Han Fanfiction - Tumblr Posts
Jisung taking care of his ex, y/n, who has amnesia and calls him daily, thinking that they are still together. Angst with comfort at the end
I still love you

Another great request I luv u sm
Lovestruck hanji, mention of a car accident
Fluffy angst,not proof read once again
You rolled over onto your side, you've been laying in bed all day.Well this is what your doctor told you to do in order to heal, but it's so painfully boring
You look out the window and see other people walking with their partners, friends, pets they don't even know how lucky they are to be able to leave the house so easily
Laying in bed all day may sound like a dream to anyone and it did to you before you actually had to do it, you feel so useless, you can't do anything on your own.Good thing you have your amazing boyfriend Jisung!He was there from the moment you woke up from your coma
A few months ago you got into a horrific car accident and that sent you into a coma, you were out for a while but you eventually woke up and saw han anxiously bouncing his leg and playing with his fingers. You were immediately put as ease once you saw him, it's like he can cure everything. Ever since then he's been taking care of you, helping you get better day by day.
You smiled to yourself after recalling the memories and picked up your phone to call him
"Hi hannie!" You exclaimed, han could tell you have a big smile painted on your face
"Oh, hi jagi, is everything okay?"
"Yeah but.. No. I miss you!Can you come over pleasee"
Han could never resist you, so he agreed and was on his way to your house
Han was so deeply in love with you, and if it wasn't for that car crash he wouldn't even be on his way to your house right now, han sometimes catches himself being grateful for it but thats fucked up. You broke up with him for a reason, you just don't know that.
But he also feels incredibly guilty, like this was all his fault,You and han got into a messy fight which was the cause of your break up, you left the house crying and ran to your car.A few hours later han got a call from the hospital to let him know that you, his ex, got into a car crash and now is in a coma.If only he ran after you, if only he was a better boyfriend,maybe this would have never happened
Once in your house he barely got time to breathe as you hugged him as soon as he got in the house
"Han! I missed you much!"
You said happily as you nuzzled your head into his neck
"Woah, slow down angel I don't want you to hurt your leg“
"I'll be fine my legs practically healed anyway"
You affirmed,grabbing onto his hand and limping to the living room,You guys chatted and hung out until the sunset, it's like when you talked to him he lost track of time
"Why are you frowning like that?"
You said with a slight giggle and smile to your face
"It's nothing" Han said blankly
"I know it's not just nothing, I've been with you for years now"
That's the thing, we aren't together anymore
Han wanted to tell you this so bad, but he couldn't bring himself to do it
They way you looked at him... You looked at him with such admiration, you had a special sparkle in your eyes that only appeared when you're with him
He can't just say you've been broken up this whole time that would be so mean of him...But he also can't keep pretending.He can't just keep acting like this doesn't keep him up every night, he has to let you know, at least one day