Hamato Donatello - Tumblr Posts
The dynamic in Rise between the rest of the team and Leo is. so fucking funny. Because like you've got these three extremely talented individuals who all seem like perfectly reasonable people at first glance, right, but then if you squint hard enough you realize they're actually all batshit insane (affectionate) and the clown boy standing behind them is secretly their common sense.
Clown boy will occasionally put himself and the others in danger to Prove Himself or Prove Someone Wrong (see Minotaur Maze and the movie) but like otherwise... i think people forget Leo's overwhelmingly the voice of reason in most situations?

Raph, Mikey, and Donnie are all incredibly powerful boys with very specific skill sets. They are also, as a direct result of this, the WORST decision-makers on god's green earth lmao. When presented with a problem, Raph will smash, Donnie will blow shit up, and Mikey will razzmatazz. They will all run straight toward death with the same oblivious enthusiasm of a dog about to run straight into a screen door. None of them realize this and all of them think they are Extremely Good At Problem-Solving.
And the guy cursed with the common sense to realize this is literally the LAST person anyone would expect.
When you look closely, the entirety of Rise is actually a chronicle of Leo trying to find new and creative ways to keep this team of superpowered fools alive while simultaneously white-knuckling his Cool Fun Guy persona so the others don't realize he's secretly the Boring Responsible One. Haha, you know what would be Cool and Fun, guys? Not going after the Spine Breaking Bandit lol. Getting home before the sun goes up lol. Evacuating that civilian lol. Not telling the guy dangling me off a roof "you won't, no balls" lol.
The sacred struggle of every iteration of Leonardo is thanklessly wrangling the most trigger-happy siblings in the world, and Rise Leo has not escaped it. He just does an occasional shenanigan to avoid detection and his brothers fall for it every time.
LIKE its not very nostalgic to me, i didnt religiously watch it or anything but i just LOVE THIS SHOW SO MUCH. The first tmnt show i ever watched was the 2018 and i feel like if i ranked them they would be tied. Maybe i'm a bit biased because tmnt 2018 is my favorite because of the family fluff and feels and i LOVE THAT TROPE ESPECIALLY FOUND FAMILY WITH APRIL. i love how they aren't constantly bullying mikey and i love donnie much more, AND LEO IN 2018??? LOVE. I also love raph here because like come on the gentle giant himbo trope is something i can't resist. THE WHOLE SHOW IS AMAZING IN ITS OWN SENSE. LIKE STORY WISE, PRETTY GOOD WRITING I'D SAY LIKE 7-9/10. even when the show ended when it was a bit rushed I FELT SO SATISFIED BECAUSE THEY WROTE IT IN A WAY THAT GAVE US SO MUCH ACTION AND SO MANY FEELINGS AND A DECENT RESOLUTION. not to mention that the autistic representation here is really good. The way they wrote low empathy and not make him look like a total asshole was amazing.
I'm not very far into the 2012 series yet but i LOVE what i see so far. I'm not very used to leo being the serious leader mom friend or raph being really emo and angry all the time (love him btw) yet because i watch 2018 soley for animation (but then realized i loved the franchise and hyperfixated on them all) But 2012 SLAPS. Hated april though. Hate april 2012 idk i can't see her as a likeable character because she played with my boy donnie. I really like the cgi artstyle actually. Like they knew to balance out comedy and the darker themes and i ESPECIALLY LOVED THE FLASHBACKS THEY ARE SO AMAZING. I'M IN LOVE WITH HOW CUTE DONNIE IS IN THIS VERSION. I JUST LOVE THEMMMMMMM.
Also can i just say as much as i love 2018 IT COULDVE DONE SO MUCH BETTER IF IT WAS MAYBE REALEASED TWO YEARS LATER. i wasnt part of the fandom when they aired the first episode but i know they received a LOT of undeserved backlash. Like the show just ended and the fans haven't adjusted to that change yet and then you throw new character designs, new leader, new april (2k18 april solos) and couch potato splinter. Like i get it, BUT GIVE IT A CHANCEEEE PLEASE ITS AMAZING.
I personally prefer the new designs better and not just because of the artstyle. Its mostly because of the overall more different shillouettes of them. Like YOU CAN BLACK THEM OUT IN A SHADOW AND YOU CAN TELL WHICH IS WHICH. In the old designs though they were adorable and stubby and nostalgic you couldn't tell them apart very well unless you look for differences in height or weapon, and even so those are smaller parts of a design! I also really like the fact that they're all different turtles in 2018. Like THANKS FOR TELLING ME WHAT A SOFTSHELL IS THEY'RE ADORABLE. I wanna also point out that i really don't mind the change in lore for weapons because i'm gonna be honest i don't know that lore. I just wanna know why donnie 2k12 only had a stick. LIKE HE WAS RIGHT HE COULDNT POSSIBLY FIGHT ALIENS WITH JUST A WOOF STAFF.
Tldr; both are good and we should stop comparing them to eachother because while they are of the same franchise are two different shows that both have ups and downs.
Also also should i watch 2003 next?
*no bc this NEEDS to be canon now
I want an AU where in space arc the Foot joins the turtles + April and Casey. I love the Foot and need more content with them, and I'd love to see them interacting with the turtles and Fugitoid too. Imagine it though.
Baxter, Anton, Donnie, and Fugitoid are science buddies
Xever and Raph being actual friends (and Casey makes it even nuttier)
Chris and Mikey binging Bradford's show
TC going back to dimension X and reliving all the post trauma from their childhood
April and Karai and Mona having girl time
Ivan getting drunk in some space bar
Raph and the whole Foot all being terrified of bugs (except Baxter, he's joining the bug cult)
Leo and TC both having to manage their groups and stop them from annihilating each other
Karai and her brothers bonding
Raph, Mona, Anton, and Ivan have a double date
The Foot wishing to be humans in the wyrm episode
Chris abuses the think-food-machine thing
Everyone goes into Mikey's mind
Xever seeing Armaggon and being a jealous little (fish) bitch
Anton and Ivan meet their 80s selves with the turtles
They become a huge family at the end
The fight when they get back to Earth would be fucking insane
*Random TMNT 2012 (mainly side characters) hc's bcuz hyperfixation
*(this is the best divider to ever exist btw)

*Warnings: Spoilers for TMNT 2012 ofc, mentions of gender dysphoria and trans related insecurity, transphobia, accidental arson, bullying, manipulation, ptsd, also the tone of the headcanons shift randomly also also typing quirk

*Chris Bradford is trans. )(e did a full transition, he did hormones, voice training, top and bottom surgery, a few different surgeries to make him look/feel more masculine, all the bells and whistles, even went the extra mile to do procedures to hide his surgery scars. )(e's closeted and does about everything in his power to make sure no one even question that he was assigned female at birth because he's scared of his social image of being the great macho man, Chris Bradford, crumbling.
*Leo mainly or solely uses fandom and fanfic socials like Wattpad, AO3, Amino, Tumblr, and maybe Twitter. She mainly interacts with Space )(eroes and Crognard The Barbarian fan posts and shows a special interest in gender swap aus.
*Later on, post show with Muckman's help the mutants are actually able to freely walk around humans without them completely flipping out and starting a mob to witch hunt after them.
*Speaking of walking around humans, Napoleon and the frogs down in Louisiana are considered local urban legend and humans get really excited when they spot the frogs in the woods.
*Dr. Rockwell is a very big coffee enjoyer and used to secretly steal coffee from the nearby shops around the mighty mutanimals hideout and on the rare occasion when someone caught him and called him out he would always use the excuse of the shops being owned by big corporations.
*Don Visioso is a deadbeat father of 5. )(e also has had multiple wives and many divorces.
*Mondo Gecko will call people posers if he's jealous enough of them.
*Ivan Steranko is also trans but has only had hrt and face masculinizing surgery and refuses to get top and bottom surgery.
*Anton Zeck is incredibly smart and performed extremely well in high school and even got free scholarships for how well he did.
*Shinigami is a big video game nerd and will geek out if anyone mentions one of the games she plays.
*The reason Anton hated the mutant name Mikey gave him at first is because it either sounds a lot like or straight up is a nickname old bullies of him gave in order to make fun of him.
*Premutation, Chris acts transphobic towards Xever (despite Xever being cis) out of jealousy and insecurity.
*Baxter Stockman is either a gay aroace trans mspec nonbinary man or a cishet ally. No in-between.
*Mini April cluster!!!:
*April has a deep love for literature and writes poetry in her spare time.
*She almost burned down the culinary class in her school once.
*She's questioning aroace.
*She felt extra empathy for Muckman because he reminded her of Kirby a little bit.
*She likes to hide stickers around the lair whenever has them on her person.
*She thoroughly enjoys having long conversations with each of the individual turtles. (It's her favorite way to spend time with anyone tbh)
*April does eventually take some time to properly learn Japanese and becomes pretty decent at speaking and reading it.
*)(er and Donnie often like to geek out together whenever they find anything new about aliens (both species they haven't seen yet and ones they know well like the kraang).
*End of the mini April cluster!!!
*Kirby O'Neil is a pretty decent cook. That man can make a mean chicken stew.
*Shinigami actually owns multiple cats. 2 ragdoll, 1 sphinx, 1 Persian, and 3 British shorthairs (I could name them all, but I don't wanna). Also, the majority of them are black cats. She feeds strays, too.
*The last headcanon is much to Karai's dismay because she is somewhat allergic. She gets headaches, her skin gets slightly irritated and she gets the sniffles if she's around cats for too long.
*Casey's younger sister wants to be a hair stylist when she grows up, so Jones let's her do his hair every once in a while and he flexes it to every one at the lair like: "Oh? My hair? Yeah, my sister did it for me. Pretty metal, what she did with it, right?"
*Tigerclaw is the only Foot Clan member to not bully Baxter Stockman.
*Someone manipulated and lied to Alopex in order to make her hate and hunt down her brother.
*After season 4, Baxter Stockman leaves New York and takes over Stockman Industries. (If you're unaware of what that is, it's on billboards that the turtles pass throughout the show the most notable appearance being in the ending scene of the final season 4 episode, 'Owari'.)
*Slash deep down still misses The Newtralizer.
*Leatherhead kind of freaks out (apologies for the bad wording) when someone fully wraps their arms around his neck when hugging him because it reminds him of the restraints the Kraang put him in.
*Pigeon Pete learns how to bake so he can make his own bread.
*The turtles get a Wii (or whatever the universes equivalent is).
*Mondo Gecko gets an old Xbox and plays Tony )(awk games, Bully, and Twisted Metal on it.
*Ivan and Anton actually move out to New Jersey post show.

*Alr, that's all for now, toodles!!!
*part 2 of stupid new animated adventures screenshots I took instead of working in 8th period

*part 3 of screenshots I took of tmnt 2012 comics instead of working in class, execpt I was reading throughout the day instead of just 81th period

*part 4 of tmnt 2012 comic screenshots
![he's on his shoulders :,]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/f3d65b697f6e11f2335d7b6659a5746f/717e0638a11255fd-c7/s250x400/0a677b18d3050a76023d0f1919f304d56205fc11.png)

*part 6 of random tmnt 2012 comic screenshots

diversity win! transfems commit murder
Part two by my pookie @olibensstuff here

I had so much fun collaborating w @doturtlesdream
they’re one of my biggest inspos ever and there’s no way I’d be where I am without them!!! Go check them out guys!!!!!!

I stayed up making these, you better use them

Only if you want to ofc 😇
i haven’t watched the 2012 series in so long i forgot about little moments like these
Donatello mi boi

Trying my best to draw turtles