Halfa Jason - Tumblr Posts

Short DPXDC Prompts #624

Jason is shaking. He hasn’t felt real for the past few hours and the sensation has been intensifying over the last thirty minutes. He’s had his fair share of dissociation but this is so so much worse. He went to grab the Manor’s doorhandle to let himself in and his hand went through the fucking door.

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1 year ago

Holds up idea: Danny is Jason's ghost dad/guardian after he dies and comes back (possibly halfa!jason) and just celestial giant eldritch space ghost danny with his tiny (lol but still Canonbrick house built jason) son

And when Danny is in non-eldritch/human ghost form he is this huge ass fucking 8 (or ten just to fuc with people) foot tall built guy who looks like he could fucking crush superman looking like some old warrior in space themed armor and long hair that floats cause fuck gravity. Who showed up during patrol once and just punted Bane off an injured Jason like he was an annoying fly.

And as in his living human form, he is a fuckin short ass smartalick mf (still built but less obvious) who looks like an astronomy prof with space themed cardigas and has long hair who gives Jason cookies patrol. Who rambles about space if someone list

The Batfam do not believe Jason whe he says that those are the same person.

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1 year ago

Another de-aged Danny au, but he's with Dan & Ellie & Jazz as well.

Jason has like just arrived back to Gotham, caused chaos in the underbelly due to well, 8 heads in a duffle bag, and is just starting his takeover of Crime Alley. It's going good, great even! And then he busts some sort of gang or smuggling ring run by people in white suits and there's... holy shit why do these four toddlers have Lazarus eyes?!

Is that a lab?! And Lazarus waters?! Jason might be a bit mad but he's not an asshole, he's not going to just leave these kids here to the streets. He can't just take them to the Batclan either, and as much as he begrudgingly trusts Talia, he sure as fuck doesn't trust Ras. Who knows what he'd do to four... what are they, pit-kids?

Now he's juggling his whole revenge-thing, running a criminal empire, taking over Gotham's underbelly, and being a single dad. At least the goonion seems to be down for helping, seeing as he's making Crime Alley safer...? .... Fuck he needs some proper sleep

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9 months ago

But the showdown for the kids safety with the Joker...

Batman is forcibly confronting Red Hood, so he can't leave when Damian sets of the alarm across Gotham.

The babies had seemed fussy, almost like they were worried about something. Damian noticed a he was trying to put them down for a nap. Despite the age, they seemed worried. They kept glancing out the window, claws coming out and going back in, same with the fangs. Damian picks up on the vibe loads the go bag, prepares his sword and knifes. Just as he finds the trolley baby carrier and stats to adjust it, (Boom) and the apartment rocks.

Damian flees with the babies, his job is to keep them save and he will. He sets of the panic alarm as he goes.

Carrying the babies, for miles across the rooftops, Joker goons showing up everywhere, Damian continues to hit the panic alarm, turning to take hits aimed at the babies, as he cuts goons down, leaving a trail of them showing his path. The babies start helping, ice blasts, sand attacks, plants reaching out strangling, a sonic scream that takes out a dozen gonna at once... Damian and the babies finally get cornered on a roof top, bleeding, facing Joker and what's left of his goons who can barely stand. He finally lets the panic alarm slip from his hands, one arm hanging limp, he uses his teeth to tie the sword to his hand to stop it from slipping.

Jason had tried to leave the second the alarm went off, running from Batman and Nightwing who continued to try to arrest him. Batman of course doesn't want to let him go... but in anger says "my kids set off their panic alarm, and I will be there even if you weren't... Joker is after my kids, and i will kill whoever gets in my way to save them, unlike you who never makes it in time to save your kid!" Batman freezes, Jason gets away, Night-"beats Joker to Death in a restaurant"-Wing switches side immediately because saving kids from Joker is most important.

Damian "May your knife chip and shatter before I water the fields of victory with your blood" before charging. Joker starts shoving his goons at him, stepping back.

Jason gets there just as Joker fires three times at Damian who just downed the last of the goons. Still in a flow state, Damian blocks the first two bullets, before the third causes the sword to shatter, bullet going into his shoulder, he turns and kneels covering the kids with his body.

Joker sees Red Hood, cackling, "i heard The little bird, got littler birds, and the last time plucking your feathers was so much fun, I just had to do it again."

Nightwing gasps realizing who Red Hood is before falling again at Jason's reaction. Jason screams "you won't touch my kids!!!" before heaving up the closest thing, a gargoyle, overhead chucking it at Joker who immediately gets turned to creamed corn.

Nightwing walks up before spitting on what's left of Joker, "come back from that, bitch." Before following Jason who is rushing over to check on Damian. They check over the kids, who refuse Nightwing's batman bandaid, but seem fine with Wonderwoman ones. As he is finishing up, strapping the kids to himself, Nightwing helping Damian to stand, squeeing over Damian also referring to him as Habibi, Batman catches up, starts freaking out saying Red Hood and the boy have to go to prison for all the death/destruction across Gotham.

Damian steps in front of him, covered in blood bandages everywhere "Father, stop it, this is the reason why mother left me with Habibi, because she couldn't trust you to keep me safe when it matters. Jason, (Jason quickly earned first name status) his children and I are leaving and you need to reflect on your life choices." Before attempting to walk past him, Nightwing rushing forward to support him when he is limping. Batman is frozen in angst spiral and indecision... Red Hood stops in front of him, kids strapped to him, covered in bandaid, and points, "that is how you keep your kid safe from the Joker" he and Nightwing grapple away in sync.

Prompt 283

Now Jason would like it known that there was no mpreg situation going on. He isn’t even sure where people got that idea in the first place. Sure, he had taken a few Cores from the goons-in-white who had dared to set up in his turf. 

And sure maybe the excess energy from the pit (no wonder he’d been so irritable) was what said baby halfas (Okay, so they’re half human? Alright) had used to reform. And maybe the oldest is visibly less than a year old. 

But there Was No Mpreg Situation! He is this close to shooting someone! It was annoying (and slightly amusing) when it was just his goons, but now the Bats have seemingly got it in their heads! Dear Gotham it’s a good thing he’s not planning on like, ever revealing who he is because he would never be able to live this rumor down. 

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2 years ago

Oh but Imagine Where this could Go!! Picture this:

For Some Reason, Danny is in Gotham (Maybe his Parents Dragged him and Jazz to a Ghost/Tech Convention, Maybe Jazz Started Attending Gotham Uni/Working at Arkham, Maybe he’s there to Help the Spirit of Gotham Regain some Energy, Maybe he’s there to Fix/Get Rid of the Lazarus Pit Beneath Gotham (that’s a thing right?), Maybe he’s just on Vacation, whatever) and he Runs into Jason.

They do the Spiderman Pointing meme cause “Hey you’re Dead!” And for Jason the Pit has Calmed down to the point of almost being Gone and it’s the Best he’s felt in Years while for Danny it’s like hearing a Baby Crying cause Jason’s Core is So Young/Unfinished/Deformed/Corrupted.

So they go to one of Jason’s Safehouses, and Danny opens a Portal and Calls on one of his New Kryptonian Guards, let’s call him Qyv-Ral (pulled from this Generator), and Asks him to Escort Jason to Frostbite in the Far Frozen for Healing. He Also Tells him that he can Contact Danny to come back here and Open the Portal for their Return once Jason is Healed (how exactly is Writers Choice idk atm). Danny would have Gone With them but he has Something to do in Gotham. All Parties agree, the Portal is Opened, Jason and Qyv-Ral Go Through, Danny Closes the Portal, and the Goes about his Day. Bonus Points for if they Never Refer to Danny by Any Name, except for the Very End where Qyv-Ral says something along the lines of “Farewell my King”. Bonus Bonus Points for Danny sounding very Menacing out of context.

Meanwhile Superman, who has been Listening in since he heard the name of the Kryptonian Guard, is Very Stressed because Who is Letting The Worst of the Worst Kryptonian Criminals Loose on Earth? He Immediately Calls Batman because this is Happening in Gotham of all places and The Bat is Immediately on Red Alert. He contacts All the Birds. Cue Panic when Red Hood Doesn’t Respond, no matter who calls (he usually at least responds to Babs or Dick Sometimes). The Bats come to The Only Possibel Conclusion: Jason has been Kidnapped by this new “King” of the Criminal Kryptonians (they are Wrong. In his Excitement to be Rid of the Pit Madness once and For All, Jason just didn’t think to Tell Anyone what was going on, adding to the Belief that he’s been Kidnapped by a Rouge Kryptonian haha oops)

That’s all I’ve got. I could see this being Either Anger Management (Jazz/Jason) Or Reddead (Danny/Jason) depending on how it gets written out if someone chooses to do so. Speaking of Which, Feel Free to Continue this!!! Just Tag me when you do cause I wanna see how this goes!! Especially if you take it to AO3!


Right, let's see... So, King Danny gets some housing complaints, some ghosts really are just spamming claims over non-ghost beings bothering them near their homes. So as the peacemaker he is, Danny simply goes there, a weird region of the Ghost zone really, they even named it differently because it wasn't green (among other odd quirks). He did find fun in the irony of it being called the "Phantom Zone". Anywho, the non-ghost beings there are obviously all the dangers the Justice League just doesn't deal with and dumps in that dimension. Staying in the Phantom zone for long enough (I'd say maybe a week) is sufficient enough for these beings to be considered "Infinite Realms" subjects despite not being dead. Like immigration or whatever. Dany, empathic enough due to the whole "stand out" and "odd ones out" mentality, takes all of them under his wing and in short adds them to his royal guard or other similar posts regarding their strengths.

So in short, you could say Danny was wrapped and gifted a bunch of Kryptonian soldiers for his already overpowered army.

May I add that the mentally deteriorating effects of the Phantom Region (as I'm calling it now) would probably affect the Kryptonians enough to view Danny as a divine savior after he pulled them out of madness and gave them purpose again? So they're probably very intense about their new positions and don't want to disappoint their king and grace in the slightest.

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