just shut up and do it already" "Babe you're so mean😪" "You deserve it YOU HANDSOME BASTARD-"


This guy is so good. So husband material. So hot. So much in shape. ANYWAYS-

He's surprised. Very surprised.

"Iwaizumi Hajime!"

Looks up from his phone immediately to meet your frustrated expression.

Frustrated by how hard you're trying to hold back your laugh.

"What is it honey?" "Did you forget to wash the dishes?" "No they're all done" "Then did you forget to take out the trash?" "Took it five hours ago" "Then what about... what about..."

Lmao now he gets what's going on.

A smirk appears on his face as he throws is phone on the couch and the next thing you know you're pinned to the cushions with him on top of you.

"What was that about? Are you trying to tease me or something?"

BRUH he looks so hot like this that you're literally unable to talk.

"I- W-Well... what if I am?"

Let's just say that you never dared to play pranks on him again🚶🏻‍♀️



Why you doing this to my cat boy lmao T^T


Pauses his game and turnes to look at you with a HUGE sulk on his face.


"Why did you-" "Kozume? Really?"

Lmao his pouty face makes you chuckle a bit

"That's your name isn't it?" "What happened to baby, sweetheart, love of my life..." "KENMA BABY I'M SORRY-"

God knows why he looks so cute when he's all sulky lmao


Lmao I can never bring myself to mess with him.


Anyway he will get you back, and a thousand times harder.

It's like you called him by his full name once, and ever since then he keeps calling you by your last name lmao.

You come home after a long day? "Well look who it is! The one and only L/n!" "I FUCKING HATE YOU TETSURO-"

This doesn't stop when you're in public. Or in front of your parents.

When your mom's on the other line? "L/n it's your mom she wants to talk to you!"

When you're out with friends? "L/n would you be kind and pass the salt please?"

People keep asking if you got into a fight or smthn LMFAO

So yeah this will go on for a while until he gets tired of it or he hurts your feelings then he will apologize for BEING SUCH A DICK crossing the line a bit too much.

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1 year ago

need ur attention asap —

Need Ur Attention Asap
Need Ur Attention Asap
Need Ur Attention Asap
Need Ur Attention Asap

SYP — w characters who i think are actually really clingy (secretly or not)

GEN. — fluff

WARN. — gn!reader, clingy characs, pda, sickening couple activities

REQ. — “do you do carlos madrigal x reader.. if yes, could I get one?? i can’t really find any recent ones now and I love your works! if not, that’s completely fine!!! xx”

NOTES. — im literally so bad at sticking to one character 😭 im glad u love my works, have a good day lovely <33

Need Ur Attention Asap

thinking about having a clingy bf who can’t get enough of ur love <3

ur clingy bf! who can’t stop clinging onto you like a koala.

ur clingy bf! who loves back hugging you and discovering different cuddle positions.

ur clingy bf! who shows up to your door at random times with a bouquet of your fav flowers.

ur clingy bf! who has a secret obsession with the sweet taste of your lips.

ur clingy bf! who encourages you to play the chapstick game, a new excuse to kiss you over and over. (he doesn’t even make an effort to guess the flavour..)

ur clingy bf! who pulls you away at any social event to kiss you breathless.

ur clingy bf! who stares at you with a subtle pout as his friends drag him away to do god knows what.

ur clingy bf! who basically uses his status to go see you instead of doing what he should be.

ur clingy bf! who refuses to remove his arms around you in the morning, leading you to quite literally limp around with him attached to your hip.

ur clingy bf! who tries to act stoic in public but his facade crumbles in 5 minutes and his hands are back on your waist.

ur clingy bf! who has a habit of rubbing your noses together.

ur clingy bf! who carries you all different styles and doesn’t care about your protests.

ur clingy bf! who always cradles your face so gently whenever you’re ranting and just stares at you with heart eyes and a big, silly smile on his lips.

ur clingy bf! who pulls you back to his chest when you get even a centimetre farther from him.

ur clingy bf! who gives you another bottle of his perfume to spray on your clothes so you smell like him when you go out.

ur clingy bf! who’s always there for receiving and giving affection, especially on hard days.

ur clingy bf! who’d rather die than leave the comfort of your arms wrapped around him, his safe place.

ur clingy bf! who loves you so much that he has to remind you how amazing you are literally every 10 minutes.

ur clingy bf! who send you those care-packages every month filled with all of your favourite things, skincare, games, books etc.

ur clingy bf! who always matches with you in real life and in every game you two own. (no such thing as u playing a game that he doesnt play)

ur clingy bf! who’s always loud asf whenever he sees you. (mf sprints to u to give u a hug)

ur clingy bf! who calls you every single term of endearment, even the weirdest ones.

ur clingy bf! who definitely unironically calls you his pookie wookie farting glitter boo boo bear. (he says it so seriously too..)

ur clingy bf! who wont let you pay for anything and spoils you with everything he can get his hands on.

ur clingy bf! who would and will give the world to you.

thinking about having a clingy bf who can’t get enough of u <3

Need Ur Attention Asap

bonus!! —

the sound of the iphone alarm rings throughout the bedroom. a mix of deep, raspy groans and soft whining fill the room, replacing said irritating noise.

you reach to tap the ‘snooze’ button but a hand grabs your arm. he stretches a hand out to hit it instead but missed 5 times before effectively shutting it off. he groans, wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his face into your chest.

“babe, get up. you’re too fat, you’re suffocating me.”

“‘s too early to get up, stop squirming,” he reaches a hand up to your face, trying to cover your mouth before you slap it away.

you wriggle in his grasp before stopping, surrendering to his warmth.

“morning, my sweet waffle with honey, maple syrup and berries on top.”

there was a good few seconds of silence to make you realise he’s not joking and genuinely calls you that.

upon imaging the image of waffles in your mind, the idea obviously makes your stomach grumble. you wanted to get up and make some but forgot about the tired guy on your chest.

with a loud groan, you drag him with you out of bed. you can definitely hear his quiet giggles as he brings the blanket with him, perched on his shoulders while you drag him around.

Need Ur Attention Asap

bonus #2!! —

“i got it, i got it!”

“baby, let me pay for it!” you strain out, struggling against his tight embrace. you can feel the vibrations of his chest behind you as he captures your arms in one hand and tries to put the money in the machine with the other.

you squeal when you free your hands from his vice grip and he tickles you to prevent sticking your money in.

“babe, babe stop! i wanna pay, its my turn.”

“i got it, don’t worry. im not gonna let you pay, ill cover it,” he laughs, taking the cash from your hands and slipping it back into your wallet.

at this point, you’re thrashing around in his grasp, not harsh enough to hurt him though. he has his arms hooked under your shoulders to prevent you from moving forward.

“please, let me pay! i got it, its fine!” he protests through his own laughter.

you throw your head back on his shoulder, giggling while trying to free yourself from his grip. he leans downwards and presses several kisses to your face, successfully stopping your movements.

he paid for you again. hey, at least you tried, right?

Need Ur Attention Asap

— (bllk) NAGI, sae, REO (genshin) KAEYA, CHILDE (star rail) gepard, JING YUAN, SAMPO (haikyuu) SUNA, tsuki, KENMA, KUROO (KNY) TANJIRO, AKAZA (ENCANTO) carlos, CAMILO (ATSV) miguel, MILES, PAVITR () YOUR FAVES

Need Ur Attention Asap

@xyaehir 2023. This is my content, inspired or not. Do not translate, copy or plagiarise my works in any way. Reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated. <3

Need Ur Attention Asap

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10 months ago

ੈ✩‧₊˚ Just. Game

ᴾᵃⁱʳⁱⁿᵍˢ: ᴷᵉⁿᵐᵃ ˣ ᴹᵃⁿᵃᵍᵉʳ! ᴳⁿ! ᴿᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ

ˢʸⁿᵒᵖˢⁱˢ: ᴵᵗ ʷᵃˢ ʸᵒᵘʳ ˢᵉᶜᵒⁿᵈ ʸᵉᵃʳ ⁱⁿ ᴺᵉᵏᵒᵐᵃ ᵃⁿᵈ ʸᵒᵘ ᶠⁱⁿᵃˡˡʸ ᵍᵃᵛᵉ ⁱⁿᵗᵒ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᶠʳⁱᵉⁿᵈ ᴷᵘʳᵒᵒ'ˢ ʳᵉqᵘᵉˢᵗ ᶠᵒʳ ʸᵒᵘ ᵗᵒ ᵇᵉᶜᵒᵐᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ⁿᵉʷ ᵛᵒˡˡᵉʸᵇᵃˡˡ ᵐᵃⁿᵃᵍᵉʳ. ᴴᵒʷᵉᵛᵉʳ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ʷᵃˢⁿ'ᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᵒⁿˡʸ ᵗʰⁱⁿᵍ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ᵍᵃⁱⁿᵉᵈ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᵃᶜᶜᵉᵖᵗⁱⁿᵍ ᵗʰᵉ ᵒᶠᶠᵉʳ.

ᴬ/ⁿ: ᴾᵒˢᵗⁱⁿᵍ ᵗʰⁱˢ ⁱⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ᵐᵉᵃⁿᵗⁱᵐᵉ ᶜᵃᵘˢᵉ ᵐʸ ⁿᵉʷ ᶠⁱᶜ ʷⁱˡˡ ᵖʳᵒᵇᵃᵇˡʸ ᵗᵃᵏᵉ ᵃ ʷʰⁱˡᵉ 👁️👄👁️💧


You were the manager of Nekoma’s volleyball club. For a while the team had remained well and fit without one but Kuroo convinced you entering your second year to become the manager and you finally agreed to do so. You hadn't entered the department with absolutely no knowledge, you knew a lot since your brother was a former player himself.

“Kenma, your water.” You said, handing the boy his water as you sat next to him, going off the fact that it was the last water you had to deliver.

“Thank you.” Kenma responded, taking the water from your hand and drinking it. Cold and fresh felt so nice on such a warm and sunny day, even though the gym was nice and cold, by all the exercise he had just done, the cold felt almost unapparent.

Kenma was one of your best friends, he was the type of person who you just couldn't help but have a crush on, you both weren't dating but many people said you were on that stage of your relationship. It wasn't very obvious to you but many of your friends claimed that Kenma definitely liked you as more than a friend, and you couldn't really do anything about it except take their word for it.

“What made you decide to become the manager..?” Kenma asked in a low and soft pitch, which seemed like his normal voice but you could tell that he was purposefully lowering his volume.

You sighed, “Kuroo told me you'd be lonely entering your third year. You also continue telling me about this ‘Shoyo’ guy and I'm curious about his volleyball skills since you seem very intrigued by him, and that's not very common for you.” You responded, Kenma visibly became embarrassed as he understood where you were coming from.

After thinking for a moment and suddenly grew curious, “What made you continue volleyball thinking about it..?” you realized that you never knew the exact reason why he continued the activity instead of just dropping it, you knew that he joined because of Kuroo but the more you thought about it the more you realized that it was unlike him to keep going with the sport.

He frowned and thought for a moment, “I continue for Kuroo, if it weren't for him I would've already dropped it.”

Mimicking his expression, you once again entered a deep phase of thought and looked over at him, “So did you plan on continuing next year?” You asked, trying to get a response out of him because you knew that his team technically needed him, he was called the brain of Nekoma for a reason.

He sighed and nodded, “After meeting someone like Shoyo, I have no choice but to continue. I can't just leave without ever getting answers.” He rested his back against the stage wall and closed his eyes, the exhaustion overwhelming him.

“So you're gonna continue after your graduation?”

Kenma shook his head as you both heard coach Nekomata’s voice echo through the gym, making you both stand up and start walking back to your own individual places.

“I will only keep this up until school ends, this is just. a. game after all.”

Questioning his sudden pauses throughout the sentence you looked back at him to find him already facing your direction with a smile and waving at you, finally you snapped out of your trance and ran out of the gym to go find all the fresh and clean towels.

“Looks like someone has a crush-” Kuroo spoke close to Kenma's ear.

“Shut up”

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3 years ago



(sry 4 bad grammar and/or spelling


-likes getting ridden

- into bdsm play if he's the one getting tied up

- doesn't like when it hurts he just likes getting restrained

- deff into vibrators

- whimpering and whining all the way

- likes blowjobs just so he can watch him cum slowly drip from your mouth

- mf has a degradation kink fr

- he deff likes phone sex if ur away somewhere

- he'd only do 😈😈the devils tango😈😈 in private places, he doesn't like stressing over getting caught

- he really cares if you're comfortable with doing it b4 he starts anything

- really calm if you insure that ur 100% sure you wat to do that with him

- gets embarrassed A LOT

- likes kisses

- very romantic

OKAY thxsm for reading this you haikyuu whores ;] see u guys next time! Also if you have any recommendations for me please let me know. ★

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1 year ago

A kenma version please!!!! 🥺🥺🥺

Kenma x shy!reader

A/n: sorry this took a while nonnie<33



My boy Kenma<3 i fr started watching haikyuu, cuz of him

Okay Kenma is an introvert and he doesn't really like to talk to people so in order for you to get together we'll need ✨Kuroo✨. Yes this little bitch. He is gonna be the one to introduce you two together and from there everything will go on.

When you two actually start dating Kenma would probably prefer to not tell like anyone at first, because you know how much of a chaos it's gonna be and he doesn't want that. So instead of announcing it directly he'll slip it in a convo with Kuroo or Yaku and boom now the whole team knows.

Kuroo will act offended that you two didn't tell him 😂 dw he forgives fast. a n ways once the team knows they'll insist on meeting you. Kenma will stop them. He knows you're shy so he wouldn't want to push you to meet them. He might wait 'till you say you are comfortable enough with actually introducing you to them otherwise a big no no.

Okay when you two are comfortable around others you will stay close to each other and that's for a fact. He is not into PDA and you probably would be shy about it either so affection aside from pinky holding. But in private? Ohh he'll be clingy. He'll insist for you to sit on his lap while he plays his games.

He'll never admit it, but he actually always pays attention when you come to his games to watch him and will slightly stare at you during time outs. Kuroo will notice this and we'll be like 😏. Kenma will just roll his eyes at this.

We all know how Kenma talks to Lev right?😂 Imagine just Lev running to you after a game and starts blabing about something. And you because of the person you are would just stand there not knowing how to respond. 🖐🏻 Then Kenma will step in literally dragging you away from there and Yaku will kick Lev👍🏻

In general Kenma wouldn't mind you being shy 🫶🏻


© mariaace 2024 do not modify, plagiarize, copy or claim any of my works!

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1 year ago

HELLO! can you do a fic where reader is trying to take care of a sick kenma???

A/n:I can't tell if that's the same anon because of the hello, but even if not here you go nonnie!

HELLO! Can You Do A Fic Where Reader Is Trying To Take Care Of A Sick Kenma???
HELLO! Can You Do A Fic Where Reader Is Trying To Take Care Of A Sick Kenma???
HELLO! Can You Do A Fic Where Reader Is Trying To Take Care Of A Sick Kenma???


Kenma is currently laying in bed covered with a ton of blankets and would literally not move out of there. As Kenma's partner you of course have called Kuroo to tell him he wouldn't go to practice or school. Because of that reason you decided to stay home with him.

Well that's what you have decided. Kenma on the other hand is telling you to go school, because he can take care of himself and doesn't want you also to catch a cold. Yeah well that doesn't work.

It's late in the morning and Kenma is in bed, playing video games, still hasn't eaten anything yet. You tell him that he needs to, but he refuses so as the caring partner you are, you remember what Kuroo once did when he was in a similar situation with Kenma. So you just went up to him and snatched the game out of his hands. He immediately tried to take it back, but you refused to until he actually ate something.

Making him eat, sleepi in the evening, resting from video games, yeah taking care of him is not really easy.

For actually you take care of Kenma is actually pretty hard. He just wouldn't listen. Why would he. So the thing that you could only do was literally to take the game out of his hands...again, and slip under the blankets to cuddle him. But guess what? He again refuses so you wouldn't get sick. Yeah well that won't work now, because you are already there aren't you? At that point he just gives up on trying to deny you and you two stay like that for a long time. Until... "KENMAAA. How are you feeling?!?" Kuroo manages to barge through the door after his practice.

And let's say Kenma isn't the energetic type, especially when he is sick, but he still had the power to throw a pillow at his best friend as you just stand there chuckling to your yourself about it. That didn't stop Kuroo thought

HELLO! Can You Do A Fic Where Reader Is Trying To Take Care Of A Sick Kenma???

Reblogs and comments are appreciated<3

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