Hair Drawing - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

@passing-out-p1eces this one's for you :D (but be warned i'm a self taught artist and i didn't take any actual coures and i only watched/read a few tutorials and most of the things i do are purelly based on vibes)

(aNd bY tHe WaY sorry for my english, its not my first language and i dont really put apostrophes where they need to be etc.)

IMPORTANT INFO!!! Im soooo sorry but tumblr touined the image order; there were supposed to be always a picture of mine and alices next to each other with the same commentary written on them and i little box of text beneath them

@passing-out-p1eces This One's For You :D (but Be Warned I'm A Self Taught Artist And I Didn't Take Any

heres the reference and what i made (i used a newer charlie [well that came out totally wrong])

and please pardon his face on my drawing i speedran it (and in my art style i draw faces a little different)

@passing-out-p1eces This One's For You :D (but Be Warned I'm A Self Taught Artist And I Didn't Take Any

here i marked "mid points" (its where i make the hair part) charlies hair usually doesn't look parted so i just find the point that looks like it could have hair come out in 2 directions

with bangs there usually is a parting point (or more) so i just mark the one thats the most in the middle

@passing-out-p1eces This One's For You :D (but Be Warned I'm A Self Taught Artist And I Didn't Take Any

and from there i just follow the hair flow with one stroke per curl (idk how to describe it) and i always start with the basic shape and only after add thee hair thats not like the other girls (like i said everything i do is purelly based on vibes)

@passing-out-p1eces This One's For You :D (but Be Warned I'm A Self Taught Artist And I Didn't Take Any
@passing-out-p1eces This One's For You :D (but Be Warned I'm A Self Taught Artist And I Didn't Take Any
@passing-out-p1eces This One's For You :D (but Be Warned I'm A Self Taught Artist And I Didn't Take Any

and i continue like this all the way to the neck, than start the other side and then bangs the same way

aaaaand i cant add any more images so follow for part 2 if you liked this one :D /hj

(if this helps someone) i also plan on making one for irl photos where the strokes and stuff arent so obvious

and if you want to ask follow up questions feel free to ask :D :D

(also if you'd like to see how i do the whole hair i could post a speed paint)


@passing-out-p1eces This One's For You :D (but Be Warned I'm A Self Taught Artist And I Didn't Take Any

and i always end strokes when theres a point

@passing-out-p1eces This One's For You :D (but Be Warned I'm A Self Taught Artist And I Didn't Take Any
@passing-out-p1eces This One's For You :D (but Be Warned I'm A Self Taught Artist And I Didn't Take Any
@passing-out-p1eces This One's For You :D (but Be Warned I'm A Self Taught Artist And I Didn't Take Any

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8 months ago
When It Comes To Textured Hair Theres Many Styles, Here Some Ive Seen At Powwows. Braided Locs Have To
When It Comes To Textured Hair Theres Many Styles, Here Some Ive Seen At Powwows. Braided Locs Have To
When It Comes To Textured Hair Theres Many Styles, Here Some Ive Seen At Powwows. Braided Locs Have To

When it comes to textured hair there’s many styles, here some I’ve seen at powwows. Braided locs have to be my favorite style so far 💖

(Edit)- i didn’t communicate this very well but this is a merging of cultures. Culturally/traditionally no we didn’t have cornrows/locs these are black hairstyles, and then mixed with our hairstyles because of the influence of Afro indigenous people (the two braids)💖 having two braids for some regalia is very important and so these are hairstyles I’ve seen Afro natives wear for powwows. Not saying two pigtails are just a native thing but cultural context is important

When It Comes To Textured Hair Theres Many Styles, Here Some Ive Seen At Powwows. Braided Locs Have To
When It Comes To Textured Hair Theres Many Styles, Here Some Ive Seen At Powwows. Braided Locs Have To
When It Comes To Textured Hair Theres Many Styles, Here Some Ive Seen At Powwows. Braided Locs Have To

Reminder braids are not a universal hairstyle between tribes! I’m coming from the perspective of Great Plains tribes. I just thought I might share what braided hair means to my community and people. I see people trying to make ocs or redesigns of characters who are native but don’t actually represent us too good. Reminder to always research a tribe before making a character learn their protocols and at least try to learn something new! 🌸💖🍇

When It Comes To Textured Hair Theres Many Styles, Here Some Ive Seen At Powwows. Braided Locs Have To

I just wanna say I love our hair! It means so much to us please take care of it🥺💖

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8 months ago

Voltaire Hair Tutorial

I said this as a joke a little while back but just now I was supposed to do something sensible which meant I had to do it instead of the sensible thing. 😝

Voltaire Hair Tutorial
Voltaire Hair Tutorial
Voltaire Hair Tutorial
Voltaire Hair Tutorial
Voltaire Hair Tutorial
Voltaire Hair Tutorial

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8 months ago

I CANT- BrOoo!!HOw dO YoU drAw a hAlOoooo??!!! AND NOW DO YOU MAKE IT GLOOWWWOWOOW?!?!🔥🔥


edit i misread cuz im dumb and sleep deprived just draw a circle and follow the light part

first, you need to know where your hair is coming from in the first place. i like to divide it in lenght so here we have bangs (pink outline), side hair (green outline) and back hair (blue outline).

in most front facing works the attention will be on the face so our priority is bangs, side hair then back hair. you can divide all of them into smaller subsections too but its most commonly done with the bangs, such as how i showed with the different bisexual colors.

think of hair flowing like the wind, despite there being imperfections, overlaps, strong and weak areas it all follows a general flow.

know what your hair is like in 3d and see how strands would overlap and interact like strangely shaped ribbons, which you can mostly do just by feel but still follow the wind rule

feel free to twist and turn them like ribbons too

for longer hair, strands might pop out just to loop back in as shown on her back hair (shes wearing loose twintails), those most often show ribbon-like behavior

make sure their thickness doesnt decrease too abruptly and that the lenght of the stray hairs is the same as the section they come from

now light:


know where your light source is coming from, here its useful to think in 3D instead of just picking a side of the canvas. Here, the light source is above and slightly in front of the character.

Those ball-shading exercises your art teachers made you do will come in handy here, so map out how light would fall on your characters mostly round head

now just think about which strands stick out enough to catch more light than the others, and carve shadows into sections that wouldnt catch light like that


you also just follow the general flow here, its all about that flow

pro tip: use a low opacity big size airbrush to erase the lower part of the bangs that cover ur characters face to make them ~glow~

and remember, dont be shy with the aggressiveness of your lighting

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